View Full Version : Dear Marlu Clan
07-21-2010, 06:13 PM
Ahahaha that pic is good. Got to give you that.
Some Rogue
07-21-2010, 06:15 PM
Whilst Calidus and Maldric do get a bit upset on occasion, Ive yet to see any logs of us whining/crying/raging :P
As to money: We have plenty. All a member needs do is ask.
We're not going to hand over everything just yet.
07-21-2010, 06:18 PM
Whilst Calidus and Maldric do get a bit upset on occasion, Ive yet to see any logs of us whining/crying/raging :P
As to money: We have plenty. All a member needs do is ask.
They've posted several, you don't agree. Your definition of whining/crying/raging is different because, lets be honest, it's hard for us to actually critique ourselves.
I'd say both sides have been fairly equal in their general cuntiness. But IMO the Vanguard team has been a bit more overly celebratory of their victories where Marlu has done a bit more political spinning of their defeats.
07-21-2010, 06:22 PM
Whilst Calidus and Maldric do get a bit upset on occasion, Ive yet to see any logs of us whining/crying/raging :P
07-21-2010, 06:29 PM
Would I ever infiltrate and steal someones hard earned, private work and maliciously throw toss it into the wind? Fuck no.
Couple things. First off, I'd be willing to bet that those scripts still work just fine, so it's not exactly a loss of anything. Secondly, even if it were somehow a loss, that seems to be what you guys are all about. Making other people lose/waste time based on the way you want to play the game. I don't care if the time is spent writing scripts or afk hunting, lost time is lost time. Turnabout, fairplay, and all that fun shit.
07-21-2010, 06:35 PM
Couple things. First off, I'd be willing to bet that those scripts still work just fine, so it's not exactly a loss of anything. Secondly, even if it were somehow a loss, that seems to be what you guys are all about. Making other people lose/waste time based on the way you want to play the game. I don't care if the time is spent writing scripts or afk hunting, lost time is lost time. Turnabout, fairplay, and all that fun shit.
Nice part about writing scripts is there is no such thing as wasted time. There's always more to learn.
07-21-2010, 06:42 PM
what you're refusing to acknowledge is that there are people in the vanguard taking it far and beyond this and making it personal in an out-of-game way. Nobody in Marlu has done anything remotely like this to anyone playing gemstone, nor would they.
I don't log in to play with you guys specifically. Your actions equate to lost time on my part, you know... me. The player. Outside of the game. I view your assaults on my characters personally because it causes me to utilize my personal time to deal with it. Now that we've established that you guys do in fact make it personal in an out-of-game way, you'll stop messing with people if they tell you this, right?
07-21-2010, 06:51 PM
I don't log in to play with you guys specifically. Your actions equate to lost time on my part, you know... me. The player. Outside of the game. I view your assaults on my characters personally because it causes me to utilize my personal time to deal with it. Now that we've established that you guys do in fact make it personal in an out-of-game way, you'll stop messing with people if they tell you this, right?
stop being all logical and level-headed. This thread is for outrageous outbursts only!
07-21-2010, 06:56 PM
I don't log in to play with you guys specifically. Your actions equate to lost time on my part, you know... me. The player. Outside of the game. I view your assaults on my characters personally because it causes me to utilize my personal time to deal with it. Now that we've established that you guys do in fact make it personal in an out-of-game way, you'll stop messing with people if they tell you this, right?
No, your TAKING it personal, in an out of game way. We arent doing out of game things personally to you.
Thats on you bud.
When I die, Im not 'Ooooo that player of so and so! How dare he kill me! Im gonna go smash my keyboard now rar!'
Get up, get rezz/buy potions, move on.
07-21-2010, 06:59 PM
derp derp derp. Bla bla bla. Foshniggity wiggity bibbity boppity. Your TAKING it personal,
You annoy me out of game all the time. Like your misuse of the word "your". Barbaric. I want to brain you with a dictionary.
07-21-2010, 07:00 PM
You annoy me out OOG all the time. Like your misuse of the word "your". Barbaric.
out OOG eh? Interesting. Tell me more!
07-21-2010, 07:01 PM
No, your TAKING it personal, in an out of game way. We arent doing out of game things personally to you.
Thats on you bud.
When I die, Im not 'Ooooo that player of so and so! How dare he kill me! Im gonna go smash my keyboard now rar!'
Get up, get rezz/buy potions, move on.
Your logic is amazing. Do you really believe the babble you spew forth or are you just pulling some kind of elaborate prank?
07-21-2010, 07:03 PM
Your logic is amazing.
As relative to the level of logic on this board? Yes. Yes it is. :P
07-21-2010, 07:05 PM
As relative to the level of logic on this board? Yes. Yes it is. :P
07-21-2010, 07:06 PM
So it's not personal if, as a football player, I intentionally break another player's leg so that he isn't on the field any more that game or season. It's just a game. He stepped onto the field. He knew the dangers. Don't take it so personal brother! Just had to get you out of the game is all. Find the medic, enjoy rehab, and move on.
We arent doing out of game things personally to you.
No one is doing out of game things personally to anyone if you want to sit around and be all lawyer-like with the semantics. See, you guys claim the Vanguard has been doing out-of-game, personal things to you. By your logic, they aren't. Anything they've done has been on this cool little internet thing (unless one of your homes were found and blown up or something) and therefore is not personal in any way.
07-21-2010, 07:08 PM
i do tech editing maybe we can cuddle and fix that paper up....
Srsly? I'm an editor, too! :) Not tech editing, but still...
07-21-2010, 07:10 PM
No, your TAKING it personal, in an out of game way. We arent doing out of game things personally to you.
Thats on you bud.
When I die, Im not 'Ooooo that player of so and so! How dare he kill me! Im gonna go smash my keyboard now rar!'
Get up, get rezz/buy potions, move on.
Just because you can kill someone whenever you want in shattered doesn't mean that's "the game" for everyone. You impose your own plans for shattered on everyone else and they have no recourse but to deal with it...the point is, they may not want to. And that's your whole racket.
You are imposing your wills on the players dictating what they can do in game. That is very much impacting the player.
Technically speaking if me and 4 friends went to go play some pickup basketball at the local park once we had possession of the ball we could just hold on to it. Not try to score, just sit there and effectively halt the game. Technically, according to the rules (or lack thereof) of a random pickup game in a park with no shot clock we're not violating any ruleset. In reality we'd get our assess kicked and ran off the court. You have the advantage of being out of arm's reach.
I'm all for PvP in games, but mostly you guys are just griefing...which just gets old.
Ultimately it's fine, someone needs to play the heel. But at least do the right thing and play the "haters gonna hate" card, and not the "wah you took it out of game!" card.
07-21-2010, 07:13 PM
Srsly? u r? An editor? Of what?
Yessiree! Obviously here, I don't give a crap about grammar, spelling, syntax, etc.
I proofread and edit science textbooks. :)
You are a decent troll.
Hacking personal e-mail accounts is illegal.
Finding a stray location on the internet with no form of security whatsoever that contains scripts and data... not so much.
Nor is it illegal to gain access to a forum site with a password provided by the owners, regardless of your intentions.
I think there is some confusion between illegal and unethical.
07-21-2010, 07:18 PM
Just because you can kill someone whenever you want in shattered doesn't mean that's "the game" for everyone. You impose your own plans for shattered on everyone else and they have no recourse but to deal with it...the point is, they may not want to. And that's your whole racket.
You are imposing your wills on the players dictating what they can do in game. That is very much impacting the player.
Technically speaking if me and 4 friends went to go play some pickup basketball at the local park once we had possession of the ball we could just hold on to it. Not try to score, just sit there and effectively halt the game. Technically, according to the rules (or lack thereof) of a random pickup game in a park with no shot clock we're not violating any ruleset. In reality we'd get our assess kicked and ran off the court. You have the advantage of being out of arm's reach.
I'm all for PvP in games, but mostly you guys are just griefing...which just gets old.
Ultimately it's fine, someone needs to play the heel. But at least do the right thing and play the "haters gonna hate" card, and not the "wah you took it out of game!" card.
But thats the thing. They dont have 'no recourse but to just deal with it'. They can go to plenty of places in the game world and not see one of us. Really, by and large, the only areas we haunt are the Landing, Solhaven, IMT. And since the mine cart rides have gotten shorter we cleared out Zul a couple times.
And honestly, the logic fails. This isnt a pickup game of basketball. This was a server created with No Rule Set. Meaning it was up to the playerbase to do whatever they wanted to do. People wanna AFK script? Thats cool. People wanna kill AFK scripters? They are horrible. People wanna kill certain people in the game? Thats cool. People wanna kill certain OTHER people in the game? Thats not cool.
Its a No Rule Set server. Its like going into the middle of the battlefield and complaining when you get shot by one side or the other. its like walking into a water park and bitching about getting wet.
The issue is people are taking things personally that are not personal. I am not 'dictating or controlling' your gameplay in any way. Plenty of people do whatever they want without getting all butt-hurt about us.
07-21-2010, 07:20 PM
Yessiree! Obviously here, I don't give a crap about grammar, spelling, syntax, etc.
I proofread and edit science textbooks. :)
Science textbooks?
Science textbooks.
07-21-2010, 07:20 PM
And honestly, the logic fails because it is counter to our plan of fucking with players...which is all we want to do
Fixed that for you.
07-21-2010, 07:24 PM
But thats the thing. They dont have 'no recourse but to just deal with it'. They can go to plenty of places in the game world and not see one of us. Really, by and large, the only areas we haunt are the Landing, Solhaven, IMT. And since the mine cart rides have gotten shorter we cleared out Zul a couple times.
And honestly, the logic fails. This isnt a pickup game of basketball. This was a server created with No Rule Set. Meaning it was up to the playerbase to do whatever they wanted to do. People wanna AFK script? Thats cool. People wanna kill AFK scripters? They are horrible. People wanna kill certain people in the game? Thats cool. People wanna kill certain OTHER people in the game? Thats not cool.
Its a No Rule Set server. Its like going into the middle of the battlefield and complaining when you get shot by one side or the other. its like walking into a water park and bitching about getting wet.
The issue is people are taking things personally that are not personal. I am not 'dictating or controlling' your gameplay in any way. Plenty of people do whatever they want without getting all butt-hurt about us.
I guess you really do believe the shit that comes out of your mouth.
Personal: Please remove your testicles so you don't infect the gene pool.
07-21-2010, 07:27 PM
Science textbooks?
Science textbooks.
The latter. It's science textbooks, junior high through high school. So I'm reading an Earth science book right now, but last month I did a book on advanced physics. Thank GOD I only have to check for grammar, spelling, and consistency, because science was not my forte in school. :)
07-21-2010, 07:32 PM
07-21-2010, 07:32 PM
The latter. It's science textbooks, junior high through high school. So I'm reading an Earth science book right now, but last month I did a book on advanced physics. Thank GOD I only have to check for grammar, spelling, and consistency, because science was not my forte in school. :)
Someone I went to high school with was working as a substitute teacher and he got caught smoking the reefer with his students.
During class.
It was Earth Sciences. Tee hee.
07-21-2010, 07:33 PM
07-21-2010, 07:48 PM
I'm not sure why I bother, because it's clear you're either a complete fucking idiot or you're doing anything and everything to justify what you do, regardless of how ignorant what you spout really is.
The issue is people are taking things personally that are not personal.
You are griefing other players. Plain and simple. If you were not, your little mob-game would be "played" with willing participants. That you choose, repeatedly, to fuck with people who have no desire to play your game, is griefing. You don't grief characters. You're doing it to their players.
Yet here you are, Baghdad Bob. Deny, deny, deny, despite the evidence right in your face.
07-21-2010, 08:27 PM
I'm not sure why I bother, because it's clear you're either a complete fucking idiot or you're doing anything and everything to justify what you do, regardless of how ignorant what you spout really is.
You are griefing other players. Plain and simple. If you were not, your little mob-game would be "played" with willing participants. That you choose, repeatedly, to fuck with people who have no desire to play your game, is griefing. You don't grief characters. You're doing it to their players.
Yet here you are, Baghdad Bob. Deny, deny, deny, despite the evidence right in your face.
:wtf: I don't know maybe no one ever talks with them.In Game. They seem like nice guys when you speak to them. I always think people can hunt wherever they want. Hell I been afk killed by more than just them before and more than once. I thought that was part of the whole PvP in the game.
It's there schtick, pay me or i will kill you. And they do it live and AFK Just go hunt in 6 other towns if you don't want to deal with it. ::shrug:: Landing blows anyways and treasures already been raped since beginning.
Heck I don't know what should they ask? Are you here at the keyboard im gonna kill you and ask you for silvers now if you are not here... heh, Man this is just a effin game.... people take it too serious
07-21-2010, 08:30 PM
Yessiree! Obviously here, I don't give a crap about grammar, spelling, syntax, etc.
I proofread and edit science textbooks. :)
Gah, no wonder you joined the Marlu Clan.
07-21-2010, 08:32 PM
:wtf: I don't know maybe no one ever talks with them.In Game. They seem like nice guys when you speak to them. I always think people can hunt wherever they want. Hell I been afk killed by more than just them before and more than once. I thought that was part of the whole PvP in the game.
It's there schtick, pay me or i will kill you. And they do it live and AFK Just go hunt in 6 other towns if you don't want to deal with it. ::shrug:: Landing blows anyways and treasures already been raped since beginning.
Heck I don't know what should they ask? Are you here at the keyboard im gonna kill you and ask you for silvers now if you are not here... heh, Man this is just a effin game.... people take it too serious
This quote means...I just joined the Marlu Clan.
07-21-2010, 08:42 PM
This quote means...I just joined the Marlu Clan.
Yeah i am a friend no doubt, also a friend of alot of players. Ask them how many camps i have done. Um think that number is like zero, or perhaps how many hunting parties i went on. My Char is in EN ...LOL i dont hang in landing. I think they bring an interesting twist to a game i have played for 15 years. Anyone who spices up this game for good or evil. Beats prime
I am sooo actively involved in the clan that i hunt in EN (LOL). Yeah I am friendly with them and will help any character out. I was getting greased AFK and at the keyboard cause Calidus has a friggen awesome ambush.(Dont let it go to your head). And those effin cmans.
I give em props, they make it more fun. And yeah it pissed me off a few times too but I got over it and got to know them. Move to a different town and let them have there fun too. Or just pay em.
If being a friend to members who are in the clan makes me a clan member than so be it. Cause you guys claim they grief you. There is like 10 threads of how much you want them to be griefed. And how much you guys go after them, what makes you guys any better?:rofl:
07-21-2010, 08:52 PM
hes right i think he takes a good stance on the issue.
07-21-2010, 08:52 PM
Yeah i am a friend no doubt, also a friend of alot of players. Ask them how many camps i have done. Um think that number is like zero, or perhaps how many hunting parties i went on. My Char is in EN ...LOL i dont hang in landing. I think they bring an interesting twist to a game i have played for 15 years. Anyone who spices up this game for good or evil. Beats prime
I am sooo actively involved in the clan that i hunt in EN (LOL). Yeah I am friendly with them and will help any character out. I was getting greased AFK and at the keyboard cause Calidus has a friggen awesome ambush.(Dont let it go to your head). And those effin cmans.
I give em props, they make it more fun. And yeah it pissed me off a few times too but I got over it and got to know them. Move to a different town and let them have there fun too. Or just pay em.
If being a friend to members who are in the clan makes me a clan member than so be it. Cause you guys claim they grief you. There is like 10 threads of how much you want them to be griefed. And how much you guys go after them, what makes you guys any better?:rofl:
07-21-2010, 08:54 PM
Yeah i am a friend no doubt, also a friend of alot of players. Ask them how many camps i have done. Um think that number is like zero, or perhaps how many hunting parties i went on. My Char is in EN ...LOL i dont hang in landing. I think they bring an interesting twist to a game i have played for 15 years. Anyone who spices up this game for good or evil. Beats prime
I am sooo actively involved in the clan that i hunt in EN (LOL). Yeah I am friendly with them and will help any character out. I was getting greased AFK and at the keyboard cause Calidus has a friggen awesome ambush.(Dont let it go to your head). And those effin cmans.
I give em props, they make it more fun. And yeah it pissed me off a few times too but I got over it and got to know them. Move to a different town and let them have there fun too. Or just pay em.
If being a friend to members who are in the clan makes me a clan member than so be it. Cause you guys claim they grief you. There is like 10 threads of how much you want them to be griefed. And how much you guys go after them, what makes you guys any better?:rofl:
Pucker up butter cup
:wtf: I don't know maybe no one ever talks with them.In Game. They seem like nice guys when you speak to them. I always think people can hunt wherever they want. Hell I been afk killed by more than just them before and more than once. I thought that was part of the whole PvP in the game.
It's there schtick, pay me or i will kill you. And they do it live and AFK Just go hunt in 6 other towns if you don't want to deal with it. ::shrug:: Landing blows anyways and treasures already been raped since beginning.
Heck I don't know what should they ask? Are you here at the keyboard im gonna kill you and ask you for silvers now if you are not here... heh, Man this is just a effin game.... people take it too serious
I don't play shattered so I'm not part of this whole cycle of nonsense but if as a player I signed up to play a game and a ground of people said basically if you don't play the game our way we're going to infringe on your enjoyment.. what do you call it other than griefing? You can say hey they should just relocate but that isn't really an answer familiarity with areas, locations, etc. all play into peoples enjoyment of the game. I'm not saying its against the rules because clearly it's not and it falls under what Simutronics allows on the server all I'm saying is if people don't want to subscribe to the way you play the game and you continue to harrass them just because you can, well they have to live with whatever reputation they develop and it's pretty clear that reputation right now is one of a griefer.
07-21-2010, 09:18 PM
I don't play shattered so I'm not part of this whole cycle of nonsense but if as a player I signed up to play a game and a ground of people said basically if you don't play the game our way we're going to infringe on your enjoyment.. what do you call it other than griefing? You can say hey they should just relocate but that isn't really an answer familiarity with areas, locations, etc. all play into peoples enjoyment of the game. I'm not saying its against the rules because clearly it's not and it falls under what Simutronics allows on the server all I'm saying is if people don't want to subscribe to the way you play the game and you continue to harrass them just because you can, well they have to live with whatever reputation they develop and it's pretty clear that reputation right now is one of a griefer.
Then you'd be an idiot for joining a server with PVP allowed and no GM interaction in the hopes of not getting PVP'd without being able to cry to a GM for help.
Then you'd be an idiot for joining a server with PVP allowed and no GM interaction in the hopes of not getting PVP'd without being able to cry to a GM for help.
You need to relax with the angst man. I addressed that in my post I'll reiterate.. yes it's allowed, not it doesn't change the fact that you're a griefer.
07-21-2010, 09:24 PM
Then you'd be an idiot for joining a server with PVP allowed and no GM interaction in the hopes of not getting PVP'd without being able to cry to a GM for help.
Once again, because it's allowed doesn't make it mandatory.
If someone slights you in someway and you kill them no one would question that.
When you group up and go around killing people, afk or otherwise, who have shown no desire whatsoever to interact with you and demand payment or you'll continue to do're griefing.
Drunken Durfin
07-21-2010, 09:33 PM
Then you'd be an idiot for joining a server with PVP allowed and no GM interaction in the hopes of not getting PVP'd without being able to cry to a GM for help.
I don't see any of use crying for a GM. I do see you getting your ass handed to you a lot.
You are the one that is the idiot for using a Square on what you characterize as a PvP server when everyone knows that Square TD is le shit. Yeah, you might be bear-hugging people left and right, but in a few weeks the average caster is going to WTFPWN you left and right. Have fun with that.
07-21-2010, 10:03 PM
Dear Marlu Clan.
I just stole your fucking table.
You should have let me in when you had the chance.
You head over to the Pink Thrak Table.
[Pink Thrak Table]
You notice a rotting haon coffer, a plain silver coffer, a badly damaged wooden chest, the Steven disk, the Oprah disk, the sparkling Snatch disk, the Thizzle disk, the Necen disk, a drake yierka-spur, a drake greatsword, a drake yierka-spur, a drake mace, a drake greataxe, a feras mattock, a drake dagger, a drake falchion, a dull gold coin, a drake dagger, a dull gold coin, a drake scimitar, a drake greataxe, a drake scimitar, a feras mace, an engraved steel strongbox, an iron-bound wooden strongbox, a simple monir chest, an engraved silver strongbox, a dented silver coffer, a plain maoral strongbox, an acid-pitted steel chest, a badly damaged thanot chest, a badly damaged steel coffer, a scratched brass chest, an acid-pitted iron box, a rotting wooden box, a scratched monir coffer, a scratched tanik box, a plain haon strongbox, a sturdy thanot strongbox, an enruned silver chest, a simple monir box, a drake dagger, a simple maoral box, an engraved fel coffer, an iron-bound modwir chest, a scratched monir coffer, an engraved steel chest, a sturdy silver box, an iron-bound fel box, an engraved steel coffer, a sturdy gold strongbox, a scratched monir chest, an enruned monir coffer, an enruned wooden coffer, a dented silver strongbox, a drake greataxe, a scratched maoral box, a scratched wooden box, a badly damaged haon chest, a plain maoral box, an enruned iron box, a scratched modwir box, a plain tanik coffer, a plain fel strongbox, a badly damaged steel strongbox, a battered mithril chest, a badly damaged iron box, a simple haon strongbox, a plain thanot chest, an acid-pitted iron strongbox, a simple wooden strongbox, a badly damaged tanik coffer, a narrow gold ring, a rotting wooden strongbox, a badly damaged iron box, a battered iron coffer, a simple modwir coffer, a battered steel chest, a scratched iron coffer, an engraved wooden chest, a scratched iron chest, an iron-bound modwir box, a badly damaged thanot box, an iron-bound thanot coffer, a sturdy maoral strongbox, an acid-pitted gold strongbox, an enruned maoral box, an enruned tanik chest, an engraved steel chest, an enruned haon chest, a plain thanot box, a corroded gold strongbox, a drake dagger, a battered gold box, a simple modwir box, a rotting wooden strongbox, an iron-bound modwir chest and a bunch of other stuff.
Also here: Necen (sitting), Madam (GLOATING ABOUT THEIR VICTORY)
Obvious exits: out
Thanks for the Loot!
07-21-2010, 10:04 PM
Dear Marlu Clan.
I just stole your fucking table.
You should have let me in when you had the chance.
You head over to the Pink Thrak Table.
[Pink Thrak Table]
You notice a rotting haon coffer, a plain silver coffer, a badly damaged wooden chest, the Steven disk, the Oprah disk, the sparkling Snatch disk, the Thizzle disk, the Necen disk, a drake yierka-spur, a drake greatsword, a drake yierka-spur, a drake mace, a drake greataxe, a feras mattock, a drake dagger, a drake falchion, a dull gold coin, a drake dagger, a dull gold coin, a drake scimitar, a drake greataxe, a drake scimitar, a feras mace, an engraved steel strongbox, an iron-bound wooden strongbox, a simple monir chest, an engraved silver strongbox, a dented silver coffer, a plain maoral strongbox, an acid-pitted steel chest, a badly damaged thanot chest, a badly damaged steel coffer, a scratched brass chest, an acid-pitted iron box, a rotting wooden box, a scratched monir coffer, a scratched tanik box, a plain haon strongbox, a sturdy thanot strongbox, an enruned silver chest, a simple monir box, a drake dagger, a simple maoral box, an engraved fel coffer, an iron-bound modwir chest, a scratched monir coffer, an engraved steel chest, a sturdy silver box, an iron-bound fel box, an engraved steel coffer, a sturdy gold strongbox, a scratched monir chest, an enruned monir coffer, an enruned wooden coffer, a dented silver strongbox, a drake greataxe, a scratched maoral box, a scratched wooden box, a badly damaged haon chest, a plain maoral box, an enruned iron box, a scratched modwir box, a plain tanik coffer, a plain fel strongbox, a badly damaged steel strongbox, a battered mithril chest, a badly damaged iron box, a simple haon strongbox, a plain thanot chest, an acid-pitted iron strongbox, a simple wooden strongbox, a badly damaged tanik coffer, a narrow gold ring, a rotting wooden strongbox, a badly damaged iron box, a battered iron coffer, a simple modwir coffer, a battered steel chest, a scratched iron coffer, an engraved wooden chest, a scratched iron chest, an iron-bound modwir box, a badly damaged thanot box, an iron-bound thanot coffer, a sturdy maoral strongbox, an acid-pitted gold strongbox, an enruned maoral box, an enruned tanik chest, an engraved steel chest, an enruned haon chest, a plain thanot box, a corroded gold strongbox, a drake dagger, a battered gold box, a simple modwir box, a rotting wooden strongbox, an iron-bound modwir chest and a bunch of other stuff.
Also here: Steven, Snatch, Thizzle, Necen (sitting)
Obvious exits: out
Thanks for the Loot!
Props to Katze for being a dumb fuck.
07-21-2010, 10:05 PM
Once again, because it's allowed doesn't make it mandatory.
If someone slights you in someway and you kill them no one would question that.
When you group up and go around killing people, afk or otherwise, who have shown no desire whatsoever to interact with you and demand payment or you'll continue to do're griefing.
Because it's not mandatory I cant do it? Besides, I kill at best a handful of people each day.
07-21-2010, 10:08 PM
Because it's not mandatory I cant do it? Besides, I kill at best a handful of people each day.
Sure you can. But don't be surprised when karma bro-rapes you.
07-21-2010, 10:10 PM
Sure you can. But don't be surprised when karma bro-rapes you.
I'm not and never have been - nor is that the discussion.
In fact, I've stated numerous times I enjoy having enemies.
07-21-2010, 10:15 PM
I'm not and never have been - nor is that the discussion.
In fact, I've stated numerous times I enjoy having enemies.
Oh well yes, thats relevant.. anyways, its been said a million times before.
Your clan started all this shit by interrupting what other people found enjoyable about the game. Regardless if this is what you find enjoyable, if its allowed, etcetera, they got fed up with it and want to stop you from imposing what you find enjoyable upon them.
Most of what your victims find enjoyable do not involve you. Unfortunately for you, what you find enjoyable does involve them and.. weird.. they don't like it.
07-21-2010, 10:15 PM
Dear Marlu Clan.
I just stole your fucking table.
You should have let me in when you had the chance.
You head over to the Pink Thrak Table.
[Pink Thrak Table]
You notice a rotting haon coffer, a plain silver coffer, a badly damaged wooden chest, the Steven disk, the Oprah disk, the sparkling Snatch disk, the Thizzle disk, the Necen disk, a drake yierka-spur, a drake greatsword, a drake yierka-spur, a drake mace, a drake greataxe, a feras mattock, a drake dagger, a drake falchion, a dull gold coin, a drake dagger, a dull gold coin, a drake scimitar, a drake greataxe, a drake scimitar, a feras mace, an engraved steel strongbox, an iron-bound wooden strongbox, a simple monir chest, an engraved silver strongbox, a dented silver coffer, a plain maoral strongbox, an acid-pitted steel chest, a badly damaged thanot chest, a badly damaged steel coffer, a scratched brass chest, an acid-pitted iron box, a rotting wooden box, a scratched monir coffer, a scratched tanik box, a plain haon strongbox, a sturdy thanot strongbox, an enruned silver chest, a simple monir box, a drake dagger, a simple maoral box, an engraved fel coffer, an iron-bound modwir chest, a scratched monir coffer, an engraved steel chest, a sturdy silver box, an iron-bound fel box, an engraved steel coffer, a sturdy gold strongbox, a scratched monir chest, an enruned monir coffer, an enruned wooden coffer, a dented silver strongbox, a drake greataxe, a scratched maoral box, a scratched wooden box, a badly damaged haon chest, a plain maoral box, an enruned iron box, a scratched modwir box, a plain tanik coffer, a plain fel strongbox, a badly damaged steel strongbox, a battered mithril chest, a badly damaged iron box, a simple haon strongbox, a plain thanot chest, an acid-pitted iron strongbox, a simple wooden strongbox, a badly damaged tanik coffer, a narrow gold ring, a rotting wooden strongbox, a badly damaged iron box, a battered iron coffer, a simple modwir coffer, a battered steel chest, a scratched iron coffer, an engraved wooden chest, a scratched iron chest, an iron-bound modwir box, a badly damaged thanot box, an iron-bound thanot coffer, a sturdy maoral strongbox, an acid-pitted gold strongbox, an enruned maoral box, an enruned tanik chest, an engraved steel chest, an enruned haon chest, a plain thanot box, a corroded gold strongbox, a drake dagger, a battered gold box, a simple modwir box, a rotting wooden strongbox, an iron-bound modwir chest and a bunch of other stuff.
Also here: Necen (sitting), Madam (GLOATING ABOUT THEIR VICTORY)
Obvious exits: out
Thanks for the Loot!
07-21-2010, 10:16 PM
Oh and Inspire is and will always be a fucking turd in my book, if thats any consolation.
07-21-2010, 10:17 PM
Madam = Courtney Love
07-21-2010, 10:21 PM
Madam = Courtney Love
Drunken Durfin
07-21-2010, 10:26 PM
Dear Marlu Clan.
I just stole your fucking table.
You should have let me in when you had the chance.
You head over to the Pink Thrak Table.
[Pink Thrak Table]
Also here: Necen (sitting), Madam (GLOATING ABOUT THEIR VICTORY)
Obvious exits: out
Thanks for the Loot!
I can't wait to see how they try and spin this to make it out like a victory for them.
This really deserves it's own thread.
07-21-2010, 10:27 PM
I can't wait to see how they try and spin this to make it out like a victory for them.
This really deserves it's own thread.
Yea, man! Definitely warrants yet ANOTHER retarded thread about Shattered!! I AGREE!
PS: "its"
07-21-2010, 10:28 PM
I can't wait to see how they try and spin this to make it out like a victory for them.
This really deserves it's own thread.
No victory here for us, but no surprise either. We knew we had a mole, and they could have done this at any time. If I were to make a compliment, it would be that they managed to catch a time where our entire table was AFK.
Oh, and Madam is a psycho with a bleeding vagina, stay clear.
07-21-2010, 10:30 PM
Oh, and good assist, Katzeopea.
07-21-2010, 10:31 PM
somewhere, a locksmith just busted a nut
07-21-2010, 10:32 PM
I re-iterate,
you are all immature retards.
Two things I found funny after 31 pages of reading... one Marlu crying about Vanguards or whoever crossing lines, because Marlu members are the ones who draw the line.
Internet web pages are not cool to bring a game which is an internet web page to talk about things that happen in another internet web page.
Two: being a man means playing gemstone differently than someone else. Oblivion has claim to calling himself a man, I mean a bigger man, because he doesn't copy text from a web page, onto another web page. Oblivion = bigger man because he knows what big men do...
I think
Drunken Durfin
07-21-2010, 10:41 PM
PS: "its"
Thanks alot.
07-21-2010, 11:10 PM
Two: being a man means playing gemstone differently than someone else. Oblivion has claim to calling himself a man, I mean a bigger man, because he doesn't copy text from a web page, onto another web page. Oblivion = bigger man because he knows what big men do...
I think
Let's be serious... nobody playing GS is a man. God damn.
07-21-2010, 11:17 PM
Because it's not mandatory I cant do it? Besides, I kill at best a handful of people each day.
I didn't say that. I did say call it like it is.
Let's be serious... nobody playing GS is a man. God damn.
That's why I had to quit!
07-22-2010, 12:29 AM
Thanks alot.
It's "a lot".
Drunken Durfin
07-22-2010, 01:12 AM
It's "a lot".
Your awesome. Thanks.
07-22-2010, 01:14 AM
Your awesome. Thanks.
There just jelus.
07-22-2010, 01:56 AM
For all intensive purposes, it's all the same.
07-22-2010, 02:03 AM
Intents and purposes.
07-22-2010, 02:07 AM
My purposes are always intense.
07-22-2010, 02:24 AM
My purposes are always intense.
Man you, be hilarious. Can you sale me some humor?
Once-st I went to walmarts and eated a cookie.
07-22-2010, 02:28 AM
It's "a lot".
i think this just about sums it up
07-22-2010, 02:58 AM
Man you, be hilarious. Can you sale me some humor?
Once-st I went to walmarts and eated a cookie.
Tree fiddy
07-22-2010, 10:50 AM
Tree fiddy
What? Tree fiddy? I ain't givin' no loch-ness monster no tree fiddy. Tell 'at monster to go get hi' own tree fiddy.
07-22-2010, 11:10 AM
Marlu clan tactics? Help one another... Fail all together?
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