View Full Version : Pepito y Obama

09-18-2008, 12:59 PM
From my mother-in-law


Un maestro le pregunta a su clase de sexto grado que cuantos de ellos
eran fanáticos de Obama.
No sabiendo realmente que cosa era un fanático de Obama, pero deseando
caerle bien a su maestro, todos los chicos levantaron la mano. Todos,
menos Pepito.
El maestro entonces le pregunta a Pepito ¿por qué, una vez más, ha
decidido ser "diferente"?
"Porque yo no soy un fanático de Obama"-dijo el.
¿"Y por que no eres un fanático de Obama?"-le pregunta de nuevo el maestro.
"Pues porque yo soy Republicano"-fue su respuesta.
¿"Y por qué eres Republicano?"-le cuestiona el maestro.
"Mi madre es Republicana. Mi padre es Republicano. Eso me hace a mi
ser Republicano."-dijo Pepito.
Molesto por la respuesta, su maestro le pregunta:
¿"Si tu madre fuera una tonta y tu padre un idiota, entonces que serias tú ?"
Con una enorme sonrisa, Pepito le contesta:
"Pues entonces yo sería un fanático de Obama!"

A teacher asks his sixth grade class how many of them are Obama supporters. Not really understanding what a Obama supporter was but wishing to look good in front of the teacher all of them raised their hands. All except little Pepe.

The teacher asks little Pepe "Tell me once again why you decided to be different?"
"Because I'm not an Obama supporter" he said.
The new teacher asked him "And why aren't you an Obama supporter"
He responded "Because I'm a Republican"
The teacher questioned "And what makes you a Republican?".
Little Pepe said "My father is a Republican, my mother is a Republican. That makes me a Republican."
Bothered by his response, the teacher asked, "If your mother was a fool and your father was an idiot, what would that make you?"
With absolute seriousness Little Pepe answered, "An Obama supporter."

09-18-2008, 01:06 PM

09-18-2008, 01:27 PM
Yeah, I had BF2 on XBox 360 also. I think my CD got cracked though, was a shame. I had fun with it there. Have you ever played the PC version? What about the expansions? Worth getting aswell?

09-18-2008, 01:37 PM
A perfect example of how people will attack you personally based on your politics. I had to go back and see what the original argument was about.

09-18-2008, 01:41 PM
A perfect example of how people will attack you personally based on your politics. I had to go back and see what the original argument was about.

Because you were always attacked personally purely because of your politics...

I needed this laugh this morning.


Moist Happenings
09-18-2008, 01:44 PM
I'm lucky enough to have had parents with absolute apathy towards politics in general, and now, years after one semester as a Political Science Major, I am equally jaded against all sides.

09-18-2008, 01:46 PM
The little girl of a Democratic mother asked an old Republican man if she could have five dollars.

"Whatever for?"

"Well, there's this homeless man down the street, and I want to give it to him."

So, the old man kneels down and says, "Tell you what...You come over to my house and clean up all the dog poop in my back yard, and I'll give you the five dollars to do with as you wish."

The Democratic mother was furious and glared at the old man, but kept her peace.

The little girl asked, "Why doesn't the homeless man just go to your house and clean up your dog poop, and you just pay him?"

To which the old man replied, "Welcome to the Republican party."

09-18-2008, 01:49 PM
I was born in Texas lived mostly in Louisiana and my mother's side is all involved in the Oil Business.

To say that its sad that you inherit political affiliations from your parents is pretty stupid. You inherit pretty much who you are from your parents to bein with, based on what type of environment they kept you in throughout your childhood and early life.

Some people DO change of course, but that is not the norm.

09-18-2008, 01:50 PM
Obama is on a long flight and sitting next to him is a little girl reading a book. Obama turns to the girl and says, “Why don’t we have a conversation to make the flight go faster?” The little girl puts down her book and says, “Alright, what should we talk about?” Obama says, “Well why don’t we talk about how I’m going to change America?” The little girl shrugs and says, “Okay, but first let me ask you a question. A deer, cows and horses all eat grass and yet a deer excretes pellets, a cow flat patties and a horse large clumps. Why do you suppose that is?” Obama, visibly impressed by the little girl's intelligence replied, “I don’t really know.” So the littler girl says, “Do you really think you’re qualified to change America, when you don’t know shit?”

09-18-2008, 01:58 PM
I don't think there's necessarily brainwashing going on from parents. Just that they live their life and this is how they are, what they believe in, what they do, and you're just witness to it. Whether you choose to continue to believe in the same thing is up to you.

09-18-2008, 02:03 PM
Brainwashing (also known as thought reform or as re-education) consists of any effort aimed at instilling certain attitudes and beliefs in a person — beliefs sometimes unwelcome or in conflict with the person's prior beliefs and knowledge, in order to affect that individual's value system and subsequent thought-patterns and behaviors.


09-18-2008, 02:04 PM
I don't really consider raising your child to your beliefs and morals and ethics and such to be "brainwashing."

09-18-2008, 02:06 PM
Kids spend all of their time with their "virtual" friends via You Tube, X-Box Live, and any other means to avoid their parents.

Kids learn what's "cool" from their friends, if you can call them that.

And yes, we did too.

09-18-2008, 02:09 PM
While that may be so, Blud, that is "hases" they grow out of. Upon adulthood, you will generally remember the values your parents taught you alot better then what was cool when you were 12.

09-18-2008, 02:09 PM
I don't really consider raising your child to your beliefs and morals and ethics and such to be "brainwashing."Probably because you don't mean brain-washing in the non-literal sense.

09-18-2008, 02:10 PM
Probably because you don't mean brain-washing in the non-literal sense.

I see a difference in raising a child and brainwashing. Call me crazy.

09-18-2008, 02:17 PM
While that may be so, Blud, that is "hases" they grow out of. Upon adulthood, you will generally remember the values your parents taught you alot better then what was cool when you were 12.

True, I'm just saying that if there is any "brainwashing" going on (literal or figurative), it isn't the parents doing it, it's their friends.

09-18-2008, 02:20 PM
Well, its all environment based. A child's environment is pretty much up to the parent, as, lets face it, children are basically OWNED by their parents until a certain age.

Stanley Burrell
09-18-2008, 02:24 PM
There is no doubt in my mind that whoever it is that posts as ClydeR is a diehard liberal.

09-18-2008, 03:09 PM
There is no doubt in my mind that whoever it is that posts as ClydeR is a diehard liberal.You're too good at this.

Stanley Burrell
09-18-2008, 03:10 PM
It's starting to be less 'post in the wrong thread day' and 'make PC forums look like the officials' day.

You know, if this is the worst thing you'll ever witness in your life. You are a pretty lucky person. Start appreciating.

Sorry for making everyone kill themselves.

09-18-2008, 03:35 PM

I had forgotten about them!

09-18-2008, 03:36 PM
hubby said so

Good job he isnt smart enough to see that the photo remains.

09-19-2008, 09:45 AM
The little girl of a Democratic mother asked an old Republican man if she could have five dollars.

"Whatever for?"

"Well, there's this homeless man down the street, and I want to give it to him."

So, the old man kneels down and says, "Tell you what...You come over to my house and clean up all the dog poop in my back yard, and I'll give you the five dollars to do with as you wish."

The Democratic mother was furious and glared at the old man, but kept her peace.

The little girl asked, "Why doesn't the homeless man just go to your house and clean up your dog poop, and you just pay him?"

To which the old man replied, "I don't want some fucking homeless piece of shit in my yard."

"And that sweetie, is a republican" responded the mother.

Fixed it for you.

09-19-2008, 10:18 AM
Fixed it for you.And that is why Tsa'ah doesn't make his living in comedy.