View Full Version : Left vs. Right Infographic

Suppa Hobbit Mage
09-10-2010, 02:45 PM
I'm a big fan of infographics, and was looking up one and ran across this one. I haven't read it for accuracy so I'm sure there will be debate on that... but I just thoguht it was neat.


Mighty Nikkisaurus
09-10-2010, 02:48 PM
I've seen this before and I always felt it was pretty accurate. Obviously not everyone (or even most people) will fall squarely on one side or the other.. when presented like this though it's pretty interesting to take your own values/thoughts and see where you fall on which subjects.

09-10-2010, 02:54 PM
Largely accurate, although I'd argue that the right does interfere with social lives as much as the left does, but in a very different direction.

I'd also replace "The world is fine as it is" (Society and Culture, Right) with "The world was fine as it was."

I love infographics.

09-10-2010, 03:00 PM
Largely accurate, although I'd argue that the right does interfere with social lives as much as the left does, but in a very different direction.

I'd also replace "The world is fine as it is" (Society and Culture, Right) with "The world was fine as it was."

I love infographics.

The 'Right' you speak of are Progressives. Which is what most Republican and Democrats are now days. They aren't truely conservative anymore.

09-10-2010, 03:01 PM
I'm a big fan of infographics, and was looking up one and ran across this one. I haven't read it for accuracy so I'm sure there will be debate on that... but I just thoguht it was neat.

Looks accurate to me..

09-10-2010, 03:06 PM
They aren't truely conservative anymore.


Mighty Nikkisaurus
09-10-2010, 03:34 PM
I updated the Infographic in light of Daragon's sage input


09-10-2010, 03:41 PM
I updated the Infographic in light of Daragon's sage input

Actually I found a flaw in the first chart. Says Dems are for the workers. Untrue. They are for the Unions.
What am I? I would say me.
I don't really believe in the party system it is too corrupt and divides the nations. People shouldnt vote for someone based on what party they are in. It should be all about what the person's ideals are, and their ethics..

09-10-2010, 03:43 PM
It might've been truer at one point, but a lot of is now just fantasy. The left side's "tax and spend" is accurate. The right's "don't tax or spend" blip is based on what reality? Reagan's presidency? No. Bush Sr's? No. Bush Jr's? No.

Maybe if they added an asterisk and explained that "don't tax or spend" is what they like to claim until the very second they're actually in charge of a budget. The contemporary right's only observable policy is deficit spending.

Likewise, the "don't interfere with society/social lives" part is pure fantasy. The right, as a whole, has fought for government-enforcement of Christianity for longer than anyone--even ParkBandit!--has been alive. Daragon's right about one thing--they stand for big government spending, big government involvement in society, and are not "conservative" in any traditional sense.

Exactly thats why I don't believe in a 2 party, or hell any party system..

09-10-2010, 03:56 PM
I updated the Infographic in light of Daragon's sage input


Jesus fuck you almost get me fired once a day.

09-10-2010, 03:56 PM
I agree with points from both sides even to extremes. Am I supposed to fall somewhere?

09-10-2010, 03:57 PM
I agree with points from both sides even to extremes. Am I supposed to fall somewhere?

In the middle?

09-10-2010, 03:58 PM

09-10-2010, 03:58 PM

Nazi party I guess?

09-10-2010, 05:10 PM
That graphic is flawed in so many fucking ways it's laughable.

Lets make it a game! Can you spot it?

09-10-2010, 05:11 PM
That graphic is flawed in so many fucking ways it's laughable.

Lets make it a game! Can you spot it?

Well, both sides should be red, with a giant Red star in the middle..

09-10-2010, 05:15 PM
The Children on Both sides should be Self-nurturing since you can't discipline children anymore. And instead of saying self-nurturing, It should either say Titty-sucking momma's boy, Pussy, or Tool.

09-10-2010, 05:19 PM
Numero uno, on the far right it says don't interfere with society/social lives.

HAH! Religion, abortion, marriage.. phone tapping American citizens.. I could go on. They claim not to interfere, cause by golly, that there regulation and bannin' guns is bad, patooey.

Now don't get me wrong, I believe we should have guns to protect ourselves from our own government, as fruitless as it would be.

There's more on both sides!

09-10-2010, 05:22 PM
Fair trade on Dem's side, free trade on Rep's side. Neither is true and hasn't really been since Reagan. It should say Social Market(the socialist system)

09-10-2010, 05:24 PM
This isn't really a flaw but an observation, and I will get to the democrats eventually, but okay, so 'conservatives' believe in 'free trade' and de-regulation.

And do you know why? Race to the bottom anyone? Where are all the jobs going to go? To foreign countries. And why? Profits!

Nevermind the fact that it's crippling our economy.. might as well throw another infographic on the right side that says "will sell out their country for a nickel"


EDIT: I know, I know, Bill Clinton signed NAFTA.. fuck him too. There are people of both sides of the aisle that need that infographic.

09-10-2010, 05:25 PM
Freedom and Equality on both sides are definately different now...
Should say Restriction and Minority Rule.

09-10-2010, 05:29 PM
The communities based on section of both sides is WAY off. Both should be communities based on division and hate.

09-10-2010, 05:33 PM
Fuck free trade. Bring back tariffs. Make American goods competitive to their cheap ass shit. Fuck corporations moving off-shore for profits while Americans have a disgusting unemployment rate.

Third and second world countries are slowly sapping us of our economic might with our own appetite for cheap goods.


Phew, that feels better.

09-10-2010, 05:39 PM
Fuck free trade. Bring back tariffs. Make American goods competitive to their cheap ass shit. Fuck corporations moving off-shore for profits while Americans have a disgusting unemployment rate.

Third and second world countries are slowly sapping us of our economic might with our own appetite for cheap goods.


Phew, that feels better.

I agree. Thats why we really don't have industries anymore. Well that and people saying 'Save the Planet'. All those tree hugging hippies ended up accomplishing was moving the little bit of pollution our factories made, over to other countries which don't regulate pollution. Good Fucking job Al Gore. Good fucking job.

09-10-2010, 05:46 PM
Oh and they are moving the steel mills out of the country now. That was on the news today..

09-10-2010, 05:48 PM
I agree. Thats why we really don't have industries anymore. Well that and people saying 'Save the Planet'. All those tree hugging hippies ended up accomplishing was moving the little bit of pollution our factories made, over to other countries which don't regulate pollution. Good Fucking job Al Gore. Good fucking job.

Yet you constantly refute the necessity of regulation and oversight? Mind-boggling.

I'm pretty sure it wasn't the 'hippys'. The almighty dollar reigns supreme. Everythings fucking intertwined. This is how our civilization will crumble. Some nim-compoop who is too idealistic to realize we need to do something to make it CORRECT. Not right or left.

Tell me this. With our fucked up election system, who do you fear more? People that want to regulate it now, or the people using fair trade to shift the wealth even more in their favor?

Think about it.

09-10-2010, 05:54 PM
I think it's funny that it says
"Don't tax and spend" for the Conservatives.
They mean't "Don't tax OR spend"... "Don't tax and spend" makes it sound like you don't tax, but you still spend... which I think is actually correct from what I saw during the Bush era.

09-10-2010, 05:55 PM
Yet you constantly refute the necessity of regulation and oversight? Mind-boggling.

I'm pretty sure it wasn't the 'hippys'. The almighty dollar reigns supreme. Everythings fucking intertwined. This is how our civilization will crumble. Some nim-compoop who is too idealistic to realize we need to do something to make it CORRECT. Not right or left.

Tell me this. With our fucked up election system, who do you fear more? People that want to regulate it now, or the people using fair trade to shift the wealth even more in their favor?

Think about it.

Both. I think some things not everything but some does need regulation. And free trade is pretty much just handing money over to other countries. What we have now is WAY too much regulation, to where even citizens are regulated and free trade, of course. Like I am all for regulating the amount of pollution a factory puts out, so long as it isn't over regulating it. And Free trade does need to go, especially since other countries charge us to ship things to them.

09-10-2010, 05:56 PM
I think it's funny that it says
"Don't tax and spend" for the Conservatives.
They mean't "Don't tax OR spend"... "Don't tax and spend" makes it sound like you don't tax, but you still spend... which I think is actually correct from what I saw during the Bush era.

Republicans used to not tax or spend. But that was like the Harding/Coolidge era.

09-10-2010, 06:03 PM
Let me pose a question to you then. Regardless of how fucked up the actual health care bill is, hell lets pretend it doesnt exist.

Do you think the healthcare system should be regulated or redisgned?

Or how about the media?

Truly can't wait to hear your answer and reasoning.

Sidenote: I don't think I got my point across about 'the hippy's ruined heavy industry'. Sure, the EPA holds the company accountable for their pollution, but it's a necessary. It drives up costs. They are a business, they are there to cut costs, and make money. But ye! Now that we have free trade, we can move to another country, save the company money and increase profits! Sorry, but greed is wrong, and immoral. The point being, it wasn't because they were 'forced' out by those damn hippies, it was because they could make a buck. In the process, how many jobs are lost? Because they could escape basic human responsibility due to the laws that they probably lobbied for? Fuck that. Ceo's don't need to make millions. I can already hear it now, but thats socialism to force them to be good and decent! It's not like they said, "hey, you can't make x amount". They said, "you're going to incur costs for running this industry responsibly."

So, fellow humans. Where do we go from here?


09-10-2010, 06:31 PM
The infographic is bullshit, and tries to be neat and tidy, conforming everything into a few narrow points.

People (and their stupidity or lack there of) are way too diverse to narrow down like that.

Stanley Burrell
09-10-2010, 06:47 PM
All people should equally be free.

09-10-2010, 07:12 PM
I went for a drive because for some reason I get all worked up about this shit. I started pondering and me and a buddy came to a realization. Yoda was spot on.

Simple experiment. Tell a die-hard republican who has been dupped into voting outside of his tax bracket that there is a gay black man coming to take all his guns. The republican will fucking flip.

I'm a redneck, but I like to think I am at least capable of higher thought.

I'm not going to pigeon hole the far right, because I can agree with a lot of what they stand for, and there's been plenty of hate coming from the left towards the right in recent years. I can honestly say though, that my disdain for the far right outweighs the far left. Not by much though. In a way, I almost think the left is justified. They had to put up with all the cocky horseshit spewing from the neo-cons for all those years. Who in the end, still won't accept fault even it were genuinely theirs. In my mind, it does explain the kneejerk/backlash reaction many people had whom were unhappy with George W. Dipshit.

But has anyone ever made the correlation that these weaker people from both sides are genuinely controlled by their fear? And by proxy, people who spread it?

"Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering."

Anyways, I digress.

09-10-2010, 07:17 PM
I went for a drive because for some reason I get all worked up about this shit. I started pondering and me and a buddy came to a realization. Yoda was spot on.

Simple experiment. Tell a die-hard republican who has been dupped into voting outside of his tax bracket that there is a gay black man coming to take all his guns. The republican will fucking flip.

I'm a redneck, but I like to think I am at least capable of higher thought.

I'm not going to pigeon hole the far right, because I can agree with a lot of what they stand for, and there's been plenty of hate coming from the left towards the right in recent years. I can honestly say though, that my disdain for the far right outweighs the far left. Maybe its all those years with Tweedle Dee in office.. I don't know.

But has anyone ever made the correlation that these weaker people from both sides are genuinely controlled by their fear? And by proxy, people who spread it?

"Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering."

Anyways, I digress.

You forgot the part about how suffering leads to consumerism...

09-10-2010, 07:24 PM
You forgot the part about how suffering leads to consumerism...

You just had to go and ruin a perfectly good musing.. and you didn't even quote the final draft.

09-10-2010, 07:39 PM
I was actually being serious... for once.

09-10-2010, 07:48 PM
I think I just thought myself out of my earlier arguments for tariffs. I still think American companies should stay in the U.S.. I wouldn't be upset if we tariffed the fuck out of any goods coming into America to make it a wash for companies that remove domestic jobs and move their operations overseas.

But the more I think about it, globalization is an inevitability. If we don't change our industrial process in some capacity, be it investing heavily in science, technology, efficiency... hmm... maybe.. education?, then we're never going to be able to compete with their abundance of cheap labor on the global market and they'll just buy from someone else.

Then again, fuck them. If we can make our own shit who the fuck cares. We might not be able to buy the Carls Jr's BIGASS FRY, and we'd have to adjust, but who's to say its not for the better? Fat people, thats who.

Stop fucking importing so goddamn much and at least attempt to balance it out with your exports. In the end, it all boils down to nuclear energy. If we didn't have to rely on importing for our energy needs we wouldn't have to worry about competing on the global market. We'd be self sufficient. Which I think we could do with the amount of natural resources at our disposal. At that point, any embargo the next economic super power tries to impose on us for whatever reason would mean squat. We have all the food, bitches. Yep.

Okay I'll stop thinking.

09-10-2010, 08:44 PM
Sniff. No one wants to debate with me anymore. Where'd Deragon go? I miss his resolve and determination to argue in defense of his preposterous world view.

He didn't even call me a cocksucking Mohammad fucker. :(

09-10-2010, 09:10 PM
Globalization either necessitates the globalization of social protections, or the protection of economies, both burgeoning, and the advanced ones with higher production costs.

09-10-2010, 09:26 PM
Globalization either necessitates the globalization of social protections, or the protection of economies, both burgeoning, and the advanced ones with higher production costs.

Whatever, hippy.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
09-11-2010, 04:44 AM
We outsource because labor is cheaper in third world countries. It's economics, not nationalism. For the US to be competitive in the world economy it makes sense. For the US NOT to out source, labor either needs to get more expensive elsewhere, OR labor (and goods) get cheaper here. They won't get cheaper here so long as we have a litigious society that makes goods and labor more expensive because of frivolous lawsuits.

To me, the root of all evil is our society of deadbeats who feel entitled to things they haven't done anything to deserve. Unless that changes, I personally feel sending the jobs to a country where the people are grateful to HAVE a job is fantastic. At least we are bettering someone's life in the grand scheme of things.

09-11-2010, 04:48 AM
We outsource because labor is cheaper in third world countries. It's economics, not nationalism. For the US to be competitive in the world economy it makes sense. For the US NOT to out source, labor either needs to get more expensive elsewhere, OR labor (and goods) get cheaper here. They won't get cheaper here so long as we have a litigious society that makes goods and labor more expensive because of frivolous lawsuits.

To me, the root of all evil is our society of deadbeats who feel entitled to things they haven't done anything to deserve. Unless that changes, I personally feel sending the jobs to a country where the people are grateful to HAVE a job is fantastic. At least we are bettering someone's life in the grand scheme of things.

Yeah well you're a fucking moron so what you think is irrelevant.

Staying on the topic of your post, breathing oxygen is good for you.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
09-11-2010, 04:54 AM
Yeah well you're a fucking moron so what you think is irrelevant.

Staying on the topic of your post, breathing oxygen is good for you.

And I vote, doesn't that burn you up? If I could be so specific, I'd outsource your specific job because you clearly bring nothing to the table at bettering our society. Unless you count poster boy for abortion or living proof that you don't have to possess any redeeming qualities to live in the US.

09-11-2010, 04:57 AM
And I vote, doesn't that burn you up? If I could be so specific, I'd outsource your specific job because you clearly bring nothing to the table at bettering our society. Unless you count poster boy for abortion or living proof that you don't have to possess any redeeming qualities to live in the US.

Haha. That's almost comical considering what I do. I really didn't think you were a moron for your post, just ribbing you a little. Why so sensitive? I just thought you were a little shallow in your considerations.

But boy, maybe I had it right the first time. :clap: