View Full Version : Radio Ads

09-02-2009, 04:37 PM
The past, oh say 2-3 weeks or so, my radio's been blitzed with ads comparing Obama's heathcare plan to several unsavory things (being railroaded, skeezy watch salesmen on street corners, etc).

Other than during election time, this is the first time since I moved to NC that I've heard a political radio add and it got me wondering if larger cities/states hear them all the time? Also, why this particular issue? Surely there's been previous issues that have been as hotly-contested as this one?

edit: I tried looking for a clip of one of the ads but couldn't find one.

09-02-2009, 07:39 PM
I don't listen to much radio, but on local TV (Cleveland, OH market) the ads are at least 2 to 1 (and possibly higher) in favor of the (as yet) non-existent bill.

This is in a very heavily unionized, staunchly democrat area.