View Full Version : Who won the debate? October 7th ed.

10-07-2008, 09:25 PM
I haven't seen another related thread.


Some Rogue
10-07-2008, 09:32 PM
You haven't seen a thread because it just started...

10-07-2008, 09:36 PM
There was already a thread for the VP debate when I made that poll, which is why I mentioned it.

Sean of the Thread
10-07-2008, 10:14 PM
Nobody won because it isn't over yet.

And it just heated up with the Pakistan issue.

10-07-2008, 10:28 PM
Boring debate. I hope they don't do this type of forum again.

Sean of the Thread
10-07-2008, 10:36 PM
Yeah I didn't like it myself.

Tom won the debate.

10-07-2008, 10:40 PM
I wussed out on this one and went to do my chem lab around the 300th "My friends" or "GeorgeBushGeorgeBushGeorgeBush!!!!" take your pick.

I was talking to diethx though and it sounded like I missed an awesome moment when they both stood in front of the teleprompter at the end. Chem FTL :(

Sean of the Thread
10-07-2008, 10:42 PM
Lol yeah Tom was all "You're in front of my script"


10-07-2008, 10:42 PM
I drank half a beer every time McCain said "my friend(s)". I think I may die.

This debate was avoidant. Nobody had any cajones to really put it to the other. What worthless drivel.

10-07-2008, 10:45 PM
Britt Hume's pundit group all agreed that Tom Brokaw did a poor job running the debate.

10-07-2008, 10:49 PM
He was a bit glib, but attempted effectiveness.

10-07-2008, 10:50 PM
Britt Hume's pundit group all agreed that Tom Brokaw did a poor job running the debate.
I hate to say it..
..but I agree with that sentiment.

I watched on PBS, as C-SPAN had some weird delay between the audio and video at the start. Not sure if it cleared up later or not.

There should have been one of those old fashioned timed bells. Your time runs out it, ***Ding!***. Set it on a timer with an on/off button. He asks the question, hits on. If the answerer finishes before the time runs out, hit off. Other then that let the mechanical timer handle it.

Obama walked all over Brokaw, and the rules.

10-07-2008, 11:00 PM
kidding right Mabus?
It was Grandpa McTalkity who rambled...

10-07-2008, 11:04 PM
kidding right Mabus?
It was Grandpa McTalkity who rambled...
You watch the thing, or did you not see Obama take an extra comment?

Brokaw was Obaba's bitch.

10-07-2008, 11:19 PM
I giggled everytime Obama said he didn't support something. Because he never supported or opposed anything in the senate, unless he was voting with his party, which didn't happen all that often.

10-07-2008, 11:24 PM
I think only Tom Brokaw could have pulled off shooing away two presidential nominees on national tv to get them the hell out of the way of his teleprompter.

Sean of the Thread
10-07-2008, 11:25 PM
Meh I don't think it was that bad. McCain agreed to the follow up time and Brokaw said okay at that point.

10-07-2008, 11:27 PM
You are right about the follow up. I guess I was referring to the flashing red light that Gramps clearly thought meant, "Hey yer red hot! Keep it up for a few more minutes... my friend"

10-07-2008, 11:27 PM
ha! 86% of the fox viewers think Gramps won. Suprise suprise.

10-07-2008, 11:28 PM
What was hilarious was when Obama was talking about responsibility in foreign policy, McCain thanked him in a perceived moment of humor (he's seriously stiffer than Kerry), and then Obama goes on to talk about McCain's irresponsible public statements about Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran and extinguishing N.Korea.

Watch that scene again. The camera angle was perfect because you could see both candidates. McCain was soooo proud of his humor with his chuckling, shoulder shrugging, villain-esque posture. But then Obama brought it full circle and as soon as he mentioned "sang" McCain immediately lost his smile and looked at the floor in front of himself in shame. For good cause.

10-07-2008, 11:34 PM
Sense of humor is obviously needed for running a country!

10-07-2008, 11:38 PM
Sense of humor is obviously needed for running a country!

which is why you reds elected the current clown

10-07-2008, 11:42 PM
which is why you reds elected the current clown
I support McCain, but I never supported GW in an election.

There is a difference between voting for a candidate (which I am doing) and voting for a party.

10-07-2008, 11:45 PM
agreed. You are not voting for the party. You are voting FOR the candidate who votes WITH GW on every matter of consequence. 4 more years...4 more years!

10-08-2008, 12:01 AM
agreed. You are not voting for the party. You are voting FOR the candidate who votes WITH GW on every matter of consequence. 4 more years...4 more years!
I see you have read your Obaba manual.

Would it surprise you that McCain has only voted with GW 71% of the time over the last 7 years, and that Obaba voted with GW 40% of the time in 2007?

I guess the "Obaba is 31% less Bush then McCain!" is a little less of a slogan.

Obaba did vote 97% of the time with Senate Dems in 2005, 96% of the time with Senate Dems in 2006 and 97% of the time with the Dems in 2007.

So we could say "Obaba votes with the failed and hated congressional leadership of the Senate 96.667% of the time!", but it still means nothing.

Each vote on each bill, amendment or procedure stands alone. Without an examination of each one of these the slogans do nothing but convince the ignorant that their candidate is the best, just like in your case.

10-08-2008, 12:04 AM
I almost want McCain to win this election just so Mabus will find a new fucking obsession (or stfu). Almost.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
10-08-2008, 12:10 AM
I almost want McCain to win this election just so Mabus will find a new fucking obsession (or stfu). Almost.

I just wish he'd learn to spell Obama correctly.



Some Rogue
10-08-2008, 12:13 AM
I almost want McCain to win this election just so Mabus will find a new fucking obsession (or stfu). Almost.

Yeah, because there's not psycho obssessed tards on either side or anything....

Mighty Nikkisaurus
10-08-2008, 12:37 AM
Yeah, because there's not psycho obssessed tards on either side or anything....

No way, all on one side.

Some Rogue
10-08-2008, 12:41 AM
There's one!

10-08-2008, 12:51 AM
90% of her posts aren't about hating McCain. She does useful things....like encourage women to show off their breasts.

10-08-2008, 05:56 AM
Would it surprise you that McCain has only voted with GW 71% of the time

I am fairly new to the forums, but I believe the correct response would be "your reading comprehension = fail"

It would not suprise me because as you can see, I wrote that Grandpa voted with Good Ol GW on every matter of CONSEQUENCE. Yes, the Maverick may differ with the Georgey on what color the drapes should be, but on failed economics, failed foreign policy, and failed social agendas they are lock stepped together. Also, I wouldn't consider the democratic controlled congress a failure. They didn't get us into any more wars in the last four years. Had the reds kept power, we would be in korea, Iran, and russia at the moment. So again,

4 more years, 4 more years

10-08-2008, 06:11 AM
(done with slight humor, or I would just skip this idiot's post)

I am fairly new to the forums, but I believe the correct response would be "your reading comprehension = fail"
Welcome to the boards, and here is to hoping you can post more then one-liners and campaign slogans in the future!

I know you can do it!

It would not suprise me because as you can see, I wrote that Grandpa voted with Good Ol GW on every matter of CONSEQUENCE.
Like the Iraq War funding that Obaba voted for as well?

Or does talking about that scare you. I don't mean to scare you. Have a cookie.

Yes, the Maverick may differ with the Georgey on what color the drapes should be, but on failed economics, failed foreign policy, and failed social agendas they are lock stepped together.
Of course they are, completely in lock-step, but less so then your candidate with his party, correct?

I mean, Obaba is 31% less Bush. That has to mean something!

Also, I wouldn't consider the democratic controlled congress a failure.
Of course not.

Now, now. Don't let it worry your little head. They did just fine while they have controlled the congress. Just look at the fine work of the bailout bill!

You must be so proud!

They didn't get us into any more wars in the last four years.
They did authorize the Iraq War, but that was so long ago.

You were barely out of diapers then, so it is likely you do not remember it.

Had the reds kept power, we would be in korea, Iran, and russia at the moment. So again,
It's good thing that we have a democratic president that decided not to send those troops there! You are so right!

4 more years, 4 more years
Unfortunately (and I hate to be the one to tell you this) your current president is not allowed to run for another term. There is this piece of paper, and we call it the "Constitution". I know it is a big word, but you can say it!

Don't cry. Obaba will save you!

Mighty Nikkisaurus
10-08-2008, 06:14 AM
Dear Mabus:


M, not B.


10-08-2008, 07:30 AM
I almost want McCain to win this election just so Mabus will find a new fucking obsession (or stfu). Almost.
The liberal majority here on these boards would explode if Obaba (thanks Mabus) lost.

Yeah, because there's not psycho obssessed tards on either side or anything....

Dear Mabus:


M, not B.

ROFL - I'm so using the Obaba moniker from now on.

10-08-2008, 07:56 AM
As long as we can call him Senator McGoo. :)


10-08-2008, 08:00 AM
I prefer "Senator McCan't" myself... and I don't get the "Obaba" name :(

10-08-2008, 08:31 AM
*sigh* I'm back to being undecided again. I didn't like where McCain was going on issues. His proposal for buying out mortgages came out of nowhere and he didn't explain his health benefits enough for me to be convinced his is the right choice.

I fucking hate this election.

10-08-2008, 08:43 AM
Sense of humor is obviously needed for running a country!

It's obviously needed to read a forum post.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
10-08-2008, 08:44 AM
ROFL - I'm so using the Obaba moniker from now on.


No comment.

10-08-2008, 08:48 AM

No comment.

I don't get it.

Is it a Muslim joke?

Mighty Nikkisaurus
10-08-2008, 08:50 AM
I don't get it.

Is it a Muslim joke?

No it's a gay racist joke that no one can get.

10-08-2008, 08:52 AM
No it's a gay racist joke that no one can get.


Silly faggots, dicks are for chicks. YEEEHAW! Hand me my shotgun, Cleetus!

10-08-2008, 10:50 AM
Most of the pundits are saying Obama won, not because he went attack dog whacko slugfest, but because McCain failed to.

It still bothers me that the next president is likely to be about as inexperienced as GWB when he heads to office, but I'm not voting for the whacko pro-lifer. I feel badly for McCain though whenever he debates Obama because he looks knowledgable and genuinely frustrated with the BS but still very frail and stiff.

He knows people don't like what he has to say IMO about spending, and IMO also a lot of people are shooting the messanger because Obama refuses to talk about where he plans to reign in spending to pay for the majority of his programs (yes I know about his tax plan, but that's not going to cut it for all he plans to do). I wish McCain had picked a better running mate.

10-08-2008, 10:57 AM
Whoever is elected, our (collective) taxes are going up. It irks me that neither of them will admit to this.

10-08-2008, 10:59 AM
Whoever is elected, our (collective) taxes are going up. It irks me that neither of them will admit to this.

Why do you say that?

10-08-2008, 11:14 AM
No it's a gay racist joke that no one can get.

It is?

I'm just humored that its a simple name play tactic that seems to bug you. Thats why I said I would use it.

Care to fill us in on the joke?

10-08-2008, 11:22 AM
No it's a gay racist joke that no one can get.


Silly faggots, dicks are for chicks. YEEEHAW! Hand me my shotgun, Cleetus!

Blanket statement about rednecks FTL. :(

10-08-2008, 11:23 AM
*sigh* I'm back to being undecided again. I didn't like where McCain was going on issues. His proposal for buying out mortgages came out of nowhere and he didn't explain his health benefits enough for me to be convinced his is the right choice.

I fucking hate this election.

Yeah the mortgage proposal actually really pissed me off. I can't believe he went in that direction.

One of the commentators said it best "my friend told me if she would have known about this rescue she would have bought a bigger house she couldn't afford"

That is exactly how I feel. I want to be rewarded for living beyong my means.

10-08-2008, 11:28 AM
I thought it was a wash. Obama really didn't do anything spectacular and stayed the course, which is exactly what he needed to do.

McCain came across as snarky and a pompous asshole. I doubt he really impressed anyone but his hard core supporters and probably alienated a few people in the process.

I doubt it changes much.

10-08-2008, 11:30 AM
Blanket statement about rednecks FTL. :(

It was more about Texans than rednecks.


10-08-2008, 11:33 AM
It was more about Texans than rednecks.



Some Rogue
10-08-2008, 11:36 AM
That's not really fair. Most Texans couldn't even read it well enough to be insulted.

Sean of the Thread
10-08-2008, 11:38 AM
My poor sister is in Texas right now for 21 days. God help her.

At least she's making $34 an hour whilst there. No wonder our insurance is so damned expensive.

10-08-2008, 11:38 AM
I thought it was a wash. Obama really didn't do anything spectacular and stayed the course, which is exactly what he needed to do.

McCain came across as snarky and a pompous asshole. I doubt he really impressed anyone but his hard core supporters and probably alienated a few people in the process.

I doubt it changes much.


It was a "wash" with Obama doing what he needed to do and McCain being a snarky pompous asshole...

What type of "wash" is that again?

10-08-2008, 11:39 AM
Yeah the mortgage proposal actually really pissed me off. I can't believe he went in that direction.

One of the commentators said it best "my friend told me if she would have known about this rescue she would have bought a bigger house she couldn't afford"

That is exactly how I feel. I want to be rewarded for living beyong my means.

Yea, exactly my feelings. I just paid off my mortgage today.. and felt like a fool doing it.

10-08-2008, 11:41 AM

It was a "wash" with Obama doing what he needed to do and McCain being a snarky pompous asshole...

What type of "wash" is that again?

It's a wash in that it's not likely to change the trajectory of the election.

Which is Obama smoking the shit out of McCain.

10-08-2008, 11:49 AM
My poor sister is in Texas right now for 21 days. God help her.

At least she's making $34 an hour whilst there. No wonder our insurance is so damned expensive.

Please tell me she's not a travel nurse.

10-08-2008, 11:55 AM
Whoever is elected, our (collective) taxes are going up. It irks me that neither of them will admit to this.

Well you know Obama is going to raise taxes. That's a given. As McCan't pointed out last night, he promised to lower taxes when he ran for his Senate seat.. and has yet to vote for or even propose that.

McCan't claims he is for lower taxes, but he was against Bush's tax cuts until he found out he needed to support them.

Time to hire a professional CPA who specializes in tax shelters.

Sean of the Thread
10-08-2008, 12:04 PM
Please tell me she's not a travel nurse.

Claims adjuster in Galveston right now dealing with the hurricane's bullshit.

10-08-2008, 01:50 PM
Why do you say that?Someone has to pay the piper.

If I'm far out in left or right field, depending on your allegiance, please do me a favor and take me to school.

10-08-2008, 01:58 PM
Yeah, because there's not psycho obssessed tards on either side or anything....

Well yeah, there's Assliana. I almost want McCain for that too, because its head might explode, freeing us, and that would be so much win.

10-08-2008, 02:00 PM
Someone has to pay the piper.

If I'm far out in left or right field, depending on your allegiance, please do me a favor and take me to school.

I've got 10 trillion reasons you could be incorrect.

10-08-2008, 02:03 PM
Are you saying you do not believe McCain or Obama will raise any taxes once elected? Come on, Keller, work with me.

10-08-2008, 02:06 PM
As I said after the last debate (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showpost.php?p=809954&postcount=89), it's time for the national Republican party to reassess its spending. Instead of wasting more money on the McCain/Palin ticket, the national party needs to focus on Senate (http://www.electoral-vote.com/evp2008/Senate/Maps/Oct08-s.html) (especially Georgia, Minnesota and North Carolina) and House (http://www.electoral-vote.com/evp2008/House/house_races.html) races.

10-08-2008, 02:18 PM
Are you saying you do not believe McCain or Obama will raise any taxes once elected? Come on, Keller, work with me.

I don't think McCain is going to raise taxes at all. The only possible argument is that his healthcare plan is a tax increase. But that's not true. It's a highly progressive policy that will result in hundreds of thousands of individuals being able to afford health care with a government hand-out. His healthcare plan is actually a pretty damn good start with regard to tax policy (he needs to find a work-around for "pre-existing conditions" and others who can't get adequate insurance).

I think Obama is going to raise taxes on the wealthy and also close corporate loop-holes (aka foreign tax shelters). I think both of those will be effective tax increases. I'm not too pleased that he'd do that without lowering the corporate rate; I'm not sure what the net effects will be.

10-08-2008, 04:19 PM
I missed the middle portion of the debate, but I caught the McCain spending proposal for mortgages and went "WTF?" And then read the details online today and went WTF? again.

The law Congress passed and Bush signed in July is a much better plan at bailing out without creating moral hazard. Kinda ludicrous to throw this plan out there.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
10-08-2008, 04:21 PM
It is?

I'm just humored that its a simple name play tactic that seems to bug you. Thats why I said I would use it.

Care to fill us in on the joke?

I was being facetious.

Sorry I didn't use italics.

10-08-2008, 06:21 PM
I was being facetious.

Sorry I didn't use italics.

Thats OK. I usually discount ALL of your posts as facetiousness. I was just having an off day this time. ;)

Mighty Nikkisaurus
10-08-2008, 06:21 PM
Thats OK. I usually discount ALL of your posts as facetiousness. I was just having an off day this time. ;)

Holy shit, I'm so hurt.

10-08-2008, 06:33 PM
I see you have read your Obaba manual.

Would it surprise you that McCain has only voted with GW 71% of the time over the last 7 years, and that Obaba voted with GW 40% of the time in 2007?

I guess the "Obaba is 31% less Bush then McCain!" is a little less of a slogan.

Obaba did vote 97% of the time with Senate Dems in 2005, 96% of the time with Senate Dems in 2006 and 97% of the time with the Dems in 2007.

So we could say "Obaba votes with the failed and hated congressional leadership of the Senate 96.667% of the time!", but it still means nothing.

Each vote on each bill, amendment or procedure stands alone. Without an examination of each one of these the slogans do nothing but convince the ignorant that their candidate is the best, just like in your case.

10-08-2008, 06:46 PM
I'm just humored that its a simple name play tactic that seems to bug you. Thats why I said I would use it.
It actually was a typing mistake that I caught, but when I looked at it I chuckled to myself, so I let it stay. I then did it on purpose, just for a little poking fun at the crazy way his supporters would act.

Then a few people on a few forums got irrationally angry/frustrated over it, so I kept using it.

Miss Ismurii
10-08-2008, 07:24 PM
Sadly, I believe Obama won this time.

Dwarven Empath
10-08-2008, 07:30 PM
John McCain is your friend

Miss Ismurii
10-08-2008, 07:31 PM
Nuh uh, Ron Paul is my friend!

But I really hope McCain wins over Obama!

10-08-2008, 09:59 PM
Nuh uh, Ron Paul is my friend!

What did Ron Paul do to earn the emo / scene teenager vote? I can't figure it out, but it seems like tons of people in this demographic are all over him. I've been utterly underwhelmed everytime I've seen him speak, and I just don't get it.

Er... a tad offtopic. Oops.

(Neither won, since neither seemed capable of sticking to giving a direct answer to a direct question.)

10-10-2008, 08:50 AM
Ron Paul sounds like a nut when he speaks, that's what they like.

I need one issue clarified, and I've been in court since the debate, and have a two o clock call of the list for this afternoon. They were discussing this on a local radio station when I was driving into work Wed morning.

1. Obama asserts that he will raise taxes on those people making more than $250k, and cut taxes for those under $200k.

2. McCain states that Obama's plan will raises taxes on "over 50%" of all small businesses.

3. Obama states that, again, taxes will only be raised on small businesses if they make more than 250k a year, which he claims is a "small fraction" of small businesses.

The questions I had were as such:

a) what is the definition of 'small business' being assumed here? Less than ten employees? Less than 5?
b) I'm not a tax guy, but I imagine this tax would apply to net earnings, and not gross, so paying employees, buying supplies, etc, aren't counted under the 250k limit. Is this true?
c) What is the actual percentage ("a small fraction") of small busineses who will pay higher taxes?

From what I heard on the radio, it seemed like a lot of small business owners claimed that they made well over 250k gross, but not nearly that much net. If the tax only applies to net gains, then that shouldn't be an issue, right? Yet so many people are up in arms because they want to pretend its about gross, if it's really about net.


10-10-2008, 09:03 AM
Small businesses are generally businesses with less than 100 employees.

Tax is on net profits.

10-10-2008, 09:27 AM
From what I heard on the radio, it seemed like a lot of small business owners claimed that they made well over 250k gross, but not nearly that much net. If the tax only applies to net gains, then that shouldn't be an issue, right? Yet so many people are up in arms because they want to pretend its about gross, if it's really about net.


So explain again why it shouldn't be an issue?

Let's take Joe Schmoe.. making $250,001 a year. He has a small business and has 25 employees in the state of Florida (no state tax)

Show me all of the increases in taxes that will affect him in an Obama Presidency. Include base tax, FICA, FUTA, Soc Sec, etc... everything that Obama has promised to do to this evil rich guy to make him pay for his greed and make it fair for everyone.

10-10-2008, 09:29 AM
So explain again why it shouldn't be an issue?

Let's take Joe Schmoe.. making $250,001 a year. He has a small business and has 25 employees in the state of Florida (no state tax)

Show me all of the increases in taxes that will affect him in an Obama Presidency. Include base tax, FICA, FUTA, Soc Sec, etc... everything that Obama has promised to do to this evil rich guy to make him pay for his greed and make it fair for everyone.

Do you not know how taxes work?


I'll answer my own question: No. No, you don't.

10-10-2008, 09:32 AM
Do you not know how taxes work?


I'll answer my own question: No. No, you don't.

I wasn't asking you in particular to answer the question Daniel. I know you are incapable of intelligent thought.. especially one that makes your Savior look like an idiot.

10-10-2008, 09:34 AM

From the tard who thinks there is going to be a discernible difference between someone making 250K and 250K+1.

I'm real hurt.

10-10-2008, 09:39 AM

From the tard who thinks there is going to be a discernible difference between someone making 250K and 250K+1.

I'm real hurt.

Since I had no indication when Obama said "Making more than 250K a year" meant $250,000 included, I put the extra dollar on there. That way I could curtail on the idiot posts of "OMG, HE R SAID HIGHER THAN 250K"... but I hadn't realized THAT would be the point you would fixate your tiny little brain upon and focus all of your attention to. If it didn't make a discernible difference, why are you bothering to post about it again?

10-10-2008, 09:43 AM
Because you thought you had some sort of point.

10-10-2008, 09:55 AM
Because you thought you had some sort of point.

I'm still waiting for your point.. but then again, you've yet to have any intelligent point for the past 8 years.. why would anyone think today would be THE day.

10-10-2008, 09:57 AM
So explain again why it shouldn't be an issue?

Let's take Joe Schmoe.. making $250,001 a year. He has a small business and has 25 employees in the state of Florida (no state tax)

Show me all of the increases in taxes that will affect him in an Obama Presidency. Include base tax, FICA, FUTA, Soc Sec, etc... everything that Obama has promised to do to this evil rich guy to make him pay for his greed and make it fair for everyone.Well since I haven't heard any specific legislation for the FICA, FUTA and SS yet I can't answer. The extra Fed Income Tax exposure for this business is 15 cents.

10-10-2008, 09:59 AM
Well since I haven't heard any specific legislation for the FICA, FUTA and SS yet I can't answer. The extra Fed Income Tax exposure for this business is 15 cents.

He's promised to lift the cap on Social Security for incomes over $97,000 a year.

10-10-2008, 10:09 AM
He's promised to lift the cap on Social Security for incomes over $97,000 a year.Good, maybe some of us will receive a benefit when we reach 70. They'll have to match SSN contributions but it will net out of their net taxable profit. So. 15 cents.

10-10-2008, 10:13 AM
So. 15 cents.


10-10-2008, 10:20 AM
I'm not losing any sleep over having to pay an extra 15 cents in taxes for every dollar I make over 250k. But I still disagree with this approach. If you're worried about the rich running the country making sure they pay the most taxes is a perfect way to ensure they stay in power.

If 80 percent of YOUR business comes from 10 percent of your customers, which customers do YOU listen to?

The focus should be on conserving spending and a flat tax.

10-10-2008, 10:21 AM
But I think that's at the heart of my question. If he's making >250k, but he's paying FICA etc, for his employees, are those tax deductions, and thus not count towards the 250k count?

IE, do you need 250k pure profit (after salaries, after FICA, after SS, after health benefits) before the "raised taxes" take effect? Or am I missing something in regards to these particular taxes?

10-10-2008, 10:22 AM
You don't pay taxes on taxes, unless it's a capital gain from corporate income.

10-10-2008, 10:26 AM
So then it has to be 250k pure profit before his taxes get raised, right? So Joe Schmoe from PB's example has to be making 250k AFTER he's paying all his employees etc, etc, etc, right?


10-10-2008, 10:28 AM
I'm not losing any sleep over having to pay an extra 15 cents in taxes for every dollar I make over 250k. But I still disagree with this approach. If you're worried about the rich running the country making sure they pay the most taxes is a perfect way to ensure they stay in power.

If 80 percent of YOUR business comes from 10 percent of your customers, which customers do YOU listen to?

The focus should be on conserving spending and a flat tax.

The rich will always run this country. Who are we kidding here? No one is going to listen to poor people because they pay more of their meager income in taxes.

10-10-2008, 10:32 AM
2. McCain states that Obama's plan will raises taxes on "over 50%" of all small businesses.

What McCain actually said in the debate was "Senator Obama's secret that you don't know is that his tax increases will increase taxes on 50 percent of small business revenue."

Three points. First, McCain is not talking about the percentage of businesses. Second, I'm not sure what McCain meant by "revenue." We tax net income in this country, not revenue. Third, it's not clear what the definition of a "business" is. I think McCain means taxable income from those business that are taxed at individual tax rates.

Obama and McCain may both be telling the truth (but they're probably both stretching it). A small number of "businesses" may account for more than 50% of all "small business" revenue. If that's so, I wonder if those businesses are really small.

10-10-2008, 11:01 AM
So then it has to be 250k pure profit before his taxes get raised, right? So Joe Schmoe from PB's example has to be making 250k AFTER he's paying all his employees etc, etc, etc, right?

-TheE-Right and as we know, nobody needs more than 50k a year to live.

10-10-2008, 11:09 AM
Right and as we know, nobody needs more than 50k a year to live.
And yet there's a story of a woman in Texas who can't make ends meet making $80k a year.


10-10-2008, 11:30 AM
If you can't afford 15 cents more on every dollar past 250k, and find yourself unable to live day-to-day, feel free to send the surplus to me. In cash.

50k is a different story these days, but it's fine for a single guy like me. :)

10-10-2008, 12:04 PM
If you can't afford 15 cents more on every dollar past 250k, and find yourself unable to live day-to-day, feel free to send the surplus to me. In cash.

50k is a different story these days, but it's fine for a single guy like me with a Dad who can always bail me out if need be.

Fixed it for you :)

10-10-2008, 12:12 PM
And yet there's a story of a woman in Texas who can't make ends meet making $80k a year.


I don't know where the fuck she lives in Texas, but I am pretty sure two people can live anywhere in Texas on 80k a year just fine. If you can't, your doing something very wrong.