View Full Version : Broadband for Everybody!

12-08-2008, 10:08 PM
The President-Elect wants us all to have broadband access to the internets. And he wants the government to pay for it. That's what he said in his last weekly address.

As we renew our schools and highways, we’ll also renew our information superhighway. It is unacceptable that the United States ranks 15th in the world in broadband adoption. Here, in the country that invented the internet, every child should have the chance to get online, and they’ll get that chance when I’m President – because that’s how we’ll strengthen America’s competitiveness in the world.

More... (http://change.gov/newsroom/entry/the_key_parts_of_the_jobs_plan/)

Regardless of how poverty may affect the brains of kids (http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2008-12-07-childrens-brains_N.htm), I don't think it's my responsibility, as a taxpayer, to pay for everybody else's internet. That's socialism.

12-08-2008, 10:17 PM
I find the internet situation crappy, but I don't think that is the way to fix things.

Sean of the Thread
12-09-2008, 08:39 AM
A less ClydeR spin version.


"Consumer advocates, technology companies and internet service providers have joined forces in the United States to call for a national strategy to bring affordable broadband connectivity to every American...

"The United States is at a critical juncture. Too many Americans still do not have access to affordable broadband or lack the equipment or knowledge to use it effectively," the group said in a release on its website.

"If the United States is to remain a leader in the global economy, our broadband networks must also be robust enough to enable our people, businesses, and public and private institutions to take full advantage of emerging and future bandwidth-intensive and quality-sensitive applications."

Sean of the Thread
12-09-2008, 09:26 AM
Damn you're retarded.

Sean of the Thread
12-09-2008, 09:50 AM
rofl my day is brighter.

And you're still retarded.

12-09-2008, 09:59 AM
I don't think internet access to all is going to solve problems either. Folks out in the countryside who don't have broadband can always get satellite internet. Nor should I pay for internet access to those who do not wish to pay for it themselves.

What I fail to understand is the down right flaming post by Ashliana, do you truly know Sean as a person? Besides pot meet kettle.
You're not in a position to judge anyone else

You don't want to be judged yet you have passed judgement.

12-09-2008, 10:00 AM
And yet the multiple posts remain.

12-09-2008, 10:10 AM
You really don't have the right or say to judge whether someone else can speak their opinion. You may not approve of his lifestyle, but I'm sure he doesn't give a fuck. That you got all bent out of shape because he called you retarded for posting the same thing 4 times just speaks more about yourself than him.

On topic, I'm all for seeing that more people get on the internet, but I don't know if this the way to go about it. Sure, make it more available in schools (with protection, of course), but just giving it to everyone? Access to the internet is a privilege, not a right.

12-09-2008, 10:15 AM
Where do I stand in line?

12-09-2008, 10:16 AM
I don't consider city improvements on the same level as personal conveniences to the internet. I also have no idea why you're fixated on the Bridge to Nowhere.

12-09-2008, 10:23 AM
Internet issues. I fixed it.

You fixed your internet issues? Great. I think CT was specifically meaning the duplicated posts, which still remain.

(Post 4,5,6)

12-09-2008, 10:27 AM
Why are you quoting yourself? And how many times are you going to respond to the same thing?

Sean's right, you're retarded.

12-09-2008, 10:34 AM
If the plan is to make the internet access easier to afford and increase bandwidth, great. Hell if they made some kind of keyboard that you can plug into your TV and access the internet without the use of a computer, even better. But just saying more people should gain access doesn't say anything to me. At present, it would mean, what, giving people a computer with internet access? Yeah, I don't think so. I need to know exactly what this plan entails.

12-09-2008, 10:50 AM
No the quoting of yourself and the responding to the same thing more than once has nothing to do with the internet and more to you liking to hear yourself talk.

I'm all for ASSISTING people to get a computer. I'm against GIVING it to people who can't afford one. How many things are we going to give the poor? Food, clothing, shelter, a computer?? Seriously? What incentive are we giving to some of these people who are fine with the barest of needs and won't strive for anything if we keep giving it to them?

Yeah that may sound a bit insensitive of me but I'm of the "sink or swim" mentality for most things. There are necessities, and there are luxuries. A computer with internet access is a luxury. Have it accessible in schools and libraries and in public areas for free or super cheap. But personal convenience? No, not up with that.

12-09-2008, 11:16 AM
You're quite possibly one of the most worthless human beings I've ever encountered on this planet.. a terrible father, provider, person. You're not in a position to judge anyone else. You need to give yourself a sledgehammer vasectomy before you ruin any more wombs with your garbage genetic material.

Is that so? Okay--whatever, bitch. Nobody's making you listen, if that's the case.

WTF? Seriously... what the hell is wrong with you? I think I'm going to have to apologize to Tsa'ah for calling him an antagonistic asshole. After watching you post for a little while, he looks like Mother Theresa. You and Proxy need to take your bitter, world-hating selves off to some corner and leave the rest of us alone.

12-09-2008, 11:18 AM
I suspect, for many people, computer and internet access is becoming less of a luxury and more of a necessity or both for others.

I understand the context behind Obama's statement, but I don't see this as a precusor to him giving away free computers and internet access to everyone without. Hopefully he'll come up with something sensible, but it certainly won't revolve around hard working people giving their hard earned money to bring WoW into the lives of the less fortunate.

12-09-2008, 11:19 AM
They are victims, Liagala. They are just products of how badly they are treated and just respond in kind. You should show some sympathy for these poor souls.

12-09-2008, 11:26 AM
I rest my case.

12-09-2008, 11:32 AM
Except that you've always had this tortured victim act since the day you started posting here because you figured that's how people like to talk to each other. It's fine, but don't pretend like you never start any of the arguments and insults around here.

I don't go out of my way to start arguments all the time. Some people like yourself and Proxy just encourage it because you feel that you're the authority on things and so much better than everyone else, and the minute that someone doesn't agree with you, they're an idiot. You're so predictable at this point it's nearly amusing.

And DeV, I do have faith in Obama to figure out a sensible solution. I just worry about the bailout mentality these days going a little too far.

12-09-2008, 11:51 AM
A cunt with boobs is always better than a male cunt in female clothing.

12-09-2008, 11:54 AM
You're also given a huge pass for your cunty behavior (just as I was when people assumed I was female) because you're a woman. That's another issue, but it's a pragmatic reality here.

Duh. Women have everything easier in life. Whenever they encounter a problem, they can just spread their legs and it goes away. amirite?

12-09-2008, 12:00 PM

ON TOPIC: What's Obama gonna do about poor kids that have broadband access but still have no computer? Dells for everybody courtesy of the government too?

Sean of the Thread
12-09-2008, 12:15 PM
I'm not complaining about how I've been treated; there are real, bonafide assholes on this forum that have stuck around most likely because they'd be banned on any moderated one. I deal with them, deal with you. But occasionally people like Liagola appear that ask "what's the deal?" and that's that.

You don't go out of your way to start arguments "all the time," but you love sniping me. I'm used to it. You're a cunt, plain and simple. An ordinary cunt, many of which lurk on this forum. I, however, can totally deal with people that disagree with me without them being an idiot. It's your group of reactionary trolls that loves demonizing the other side as ignorant, stupid or "retarded" the minute they disagree with you, simply FOR disagreeing with you.

You're also given a huge pass for your cunty behavior (just as I was when people assumed I was female) because you're a woman. That's another issue, but it's a pragmatic reality here.

Lol. You ever notice you're the one complaining about people calling your retarded or being an asshole to mostly you and a few others.

Or do you need more of a hint.

And trust me these boards have been moderated for years.

12-09-2008, 12:23 PM
I just worry about the bailout mentality these days going a little too far.Same, but I worry about it on a much greater, corporate scale. This kind of undertaking is pet project material, nor should it be at the forefront with so many other issues facings our country. However, I agree that the US needs to gain and maintain a highly competitive edge in the class-room and in a global ecomony that utilizes the Internet on a need basis where before it was largely luxury-based.

12-09-2008, 12:23 PM
Providing (more) Internet Access to people who cannot afford to buy anything online (even if just paid subscriptions), likely because they are already too poor to afford a router/modem/etc ... is a waste of taxpayer dollars.

All (most) public work programs such as highways and dams and such, all contributed to local/interstate commerce and continues to do so.

This proposal would not accomplish anything but providing more forum trolls for all the social platforms out there.

12-09-2008, 12:37 PM
Why are you quoting yourself? And how many times are you going to respond to the same thing?

Sean's right, you're retarded.

Maybe It was on the wrong account and was going to quote Itself from another ID?


12-09-2008, 12:46 PM

12-09-2008, 12:52 PM
So basically you couldn't make it four days without contradicting yourself? Giving out your full name and address to a stranger on the Internet who "goated" (Once again.. Idiot.) you is epic fail, Michael.
It's "goading", BTW.

Does it give people a cheap thrill to refer to posters by their first name when they don't go by that on the forums? It's so Celtar of you.

12-09-2008, 12:56 PM
It's "goading", BTW.

Does it give people a cheap thrill to refer to posters by their first name when they don't go by that on the forums? It's so Celtar of you.

It knows... It believes that It found a huge blunder on my part and has decided to use it to show me. Really, I'm hurt.

12-09-2008, 12:59 PM
Making a simple mistake isn't that funny. But actually highlighting it with one of your classic JPEGs that you love so much IS. You were calling attention to your own ignorance and stupidity. "HEY! LOOK AT ME! I'M PARKBANDIT AND I'M A FUCKING MORON!"

Now now Twinkles.. it seems like I stumbled into one of your typical meltdowns once again here. Like a little pussy cornered, It's showing It's fangs and threatening to scratch eyes out.

Easy does it... I'm only here to help.

12-09-2008, 01:04 PM
Making a simple mistake isn't that funny. But actually highlighting it with one of your classic JPEGs that you love so much IS.I can't find what you're talking about here.

12-09-2008, 01:09 PM
I think you're seriously underestimating the benefits of computer exposure and free access to information. The One Laptop per Child program would help give computer skills, increasingly valuable in today's workforce, to the most disadvantaged, which helps in a number of ways, as well as the wealth of information that's available on various sources.. though people still need to be taught how to research properly.

You're absolutely right in that all those other things (the router/modem/etc) would be needed, but if the WiMax (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WiMax) initiatives that have been absolutely failing actually manage to take off, I think (compared to other things) it'd be worth investing in.

As someone who deals with the most disadvantaged people every day how about we teach them to read and not buy scratch offs and if they get that down buy them a computer.

12-09-2008, 01:11 PM
As someone who deals with the most disadvantaged people every day how about we teach them to read and not buy scratch offs and if they get that down buy them a computer.Agreed. I'm all for aiding in the education of disadvantaged people rather than handouts. I actually wish that college was free up until you get your associates.

12-09-2008, 01:14 PM
We should just make everything free.. then no one would have to work and we could sit around hugging all day.


12-09-2008, 01:23 PM
Ironically, that lottery money goes back into the school system!

One of my roommates the other day was at 7/11 and saw a woman scratching off five scratchers and commenting to her friend: "I hope I win! I gottsta pay my cell phone bill!"


Yah I am not trying to be condescending to people who had a rough life and obviously making a broad generalization like that Im open to be told about some smart guy in some ghetto who disproves me but look...On the whole you give a ton of people who have little education or a lot of terrible education a bunch of computers with no direction and tell them welcome to the information super highway theyr just going to pawn the friggin things or use them as boom boxs or throw them at each other. If you really want to help the lower income brackets there are much better issues to champion such as literacy programs, social services and structured job training. If a person is responsible enough to use their own computer they are responsible enough to save up and buy one in my opinion.

12-09-2008, 01:25 PM
not only should we give everyone broadband i think we should also hand out web cameras to all those poor underprivileged barely legal teens. Anyone disagree?!

12-09-2008, 01:32 PM
not only should we give everyone broadband i think we should also hand out web cameras to all those poor underprivileged barely legal teens. Anyone disagree?!


Oh unexpected profanity at the end warning.

12-09-2008, 01:39 PM
lmao great vid, he's totally more creepier than me.

12-09-2008, 01:40 PM
I'm not going to read the 50 odd posts in this thread, but the topic interests me so I want to say a couple things.

1. It is disengenuous to compare the wide open spaces of the US with population dense countries throughout Europe or South Korea and Japan. We have to run thousands of miles or more wires than they do to get the side percentage of our widely dispersed population connected.

2. As someone with a financial stake in having more people be online, I gotta say, I like it.

3. I firmly believe the government shouldn't do this themselves. Government has too much corruption in it to do this efficiently. If they cut red tape private industry would do it. Ie, what I would like to see is government create a pro-broadband environment, rather than say, start laying fiber.

4. A big component of this is wireless, it is the only cost effective way to reach rural people with broadband. Wimax, etc, is what you need. This requires towers, which can be blocked by regulations.. hence #3.

5. I think the economy needs a stimulus, but I'd rather we try to kill two birds with one stone and spend it on things that will make our economy and standard of living better in the long run. A road is a depreciating asset, and I'm sure we can all point to roads being "Fixed" that weren't broken, or broken roads lying unfixed for far too long. The government doesn't do roads efficiently, fuck that.

Build nuclear power plants, you don't even have to spend tax payer dollars on it. Open up Yucca Mountain already and just cut all the red tape in nuclear approvals, private industry will spend the billions of dollars needed for each one, resulting in hundreds of thousands of jobs all through the food chain in the people building the plants, and the machinery for the plants, etc. Not only will this create jobs, without a lot of tax payer dollars, but it'll also reduce carbon emissions and our reliance on fossil fuels, and provide cheaper energy for a lot of people, which could raise productivity, growing our economy.

Drill for oil. Again, just take down the barriers and government doesn't have to spend a thing and can even MAKE MONEY on the land leases. Drill off shore. Jobs doing the drilling, jobs building the platforms, pipelines, etc. Less money to Iran and Chavez, more money here. Dual bonus combo! +10 points.

Subsidize the building of huge ass wind farms and solar installations. Actually, the TARP already included a huge subidy for solar (30% uncapped tax credit starting in 09). Do it for wind too. Cut regulation so people can actually build wind in far off areas, and then build the transmission lines needed to carry that clean energy to market. Its fucking way too difficult to do this right now. This takes actual tax dollars because they are subsidies, but they also create jobs building and installing the equipment, then, we'll earn dividends for years (starting in many years, it does take them awhile to earn off the install cost) to come from these free sources of electricity.

Build that high voltage national energy infrastructure thing, that is supposed to help the entire grid save 30%.

But roads? Bridges? Dredging the lake behind some senator's home? That shit is too rife with pork, too risky, too one shotted, too prone to corruption.

Pick a few very big projects, national projects, and get them done.

12-09-2008, 01:44 PM
On the whole you give a ton of people who have little education or a lot of terrible education a bunch of computers with no direction and tell them welcome to the information super highwaytheyr just going to pawn the friggin things or use them as boom boxs or throw them at each other.

12-09-2008, 01:45 PM
...On the whole you give a ton of people who have little education or a lot of terrible education a bunch of computers with no direction and tell them welcome to the information super highway theyr just going to pawn the friggin things or use them as boom boxs or throw them at each other...If you can dodge a computer, you can dodge a ball...

12-09-2008, 01:47 PM
2. As someone with a financial stake in having more people be online, I gotta say, I like it.

Thought you did genotyping?

12-09-2008, 01:57 PM



Now imagine everyone in the video is holding a laptop and tell me how much better their lives are. That high school is like 4 miles from my desk.

12-09-2008, 03:17 PM


Now imagine everyone in the video is holding a laptop and tell me how much better their lives are. That high school is like 4 miles from my desk.



Now imagine everyone in the video is holding a laptop and tell me how much better their lives are. That high school is like 4 miles from my desk.I watched the entire documentary a couple months ago. It was one of the most depressing films I've watched this year. Those students are destined to become America's permanent underclass. We are putting our future into the hands of children, teenagers (with child-like mentalities) that are uneducated, unmotivated, and unimpressed with traditional learning or learning anything outside their familarity. I realize that throwing money and resources at the problem isn't the solution, but neither is taking money and resources away from the problem or forgetting altogether about the problem because it's not a part of your reality anyway.

A couple of pointers about the film:

*The majority of students in this documentary are chronically poor, come from broken homes, and have absent or completely uninterested parents (mothers for the most part as fathers have left).
*The classes are overcrowded and there aren’t enough books for every student.
*Absenteeism was and probably still is rampant at all levels.
*Teachers are trying to teach students that don't want to learn and failing, miserably.
*Huge lack of student discipline.
*Students are being passed to the next level when their reading comprehension is already 3 levels below their current.

The fact that the high school has an award-winning music program, basketball team that went to state multiple times, and an active debate team means little except to those students who live and breathe these activities that are giving them a reason to want to overcome their odds. In environments like this, students need the extracirricular as much as they need their academic studies; both should go hand in hand, imo. Parental influence is practically non-existent --- how fucked up is that and how should they be expected to succeed if no one cares if they end up dead, in jail, or out on the streets.

I support iniatives that are aimed at at least trying, in some way, to improve a kids way of life, no matter how miniscule that improvement may be. It's going to have a positive, lasting effect on a bunch of someones who may always be a minority in a minority, but a successful one in the long run.

I have no interest in giving handouts to adults who can and should be doing better for themselves, but I'll always have a soft spot for disadvantaged youth and support programs that might give them something to hope for, and most importantly something to DO even if that means getting into a flame war with someone they wouldn't normally converse with, online. We complain about crime and violence among black youth and hispanic youth, yet cry foul when someone wants to give them a computer.

My :facepalm: was not only a reaction to your generalities, which I do believe exist on some staggering levels, but mainly your belief that if computers were handed out to low-income students or an initiative like this gets underway that somehow these computers would be handed out with no directives, pre-requisites, or post-requisites to be met in the interim. I just do not see that happening, sorry.

12-09-2008, 03:39 PM
I support iniatives that are aimed at at least trying, in some way, to improve a kids way of life, no matter how miniscule that improvement may be. It's going to have a positive, lasting effect on a bunch of someones who may always be a minority in a minority, but a successful one in the long run.

I have no interest in giving handouts to adults who can and should be doing better for themselves, but I'll always have a soft spot for disadvantaged youth and support programs that might give them something to hope for, and most importantly something to DO even if that means getting into a flame war with someone they wouldn't normally converse with, online. We complain about crime and violence among black youth and hispanic youth, yet cry foul when someone wants to give them a computer.

My :facepalm: was not only a reaction to your generalities, which I do believe exist on some staggering levels, but mainly your belief that if computers were handed out to low-income students or an initiative like this gets underway that somehow these computers would be handed out with no directives, pre-requisites, or post-requisites to be met in the interim. I just do not see that happening, sorry.

Yah I watched it too, and every day I watch the after come in for detox's and job training. Part of our admission is testing them with measures for literacy, basic math and mental instability. The majority of our intakes fail literacy tests shortly after writing their names and about 1 in 5 needs to be taken into protective custody after taking an exam that measures chance of suicide short term.

I'm not saying yay status quo I am just saying that an initiative to just hand computers out to disadvantaged people is looking past the larger problem and buying into the idea that the only problem people have is that they cannot afford things. The money could be better spent on dealing with the severe social problems and traditional short falls in school budgets. Its like lets get every disadvantaged kid a scalpel and a book on biochemistry because obviously they will all become doctors.

If you want to make kids feel better get them all toys and admit thats what your doing but if you actually want to improve their education fix the school budgets and hire more social workers because thats why kids are actually coming out all fucked up not a lack of access to the internet.

12-09-2008, 05:37 PM
You're also given a huge pass for your cunty behavior (just as I was when people assumed I was female) because you're a woman. That's another issue, but it's a pragmatic reality here.

You didn't get a pass while you were lying about being female, people called you out constantly for your insane behavior. WTF are you talking about?

12-09-2008, 06:09 PM
I'm not saying yay status quo I am just saying that an initiative to just hand computers out to disadvantaged people is looking past the larger problem and buying into the idea that the only problem people have is that they cannot afford things. The money could be better spent on dealing with the severe social problems and traditional short falls in school budgets. Its like lets get every disadvantaged kid a scalpel and a book on biochemistry because obviously they will all become doctors.
We can start by giving every disadvantaged kid a fighting chance. A textbook to cover every class would be a good start, a mentor who actually CARES (believe it or not, there are plenty), and a computer and internet access wouldn't hurt at all. Computers and internet access should be offered in (most) [all] schools anyway, including low income districts, but they aren't. Computers are toys for the most part, but they are very effective learning instruments as well.

If you want to make kids feel better get them all toys and admit thats what your doing but if you actually want to improve their education fix the school budgets and hire more social workers because thats why kids are actually coming out all fucked up not a lack of access to the internet.
Hiring social works and fixing school budgets is only the tip of the iceberg. Schools can only do so much with a fixed budget and trying to work around a flawed NCLB. They aren't fucked up because of the schools either, it's much deeper than that, it's a severe lack of parental influence which is often times generational, and chronic lack of discipline and respect for authority. It's an issue with no magic fix, one that will take a community to repair with the understanding that government can not do it alone. That's a given.

12-09-2008, 06:54 PM
If you ask me, the whole textbook thing needs to be done away with, and replaced with video games.

Have game companies make games like Grand Theft American History, Reading Hero, World of Mathcraft, etc.

I learned a good bit of stuff much faster than I probably would have the normal way back in elementary school playing old archaic edutainment games on the old Apple IIe's they had in the classroom. The Carmen Sandiego games were good for stuff like that too. I never played it because I wanted to learn historical facts, I played it because I wanted to catch Carmen Sandiego. But I ended up learning historical facts as a result of it.

Throwing a textbook in the face of people who are already at a big educational disadvantage isn't going to help anything, because textbooks are mind numbingly boring and won't accomplish much other than to demotivate the already demotivated students even more.

But if Jamal Washington can pass his big test on Chapter 3 by downing Onyxia via solving math problems instead of throwing frostbolts, he can then move onto Chapter 4, which takes place in Blackwing Lair. The actual teaching of how to do the math can be masked as an attunement questline for the dungeon it leads up to, where each step teaches you new stuff in the chapter, and use trash mobs and minibosses as study fodder leading up to the raid boss. Throw in achievements, online leaderboards (schoolwide or nationwide, whatever), and of course epics because people like collecting stuff, and you're giving people a reason to want to learn. So what if their motives might be different than the norm, (i.e. learning it because they want to top the leaderboard, not because they actually care about doing math). Who cares why they want to learn it as long as they're learning it?

This is all just random diarrhea spewing off the top of my head with no real thought put into the details (I'm sure a creative company like Blizzard or Bioware could figure out a way to make this work), but the point is if you make the learning process fun with frequent rewards for progress, people will be more motivated to learn than they would be sticking their nose in some boring ass textbook, where their only goal is to temporarily memorize some stuff long enough to pass a test at the end of the week.

It would also probably go a long way towards disproving that ADD/ADHD is a mental disorder, and not some shit made up by drug companies to be used as a scapegoat for bad parenting.

Stanley Burrell
12-09-2008, 08:05 PM
Agreed. I'm all for aiding in the education of disadvantaged people rather than handouts. I actually wish that college was free up until you get your associates.

We should just make everything free.. then no one would have to work and we could sit around hugging all day.


Oh dag. And here I was thinking PB was old enough to remember most universities not requiring any sort of standard tuition. You know, back when America was the treehugging commune that was more accepting of gays and blacks.


Drunken Durfin
12-09-2008, 08:18 PM
"No Child Left Behind is the worst thing that ever happened to the education system."

~ My Dad, retired school teacher

12-09-2008, 09:56 PM
You didn't get a pass while you were lying about being female, people called you out constantly for your insane behavior. WTF are you talking about?Come on, at least Kierphe will vouch for It. It isn't like It posted from the female perspective in an abortion thread or something.

12-09-2008, 10:03 PM
Come on, at least Kierphe will vouch for It. It isn't like It posted from the female perspective in an abortion thread or something.

:rofl: :rofl:

12-10-2008, 09:59 AM
Has that overpriced female Cleric you're selling with pictures of naked women enticing potential buyers sold yet? Dumbass.You make fun of PB for having a usual insult for you, yet you've been doing the same thing with diethx, stating this stupid statement over and over again. And it's not even insulting, it was a joke when it was done. Probably much like when PB said he was goating someone. Since it was the only time he's ever used it in that fashion, he was probably joking too. It's like.. you have no sense of humor or something. You should get one, they're nice.

12-10-2008, 10:18 AM
You didn't get a pass while you were lying about being female, people called you out constantly for your insane behavior. WTF are you talking about?

Wait, Ashliana isn't female? I thought she said she was a lesbian.

12-10-2008, 10:19 AM

12-10-2008, 10:21 AM
Aww. I suck.

12-10-2008, 10:22 AM
No worries, you're in good company. Pretty much all of the PC community sans Kierphe and It are in it. ;)

Sean of the Thread
12-10-2008, 10:31 AM
Maybe you're just confused about your sexuality. You are from Virginia after all.

12-10-2008, 10:35 AM
Maybe you're just confused about your sexuality. You are from Virginia after all.Actually It spent most of It's life in Europe. They view sexual identity differently there. And they don't drink tequila (just ask Kierphe)

12-10-2008, 10:35 AM
You went out of your way to clarify your gender when everyone had already figured that you were female. However it wasn't really that you had to clarify, it was in the way it was done. Rather than say "whoops, didn't mean to give that impression, my apologies", you turned it around and tried to make it as though everyone else was in the wrong for making that train of thought.

YOU weren't clear from the beginning, so you can't MAKE people see something that's only obvious to YOU.

I'm also not sure what political positions have to do with your being a deceptive person regarding your gender. Maybe if you kept things vague no one would have cared. But you making a big point about YOUR right to YOUR body in an abortion thread just cinched the perception of your gender. Was it a wrong perception? Perhaps. But that's not the fault of anyone other than yourself for never being clear on that point.

But keep on blaming everyone else if it makes you feel better. No one did anything wrong by initially assuming someone's gender by their name when they post like a sandy vagina.

12-10-2008, 10:35 AM
Still doesn't mean that assuming someone on the Internet is female because of a female-sounding name isn't stupid. I went out of my way to clarify my own gender; I didn't "slip up and get caught" like PB and Clove would have loved. Because all of a sudden their retarded political positions would've been vindicated, right? Sorry. No.

Which doesn't help at all anyone who didn't read the thread you 'outed' yourself in or the occasional comments by others about it.

Fact is, if someone posting with a female name - which is what the majority of names ending with an 'a' are especially combined with sibilants and soft consonants - others are going to assume it's a woman posting. Add in when s/he comes off sounding like a dumb bitch in almost every post and there should be no surprise at all.

Drunken Durfin
12-10-2008, 11:06 AM
I just scrolled back through this whole thread looking for a point that I don't think that anyone has raised (on a handheld so I might have missed it).

If the governmnet is providing your computer/internet access then they have every right to monitor/police your activities on said computer/internet.

Yeah, I know the Patriot Act does the same thing, but this would let them do it without having to deal with that pesky "we thought he was a terrorist" hoop they have to jump through currently...not that it is on fire, or even very high.

12-10-2008, 11:09 AM
Again, shaped by whatever preconceptions you previously had and the image you created of me in your mind based on my name. If my posting style sounds flamboyant, then it would in person as an obvious male. Unfortunately, I can't control what goes on in the minds of strangers on the Internet.

The point you still fail to comprehend was that YOU came to this forum. YOU created a feminine name. YOU added a feminine avatar. YOU posted like an estrogen filled, on the rag, raging bitch. YOU posted how hurtful abortion is to you personally... That it's an invasion of your vagina and uterus.

This was the 'fantasy' YOU created. YOU felt it was necessary to masquerade as a female... probably something you subconsciously/consciously do everyday in your life.

But hey.. it's everyone else's fault that you created this online image. It's not like you lead anyone on or anything... I guess that's where we are completely different. I would be insulted if someone mistook me as a female.. you seem to relish in it... like you somehow get off when someone assumes you are one.

Whatever blows your sissy skirt up I guess... just don't blame others for falling for the role play you painstakingly created.

12-10-2008, 11:11 AM
Why did you chose Ashliana as your handle (honest question)

12-10-2008, 11:11 AM
I just scrolled back through this whole thread looking for a point that I don't think that anyone has raised (on a handheld so I might have missed it).

If the governmnet is providing your computer/internet access then they have every right to monitor/police your activities on said computer/internet.

Yeah, I know the Patriot Act does the same thing, but this would let them do it without having to deal with that pesky "we thought he was a terrorist" hoop they have to jump through currently...not that it is on fire, or even very high.

Hmm... I may have to rethink my dislike for this program....

12-10-2008, 11:13 AM
Scanning poor people's computers...

Porn...porn...rap and/or country music website....porn...porn

I don't think they're going to come across any major revelations.

12-10-2008, 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by Fallen http://forum.gsplayers.com/images/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?p=853208#post853208)
Why did you chose Ashliana as your handle (honest question)

<<Answered above. It's one of my Gemstone character's names.>>

I thought as much. Is said character male or female?

12-10-2008, 11:30 AM
Do you even bother reading what you post anymore? What exactly am I bitter about? You? Twinkles, you hold zero interest to me other than my entertainment. Zero. For me to be bitter, I have to be upset about something. Trust me.. there's nothing upsetting about you. I brought you back to these forums specifically for threads like this. Watching you defend yourself is hugely entertaining for me and many others. Like I previously posted.. you are like a cornered little kitten who fluffs her fur to make herself seem bigger than she is.. bares her teeth to make her seem to be tough... flails her little paws around to make her seem that she's going to hurt someone.. but we both know you are still that little scared pussy.

Just stop. If I didn't find such entertainment in your daily meltdowns.. I would actually feel sorry for you.


12-10-2008, 11:39 AM
If the governmnet is providing your computer/internet access then they have every right to monitor/police your activities on said computer/internet.
What better way to indoctrinate children?

12-10-2008, 12:06 PM
I get it Assliana.. I'm a partisan hack in every thread.. even if it's political or not. Awesome. I also get it that you believe I am old.. something very accepted on these forums. I wonder though.. how everyone would react to me calling you a cock smoking faggot in response? I assume that it wouldn't be accepted very well... though I see no difference. At least mine's accurate.


12-10-2008, 12:06 PM
The character in-game is female. As in Gemstone, you shouldn't assume that people with feminine names or female characters in video games are women in reality. A suspicion might be warranted, but acting shocked or feeling deceived when that person goes out of their way to correct you is a little unreasonable.Except that message boards are not roleplaying games. When you're playing a female character in a game, unless you're in IMs lying to the other player about your gender in order to have cybersex, no one cares what the gender of the player is. The character is responded to as the character and no one is addressing the player pretty much ever.

However for the most part, unless specifically stated, forums are OOC. They are not roleplaying venues for you to play a female. This is where you speak as yourself. You came here with your female character name however as the player (note the name of the forums "PLAYERS' Corner", not Characters' Corner). As a MALE player using a FEMALE name, you should have made it known UP FRONT what your gender in order to not cause confusion later on since the name and how you post is all that a person has to go on. THAT is why people are calling you deceptive.

And honestly, fuck you with the female character names as your screen handle and giving the rest of us shit for not knowing any better. Belnia is a male who plays a female character. However Belnia doesn't go into abortion threads and talk about the right to his body, nor does he get all pissy when people say "OMG you're a guy?!" He just says yep, I the player am a guy, the character is a girl, WITH NO FUCKING INSULTS TO ANYONE FOR THINKING OTHERWISE.

Tea & Strumpets
12-10-2008, 12:21 PM
Again, pure fantasy. About what I'd expect from you, delusional old man. I came to a Gemstone forum, created an account based on my Gemstone character (as was what I wanted help with), hoped some people might recognize the character and ended up wandering over to the political section.

Did you ever in Gemstone, upon meeting female characters, assume they were female IRL? If you did, you're every bit as much an idiot as I already think you are. My account here was not a "fantasy"--your invented perceptions of ME were, and I went out of my way to correct them. Nothing you post changes that. I posted simple opinions, whether or not you think they were "raging and estrogen filled" goes off of whatever assumption (delusion, in your case) you whipped up for yourself.

That's a pretty paper thin argument. There was also the time that you fostered the impression that you were a female by talking about your rights to get an abortion (something medically impossible). I don't think continuing the pretense that you are a woman to validate your abortion argument = "I went out of my way to correct them".

I'm guessing this is all going way over your head. Anyway, I'm going to start signing my posts 'Barbara', and if anyone thinks I'm a woman, that's because they are stupid and have a bunch of biased preconceived notions about names. That's what you get for assuming!


12-10-2008, 12:22 PM

That could also be short for "T&S The Barbarian", so I'm confused.

12-10-2008, 12:24 PM
Still doesn't mean that assuming someone on the Internet is female because of a female-sounding name isn't stupid. I went out of my way to clarify my own gender; I didn't "slip up and get caught" like PB and Clove would have loved. Because all of a sudden their retarded political positions would've been vindicated, right? Sorry. No.

Which doesn't help at all anyone who didn't read the thread you 'outed' yourself in or the occasional comments by others about it.

Fact is, if someone posting with a female name - which is what the majority of names ending with an 'a' are especially combined with sibilants and soft consonants - others are going to assume it's a woman posting. Add in when s/he comes off sounding like a dumb bitch in almost every post and there should be no surprise at all.Basically. It was deliberately disingenuous. And it isn't the first time (just ask Kierphe) Let's recap:

It used Its female character name as it's login and provided no other gender information in Its profile.

It is bitchy.

It posted from the female prospective in abortion threads

It then has suddenly grows a pair by becoming hostile and indignant when posters naturally assume It is female.

Tea & Strumpets
12-10-2008, 12:26 PM
That could also be short for "T&S The Barbarian", so I'm confused.

I wouldn't expect someone who is planning to shoot people at their wedding reception with bean bag guns to understand.

12-10-2008, 12:34 PM
I wouldn't expect someone who is planning to shoot people at their wedding reception with bean bag guns to understand.

You say that like it's a bad thing!

12-10-2008, 01:20 PM
I'm guessing this is all going way over your head. Anyway, I'm going to start signing my posts 'Barbara', and if anyone thinks I'm a woman, that's because they are stupid and have a bunch of biased preconceived notions about names. That's what you get for assuming!


To be honest, I thought you were a girl anyway.

(Hopefully, I got this dig in before SomeRogue did..)

12-10-2008, 01:21 PM
To be honest, I thought you were a girl anyway.

(Hopefully, I got this dig in before SomeRogue did..)Dammit...

12-10-2008, 01:31 PM
Too bad I never said they were. However, as I said before, I created my account with the same name as my main in Gemstone for various reasons.And since I don't give a shit what your "reasons" were, you should have just clicked on male on your profile and this wouldn't continue to be an argument.
"As a MALE player using a FEMALE name, you should have made it known UP FRONT"

Um.. No?Um.. yes.

It's not my responsibility to declare my gender anywhere.You're right. It's so much more fun to be vague, and then when it is questioned, blame everyone else for their wrong assumptions. Yeah.

If you're going to use a female name as your handle, you should, to avoid bullshit reasoning like this.

So when Belnia gets those reactions, "OMG you're a guy!?" do people then spend five pages and across multiple threads accusing him of "deception"?No because he doesn't blame others for coming to that conclusion. Only you have been adamant to believe that you had nothing to do with how people perceived you. Also Belnia is super cool from what I've seen of his posts, a category you will never fall under.

You're a stupid cunt, CT.It takes one to know one. We've known this about you since the very beginning.

Your argument is the paper thin one--that I have to justify an anti-abortion argument by claiming to be female?Because it was obviously difficult to say "as a man, I have a right to my body as much as a woman does, etc". But noooo. You had to be vague. Don't blame us for taking it wrong.

Hm.. How, I wonder, do the political affiliations of those being belligerent here, lean? PB? Clove? CT? T&S? Sean of the White Trash? Shocking coincidence.Political affiliation has no bearing on whether you're a fucking moron or not. Clove and I are independent and we think you're a raging cunt. T&S has never really stated which side he leans toward. PB is conservative and Ravenstorm is a liberal and they both think you're a bitch. So what exactly have you proven here? Oh yeah.. not a thing.

If you can take a dick, you can take a joke. You are the joke here today so kindly shut the fuck up already about this. Take your lumps like a man (hahahahaha) and admit you were wrong.

12-10-2008, 01:32 PM
Hm.. How, I wonder, do the political affiliations of those being belligerent here, lean? PB? Clove? CT? T&S? Sean of the White Trash? Shocking coincidence.

Not that I want to pile up on you.. you poor, poor victim you.. but

Which doesn't help at all anyone who didn't read the thread you 'outed' yourself in or the occasional comments by others about it.

Fact is, if someone posting with a female name - which is what the majority of names ending with an 'a' are especially combined with sibilants and soft consonants - others are going to assume it's a woman posting. Add in when s/he comes off sounding like a dumb bitch in almost every post and there should be no surprise at all.

Ravenstorm is FAR FAR FAR from a conservative anything... and even he thinks you are a dumb bitch. There is bi-partisan consensus on these boards that you are indeed.. a dumb fucking bitch. You quickly filled the void that Backlash left..

12-10-2008, 01:38 PM
If you can take a dick, you can take a joke. You are the joke here today so kindly shut the fuck up already about this. Take your lumps like a man (hahahahaha) and admit you were wrong.

:rofl: That's awesome.. but in It's defense.. it's not only today It's considered a joke. Pretty sure it's been from day 1.

12-10-2008, 01:54 PM
You've taken more cocks than I ever will, whore, so I'll take your opinion as highly credible.I probably have, which is why I'm not a bitter vag troll like you are. Maybe you should hook up with Proxy. He doesn't like women anymore. You both seriously need a good dicking.

12-10-2008, 01:54 PM
It is pretty much reviled across the political spectrum. This has been because of a pattern of shrillness, deceptive behavior and a propensity to externalize every consequence of Its behavior.

12-10-2008, 02:54 PM
But you and the other neocon trolls have been belligerent and argumentative. He hasn't been.

Damn. I need to try harder. PB, will you give me lessons?

12-10-2008, 03:02 PM
Damn. I need to try harder. PB, will you give me lessons?Apparently calling It bitchy isn't belligerent enough.

12-10-2008, 03:43 PM
Damn. I need to try harder. PB, will you give me lessons?

Look through the thread and see who's being the most belligerent and argumentative... maybe It will give you lessons as It is an expert in that area.

12-10-2008, 04:22 PM
Generally, one person responding to six tards repeating the same belligerent, fallacious argument ends up being belligerent in response. Dazzling and insightful as always, Michael. :clap:

Again.. playing the poor victim role. It's OUR fault you are a fucking cunt. What.. did we just assume you wouldn't be one and that's our fault?

Someone called you retarded and you went off in your typical belligerent and argumentative way. No one else. There were no other people that responded.. just Sean calling you a retard. Here was your response:

You're quite possibly one of the most worthless human beings I've ever encountered on this planet.. a terrible father, provider, person. You're not in a position to judge anyone else. You need to give yourself a sledgehammer vasectomy before you ruin any more wombs with your garbage genetic material.

Read through the thread again. It's pure entertainment.

This thread should be saved as a case study for a perfect definition of hypocrite.

12-10-2008, 04:26 PM

12-10-2008, 04:32 PM

12-10-2008, 04:40 PM
So does this mean no video games in school in place of textbooks?

12-10-2008, 04:43 PM
You make fun of PB for having a usual insult for you, yet you've been doing the same thing with diethx, stating this stupid statement over and over again. And it's not even insulting, it was a joke when it was done. Probably much like when PB said he was goating someone. Since it was the only time he's ever used it in that fashion, he was probably joking too. It's like.. you have no sense of humor or something. You should get one, they're nice.

Right? I can't believe It things that's actually insulting. It was a joke, and a funny one. It should've grown a sense of humor with that set of tiny little nuts.

Actually It spent most of It's life in Europe. They view sexual identity differently there. And they don't drink tequila (just ask Kierphe)

I've missed you so much lately!

Sean of the Thread
12-10-2008, 04:44 PM
To be honest blacklash wasn't even this fucking dumb and annoying.

12-10-2008, 04:45 PM
And once in a while knew when to shut up and leave for a bit. Like now.

12-10-2008, 04:46 PM
And once in a while knew when to shut up and leave for a bit. Like now.

Yup, although he's still got the creepy factor going for him.

12-10-2008, 05:19 PM
Why not give it a shot and see?

12-10-2008, 05:32 PM
I honestly don't know why you still post here. Unless you're some sort of batshit insane masochist who loves punishment, I guess that's always a possibility. In fact maybe that's the case, we already know you've got the first half down.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
12-10-2008, 05:46 PM
Actually It spent most of It's life in Europe. They view sexual identity differently there. And they don't drink tequila (just ask Kierphe)

Thankfully, should any similar situations ever arise in the future, we'll have a handy graphic to deal with it:


12-10-2008, 05:46 PM

edit: yes I do

12-10-2008, 05:58 PM
I'm beginning to think that a certain poster would benefit from a picture explanation of the situation at hand:


12-10-2008, 06:05 PM
There's that classic delusion again. It's not about being a victim. You and the other reactionary trolls clearly want to discuss this at length. Especially when it's distracting from you having to defend yet another retarded political position.

I know what I said to Sean, and did so because he's probably one of the most disgusting, horrible people I've ever had the misfortune of coming across.

Again.. what is delusional about what I posted? Sean called you a retard and what did you do.. you went off. No one else posted a single thing.. it was you reacting to one post. I would call that pretty much belligerent and argumentative... exactly what you are complaining about. That is the core definition of being a hypocrite.

As for you personally, you like to pretend that you, Clove, CT, etc, don't actively try to piss people off, much less me. You actively try, and fall flat on your face. It's not a matter of my being victimized.. it's you choosing to be an asshat, and my choosing to show you exactly what that's worth. You and Gan especially love to label people as hypocrites; because, naturally, calling someone else a hypocrite (regardless of whether it's true or not) puts them on the defensive and away from you defending whatever retarded claim of the day you're making.

Who ever said I pretend to not actively piss people off? I have never, ever made such a claim. I would sound as stupid as you are sounding right now if I made such a claim. Fact is.. I enjoy pissing people like you off. I relish it.

Besides.. I don't pretend. That is your field of expertise.

And I realize you don't like the label of hypocrite.. but what else would define your posting style? You complain about someone posting in a certain manner.. yet do the same exact thing in response. Don't like being called a flaming hypocritical cunt? How about not being one? Try that out for a change?

12-10-2008, 06:06 PM
I'm beginning to think that a certain poster would benefit from a picture explanation of the situation at hand:


LOL, that's awesome.

Sean of the Thread
12-10-2008, 06:26 PM
To clear up any confusion since she/it/he fixed it finally she/it/he girly clicked the submit button over and over and had about 6 duplicate posts.

Thus the retard comment.

It also took she/it/he hours to realize this before fixing it and then blamed the internets.

I retract my retard statement if it makes anyone feel better and I'm sorry.

I'm sorry you're a dumb fuck instead.

12-10-2008, 06:57 PM
Maybe if you quit being a laughable retard he'd quit popping in to call you one.

lolol at the psycho It judging others. lololol

12-10-2008, 07:12 PM
Maybe if you quit being a laughable retard he'd quit popping in to call you one.

lolol at the psycho It judging others. lololol

In my defense, I doubt I would ever stop calling It a laughable retard. I call It like I see It.

12-10-2008, 07:14 PM
In my defense, I doubt I would ever stop calling It a laughable retard. I call It like I see It.

I was talking about Sean2, not you.

12-10-2008, 07:15 PM
I was talking about Sean2, not you.


I think I can speak for Sean of the Thread when I say:

"I agree with Parkbandit"

Sean of the Thread
12-10-2008, 07:28 PM
Rofl comedy gold.

By show of hands of those that have posted in this thread... How many of you have I given a retard blast to (not counting sports arguments).

Exaaaactly. I call it as I see it.

It's also somewhat entertaining that the only insult you can attempt to sling at me is based on your favorite word assumption. You can call it an assumption if you want I'll just call it ignorance on your part.

It's been pleasant pissing you off mr/mrs/miss IT. Spend some more of your spare time perfecting the stroke of your... well.. shit what do you have? Perhaps An enlarged clitoris. Your time would be better spent as it's obvious you lack any social skills or wit to have any life whatsoever.

This does not mean stop with your posts as it's provided us all with some much needed amusement in the absence of our previous clown Blacklash.

Oh and eat a dick retard.

Sean of the Thread
12-10-2008, 07:38 PM
Lots of words, zero meaning. What exactly am I assuming? You've left a trainwreck of "HAHA MY LIFE SUCKS BUT I TRY TO LAUGH IT OFF WHILE MY KIDS SUFFER" threads over even my short time here.

Maybe instead of posting on a forum about how retarded other people are, you should be looking for a job or a place to house your children. Have an excuse for that one?

You assume once again. And once again based on your ignorance.

But c'mon make with the funny posts again. At least warclaidhm collects coins and does magic tricks. You're starting to become rather boring.

12-10-2008, 07:49 PM
If you can take a dick, you can take a joke. You are the joke here today so kindly shut the fuck up already about this. Take your lumps like a man (hahahahaha) and admit you were wrong.

:heart: CT


12-11-2008, 11:54 PM
Hell if they made some kind of keyboard that you can plug into your TV and access the internet without the use of a computer, even better.

They did years ago you never heard of webtv? I had a aunt that loved it its now msntv.

12-12-2008, 01:53 AM
They did years ago you never heard of webtv? I had a aunt that loved it its now msntv.

Web TV? WEB TV?!! The only person that I ever knew who had Web TV was a person named after some obscure car from the 50's.. and he was on house arrest, had a broken leg, and watched limbless midget porn on his Web TV. It should be some kind of suicide set-up to kill the user.