View Full Version : Just One More Week!

11-11-2009, 07:22 PM
From Michigan, the “Going Rogue” tour will cover as much of the country as possible. I’ve decided to stop in cities that are not usually included in a typical book tour.

More... (http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=170648778434)

I'm so excited! I can hardly wait for the book release next week. I'm not the sort of person who normally watches sophisticated teevee shows about books, but I might just make an exception and watch Oprah next week when Palin is on there.

Also it's smart that Palin isn't going to the typical places where authors sell their books.

11-11-2009, 11:18 PM
Do you really think Sarah Palin had anything to do with this book other than putting her name and face on it? This is ghostwritten by a political pundit with a lot less face appeal than Mrs. Palin. I'd much rather meet the actual author than some face they are putting on the book to sell it.

The fact that they are going to "non-traditional book tour" locations is for the media portrayal of the bandwagoneers who will show up and mob some small town in America (or at least the media will portray it as such) to show how this is reaching the "true" Americans who feel strongly about all this. Fake spectacle is spectacle none the less.

11-12-2009, 07:54 AM
Do you really think Sarah Palin had anything to do with this book other than putting her name and face on it? This is ghostwritten by a political pundit with a lot less face appeal than Mrs. Palin. I'd much rather meet the actual author than some face they are putting on the book to sell it.

The fact that they are going to "non-traditional book tour" locations is for the media portrayal of the bandwagoneers who will show up and mob some small town in America (or at least the media will portray it as such) to show how this is reaching the "true" Americans who feel strongly about all this. Fake spectacle is spectacle none the less.

Not that I'm a huge Sarah Palin fan. But... your first paragraph applies to pretty much any book by a politician or a celebrity....so... why bring it up?

11-12-2009, 07:57 AM
I haven't even finished this great American book yet! It's a fantastic story of the struggles of Ted Kennedy with the weight of the world upon him and how the Liberal Lion triumphed over the tragedy of almost drowning in a car to become an American Icon. Truly inspirational. A real self made man!


11-12-2009, 08:18 AM
Not that I'm a huge Sarah Palin fan. But... your first paragraph applies to pretty much any book by a politician or a celebrity....so... why bring it up?

Because in most cases, when politicians release books it is a simple matter of going on a few talk shows and hawking it. This is more like a religious text (especially given folks like ClydeR's reaction to the tour) to many of the seemingly disenfranchised conservative movement. To many, the success (or media fabricated success) of this book is key to Mrs. Palin's 2012 presidential campaign (or 'kingmaker' status within the Republican party). My issue is that if a cornerstone of a future campaign is a book written by someone else...wouldn't you rather have the person who actually extolled those views run for office instead of a pretty face?

11-12-2009, 08:32 AM
Because in most cases, when politicians release books it is a simple matter of going on a few talk shows and hawking it. This is more like a religious text (especially given folks like ClydeR's reaction to the tour) to many of the seemingly disenfranchised conservative movement. To many, the success (or media fabricated success) of this book is key to Mrs. Palin's 2012 presidential campaign (or 'kingmaker' status within the Republican party). My issue is that if a cornerstone of a future campaign is a book written by someone else...wouldn't you rather have the person who actually extolled those views run for office instead of a pretty face?

1) You do realize ClydeR is a non-funny version of Stephen Colbert, right?

2) How did you come to the conclusion that this is somehow a religious book?

3) Do you honestly believe that the liberal media is fabricating the success of Palin's book?

4) Are you really trying to say that the ideas and views in Palin's new book are the ghost writer's and not Palins? Do you even understand what a ghost writer does?

I realize what you are attempting to do, but you have done a really piss poor job of doing it so far. If you want to marginalize Palin, stick with the standard liberal talking points:

1) She's dumb.
2) She's a hick.
3) She's a slut.
4) Her kids are sluts.
5) One of her kids is a retard.
6) She's from Alaska.
7) She can see Russia from her front door.

11-12-2009, 08:40 AM
Don't forget that McCain made a brilliant move in picking her to be running mate.

That never ceases to make me chuckle.

11-12-2009, 09:11 AM
Don't forget that McCain made a brilliant move in picking her to be running mate.

That never ceases to make me chuckle.

It was a great move by him.. problem is, he was still John McCain.

She brought more positives to his campaign than negatives... as evidenced by her popularity a year later.

11-12-2009, 09:14 AM
It was a great move by him.. problem is, he was still John McCain.

She brought more positives to his campaign than negatives... as evidenced by her popularity a year later.

Palin appeals to an anti-intellectual, neo-conservative, militant, hypocritical right. I'm amazed she hasn't been laughed out of every public appearance.

11-12-2009, 09:29 AM
1) You do realize ClydeR is a non-funny version of Stephen Colbert, right?

2) How did you come to the conclusion that this is somehow a religious book?

3) Do you honestly believe that the liberal media is fabricating the success of Palin's book?

4) Are you really trying to say that the ideas and views in Palin's new book are the ghost writer's and not Palins? Do you even understand what a ghost writer does?

I realize what you are attempting to do, but you have done a really piss poor job of doing it so far. If you want to marginalize Palin, stick with the standard liberal talking points:

1) She's dumb.
2) She's a hick.
3) She's a slut.
4) Her kids are sluts.
5) One of her kids is a retard.
6) She's from Alaska.
7) She can see Russia from her front door.

As much as ClydeR may be making fun of this, I work with several people that were Tea-partiers and hang on Mrs. Palin's every word. Maybe that is the curse of living in Washington, DC but there are people here who absolutely worship her in an almost religious sense. To them, she is the second coming of Regan, or whatever you want to call a conservative resurgence, they see this book as the treatise on a revolution that they want to happen in 2012. These are also the same people who have made it nigh on impossible to buy ammunition for most common calibres in this area. It disturbs me.

And the media fabricates most things having to do with politics, liberal or conservative. It plays to their target audience. The Glenn Beck's of both sides of the political spectrum create more hoopla than should be around this. I just want Mrs. Palin to go away quietly so her crazies can go back to muttering as opposed to shouting and using her as a standard for their causes.

I don't think she has any personal views on anything meaningful whatsoever and ascribing the book to her gives her credit she does not deserve. She has been coached by so many politicos now that she's become nothing more than a "Yeah, that" talking head. Not only does she not add anything to the discussion of any topics she actually detracts from them. Abstinence-only sex education, foreign policy, healthcare...she gives a voice to the ignorant who then, instead of actually researching the question at hand, can keep espousing their ridiculous and hypocritical viewpoints because someone politically famous also has them and believe that they must be intelligent since she wrote this really great and popular book.

I'm actually a fan of many conservative ideas that should be brought up for honest debate, but instead are squelched by Mrs. Palin's followers. I don't hate her at all, she's more a victim of circumstance to all this. From having to force her daughter's baby daddy into a ludicrous situation so that the message she was supposed to deliver wasn't sullied by simple hypocracy to being the mouthpiece for a small segment of the conservative community that should just shut the hell up and let informed decisions be made instead. I don't want to be a complete liberal, but it is just insane to even try to associate with "conservatives" that also portray her as their savior so I end up stuck with only hearing one reasoned argument instead of equal time for both sides.

11-12-2009, 09:49 AM
I'm looking forward to reading Going Rogue and Going Rouge (http://orbooks.com/):


11-12-2009, 09:50 AM
Maybe that is the curse of living in Washington, DC but there are people here who absolutely worship her in an almost religious sense.

Golly, who else does that remind me of?

11-12-2009, 10:47 AM
Golly, who else does that remind me of?

Pope Obama makes Palin look like a Sunday school teacher.


11-12-2009, 10:57 AM
1) She's dumb. (true)
2) She's a hick. (she's country, not a redneck or anything. but she is absolutely country.)
3) She's a slut. (where is that from?)
4) Her kids are sluts. (or that it is ironic that a "family values" politician raised a girl who doesn't use protection.)
5) One of her kids is a retard. (that she used as a political prop to show just how committed she is to her pro-life stance. despicable.)
6) She's from Alaska. (true.)
7) She can see Russia from her front door. (not true, but funny as hell.)

See my comments.

11-12-2009, 11:00 AM
4) Are you really trying to say that the ideas and views in Palin's new book are the ghost writer's and not Palins? Do you even understand what a ghost writer does?

In this case there's very little distinction between the ghost writer and the "author"

Lynn Vincent actually makes Palin appear to be not only an intellectual, but also in touch with her sanity.

11-12-2009, 11:01 AM
See my comments.

David Letterman called her look a slutty flight attendant look or something along those lines.

11-12-2009, 11:02 AM
In this case there's very little distinction between the ghost writer and the "author"

Lynn Vincent actually makes Palin appear to be not only an intellectual, but also in touch with her sanity.

I didn't realize you read the book already.. considering it hasn't been released.


11-12-2009, 11:11 AM
I didn't realize you read the book already.. considering it hasn't been released.


I don't need to read it, let alone buy it. I know who the ghost writer is, the point you missed, and if anything ... hard as it may be to believe ... Palin probably had a hard time of keeping her from going any further religious right than she (Palin) actually is.

I'm sure, if I wanted to badly enough, I could get my hands on an advanced copy. However, considering the subject and the writer, I can reasonably guess what delusion and slant is contained in the pages and can safely guess that there will be no new or real revelations to be had.

11-12-2009, 11:19 AM
I don't need to read it, let alone buy it. I know who the ghost writer is, the point you missed, and if anything ... hard as it may be to believe ... Palin probably had a hard time of keeping her from going any further religious right than she (Palin) actually is.

I'm sure, if I wanted to badly enough, I could get my hands on an advanced copy. However, considering the subject and the writer, I can reasonably guess what delusion and slant is contained in the pages and can safely guess that there will be no new or real revelations to be had.

"I don't need to read the book to form my opinion about it"

awesome as usual, Shit4Brains.

11-12-2009, 11:22 AM
Honestly, you crack me up with your absurd positions and posturing.

11-12-2009, 11:49 AM
Honestly, you crack me up with your absurd positions and posturing.

Honestly, you crack me up with your ability to give an opinion of a book when you know nothing about what is written IN the book.

What an absurd position...

11-12-2009, 11:58 AM
It was a great move by him.. problem is, he was still John McCain.

She brought more positives to his campaign than negatives... as evidenced by her popularity a year later.


Keep smoking that crack my friend.

11-12-2009, 01:05 PM
David Letterman called her look a slutty flight attendant look or something along those lines.

So who called her a slut?

11-12-2009, 01:12 PM
So who called her a slut?

We all wish she was.


11-12-2009, 01:15 PM
I equate any book by Sarah Palin with any book by Ann Coulter. I might read it for the laughs/nightmares, and to use it as ammunition to show how retarded the far right is.

11-12-2009, 01:23 PM
Palin is far-right crazy in simply being a ridiculously dumb redneck broad.

Coulter only *pretends* to be far-right to sell books/etc and is instead considerably more sophisticated. (think of her as a female ClydeR)

11-12-2009, 02:21 PM
I equate any book by Sarah Palin with any book by Ann Coulter. I might read it for the laughs/nightmares, and to use it as ammunition to show how retarded the far right is.

Or Michael Moore and Al Franken, for the far left.

11-12-2009, 02:22 PM
Palin is far-right crazy in simply being a ridiculously dumb redneck broad.

Enjoy your 2012 candidate!

11-12-2009, 02:24 PM
Odds are strong that the 2012 Republican candidate will be Huckleberry.

(clarifying to have meant Mike Huckabee)

11-12-2009, 03:14 PM
Odds are strong that the 2012 Republican candidate will be Huckleberry.

Interesting question is - does the US Constitution convert from human years to dog years?

In either case, Huck is at least 35, but still it makes you wonder . . .

11-12-2009, 03:18 PM
Interesting question is - does the US Constitution convert from human years to dog years?

In either case, Huck is at least 35, but still it makes you wonder . . .

I don't remember anything about Hilary being 434 years old.

11-12-2009, 03:28 PM
Lawl, okay... Mike Huckabee.

11-12-2009, 03:36 PM
Palin appeals to an anti-intellectual, neo-conservative, militant, hypocritical right. I'm amazed she hasn't been laughed out of every public appearance.It would be amazing if your assumptions about her appeal were true.

11-12-2009, 03:41 PM
I don't need to read it, let alone buy it. My commentary comes from the school of life..

11-12-2009, 03:47 PM
As much as ClydeR may be making fun of this, I work with several people that were Tea-partiers and hang on Mrs. Palin's every word. Maybe that is the curse of living in Washington, DC but there are people here who absolutely worship her in an almost religious sense. To them, she is the second coming of Regan, or whatever you want to call a conservative resurgence, they see this book as the treatise on a revolution that they want to happen in 2012. These are also the same people who have made it nigh on impossible to buy ammunition for most common calibres in this area. It disturbs me.

And the media fabricates most things having to do with politics, liberal or conservative. It plays to their target audience. The Glenn Beck's of both sides of the political spectrum create more hoopla than should be around this. I just want Mrs. Palin to go away quietly so her crazies can go back to muttering as opposed to shouting and using her as a standard for their causes.

I don't think she has any personal views on anything meaningful whatsoever and ascribing the book to her gives her credit she does not deserve. She has been coached by so many politicos now that she's become nothing more than a "Yeah, that" talking head. Not only does she not add anything to the discussion of any topics she actually detracts from them. Abstinence-only sex education, foreign policy, healthcare...she gives a voice to the ignorant who then, instead of actually researching the question at hand, can keep espousing their ridiculous and hypocritical viewpoints because someone politically famous also has them and believe that they must be intelligent since she wrote this really great and popular book.

I'm actually a fan of many conservative ideas that should be brought up for honest debate, but instead are squelched by Mrs. Palin's followers. I don't hate her at all, she's more a victim of circumstance to all this. From having to force her daughter's baby daddy into a ludicrous situation so that the message she was supposed to deliver wasn't sullied by simple hypocracy to being the mouthpiece for a small segment of the conservative community that should just shut the hell up and let informed decisions be made instead. I don't want to be a complete liberal, but it is just insane to even try to associate with "conservatives" that also portray her as their savior so I end up stuck with only hearing one reasoned argument instead of equal time for both sides.

Religious-like infatuation with a political figure... where have I seen that before... hold on... I'll get it.... just on the tip of my tongue.... black guy, tall, smokes, likes saying "Umm"... No No, not Will Smith, The Fresh Prince doesn't smoke.

Or we could look at the whole environmentalism-is-my-religion movement.

Nothing about Palin's appeal, status, or success, is at all unique.

11-12-2009, 03:55 PM
I haven't even finished this great American book yet!B-b-b-b-b-b-but Kennedy!
Pope Obama makes Palin look like a Sunday school teacher.
B-b-b-b-b-b-but Obama!

11-12-2009, 04:48 PM
I don't remember anything about Hilary being 434 years old.

That's ruff.

11-12-2009, 04:49 PM
B-b-b-b-b-b-but Kennedy!
B-b-b-b-b-b-but Obama!

I apologize if the sarcastic post was above your intelligence... though, in my defense, I can't dumb everything down for you.

11-12-2009, 04:50 PM
It would be amazing if your assumptions about her appeal were true.

Does Palin NOT appeal to those people? Or are you trying to say that she appeals to more than the group BF selected?

11-12-2009, 05:12 PM
I apologize if the sarcastic post was above your intelligence... though, in my defense, I can't dumb everything down for you.If by "sarcastic" you mean "hypocritical to a pathetically transparent degree", then I accept your apology on behalf of all thinking people. Try not to let it happen again.

11-12-2009, 05:32 PM
If by "sarcastic" you mean "hypocritical to a pathetically transparent degree", then I accept your apology on behalf of all thinking people. Try not to let it happen again.

The only thing I'm sorry for is that your genetic brain disorder prevents you from getting the sarcastic point of my post.

Actually, it's more pity... but I doubt you understand the difference. Either way, here's a picture so you won't be so confused:


11-12-2009, 05:36 PM

11-12-2009, 06:14 PM


11-13-2009, 12:50 PM


11-13-2009, 12:53 PM

11-13-2009, 01:03 PM
And you keep doing it!

11-13-2009, 01:11 PM
And you keep doing it!Because you keep failing.


11-13-2009, 01:20 PM
Because you keep failing.



11-18-2009, 05:04 PM
Lots of folks are interpreting this as an attack on Palin by McCain, but I think McCain is really defending Palin and gently reminding his former campaign staff that they need to tone down the attacks on Palin. Also, I think it's really effective how McCain alludes to his time as a POW to remind people that they should not dwell on the past.

"Campaigns are high-pressure situations. The only more high-pressure situation that I've been in is combat and prison," said McCain, a Navy flyer shot down during the Vietnam War and held prisoner for 5 1/2 years.

"But you know, I'm proud of Nicolle and Steve and (senior campaign official) Rick Smith and (senior adviser) Mark Salter and I'll always have great affection for them," he said.

McCain, who has largely kept silent in the high-profile run-up to Palin's book release and tour, said he remained proud of Palin, whom he plucked from obscurity as governor of Alaska last year to join him in his campaign.

"I'm still really proud of her and the campaign she ran and I think it's pretty obvious that she has a substantial base and interest out there," McCain said.

He said the interest in Palin, as manifested by the 1,500 people who showed up early at a bookstore in Grand Rapids, Michigan, for her first tour event, showed "the strength of the base" of the Republican Party.

More... (http://newsdaily.com/stories/tre5ah4z3-us-usa-mccain-palin/)

11-20-2009, 01:39 PM
The "substance" of Palin's book =
