View Full Version : 'Your company is bankrupt, you keep $480m. Is that fair?'

10-07-2008, 01:03 AM
It was a showdown to cherish for critics of Wall Street's culture of enrichment. The grim-faced boss of the bankrupt bank Lehman Brothers was left squirming yesterday as a veteran Democrat roasted him over his multimillion-dollar pay.

With the startled look of a man unaccustomed to sharp examination, Lehman chief executive Richard Fuld clashed bluntly with the chairman of the House oversight committee, Henry Waxman, on Capitol Hill.

Called on to explain why Lehman collapsed last month, Fuld began with a note of humility, saying he felt "horrible" over the demise of the 158-year-old institution. "I want to be very clear," Fuld said. "I take full responsibility for the decisions I made and for the actions I took."

In a brief speech which was heard in silence, Fuld told legislators that if he could turn back the clock he would do many things differently. As soon as he finished speaking, sparks began to fly.

The chairman of the committee held up a chart suggesting that Fuld's personal remuneration totalled $480m (£276m) over eight years, including payouts of $91m in 2001 and $89m in 2005.

"Your company is now bankrupt and our country is in a state of crisis," said Waxman, a liberal from California. "You get to keep $480m. I have a very basic question: Is that fair?"

After a long pause, Fuld said the figure was exaggerated: "The majority of my compensation, sir, came in stock. The vast majority of the stock I got I still owned at the point of our [bankruptcy] filing."

Waxman cut him off, saying that even if the figure was slightly lower, it was "unimaginable" to much of the public. "Is that fair, for a CEO of a company that's now bankrupt, to make that kind of money? It's just unimaginable to so many people."

"I would say to you the $500m number is not accurate," said Fuld. "I'd say to you, although it's still a large number, for the years you're talking about here, my cash compensation was close to $60m, which you've indicated here, and I took out closer to $250m [in shares]."

Interrupting again, Waxman listed Fuld's collection of property, including a $14m ocean-front villa in Florida and a home in an exclusive ski resort.
"You and your wife have an art collection filled with million dollar paintings," Waxman said. "Your former president, Joe Gregory, used to travel to work in a helicopter."

A pugnacious congressman with a bald head and military moustache, Waxman warmed to his theme: "You made all this money taking risks with other people's money."

Refusing to give ground, Fuld said his pay had been set by an independent compensation committee which spent "a tremendous amount of time" making sure executives' interests were aligned with those of shareholders.

"When the company did well, we did well," Fuld said. "When the company did not do well, we didn't do well."

Waxman disagreed: "Mr Fuld, there seems to be a breakdown, because you did very well when the company was doing well and you did well when the company was not doing well. And now your shareholders who owned your company have nothing. They've been wiped out."

Fuld's evidence was his first public appearance since Lehman failed, sparking a chain of events which has sent shockwaves through the global financial system and prompted the US government to begin a $700bn bail-out of the banking sector.

A lifelong Lehman employee who joined the firm as an intern in 1966, Fuld has been blamed for the debacle by many of the bank's 28,000 staff - including those in London who have accused senior management of filleting Lehman's British operation of money in the bank's final days.

Deadpan and emotionless, Fuld repeatedly frustrated congressmen by answering questions with lengthy, technical financial explanations.

Frustrated by his demeanour, a Republican congressman, John Mica, tried humour: "If you haven't discovered your role, you're the villain today. You've got to act like a villain."

Fuld stared back wordlessly, without a shadow of a smile.


Populism or pragmatism?


I'm not a fan of Waxman; however, I would have liked to have seen this meeting.

10-07-2008, 01:17 AM
It seems anxiety from the financial crisis is reaching new highs, but the tipping point for one individual came at the Lehman Brothers gym in the midst of the company’s collapse.

While former Lehman CEO Richard Fuld was testifying before the House Oversight Committee Oct. 6, CNBC reported he had been punched in the face at the Lehman Brothers gym after it was announced the firm was going bankrupt. CNBC and Vanity Fair contributor Vicki Ward said Fuld was attacked at the gym on a Sunday following the bankruptcy.

“Frankly, I sat there and listened and I’m with the guy who apparently, the day before Barclays announced they were coming in and Lehman had already filed for bankruptcy, went over to him in the gym and punched him because that’s how I feel when I, you know, when I watched that,” Ward said on the Oct. 6 “Power Lunch.” “I didn’t think he was contrite at all, I thought he was arrogant.”

Ward confirmed previous reports about the incident that reportedly occurred Sept. 21 and said the information came from “two very senior sources.”

“From two very senior sources – one incredibly senior source – that he went to the gym after … Lehman was announced as going under. He was on a treadmill with a heart monitor on. Someone was in the corner, pumping iron and he walked over and he knocked him out cold. And frankly after having watched this, I’d have done the same too.”

Ward determined Fuld deserved the beating based on his testimony before the committee.

“I thought he was shameless,” Ward said. “I thought it was appalling. He blamed everyone. He blamed, as you say, ‘naked short sellers’ over and over in case we didn’t get the point, when in fact hedge funds like Harbinger had money locked up in Lehman and was shorting it to try and make the most of the money that they already had. He blamed everybody but himself.”

Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy in September 2008 and its assets were later snatched up by the British bank Barclays for $1.35 billion, which included Lehman’s Midtown Manhattan office tower with a $960 million price tag.



10-07-2008, 08:52 AM
That guy deserves a freedom medal.

10-07-2008, 10:36 AM
It seems anxiety from the financial crisis is reaching new highs, but the tipping point for one individual came at the Lehman Brothers gym in the midst of the company’s collapse.What "financial crisis" I'm still able to get a loan...

10-07-2008, 10:59 AM
I don't like the choices... there should be one where it says "Wall Street execs' pay are obscene" and I don't get the sense pragmatism is a similiar choice.

10-07-2008, 11:05 AM
^ Agree

10-07-2008, 11:06 AM
What "financial crisis" I'm still able to get a loan...

Thats right, I only got credit because I'm white.

10-07-2008, 11:08 AM
I don't like the choices... there should be one where it says "Wall Street execs' pay are obscene" and I don't get the sense pragmatism is a similiar choice.

Read the title, then the article. And then consider the focus/attention on wall street exec compensation. Then ask yourself if the attention is populist in nature, pragmatism (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/pragmatism)in practice, or just STFU and hand you the beer and a remote.

10-07-2008, 11:49 AM
Pass then, because the attention is populist, but the pay is obscene... hence your available choices are poorly defined and/or limited.

10-07-2008, 12:40 PM
Maybe I should have posted it as a STRATFOR article...

10-07-2008, 03:14 PM
Hopefully, the Committee will call Barney Frank and Chris Dodd and Maxine Waters up on the stand and have them explain how they had no trouble with Fannie May and Freddie Mac and how they blocked the call of whistle blowers and accounting professionals for tighter restrictions and reform.

10-07-2008, 04:20 PM
All of this sounds like Enron, Tyco and Worldcom. Anyone else remember them? Obviously industry and regulators learned nothing.

10-07-2008, 06:33 PM
All of this sounds like Enron, Tyco and Worldcom. Anyone else remember them? Obviously industry and regulators learned nothing.

Nor did you, apparently.

Enron, Tyco, and Worldcom all involved cases where people purposely and fradulently stated their financial condition.

I have not seen any direct proof of fraud here, yet. Only monumentally bad judgement.

10-07-2008, 06:49 PM
Yay for the American Dream!

10-07-2008, 07:10 PM
Yay for the American Dream!
The only problem with the "American Dream" is someone tried to turn it into the "American Entitlement".