View Full Version : Dear Marlu Clan

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07-21-2010, 02:11 AM

07-21-2010, 02:19 AM
Emo sociopath is emo. :(

07-21-2010, 02:19 AM
WOOHOO!! Thank fucking GOD.

07-21-2010, 02:19 AM

Jeez, with friends like you, they don't even need enemies.

07-21-2010, 02:23 AM
Too bad they've got em in spades anyway

07-21-2010, 02:28 AM
they only care about themselves

07-21-2010, 02:30 AM
[Marlu]-GSF:: "Madam"
[Marlu]-GSF:: "Woohoo!"
[Marlu]-GSF:: "Thank god hes gone"
[Marlu]-GSF:: "no more Madam?"
[Marlu]-GSF:: "god what a fucking relief, she wouldnt stop talking about that FUCKING table"

Eh you didnt really do anything anyway. Just complained and went emo.

I told you last night in detail why you werent getting any 'perks':

1. We dont respond to threats or demands.
2. You've done nothing to help.
3. You dont shut up. Ever.

We took you in for one reason, cause you were a decent level and you participated in killing. You stopped doing that and just started whining.

Screaming: GIVE ME THIS OR IM LEAVING! is not how to go about getting what you want.

Im not perfect. I've made some mistakes as I've gotten my feet wet with the whole Cult concept. Madam, you were, I think, the biggest mistake I made. And it was MY mistake. I take full responsibility.

You didnt follow the rules, you continued to instigate problems between members, and quite frankly you acted more like a Vanguard than a Marlu...at least personality wise.

I guess I just have a soft place in my heart for people no one likes...hence why I stick up for Jaeden too. Oh well!

Orita Palomo!

07-21-2010, 02:30 AM
Oops, Too much chat to post.

07-21-2010, 02:32 AM

07-21-2010, 02:33 AM
Throw whatever face on it you want, but tonight you all just lost two of your most powerful members (Madam and her alt).

07-21-2010, 02:33 AM
now that someone has stepped up i'll do the same

you had a good list but let me give you the real thing

<?xml version='1.0' ?>
# clib database
<clib version='1.42'>
<list name="members">
<item name="Bleeder" />
<item name="Calidus" />
<item name="Cervina" />
<item name="Cher" />
<item name="Cthulu" />
<item name="Dart" />
<item name="Drhorrible" />
<item name="Espere" />
<item name="Flamer" />
<item name="Fumble" />
<item name="Krissta" />
<item name="Life" />
<item name="Madmountan" />
<item name="Maldric" />
<item name="Marl" />
<item name="Milamber" />
<item name="Malevolence" />
<item name="Mooch" />
<item name="Mordechai" />
<item name="Oblivion" />
<item name="Rysrin" />
<item name="Shakira" />
<item name="Someone" />
<item name="Triumph" />
<list name="t_allow">
<item name="House" />
<item name="Kagehisa" />
<list name="friends">
<item name="Caramon" />
<item name="Daffy" />
<item name="House" />
<item name="Jables" />
<item name="Kaedra" />
<item name="Kagehisa" />
<item name="Kaseopea" />
<item name="Kisses" />
<item name="Krissta" />
<item name="Saffron" />
<item name="Sihaya" />
<item name="Starbuck" />
<item name="Slut" />
<item name="Snatch" />
<item name="Toyalara" />
<list name="nokill">
<item name="Achmed" />
<item name="Afkfapfapfap" />
<item name="Blaze" />
<item name="Bopeep" />
<item name="Calamity" />
<item name="Creeper" />
<item name="Emh" />
<item name="Felco" />
<item name="Fosco" />
<item name="Grimgul" />
<item name="Hannibal" />
<item name="Healsalot" />
<item name="Kasvor" />
<item name="Leushen" />
<item name="Medusa" />
<item name="Nostradamus" />
<item name="Nyte" />
<item name="Omrii" />
<item name="Polecat" />
<item name="Pookie" />
<item name="Portu" />
<item name="Plainview" />
<item name="Scars" />
<item name="Shen" />
<item name="Sinner" />
<item name="Somebody" />
<item name="Stfu" />
<item name="Taeguk" />
<item name="Templeton" />
<item name="Treehugger" />
<item name="Veska" />
<list name="kill">
<item name="Harry" />
<item name="Thizzle" />
<item name="Ron" />
<item name="Madam" />
<item name="Albedo" />
<item name="Beelzebub" />
<item name="Bloodninja" />
<item name="Bocha" />
<item name="Buddy" />
<item name="Charlie" />
<item name="Clank" />
<item name="Dan" />
<item name="Epicbeardmon" />
<item name="Failzor" />
<item name="Fragz" />
<item name="Garret" />
<item name="Garrett" />
<item name="Ifor" />
<item name="Jaeden" />
<item name="Kallisti" />
<item name="Maliane" />
<item name="Mofuggah" />
<item name="Morphion" />
<item name="Necen" />
<item name="Necromonger" />
<item name="Orgazmo" />
<item name="Pandin" />
<item name="Puffy" />
<item name="Rada" />
<item name="Razorfang" />
<item name="Revele" />
<item name="Roflcopter" />
<item name="Sassy" />
<item name="Sephiroth" />
<item name="Staypuff" />
<item name="Taishar" />
<item name="Trevelyan" />
<item name="Tillmen" />

and for you vanguard guys you can use these scripts if you want

# clib script
# Version: 1.05

if $SAFE > 0
echo "This script needs to be trusted to work properly. (;trust #{script.name})"

require 'rexml/document'

Lich.cl_queue ||= {}
Lich.cl_timer ||= {}
class CLib
@@db = {}

# Calls the listed script with a wait check and any number of arguments.
def self.script(script, wait=false, *args)
start_script script, args
wait_while{running?(script)} if wait

# Moves your character to the room number.
def self.go2(num, wait=true, checkroom=true);
kill_script("go2") if running?("go2")
if checkroom
CLib.script("go2", wait, num, '_disable_confirm_') until Room.current.id == num
CLib.script("go2", wait, num, '_disable_confirm_')

# Returns the total wound count on your character with wound values squared to weight bleeders.
def self.wound_count; XMLData.injuries.values.inject(0) {|v,l| v += l['wound']**2} end

# Sends a message over lnet. Example: CLib.chat(":marlu Hi guys!")
def self.chat(message); unique_send_to_script("lnet", "chat #{message}") end

# Pauses for 1 second, and then waits for regular and casting rt.
def self.wait(t=1); pause t if t>0; waitcastrt?; waitrt? end

# If time_check is not included, returns the number of minutes left on the spell.
# Otherwise returns true if the spell has more time than the time_check.
def self.spell_time(num, time_check=-1)
return time_check == -1 ? Spell[num].timeleft : Spell[num].timeleft > time_check

# Returns a list of the spells that have less time left than the time_check.
# Example: Clib.spell_times(20, 101, 107)
def self.spell_times(time_check, *args)
return args.inject([]) {|r,s| r<<s if !CLib.spell_time(s,time_check);r}

# Gets an item on your person (container optional). Returns true if the item is in your hands.
def self.get_item(item, container=false)
return false if !item
fput "get my #{item}#{container ? " from my #{container}" : ""}"
result = matchtimeout 1, "You already have", "Get what", "You remove", "You need a free hand"
result.include? "You already have" or result.include? "You remove"

# Returns an item in your inventory matching the noun provided.
def self.inv_find(i_noun)
CLib.wait until dothistimeout("look in my #{i_noun}", 3, /In the/)
return GameObj.inv.find {|i| i.noun == i_noun}

def self.loot_item(i_noun)
GameObj.loot.each {|item| return item if item.noun == i_noun}; -1

# Goes to the targets table. Returns false if you didn't get to the table.
def self.go_table(*targets)
targets.each {|t| return t if checkpcs(t)}
CLib.go2(1194, true)
targets.each do |t|
dothistimeout "go #{t} table", 30, /waves (at|to) you/
move "go #{t} table"
return t if checkpcs(t)
return false

# Returns information pertaining to any bounties you might have.
def self.bounty
b = checkbounty
if b =~ /not currently assigned/
elsif b =~ /taskmaster told you.+?(Quin Telaren|Murdos Burdos|Surtey Akrash)/
["task", $1]
elsif b =~ /gem dealer.+?customers requesting a (.+?)\./
["gem", $1]
elsif b =~ /succeeded in your task|return to the Adventurer/
else ["unknown"] end

# Queue stuff. Ask me if you're really curious.
def self.q_add_keys(*q_keys); q_keys.each {|k| Lich.cl_queue[k] = [] if !Lich.cl_queue.key?(k)} end
def self.q_empty?(q_key); Lich.cl_queue[q_key].empty? end
def self.q_push(q_key, item); Lich.cl_queue[q_key] << item end
def self.q_pop(q_key); Lich.cl_queue[q_key].shift end

# Timer stuff. Ask me if you're really curious.
def self.t_add(t_key); Lich.cl_timer[t_key] = {:start=>Time.now,:check=>Time.now} if !Lich.cl_timer.key?(t_key) end
def self.t_check(t_key, time)
time_pass = Time.now - Lich.cl_timer[t_key][:check]
if time_pass >= time
Lich.cl_timer[t_key][:check] = Time.now
def self.t_start(t_key); Time.now - Lich.cl_timer[t_key][:start] end

# Helpers. Ask me if you're really curious.
def self.camel(str); str.gsub(/\s(.)/) {|r| r[1..1].capitalize} end

# Database stuff.
def self.db_get(id); @@db.key?(id) ? @@db[id] : false end
def self.load_element(element)
case element.name
when "item": element.attributes['name']
when "list": element.elements.inject(nil,[]) {|v,c| v << load_element(c)}
when "hash": element.elements.inject(nil,{}) {|v,c| v[c.attributes['name']] = load_element(c); v}
def self.load_db
raw_xml = File.open($script_dir + 'c_lib-db.xml').read
document = REXML::Document.new(raw_xml)
document.root.elements.each {|e| @@db[e.attributes['name']] = load_element(e)}

class CLibDB
@@members = CLib.db_get('members')
@@t_allow = @@members + CLib.db_get('t_allow')
@@friends = @@members + CLib.db_get('friends')
@@nokill = @@friends + CLib.db_get('nokill')
@@kill = CLib.db_get('kill')

def self.member?(target); @@members.include?(target) end
def self.t_allow?(target); @@t_allow.include?(target) end
def self.friend?(target); @@friends.include?(target) end
def self.nokill?(target); @@nokill.include?(target) end
def self.kill?(target); @@kill.include?(target) end
def self.bounty_gem?(gem)
CLib.db_get('bountygems').each {|g| return true if gem.include?(g)}

class CLibEmpath
HEAL_COST = { "chest"=>5,"abdomen"=>5,"back"=>5,"left eye"=>5,"right eye"=>5,"head"=>4,"neck"=>4,"nerves"=>3,
"left arm"=>2,"left hand"=>2,"left leg"=>2,"right arm"=>2,"right hand"=>2,"right leg"=>2}
APP_REGEX = {"abdomen"=>"abdomen|abdominal","nerves"=>"twitching|convulsions"}
@@scar_heal = ["head","nerves","left eye","right eye","left arm","left hand","right arm","right hand","left leg","right leg"]
@@scar_min = 2
@@min_hp = 60

def self.set_scar_heal(v); @@scar_heal = v end
def self.set_scar_min(v); @@scar_min = v end
def self.set_min_hp(v); @@min_hp = v end

def self.cure(location)
wound = Wounds.send(CLib.camel(location)); scar = Scars.send(CLib.camel(location))
level = wound>0 ? wound+3 : (scar>0 ? scar : 0)
return if level == 0
m_cost = HEAL_COST[location] + {1=>9,2=>13,3=>13,4=>0,5=>5,6=>5}[level]
req_level = m_cost - ([2,3].include?(level) ? 4 : 0)
fput "cure #{location}" if checkmana(m_cost) and [Char.level,Spells.empath].min >= req_level

def self.heal_blood(person)
result = "You take some of somebody's blood loss."
while percenthealth > @@min_hp and result =~ /some of .+ blood loss/
result = dothistimeout "transfer #{person}", 5, /^(You take|Nothing Happens|from whom)/

def self.heal_down
fput "cure" until percenthealth > @@min_hp or !checkmana(5)
3.downto(1) {|c| HEAL_COST.each_key {|k| CLibEmpath.cure(k) if Wounds.send(CLib.camel(k)) == c}}
3.downto(@@scar_min) {|c| @@scar_heal.each {|k| CLibEmpath.cure(k) if Scars.send(CLib.camel(k)) == c}}

def self.heal_target(person)
result = dothistimeout "appraise #{person}", 5, /^You take a quick appraisal/
HEAL_COST.each_key {|k| fput "transfer #{person} #{k}" if result =~ /#{APP_REGEX.has_key?(k) ? APP_REGEX[k] : k}/}
CLibEmpath.heal_blood(person) if result !~ /no apparent (wounds|injuries)/ and result.kind_of? String

Lich.loc_chan ||= "Marlu"
class CLibProc
def self.get_task
task = Hash.new;done = false;current = ""
action = proc do |server_string|
if server_string =~ /^You (are|need|currently have)/ or server_string.strip.length == 0
task[current]["task"] = "none" if server_string =~ /not currently training/
elsif server_string =~ /You have earned enough/
task[current]["task"] = "promotion"; nil
elsif server_string =~ /You have (.+?) repetition/
task[current]["reps"] = Integer($1 == "no" ? "0" : $1);
task[current]["task"] = "complete" if $1 == "no"
elsif server_string =~ /next rank/
elsif server_string =~ /You have (\d+).*?the (.+?) skill/
current = $2
task[$2] = Hash.new(0); task[$2]["rank"] = Integer($1)
elsif server_string =~ /At least (\d+) more.+?plated lock/
task[current]["plated"] = Integer($1)
elsif server_string =~ /The Training Administrator told you to (.+?)\./
task[current]["task"] = $1; nil
elsif server_string =~ /for additional commands./
done = true; nil
else server_string end
DownstreamHook.add('stunman_task', action)
$_SERVER_.puts "<c>gld\n"
t=Time.now; wait_until {done or t+3<Time.now}

def self.find(target)
found = false;done = false
action = proc do |server_string|
if server_string =~ /^Brave Adventurer|^There are no adventurers/ or server_string.strip.length == 0
elsif server_string =~ /^The usage for this command/
done = true; nil
elsif server_string.strip =~ /^[a-zA-Z]+$/
found = true; done = true; nil
else server_string end
DownstreamHook.add('clib_find', action)
$_SERVER_.puts "<c>find #{target}\n"
t=Time.now; wait_until {done or t+3<Time.now}

def self.locate(target)
return if !Spell[116].known? or target.strip.empty?
(CLib.chat(":#{Lich.loc_chan} #{target} is offline.");return) if !CLibProc.find(target)
CLib.wait; pause 1
done = false; status = nil; r_name = ""; r_desc = ""
action = proc do |server_string|
if !r_name.empty? and r_desc.empty?
r_desc = server_string.gsub(/<.+?>/,"").strip
elsif server_string.strip.length == 0 or server_string =~ /Locate Person spell|You gesture while|You gesture into|Your spell is ready|Slowly the images|Your vision begins to become/
elsif server_string =~ /must be beyond the reach/
status = :realm; nil
elsif server_string =~ /Cast at what/
$_SERVER_.puts "<c>release\n"
status = :hidden; nil
elsif server_string =~ /Some unseen force is preventing/
status = :unpresence; nil
elsif server_string =~ /You feel the magic of your spell/
done = true; nil
elsif server_string =~ /(\[.+?\])/
status = :found
r_name = $1; server_string
elsif server_string =~ /Cast Roundtime/
done = true; nil
else server_string end
DownstreamHook.add('clib_locate', action)
$_SERVER_.puts "<c>prepare 116\n"
$_SERVER_.puts "<c>cast #{target}\n"
t=Time.now; wait_until {done or t+10<Time.now}
case status
when :realm
CLib.chat(":#{Lich.loc_chan} #{target} is in another realm.")
when :hidden
CLib.chat(":#{Lich.loc_chan} #{target} is hidden.")
when :unpresence
CLib.chat(":#{Lich.loc_chan} #{target} is Unpresenced.")
when :found
r_desc = r_desc.gsub(/\s{2}You also see.+/,"").strip
r_ids = Map.list.inject([]) do |l,r|
r.desc.each {|d| l<<r.id if d.include?(r_desc[0..-3])} if r.title.include?(r_name)
CLib.chat(":#{Lich.loc_chan} #{target} located at #{r_name} (#{r_ids.uniq.join(",")})")

class Array; def sum; inject(nil) {|s,x| s ? s+x : x }; end; end

action = proc { |client_string|
if client_string =~ /^(?:<c>)?#{$clean_lich_char}(cloc)\s(.*)/i
CLibProc.locate($2); nil
elsif client_string =~ /^(?:<c>)?#{$clean_lich_char}(mst)\s(.*)/i
name = $2.capitalize
m_stat = if CLibDB.member?(name): "is a member."
elsif CLibDB.friend?(name): "is a friend."
elsif CLibDB.nokill?(name): "is DNK."
elsif CLibDB.kill?(name): "is KOS."
else "is unlisted." end
respond "--- CLib: #{name} #{m_stat}"
elsif client_string =~ /^(?:<c>)?#{$clean_lich_char}(mr)\s(.*)/i
pcs = Hash.new([])
h = {'members'=>CLib.db_get('members'),'friends'=>CLib.db_get('friends'),
GameObj.pcs.each { |pc|
if h['members'].include?(pc.noun): pcs['Members'] = pcs['Members'] + [pc.noun]
elsif h['friends'].include?(pc.noun): pcs['Friends'] = pcs['Friends'] + [pc.noun]
elsif h['nokill'].include?(pc.noun): pcs['DNK'] = pcs['DNK'] + [pc.noun]
elsif h['kill'].include?(pc.noun): pcs['KOS'] = pcs['KOS'] + [pc.noun]
else pcs['Unlisted'] = pcs['Unlisted'] + [pc.noun] end
pcs.each {|k,v| respond "#{k}: #{v.join(", ")}"}
else client_string end
UpstreamHook.add('clib', action)

# clib updater
if $SAFE > 0
echo "This script needs to be trusted to work properly. (;trust #{script.name})"

require 'net/http'

url = 'marlu.fileave.com'

def cl_download_file(url, file_loc); Net::HTTP.start(url) {|http| http.get('/'+file_loc).body} rescue false end
def cl_update_script(url, file_loc, file_name, type)
return if !body = cl_download_file(url, file_loc)
update_file = $script_dir+file_name+"."+type
if File.file?(update_file)
case type
when "lic"
body_v = Float(body.scan(/^# Version: (\d+\.\d+)/)[0][0])
file_v = Float(open(update_file, "r") {|file| file.readline.scan(/\d+\.\d+/)}[0])
when "xml"
body_v = Float(body.scan(/clib version='(\d+\.\d+)'/)[0][0])
file_v = Float(open(update_file, "r") {|file| file.readline; file.readline.scan(/\d+\.\d+/)}[0])
return if file_v >= body_v
echo "Updating file: '#{file_name}'"
else echo "Downloading file: '#{file_name}'" end
open(update_file, "wb") {|file| file.write(body)}

cl_update_script('marlu.fileave.com', 'c_lib-db.txt', 'c_lib-db', 'xml')
cl_update_script('marlu.fileave.com', 'c_lib.txt', 'c_lib', 'lic')

if !Favorites.list['global'].keys.include?('c_lib_update')
echo "Adding c_lib_update as a startup script."
Favorites.add('c_lib_update', Array.new, :global)

if Script.exists?('c_lib') and File.file?($script_dir+'c_lib-db.xml')
echo "Starting up CLib."
start_script 'c_lib'
echo "File missing: 'c_lib.lic'" if !script.exists?('c_lib')
echo "File missing: 'c_lib-db.xml'" if !File.file?($script_dir+'c_lib-db.xml')

# lockdown script
# ml_roll_type Valid types are :cman, :spell, and :volnfu
# ml_prep Set this to "" if you want to do nothing before the ability.
# ml_command The full command used to activate your ability.
# ml_cost This is the stamina or mana cost of the ability.
# put_target Only set this to false if you're using an area attack/spell.
# good_roll What you consider a good final roll (Does not work for spells).
# success_pause How long you want to pause after a successful roll.

ml_roll_type = :cman
ml_prep = "stance offensive"
ml_command = "cman feint"
ml_cost = 7
put_target = true
good_roll = 101
success_pause = 30

loop_go = true
loop do
if loop_go
GameObj.pcs.each do |pc|
next if CLibDB.nokill?(pc.noun) || pc.status =~ /dead|webbed|stunned|kneeling|sitting|lying|prone/
target = put_target ? pc.noun : ""
put ml_prep if !ml_prep.empty?
if ml_roll_type == :cman
result = dothistimeout "#{ml_command} #{target}", 1, /Roll result/ if checkstamina(ml_cost)
CLib.wait(success_pause) if result && Integer(result.scan(/\d+/)[0]) >= good_roll
elsif ml_roll_type == :spell
result = dothistimeout "#{ml_command} #{target}", 1, /You (gesture|channel)/ if checkmana(ml_cost)
CLib.wait(success_pause) if result
elsif ml_roll_type == :volnfu
result = dothistimeout "#{ml_command} #{target}", 1, /THT.+?modified: (\d+)/
CLib.wait(success_pause) if result

enjoy your crumbling cult guys and catch me if you can

07-21-2010, 02:33 AM
Oh, god. He's having another 4-year-old hissy-fit.

07-21-2010, 02:34 AM
Wait, you forgot one.

Madam / Ron / Harry / Thizzle / Inspire:

No social life.

No job.

Still a virgin. (No, really.)

A worthless piece of shit burden on humanity, classified as a Ward of the State. Your tax dollars at work.

The butt of endless inside jokes.

07-21-2010, 02:35 AM
Agreed. I gave you the benefit of the doubt for awhile, Madam. Unfortunately for you you had to start whining to anyone who would listen on public chat that we wouldn't give you table access.

Why the hell would we give you priveledges? Take a look at yourself. You're a needy, whiny, and self-centered sumbitch.

Did you ever stop and ask yourself WHY you didn't have table access?

07-21-2010, 02:35 AM
I'm on the KoS list?


Some Rogue
07-21-2010, 02:41 AM
Yeah, then they raise you and get the XP too. All the while trying to recruit you.

07-21-2010, 02:49 AM
they don't do anything but whine all day in marlu

"Mordechai: People gotta realize this is a game and no matter WHAT happens? Its not really important"
"Maldric: it IS a game, youre right. but real life time is spent on it"
"Maldric: keep saying that, while you get rescued and leave the rest to rot"
"Maldric: dont care. gotta log again soon anyway"
"Maldric: gonna lose the night again no matter what"
"Maldric: dont worry mooch"
"Maldric: take your time, ill be gone anyway"

i dont' even care anymore i'll be leaving soon

its like this every night... whining and crying...

07-21-2010, 02:52 AM
Emagine It -- Mordechai 5:25 pm
really the only high levels they have Im worried about are Tillmen and MAYBE Necen. Jeffery always tries me, but I always beseech away if I dont feint him the first time

Emagine It -- Mordechai 4:45 pm
I know they are purposefully targetting Calidus to try and make him quit, then are going to move from one member to the next and try to grief them into quitting. Thats their plan anyway. Certain members hates this, and is helping Calidus where they can.

Emagine It -- Mordechai 3:14 am
I talked to him. He wont instigate things with you
I want to play with a group of friends
not people bickering at each other

07-21-2010, 02:53 AM
they don't do anything but whine all day in marlu

"Mordechai: People gotta realize this is a game and no matter WHAT happens? Its not really important"
"Maldric: it IS a game, youre right. but real life time is spent on it"
"Maldric: keep saying that, while you get rescued and leave the rest to rot"
"Maldric: dont care. gotta log again soon anyway"
"Maldric: gonna lose the night again no matter what"
"Maldric: dont worry mooch"
"Maldric: take your time, ill be gone anyway"

i dont' even care anymore i'll be leaving soon

its like this every night... whining and crying...
so stop being a pussy and do it already? this isn't the crime of the century. it's a pvp group in a MUD that has 160 players.

07-21-2010, 02:53 AM
Well, since the scripts are out (Which I knew would happen eventually), I'd be happy to talk with anyone about them. If you're going to use something from them I wouldn't mind knowing what you're going to use because I like to know people find something/anything useful. :)

Send me a private message or AIM me at gsfcervina. I'm happy to talk with anyone, anytime about scripts.

In before "lol what a scripting noob ur bad at coding"

07-21-2010, 02:56 AM
Emagine It -- Mordechai 2:22 am
Well ideally, what would you like to see happen? First things first: I simply CANNOT grant table access. Its not MY table. I cant do that

Emagine It -- Mordechai 2:02 am
gah play.net down for me too
Well it gives us time to discuss things
and I want to discuss things
Emagine It -- Mordechai 2:03 am
because I agree with you. Your position in the cult is untenable. And as far as Im concerned its EVERYONES fault, including mine

07-21-2010, 03:04 AM
GS4 Kizun (2:23:35 PM): So Cervina and Calidus would be #1 and #2?
Emagine It (2:23:50 PM): Hmm? #1 and #2 what?
GS4 Kizun (2:24:09 PM): I'm used to playing smaug muds for pvp
GS4 Kizun (2:24:15 PM): There were different clans
GS4 Kizun (2:24:21 PM): a clan had a leader, a #1 and a #2
Emagine It (2:24:46 PM): Ah well, we are trying to keep it a Council of Equals at the moment. Cervina and Calidus were just the most vocal in their objections to you joining
GS4 Kizun (2:25:01 PM): gotcha
Emagine It (2:26:27 PM): we are keeping it to people we can trust 100%, so if people have objections we take em seriously. We are THE most organized group on the server

[LNet]-GSF:Calidus: "is there a 3rd group out there? one that isnt tied to the lazy assholes in Malur nor the Social Retards of Jaeden/Necen/Buddy/and co?"

07-21-2010, 03:13 AM
This whole thing is funny. Inspire, you're full of shit. All of you are.

07-21-2010, 03:25 AM
[LNet]-GSF:Calidus: "is there a 3rd group out there? one that isnt tied to the lazy assholes in Malur nor the Social Retards of Jaeden/Necen/Buddy/and co?"

If there is sign me up. And Madam too.

Drunken Durfin
07-21-2010, 03:30 AM
If there is sign me up. And Madam too.

Well, there was this "don't mess with me while I'm afk scripting because that is what asshole GMs do and the reason I came to Shattered" group, but it did not really get that far. Real shame, it is the one that showed the most promise on the cost/enjoyment scale for me.

07-21-2010, 03:47 AM
you're all immature retards.

07-21-2010, 03:59 AM
I want to start a pool on how many (standard) pages this thread will go.

07-21-2010, 04:05 AM
I want to start a pool on how many (standard) pages this thread will go.


07-21-2010, 04:11 AM

This made me happy.

07-21-2010, 04:33 AM

07-21-2010, 04:37 AM
lol Michael Jackson right? Or who is that? Funny smiley.

07-21-2010, 04:53 AM
this is great :)

07-21-2010, 04:57 AM
this is great :)

Is it really? Do you like when people go outside the game, jaeden? Is that something that appeals to you? Stealing scripts? Attempting to blow inside info (despite the fail)


maybe pwninator would like to chime in on this.

07-21-2010, 05:03 AM
now that someone has stepped up i'll do the same

you had a good list but let me give you the real thing

<?xml version='1.0' ?>
# clib database
<clib version='1.42'>
<list name="members">
<item name="Bleeder" />
<item name="Calidus" />
<item name="Cervina" />
<item name="Cher" />
<item name="Cthulu" />
<item name="Dart" />
<item name="Drhorrible" />
<item name="Espere" />
<item name="Flamer" />
<item name="Fumble" />
<item name="Krissta" />
<item name="Life" />
<item name="Madmountan" />
<item name="Maldric" />
<item name="Marl" />
<item name="Milamber" />
<item name="Malevolence" />
<item name="Mooch" />
<item name="Mordechai" />
<item name="Oblivion" />
<item name="Rysrin" />
<item name="Shakira" />
<item name="Someone" />
<item name="Triumph" />
<list name="t_allow">
<item name="House" />
<item name="Kagehisa" />
<list name="friends">
<item name="Caramon" />
<item name="Daffy" />
<item name="House" />
<item name="Jables" />
<item name="Kaedra" />
<item name="Kagehisa" />
<item name="Kaseopea" />
<item name="Kisses" />
<item name="Krissta" />
<item name="Saffron" />
<item name="Sihaya" />
<item name="Starbuck" />
<item name="Slut" />
<item name="Snatch" />
<item name="Toyalara" />
<list name="nokill">
<item name="Achmed" />
<item name="Afkfapfapfap" />
<item name="Blaze" />
<item name="Bopeep" />
<item name="Calamity" />
<item name="Creeper" />
<item name="Emh" />
<item name="Felco" />
<item name="Fosco" />
<item name="Grimgul" />
<item name="Hannibal" />
<item name="Healsalot" />
<item name="Kasvor" />
<item name="Leushen" />
<item name="Medusa" />
<item name="Nostradamus" />
<item name="Nyte" />
<item name="Omrii" />
<item name="Polecat" />
<item name="Pookie" />
<item name="Portu" />
<item name="Plainview" />
<item name="Scars" />
<item name="Shen" />
<item name="Sinner" />
<item name="Somebody" />
<item name="Stfu" />
<item name="Taeguk" />
<item name="Templeton" />
<item name="Treehugger" />
<item name="Veska" />
<list name="kill">
<item name="Harry" />
<item name="Thizzle" />
<item name="Ron" />
<item name="Madam" />
<item name="Albedo" />
<item name="Beelzebub" />
<item name="Bloodninja" />
<item name="Bocha" />
<item name="Buddy" />
<item name="Charlie" />
<item name="Clank" />
<item name="Dan" />
<item name="Epicbeardmon" />
<item name="Failzor" />
<item name="Fragz" />
<item name="Garret" />
<item name="Garrett" />
<item name="Ifor" />
<item name="Jaeden" />
<item name="Kallisti" />
<item name="Maliane" />
<item name="Mofuggah" />
<item name="Morphion" />
<item name="Necen" />
<item name="Necromonger" />
<item name="Orgazmo" />
<item name="Pandin" />
<item name="Puffy" />
<item name="Rada" />
<item name="Razorfang" />
<item name="Revele" />
<item name="Roflcopter" />
<item name="Sassy" />
<item name="Sephiroth" />
<item name="Staypuff" />
<item name="Taishar" />
<item name="Trevelyan" />
<item name="Tillmen" />

and for you vanguard guys you can use these scripts if you want

# clib script
# Version: 1.05

if $SAFE > 0
echo "This script needs to be trusted to work properly. (;trust #{script.name})"

require 'rexml/document'

Lich.cl_queue ||= {}
Lich.cl_timer ||= {}
class CLib
@@db = {}

# Calls the listed script with a wait check and any number of arguments.
def self.script(script, wait=false, *args)
start_script script, args
wait_while{running?(script)} if wait

# Moves your character to the room number.
def self.go2(num, wait=true, checkroom=true);
kill_script("go2") if running?("go2")
if checkroom
CLib.script("go2", wait, num, '_disable_confirm_') until Room.current.id == num
CLib.script("go2", wait, num, '_disable_confirm_')

# Returns the total wound count on your character with wound values squared to weight bleeders.
def self.wound_count; XMLData.injuries.values.inject(0) {|v,l| v += l['wound']**2} end

# Sends a message over lnet. Example: CLib.chat(":marlu Hi guys!")
def self.chat(message); unique_send_to_script("lnet", "chat #{message}") end

# Pauses for 1 second, and then waits for regular and casting rt.
def self.wait(t=1); pause t if t>0; waitcastrt?; waitrt? end

# If time_check is not included, returns the number of minutes left on the spell.
# Otherwise returns true if the spell has more time than the time_check.
def self.spell_time(num, time_check=-1)
return time_check == -1 ? Spell[num].timeleft : Spell[num].timeleft > time_check

# Returns a list of the spells that have less time left than the time_check.
# Example: Clib.spell_times(20, 101, 107)
def self.spell_times(time_check, *args)
return args.inject([]) {|r,s| r<<s if !CLib.spell_time(s,time_check);r}

# Gets an item on your person (container optional). Returns true if the item is in your hands.
def self.get_item(item, container=false)
return false if !item
fput "get my #{item}#{container ? " from my #{container}" : ""}"
result = matchtimeout 1, "You already have", "Get what", "You remove", "You need a free hand"
result.include? "You already have" or result.include? "You remove"

# Returns an item in your inventory matching the noun provided.
def self.inv_find(i_noun)
CLib.wait until dothistimeout("look in my #{i_noun}", 3, /In the/)
return GameObj.inv.find {|i| i.noun == i_noun}

def self.loot_item(i_noun)
GameObj.loot.each {|item| return item if item.noun == i_noun}; -1

# Goes to the targets table. Returns false if you didn't get to the table.
def self.go_table(*targets)
targets.each {|t| return t if checkpcs(t)}
CLib.go2(1194, true)
targets.each do |t|
dothistimeout "go #{t} table", 30, /waves (at|to) you/
move "go #{t} table"
return t if checkpcs(t)
return false

# Returns information pertaining to any bounties you might have.
def self.bounty
b = checkbounty
if b =~ /not currently assigned/
elsif b =~ /taskmaster told you.+?(Quin Telaren|Murdos Burdos|Surtey Akrash)/
["task", $1]
elsif b =~ /gem dealer.+?customers requesting a (.+?)\./
["gem", $1]
elsif b =~ /succeeded in your task|return to the Adventurer/
else ["unknown"] end

# Queue stuff. Ask me if you're really curious.
def self.q_add_keys(*q_keys); q_keys.each {|k| Lich.cl_queue[k] = [] if !Lich.cl_queue.key?(k)} end
def self.q_empty?(q_key); Lich.cl_queue[q_key].empty? end
def self.q_push(q_key, item); Lich.cl_queue[q_key] << item end
def self.q_pop(q_key); Lich.cl_queue[q_key].shift end

# Timer stuff. Ask me if you're really curious.
def self.t_add(t_key); Lich.cl_timer[t_key] = {:start=>Time.now,:check=>Time.now} if !Lich.cl_timer.key?(t_key) end
def self.t_check(t_key, time)
time_pass = Time.now - Lich.cl_timer[t_key][:check]
if time_pass >= time
Lich.cl_timer[t_key][:check] = Time.now
def self.t_start(t_key); Time.now - Lich.cl_timer[t_key][:start] end

# Helpers. Ask me if you're really curious.
def self.camel(str); str.gsub(/\s(.)/) {|r| r[1..1].capitalize} end

# Database stuff.
def self.db_get(id); @@db.key?(id) ? @@db[id] : false end
def self.load_element(element)
case element.name
when "item": element.attributes['name']
when "list": element.elements.inject(nil,[]) {|v,c| v << load_element(c)}
when "hash": element.elements.inject(nil,{}) {|v,c| v[c.attributes['name']] = load_element(c); v}
def self.load_db
raw_xml = File.open($script_dir + 'c_lib-db.xml').read
document = REXML::Document.new(raw_xml)
document.root.elements.each {|e| @@db[e.attributes['name']] = load_element(e)}

class CLibDB
@@members = CLib.db_get('members')
@@t_allow = @@members + CLib.db_get('t_allow')
@@friends = @@members + CLib.db_get('friends')
@@nokill = @@friends + CLib.db_get('nokill')
@@kill = CLib.db_get('kill')

def self.member?(target); @@members.include?(target) end
def self.t_allow?(target); @@t_allow.include?(target) end
def self.friend?(target); @@friends.include?(target) end
def self.nokill?(target); @@nokill.include?(target) end
def self.kill?(target); @@kill.include?(target) end
def self.bounty_gem?(gem)
CLib.db_get('bountygems').each {|g| return true if gem.include?(g)}

class CLibEmpath
HEAL_COST = { "chest"=>5,"abdomen"=>5,"back"=>5,"left eye"=>5,"right eye"=>5,"head"=>4,"neck"=>4,"nerves"=>3,
"left arm"=>2,"left hand"=>2,"left leg"=>2,"right arm"=>2,"right hand"=>2,"right leg"=>2}
APP_REGEX = {"abdomen"=>"abdomen|abdominal","nerves"=>"twitching|convulsions"}
@@scar_heal = ["head","nerves","left eye","right eye","left arm","left hand","right arm","right hand","left leg","right leg"]
@@scar_min = 2
@@min_hp = 60

def self.set_scar_heal(v); @@scar_heal = v end
def self.set_scar_min(v); @@scar_min = v end
def self.set_min_hp(v); @@min_hp = v end

def self.cure(location)
wound = Wounds.send(CLib.camel(location)); scar = Scars.send(CLib.camel(location))
level = wound>0 ? wound+3 : (scar>0 ? scar : 0)
return if level == 0
m_cost = HEAL_COST[location] + {1=>9,2=>13,3=>13,4=>0,5=>5,6=>5}[level]
req_level = m_cost - ([2,3].include?(level) ? 4 : 0)
fput "cure #{location}" if checkmana(m_cost) and [Char.level,Spells.empath].min >= req_level

def self.heal_blood(person)
result = "You take some of somebody's blood loss."
while percenthealth > @@min_hp and result =~ /some of .+ blood loss/
result = dothistimeout "transfer #{person}", 5, /^(You take|Nothing Happens|from whom)/

def self.heal_down
fput "cure" until percenthealth > @@min_hp or !checkmana(5)
3.downto(1) {|c| HEAL_COST.each_key {|k| CLibEmpath.cure(k) if Wounds.send(CLib.camel(k)) == c}}
3.downto(@@scar_min) {|c| @@scar_heal.each {|k| CLibEmpath.cure(k) if Scars.send(CLib.camel(k)) == c}}

def self.heal_target(person)
result = dothistimeout "appraise #{person}", 5, /^You take a quick appraisal/
HEAL_COST.each_key {|k| fput "transfer #{person} #{k}" if result =~ /#{APP_REGEX.has_key?(k) ? APP_REGEX[k] : k}/}
CLibEmpath.heal_blood(person) if result !~ /no apparent (wounds|injuries)/ and result.kind_of? String

Lich.loc_chan ||= "Marlu"
class CLibProc
def self.get_task
task = Hash.new;done = false;current = ""
action = proc do |server_string|
if server_string =~ /^You (are|need|currently have)/ or server_string.strip.length == 0
task[current]["task"] = "none" if server_string =~ /not currently training/
elsif server_string =~ /You have earned enough/
task[current]["task"] = "promotion"; nil
elsif server_string =~ /You have (.+?) repetition/
task[current]["reps"] = Integer($1 == "no" ? "0" : $1);
task[current]["task"] = "complete" if $1 == "no"
elsif server_string =~ /next rank/
elsif server_string =~ /You have (\d+).*?the (.+?) skill/
current = $2
task[$2] = Hash.new(0); task[$2]["rank"] = Integer($1)
elsif server_string =~ /At least (\d+) more.+?plated lock/
task[current]["plated"] = Integer($1)
elsif server_string =~ /The Training Administrator told you to (.+?)\./
task[current]["task"] = $1; nil
elsif server_string =~ /for additional commands./
done = true; nil
else server_string end
DownstreamHook.add('stunman_task', action)
$_SERVER_.puts "<c>gld\n"
t=Time.now; wait_until {done or t+3<Time.now}

def self.find(target)
found = false;done = false
action = proc do |server_string|
if server_string =~ /^Brave Adventurer|^There are no adventurers/ or server_string.strip.length == 0
elsif server_string =~ /^The usage for this command/
done = true; nil
elsif server_string.strip =~ /^[a-zA-Z]+$/
found = true; done = true; nil
else server_string end
DownstreamHook.add('clib_find', action)
$_SERVER_.puts "<c>find #{target}\n"
t=Time.now; wait_until {done or t+3<Time.now}

def self.locate(target)
return if !Spell[116].known? or target.strip.empty?
(CLib.chat(":#{Lich.loc_chan} #{target} is offline.");return) if !CLibProc.find(target)
CLib.wait; pause 1
done = false; status = nil; r_name = ""; r_desc = ""
action = proc do |server_string|
if !r_name.empty? and r_desc.empty?
r_desc = server_string.gsub(/<.+?>/,"").strip
elsif server_string.strip.length == 0 or server_string =~ /Locate Person spell|You gesture while|You gesture into|Your spell is ready|Slowly the images|Your vision begins to become/
elsif server_string =~ /must be beyond the reach/
status = :realm; nil
elsif server_string =~ /Cast at what/
$_SERVER_.puts "<c>release\n"
status = :hidden; nil
elsif server_string =~ /Some unseen force is preventing/
status = :unpresence; nil
elsif server_string =~ /You feel the magic of your spell/
done = true; nil
elsif server_string =~ /(\[.+?\])/
status = :found
r_name = $1; server_string
elsif server_string =~ /Cast Roundtime/
done = true; nil
else server_string end
DownstreamHook.add('clib_locate', action)
$_SERVER_.puts "<c>prepare 116\n"
$_SERVER_.puts "<c>cast #{target}\n"
t=Time.now; wait_until {done or t+10<Time.now}
case status
when :realm
CLib.chat(":#{Lich.loc_chan} #{target} is in another realm.")
when :hidden
CLib.chat(":#{Lich.loc_chan} #{target} is hidden.")
when :unpresence
CLib.chat(":#{Lich.loc_chan} #{target} is Unpresenced.")
when :found
r_desc = r_desc.gsub(/\s{2}You also see.+/,"").strip
r_ids = Map.list.inject([]) do |l,r|
r.desc.each {|d| l<<r.id if d.include?(r_desc[0..-3])} if r.title.include?(r_name)
CLib.chat(":#{Lich.loc_chan} #{target} located at #{r_name} (#{r_ids.uniq.join(",")})")

class Array; def sum; inject(nil) {|s,x| s ? s+x : x }; end; end

action = proc { |client_string|
if client_string =~ /^(?:<c>)?#{$clean_lich_char}(cloc)\s(.*)/i
CLibProc.locate($2); nil
elsif client_string =~ /^(?:<c>)?#{$clean_lich_char}(mst)\s(.*)/i
name = $2.capitalize
m_stat = if CLibDB.member?(name): "is a member."
elsif CLibDB.friend?(name): "is a friend."
elsif CLibDB.nokill?(name): "is DNK."
elsif CLibDB.kill?(name): "is KOS."
else "is unlisted." end
respond "--- CLib: #{name} #{m_stat}"
elsif client_string =~ /^(?:<c>)?#{$clean_lich_char}(mr)\s(.*)/i
pcs = Hash.new([])
h = {'members'=>CLib.db_get('members'),'friends'=>CLib.db_get('friends'),
GameObj.pcs.each { |pc|
if h['members'].include?(pc.noun): pcs['Members'] = pcs['Members'] + [pc.noun]
elsif h['friends'].include?(pc.noun): pcs['Friends'] = pcs['Friends'] + [pc.noun]
elsif h['nokill'].include?(pc.noun): pcs['DNK'] = pcs['DNK'] + [pc.noun]
elsif h['kill'].include?(pc.noun): pcs['KOS'] = pcs['KOS'] + [pc.noun]
else pcs['Unlisted'] = pcs['Unlisted'] + [pc.noun] end
pcs.each {|k,v| respond "#{k}: #{v.join(", ")}"}
else client_string end
UpstreamHook.add('clib', action)

# clib updater
if $SAFE > 0
echo "This script needs to be trusted to work properly. (;trust #{script.name})"

require 'net/http'

url = 'marlu.fileave.com'

def cl_download_file(url, file_loc); Net::HTTP.start(url) {|http| http.get('/'+file_loc).body} rescue false end
def cl_update_script(url, file_loc, file_name, type)
return if !body = cl_download_file(url, file_loc)
update_file = $script_dir+file_name+"."+type
if File.file?(update_file)
case type
when "lic"
body_v = Float(body.scan(/^# Version: (\d+\.\d+)/)[0][0])
file_v = Float(open(update_file, "r") {|file| file.readline.scan(/\d+\.\d+/)}[0])
when "xml"
body_v = Float(body.scan(/clib version='(\d+\.\d+)'/)[0][0])
file_v = Float(open(update_file, "r") {|file| file.readline; file.readline.scan(/\d+\.\d+/)}[0])
return if file_v >= body_v
echo "Updating file: '#{file_name}'"
else echo "Downloading file: '#{file_name}'" end
open(update_file, "wb") {|file| file.write(body)}

cl_update_script('marlu.fileave.com', 'c_lib-db.txt', 'c_lib-db', 'xml')
cl_update_script('marlu.fileave.com', 'c_lib.txt', 'c_lib', 'lic')

if !Favorites.list['global'].keys.include?('c_lib_update')
echo "Adding c_lib_update as a startup script."
Favorites.add('c_lib_update', Array.new, :global)

if Script.exists?('c_lib') and File.file?($script_dir+'c_lib-db.xml')
echo "Starting up CLib."
start_script 'c_lib'
echo "File missing: 'c_lib.lic'" if !script.exists?('c_lib')
echo "File missing: 'c_lib-db.xml'" if !File.file?($script_dir+'c_lib-db.xml')

# lockdown script
# ml_roll_type Valid types are :cman, :spell, and :volnfu
# ml_prep Set this to "" if you want to do nothing before the ability.
# ml_command The full command used to activate your ability.
# ml_cost This is the stamina or mana cost of the ability.
# put_target Only set this to false if you're using an area attack/spell.
# good_roll What you consider a good final roll (Does not work for spells).
# success_pause How long you want to pause after a successful roll.

ml_roll_type = :cman
ml_prep = "stance offensive"
ml_command = "cman feint"
ml_cost = 7
put_target = true
good_roll = 101
success_pause = 30

loop_go = true
loop do
if loop_go
GameObj.pcs.each do |pc|
next if CLibDB.nokill?(pc.noun) || pc.status =~ /dead|webbed|stunned|kneeling|sitting|lying|prone/
target = put_target ? pc.noun : ""
put ml_prep if !ml_prep.empty?
if ml_roll_type == :cman
result = dothistimeout "#{ml_command} #{target}", 1, /Roll result/ if checkstamina(ml_cost)
CLib.wait(success_pause) if result && Integer(result.scan(/\d+/)[0]) >= good_roll
elsif ml_roll_type == :spell
result = dothistimeout "#{ml_command} #{target}", 1, /You (gesture|channel)/ if checkmana(ml_cost)
CLib.wait(success_pause) if result
elsif ml_roll_type == :volnfu
result = dothistimeout "#{ml_command} #{target}", 1, /THT.+?modified: (\d+)/
CLib.wait(success_pause) if result

enjoy your crumbling cult guys and catch me if you can

LOL -- So much for protection!

07-21-2010, 05:04 AM
lol Michael Jackson right? Or who is that? Funny smiley.

Michael Jackson from the beginning of the Thriller video.

Before he got all molesty and white.

07-21-2010, 05:14 AM
As to the spy issue, and this is all I'll address on this subject in a serious manner:

Spy away spy guy. Even with giving them all the info you have, hasnt stopped us. All we've done is grown. Sure we lost Madam but really, does anyone here SERIOUSLY consider that a loss?

And so Pandin gets to look how to code something correctly? /shrug.

The main issue, and the only issue, I really have with this is the fact that I think I've been a pretty good guy to all you Marluettes. Nothing but helpful, considerate, gone out of my way to address issues and concerns.

So all I need to know is what I did that was so horribad to you that I lost your trust.

Us Marlu's are a gang, a band of brotha's and Sistah's sharing a common belief that no one gets to dictate how we play the game, or what is 'acceptable' or 'unacceptable'. You guys arent our Mommies and Daddies and honestly, most of our most ardent haters have some serious real life issues to work out. Mostly in regards to Control.

So yup. We're still here. Still kicking. Not going away :)

Drunken Durfin
07-21-2010, 05:19 AM
Ah, the spin doctor tries again.

It is okay if you dictate how someone is supposed to play the game, but if it is turned around on you you get all waa waa. You talk about people having control issues, but you were the one that started all of this. You are the one that decided to try and run the game with a strong arm and try to force your rules on everyone else.

Reap what you sow dumbass.

07-21-2010, 05:21 AM
Ah, the spin doctor tries again.

It is okay if you dictate how someone is supposed to play the game, but if it is turned around on you you get all waa waa. You talk about people having control issues, but you were the one that started all of this. You are the one that decided to try and run the game with a strong arm and try to force your rules on everyone else.

Reap what you sow dumbass.

?? Im reaping levels and money?? Im not trying to tell people what they can and cannot do :P

Or all nerd raging when his friend does something you do not approve of in a video game lol


Drunken Durfin
07-21-2010, 05:25 AM
?? Im reaping levels and money?? Im not trying to tell people what they can and cannot do :P

Or all nerd raging when his BFF does something you do not approve of in a video game lol

Wow, stupid and delusional.

Not trying to tell people what they can and cannot do? Do you read this stuff out loud before you hit submit? Do you or do you not tell people that if they want to hunt in the Landing and not be randomly killed that they have to pay you? How is that NOT telling people what they can and cannot do?

07-21-2010, 05:28 AM
Wow, stupid and delusional.

Not trying to tell people what they can and cannot do? Do you read this stuff out loud before you hit submit? Do you or do you not tell people that if they want to hunt in the Landing and not be randomly killed that they have to pay you? How is that NOT telling people what they can and cannot do?

They can hunt all they want. If they dont pay, we'll kill em all we want. They are free to fight back, flee, whatever.

Your folk are saying "If you do this, we will cease to be your friend in Real Life. Us GS folk have Long Memories, you Wont be Forgiven (Necen Paraphrase)"

If you seriously, honestly, cannot see the difference, then I refer to my previous 'serious issues to work out' comment.

Drunken Durfin
07-21-2010, 05:33 AM
Your folk are saying "If you do this, we will cease to be your friend in Real Life. Us GS folk have Long Memories, you Wont be Forgiven (Necen Paraphrase)"

If you seriously, honestly, cannot see the difference, then I refer to my previous 'serious issues to work out' comment.

I am not friends with any of you IRL, so that is a wasted comment. I could give two shits.

Your inability to see that "They can hunt all they want. If they dont pay, we'll kill em all we want. They are free to fight back, flee, whatever" equates to "play by my rules" then you are dumber than I thought.

07-21-2010, 05:42 AM
I am not friends with any of you IRL, so that is a wasted comment. I could give two shits.

Your inability to see that "They can hunt all they want. If they dont pay, we'll kill em all we want. They are free to fight back, flee, whatever" equates to "play by my rules" then you are dumber than I thought.

As I said, if you cannot see how us going around extorting people, in a game, is different than hating someone and raging/losing friends because of Video Game choices they make...threatening Dan, for example, to not be his friend anymore unless he did exactly as you folks wished...

You have serious issues. The first step is to admit it.

Does it get expensive? Replacing all the keyboards you break when you die?

07-21-2010, 06:23 AM
IIRC Someone is still running an RPA award that he got from day 1. He was level 40 when bud and speedy were mid 30's. So i don't doubt hes close to 60. Must be blowing a GM.

Harry does your butt still hurt after i imploded you for attacking me in vereri? Did i still make a BIG MISTAKE? I think its a good move to leave, for whatever reason.

07-21-2010, 07:40 AM

07-21-2010, 07:58 AM
I want to start a pool on how many (standard) pages this thread will go.

Geez. This is a hard one! They're starting an argument over who's telling who how to run the game! This argument hasn't reached a conclusion yet in the 15 or so threads it's been had in so far. Sooooo are we starting a pool on how many pages this thread, itself, will go? Or how many pages this thread will spin off into?

07-21-2010, 08:12 AM
IIRC Someone is still running an RPA award that he got from day 1. He was level 40 when bud and speedy were mid 30's. So i don't doubt hes close to 60. Must be blowing a GM.

Harry does your butt still hurt after i imploded you for attacking me in vereri? Did i still make a BIG MISTAKE? I think its a good move to leave, for whatever reason.

I'd guess Someone is 52-54.
I highly doubt they have an RPA. If they did, even a 1.5x RPA would have smoked everybody by now. If they have any lead at all it's 2-3 days at best, and they'll hit level 100 when others are 99. No biggy.

07-21-2010, 08:19 AM
Dunno, he said he did when i talked to him on the dais.

07-21-2010, 08:50 AM
ok guys i finally have time to chime in here and collect my thoughts:

the Marlus were taking advantage of scripts made by the collective body of players. and they used those scripts to advance and then kill that collective body of players. so although it's fucking grimy that someone revealed the inside scripts of the Marlus, ultimately I think it's fair.

secondly: many of you stated that the boards are an extention of the game so why cryfail (like Cthulu did in a PM, saying I am supposedly religious so how dare I gloat at this thread.) This is officially the largest cryfail in human history.

ultimately all is fair in love/war. this is an exciting development. the Marlus are still quite lethal. we will see what the coming days bring :)

07-21-2010, 08:53 AM
ok guys i finally have time to chime in here and collect my thoughts:

the Marlus were taking advantage of scripts made by the collective body of players. and they used those scripts to advance and then kill that collective body of players. so although it's fucking grimy that someone revealed the inside scripts of the Marlus, ultimately I think it's fair.

secondly: many of you stated that the boards are an extention of the game so why cryfail (like Cthulu did in a PM, saying I am supposedly religious so how dare I gloat at this thread.) This is officially the largest cryfail in human history.

ultimately all is fair in love/war. this is an exciting development. the Marlus are still quite lethal. we will see what the coming days bring :)

I may not be religious, but I do understand humans are deeply flawed creatures and no ones perfect. But that last post is proof, to me, that you have no intention on improving yourself. Next time someone goes outside the context of the game and fucks with you - Don't expect me to say a word in your defense.

You reap what you sow.

oh i was really just referring to inspire defecting. yeah the stealing of scripts is rather unnecessary. that is questionable islamically. but why do you want me to espouse religion when it benefits you but drop it when it doesnt?

Because I'm not the one claiming to adhere to religious rules - you are, and I wanted to point that out to you. Someone steals private scripts and posts them for our enemies to see, and you are there cheering them on. This after you received a forum of support when pwninator went e-stalker on you.

I also want to make it clear that I live for this shit. Watching people become what they hate is incredible.

The PM's he's referring to.

And yeah Jaeden that makes sense. We use go2, sloot, and modified hunt bots. Therefore, our private scripts deserve to be public domain. It's only fair.

07-21-2010, 08:53 AM
The PM's he's referring to.

aw you beat me to it

edit: dude its really not that serious.

clewlew, dont try to stain this thread and turn it into another useless thread about me and my hypocrisy. do you need a hug? how bout a bear hug? i had nothing to do with any of this that happened. why blame me? i'm relatively neutral in this situation actually. okay: someone has inappropriately released some computer code between players in a game. it is really not on the scale of someone inappropriately posting public information about one of the player's wives, who does not play the game. why you are trying to draw this comparison is very odd.

but here, try this ultra-secret new script it may dry those tears:

waitfor Cthulu sobs.
put unhide
put hug cthulu
put act wipes cthulu's tears

07-21-2010, 08:58 AM
The PM's he's referring to.

And yeah Jaeden that makes sense. We use go2, sloot, and modified hunt bots. Therefore, our private scripts deserve to be public domain. It's only fair.

I demand you have Cervina write a looter because of my inferior scripting talents.

That is all I have to say on this thread.

07-21-2010, 09:07 AM
Therefore, our private scripts deserve to be public domain. It's only fair.

Ya'know, privacy/mole issues aside, none of the things posted are all the important aside from showing how little hold you have over your "crew". A library which doesn't do anything revolutionary, an updater which is useless unless people use said library, and a lockdown script which Vanguard already has. The only thing of any worth is the database with member information but the Vanguard already had most of that information.

07-21-2010, 09:10 AM
interesting. hope that lets a little wind out of your sail, cluelesslu.

but those aren't the issues - his job is just to divert the discourse to something other than the failure of the group he espouses.

07-21-2010, 09:15 AM
Ya'know, privacy/mole issues aside, none of the things posted are all the important aside from showing how little hold you have over your "crew". A library which doesn't do anything revolutionary, an updater which is useless unless people use said library, and a lockdown script which Vanguard already has. The only thing of any worth is the database with member information but the Vanguard already had most of that information.

That's not at all the point

07-21-2010, 09:16 AM
That's not at all the point

That's why I prefaced by saying privacy/mole issues aside.

07-21-2010, 09:18 AM
I demand you have Cervina write a looter because of my inferior scripting talents.

That is all I have to say on this thread.

"Good programmers write good code. Great programmers steal good code."

No need to reinvent the wheel, Spiffy. I have other things to work on. For what it's worth, I'm not going to attack your scripting talents as you've clearly written a lot of widely used stuff. I don't see any reason you would need to attack mine.

Ya'know, privacy/mole issues aside, none of the things posted are all the important aside from showing how little hold you have over your "crew". A library which doesn't do anything revolutionary, an updater which is useless unless people use said library, and a lockdown script which Vanguard already has. The only thing of any worth is the database with member information but the Vanguard already had most of that information.

As to this, there are absolutely bits of code in there that can't be found anywhere in public domain that would very much be useful to the public. Perhaps you already had things like them, but if you did you certainly weren't sharing them.

07-21-2010, 09:20 AM
he wasnt attacking you heh

07-21-2010, 09:21 AM
"Good programmers write good code. Great programmers steal good code."

No need to reinvent the wheel, Spiffy. I have other things to work on. For what it's worth, I'm not going to attack your scripting talents as you've clearly written a lot of widely used stuff. I don't see any reason you would need to attack mine.

I wasn't attacking you I just found it funny that your "cult" uses sloot while in the same breath say my scripting is the most worthless thing since the Clapper.

07-21-2010, 09:27 AM
I am having trouble reading this thread... Cthulu's tears are just too loud!

07-21-2010, 09:28 AM
Not bad for the collections, clearing almost 3 mill. At least going by the no kill list. I expected less.

07-21-2010, 09:30 AM
I wasn't attacking you I just found it funny that your "cult" uses sloot while in the same breath say my scripting is the most worthless thing since the Clapper.
I also find it funny that tillmen is on the kos list.

I'm also a little disappointed I'm not on that list for imploding oblivion and Harry.

07-21-2010, 09:31 AM
I also find it funny that tillmen is on the kos list.

They killed him a few days ago and he's been working them over pretty good ever since. They also killed Kaedra a few times and I'm sure Sheikh isn't far behind. This will be interesting.

07-21-2010, 09:35 AM
Sheikh is busy mastering col for the new build. They have no chance. Absolutely Zero. Weird, Kaedra is on the friends list...

07-21-2010, 09:35 AM
IIRC Someone is still running an RPA award that he got from day 1. He was level 40 when bud and speedy were mid 30's. So i don't doubt hes close to 60. Must be blowing a GM.

Harry does your butt still hurt after i imploded you for attacking me in vereri? Did i still make a BIG MISTAKE? I think its a good move to leave, for whatever reason.

If you remember the script I talked about, it is very possible to get to level 100 in 21 weeks and few extra hours. That being said, I believe this is week 9? Someone being close to 60 is not that far out of the picture as 63 is the halfway point to cap in terms of experience.

07-21-2010, 09:35 AM
i think Cthulu's comments in this thread raise serious questions about his mental health lmao

07-21-2010, 09:39 AM
If you remember the script I talked about, it is very possible to get to level 100 in 21 weeks and few extra hours. That being said, I believe this is week 9? Someone being close to 60 is not that far out of the picture as 63 is the halfway point to cap in terms of experience.

The sit at a table and heal nerves? I really dont remember.

07-21-2010, 09:47 AM
The sit at a table and heal nerves? I really dont remember.

Yeah, or you could do the one in Zul where you go through the room that gives you three major wounds (never nerves, rarely head, so no loss in EXP absorbtion) and run the 15 rooms back to super node to get healed.

07-21-2010, 09:47 AM
I wasn't attacking you I just found it funny that your "cult" uses sloot while in the same breath say my scripting is the most worthless thing since the Clapper.

We don't all find it useless, nor you coding talents bad.

I think what some people don't understand is that you (generic you) cannot release a new scrit that is automatically at 100 percent. It is okay with me to beta test code, when the coder is sticking around to fix things.

Some people are talking shit just to talk shit. There is nothing wrong with this, but we need to keep it in mind.

07-21-2010, 09:51 AM
I am thoroughly disappointed. MADAM, WHERE ARE THE LOGS OF MARLU KILLS? You quit them, now hurt them. I'm on a long boring drive, I need entertainment. kthxbai.

Edit: I'm not searching to find the quote, but whoever said we're killing Calidus until he quits is wrong. We're not trying to make him quit. You guys insist on doing what you consider fun, with no concern at all for what anyone else might consider fun. We decided to do the same. Taunting his corpse is hilarious.

07-21-2010, 09:54 AM
yeah i absolutely fucking DEMAND epic logs!

07-21-2010, 10:01 AM
Wow Inspire, I am really impressed. I think it takes major balls to renounce a bunch of douchebags that obviously could care less about their clan members. Major kudos to you!

07-21-2010, 10:05 AM
at least theres a glimmer of hope for him hehe

07-21-2010, 10:08 AM
I don't think you all have considered this yet....

I spent all day slaving away at this (roughly 5 hours). I hope that new and experienced traders will find this useful. This guide is meant as a SUPPLEMENT to TKF's trading guide here. I will try to find time later to give this post clearer formatting to make it easier to read.

Manipulating the Dynamics of the Economy
- A guide to trading effectively in Battle Tanks -

Trading is the only way, besides getting player kills,to give your team more gold than the other team. As such having a good trader on a good team guarantees a victory against a similar team which ignores trading.

About Battle Tanks:
Welcome to Battle Tanks! Battletanks is an AoS style map which has been around for a long time. Battle Tanks has been around for about 3 years, and has always been a popular map amongst the Warcraft 3 community. In Battle Tanks, you purchase a tank, weapons and lay siege to your enemy's base while protecting your own. However, considering such a simple game, there is a surprising amount of depth to its gameplay. There are various dynamics which teams can take advantage of to gain the upper hand. In order to understand how these dynamics can be used to your advantage, you must understand the statics of the game.

Statics vs. Dynamics:
What is a static? What is a dynamic? Simply put, a static is a thing which does not change, while a dynamic is a thing which does change. Dynamics in Battle Tanks are things such as your teams layout, or your tanks setup. Statics are things which do not change no matter how many times you play the game, or how hard you try (unless you are a map editor, of course). Examples of statics in battle tanks are things like the number of factories you start with, the amount of money you start with, the weapons available to you, the number of conquerable control points, etc etc... It is very easy to take advantage of statics, and it is quite likely that you already have taken advantage of them. You use weapons with a longer range to defeat enemies with shorter range weapons without getting hurt. You use faster tanks to catch slower tanks. And perhaps the most basic static that people take advantage is to use stronger weapons and tanks to defeat weaker tanks.

Dynamics, on the other hand, are harder to take advantage of. Taking advantage of a dynamic might be something such as predicting the path of your enemy and ambushing him when he goes back to his control point to heal. Building a factory near your enemy's base to make it easier and faster to heal your tank when damaged is another great example of taking advantage of dynamics.

The Economy:
What does this have to do with trading, you ask? It's EVERYTHING. Consider the following hypothetical situation. You have 2 teams, both with 1 player who do nothing but sit in their bases. Who has more money at the start of the match? After 10 minutes? After 100 minutes? The answer is apparent – they both have (roughly) the same amount of money. Because there is no player interaction, the only game mechanics coming into play are the statics. Discovering the sources of income in this scenario exposes the statics of the economy. The statics of the economy (as they apply to this guide) are:

-<wrong>Income generated from killing creeps</wrong>---It turns out that this is not true - if the computer kills a creep, only a portion of this money is returned to the players. Thanks Exodus for correcting me here.
-The slow, but steady trickle of money to all players

What does this mean to you?
<wrong>First of all, because any money that your troops “steal” by killing off enemy creeps is redistributed equally across your team. So if one of your lanes is empty, your team isn't losing any income (in the long run). Second: You don't make your team stronger by getting more creep kills – you simply redistribute more of your teams collective wealth towards yourself.</wrong> - Because the computer only returns a portion of the money it collects from farming creeps, your team DOES get weaker by leaving a lane empty.

Third: What if you had a dynamic source of income to supplement this static income, which your enemy didn't have? The answer: you would have more money to spend on better weapons and better tanks than your enemy.

What are the dynamic sources of income then? The ones that I know of are:
Income from trading
Income from killing creeps created by the “Troop Command” item, and from extra factories
Income from killing enemy buildings
<correction>Income from killing normal creeps</correction> - Moved from static. See note in statics of the economy for more info.

You also have to consider dynamic income “sinks”, or things which cause your team to LOSE money:
Building a tower/factory which is then destroyed
Selling a tank or weapon (you receive only 50% of what you payed when selling an item)
Consumable items

Now that we have discussed the dynamics and statics of the economy, we can discuss how this relates to trading.

Advanced Defensive Techniques:
Trading itself is fairly straight forward. You can check out TKFs guide to understand the basics. However, there are some techniques you can use to protect your self, should you have to evade enemies. First of all, there are 3 skills you have that protect your tank against enemy players:

Shadow Walk – Turns the trader invisible for a certain amount of time, and increases the traders speed by a certain percent.
Magic Barrier – absorbs a certain amount of magical damage – this does not include damage from creeps. Only damage from skills and tank weapons are absorbed.
Invulnerability (Ultimate) – makes the trader completely invulnerable for a few seconds.

--Use the Mini-map:
When facing an enemy who doesn't try to hunt the trader, these aren't needed very often. However, talented players will make hunting the trader a priority. Because the trader can not use hulls, the trader dies very quickly later in the game. As such, you will find that in the later portion of the game, if you are being hunted, you won't be able to activate your skills in time. As such, it is CRITICAL to watch the mini-map when trading. Battle Tanks defaults to having fog of war turned off, so you can easily see when someone is heading your way on the mini-map. If someone is heading your way, run away.

--Buy a teleporter and/or speed pack:
Buying a teleporter or speed pack (or building a speed pack) grants you the ability to instantly teleport to anywhere within 3600 range. This essentially gives you an extra escape ability, and it is perfect for situations where you need to get away, FAST. However, since it requires 2 mouse clicks to use, you shouldn't try to use this as your first line of defense. It's best to make yourself invulnerable or invisible first before teleporting, giving you ample time to choose where to teleport to.
<amendment>You can double click on the teleporter/speedpack/trader hunter pack and it will tend to teleport you towards where you purchased the item, which is usually safer. So you can do this in a tight situation. --Thanks to Exodus for this info</amendment>

--Troop Command:
Troop Command allows you to periodically create a single wave of troops (the same amount a factory produces), and also increases the damage produced by all nearby allied creeps. If you are ambushed and your escape abilities are on cooldown, you can use troop command to spawn some creeps to shield yourself from the enemy's weapons. I also find it useful for distracting enemy creeps while going behind enemy lines for the more profitable trades.

--Teleport Breaker:
Enemy exploders got you down? Frustrate them with this little known item! This gem will intercept any enemy tank which tries to teleport to a location within something like 1000 range, and teleport them on top of the breaker AND stunning them for a significant duration. An exploder who thinks he's going to get an easy triple kill will be sorely surprised when he ends up on top of one of these. Teleport breakers are consumable items, so you have to buy a new one when the old one wears out.

--Buying towers:
If enemy tanks are camping your trade master, you can buy a laser tower to discourage them from getting too close. Also, if your team loses a control points cannon tower, you can replace it with a much stronger laser tower. I like to assign each laser tower a control group (by selecting the tower and hitting Ctrl + a number) so I can quickly switch to the laser tower when it's under attack by double tapping the number it's assigned on the keyboard. You can then manually control the laser tower and have it attack an enemy tank that is most likely being shielded by creeps. Remember that enemy tanks hurt your towers more than creeps, and you can get kills by controlling your towers!

Advanced Offensive Techniques:
Just because you are trading, doesn't mean you can't be more than a cash dispenser for your team! Even though you can't buy weapons, there are a variety of items you can buy to use offensively:

Mines detonate when an enemy gets too close to them. Even if the enemy survives the mine, they have lost a considerable portion of their health and are much easier to kill. You can buy all 3 mine layers, as they are each on a separate cooldown. This allows you to quickly place a small mine field around key objects such as control points, healers, and whatever paths your enemies tend to use.

--Troop Command:
Troop Command allows you to periodically create a single wave of troops (the same amount a factory produces), and also increases the damage produced by all nearby allied creeps. Troop Command can also be used offensively – when your team mates are pushing a lane, you can use your troops to assist them. If the enemy is running away, I like to run ahead of them and spawn creeps in their way so they can't escape the wrath of your buddies. Also, if you control the troops you spawn, you can sometimes get a solo kill by manually targetting an enemy tank.

--Orbital Cannon:
The orbital cannon is one of the lesser known items in battle tanks, which is a shame. This high-altitude weapon can be used to kill buildings, creeps and even enemy tanks. The Orbital Cannon delivers 6 area effect strikes of up to 800 damage each. Unfortunately, by the time you fulfill the orbital cannons weapons tech requirements (level 10 I think?), most players already have a heavy tank or better, so the orbital cannon can't really be used alone to get kills. However, if you have an opportunistic mind-set, you can snag a kill here and there.

Each factory you build spawns an extra wave of troops owned by you, periodically. These troops head straight towards the enemies base, so if you build them in your base, they will go down the middle lane. If you want them to go down the other lanes, you need to place them near your control points in these other lanes (mind you, they still go straight for the enemy base, so you still have to be careful where you put them). On top of this, you can teleport to a factory like a control point, and provide healing for you and your team mates. Factories are wonderful tools for laying siege to the enemy base. The healing they provide is often the final blow that ends in your enemy's defeat.

--Siege Pack
Siege packs spawn 3 mortar teams, and reduce the armor of nearby enemy structures. Siege packs are good tools for taking down towers to replace with your own towers. Also, they are useful for taking down those nasty laser towers in the enemy base which never seem to die easily. You can use this alongside Troop Command, and also the consumable troop/mortar team items which all have separate cooldowns. Doing this can take down enemy structures FAST.

Other Advanced Techniques:
--Delaying enemy capture of control points:
The trader acts just like a normal tank with regard to capturing control points. That means that if an enemy is trying to capture one of your control points, you can stop the timer. This is true even when you are invisible or invulnerable. Doing this can give your team mates enough time to get there and take down the enemy tanks.

--Sneaking in through the backdoor:
Because of your Shadow walk ability, you can sneak behind enemy lines and use your orbital cannon to damage enemy buildings. Given time, you can destroy towers and even factories, giving your team a serious edge.

--The Immortal Laser Tower:
Not really invincible, but this makes it much harder for enemies to take down your laser towers. Purchase repair robots, and upgrade them to nano bots. Giving these to your laser towers makes them heal pretty fast. Unless the enemy keeps consistent pressure on your laser tower, these can nearly guarantee that your laser tower is always at full health. If the laser tower gets destroyed, the nanobots will drop on the ground and can be picked up again (by only you, I might add).

--The Bait on the Hook:
Traders make nice bait. Because they have the ability to so severely unbalance the game, people tend to be more willing to risk their lives to take them down. You can take advantage of this by teaming up with a friend. Start trading near an enemy with your friend close by. With luck, the enemy will make risky attempts to kill you. With even more luck, your friend will nab quite a few kills by exploiting this risky behavior.

--Hey! Look! Listen! Distraction!
If an enemy likes to chase you, distract them from helping their friends by leading them on a wild goose chase. The longer they spend chasing you, the less time they spend defending their control points. Co-ordinate with your team to take advantage of this.

Trader Hunting:
Contrary to popular belief, there are a lot of counters to Traders. The simplest counter is to simply have a trader of your own to match the enemy trader. However, if everyone on your team has already purchased a tank, this is not a viable solution. Instead, your team should designate someone to be the trader hunter. Copters make the best trader hunters since they fly, and with a bit of gold/skill points, move pretty fast too.

--Traders weaken the team early game:
Remember this – a team with a trader has 3000 less gold to use in combat when they start (under normal mode). Also, the trader can only stay invisible for a few seconds, and are slow too. Hit the trader early, and hit him hard. Kill him a few times and he will give up on trading in the middle and will have to resort to trading behind his front lines. It will take him longer, and he will produce less gold this way too. A trader doesn't start having a noticeable effect until he hits 20 lumber. The longer it takes him to do this, the more precious time you have to take down the side lanes. Once the side lanes are under you control, you can use the control points to harass the trader constantly.

--Harass the trader using control points:
Whenever you see the trader going for a trade point on the sides, teleport to a near-by control point and head straight for him. If he's a low enough level, his invsibility won't last long enough to save him. Early game, the more times you kill the trader, the harder it is for his team to make use of trader gold.

Traders don't have much life. Oftentimes, a single mine is enough to kill them. Place mines around trade points, in the path they take imbetween trade points (watch them to see which spots they go over), or if you are feeling particularly sadistic, mine their trade master if they manage to avoid the mines near the trade points, they lose ALL of their trade items when they go to turn them in. I don't like it when people do this to me because even with radar, it's hard to see those little mines, and I am so used to staring at the mini-map instead of the screen that I don't notice them at all.

What if the enemy trader has gotten a couple levels, and his invisibility lasts longer than you would like? Get a radar item! This will let you see him when he goes invisible. Particularly effective before the trader reaches level 10 where they get pure invincibility and before the trader gets the teleporter.

--Trader Hunter Pack:
What if the enemy trader has gotten a teleporter? Get one of your own and make a trader hunter pack. If the Trader teleports, you can teleport on top of him. Remember that if the trader is loaded with lots of trade items, it's worth it to suicide to kill him.

--Late game, the trader doesn't return to the trade master very often:
Take advantage of this! Get a teleporter, and let the trader think he's safe on his trade routes. Then when he gets too cozy, teleport on top of him, stun him and kill him! The later it is in the game, the longer the trader usually takes imbetween turn ins, so killing him wastes more of his time. In fact, the later it is in the game, the more important the trader is! A single successful turn in can result in his team getting 10k or more gold! Don't let this happen.

--Use tinker towers to act as radar towers:
Tinkers can give their towers a radar module which allows them to see invisible units. Building enough towers around the enemy's trade master can make it impossible for the trader to get a turn in if he's below level 10. You can also build towers around trade points, since traders like to turn invisible while hitting a dangerous trade point. Being able to see invisible around trade points makes it easier for trader hunters to kill traders.

Countering Trader Hunters:
At the very least, get the radar, if not a remote fuse too. All you can do is pay attention. Unfortunately, now you have to pay close attention to both the main screen along with the mini-map to stay alive. Because you can't buy hulls, surviving an encounter with a mine is not an option.

Even if your enemies can see invisible units, your shadow walk ability isn't useless. Radar only allows enemies to see invisible units close to them, so if you can teleport out of range, your invisibility will work. Even if you don't have a teleporter, Shadow walk increases your speed, so you can still use it, combined with your invulnerability to get away. You can also use magic barrier to give you an extra few seconds of life to make it to safety.

--Trader Hunter Pack:
If the enemy can also teleport, you need to only use your teleport when you can also go invisible, to make it hard for the the enemy from knowing where you teleported to. If he doesn't know where you are, he has to guess. If you are unpredictable, it's unlikely he will find you.

--Tinker Towers:
Siege pack and/or Troop Command are useful for taking out tinker towers guarding trade points. If you don't have enough money yet for those, ask for help from your team mates. Your safety is imperative towards your teams success.

--Don't be afraid to turn-in your trades early:
If there are trader hunters about, don't be afraid to turn-in your trades early. There is no penalty for this – you just waste some of your time. But you will waste less time turning in the trade early than from dying because you waited too long.

--Move to a new trade route:
If there's a particular player who is good at killing you, try to avoid him. Move to a new trade route, even if it's less profitable. Some money is more than no money. If he follows you, then try to get your team mates to push one of the lanes really hard. With luck the harassing player will be distracted by the push, and you will get a few minutes to trade in peace.


Drunken Durfin
07-21-2010, 10:08 AM
As I said, if you cannot see how us going around extorting people, in a game, is different than hating someone and raging/losing friends because of Video Game choices they make...threatening Dan, for example, to not be his friend anymore unless he did exactly as you folks wished...

You have serious issues. The first step is to admit it.

Does it get expensive? Replacing all the keyboards you break when you die?

The only person you are fooling is yourself.

I never said anything to Dan other than "when are we going to do some warcamps?" If someone else is doing that kind of stuff THEY are the one with issues, not ME.

You and your idiots have only killed me twice. Both times it was Oblivion and both times I laughed my ass off because it was such a hilarious screen scroll.

What else you got moron?

07-21-2010, 10:16 AM
I don't think you all have considered this yet....

I spent all day slaving away at this (roughly 5 hours). I hope that new and experienced traders will find this useful. This guide is meant as a SUPPLEMENT to TKF's trading guide here. I will try to find time later to give this post clearer formatting to make it easier to read.

Manipulating the Dynamics of the Economy
- A guide to trading effectively in Battle Tanks -

Trading is the only way, besides getting player kills,to give your team more gold than the other team. As such having a good trader on a good team guarantees a victory against a similar team which ignores trading.

About Battle Tanks:
Welcome to Battle Tanks! Battletanks is an AoS style map which has been around for a long time. Battle Tanks has been around for about 3 years, and has always been a popular map amongst the Warcraft 3 community. In Battle Tanks, you purchase a tank, weapons and lay siege to your enemy's base while protecting your own. However, considering such a simple game, there is a surprising amount of depth to its gameplay. There are various dynamics which teams can take advantage of to gain the upper hand. In order to understand how these dynamics can be used to your advantage, you must understand the statics of the game.

Statics vs. Dynamics:
What is a static? What is a dynamic? Simply put, a static is a thing which does not change, while a dynamic is a thing which does change. Dynamics in Battle Tanks are things such as your teams layout, or your tanks setup. Statics are things which do not change no matter how many times you play the game, or how hard you try (unless you are a map editor, of course). Examples of statics in battle tanks are things like the number of factories you start with, the amount of money you start with, the weapons available to you, the number of conquerable control points, etc etc... It is very easy to take advantage of statics, and it is quite likely that you already have taken advantage of them. You use weapons with a longer range to defeat enemies with shorter range weapons without getting hurt. You use faster tanks to catch slower tanks. And perhaps the most basic static that people take advantage is to use stronger weapons and tanks to defeat weaker tanks.

Dynamics, on the other hand, are harder to take advantage of. Taking advantage of a dynamic might be something such as predicting the path of your enemy and ambushing him when he goes back to his control point to heal. Building a factory near your enemy's base to make it easier and faster to heal your tank when damaged is another great example of taking advantage of dynamics.

The Economy:
What does this have to do with trading, you ask? It's EVERYTHING. Consider the following hypothetical situation. You have 2 teams, both with 1 player who do nothing but sit in their bases. Who has more money at the start of the match? After 10 minutes? After 100 minutes? The answer is apparent – they both have (roughly) the same amount of money. Because there is no player interaction, the only game mechanics coming into play are the statics. Discovering the sources of income in this scenario exposes the statics of the economy. The statics of the economy (as they apply to this guide) are:

-<wrong>Income generated from killing creeps</wrong>---It turns out that this is not true - if the computer kills a creep, only a portion of this money is returned to the players. Thanks Exodus for correcting me here.
-The slow, but steady trickle of money to all players

What does this mean to you?
<wrong>First of all, because any money that your troops “steal” by killing off enemy creeps is redistributed equally across your team. So if one of your lanes is empty, your team isn't losing any income (in the long run). Second: You don't make your team stronger by getting more creep kills – you simply redistribute more of your teams collective wealth towards yourself.</wrong> - Because the computer only returns a portion of the money it collects from farming creeps, your team DOES get weaker by leaving a lane empty.

Third: What if you had a dynamic source of income to supplement this static income, which your enemy didn't have? The answer: you would have more money to spend on better weapons and better tanks than your enemy.

What are the dynamic sources of income then? The ones that I know of are:
Income from trading
Income from killing creeps created by the “Troop Command” item, and from extra factories
Income from killing enemy buildings
<correction>Income from killing normal creeps</correction> - Moved from static. See note in statics of the economy for more info.

You also have to consider dynamic income “sinks”, or things which cause your team to LOSE money:
Building a tower/factory which is then destroyed
Selling a tank or weapon (you receive only 50% of what you payed when selling an item)
Consumable items

Now that we have discussed the dynamics and statics of the economy, we can discuss how this relates to trading.

Advanced Defensive Techniques:
Trading itself is fairly straight forward. You can check out TKFs guide to understand the basics. However, there are some techniques you can use to protect your self, should you have to evade enemies. First of all, there are 3 skills you have that protect your tank against enemy players:

Shadow Walk – Turns the trader invisible for a certain amount of time, and increases the traders speed by a certain percent.
Magic Barrier – absorbs a certain amount of magical damage – this does not include damage from creeps. Only damage from skills and tank weapons are absorbed.
Invulnerability (Ultimate) – makes the trader completely invulnerable for a few seconds.

--Use the Mini-map:
When facing an enemy who doesn't try to hunt the trader, these aren't needed very often. However, talented players will make hunting the trader a priority. Because the trader can not use hulls, the trader dies very quickly later in the game. As such, you will find that in the later portion of the game, if you are being hunted, you won't be able to activate your skills in time. As such, it is CRITICAL to watch the mini-map when trading. Battle Tanks defaults to having fog of war turned off, so you can easily see when someone is heading your way on the mini-map. If someone is heading your way, run away.

--Buy a teleporter and/or speed pack:
Buying a teleporter or speed pack (or building a speed pack) grants you the ability to instantly teleport to anywhere within 3600 range. This essentially gives you an extra escape ability, and it is perfect for situations where you need to get away, FAST. However, since it requires 2 mouse clicks to use, you shouldn't try to use this as your first line of defense. It's best to make yourself invulnerable or invisible first before teleporting, giving you ample time to choose where to teleport to.
<amendment>You can double click on the teleporter/speedpack/trader hunter pack and it will tend to teleport you towards where you purchased the item, which is usually safer. So you can do this in a tight situation. --Thanks to Exodus for this info</amendment>

--Troop Command:
Troop Command allows you to periodically create a single wave of troops (the same amount a factory produces), and also increases the damage produced by all nearby allied creeps. If you are ambushed and your escape abilities are on cooldown, you can use troop command to spawn some creeps to shield yourself from the enemy's weapons. I also find it useful for distracting enemy creeps while going behind enemy lines for the more profitable trades.

--Teleport Breaker:
Enemy exploders got you down? Frustrate them with this little known item! This gem will intercept any enemy tank which tries to teleport to a location within something like 1000 range, and teleport them on top of the breaker AND stunning them for a significant duration. An exploder who thinks he's going to get an easy triple kill will be sorely surprised when he ends up on top of one of these. Teleport breakers are consumable items, so you have to buy a new one when the old one wears out.

--Buying towers:
If enemy tanks are camping your trade master, you can buy a laser tower to discourage them from getting too close. Also, if your team loses a control points cannon tower, you can replace it with a much stronger laser tower. I like to assign each laser tower a control group (by selecting the tower and hitting Ctrl + a number) so I can quickly switch to the laser tower when it's under attack by double tapping the number it's assigned on the keyboard. You can then manually control the laser tower and have it attack an enemy tank that is most likely being shielded by creeps. Remember that enemy tanks hurt your towers more than creeps, and you can get kills by controlling your towers!

Advanced Offensive Techniques:
Just because you are trading, doesn't mean you can't be more than a cash dispenser for your team! Even though you can't buy weapons, there are a variety of items you can buy to use offensively:

Mines detonate when an enemy gets too close to them. Even if the enemy survives the mine, they have lost a considerable portion of their health and are much easier to kill. You can buy all 3 mine layers, as they are each on a separate cooldown. This allows you to quickly place a small mine field around key objects such as control points, healers, and whatever paths your enemies tend to use.

--Troop Command:
Troop Command allows you to periodically create a single wave of troops (the same amount a factory produces), and also increases the damage produced by all nearby allied creeps. Troop Command can also be used offensively – when your team mates are pushing a lane, you can use your troops to assist them. If the enemy is running away, I like to run ahead of them and spawn creeps in their way so they can't escape the wrath of your buddies. Also, if you control the troops you spawn, you can sometimes get a solo kill by manually targetting an enemy tank.

--Orbital Cannon:
The orbital cannon is one of the lesser known items in battle tanks, which is a shame. This high-altitude weapon can be used to kill buildings, creeps and even enemy tanks. The Orbital Cannon delivers 6 area effect strikes of up to 800 damage each. Unfortunately, by the time you fulfill the orbital cannons weapons tech requirements (level 10 I think?), most players already have a heavy tank or better, so the orbital cannon can't really be used alone to get kills. However, if you have an opportunistic mind-set, you can snag a kill here and there.

Each factory you build spawns an extra wave of troops owned by you, periodically. These troops head straight towards the enemies base, so if you build them in your base, they will go down the middle lane. If you want them to go down the other lanes, you need to place them near your control points in these other lanes (mind you, they still go straight for the enemy base, so you still have to be careful where you put them). On top of this, you can teleport to a factory like a control point, and provide healing for you and your team mates. Factories are wonderful tools for laying siege to the enemy base. The healing they provide is often the final blow that ends in your enemy's defeat.

--Siege Pack
Siege packs spawn 3 mortar teams, and reduce the armor of nearby enemy structures. Siege packs are good tools for taking down towers to replace with your own towers. Also, they are useful for taking down those nasty laser towers in the enemy base which never seem to die easily. You can use this alongside Troop Command, and also the consumable troop/mortar team items which all have separate cooldowns. Doing this can take down enemy structures FAST.

Other Advanced Techniques:
--Delaying enemy capture of control points:
The trader acts just like a normal tank with regard to capturing control points. That means that if an enemy is trying to capture one of your control points, you can stop the timer. This is true even when you are invisible or invulnerable. Doing this can give your team mates enough time to get there and take down the enemy tanks.

--Sneaking in through the backdoor:
Because of your Shadow walk ability, you can sneak behind enemy lines and use your orbital cannon to damage enemy buildings. Given time, you can destroy towers and even factories, giving your team a serious edge.

--The Immortal Laser Tower:
Not really invincible, but this makes it much harder for enemies to take down your laser towers. Purchase repair robots, and upgrade them to nano bots. Giving these to your laser towers makes them heal pretty fast. Unless the enemy keeps consistent pressure on your laser tower, these can nearly guarantee that your laser tower is always at full health. If the laser tower gets destroyed, the nanobots will drop on the ground and can be picked up again (by only you, I might add).

--The Bait on the Hook:
Traders make nice bait. Because they have the ability to so severely unbalance the game, people tend to be more willing to risk their lives to take them down. You can take advantage of this by teaming up with a friend. Start trading near an enemy with your friend close by. With luck, the enemy will make risky attempts to kill you. With even more luck, your friend will nab quite a few kills by exploiting this risky behavior.

--Hey! Look! Listen! Distraction!
If an enemy likes to chase you, distract them from helping their friends by leading them on a wild goose chase. The longer they spend chasing you, the less time they spend defending their control points. Co-ordinate with your team to take advantage of this.

Trader Hunting:
Contrary to popular belief, there are a lot of counters to Traders. The simplest counter is to simply have a trader of your own to match the enemy trader. However, if everyone on your team has already purchased a tank, this is not a viable solution. Instead, your team should designate someone to be the trader hunter. Copters make the best trader hunters since they fly, and with a bit of gold/skill points, move pretty fast too.

--Traders weaken the team early game:
Remember this – a team with a trader has 3000 less gold to use in combat when they start (under normal mode). Also, the trader can only stay invisible for a few seconds, and are slow too. Hit the trader early, and hit him hard. Kill him a few times and he will give up on trading in the middle and will have to resort to trading behind his front lines. It will take him longer, and he will produce less gold this way too. A trader doesn't start having a noticeable effect until he hits 20 lumber. The longer it takes him to do this, the more precious time you have to take down the side lanes. Once the side lanes are under you control, you can use the control points to harass the trader constantly.

--Harass the trader using control points:
Whenever you see the trader going for a trade point on the sides, teleport to a near-by control point and head straight for him. If he's a low enough level, his invsibility won't last long enough to save him. Early game, the more times you kill the trader, the harder it is for his team to make use of trader gold.

Traders don't have much life. Oftentimes, a single mine is enough to kill them. Place mines around trade points, in the path they take imbetween trade points (watch them to see which spots they go over), or if you are feeling particularly sadistic, mine their trade master if they manage to avoid the mines near the trade points, they lose ALL of their trade items when they go to turn them in. I don't like it when people do this to me because even with radar, it's hard to see those little mines, and I am so used to staring at the mini-map instead of the screen that I don't notice them at all.

What if the enemy trader has gotten a couple levels, and his invisibility lasts longer than you would like? Get a radar item! This will let you see him when he goes invisible. Particularly effective before the trader reaches level 10 where they get pure invincibility and before the trader gets the teleporter.

--Trader Hunter Pack:
What if the enemy trader has gotten a teleporter? Get one of your own and make a trader hunter pack. If the Trader teleports, you can teleport on top of him. Remember that if the trader is loaded with lots of trade items, it's worth it to suicide to kill him.

--Late game, the trader doesn't return to the trade master very often:
Take advantage of this! Get a teleporter, and let the trader think he's safe on his trade routes. Then when he gets too cozy, teleport on top of him, stun him and kill him! The later it is in the game, the longer the trader usually takes imbetween turn ins, so killing him wastes more of his time. In fact, the later it is in the game, the more important the trader is! A single successful turn in can result in his team getting 10k or more gold! Don't let this happen.

--Use tinker towers to act as radar towers:
Tinkers can give their towers a radar module which allows them to see invisible units. Building enough towers around the enemy's trade master can make it impossible for the trader to get a turn in if he's below level 10. You can also build towers around trade points, since traders like to turn invisible while hitting a dangerous trade point. Being able to see invisible around trade points makes it easier for trader hunters to kill traders.

Countering Trader Hunters:
At the very least, get the radar, if not a remote fuse too. All you can do is pay attention. Unfortunately, now you have to pay close attention to both the main screen along with the mini-map to stay alive. Because you can't buy hulls, surviving an encounter with a mine is not an option.

Even if your enemies can see invisible units, your shadow walk ability isn't useless. Radar only allows enemies to see invisible units close to them, so if you can teleport out of range, your invisibility will work. Even if you don't have a teleporter, Shadow walk increases your speed, so you can still use it, combined with your invulnerability to get away. You can also use magic barrier to give you an extra few seconds of life to make it to safety.

--Trader Hunter Pack:
If the enemy can also teleport, you need to only use your teleport when you can also go invisible, to make it hard for the the enemy from knowing where you teleported to. If he doesn't know where you are, he has to guess. If you are unpredictable, it's unlikely he will find you.

--Tinker Towers:
Siege pack and/or Troop Command are useful for taking out tinker towers guarding trade points. If you don't have enough money yet for those, ask for help from your team mates. Your safety is imperative towards your teams success.

--Don't be afraid to turn-in your trades early:
If there are trader hunters about, don't be afraid to turn-in your trades early. There is no penalty for this – you just waste some of your time. But you will waste less time turning in the trade early than from dying because you waited too long.

--Move to a new trade route:
If there's a particular player who is good at killing you, try to avoid him. Move to a new trade route, even if it's less profitable. Some money is more than no money. If he follows you, then try to get your team mates to push one of the lanes really hard. With luck the harassing player will be distracted by the push, and you will get a few minutes to trade in peace.


That's true. I haven't considered this at all.

I feel like we were just wikipedia'rolled!

07-21-2010, 10:19 AM
I thought that was the point of this thread? To just throw as much garbage as possible into somewhat coherent sentences, whilst preparing your next spout of garbage for the timely response of, "RABBLE RABBBLE RABBBBBBLE" from the fence birds.

07-21-2010, 10:25 AM
I thought that was the point of this thread? To just throw as much garbage as possible into somewhat coherent sentences, whilst preparing your next spout of garbage for the timely response of, "RABBLE RABBBLE RABBBBBBLE" from the fence birds.


07-21-2010, 10:27 AM


07-21-2010, 10:31 AM
The only person you are fooling is yourself.

I never said anything to Dan other than "when are we going to do some warcamps?" If someone else is doing that kind of stuff THEY are the one with issues, not ME.

You and your idiots have only killed me twice. Both times it was Oblivion and both times I laughed my ass off because it was such a hilarious screen scroll.

What else you got moron?

I gotta say, for what it's worth, that the "influencing" of my poor little weak-minded, codependent self has been a teensy bit overblown. I'm starting to wonder if I simply have blocked out the painful memories of all my friends firebombing my house and raping my daughter...

While there was a small amount of "You deal with them? Why?", there was never any "RENOUNCE THEM OR I SWEAR I'LL UNBEFRIEND YOU ON FACEBOOK AND MYSPACE YOU FUKCER!"

I simply made a choice about what kind of people I wanted to ally Dan (the character) with. As I said initially, Mordechai and Madmountan and I have no issue (at least on my end) other than being on opposing sides in a war. I can't really speak to the rest of them.

But if we could please try and downplay the "You evil people browbeat poor little Dan into going against what he truly in his heart wanted to do" aspect of these conversations?

I will now attempt to kick myself in the crotch for prolonging this thread.

07-21-2010, 10:35 AM
try this Dan.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqYLXMz9foI&feature=PlayList&p=2604F28D753833D9&playnext_from=PL&index=0&playnext=1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqYLXMz9foI&feature=PlayList&p=2604F28D753833D9&playnext_from=PL&index=0&playnext=1)

07-21-2010, 10:36 AM
I will now attempt to kick myself in the crotch for prolonging this thread.

People pay to see this sort of stuff.

07-21-2010, 10:45 AM
try this Dan.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqYLXMz9foI&feature=PlayList&p=2604F28D753833D9&playnext_from=PL&index=0&playnext=1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqYLXMz9foI&feature=PlayList&p=2604F28D753833D9&playnext_from=PL&index=0&playnext=1)

Fucking hilarious.

07-21-2010, 10:47 AM
It gets better.



07-21-2010, 11:10 AM


07-21-2010, 11:15 AM


Holy shit, we really need more awesome game shows here.

07-21-2010, 11:16 AM
Wow, those are awesome!

07-21-2010, 11:17 AM

I haven't read all this yet, but:

1) Madam is a fucking psycho.

2) Whoever stole Cervina's scripts is a douchebag. Crossing the line, IMO.

3) I need to stop talking on lnet when I'm on less than 3 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period, drinking, and especially the combination of the two.


5) Moley moley moley.... tits or gtfo.

07-21-2010, 11:19 AM


It was indeed getting old.

07-21-2010, 11:22 AM
It was indeed getting old.

I swear I will fly off the handle much less now that she's gone. ;)

/sigh of relief...

07-21-2010, 12:04 PM
Ya'know, I have an itching suspicion that sbounty will eventually leak into Marlu hands. Are you guys going to do what's right and not use it because I didn't release it to the public domain? Erm, hrm...

07-21-2010, 12:06 PM
Ya'know, I have an itching suspicion that sbounty will eventually leak into Marlu hands. Are you guys going to do what's right and not use it because I didn't release it to the public domain? Erm, hrm...

This is why I didn't give you or anybody else my scripts.
It's not that I don't want you to have it. I don't want them to have it. LOL.

07-21-2010, 12:09 PM
Laff! I love how the Clan is playing this as nothing to worry about. The truth is you just lost one of your strongest players because you guys don't know how to organize worth crap.

This clan is nothing without Cervina/Someone and you all know it.

If anything, Vanguard has personally changed how you affect Shattered. Your focus is completely on them and your core components have changed since Vanguard has been bustin your balls.

Marlu Clan is a train wreck:


07-21-2010, 12:20 PM
This is why I didn't give you or anybody else my scripts.
It's not that I don't want you to have it. I don't want them to have it. LOL.

Heh, eventually they'll go away or become so insignificant that we can release everything publicly! Woop woop!

Hey Cervina, you should alter your scripts to be a spellup bot / visit. Have a lowbie alt sit outside the table that collects coins. Once the entry fee is collected invite them to your table with your spellup bots and provide the appropriate spells. You'd make far more coin focusing on the entire Shattered population than you are working with the Marlu's.

Then again, you're like the overmind who has a bunch of peon's doing your bidding with absolutely no harm coming your way. I suppose you have a good setup already.

07-21-2010, 12:26 PM
Damn near Imposible

07-21-2010, 12:28 PM
Ya'know, I have an itching suspicion that sbounty will eventually leak into Marlu hands. Are you guys going to do what's right and not use it because I didn't release it to the public domain? Erm, hrm...

I think there is a significant difference between having access to [a script] and using it, compared to actively infiltrating, stealing, and distributing a private script to the public. A fitting analogy would probably be accepting stolen stereo equipment, compared to actively stealing and distributing stolen equipment.

To answer the question, would I use sbounty if I had access to it? Likely. Would I ever infiltrate and steal someones hard earned, private work and maliciously throw toss it into the wind? Fuck no.

07-21-2010, 12:29 PM
As to the spy issue, and this is all I'll address on this subject in a serious manner:

The main issue, and the only issue, I really have with this is the fact that I think I've been a pretty good guy to all you Marluettes. Nothing but helpful, considerate, gone out of my way to address issues and concerns.

So all I need to know is what I did that was so horribad to you that I lost your trust.

The spy has been completely and totally loyal and true from the start...to Vanguard. He/she never trusted you for a second.

And you and the other Marlu people need to quit shedding crocodile tears over something that you would have done in a heartbeat given the chance.

07-21-2010, 12:32 PM
Geez. This is a hard one! They're starting an argument over who's telling who how to run the game! This argument hasn't reached a conclusion yet in the 15 or so threads it's been had in so far. Sooooo are we starting a pool on how many pages this thread, itself, will go? Or how many pages this thread will spin off into?

Pages in the thread itself. I'm going with 92 pages. But that's probably a conservative number.

07-21-2010, 12:34 PM
Heh, eventually they'll go away or become so insignificant that we can release everything publicly! Woop woop!

Hey Cervina, you should alter your scripts to be a spellup bot / visit. Have a lowbie alt sit outside the table that collects coins. Once the entry fee is collected invite them to your table with your spellup bots and provide the appropriate spells. You'd make far more coin focusing on the entire Shattered population than you are working with the Marlu's.

Then again, you're like the overmind who has a bunch of peon's doing your bidding with absolutely no harm coming your way. I suppose you have a good setup already.

Cervina is Brain. I'd say Mordechai is shredder but let's face it, he had to roll up a wizard to actually participate in PvP :)


07-21-2010, 12:34 PM
Heh, eventually they'll go away or become so insignificant that we can release everything publicly! Woop woop!

Out of curiosity, you know that Calidus is a character, not a person, right? I know that it's Shattered, and everyone's dicks are covered in shit, but it is still a role playing game. These forums obviously bridge the gap between players and characters, and that is something I've always sort of struggled with. Just because one of my characters is an asshole (and to be honest, despite his rep I don't think Calidus is), doesn't mean I am an asshole nor any of my alts are. However, this thought alone has the potential to open a whole other can of worms...

p.s. I am kind of an asshole

07-21-2010, 12:35 PM
Cervina is Brain. I'd say Mordechai is shredder but let's face it, he had to roll up a wizard to actually participate in PvP :)




Drunken Durfin
07-21-2010, 12:39 PM
And you and the other Marlu people need to quit shedding crocodile tears over something that you would have done in a heartbeat given the chance.


07-21-2010, 12:44 PM
mordechai is alwys saying hes' good to us but he sin't... dont fall for his crap. they act like madam leaving wasn't a big deal but it is

"Dart: If you want to prove that Madam has and is using CLib, the only way to do it, sadly, is by slamming her or one of her characters."
"Dart: Which is... dangerous."
"Katze: well I dunno, thas more than I wanna bite off heh"
"Dart: Exactly. :)"
"Katze: I like Madam alright, I do think the table thing was wrong, he shoulda had access, IMO"
"Mordechai: Nope. She was unstable and could not be trusted"
"Mordechai: And I dont respond to demands"
Dart: Also, I didn't like her. She was very unnecessarily mean to me when I first started Shattered, and I didn't appreciate it."
"Dart: Reap what you sow, Madam. I didn't want her at the table."

god be more hyproctical... we run around killing anyone we feel lke

"Cthulu: 230 CS is brutal"
"Cthulu: Well why not? It makes him nearly unbeatable"
"Cthulu: unbelievable"
"Cthulu: I should reroll"

more whining

07-21-2010, 12:49 PM
Laff! I love how the Clan is playing this as nothing to worry about. The truth is you just lost one of your strongest players because you guys don't know how to organize worth crap.

Madam has been an untrustworthy, loose cannon since day 1. We treated him as such, and knew the repercussions. End of story.

07-21-2010, 12:49 PM
230 CS is unbeatable hehe...

07-21-2010, 12:50 PM
Heh, eventually they'll go away or become so insignificant that we can release everything publicly! Woop woop!

Hey Cervina, you should alter your scripts to be a spellup bot / visit. Have a lowbie alt sit outside the table that collects coins. Once the entry fee is collected invite them to your table with your spellup bots and provide the appropriate spells. You'd make far more coin focusing on the entire Shattered population than you are working with the Marlu's.

Then again, you're like the overmind who has a bunch of peon's doing your bidding with absolutely no harm coming your way. I suppose you have a good setup already.

Why bother having a bot to collect the coins? Just have an open table and only spell up based on what you're paid.

The best way to do it is to keep track of how much people have paid you, open "accounts" for them, and deduct from the accounts as you provide services, let them ask you about their account status, and let the money just roll in.

07-21-2010, 12:50 PM
230 CS is unbeatable hehe...

Don't end-gamers get up to 500ish cs?

07-21-2010, 12:51 PM
"Cthulu: 230 CS is brutal"
"Cthulu: Well why not? It makes him nearly unbeatable"
"Cthulu: unbelievable"
"Cthulu: I should reroll"

and a new sig is born

07-21-2010, 12:51 PM
Why bother having a bot to collect the coins? Just have an open table and only spell up based on what you're paid.

I figured it would keep the table clutter down. Personally, I'd go with the invite everyone method but I'm a cheap bastard and don't want to pay for two accounts.

The best way to do it is to keep track of how much people have paid you, open "accounts" for them, and deduct from the accounts as you provide services, let them ask you about their account status, and let the money just roll in.

That sounds like a plan. I had an idea for a wizard/empath bot team where I would do a gem broker, spellups, healing, etc. Never really got too far with the idea though because of the whole "I'm a cheap bastard" thing.

07-21-2010, 12:52 PM
mordechai is alwys saying hes' good to us but he sin't... dont fall for his crap. they act like madam leaving wasn't a big deal but it is

"Dart: If you want to prove that Madam has and is using CLib, the only way to do it, sadly, is by slamming her or one of her characters."
"Dart: Which is... dangerous."
"Katze: well I dunno, thas more than I wanna bite off heh"
"Dart: Exactly. :)"
"Katze: I like Madam alright, I do think the table thing was wrong, he shoulda had access, IMO"
"Mordechai: Nope. She was unstable and could not be trusted"
"Mordechai: And I dont respond to demands"
Dart: Also, I didn't like her. She was very unnecessarily mean to me when I first started Shattered, and I didn't appreciate it."
"Dart: Reap what you sow, Madam. I didn't want her at the table."

god be more hyproctical... we run around killing anyone we feel lke

"Cthulu: 230 CS is brutal"
"Cthulu: Well why not? It makes him nearly unbeatable"
"Cthulu: unbelievable"
"Cthulu: I should reroll"

more whining

This isn't even response-worthy. You're taking bits and pieces of conversations and making baseless accusations.

Whoever you are, you can't be gone soon enough. The good news is that you'll be lowering the average maturity level of the Vanguard, which is quite an accomplishment actually.

07-21-2010, 12:54 PM
This isn't even response-worthy.


07-21-2010, 12:57 PM
This isn't even response-worthy. You're taking bits and pieces of conversations and making baseless accusations.

Whoever you are, you can't be gone soon enough. The good news is that you'll be lowering the average maturity level of the Vanguard, which is quite an accomplishment actually.

You cry more than Lindsey Lohan...unless you are Lindsey Lohan.


07-21-2010, 12:58 PM
Thank (insert diety of choice) for Shattered.

07-21-2010, 01:01 PM
You cry more than Lindsey Lohan...unless you are Lindsey Lohan.


I think she's hot for some strange reason.

07-21-2010, 01:01 PM
Dart: Also, I didn't like her. She was very unnecessarily mean to me when I first started Shattered, and I didn't appreciate it."

Madam has been an untrustworthy, loose cannon since day 1. We treated him as such, and knew the repercussions. End of story.

What is worth of being called "unnecessarily mean" and "loose cannon" in a group of people who go around griefing the shit out of players and extorting money from others? (or at least attempting to do those things)

What the fuck was madam doing to deserve some ire from a group like that? raping babies with the corpses of baby seals they clubbed to death with a rhino horn they poached?

07-21-2010, 01:03 PM
I think there is a significant difference between having access to [a script] and using it, compared to actively infiltrating, stealing, and distributing a private script to the public. A fitting analogy would probably be accepting stolen stereo equipment, compared to actively stealing and distributing stolen equipment.

To answer the question, would I use sbounty if I had access to it? Likely. Would I ever infiltrate and steal someones hard earned, private work and maliciously throw toss it into the wind? Fuck no.

this basically sums it up. the Marlus have obviously been aggressive in game by engaging people in pvp but they are generally decent people outside of it. The Vanguards have broken into private forums, private script repositories, abused lnet as a spam attack tool, amongst other things.

Who you are as a person is defined by your behavior. In-game pvp does not make someone a shitty human.

Pretending to be friends with someone out-of-game so you can steal their private scripts does make you a shitty human.

the marlus can rest comfortably knowing that they just played a game to have fun and mix things up a bit. can the people in the vanguard who have crossed the line into the realm of being real-world scumbags say the same? It is just a game but your external reaction to events in-game is revealing of some nasty character flaws.

07-21-2010, 01:05 PM
this basically sums it up. the Marlus have obviously been aggressive in game by engaging people in pvp but they are generally decent people outside of it. The Vanguards have broken into private forums, private script repositories, abused lnet as a spam attack tool, amongst other things.

Who you are as a person is defined by your behavior. In-game pvp does not make someone a shitty human.

Pretending to be friends with someone out-of-game so you can steal their private scripts does make you a shitty human.

the marlus can rest comfortably knowing that they just played a game to have fun and mix things up a bit. can the people in the vanguard who have crossed the line into the realm of being real-world scumbags say the same? It is just a game but your external reaction to events in-game is revealing of some nasty character flaws.

its almost as if the Marlus are Islamic Terrorists and the Vanguards are the CIA

07-21-2010, 01:05 PM
I think she's hot for some strange reason.

She is but she's one of those girls you regret once she opens her mouth and the baggage falls from the sky. Heh.

Admire her from a distance!

07-21-2010, 01:06 PM
i think what you fail to realize is that you guys pissed everyone off. its not about Marlu vs Vanguard its Marlu vs MOST OF THE GAME lulz

07-21-2010, 01:07 PM
this basically sums it up. the Marlus have obviously been aggressive in game by engaging people in pvp but they are generally decent people outside of it. The Vanguards have broken into private forums, private script repositories, abused lnet as a spam attack tool, amongst other things.

Who you are as a person is defined by your behavior. In-game pvp does not make someone a shitty human.

Pretending to be friends with someone out-of-game so you can steal their private scripts does make you a shitty human.

the marlus can rest comfortably knowing that they just played a game to have fun and mix things up a bit. can the people in the vanguard who have crossed the line into the realm of being real-world scumbags say the same? It is just a game but your external reaction to events in-game is revealing of some nasty character flaws.

I'll sum up this post:


07-21-2010, 01:08 PM
Don't end-gamers get up to 500ish cs?

I know it's hard to tell from a series of comments that were plucked and and strung together out of context, but I assume Cthulu was referring to the fact that at his current level, as a square, a 230 CS is nigh-indefensible.

07-21-2010, 01:09 PM
its almost as if the Marlus are Islamic Terrorists and the Vanguards are the CIA

that is actually very apt. The Marlus are very comparable to Islamic Terrorists. They have a nasty ideology but at the same time hold some things to be very sacred (such as not stealing Spiffy's sbounty script when the opportunity arose.. twice).

The Vanguards pretend to be justified in all actions at all costs much like the CIA. some of their actions are completely justified but some are repulsive in how low they are willing to sink (out of game, as human beings).

07-21-2010, 01:09 PM
You cry more than Lindsey Lohan...unless you are Lindsey Lohan.

Hey, look, it's Fortybox responding to a post and calling it crying!

07-21-2010, 01:11 PM
I'll sum up this post:

There it is again!

My, we are blessed today.

07-21-2010, 01:11 PM
Hey, look, it's Fortybox responding to a post and calling it crying!

ZOMG Little Cleetus speaks:


07-21-2010, 01:12 PM
to be fair all i ever did was declare my hatred for the Marlus and own you guys. i even switched to using a blade after you didn't like my format of hide/spike. i only posted some tips about you on the Vanguard forums. I wasn't a meanie!!!

edit: oh and i posted logs of owning you. and congratulated people who owned you. etc.. eek!

07-21-2010, 01:14 PM
I think she's hot for some strange reason.

Oh, for the good ol' days. Sad, I'm 100% sure they are behind us.


07-21-2010, 01:38 PM
that is actually very apt. The Marlus are very comparable to Islamic Terrorists. They have a nasty ideology but at the same time hold some things to be very sacred (such as not stealing Spiffy's sbounty script when the opportunity arose.. twice).

The Vanguards pretend to be justified in all actions at all costs much like the CIA. some of their actions are completely justified but some are repulsive in how low they are willing to sink (out of game, as human beings).

The Marlu folks are similar to how the US is perceived going into the middle east. They are the agressors, they are unilateral (you are with them or against them), they commit atrocities (killing innocents), etc. However, you'd never see the US military strapping a bomb to a pregnant woman, and they generally obey the rules of engagement(keeping shit to the game).

The Vanguard, on the other hand, are like the terrorists, and are going outside the scope of the engagement(the game) nd commiting crimes against humanity (breaking into private forums, private script repositories, abused lnet as a spam attack tool, amongst other things).

07-21-2010, 01:44 PM
bla bla bla bullshit bla bla bla

You're over complicating unnecessarily. It's like this.

Marlu kills innocents, demands fees, etc.

Vanguard kills Marlu.

07-21-2010, 01:45 PM
The Vanguard, on the other hand, are like the terrorists, and are going outside the scope of the engagement(the game) nd commiting crimes against humanity (breaking into private forums, private script repositories, abused lnet as a spam attack tool, amongst other things).

Because the US NEVER hacks terrorist websites, or spies, or implements "creative" interrogation techniques.

Some Rogue
07-21-2010, 01:45 PM
Is it really "breaking in" if you gave the password to the wrong person?

Also, see my avatar.

Drunken Durfin
07-21-2010, 01:47 PM
The Vanguard, on the other hand, are like the terrorists, and are going outside the scope of the engagement(the game) nd commiting crimes against humanity (breaking into private forums, private script repositories, abused lnet as a spam attack tool, amongst other things).

Waa Waa...you're just pissed that your attempts to get a mole in to our group failed miserably.

"OMG! They succeeded where we failed! Quick, spin it and try to make them look bad for beating us at the spy game!"

You got played. Deal with it, we didn't rape your mother, steal your CC info or ruin your credit. Equating this to a crime against humanity is epic drama queen win for you though.

07-21-2010, 01:48 PM
You're over complicating unnecessarily. It's like this.

Marlu kills innocents, demands fees, etc.

Vanguard WTPWNS Marlu.

There. Fixed.

07-21-2010, 01:51 PM
You're over complicating unnecessarily. It's like this.

Marlu kills innocents, demands fees, etc.

Vanguard kills Marlu.

that is only the part agree on. That is what we all enjoy and is in the name of good fun.

what you're refusing to acknowledge is that there are people in the vanguard taking it far and beyond this and making it personal in an out-of-game way. Nobody in Marlu has done anything remotely like this to anyone playing gemstone, nor would they.

That the only response we're getting here is that we're just crying, instead of an actual discussion shows that you and your group dont have a leg to stand on. You know that we are right.

07-21-2010, 01:51 PM
The Marlu folks are similar to how the US is perceived going into the middle east. They are the agressors, they are unilateral (you are with them or against them), they commit atrocities (killing innocents), etc. However, you'd never see the US military strapping a bomb to a pregnant woman, and they generally obey the rules of engagement(keeping shit to the game).

The Vanguard, on the other hand, are like the terrorists, and are going outside the scope of the engagement(the game) nd commiting crimes against humanity (breaking into private forums, private script repositories, abused lnet as a spam attack tool, amongst other things).


The Marlu group tries to extort money from people, and actively PKs people that aren't a threat to them or aren't even there. Is that why the US is in the Middle East? To extort protection money and shoot up passersby? Hm..

No? What's that? The Vanguard employs subterfuge/recruitment to gain intel on you, and assassinates you to stop you from ruining the game for peacefuls? TERRORISTS11!1shift+1!.

You are retarded, in-game and out, Calidus.

07-21-2010, 01:53 PM
You're over complicating unnecessarily. It's like this.

Marlu kills innocents, demands fees, etc.

Vanguard kills Marlu.

Vanguard kills Marlu, anyone they perceive to be associated in any way with Marlu, innocent or not, then goes outside of the realm of the video game and commits borderline-crimes to the players who control the Marlu characters.

There ya go.

07-21-2010, 01:53 PM
that is actually very apt. The Marlus are very comparable to Islamic Terrorists. They have a nasty ideology but at the same time hold some things to be very sacred (such as not stealing Spiffy's sbounty script when the opportunity arose.. twice).

Are j00 in my puter stealing my scriptz!?one!!11!

07-21-2010, 01:53 PM
that is actually very apt. The Marlus are very comparable to Islamic Terrorists. They have a nasty ideology but at the same time hold some things to be very sacred (such as not stealing Spiffy's sbounty script when the opportunity arose.. twice).

The Vanguards pretend to be justified in all actions at all costs much like the CIA. some of their actions are completely justified but some are repulsive in how low they are willing to sink (out of game, as human beings).

The Marlu folks are similar to how the US is perceived going into the middle east. They are the agressors, they are unilateral (you are with them or against them), they commit atrocities (killing innocents), etc. However, you'd never see the US military strapping a bomb to a pregnant woman, and they generally obey the rules of engagement(keeping shit to the game).

The Vanguard, on the other hand, are like the terrorists, and are going outside the scope of the engagement(the game) nd commiting crimes against humanity (breaking into private forums, private script repositories, abused lnet as a spam attack tool, amongst other things).

Are you guys seriously making these analogies? Someone should just Godwin this thread now and claim the Marlus are the Jews and the Vanguard are Nazis.

07-21-2010, 01:54 PM
Oh, for the good ol' days. Sad, I'm 100% sure they are behind us.


Oh baby, she's hot... back then. Now, if you took that picture, stripped about 20lbs, made it pasty and skank whore you'd have today's incarnation.

... I'd still hit it.

07-21-2010, 01:55 PM
what you're refusing to acknowledge is that there are people in the vanguard taking it far and beyond this and making it personal in an out-of-game way. Nobody in Marlu has done anything remotely like this to anyone playing gemstone, nor would they.

So your avatar of some dude barfing on Jaeden's wife is nothing like what you describe above right? Yeah whatever. Stop talking. You're shooting yourself in the foot.

07-21-2010, 01:55 PM
The Marlus are the Jews and the Vanguard are Nazis.


07-21-2010, 01:56 PM
Didn't TownKiller also claim he wanted to punch someones teeth down their throat?

Someone go dig that up.

07-21-2010, 01:56 PM
There. Fixed.


Drunken Durfin
07-21-2010, 01:56 PM
what you're refusing to acknowledge is that there are people in the vanguard taking it far and beyond this and making it personal in an out-of-game way. Nobody in Marlu has done anything remotely like this to anyone playing gemstone, nor would they.

WAKE UP! You folks tried to do the same thing and FAILED! Mordiepoo attempted to get a mole in and it failed miserably. This constant crying that we are not playing fair is just pathetic. Here, let's try some standard Marlu banter and see if that works: "This is Shattered, what did you expect?"

07-21-2010, 01:56 PM
So your avatar of some dude barfing on Jaeden's wife is nothing like what you describe above right? Yeah whatever. Stop talking. You're shooting yourself in the foot.

his wife and our barf fetish is not the issue here.

07-21-2010, 01:57 PM
that is only the part agree on. That is what we all enjoy and is in the name of good fun.

what you're refusing to acknowledge is that there are people in the vanguard taking it far and beyond this and making it personal in an out-of-game way. Nobody in Marlu has done anything remotely like this to anyone playing gemstone, nor would they.

That the only response we're getting here is that we're just crying, instead of an actual discussion shows that you and your group dont have a leg to stand on. You know that we are right.

Nobody hacked your gibson and stole things from you. You gave access to someone you shouldn't have, and you paid for it. Which is the exact tactic you tried to do to vanguard and failed at.

Only in the most strict, obtuse view of things is that "outside the bounds of the game"

07-21-2010, 01:57 PM
Didn't TownKiller also claim he wanted to punch someones teeth down their throat?

Someone go dig that up.

no someone said they wanted to punch my teeth down my throat. funny thing is I lost all my teeth to coke and meth in the 80s.

07-21-2010, 01:58 PM
Madam has been an untrustworthy, loose cannon since day 1. We treated him as such, and knew the repercussions. End of story.

How does it feel knowing that you still have a trusted Marlu member giving away all the goods?

(Scripts, Chat logs)

07-21-2010, 01:58 PM
So your avatar of some dude barfing on Jaeden's wife is nothing like what you describe above right? Yeah whatever. Stop talking. You're shooting yourself in the foot.


07-21-2010, 01:59 PM
actually funny story. i havent played shattered since the first week. i dont even know these assholes.


07-21-2010, 02:01 PM
no someone said they wanted to punch my teeth down my throat. funny thing is I lost all my teeth to coke and meth in the 80s.

I'm sure I see you going above and beyond the game to threaten and badmouth people. But whatever. I'm not gonna dig that up.

07-21-2010, 02:01 PM
So your avatar of some dude barfing on Jaeden's wife is nothing like what you describe above right? Yeah whatever. Stop talking. You're shooting yourself in the foot.

i lulz in the middle of a phone call at work heh

Drunken Durfin
07-21-2010, 02:02 PM
actually funny story. i havent played shattered since the first week. i dont even know these assholes.


Losing argument...quick...must...SPIN!

07-21-2010, 02:04 PM
Losing argument...quick...must...SPIN!

lol what argument? that the marlus are the jews? i didnt really expect to win that one.

Some Rogue
07-21-2010, 02:06 PM
Can I be Dr. Mengele??

Drunken Durfin
07-21-2010, 02:06 PM
lol what argument? that the marlus are the jews? i didnt really expect to win that one.

Ah, redirection now. Thanks for the change, I was starting to get dizzy.

07-21-2010, 02:08 PM
actually funny story. i havent played shattered since the first week. i dont even know these assholes.

Who is pasting you deaths / logs?

* Pandin has been vaporized!
* Pandin just bit the dust!

* Charlie just bit the dust!
* Taishar just bit the dust!
* Beelzebub just bit the dust!
* Charlie just bit the dust!
* Mofuggah just bit the dust!
* Charlie just bit the dust!
* Necen just bit the dust!
* Fragz just bit the dust!
* Beelzebub just bit the dust!
* Mofuggah just bit the dust!

* Tillmen has been vaporized!
* Tillmen just bit the dust!

* Charlie just bit the dust!
* Taishar just bit the dust!
* Mofuggah just bit the dust!
* Mofuggah just bit the dust!

* Tillmen has been vaporized!
* Tillmen just bit the dust!

* Clank just bit the dust!

* Roflcopter has been vaporized!
* Roflcopter just bit the dust!

* Bacons has been vaporized!
* Necen has been vaporized!

* Necen just bit the dust!
* Bacons just bit the dust!

* Jaeden just bit the dust!
* Kallisti just bit the dust!

* Jefferydahmer has been vaporized!
* Jefferydahmer just bit the dust!

07-21-2010, 02:12 PM
breaking into private forums, private script repositories, abused lnet as a spam attack tool, amongst other things

I don't condone the lnet issue (which, by the way, you guys are just as guilty of and by god should have stopped by now).

Any 'private forums', or 'private script repositories' are only as secure as the users running them. From what I can see, neither of these are particularly secure.

07-21-2010, 02:13 PM
Who is pasting you deaths / logs?


07-21-2010, 02:17 PM
Any 'private forums', or 'private script repositories' are only as secure as the users running them. From what I can see, neither of these are particularly secure.

its easy to kill a baby. how does that make it right?

07-21-2010, 02:18 PM
its easy to kill a baby. how does that make it right?

Kill a baby? no.
Gather intel on an enemy baby who knows things you want to know? a bit more of a gray area.

07-21-2010, 02:18 PM
its easy to kill a baby. how does that make it right?

It doesn't. Please inform Marlu that they should stop killing babies stat.

07-21-2010, 02:20 PM
Kill a baby? no.
Gather intel on an enemy baby who knows things you want to know? a bit more of a gray area.

so where would you draw the line? would breaking into mordechai's personal email be too far for you, or is that grey enough?

I'm just curious. shitty ethics in the name of doing good is a fascinating topic.

07-21-2010, 02:20 PM
Wait...killing babies is wrong?

Well then...guess I need new plans for the weekend.

07-21-2010, 02:22 PM
so where would you draw the line? would breaking into mordechai's personal email be too far for you, or is that grey enough?

I'm just curious. shitty ethics in the name of doing good is a fascinating topic.

You are a decent troll.

Hacking personal e-mail accounts is illegal.
Finding a stray location on the internet with no form of security whatsoever that contains scripts and data... not so much.
Nor is it illegal to gain access to a forum site with a password provided by the owners, regardless of your intentions.

07-21-2010, 02:22 PM
so where would you draw the line? would breaking into mordechai's personal email be too far for you, or is that grey enough?

I'm just curious. shitty ethics in the name of doing good is a fascinating topic.

no body broke into anything. you gave them access.

breaking into personal email which obviously will have other personal information is in no way the same as being given access to forums and information specifically dedicated to the game.

It's not shitty ethics just because you came out on the losing end of it.

07-21-2010, 02:24 PM
You are a decent troll.

Hacking personal e-mail accounts is illegal.
Finding a stray location on the internet with no form of security whatsoever that contains scripts and data... not so much.
Nor is it illegal to gain access to a forum site with a password provided by the owners, regardless of your intentions.

so you would be willing to do pretty much anything to stop them from doing pvp in Shattered as long as it wasn't illegal in the united states?

07-21-2010, 02:25 PM
now that someone has stepped up i'll do the same

you had a good list but let me give you the real thing

enjoy your crumbling cult guys and catch me if you can

Heya Kaseopea, how's Katze doin?

07-21-2010, 02:26 PM
Kill a baby? no.
Gather intel on an enemy baby who knows things you want to know? a bit more of a gray area.



07-21-2010, 02:28 PM
so you would be willing to do pretty much anything to stop them from doing pvp in Shattered as long as it wasn't illegal in the united states?


Me myself? no. I haven't lifted a finger for either side, I'm just here for the entertainment and to judge.

07-21-2010, 02:28 PM
Neither of these are particularly secure.

They most definitely are not. I didn't feel like putting all the work that may or may not be necessary in to making them as secure as they could have been. I'd rather spend that time working on new scripts. :)

07-21-2010, 02:29 PM



07-21-2010, 02:30 PM
so you would be willing to do pretty much anything to stop them from doing pvp in Shattered as long as it wasn't illegal in the united states?

Illegal stuff is fine too as long as you don't get caught.

07-21-2010, 02:34 PM
Townkiller is Oblivion.

07-21-2010, 02:35 PM
Townkiller is Oblivion.

Not sure if that's true or not but it does seem to fit.

07-21-2010, 02:39 PM
I don't condone the lnet issue (which, by the way, you guys are just as guilty of and by god should have stopped by now).

Elaborate please. I don't like the idea of possible security loopholes not being shared with the community.

07-21-2010, 02:42 PM
its a thrilling whodoneit!

i wish I was oblivion. that guy makes you all look like tards.

Some Rogue
07-21-2010, 02:45 PM
How would you know? You don't play.

Hell, I've made him kill his own people as much or more than he's ever gotten me. :)

07-21-2010, 02:46 PM

For someone who doesn't play and doesn't even "know these assholes", you sure have a lot invested in it.

07-21-2010, 02:46 PM
its a thrilling whodoneit!

i wish I was oblivion. that guy makes you all look like tards.

You're right. People just make alternate PC forums coincidentally around the time Oblivion was created who praise and worship the Marlu Clan members.

My mistake.

07-21-2010, 02:50 PM
Somebody get TownKiller a smaller shovel. Maybe he'll stop digging himself such a deep hole.

07-21-2010, 02:51 PM
You're right. People just make alternate PC forums coincidentally around the time Oblivion was created who praise and worship the Marlu Clan members.

My mistake.

And posts (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showpost.php?p=1131290&postcount=669) logs from Oblivion's point of view (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?p=1133351#post1133351), but "can't claim credit for this log"...

07-21-2010, 02:52 PM
And posts logs from Oblivion's point of view (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?p=1133351#post1133351), but "can't claim credit for this log"...


07-21-2010, 02:55 PM
I just got caught up on this thread from the beginning, and have sat and read the whole thing through beginning to end.

Has anyone else noticed that Madam's original post just seemed... contrived? And the next few Marluette posts seemed contrived as well? I don't know, maybe I am just being silly. But the first thing that popped into my head was "yeah right, this person is clearly attempting to play double agent." It's been proven that the Marluettes are not above playing this kind of mole/notamole game.

Spiffy himself said that the only valuable thing in that script that he/she posted was the member list, which Vanguard already had. And the website that he linked requires a login and password, so it is worthless. I'm just waiting for the punchline, something along the lines of Madam wanting to join the Vanguards or Madam attempting to set up some big sting operation against the Marluettes that is designed to backfire and pwn the Vanguard,like the infamous Icemule locked room incident. I could be completely and totally wrong. It is just a vibe.

Madam already burned her bridge with Vanguard and was exposed as at best a loose-tongued agent, or at worse a double-agent for Marlu. So somehow I doubt she'd be winning any points with BriarFox over that.

I thought the same thing too. But I'm a pretty suspicious person in general.

07-21-2010, 02:56 PM
CSI Shattered coming soon.

07-21-2010, 02:59 PM
You're right. People just make alternate PC forums coincidentally around the time Oblivion was created who praise and worship the Marlu Clan members.

My mistake.
thats pretty funny coming from a guy whos entire PC profile and signature is a blowjob-waiting-to-happen for Cthulu.

this profile was created to harass iorake warhammer actually but he turned out to be about the only decent person on these forums strangely enough. i just havent changed my avatar because it makes me giggle.

07-21-2010, 03:00 PM
And posts (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showpost.php?p=1131290&postcount=669) logs from Oblivion's point of view (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?p=1133351#post1133351), but "can't claim credit for this log"...

he AIMs me his clippings. im so proud of that young man!

07-21-2010, 03:04 PM
thats pretty funny coming from a guy whos entire PC profile and signature is a blowjob-waiting-to-happen for Cthulu.

I want your explanation about how you can post a log from Oblivion's point of view? This ought to be good. I am sure it will be similar to you not opening up your profile for all of us to see.

And my pics are a blowjob-waiting-to-happen for Cthulu AND Mordechai. Jaedawg doesn't like me anymore.

07-21-2010, 03:06 PM
he AIMs me his clippings. im so proud of that young man!

R to the O to the F to the L.

I am SO glad that you created a PC forum identity to shower us with log clippings from Oblivion that you just happened to receive on AIM. That is the best excuse IMO.

Really, I'd say I'd love to meet you and Calidus in RL except I'm afraid I'll be shoved down a pit and told to puts the lotion on the skin.

07-21-2010, 03:07 PM
I want your explanation about how you can post a log from Oblivion's point of view? This ought to be good.

cut and pasted text confuses me too sometimes. how do they get it to copy itself around like that????

07-21-2010, 03:08 PM
Really, I'd say I'd love to meet you and Calidus in RL except I'm afraid I'll be shoved down a pit and told to puts the lotion on the skin.

you would totally get the hose again.

07-21-2010, 03:08 PM
Fyi, Oblivion posts just about every single kill he makes on our boards. Anyone can copy and paste them. We dedicate an hour each night to jerking off to each others kills. Our true leader Dart mandates it.

07-21-2010, 03:09 PM
cut and pasted text confuses me too sometimes. how do they get it to copy itself around like that????

Keep going...


07-21-2010, 03:10 PM
>prep 616
>cast at katze
You gesture while summoning the spirits of nature to aid you with the Spike Thorn spell...
Your spell is ready.
>prep 616
>cast at katze
You gesture at Katze.

Dozens of long thorns suddenly grow out from the ground underneath Katze! Several of the thorns jab into him!
... hits for 7 points of damage!
... 10 points of damage!
Strike pierces thigh!
He is knocked to the ground!
... hits for 15 points of damage!
... 10 points of damage!
Strike to the chest breaks a rib!
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Wait 3 sec.
You don't have a spell prepared!
>prep 616
>cast at katze
You gesture while summoning the spirits of nature to aid you with the Spike Thorn spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at Katze.

Dozens of long thorns suddenly grow out from the ground underneath Katze! Several of the thorns jab into him!
... hits for 11 points of damage!

* Katze drops dead at your feet!

Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
* Katze just bit the dust!

All hail Allah!

07-21-2010, 03:11 PM
thats my first kill on Katze lol..

07-21-2010, 03:12 PM
thats my first kill on Katze lol..

no. i posted it. its my kill you son of a bitch.

07-21-2010, 03:15 PM
You swing a keenly-edged drake falchion at Mordechai!
AS: +285 vs DS: +161 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +39 = +195
... and hit for 29 points of damage!
Feint to Mordechai's head!
Quick flick at his weapon hand!
Nasty cut to right hand!
The guiding force leaves you.

** Your drake falchion flares with a burst of flame! **

... 10 points of damage!
Burst of flames to abdomen toasts skin nicely.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
[Shattered]-GSF:Pandin: "FORSIRIUS"
>kil cy
You swing a keenly-edged drake falchion at a cyclops!
AS: +210 vs DS: +160 with AvD: +34 + d100 roll: +5 = +89
A clean miss.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
R>stance def
>stance def
A cyclops swings a splintered tree trunk at Mordechai!
AS: +234 vs DS: +253 with AvD: +19 + d100 roll: +86 = +86
A clean miss.
[Shattered]-GSF:Matt: "well, Stormfront finally decided to crap out and disconnect me. And I had just broken the 2300 minute mark on Bigshot."
...wait 1 seconds.
...wait 1 seconds.
[Noman's Land, Cave Mouth]
The ledge here at the mouth of the cave provides a splendid view of the valley below in all its mud-spattered, ill-smelling beauty. The cave entrance itself is at least twenty feet high, and a dank, sickly-sweet smoke wafts from it. To the southwest, a dimly lit passage leads deeper into the hillside. You also see the Mordechai disk, a cyclops and a muddy path leading down the hill.
Also here: Lord Mordechai
Obvious paths: southwest
[Noman's Land, Cave Mouth]
The ledge here at the mouth of the cave provides a splendid view of the valley below in all its mud-spattered, ill-smelling beauty. The cave entrance itself is at least twenty feet high, and a dank, sickly-sweet smoke wafts from it. To the southwest, a dimly lit passage leads deeper into the hillside. You also see the Mordechai disk, a cyclops and a muddy path leading down the hill.
Also here: Lord Mordechai
Obvious paths: southwest
R>stance def
You are now in a defensive stance.
>stance off
You are now in an offensive stance.
>cman disarm mord
[Roll result: 145 (open d100: 86) Penalties: 4]
You swing your drake falchion at Mordechai's vultite lance and connect!
Mordechai's vultite lance is knocked to the ground!
Roundtime: 5 sec.


A cyclops swings a splintered tree trunk at Mordechai!
AS: +234 vs DS: +163 with AvD: +19 + d100 roll: +86 = +176
... and hits for 18 points of damage!
Blow raises a welt on Mordechai's right arm.

* Mordechai drops dead at your feet!

Mordechai appears less battle-ready as a soft glow dissipates from around his form.
Mordechai seems to lose some focus as his eyes narrow and shift momentarily to one side.
The deep blue glow leaves Mordechai.
Mordechai appears less secure.
The powerful look leaves Mordechai.
The light blue glow leaves Mordechai.
The dim aura fades from around Mordechai.
Mordechai appears less confident and fearless.
The dully illuminated mantle protecting Mordechai begins to falter, then completely fades away.

The cyclops howls with vicious delight!

[Shattered]-GSF:Rada: "anyone else get occasional draw errors/ pen errors that cause them to d/c?"
Your SIGN OF STRIKING is no longer effective.
The Mordechai disk disintegrates, dropping everything on the ground.
* Mordechai just bit the dust!

07-21-2010, 03:17 PM
That's nice. For me to poop on.

07-21-2010, 03:17 PM
i really like this guy hehe

if only he was cool with the misses, he could come over, have a beer and a barbeque pork sandwich, and we could mull over Cthulu's hypocrisy both in game and in his religious life.

07-21-2010, 03:17 PM
no. i posted it. its my kill you son of a bitch.


07-21-2010, 03:31 PM
Shakira -

Do you make it a habit of checking the map DB's stored procs for registry changes?

Maybe that'd be a good idea.


07-21-2010, 03:38 PM
Oh... I don't have anything against the Marlu, or the Vanguard, or whatever it is this thread is about.

I just really hate Shakira.

07-21-2010, 03:39 PM
Shakira -

Do you make it a habit of checking the map DB's stored procs for registry changes?

Maybe that'd be a good idea.


what is being implied here? hehe. sounds like a Butlerian Jihad in the works (Dune - Frank Herbert) where everyone abandons scripting due to the scripts becoming malicious and goes back to manual powerhunting.. lol

07-21-2010, 03:47 PM
This thread is hilarious :P

07-21-2010, 03:47 PM
what is being implied here? hehe. sounds like a Butlerian Jihad in the works (Dune - Frank Herbert) where everyone abandons scripting due to the scripts becoming malicious and goes back to manual powerhunting.. lol

It sounds like Sheikh (the Bigshot creator) will or already is manipulating the map database so Shakira (Oblivion, Someone, whoever the fuck else he is) ends up where he doesn't want to end up. That is, if he doesn't quit doing whatever he's doing to piss Sheikh off. My guess would be his song of noise spam.

07-21-2010, 03:49 PM
Now again, shattered is a no rules environment where getting killed is part of the experience, and this thread respects that, but this is dedicated to rooting these people out who have stood out as being the most annoying.

please use this thread for LOGS and not for the usual retards of the boards to post their endless whining / complaining about posts.


ok note: this person killed me multiple times while I was AFK scripting. this is just my little way of saying thanks...

remember how the epic battle with the Marlus started guys... :)

07-21-2010, 03:54 PM
It sounds like Sheikh (the Bigshot creator) will or already is manipulating the map database so Shakira (Oblivion, Someone, whoever the fuck else he is) ends up where he doesn't want to end up. That is, if he doesn't quit doing whatever he's doing to piss Sheikh off. My guess would be his song of noise spam.

Good cause Shakira = Oblivion= Townkiller

Some Rogue
07-21-2010, 04:11 PM
>Oblivion whispers, "At least I can be a bigger man than you and keep it in game and off the forums. Your shame is safe."
>Oblivion waves to you.
>Shakira just arrived.

>Shakira changes her tune, adding a new element to her song...

>In response to the piercing, shrill tones of Shakira's song, the normal flow of mana and magic seems to become disrupted.

(Trying to keep me from being raised but she was too slow. So I walk away, Katze has followed and killed me...)

Shakira just arrived.

>The voice of Katze says, "You are officially inscribed."
>In response to the piercing, shrill tones of Shakira's song, the normal flow of mana and magic seems to become disrupted.

>Shakira says, "Honestly I wouldn't do any of this if you weren't such a total cunt."
>Shakira asks, "Anyone ever told you that?"

(Then proceed with the dragging and keeping up song of noise.)

>Shakira whispers, "I wouldn't do this if you weren't such a complete and total fucking douchebag. Your out-of-game attitude is uncalled for and has made you a target of my faggotry."

>Shakira whispers, "Learn some humility.

Amazing, one leaves, the other shows up and they make the same arguments.

Oh yeah, in conclusion, make some more alt PC accounts to keep up your faggotry.

07-21-2010, 04:13 PM
that is so townkiller lol

well we knew Obliv/Shakira were the same

07-21-2010, 04:22 PM
No you are wrong. There is a dude on AIM that funnels logs to Oblivion who in turn funnels to Calidus then to Maldric who then finally gives to Townkiller who just happens to want to post it on the boards.

CMON peoplez get it right.

07-21-2010, 04:30 PM
No you are wrong. There is a dude on AIM that funnels logs to Oblivion who in turn funnels to Calidus then to Maldric who then finally gives to Townkiller who just happens to want to post it on the boards.

CMON peoplez get it right.

I guess you missed the part where I explained that every single kill is posted to our message board by Oblivion. I can literally post almost every kill that oblivion has made, from his perspective, and so can every other marlu member.

07-21-2010, 04:30 PM
>Oblivion whispers, "At least I can be a bigger man than you and keep it in game and off the forums. Your shame is safe."

And this is the guy that photshopped IW's picture.

My offer still stands to knock your teeth down your throat. Also, i take my apology back for imploding you on accident. I wish i did it on purpose.

07-21-2010, 04:31 PM
from the 16th or so..

You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a dark vultite morning star at Shakira!
AS: +292 vs DS: +199 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +85 = +210
... and hit for 76 points of damage!
Brain driven into neck by mammoth downswing!

* Shakira drops dead at your feet!

Roundtime: 7 sec.

HR>amb shakira head
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a dark vultite morning star at Shakira!
AS: +292 vs DS: +201 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +91 = +214
... and hit for 72 points of damage!
Tremendous blow crushes skull like a ripe melon.

* Shakira drops dead at your feet!

Roundtime: 7 sec.
Shakira just left.


07-21-2010, 04:34 PM
My offer still stands to knock your teeth down your throat.

Oh, guess it was this guy.

Still, doesn't make TownKiller less of a fucking tool.

07-21-2010, 04:36 PM
I guess you missed the part where I explained that every single kill is posted to our message board by Oblivion. I can literally post almost every kill that oblivion has made, from his perspective, and so can every other marlu member.

Wow I hope you don't practice law the way you do things here.

So you want me and the PC boards to believe that someone in your clan is AIMing townkiller for the express purpose of posting these logs on the boards?

Are you retarded?

07-21-2010, 04:36 PM
I guess you missed the part where I explained that every single kill is posted to our message board by Oblivion. I can literally post almost every kill that oblivion has made, from his perspective, and so can every other marlu member.

So Townkiller has access to the message board, yet doesn't know who "you assholes" are? Or Mordechai is funneling the logs to Townkiller who is posting them, adding his own taunts?

I guess I'm just not buying Townkiller hasn't played since the first week and has no idea who you all are, which he has said.

I don't even have a horse in this race, but I see one side railing against the other side 'bringing it on the boards and out of game', then what appears to be some douchebag creating multiple alts just so he CAN 'bring it on the boards'.

07-21-2010, 04:39 PM
oblivion is the boogey man around here. this whole thread is awesome! in all my days of trolling internet forums this is by far the easiest to screw with. you guys are really just too much.

You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a dark vultite morning star at Shakira!
AS: +292 vs DS: +199 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +85 = +210
... and hit for 76 points of damage!
Brain driven into neck by mammoth downswing!

* Shakira drops dead at your feet!

Roundtime: 7 sec.

HR>amb shakira head
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a dark vultite morning star at Shakira!
AS: +292 vs DS: +201 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +91 = +214
... and hit for 72 points of damage!
Tremendous blow crushes skull like a ripe melon.

* Shakira drops dead at your feet!

Roundtime: 7 sec.
Shakira just left.

07-21-2010, 04:42 PM
oblivion is the boogey man around here. this whole thread is awesome! in all my days of trolling internet forums this is by far the easiest to screw with. you guys are really just too much.

You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a dark vultite morning star at Shakira!
AS: +292 vs DS: +199 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +85 = +210
... and hit for 76 points of damage!
Brain driven into neck by mammoth downswing!

* Shakira drops dead at your feet!

Roundtime: 7 sec.

HR>amb shakira head
You leap from hiding to attack!
You swing a dark vultite morning star at Shakira!
AS: +292 vs DS: +201 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +91 = +214
... and hit for 72 points of damage!
Tremendous blow crushes skull like a ripe melon.

* Shakira drops dead at your feet!

Roundtime: 7 sec.
Shakira just left.

wtf, why are you killing shakira now?


07-21-2010, 04:49 PM
oh i did this on my killing spree a few days ago. i had no beef but she rescued oblivion so i thought i'd oblige with 2 deaths.

07-21-2010, 04:50 PM
oh i did this on my killing spree a few days ago. i had no beef but she rescued oblivion so i thought i'd oblige with 2 deaths.

I'm referring to townkiller, who apparently killed Shakira twice.

07-21-2010, 04:51 PM
yeah hes with the Vanguard people now.

07-21-2010, 04:52 PM
yeah hes with the Vanguard people now.


Some Rogue
07-21-2010, 04:54 PM
He told us Calidus whines like a bitch that he's getting focus fired and has so little money to buy potions for him and his alt Maldric.

Hope you guys get some more protection money soon.

07-21-2010, 04:59 PM
He told us Calidus whines like a bitch that he's getting focus fired and has so little money to buy potions for him and his alt Maldric.

Hope you guys get some more protection money soon.

Ironic that I actually have been bitching a bit the past few days on private lnet, usually brought on by some combination of madam drama, alcohol, and complete lack of sleep, but nobody has called me a whiner yet (even though they had all the right to do so)... yet here on the PC, I say something arbitrary like, "I killed a manticore" and I get spammed with "WAH WAH WAH."

edit: Oh, and I wasn't complaining about the focus fire, I was complaining about them sitting on their ass while I do all the dirty work :P

Some Rogue
07-21-2010, 05:01 PM
They don't want to lose their most active cleric. :)

07-21-2010, 05:05 PM
Damn these posts are good for business. More requests for membership. Just gotta think of an interesting way to initiate them all :P

07-21-2010, 05:06 PM
check their digging skills to make sure they're not moles! WINNAR!!!

Remember the old DMX song "this is for my dogs"? i have it playin in my head, except..


07-21-2010, 05:07 PM
*steps in thread*


*walks out*

07-21-2010, 05:08 PM
Damn these posts are good for business. More requests for membership. Just gotta think of an interesting way to initiate them all :P

Don't think membership is what you need to be concerned about. It's money. Little Cleetus is almost out of money!

07-21-2010, 05:08 PM
S: +292 vs DS: +201 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +91 = +214

Shitty training, should be 1x in perception.

07-21-2010, 05:11 PM
This just in. Townkiller is Monotonous.

07-21-2010, 05:13 PM
They don't want to lose their most active cleric. :)

Most active Cleric? Is that why Maldric is decaying or using the NPC cleric every time he dies? :\

07-21-2010, 05:15 PM
Don't think membership is what you need to be concerned about. It's money. Little Cleetus is almost out of money!

Maldric is the broke one; when he's dead, it's worms in the brain time.

07-21-2010, 05:16 PM
This just in. Townkiller is Monotonous.


07-21-2010, 05:28 PM
*steps in thread*


*walks out*


07-21-2010, 05:34 PM

Your attention whore detector has a blind spot.

07-21-2010, 05:35 PM
I think that the reason that you guys are so quick to be accused of whining and crying is because you (a collective you, as in Marluettes, but yes you specifically as well) have been so fast to do it yourself. Crying, whining, raging (raaaaaaaging) are words that you guys have thrown around from the very beginning. As in, this is shattered if you don't like it stop crying. When you say that to so many people so much, you are really not given much leeway. Even the smallest amount of complaining or negativity is going to be labeled crying. You kind of did it to yourselves.

Plz come back k thx bai.

07-21-2010, 05:35 PM
I think that the reason that you guys are so quick to be accused of whining and crying is because you (a collective you, as in Marluettes, but yes you specifically as well) have been so fast to do it yourself. Crying, whining, raging (raaaaaaaging) are words that you guys have thrown around from the very beginning. As in, this is shattered if you don't like it stop crying. When you say that to so many people so much, you are really not given much leeway. Even the smallest amount of complaining or negativity is going to be labeled crying. You kind of did it to yourselves.

Valid possibility.

07-21-2010, 05:36 PM
Valid possibility.

Wow...the fog is breaking up.

07-21-2010, 05:37 PM
I think that the reason that you guys are so quick to be accused of whining and crying is because you (a collective you, as in Marluettes, but yes you specifically as well) have been so fast to do it yourself. Crying, whining, raging (raaaaaaaging) are words that you guys have thrown around from the very beginning. As in, this is shattered if you don't like it stop crying. When you say that to so many people so much, you are really not given much leeway. Even the smallest amount of complaining or negativity is going to be labeled crying. You kind of did it to yourselves.

This. A million times, this.

Some Rogue
07-21-2010, 05:40 PM
Maldric is the broke one; when he's dead, it's worms in the brain time.

Why wouldn't you pay for your alts potions and stuff? Are you playing the "I'm not Maldric" game now?

07-21-2010, 05:43 PM
Why wouldn't you pay for your alts potions and stuff? Are you playing the "I'm not Maldric" game now?

Cause I'm not his bitch?

07-21-2010, 05:44 PM
I liked the way Spiffy handled it. Very mature.
He posts his specifically fun/funny victories over them, and he congratulates and posts their good kills of him as well. So I must give kudos.


As far as I've seen, he doesn't complain about dying.

07-21-2010, 05:47 PM
Aw, where did my PM friend go? We were strikin' dealz :(

07-21-2010, 05:53 PM
My last final is Monday. I'll probably be back after that. I'll have a whole month free until Fall semester. Ooooo a month.

My last one is Tuesday!

07-21-2010, 05:55 PM
My last one is Tuesday!

Tell us more!

07-21-2010, 06:01 PM
Tell us more!

I have a paper due next Friday and then I have 3 weeks off until my fall semester starts!

07-21-2010, 06:02 PM
I have a paper due next Friday and then I have 3 weeks off until my fall semester starts!


07-21-2010, 06:02 PM
i do tech editing maybe we can cuddle and fix that paper up....


07-21-2010, 06:12 PM
Whilst Calidus and Maldric do get a bit upset on occasion, Ive yet to see any logs of us whining/crying/raging :P

As to money: We have plenty. All a member needs do is ask.

07-21-2010, 06:13 PM
i do tech editing maybe we can cuddle and fix that paper up....


I lulled after I writhed.