View Full Version : Obama had his grammy killed the night before to try and help him at the polls.

Sean of the Thread
11-03-2008, 11:55 PM
Tin foil hat.

Seriously my condolences.

Florida big day tomorrow. I'll be at teh polls 7am. Can't wait to vote republican down the line.. I don't even know their names I'm just looking for the big R next to the spot.

11-03-2008, 11:58 PM
Steelers won so that means Obama is the next president.

Moist Happenings
11-04-2008, 12:00 AM
Don't get me wrong, I've always thought the more republican line of thinking where you give big business money and it'll trickle down to everybody else works well. In theory, of course.

But you give me one example in the last 20 years where a corporation gives something to their employees, and I'll give you a hundred where they take something away. That is of course excluding instances where the employees were on strike, or the corporation was under pressure from the unions involved. A corporation will fire anybody who THINKS the word union in this day and age.

Edit to add: That's not to say that some unions aren't filled with thugs and greedy fucks either though.

Sean of the Thread
11-04-2008, 12:05 AM
It's a depressing world without a fucking doubt.

My goal at the poll tomorrow is to fuck with as many people as I can and take videos and photos as allowed before being pwnt.

Fuck it.

Moist Happenings
11-04-2008, 12:06 AM
It's a depressing world without a fucking doubt.

My goal at the poll tomorrow is to fuck with as many people as I can and take videos and photos as allowed before being pwnt.

Fuck it.

Don't forget to come out of the booth after casting your vote and tell the election officials that the ballot was confusing, and you'd like a do-over.

Sean of the Thread
11-04-2008, 12:08 AM

I think this is a paper ballot year only as well. And no cameras permitted inside so they have lawyers posted at each poll to supervise.

I'm gonna have fun. Hope I don't violate probation.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
11-04-2008, 10:13 AM

I think this is a paper ballot year only as well. And no cameras permitted inside so they have lawyers posted at each poll to supervise.

I'm gonna have fun. Hope I don't violate probation.


Make sure you post your results here!

11-04-2008, 10:17 AM
Don't get me wrong, I've always thought the more republican line of thinking where you give big business money and it'll trickle down to everybody else works well. In theory, of course.

But you give me one example in the last 20 years where a corporation gives something to their employees, and I'll give you a hundred where they take something away. That is of course excluding instances where the employees were on strike, or the corporation was under pressure from the unions involved. A corporation will fire anybody who THINKS the word union in this day and age.

Edit to add: That's not to say that some unions aren't filled with thugs and greedy fucks either though.

Explain to me how Obama's "Trickle up" theory is going to work then.

11-04-2008, 10:19 AM
Well, the same way "Trickle down" works except you're giving money to people who actually spend it.

Novel idea.

11-04-2008, 10:21 AM
Trickle up ... not hard to prove.

11-04-2008, 10:23 AM
I can't wait when poor people start hiring people... It's going to be a fantastic place to live.

11-04-2008, 10:27 AM
I can't wait until rich people actually give a shit about other people, their country or anything beyond their personal well being. It's going to be a great place to live...

Oh wait..

Tea & Strumpets
11-04-2008, 10:38 AM
I don't think wealth makes you inherently evil and selfish.

11-04-2008, 10:40 AM
She got a glimpse of the promised land, but she was not allowed to enter.

11-04-2008, 10:41 AM
I can't wait when poor people start hiring people... It's going to be a fantastic place to live.

After Obama's tax plan, you can just pay them less.

11-04-2008, 10:42 AM
I don't think wealth makes you inherently evil and selfish.


So you're saying that supply side economics, where we depend upon the rich to take care of public needs through investment, has been a success?

Tea & Strumpets
11-04-2008, 10:44 AM

So you're saying that supply side economics, where we depend upon the rich to take care of public needs through investment, has been a success?

No, I was just saying that "rich" people aren't necessarily selfish.

11-04-2008, 10:46 AM
No, I was just saying that "rich" people aren't necessarily selfish.

You're correct. It was more so a generality.

My point was that if we believe that injecting money into the economy is the way to go, we should be giving it to the people who we know will spend it (Poor people with higher marginal propensities to consume) versus those who can either A) Spend it, B) Save it or C) invest it outside of the US economy or D) burn it cuz they really don't give a shit anyway.

11-04-2008, 10:47 AM
No, I was just saying that "rich" people aren't necessarily selfish.


11-04-2008, 10:47 AM
I don't think wealth makes you inherently evil and selfish.

It's the perspective.

You own a business that employs 500 people. This business affords you the ability to own a four million dollar home, any five cars of your choosing, a vacation home, a yacht, and the best healthcare. Creating 500 jobs, in your eyes, is pretty damned responsible and admirable.

You work for a business that employees 499 other people. It is owned by a guy that has two expensive homes you'll never be able to afford, let alone one home worth a hundredth of the value of either home owned by your employer. He owns five cars, any one of them is worth more than your annual pay. There's also the yacht when you can't even comprehend taking a rafting vacation. Then there's his insurance ... which you don't have. You're less than 10/hr job facilitates the wealth of the guy who signs your check ... the guy who is one his third vacation for the year while you're working with a respiratory infection because missing another day of work could be your job, or in the best case scenario, your eviction.

It's perspective. That's not to say that all employers are like that, but when a CEO takes a company down the hole and gets a severance package worth more than the average person will see in a life-time ... you can see how that perspective is fostered.

11-04-2008, 10:54 AM
It's perspective. That's not to say that all employers are like that, but when a CEO takes a company down the hole and gets a severance package worth more than the average person will see in a life-time ... you can see how that perspective is fostered.

Only when presented in such a stupid way.
Your example said nothing of a CEO taking a company down the pan and getting a ridiculous severance package. It was just an employer who is wealthy vs someone working for him who is not.

Sean of the Thread
11-04-2008, 10:55 AM

Make sure you post your results here!

They wouldn't let me bring it in. So I pretended to go back to the car that didn't exist and put it in my pocket and brought it back in.

Not only were their supervisors like every 5 feet there were sheriff deputies scattered around and two outside.

Needless to say I didn't get to have any fun fucking with people.

Was a sad morning. :(

On the bright side the I voted sticker is good for a free chik fil a sammich or a starbucks coffee.

*I even brought extra rechargeable batteries since my camera's video at 12megapixels sucks batteries faster than beth blends dicks with her grill.

11-04-2008, 10:56 AM
It's the perspective.

You own a business that employs 500 people. This business affords you the ability to own a four million dollar home, any five cars of your choosing, a vacation home, a yacht, and the best healthcare. Creating 500 jobs, in your eyes, is pretty damned responsible and admirable.

You work for a business that employees 499 other people. It is owned by a guy that has two expensive homes you'll never be able to afford, let alone one home worth a hundredth of the value of either home owned by your employer. He owns five cars, any one of them is worth more than your annual pay. There's also the yacht when you can't even comprehend taking a rafting vacation. Then there's his insurance ... which you don't have. You're less than 10/hr job facilitates the wealth of the guy who signs your check ... the guy who is one his third vacation for the year while you're working with a respiratory infection because missing another day of work could be your job, or in the best case scenario, your eviction.

It's perspective. That's not to say that all employers are like that, but when a CEO takes a company down the hole and gets a severance package worth more than the average person will see in a life-time ... you can see how that perspective is fostered.

You forgot to mention that the employee walked to work in the snow. Uphill. Both ways.

11-04-2008, 10:56 AM
Why not both?

11-04-2008, 11:02 AM
Only when presented in such a stupid way.
Your example said nothing of a CEO taking a company down the pan and getting a ridiculous severance package. It was just an employer who is wealthy vs someone working for him who is not.

CEO, owner, president .. take your pick. An owner living in luxury while the employees barely scrape by. A large company with a board that takes the company down the shitter and take off with rewards.

Again, I said it was perspective. Your perspective changes depending on where you fit on the spectrum ... I also stated that not all employers fit this particular mold. It could easily be implied that not all employees fit this mold as well.

Perhaps add to the conversation in such a way that doesn't imply that you are as stupid as those make the accusation of?

11-04-2008, 11:02 AM
You forgot to mention that the employee walked to work in the snow. Uphill. Both ways.

That should be an automatic assumption.

11-04-2008, 11:08 AM
CEO, owner, president .. take your pick. An owner living in luxury while the employees barely scrape by. A large company with a board that takes the company down the shitter and take off with rewards.

Again, that is two very different things. Owners of large companies generally are well off. Hey, that's capitalism. That's what helps people get their nice SUV's and wide screen HD TV's. You either want in, or you dont.

Again, I said it was perspective. Your perspective changes depending on where you fit on the spectrum ... I also stated that not all employers fit this particular mold. It could easily be implied that not all employees fit this mold as well.

It could also be said the mold is fucking stupid.

Perhaps add to the conversation in such a way that doesn't imply that you are as stupid as those make the accusation of?

I will let your stunning misuse of my beautiful language speak for itself.

11-04-2008, 11:12 AM
Again, that is two very different things. Owners of large companies generally are well off. Hey, that's capitalism. That's what helps people get their nice SUV's and wide screen HD TV's. You either want in, or you dont.

Do even understand the premise of the response?

It could also be said the mold is fucking stupid.

Things you can't understand aren't necessarily stupid. I'm sorry it's beyond you.

I will let your stunning misuse of my beautiful language speak for itself.

If you can't understand what's in front of you, how dare you claim the language as your own.

Tea & Strumpets
11-04-2008, 11:12 AM
I will let your stunning misuse of my beautiful language speak for itself.

We don't take kindly to those who use words like "my language" in these parts, you nationalist.

11-04-2008, 11:18 AM
If you can't understand what's in front of you, how dare you claim the language as your own.

Sorry, I don't speak retard.

11-04-2008, 11:19 AM
We don't take kindly to those who use words like "my language" in these parts, you nationalist.

As I am English and the language I speak is English, we can assume it's my own personal language and I am just lending it to you foreigners.

11-04-2008, 11:19 AM

11-04-2008, 11:24 AM

Finally caught on?

Nice one, Sherlock!

11-04-2008, 11:27 AM
I was laughing at the lameness of your insult.

Excuse me while I take my injured feelings and go cry (see laugh) in my pillow.

11-04-2008, 11:32 AM
I was laughing at the lameness of your insult.

Excuse me while I take my injured feelings and go cry (see laugh) in my pillow.

Oh come on...how can I compete with the linguistic mastery of someone who uses such phrases as "Perhaps add to the conversation in such a way that doesn't imply that you are as stupid as those make the accusation of? " and passes it off as English.

For someone as intelligent as you profess to be, you really come over as stupid some/most/all of the time.

Sean of the Thread
11-04-2008, 11:44 AM
The thought of him laughing into his pillow is disturbing.

11-04-2008, 01:20 PM
Thanks goodness for Teddy Roosevelt.

Moist Happenings
11-04-2008, 01:41 PM
Explain to me how Obama's "Trickle up" theory is going to work then.

Give a child a toy and watch him hit another child over the head with it.

"That's bad. Don't do that." you'll say.

Watch him hit the child over the head with it some more. What do you do?


Big business will not understand that they are to be held accountable for their actions until we start taking their toys away.

I don't necessarily think Obama's "trickle up" theory is going to work any better. In fact, I am almost positive it will work worse than the way the trickle down theory is supposed to work, but sometimes you just gotta take that toy away for a while so the kid who wants it realizes that you're not gonna put up with bullshit, to straighten up, and fly right.

I'm not normally a liberal. I usually end up voting republican after hearing what the candidates have to say. I was on the fence about McCain for quite some time here, though admittedly I was going to try to help get evil Hillary into office in this election, at least as of my feelings during the primaries.

The republican line of thinking works. IN THEORY. I don't necessarily think the democratic one works in the long term, but at this rate, neither does the republican. Keep dumping your money into big business so they can fire you and outsource your job, or cut costs and pay you less and less until you're living just above the poverty line, and eventually the only ones able to buy their products will be the people living fat off those they smashed down into poverty.

We need some way to get big business to start being accountable for its actions.

But to answer your question, I don't have a solid answer on how Obama's "trickle up" theory works. It's a short term solution that has no real long term gain in a Capitalist environment. It's just time to take the toys away.

A further thought:

Maybe we'll find in the future that it's sort of a cyclical system. Dump money into big business for 20 years or so and let them take take take, then give some back, then start the process over again. It's terrible to think of it like that, since it keeps huge unfeeling multinational corporations with power over all the people that made them successful, but until we think up something that works better, that might be a solution.