View Full Version : The Return of the Decider

08-28-2010, 11:39 AM
George Bush is coming back a week after the November elections. And he has a new book (http://books.google.com/books?id=ydjfRgAACAAJ)! I haven't been this excited since Sarah Palin released her first book. It's going to be 528 pages, which is even longer than Palin's, but I'm determined to read it anyway.

Several close advisors to Mr. Bush said in interviews they hoped the book, along with the new museum and presidential center at Southern Methodist University, would begin to redefine the public's view of a president who left office with approval ratings in the 30s.

The theme of "Decision Points" is "to lay out for people all of the information he received and the advice he was getting, and ultimately engage the readers to decide for themselves how they would have acted if they were in his shoes," said David Sherzer, a spokesman for Mr. Bush.

More... (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704913704575453992030838582.html)

Mr. Bush has remained mostly silent and out of public view recently, though he has delivered more than 60 paid speeches in the U.S., Europe and Asia. As former Vice President Dick Cheney led the charge in criticizing Mr. Obama's foreign policy, Mr. Bush said that he would not criticize his successor—a pledge that advisers said Mr. Bush will keep.

The former first family's only campaign trail appearance will come next month, when Laura Bush headlines a fundraiser for GOP Rep. Aaron Schock of Illinois.

This is good news for people who care about the budget deficit. Bush's public appearances will help keep the Bush tax cuts from expiring. If the Bush tax cuts expire, then the deficit will explode, because cutting taxes increases government revenue, and increasing taxes reduces revenue.

08-28-2010, 11:59 AM
Bush can read?

08-28-2010, 12:31 PM
Does this mean he's going to go on Jon Stewart like President Clinton did? I think that would be extremely interesting.

08-28-2010, 08:54 PM
You are completely mistaken about Bush. This book is going to be like no other memoir ever. As stated in the official book description, it will give you the same information that Bush had, letting you see what decision you would reach.

Even with Clyde's extensive network of conservative contacts, I haven't been able to get an advance copy. But I imagine it will be something like this.

You learn that the liberals, who don't like you, plan to count hanging chads in Miami. Do you...
a) Sue them in federal court? If so, turn to page 32.
b) Call Al Gore, concede and go back to being governor of Texas? Turn to page 464.
c) Let your brother handle it? Turn to page 38.

While you are enjoying a good book, like you frequently do because you are smart and enjoy reading, a Secret Service agent whispers in your ear that there has been an apparent terrorist attack on the Twin Towers. Do you...
a) Continue reading the book? Turn to page 206.
b) Hightail it to a safe undisclosed location? Turn to page 334.
c) Let Dick Cheney handle it? Turn to page 53.

Condi tells you that the French -- and when she says France, all you can think of is how they all smell like Pepé Le Pew -- plans to delay the UN vote to liberate Iraq until weapons inspectors finish their inspections. Do you...
a) Bomb France? Turn to page 484.
b) Ban French fries? Turn to page 233.
c) Let Colin Powell handle it? Turn to page 25.

You see John McCain at his birthday party, where you are feeling awfully young, and he tells you that New Orleans flooded two days ago. Do you...
a) Ignore the old codger. Turn to page 279.
b) Angrily demand to know why no one told you earlier. Turn to page 282.
c) Have some more cake and let Mike Brown handle it. Turn to page 46.

Make the right decision and save humanity. Make the wrong decision and a Democrat will get elected. You be the Decider!

08-28-2010, 09:31 PM
If the Bush tax cuts expire, then the deficit will explode, because cutting taxes increases government revenue, and increasing taxes reduces revenue.

Effing brilliant. Well done, sir.

09-14-2010, 01:27 PM
Obama has his own book coming out about the same time as Bush's. It's going to be the battle of the books. The good thing about Obama's book is that it's not going to be as long as Bush's.

NEW YORK – Coming two weeks after Election Day, a book from President Barack Obama for some of the nation's nonvoters: inspirational stories for children about American pioneers.

More... (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100914/ap_on_en_ot/us_obama_children_s_book)

Obama's 40-page book will have a first printing of 500,000 copies and a list price of $17.99. Both of Obama's previous works, the memoir "Dreams From My Father" and the policy book "The Audacity of Hope," are million sellers published by Crown, a division of Random House Inc.

The president will donate any author proceeds to "a scholarship fund for the children of fallen and disabled soldiers serving our nation," the publisher said in a statement.

09-14-2010, 01:27 PM
Does this mean he's going to go on Jon Stewart like President Clinton did? I think that would be extremely interesting.


I would watch that 5 times all at once and backward both ways/sideways.

Firestorm Killa
09-14-2010, 01:32 PM
Obama has his own book coming out about the same time as Bush's. It's going to be the battle of the books. The good thing about Obama's book is that it's not going to be as long as Bush's.

Doesn't surprise me. If Obama isn't in the spotlight in a positive way, he gets all butt hurt, and calls those against his policies stupid. Just like a little kid.

09-14-2010, 03:53 PM
Bush is just as bad as Obama.