View Full Version : More Obama Fraud

10-24-2008, 10:08 AM

I've read recent reports of the Obama campaign receiving donations from dubious names and foreign locales and it got me wondering: How is this possible?

I run a small Internet business and when I process credit cards I'm required to make sure the name on the card exactly matches the name of the customer making the purchase. Also, the purchaser's address must match that of the cardholders. If these don't match, then the payment isn't approved. Period. So how is it possible that the Obama campaign could receive donations from fictional people and places? Well, I decided to do a little experiment. I went to the Obama campaign website and entered the following:

Name: John Galt
Address: 1957 Ayn Rand Lane
City: Galts Gulch
State: CO
Zip: 99999

Then I checked the box next to $15 and entered my actual credit card number and expiration date (it didn't ask for the 3-didgit code on the back of the card) and it took me to the next page and... "Your donation has been processed. Thank you for your generous gift."

This simply should not, and could not, happen in any business or any campaign that is honestly trying to vet it's donors. Also, I don't see how this could possibly happen without the collusion of the credit card companies. They simply wouldn't allow any business to process, potentially, hundreds of millions in credit card transactions where the name on the card doesn't match the purchasers name.

In short, with the system set up as it is by the Obama camp, an individual could donate unlimited amounts of money by simply making up fake names and addresses. And Obama is doing his best to facilitate this fraud. This is truly scandalous.

Our reader was not yet done. He tried the experiment on the McCain site: "I tried the exact same thing at the McCain site and it didn't allow the transaction." He then repeated the experiment at the Obama site:

I went back to the Obama site and made three additional donations using the names Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein and Bill Ayers, all with different addresses. All the transactions went through using the same credit card. I saved screenshots of the transactions.

I can attest that if the Obama campaign turned AVS off they're probably violating the terms of their merchant account. Rarely do banks approve accounts for card not present transactions that don't use those.

10-24-2008, 10:25 AM
By the time any investigations into the fraud of this campaign are finished it will not matter.

Just as we in Ohio will watch as others come from other states to vote, and other people will find other ways to vote fraudulently, and then we have to accept the Chicago-style politics in our state.

Just as in Virginia they will be rejecting ballots from military personnel to keep McCains totals down.

The votes will be cast, the funds will already have been spent, and if he wins we will know it was stolen through fraud and deceit, but there is no recourse.

You can't unring a bell.

10-24-2008, 10:35 AM
I am glad you agree.

10-24-2008, 10:36 AM
yes, they tried it at the RNC page and it failed.

And yes, Mabus, that is what pisses me off too. All this fraud and you know what the consequence will be? Nothing. No one will go to jail. If Obama wins there probably won't even be investigations.

10-24-2008, 10:42 AM
Not to mention that the voting machines in Tennessee early voting are switching votes from McCain to Obama. But the machines in Virginia are switching votes from Obama to McCain. It all balances out.


10-24-2008, 10:45 AM
yes, they tried it at the RNC page and it failed.

And yes, Mabus, that is what pisses me off too. All this fraud and you know what the consequence will be? Nothing. No one will go to jail. If Obama wins there probably won't even be investigations.
They have to turn AVS off.

Many countries do not support it, and that would cut down on illegal campaign contributions.

Of course no one will go to jail. They won't even publish anything about it in the USA media. Just like in 2000, when we had a virtual blackout by "standard" media on the Florida election.

10-24-2008, 10:52 AM
Wow. Sounds like the webmaster for Obama's website should really be brought up on charges.

Obama has airtight Plausible Deniability.

10-24-2008, 10:56 AM
By the time any investigations into the fraud of this campaign are finished it will not matter.

Just as we in Ohio will watch as others come from other states to vote, and other people will find other ways to vote fraudulently, and then we have to accept the Chicago-style politics in our state.

Just as in Virginia they will be rejecting ballots from military personnel to keep McCains totals down.

The votes will be cast, the funds will already have been spent, and if he wins we will know it was stolen through fraud and deceit, but there is no recourse.

You can't unring a bell.

You are starting to sound like the idiot liberals now. Come on.. if Obama wins, it will really be because he has more votes and has won more states than McCain.

10-24-2008, 11:03 AM
Wow. Sounds like the webmaster for Obama's website should really be brought up on charges.

Obama has airtight Plausible Deniability.

Of course he doesnt mind spending the money though. ;)

10-24-2008, 11:12 AM
I love how, now that the campaign is in a tailspin for McCain, the GOP is scrambling to delegitimize Obama in any way.

10-24-2008, 11:28 AM
I love how, now that the campaign is in a tailspin for McCain, the GOP is scrambling to delegitimize Obama in any way.

? Tailspin? Looks like most polls are tightening up..

10-24-2008, 11:31 AM
I love how, now that the campaign is in a tailspin for McCain, the GOP is scrambling to delegitimize Obama in any way.

And if the boot fits...

There was some story my husband heard on a talk radio station (full disclosure there that I haven't heard/read the story myself) discussing whether The Obama is even a US citizen, apparently there's some evidence he may have been born overseas, and at one point held an Ethiopian passport. Drek and slander, maybe. I'm trying to find something about this as I type this.

Point being, I want to not believe this crap, and I would prefer to chalk to up to far right hysteria. But if he's getting, spending and winning based on illegal contributions - which becomes believable when you consider other factors - that just .... sucks.

10-24-2008, 11:34 AM
That is pure drek and slander, continually brought up by the far right, and disproven multiple times.


10-24-2008, 11:46 AM
The Obama citizenship issue has been brought up many times, as has the McCain citizenship issue. I think everyone's pretty much moved past those, as both accusations were weak attempts to undermine the other campaigns.

(random refs, just illustrating these are not new accusations: http://www.snopes.com/politics/mccain/citizen.asp, http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/citizen.asp)

The AVS issue with the site is disturbing if it's verified. Is there proof that those credit cards were actually charged and funds transferred? No bank processor would allow a credit card / zip code mismatch like that to actually proceed, so if funds were successfully transferred there is some definite fraud at work here.

10-24-2008, 11:49 AM
As to the credit card thing, I admit that's pretty bizarre and awful.

10-24-2008, 11:54 AM
For the citizenship part there is one lawsuit currently in federal court that Obama has been fighting and a couple of state ones to get him removed from the ballot.

10-24-2008, 12:12 PM
? Tailspin? Looks like most polls are tightening up..

Umm ... which polls? What polls with valid samplings have the race tightening?

And if the boot fits...

There was some story my husband heard on a talk radio station (full disclosure there that I haven't heard/read the story myself) discussing whether The Obama is even a US citizen, apparently there's some evidence he may have been born overseas, and at one point held an Ethiopian passport. Drek and slander, maybe. I'm trying to find something about this as I type this.

Point being, I want to not believe this crap, and I would prefer to chalk to up to far right hysteria. But if he's getting, spending and winning based on illegal contributions - which becomes believable when you consider other factors - that just .... sucks.

I really think you and your husband need to sit down and read something factual (http://www.factcheck.org/elections-2008/born_in_the_usa.html). There were claims ... even a legal hearing ... yet what it boils down to is that Obama was born to a US citizen, and he was born in Hawaii.

What you're hearing now is the desperation.

10-24-2008, 12:19 PM
The fake Mr. Gault didn't indicate whether or not the charges were applied to his credit card statement. That piece of information is crucial.

I read somewhere that a good number of these donations deemed as fraud are being made using "gift" credit cards accompanied by ficticious names. I don't believe gift cards are held to the same merchant standards as regular credit cards because anyone can purchase them in bulk or otherwise and they'd only be traced by the card number. No name or other identifying information is required to make these kinds of purchases.

It's disheartening to know the campaign relaxed their online security standards and I don't believe there is any good excuse for such a decision.

10-24-2008, 12:24 PM
Umm ... which polls? What polls with valid samplings have the race tightening?

I really think you and your husband need to sit down and read something factual (http://www.factcheck.org/elections-2008/born_in_the_usa.html). There were claims ... even a legal hearing ... yet what it boils down to is that Obama was born to a US citizen, and he was born in Hawaii.

What you're hearing now is the desperation.

Since my post said, I don't find this believable, and since I specifically stated I was going to find some facts on it for myself, you should be able to deduce that I don't require your condescending bullshit attitude to guide me to the truth of the matter.

Pardon me for not having heard this particular tasty piece of far right wing hysteria earlier in the election.

Now go die in a fire, slowly.

10-24-2008, 12:26 PM
The fake Mr. Gault didn't indicate whether or not the charges were applied to his credit card statement. That piece of information is crucial.

I read somewhere that a good number of these donations deemed as fraud are being made using "gift" credit cards accompanied by ficticious names. I don't believe gift cards are held to the same merchant standards as regular credit cards because anyone can purchase them in bulk or otherwise and they'd only be traced by the card number. No name or other identifying information is required to make these kinds of purchases.

It's disheartening to know the campaign relaxed their online security standards and I don't believe there is any good excuse for such a decision.

How many of the working poor do you know that have credit or debit cards?

The truth of the matter is that no matter how Obama received contributions, someone on the right would have cried foul. Money orders, cash, gift cards ... those are the options available to most of the people at the bottom of the ladder.

There's only one reason this is an issue, Obama is leading in the polls, exit polls, and fund raising. Had he been down in the first two ... the GOP would be using Obama as the poster child for wasted campaign donations.

10-24-2008, 12:33 PM
Since my post said, I don't find this believable, and since I specifically stated I was going to find some facts on it for myself, you should be able to deduce that I don't require your condescending bullshit attitude to guide me to the truth of the matter.

Pardon me for not having heard this particular tasty piece of far right wing hysteria earlier in the election.

Now go die in a fire, slowly.

Perhaps you should really look into how your post was constructed. You took some very old third hand "rumor" that had been debunked some time back, and insinuated that it, if true, makes claims of fraud believable ... that and kicking off the post with "and if the boot fits".

The problem is that you didn't bother to look it up before you ran your mouth off ... which you should have.

Sticking with the spirit of advice ... go drink bleach pints with ammonia chasers until such a time you can handle the politics folder.

10-24-2008, 12:34 PM
How many of the working poor do you know that have credit or debit cards?This is exactly the reason I brought up the gift card donation equation. The gift cards are purchased using cash. Even if a ficticious name is used to make the donation, it doesn't make the donation any more fraudulent than say had they used their dead grandmother's name. Unless the gift cards are stolen (doubtful) I don't see a problem using any name you want to make the donation seeing as though these kinds of cards do not require the same security checks a credit based credit card would.

10-24-2008, 12:59 PM
factual (http://www.factcheck.org/elections-2008/born_in_the_usa.html). There were claims ... even a legal hearing ... yet what it boils down to is that Obama was born to a US citizen, and he was born in Hawaii.

There was a legal hearing on Obama? Do you have a link to that please? I haven't seen any legal outcome on that yet although there are a few cases pending. And for the factcheck link you posted they were shown the short form birth certificate which does not show the place of birth according to the laws of Hawaii at the time If one parent could show residence you could get a child a Hawaiin birth certificate no matter where they were born. And why was the birth not announced in the papers till over a week later? My son and daughters along with all my nieces and nephews were in the paper within 2 to 3 days.

10-24-2008, 01:18 PM
I'm bringing QQ back.

10-24-2008, 01:27 PM
There was a legal hearing on Obama? Do you have a link to that please? I haven't seen any legal outcome on that yet although there are a few cases pending.

The Berg case filed in PA is laughable to begin with ... so excuse me for implying there have been hearings. I believe he has filed one or two motions which have been denied. The Obama campaign and the DNC have filed a motion to dismiss. The case isn't going anywhere because Berg hasn't provided any evidence ... just flimsy claims.

And for the factcheck link you posted they were shown the short form birth certificate which does not show the place of birth according to the laws of Hawaii at the time If one parent could show residence you could get a child a Hawaiin birth certificate no matter where they were born.

Now you're spouting "talking points" out of the ass. It's government documentation ... what more do you want?

And why was the birth not announced in the papers till over a week later? My son and daughters along with all my nieces and nephews were in the paper within 2 to 3 days.

Your tinfoil hat is on too tight.

10-24-2008, 03:12 PM
I'm bringing QQ back.

Every time you post you bring it back.

No extra effort needed on your part.

10-24-2008, 03:29 PM
When left without a response... insult somebody.

10-24-2008, 03:46 PM
When left without a response... insult somebody.

Pot meet Kettle!

10-24-2008, 03:55 PM
As long as you admit it.


10-24-2008, 03:57 PM
As long as you admit it.


Did you admit it?

10-24-2008, 04:04 PM
No. I generally just insult people when it entertains me.

10-24-2008, 04:04 PM
Did you admit it?


You beat me to it.


10-24-2008, 06:16 PM
Perhaps you should really look into how your post was constructed. You took some very old third hand "rumor" that had been debunked some time back, and insinuated that it, if true, makes claims of fraud believable ... that and kicking off the post with "and if the boot fits".

The problem is that you didn't bother to look it up before you ran your mouth off ... which you should have.

Sticking with the spirit of advice ... go drink bleach pints with ammonia chasers until such a time you can handle the politics folder.

That three other people were faster than you to point out was old and untrue, without being assholes about it. That I upfront stated, was likely drek. If you can't stand that I posted while looking up stuff, instead of after, you need to get a grip. I'm not the goddamn AP.

10-24-2008, 07:34 PM
The fake Mr. Gault didn't indicate whether or not the charges were applied to his credit card statement. That piece of information is crucial.

I read somewhere that a good number of these donations deemed as fraud are being made using "gift" credit cards accompanied by ficticious names. I don't believe gift cards are held to the same merchant standards as regular credit cards because anyone can purchase them in bulk or otherwise and they'd only be traced by the card number. No name or other identifying information is required to make these kinds of purchases.

It's disheartening to know the campaign relaxed their online security standards and I don't believe there is any good excuse for such a decision.

This post said it all. 1. There's no way to verify that this was actually done. And 2. It's quite possible that they preauthorize contributions and let the banks sort out what goes through and what doesn't. As previously stated, NO bank is going to process a payment like that. It's also possible that at the time, the banking system was down, which gave a temporary preauthorization. There are entirely too many variables to jump to what is clearly a pre-concluded argument.

Some Rogue
10-24-2008, 07:45 PM
How many of the working poor do you know that have credit or debit cards?

I don't know. Do you think it's more or less than the number that has access to a computer to make donations on a website? Where's the harm in investigating any claim of fraud? If McCain where doing the same, would it be ok to investigate it? I think it would be.

10-24-2008, 07:46 PM
Well, I just used my credit card on the obama website, I made a donation of $15 using my credit card with the completely wrong information.
it went through and charged my credit card.

10-24-2008, 07:50 PM
That three other people were faster than you to point out was old and untrue, without being assholes about it. That I upfront stated, was likely drek. If you can't stand that I posted while looking up stuff, instead of after, you need to get a grip. I'm not the goddamn AP.

I'm not the one that got my panties in a twist over the suggestion of reading some factual source .... that you took it as some sort of insult and went full scale twatwaffle over it, to me, says you can't handle this folder.

Just to be clear, you went emo over this.

I really think you and your husband need to sit down and read something factual (http://www.factcheck.org/elections-2008/born_in_the_usa.html). There were claims ... even a legal hearing ... yet what it boils down to is that Obama was born to a US citizen, and he was born in Hawaii.

What you're hearing now is the desperation.

Now if you think I was being condescending, or even outright insulting over that ... you really need to take a step back and search out how I respond to about six other people on a consistent basis when they post up drivel or respond in a similar manner.

Honestly, it's tiring ... but if you want to come out swinging with comments such as "Now go die in a fire, slowly." ... you may want to be sure that it was an insult, veiled or blatant because I won't pull a punch.

10-24-2008, 07:50 PM
Well, I just used my credit card on the obama website, I made a donation of $15 using my credit card with the completely wrong information.
it went through and charged my credit card.

Care to take a screenshot, or are we to take your word for it?

10-24-2008, 07:53 PM
I don't know. Do you think it's more or less than the number that has access to a computer to make donations on a website? Where's the harm in investigating any claim of fraud? If McCain where doing the same, would it be ok to investigate it? I think it would be.

Absolutely investigate, no one is suggesting not to. However, I think the rhetoric being tossed around should be reined in. If it is evident that either camp is intentionally working around the system, if there is evidence of fraud ... then sure, call it fraud. The same goes for the ACORN investigations, use the proper terminology ... leave your politics out of it until there is a conclusion.

10-24-2008, 07:57 PM
Yup, took screen shots posting them as soon as I upload to photo bucket

10-24-2008, 07:59 PM


10-24-2008, 08:03 PM

that enough proof?

10-24-2008, 08:14 PM
That's funny, because I just tried it with a fake name and address ...

Error Processing Contribution
Your credit card contribution could not be authorized.

This could be because:
You accidentally entered your credit card number or expiration date incorrectly.
The address you provided does not match the billing address of your credit card.

<< Click here to edit and resubmit your contribution.

If the contribution still does not process, contact your credit card company.

10-24-2008, 08:15 PM
I don't know what to tell you, it worked for me.

10-24-2008, 09:09 PM

that enough proof?

This is spooky. Let us know when it moves out of P status. (I'm being serious)

10-24-2008, 09:10 PM
This is spooky. Let us know when it moves out of P status. (I'm being serious)

Will do.

10-24-2008, 09:27 PM
I suspect it will be denied. If it's approved, that's just wrong.

10-24-2008, 09:29 PM
I suspect it will be denied. If it's approved, that's just wrong.

It shouldn't even have MADE it to the pending stage anyways, it should have been declined when I submitted the information.

Garnet Doyle
10-24-2008, 11:48 PM
Countdown to the angry masses screaming about how even though the majority of these bogus charges are being reversed, while they were pending, the money was in the Obama campaign coffers earning 2 pennies in interest per month.

10-25-2008, 12:48 AM
The Berg case filed in PA is laughable to begin with ... so excuse me for implying there have been hearings. I believe he has filed one or two motions which have been denied. The Obama campaign and the DNC have filed a motion to dismiss. The case isn't going anywhere because Berg hasn't provided any evidence ... just flimsy claims.

There were claims ... even a legal hearing

Thats implying sounds more like and outright statement :) Berg has filed the original suit and I think four motions none of which have been denied, the judge hasn't issued a ruling on any of them. And your right Obama and the DNC have filed a motion to dismiss and a motion of protection against discovery, wonder what they have to hide?

10-25-2008, 12:50 AM
Countdown to the angry masses screaming about how even though the majority of these bogus charges are being reversed, while they were pending, the money was in the Obama campaign coffers earning 2 pennies in interest per month.

Stop. Posting. Stupid.


10-25-2008, 01:06 AM
Thats implying sounds more like and outright statement :)

Nitpicking does nothing for your argument.

Berg has filed the original suit and I think four motions none of which have been denied, the judge hasn't issued a ruling on any of them.

I think you should go back and read.

And your right Obama and the DNC have filed a motion to dismiss and a motion of protection against discovery, wonder what they have to hide?

Motion to dismiss ... and your tinfoil hat is still on too tight.

10-25-2008, 01:23 AM
I can't believe I missed this nugget on the first page!

By the time any investigations into the fraud of this campaign are finished it will not matter.

Just as we in Ohio will watch as others come from other states to vote, and other people will find other ways to vote fraudulently, and then we have to accept the Chicago-style politics in our state.

Just as in Virginia they will be rejecting ballots from military personnel to keep McCains totals down.

The votes will be cast, the funds will already have been spent, and if he wins we will know it was stolen through fraud and deceit, but there is no recourse.

You can't unring a bell.

Well aside from tossing out bullshit without sources ... still full of fail.

And the bit about Virginia ... that's the county registrar adhering to a republican law. Though it's likely he's tossing Obama votes considering the huge disparity in military contributions between the two campaigns (6 to 1 (http://kennebecjournal.mainetoday.com/view/columns/5376450.html)).

10-25-2008, 10:31 AM
Well aside from tossing out bullshit without sources ... still full of fail.
Much better then being full of Tsa`ah.

Let's take a look at this "little tidbit":

Money orders, cash, gift cards ... those are the options available to most of the people at the bottom of the ladder.
That still does not excuse taking political donations when the name (or even the country of origin) cannot be verified.

There are federal laws dealing with this, and with maximum donation per election cycle (spread between primary and general election).

If the name is fraudulent then the accounting is fraudulent.

Prohibited Contributions and Expenditures

The FECA places prohibitions on contributions and expenditures by certain individuals and organizations. The following are prohibited from making contributions or expenditures to influence federal elections:

* Corporations;
* Labor organizations;
* Federal government contractors; and
* Foreign nationals.

Furthermore, with respect to federal elections:

* No one may make a contribution in another person's name.
* No one may make a contribution in cash of more than $100.

In addition to the above prohibitions on contributions and expenditures in federal election campaigns, the FECA also prohibits foreign nationals, national banks and other federally chartered corporations from making contributions or expenditures in connection with state and local elections.

No one may make a contribution in another person's name.

But when you are full of Tsa`ah, that will not register.

10-25-2008, 11:02 AM
Prohibited Contributions and Expenditures

The FECA places prohibitions on contributions and expenditures by certain individuals and organizations. The following are prohibited from making contributions or expenditures to influence federal elections:

* Corporations;
* Labor organizations;
* Federal government contractors; and
* Foreign nationals.

Furthermore, with respect to federal elections:

* No one may make a contribution in another person's name.
* No one may make a contribution in cash of more than $100.

In addition to the above prohibitions on contributions and expenditures in federal election campaigns, the FECA also prohibits foreign nationals, national banks and other federally chartered corporations from making contributions or expenditures in connection with state and local elections.

I actually am curious, I'm not trying to jab.
1) Is that up to the candidate to enforce? Who is prosecuted... The candidate or the contributor?
2) All candidates certainly get around that contribution of $100 dollars or more pretty easily with $30,000 a plate meals.

I still think this has nothing to do with Obama and everything to do with his webmaster. The webmaster is as much a part of his campaign as his advisors and speech writers. I think nobody sees them that way though.

The webmaster should be fired and the website rebuilt. However, even if the webmaster allowed it to happen... Is it a situation where by just allowing them to do something, he's legally responsible or are the contributors legally responsible to contribute within the parameters of law?

10-25-2008, 11:10 AM
I actually am curious, I'm not trying to jab.
1) Is that up to the candidate to enforce? Who is prosecuted... The candidate or the contributor?
2) All candidates certainly get around that contribution of $100 dollars or more pretty easily with $30,000 a plate meals.

I still think this has nothing to do with Obama and everything to do with his webmaster. The webmaster is as much a part of his campaign as his advisors and speech writers. I think nobody sees them that way though.

The webmaster should be fired and the website rebuilt. However, even if the webmaster allowed it to happen... Is it a situation where by just allowing them to do something, he's legally responsible or are the contributors legally responsible to contribute within the parameters of law?

If it's brought up again and again and again.. and Obama still doesn't address it or even answer questions about it or disclose ALL of the people who donated.. doesn't he have to take some responsibility? Or should you continue to blame the webmaster?

If you think this was an accident and not an overall strategy... I have some fine land in south Florida I will sell you for a hell of a deal.

10-25-2008, 11:17 AM
Are you required at any point to disclose who donated to you?

10-25-2008, 11:50 AM
Update October 22nd, 2008: The Federal Election Commission files petition to dismiss (http://docs.justia.com/cases/federal/district-courts/pennsylvania/paedce/2:2008cv04083/281573/24/) based on plaintiffs lack of constitutional jurisdiction.

Out in the Bitter Hinterlands the question of whether Barack Obama is eligible under the Constitution of the United States of America has long been in doubt.

This link to What’s your evidence? (http://tesibria.typepad.com/whats_your_evidence/) is a detailed legal rejection of the Philip Berg lawsuit. In the comment thread below is additional information.

The Philadelphia Times-Herald reports here of a motion to dismiss (http://www.timesherald.com/site/news.cfm?newsid=20138509&BRD=1672&PAG=461&dept_id=33380&rfi=6) the lawsuit of Philip Berg against Barack Obama on September 26th, 2008. [Note: The Times-Herald link is no longer active.] The text of the Philip Berg’s rejection (http://docs.justia.com/cases/federal/district-courts/pennsylvania/paedce/2:2008cv04083/281573/13/) of the move to dismiss is dated September 29th, 2008. The entire case history is here. (http://news.justia.com/cases/featured/pennsylvania/paedce/2:2008cv04083/281573/)[New filings are posted weekly. Read the latest entry by scrolling down.]

The lawsuit alleges that Barack Obama was in fact born in Kenya and thus ineligible to be president. Berg’s latest order demands Obama’s “vault” version ( certified copy of his “original” long version ) Birth Certificate; and a certified copy of Obama’s Certification of Citizenship; a certified copy of Obama’s Oath of Allegiance.

Posted on Barack Obama’s website Fight The Smears (http://fightthesmears.com/articles/5/birthcertificate) is his Hawai’ian birth certificate and this statement:

“When Barack Obama Jr. was born on Aug. 4,1961, in Honolulu, Kenya was a British colony, still part of the United Kingdom’s dwindling empire. As a Kenyan native, Barack Obama Sr. was a British subject whose citizenship status was governed by The British Nationality Act of 1948. That same act governed the status of Obama Sr.‘s children.Since Sen. Obama has neither renounced his U.S. citizenship nor sworn an oath of allegiance to Kenya, his Kenyan citizenship automatically expired on Aug. 4,1982.”

A broader issue however is that even though Barack was certainly born in Hawai’i when Obama was possibly adopted by Lolo Soetoro around age six that meant that Barack’s name was changed to Barry Soetoro and he may have become an Indonesian citizen as a child. This also means that the birth certificate posted on Fight The Smears would have been sealed per adoption laws in Hawai’i and a new record created listing Lolo Soetoro as the father. This documentation has never been shown. As with Kenya, Indonesia did not allow dual-citizenship at that time.

The Constitution of the United States of America
Article II
Section 1.
[Paragraph 5:] No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.
You make the call America, is Barack Obama eligible under the Constitution if he was born in Hawai’i but was an Indonesian citizen at any time past the age of 18?

This link to What’s your evidence? (http://tesibria.typepad.com/whats_your_evidence/) is a detailed legal rejection of the Philip Berg lawsuit. In the comment thread below is additional information.



Its not an 'official' source; however, it does organize the information nicely. The real question is: is the information valid.

10-25-2008, 12:54 PM
I actually am curious, I'm not trying to jab.

1) Is that up to the candidate to enforce? Who is prosecuted... The candidate or the contributor?
The campaign is responsible for monies collected, and all accounting and reporting to the FEC dealing with the money.

2) All candidates certainly get around that contribution of $100 dollars or more pretty easily with $30,000 a plate meals.
The keyword here is "cash". Donations from other sources are supposed to leave a paper trail. Cash donations do not.

More info:

An individual may give a maximum of:

* $2,300 per election to a Federal candidate or the candidate's campaign committee.2 Notice that the limit applies separately to each election. Primaries, runoffs and general elections are considered separate elections.
* $5,000 per calendar year to a PAC. This limit applies to a PAC (political action committee) that supports Federal candidates. (PACs are neither party committees nor candidate committees. Some PACs are sponsored by corporations and unions--trade, industry and labor PACs. Other PACs, often ideological, do not have a corporate or labor sponsor and are therefore called nonconnected PACs.) PACs use your contributions to make their own contributions to Federal candidates and to fund other election-related activities.
* $10,000 per calendar year to a State or local party committee. A State party committee shares its limits with local party committees in that state unless a local committee's independence can be demonstrated.
* $28,500 per calendar year to a national party committee. This limit applies separately to a party's national committee, House campaign committee and Senate campaign committee.
* $108,200 total biennial limit. This biennial limit places a ceiling on your total contributions, as explained below.
* $100 in currency (cash) to any political committee. (Anonymous cash contributions may not exceed $50.) Contributions exceeding $100 must be made by check, money order or other written instrument.

$108,200 Biennial Limit

You have a biennial (two year) limit of $108,200 on your total contributions to Federal candidates and Federal political committees combined. Of the $108,200, an individual may contribute no more than $42,700 to candidates and no more than $65,500 to all PACs and parties (no more than $42,700 of the $65,500 may be given to committees that are not national party committees).
This is why keeping track of the name and amount for every donation is important.

These are (some of) the "rules" of campaign contributions. Not keeping accurate records of the origin, name and amount of donation is breaking the rules.

10-25-2008, 01:03 PM
Are you required at any point to disclose who donated to you?

FEC Campaign Finance Reports and Data (http://www.fec.gov/disclosure.shtml)

10-25-2008, 08:24 PM
I think you should go back and read.
Motion to dismiss ... and your tinfoil hat is still on too tight.

Until yesterday when the judge dismissed based on lack of standing there was one decisions made about the case the judge ruled against Bergs motion for a temporary restraining order. And yes they file a motion to dismiss and then on oct 6 filed for a motion of protection against discovery.
"October 6, 2008 15 MOTION for Protective Order Staying Discovery Pending Decision on Dispositive Motion filed by BARACK OBAMA, THE DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE.Brief, Certification, Certificate of Service. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Exhibit A)(LAVELLE, JOHN)"

10-25-2008, 09:51 PM
There've been hundreds of lawyers on both sides poised from well before the election. This will take a long time to settle.

10-28-2008, 10:37 AM
Well well well

look what just cleared

10-28-2008, 10:52 AM
Well well well

look what just cleared

You should report it to the FEC.

10-28-2008, 11:17 AM
That is seriously scary.

On one hand, you committed credit card fraud by knowingly lying about credit card information to defraud their site. On the other hand, it was your own credit card. On the third hand, the Obama site clearly isn't validating this information properly and can therefore have no way to track their online donations. Scary shit.

10-28-2008, 11:26 AM
Well, I contacted the FEC

they said, that is highly illegal, and they have gotten other reports of this.

the charge to your account should not have cleared at all.

that I should submit a noterized letter explaining the situation.

and that it lead into the contiuned investagion of this matter

10-28-2008, 11:38 AM
Well, I contacted the FEC

they said, that is highly illegal, and they have gotten other reports of this.

the charge to your account should not have cleared at all.

that I should submit a noterized letter explaining the situation.

and that it lead into the contiuned investagion of this matter
I applaud your honesty, and your bravery.

Please keep us informed.

10-28-2008, 11:39 AM
Well well well

look what just cleared

And Obama is conviently awash in Cash during this *final* stretch to Election Day.

It'll definitely play a role in a stronger "get out the vote" effort in Obama's favor...

I'll point to a friend of mine in Virginia (near DC), whose home has been visited by members of the Osama campaign at least 3 times so far this month, and her household has fielded at least 10 calls since last Friday.

Talk about persistent, where she has yet to hear a peep from the McCain campaign (probably because they, by comparison, can't afford to staff people going door to door).

10-28-2008, 11:41 AM
And Obama is conviently awash in Cash during this *final* stretch to Election Day.

It'll definitely play a role in a stronger "get out the vote" effort in Obama's favor...

I'll point to a friend of mine in Virginia (near DC), whose home has been visited by members of the Osama campaign at least 3 times so far this month, and her household has fielded at least 10 calls since last Friday.

Talk about persistent, where she has yet to hear a peep from the McCain campaign (probably because they, by comparison, can't afford to staff people going door to door).

How much you want to bet the people going door to door and making those calls are volunteers?

10-28-2008, 12:00 PM
How much you want to bet the people going door to door and making those calls are volunteers?
I bet the television ads aren't from volunteers, well, maybe the NBC ones, but not the others!

10-28-2008, 12:03 PM
I bet the television ads aren't from volunteers, well, maybe the NBC ones, but not the others!

When you can find someone implying that Television AD spots are donated let me know!

10-28-2008, 12:03 PM
Well well well

look what just cleared


Sounds like a blatant skirt of the donation rules, based on a plausibly deniable programming error.

What's the chance of seeing this audited?

10-28-2008, 12:32 PM
Sounds like a blatant skirt of the donation rules, based on a plausibly deniable programming error.

This isn't plausibly deniable, it's willfully malicious. As others have pointed out in this thread, you have to consciously bypass these sort of controls to process credit cards this loosely.

I'm an Obama supporter (and even donated myself through the same site), but this is very bad from a 'clean elections fundraising' standpoint. I'm very disappointed, and I doubt anything will be done.

10-28-2008, 01:06 PM
Well, according to what the FEC has told me
Certain things should be done by the candiates to make sure all donations are legitamite.
She said, First of all, that it should have never even been charged, that it should have been declined at barackobama.com
she said, it passing through the website, and clearing your bank, shows that the website failed to give ALL details submitted to the website to the bank. which is also illegal.
the lady was very kind who I talked too, I explained to her exactly what I did, why i did it, she told me not to worry, she Specifically told me, in your report, explain that you read about this on a website, and wanted to see if it was true.
She said I wasn't the first person to report this, and I'm certaintly won't be the last.
she also stated, that the candiate has 30 days from when the file is reported to reinburst my money or a follow up claim will be sent through, and I can take furthur steps in this matters, and take it to court.

edited: forgot this part

She said every donation is screened "supposely" to monitor faulty charges or false information. seeing a charge from Michael Phelps, and the address I gave them, should have been a red flag to deny this transaction, I guess mine got lucky and slipped by? doubtful.

10-28-2008, 01:23 PM
This isn't plausibly deniable, it's willfully malicious. As others have pointed out in this thread, you have to consciously bypass these sort of controls to process credit cards this loosely.

I'm an Obama supporter (and even donated myself through the same site), but this is very bad from a 'clean elections fundraising' standpoint. I'm very disappointed, and I doubt anything will be done.

Careful, you keep denouncing anything Obama and you'll be labeled disingenuous and really an RNC mouthpiece.


10-28-2008, 04:54 PM
That's funny, because I just tried it with a fake name and address ...

Error Processing Contribution
Your credit card contribution could not be authorized.

This could be because:
You accidentally entered your credit card number or expiration date incorrectly.
The address you provided does not match the billing address of your credit card.

<< Click here to edit and resubmit your contribution.

If the contribution still does not process, contact your credit card company.

Either your credit card was declined (not surprised) or you are just too stupid to fill out a simple application?

Worked for me the first time:



10-28-2008, 04:56 PM
By the way, I'll be reporting this charge as fraud to the Obama campaign. The last thing I want to do is reward this type of illegal behavior.

10-28-2008, 05:00 PM
This is really a bigger conspiracy to get conspiracy theorists to donate money to Obama even though they never intend on voting for him.

10-28-2008, 05:12 PM
I find it funny as well

they say make a donation of ANY AMOUNT!

try donating 1 dollar lol won't let you

and you cant' donate over 1k, so how is it any amount?
i find these thing funny

10-29-2008, 02:39 AM
Either your credit card was declined (not surprised) or you are just too stupid to fill out a simple application?

Worked for me the first time:

PB, curious - did you use a checkcard or did you use an actual credit card? I'm curious if check cards that are backed by actual funds are being treated differently than credit - even if they're both processed initially as credit.

Some odd stuff going on either way.

10-29-2008, 08:39 AM
PB, curious - did you use a checkcard or did you use an actual credit card? I'm curious if check cards that are backed by actual funds are being treated differently than credit - even if they're both processed initially as credit.

Some odd stuff going on either way.

I used an actual credit card. I'm waiting for their online system to be back up this morning to see if it was processed.

10-29-2008, 08:42 AM
Question is.. did anyone try the same thing on McCain's website? Maybe it's not just Obama who is accepting money from anyone.

I do hope that IF the list is ever released.. my "Joseph Stalin" is on there. I'll wait to call the campaign for a full refund.

10-29-2008, 09:51 AM
I tried it, they wouldn't let me submit a payment under Senor Mussolini on the McCain website, with my own credit card information.

Good thing, too, I don't want a McCain contribution to haunt me in the future.

10-29-2008, 10:05 AM
Question is.. did anyone try the same thing on McCain's website? Maybe it's not just Obama who is accepting money from anyone.

I do hope that IF the list is ever released.. my "Joseph Stalin" is on there. I'll wait to call the campaign for a full refund.

Yeah I tried it with both my CC and Check card on the McCain site, both declined

10-29-2008, 10:29 AM
According to this WP article, the Obama campaign is manually reviewing each contribution and refunding them ASAP when they find fake donations. Seems like it'd be much easier to cut them off through proper address verification rather than making more work for campaign staff. Still scary.


"In a paper outlining those safeguards, provided to The Washington Post, the campaign said it runs twice-daily sweeps of new donations, looking for irregularities. Flagged contributions are manually reviewed by a team of lawyers, then cleared or refunded. Reports of misused credit cards lead to immediate refunds."

They claim to only have a 1%

10-29-2008, 10:35 AM
According to this WP article, the Obama campaign is manually reviewing each contribution and refunding them ASAP when they find fake donations. Seems like it'd be much easier to cut them off through proper address verification rather than making more work for campaign staff. Still scary.


"In a paper outlining those safeguards, provided to The Washington Post, the campaign said it runs twice-daily sweeps of new donations, looking for irregularities. Flagged contributions are manually reviewed by a team of lawyers, then cleared or refunded. Reports of misused credit cards lead to immediate refunds."

They claim to only have a 1%

I mean I agree, why not just use AVS and make people put more work in
I can see people running sweeps can purposely mis "certain" donations
I mean twice daily sweeps and michael phelps and Stalin both managed to get through specially with the address we both gave.
Highly unlikely, I think they are doing the selective search. only weeding out what they want, and letting other get through imo

10-29-2008, 11:20 AM
I mean I agree, why not just use AVS and make people put more work in
I can see people running sweeps can purposely mis "certain" donations
I mean twice daily sweeps and michael phelps and Stalin both managed to get through specially with the address we both gave.
Highly unlikely, I think they are doing the selective search. only weeding out what they want, and letting other get through imo

Its only $15, what's that going to hurt?

10-29-2008, 12:01 PM
Obama Accepting Untraceable Donations
Contributions Reviewed After Deposits
By Matthew Mosk
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, October 29, 2008; A02

Sen. Barack Obama's presidential campaign is allowing donors to use largely untraceable prepaid credit cards that could potentially be used to evade limits on how much an individual is legally allowed to give or to mask a contributor's identity, campaign officials confirmed.

Faced with a huge influx of donations over the Internet, the campaign has also chosen not to use basic security measures to prevent potentially illegal or anonymous contributions from flowing into its accounts, aides acknowledged. Instead, the campaign is scrutinizing its books for improper donations after the money has been deposited.

The Obama organization said its extensive review has ensured that the campaign has refunded any improper contributions, and noted that Federal Election Commission rules do not require front-end screening of donations.

In recent weeks, questionable contributions have created headaches for Obama's accounting team as it has tried to explain why campaign finance filings have included itemized donations from individuals using fake names, such as Es Esh or Doodad Pro. Those revelations prompted conservative bloggers to further test Obama's finance vetting by giving money using the kind of prepaid cards that can be bought at a drugstore and cannot be traced to a donor.

The problem with such cards, campaign finance lawyers said, is that they make it impossible to tell whether foreign nationals, donors who have exceeded the limits, government contractors or others who are barred from giving to a federal campaign are making contributions.

"They have opened the floodgates to all this money coming in," said Sean Cairncross, chief counsel to the Republican National Committee. "I think they've made the determination that whatever money they have to refund on the back end doesn't outweigh the benefit of taking all this money upfront."

The Obama campaign has shattered presidential fundraising records, in part by capitalizing on the ease of online giving. Of the $150 million the senator from Illinois raised in September, nearly $100 million came in over the Internet.

Lawyers for the Obama operation said yesterday that their "extensive back-end review" has carefully scrubbed contributions to prevent illegal money from entering the operation's war chest. "I'm pretty sure if I took my error rate and matched it against any other campaign or comparable nonprofit, you'd find we're doing very well," said Robert Bauer, a lawyer for the campaign. "I have not seen the McCain compliance staff ascending to heaven on a cloud."

The Obama team's disclosures came in response to questions from The Washington Post about the case of Mary T. Biskup, a retired insurance manager from Manchester, Mo., who turned up on Obama's FEC reports as having donated $174,800 to the campaign. Contributors are limited to giving $2,300 for the general election.

Biskup, who had scores of Obama contributions attributed to her, said in an interview that she never donated to the candidate. "That's an error," she said. Moreover, she added, her credit card was never billed for the donations, meaning someone appropriated her name and made the contributions with another card.

When asked whether the campaign takes steps to verify whether a donor's name matches the name on the credit card used to make a payment, Obama's campaign replied in an e-mail: "Name-matching is not a standard check conducted or made available in the credit card processing industry.

We believe Visa and MasterCard do not even have the ability to do this.
"Instead, the campaign does a rigorous comprehensive analysis of online contributions on the back end of the transaction to determine whether a contribution is legitimate."

Juan Proa&#241;o, whose technology firm handled online contributions for John Edwards's presidential primary campaign, and for John F. Kerry's presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee in 2004, said it is possible to require donors' names and addresses to match those on their credit card accounts. But, he said, some campaigns are reluctant to impose that extra layer of security.

"Honestly, you want to have the least amount of hurdles in processing contributions quickly," Proa&#241;o said.

Sen. John McCain's campaign has also had questionable donations slip through.

Dan Pfeiffer, Obama's communication's director, said that "no organization can fully insulate itself from these problems. The McCain campaign has accepted contributions from fraudulent contributors like 'A for You,' 'Adorable Manabat,' 'The Gun Shop,' and 'Jesus II' and hundreds of anonymous donors."

But R. Rebecca Donatelli, who handles online contributions for the McCain operation and the RNC, said security measures have been standard in the GOP nominee's fundraising efforts throughout the campaign. She said she was "flabbergasted" to learn that the Obama campaign accepts prepaid cards.

"Yes, a gift card would go through the same process as a regular credit card and be subject to our same back-end review," the Obama campaign said in its response to questions about the use of such cards.

Campaign finance lawyers said there is a long history of debate within the FEC about how to ensure that donors use their own credit cards.

Election lawyer Brett Kappel said the FEC has never grappled with the question of cash cards. "The whole system is set up for them to accept the payment, then determine whether it is legal or not. And if it's not, send it back. That's what the statute requires," he said.


10-29-2008, 12:59 PM
Its only $15, what's that going to hurt?

and if 1,000,000 15 dollar donations snuck by...does it still not hurt?

10-29-2008, 01:05 PM
and if 1,000,000 15 dollar donations snuck by...does it still not hurt?

10-29-2008, 01:08 PM


10-29-2008, 01:28 PM
If they're all by Republicans... who loses?

10-29-2008, 02:25 PM
Either your credit card was declined (not surprised) or you are just too stupid to fill out a simple application?

Worked for me the first time:

You keep sniffing ... even with the understanding that I'm not interested.

I tried with my amex business card for 15 bucks with a fake name and address and it failed. I tried with my real name and address for 50, it was approved.

Of course that counts as a corporate donation and not a personal donation ... which I'm at odds with.

Maybe I'll try it with my Visa debit. At this point though, we only have the word of PB and Solkern ... which are suspect at best. It's not too difficult to take a screen-shot of bogus info, then submit legitimate info.

If the Obama camp is collecting illegal funds ... it is an issue. I'll reserve my judgement until a court decision is made and take the words of Abbot and Costello at face value.

So which of you would be the fat one?

10-29-2008, 02:28 PM
You keep sniffing ... even with the understanding that I'm not interested.

I tried with my amex business card for 15 bucks with a fake name and address and it failed. I tried with my real name and address for 50, it was approved.

Of course that counts as a corporate donation and not a personal donation ... which I'm at odds with.

Maybe I'll try it with my Visa debit. At this point though, we only have the word of PB and Solkern ... which are suspect at best. It's not too difficult to take a screen-shot of bogus info, then submit legitimate info.

If the Obama camp is collecting illegal funds ... it is an issue. I'll reserve my judgement until a court decision is made and take the words of Abbot and Costello at face value.

So which of you would be the fat one?

They both posted "Your donation was accepted!" pages with the fake names/addresses.

Quit being stupid.

The Obama campaign liberally accepts donations. Quit trying to defend it.

10-29-2008, 02:28 PM
You keep sniffing ... even with the understanding that I'm not interested.

I tried with my amex business card for 15 bucks with a fake name and address and it failed. I tried with my real name and address for 50, it was approved.

Of course that counts as a corporate donation and not a personal donation ... which I'm at odds with.

Maybe I'll try it with my Visa debit. At this point though, we only have the word of PB and Solkern ... which are suspect at best. It's not too difficult to take a screen-shot of bogus info, then submit legitimate info.

If the Obama camp is collecting illegal funds ... it is an issue. I'll reserve my judgement until a court decision is made and take the words of Abbot and Costello at face value.

So which of you would be the fat one?

Don't you have some SuperMod shit to do?

Stop "trying" to play the high horse, you fail at it, obviously if ou actually READ the articile you fucking dipshit, there's an investigation into the matter.
go stick your thumb back up you as and rotate it, you are full of fucking fail
So obviously it's a bigger issue, and PB and I just proved a point it's true and it works.

and tsa'ah and SR
next time do me a favor at least initial the comments you left me, even though I already know it's you two, atleast grow some balls and admit it.

10-29-2008, 02:32 PM
Don't you have some SuperMod shit to do?

Stop "trying" to play the high horse, you fail at it, obviously if ou actually READ the articile you fucking dipshit, there's an investigation into the matter.
go stick your thumb back up you as and rotate it, you are full of fucking fail
So obviously it's a bigger issue, and PB and I just proved a point it's true and it works.

If there's already an investigation per the article then what did you really prove?

10-29-2008, 02:32 PM
Don't you have some SuperMod shit to do?

I resigned as a mod ... a long time ago.

Stop "trying" to play the high horse, you fail at it, obviously if ou actually READ the articile you fucking dipshit, there's an investigation into the matter.

Hense my statement ...

I'll reserve my judgement until a court decision is made and take the words of Abbot and Costello at face value.

go stick your thumb back up you as and rotate it, you are full of fucking fail

Sit and spin? Hmmm .... no, no thanks. I've got another turn at the combine wheel in six more hours ... unless of course there's something funky in the weather.

Honest question here ... do you ever stop to ask yourself "Will posting this make me look more or less stupid?". I'm guessing the answer is no.

10-29-2008, 02:33 PM
I resigned as a mod ... a long time ago.

Hense my statement ...

I'll reserve my judgement until a court decision is made and take the words of Abbot and Costello at face value.

Sit and spin? Hmmm .... no, no thanks. I've got another turn at the combine wheel in six more hours ... unless of course there's something funky in the weather.

Honest question here ... do you ever stop to ask yourself "Will posting this make me look more or less stupid?". I'm guessing the answer is no.

sorry Tsa'ah unlike you, these boards mean jack shit to me, maybe when you realize it, you might get a little brighter your self

10-29-2008, 02:37 PM
Your entire preceding post pretty much exemplifies my suspicion that you have no system in place to prevent something completely moronic, authored by you, from escaping your connection to the PC.

10-29-2008, 02:41 PM
If there's already an investigation per the article then what did you really prove?

Prove, I didn't even know there was an investigation, untill I called the FEC

hence the article came out after I did my personal invesitgation, and the payment cleared.

Some Rogue
10-29-2008, 02:42 PM
and tsa'ah and SR
next time do me a favor at least initial the comments you left me, even though I already know it's you two, atleast grow some balls and admit it.

Excuse me? WTF are you talking about?

Go ahead and check your rep now. I really did give you negative rep. You're welcome.

10-29-2008, 02:49 PM
You keep sniffing ... even with the understanding that I'm not interested.

I tried with my amex business card for 15 bucks with a fake name and address and it failed. I tried with my real name and address for 50, it was approved.

Of course that counts as a corporate donation and not a personal donation ... which I'm at odds with.

Maybe I'll try it with my Visa debit. At this point though, we only have the word of PB and Solkern ... which are suspect at best. It's not too difficult to take a screen-shot of bogus info, then submit legitimate info.

If the Obama camp is collecting illegal funds ... it is an issue. I'll reserve my judgement until a court decision is made and take the words of Abbot and Costello at face value.

So which of you would be the fat one?

Are you really this fucking stupid? Did you not see the screen shots of how my donation by Joseph Stalin was accepted? You are now saying that I somehow paintshoped that just to fool an idiot like you?

Like I said.. either your credit card is maxed out or you are simply too stupid to fill out an application. Either way, you are an idiot.

10-29-2008, 02:52 PM

10-29-2008, 02:53 PM
Excuse me? WTF are you talking about?

Everyone knows that when people sign their comments -- they always sign their own name. DERRRRRRR.

10-29-2008, 02:54 PM
Are you really this fucking stupid? Did you not see the screen shots of how my donation by Joseph Stalin was accepted? You are now saying that I somehow paintshoped that just to fool an idiot like you?

The second page showed the info in a text box ... which can be edited.

Like I said.. either your credit card is maxed out or you are simply too stupid to fill out an application. Either way, you are an idiot.

No, it implies that my AMEX merchant card comes with some excellent fraud prevention/protection ... if your claim is real.

10-29-2008, 02:59 PM
The second page showed the info in a text box ... which can be edited.

No, it implies that my AMEX merchant card comes with some excellent fraud prevention/protection ... if your claim is real.


Seriously, you couldn't look any more pathetic right now... glad I could highlight your stupidity.

Fact remains: Obama is accepting donations from anyone and anything and it's illegal. Your stupidity does nothing to disprove that at all.

I'll try my AMEX card tonight to see if you really are 100% full of shit and not just 97%

10-29-2008, 03:00 PM
No, it implies that my AMEX merchant card comes with some excellent fraud prevention/protection ... if your claim is real.

Let's see... Visa is like 68% of the credit card market, MasterCard is 28% or so...

("And it's playing with a disadvantage: its size. Visa's market share of global credit- and debit-card transactions is 68% vs. MasterCard's 28%, according to the industry newsletter The Nilson Report." http://money.cnn.com/2008/10/16/magazines/fortune/mastercard_demos.fortune/index.htm)

... and you used American Express?

Probably got declined, because it's too difficult (compared to VISA) on the vendor side to collect fron AMEX?

10-29-2008, 03:03 PM
I believe that people are able to sneak donations past the campaign lawyers, I even believe that Solkern and PB were able to do it. What I don't get is what the fuck Solkern is talking about. He did it to prove that he didn't know there was an investigation until he called the FEC? What?

10-29-2008, 03:05 PM
This is really a bigger conspiracy to get conspiracy theorists to donate money to Obama even though they never intend on voting for him.

He's just manipulating you into donating to the Obama campaign.

:rofl: :love:

What a novel idea. Where ever did you think of such a thing?

10-29-2008, 03:11 PM
I believe that people are able to sneak donations past the campaign lawyers, I even believe that Solkern and PB were able to do it. What I don't get is what the fuck Solkern is talking about. He did it to prove that he didn't know there was an investigation until he called the FEC? What?

It's a very simple process that almost every vendor uses. It matches credit card address/name with the actual credit card number. McCain's website uses it.

It's not like it's an accident that Obama's site will accept donations in fictitious names that don't match up with the credit card. You have to purposely make it so it does that.

10-29-2008, 03:12 PM
Fake Republican donations will probably swell Obama's total numbers even if they don't stay.... he can use that to push for even higher contribution numbers.

10-29-2008, 03:12 PM

Seriously, you couldn't look any more pathetic right now... glad I could highlight your stupidity.

I'm laughing right now simply because you're the person that brought up "wealth". If that's what you read when you come across "AMEX" ... I have to wonder how valid your claims of "pathetic" and "stupidity" are. Not that I needed this example since it's just a drop in the bucket.

Fact remains: Obama is accepting donations from anyone and anything and it's illegal. Your stupidity does nothing to disprove that at all.

No, it's not illegal. To your biased interpretation of campaign finance law it's illegal ... but until the investigation concludes that there was willful solicitation and acceptance of "illegal" contributions ... you're just doing what you always do ... spew forth a bunch of shit because it's all you know how to do.

I'll try my AMEX card tonight to see if you really are 100% full of shit and not just 97%

So, by your standard, I should read "OMG U HAVE A AMEX CARD! OMG U MUST BE RICH!".

Na ... I'll stick to the position that you're nothing but a bitter jackass with an internet connection and not much else.

Let's see... Visa is like 68% of the credit card market, MasterCard is 28% or so...

("And it's playing with a disadvantage: its size. Visa's market share of global credit- and debit-card transactions is 68% vs. MasterCard's 28%, according to the industry newsletter The Nilson Report." http://money.cnn.com/2008/10/16/magazines/fortune/mastercard_demos.fortune/index.htm)

... and you used American Express?

When it comes to fraud protection ... yep. That doesn't AMEX is my only personal use credit card ... nor does it mean that it's my only business use card ... nor does it mean that my business only uses AMEX.

Probably got declined, because it's too difficult (compared to VISA) on the vendor side to collect fron AMEX?

Sure, you could read it that way ... or you could read it as the AMEX declined with bogus personal info but was accepted with legitimate personal info.

10-29-2008, 03:14 PM
He's just manipulating you into donating to the Obama campaign.

:rofl: :love:

I'm sure this will be Shit4Brain's fall back position.. "OMG U FELL FOR IT" since he's looking like a complete idiot right now.. but trust me, I won't end up giving one penny to Obama's corrupt campaign. It's a simple matter of calling Obama and demanding it be removed.. but I want to wait to see if they will end up removing it themselves (which I doubt)

10-29-2008, 03:15 PM
I believe that people are able to sneak donations past the campaign lawyers, I even believe that Solkern and PB were able to do it. What I don't get is what the fuck Solkern is talking about. He did it to prove that he didn't know there was an investigation until he called the FEC? What?

No, what happened was this thead was opened.
I read t, I wanted to see if it really was true.
I decided to make a deposit as michael phelps through barackobama.com
it went through, people asked for screen shots which I took, since I figured they would ask.
I posted the screen shots, people wanted me to inform them when it cleared, it cleared, I was told that i might want to contact the FEC, I did, then I found out through the FEC there is a full investigation into this matter.
what did I prove? people doubted it could be done, and I did it, along with PB

No, it's not illegal. To your biased interpretation of campaign finance law it's illegal ... but until the investigation concludes that there was willful solicitation and acceptance of "illegal" contributions ... you're just doing what you always do ... spew forth a bunch of shit because it's all you know how to do.

and hey tsa'ah you fucking retard it IS illegal, why don't you call the FEC and ask them yourself..if you want I can give you there number.

10-29-2008, 03:16 PM
Why should they remove a contribution you made of your own free will? Call your provider and have the charge reversed.

10-29-2008, 03:18 PM
Fake Republican donations will probably swell Obama's total numbers even if they don't stay.... he can use that to push for even higher contribution numbers.

So you have no issue with him accepting money from any source? What about me going out and spending a couple of million dollars on disposable VISA gift cards and giving that money illegally to the campaign? Does that bother you at all?

I would have a problem if ANY politician did this so blatantly as Obama is.

10-29-2008, 03:21 PM
So you have no issue with him accepting money from any source? What about me going out and spending a couple of million dollars on disposable VISA gift cards and giving that money illegally to the campaign? Does that bother you at all?

I would have a problem if ANY politician did this so blatantly as Obama is.

Hey, do whatever you want bucko!

Obama clearly has raised the most money of clearly any candidate ever in the history of the universe; therefore, he clearly has the mandate of the people of the earth as well as god in heaven.

How many times have we heard that here on the PC?


10-29-2008, 03:27 PM

It was posted, before you decided on some retarded test, that an investigation was underway.

and hey tsa'ah you fucking retard it IS illegal, why don't you call the FEC and ask them yourself..if you want I can give you there number.

I think you need to read up before you make an assertion that something is illegal or not ... and you really shouldn't take the opinion of a phone operator as the gospel of law considering the person has only your claim to make an opinion on.

I think the saddest fact to come to light out of all of this is that Solkern, claims anyway, is a educator ... yet fails so terribly at english.

10-29-2008, 03:29 PM
Sheldon Adelson put forth 127 million initially for Freedom's Watch. He reduced it to the mid 20 million mark when 527s weren't having particularly good results on Congressional races. I'm not particularly thrilled by this sort of thing but I'm slightly pragmatic. It's awful convenient that this sort of thing bothers you only when Obama is making fundraising records.

10-29-2008, 04:43 PM
Sheldon Adelson put forth 127 million initially for Freedom's Watch. He reduced it to the mid 20 million mark when 527s weren't having particularly good results on Congressional races. I'm not particularly thrilled by this sort of thing but I'm slightly pragmatic. It's awful convenient that this sort of thing bothers you only when Obama is making fundraising records.

Oh oh... you broke the bullshit meter again. Come on WB.. can't you come up with something factual?

Show me one post where I've said I have no problem with this type of campaign financing. Show me JUST one.

I await either a link to a post from me, or an apology. I'm sure I'll get neither from a guy like you though.

10-29-2008, 04:45 PM
I think the saddest fact to come to light out of all of this is that Solkern, claims anyway, is a educator ... yet fails so terribly at english.

At least he has a credit card that can get approved for 15 bucks. For someone as stupid as you seem to think Solkern is.. at least he was able to prove his point.. where you were left flailing in midair.


10-29-2008, 04:51 PM
Wow ... you had an aneurysm of stupidity pop didn't you.

10-29-2008, 04:52 PM
When all else fails... break out the insults.


10-29-2008, 04:53 PM
Beats just posting an article ... and the playing cheerleader.

Way to go.

10-29-2008, 04:54 PM
Beats just posting an article ... and the playing cheerleader.

Way to go.

Sure it does. ;)

10-29-2008, 04:54 PM
When all else fails... break out the insults.


hehe.. it's just Shit4brains.. he's not even good at that.

he should google insults up.

10-29-2008, 04:55 PM
I'll let you have the last word ... after all, you need it more than I do.

10-29-2008, 04:59 PM
Beats just posting an article ... and the playing cheerleader.

Way to go.

You mean like this?


or wait.. maybe you mean like this!


WAIT! I know, you mean like THIS!


At this point.. you should pretend like your internet went down and log out.

But hey.. at least you earn your "nick name".. eh Shit4Brains?

10-29-2008, 05:00 PM
I'll let you have the last word ... after all, you need it more than I do.

Dude.. anytime you respond to my posts (you know.. like a dog humping a leg) I get the last intelligent word.

10-29-2008, 05:37 PM
Questions Raised About a Major McCain Donor

The Chicago Tribune today raised questions about the foreign connections of a major contributor to Sen. John McCain.

The contributor, Shi Sheng Hao, who is identified in finance records as a resident of Roselle, Illinois, has donated more than $110,000 to Republicans this election cycle, including $70,100 to McCain's Victory Committee. The committee accepts contributions on behalf of McCain's campaign, the Republican National Committee and several state Republican parties and is not bound by individual contribution limits.

The Tribune reported that Hao, who identifies himself in the McCain contribution records as president of AAEC, did not appear to reside at the modest Midwestern home listed as his address on campaign documents. There is no record of Hao making political donations prior to this year.

Court records reviewed by The Post describe a man by the same name as heading up a Macau corporation, the Asian American Entertainment Corporation, Ltd.

That company entered into a deal with prominent Republican donor Sheldon Adelson and his firm, the Las Vegas Sands Corp., to open a casino in Macau, a gambling mecca off the Southeast Coast of China that is a Chinese special administrative region like Hong Kong.

But the two companies wound up in court last year after AAEC was cut out of the Macao casino deal.

A U.S. District Court judge dismissed the case brought by AAEC, which the court described as "a business affiliate" of China Development Industrial Bank, which provided access to capital for the development of a gaming resort, as well as for non-gaming economic investment opportunities.

The Tribune described the bank as "a finance arm of the Taiwanese government" and said corporation papers filed in the case list Hao as a resident of Taiwan.

Efforts to reach Hao have been unsuccessful.


10-29-2008, 05:48 PM
but but but... McCain!
(meaning how it appears in an Obama fraud thread)


Looks like McCain needs to return that money if this guy cant be verified.

Either way at least we know it was not donated through McCain's website. ;)

10-29-2008, 06:01 PM
but but but... McCain!
(meaning how it appears in an Obama fraud thread)


Looks like McCain needs to return that money if this guy cant be verified.

Either way at least we know it was not donated through McCain's website. ;)

Just making it fair and balanced. :)

10-29-2008, 06:03 PM
but but but... McCain!
(meaning how it appears in an Obama fraud thread)


Looks like McCain needs to return that money if this guy cant be verified.

Either way at least we know it was not donated through McCain's website. ;)

Aren't you doing exactly what you bitch about other poeple doing?

10-29-2008, 07:01 PM
Just making it fair and balanced. :)
Just like Fox news!

10-29-2008, 07:02 PM
Aren't you doing exactly what you bitch about other poeple doing?

Who said I was bitching?

10-29-2008, 07:50 PM
Just like Fox news!

Exactly! :)

...without the lies.

10-29-2008, 08:26 PM
Aren't you doing exactly what you bitch about other poeple doing?

A perfect example of sarchasm.

10-29-2008, 09:06 PM
Exactly! :)

...without the lies.


Now you're reaching, like your avatar.

Stanley Burrell
10-29-2008, 09:29 PM
hehe.. it's just Shit4brains.. he's not even good at that.

he should google insults up.

Dude, totally.

I even heard about this website called Google where you can link images in order to insult people on vBulletin. In case you ever need to bring out the big guns.


Don't tell nobody.