View Full Version : Educated Black Women Encouraged to Marry Interracially

02-26-2010, 10:49 AM
Single black women with college degrees outnumber single black men with college degrees almost 3 to 1 in major urban areas such as Washington, according to a 2008 population survey by the U.S. Census Bureau. Given those numbers, any economist would advise them to start looking elsewhere.

It's Econ 101 for the single, educated black woman.

"Black women are in market failure," says writer Karyn Langhorne Folan. "The solution is to find a new market for your commodity. And in this case, we are the commodity and the new market is men of other races."

Folan is the author of "Don't Bring Home a White Boy: And Other Notions That Keep Black Women From Dating Out," published this month by Karen Hunter, an imprint of Pocket Books. In encouraging black women to date and marry interracially, the book has joined a broadening debate in recent years fueled by the blogosphere, the entertainment industry and comments by prominent African Americans.

More... (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/02/24/AR2010022405727.html)

I have three things to say about this. First, what's wrong with marrying someone who has a different educational level? Second, why do many black leaders want black women to marry only black men? Third, if you're a single black man with a college degree, then you're sitting pretty right now.

02-26-2010, 01:11 PM
Marrying between widely different educational levels is very bad because it often leads to substantial marital strife. This is true regardless of the people, even with technically the same level of education but from very different levels of quality. If you have an associates degree from Harvard, you will likely have issues with someone that has one from Southern Bumm Fuck Community College and Bowling Ally.

Killer Kitten
02-27-2010, 10:53 AM
Marrying between widely different educational levels is very bad because it often leads to substantial marital strife. This is true regardless of the people, even with technically the same level of education but from very different levels of quality. If you have an associates degree from Harvard, you will likely have issues with someone that has one from Southern Bumm Fuck Community College and Bowling Ally.

I don't think it's educational difference as much as IQ difference that causes issues between partners. There are a lot of smart and well-read people who do great with their well-educated partners. There are also a lot of people who married somebody they met in college and discovered later on that they were shackled to an educated half-wit.

And I think race is a silly thing to base anything on. People are people, they just come in different colors like cats.

02-27-2010, 11:50 AM
if you're a single black man with a college degree, then you're sitting pretty right now.


02-27-2010, 11:53 AM
Third, if you're a single black man with a college degree, then you're sitting pretty right now.

And probably married to a white girl.

02-27-2010, 12:04 PM