View Full Version : Workers' Protection gone too far

10-22-2009, 03:19 PM
I definitely see a parallel between this situation and workers' rights protectionism in the US, particularly the UAW in its heyday ("Job-bank" anyone?).


It would seem that moderation is the key in any such legislation, as being too generous undoubtedly opens any social program (ie welfare) to rampant abuse.

Of course, moderate legislation rarely (if ever) gets passed, because pro-labor lobby for a significant amount, fearing they'll get too little... and business interests lobby for a minimal amount, fearing there will be too much entitlement... and neither side is "happy" with a middle position.

Personally, I'd err on the minimalistic side, as I'd think the risk of legislation passing with too much entitlement is far greater than not enough protection. Nevermind that minimalistic would be more prudent as it is significantly easier to legislate additional protections than to reduce it (ie social security bloat).