View Full Version : DNC=GREEN!

06-25-2008, 12:03 PM
Democratic officials revealed further details Monday on how they plan to use Denver's hosting of the party's national convention to showcase what they hope to package as their commitment to the environment.

The party wants to make its environmental message an example of the kind of leadership it would offer voters in the general elections, and it is springboarding off greening efforts in Denver and an emphasis on renewable energy such as solar and wind statewide.

Equating energy security with national security, U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the convention's chairwoman, spoke Monday from the Pepsi Center — site of the convention, and newly committed to wind energy — to praise the greening initiatives, as well as to lend her support for initiatives surrounding the convention.

"It is an environmental issue and a health issue," Pelosi said. . . . It's not about P.R. It's about substance."

In a spring-green suit coat and dress, Leah Daughtry, the chief executive for the Democratic National Convention Committee, joined Pelosi to announce an effort to cut carbon emissions from the travel of the 6,000-plus delegates and alternates who will come to Denver for the big week, Aug. 25-28.

The DNCC is working with a company to offer bulk-rate carbon credits to offset emissions, Daughtry said. The delegations that reduce emissions the most will be honored convention week. Individual delegates can win special prizes.

In past conventions, going green meant focusing on recycling trash and reducing waste during convention week. Now DNCC officials have joined with Mayor Hickenlooper's Greenprint Denver team and environmentalists working with Denver's host committee to go green early.

Both the DNCC and the host committee hired directors to steer greener day-to-day operations.

The DNCC is using online booking for hotel stays to keep as much as 100,000 pages from being printed to build the bulky collections of brochures and forms of years past. Its fleet of official cars use flex fuels, though scientists dispute whether those fuels offer an overall reduction in the gases that trap the earth's heat.

DNCC employees don't have trash cans in their offices in order to keep them focused on recycling. They're asked not to print what can remain on the screen, and when they do print, it's on both sides of the page. They don't use disposable plastic water bottles at the office.

Hickenlooper's teams have held day-long workshops with hotel and restaurant managers on such things as water conservation and energy efficiency. The workshops are meant to instill practices that continue after the parties are over.

And when the convention does arrive, Hickenlooper promises recycling opportunities on every corner, local foods highlighted at restaurants, bikes and alternative transportation opportunities and overall "saturation" of greening education.


My favorite part: "The DNCC is working with a company to offer bulk-rate carbon credits to offset emissions, Daughtry said."

So.. 6000 people are flying in.. and all you have to do is pay a company a couple million dollars and BOOM, U R ECO-FRIENDLY!!

I so want to be that company.

06-25-2008, 12:09 PM

tree-huggers hugging trees. there's a shocker.

honestly, who gives a shit? everyone recycles these days, so the DNC "doing it early" means precisely jack shit to me.

"DNCC employees don't have trash cans in their offices in order to keep them focused on recycling. They're asked not to print what can remain on the screen, and when they do print, it's on both sides of the page. They don't use disposable plastic water bottles at the office." O RLY? big fucking yawn.

06-25-2008, 12:19 PM
The "Green" "Peace" McCain commercials crack me up even more.

06-25-2008, 12:24 PM
The "Green" "Peace" McCain commercials crack me up even more.

hahaha...yeah, those are pretty amusing too. this entire election garners a big fat chuckle from me

06-25-2008, 12:25 PM
To be honest, McCain is just as bad in this Green regard.

One of the MANY differences I have with that guy.

06-25-2008, 01:09 PM
Yeah both parties are pandering to the feel good "green" movement without actually committing to many policies that would actually do anything of substance.

06-25-2008, 01:11 PM
Yeah both parties are pandering to the feel good "green" movement without actually committing to many policies that would actually do anything of substance.


06-25-2008, 01:32 PM
It might be green on the outside.. but it's deep socialist red on the inside. This 'war' is merely a vehicle to promote a socialist agenda.. redistribution of wealth.

06-25-2008, 01:33 PM
Somebody's sounding more and more like ClydeR lately. Dementia?

06-25-2008, 01:37 PM
Somebody's sounding more and more like ClydeR lately. Dementia?

Hardly. You should stick with the "OMG WE R WASTING TRILLIONS IN IRAQ" schtick... because we never get enough of that from you.

06-25-2008, 01:41 PM
Well... given as we still are...

How exactly has Iraq benefited us? You're not allowed to answer anything that involves "It protects America!"

Your recent most articles seem to be all slams of Democrats while the Republicans do much the same things. How credible are people who call Republicans fascists all the time? Generally not very.

You've reached that level.

06-25-2008, 01:41 PM
It might be green on the outside.. but it's deep socialist red on the inside. This 'war' is merely a vehicle to promote a socialist agenda.. redistribution of wealth.

Are you going to offer any explanation for this view? The way you have presented it seems like paranoia at best

06-25-2008, 02:02 PM
Well... given as we still are...

How exactly has Iraq benefited us? You're not allowed to answer anything that involves "It protects America!"

Your recent most articles seem to be all slams of Democrats while the Republicans do much the same things. How credible are people who call Republicans fascists all the time? Generally not very.

You've reached that level.
IMO, it hasn't. Saddam was a very bad man, at the time he was the only head of state in the world who had ever ordered the use of WMDs... and he did it on his own people.

But it hasn't been worth the cost just to get rid of him.

The question is... what will we gain from leaving, what will be the long term costs of pulling out now? And what will it cost us to stay, and what will be the long term costs and or benefits of that?

06-25-2008, 02:08 PM
Those are good questions. I think staying, as tough as the human toll may be related to leaving, falls largely into the sunk cost fallacy. I'm pretty convinced that the Shiites are going to shout out "we love you Iran!" as soon as we leave. If people don't want to be democratic it is also pretty hard to force them.

06-25-2008, 02:12 PM
Are you going to offer any explanation for this view? The way you have presented it seems like paranoia at best

There are plenty of articles out there that describe it in far greater detail than I could. Just google "Socialism+Global Warming"

You will need to sift through some of the wacko shit out there, but there is plenty of evidence that global warming (global cooling in the 70's and acid rain in the 80's) is just the current vehicle that is being used by the loony left to bring about political change. If you stand up to them, you simply hate good ol' Mother Earth. The militant environmentalists currently have the most powerful lobby in the US and use that power to squelch all discussions opposing them. Phrases like "The debate is over" and "Scientific Consensus" are used to all the time to try and 'prove' their position.

06-25-2008, 02:17 PM
Those are good questions. I think staying, as tough as the human toll may be related to leaving, falls largely into the sunk cost fallacy. I'm pretty convinced that the Shiites are going to shout out "we love you Iran!" as soon as we leave. If people don't want to be democratic it is also pretty hard to force them.

After getting the shaft on oil leases this week.. I'm actually for immediate withdrawal of all forces from Iraq. Let them get taken over by Iran imo... fuck them. I used to think that no matter how much it costs, we owe them to stay and clean up the mess we made... but that was before they basically said "Fuck off".

Pull out today... fully and completely. Let them fend for themselves.

06-25-2008, 02:25 PM
IMO, it hasn't. Saddam was a very bad man, at the time he was the only head of state in the world who had ever ordered the use of WMDs... and he did it on his own people.

But it hasn't been worth the cost just to get rid of him.

The question is... what will we gain from leaving, what will be the long term costs of pulling out now? And what will it cost us to stay, and what will be the long term costs and or benefits of that?

Nagasaki? Hiroshima?