View Full Version : Another Obama Church Leader

05-30-2008, 08:55 AM
Interesting story.



05-30-2008, 09:19 AM
I'm so tired of hearing about sermons at Obama's church. BFD.

05-30-2008, 09:20 AM
Has nothing to do with Obama... but it is funny how it MUST be because Obama is black.

05-30-2008, 10:09 AM
Imagine that.


05-30-2008, 10:25 AM
I imagine that was Ilvane saying, "I've had enough Hussein!"

05-30-2008, 10:42 AM
Party at Ilvanes!

05-30-2008, 10:43 AM
Seriously, can I get a date and time on this party? I got scheduling to do.

05-30-2008, 11:09 AM
Imagine that.


It's only racism when 70% of the whites vote for the white candidate.. and NOT racism when 90% of the blacks vote for the black candidate.

Imagine that.

05-30-2008, 11:09 AM
Seriously, can I get a date and time on this party? I got scheduling to do.

You should be more concerned about learning French.

05-30-2008, 12:34 PM
I have no clue who I'm going to vote for, so..LOL

05-30-2008, 12:43 PM
yea! All those poor white people being oppressed by the black man.

It's a tragedy.

05-30-2008, 12:52 PM
It's only racism when 70% of the whites vote for the white candidate.. and NOT racism when 90% of the blacks vote for the black candidate.

Imagine that.
There is an ironic quality about that.

You should be more concerned about learning French.
Or packing...

I have no clue who I'm going to vote for, so..LOL
This blonde moment brought to you by....

05-30-2008, 12:57 PM
yea! All those poor white people being oppressed by the black man.

It's a tragedy.

It is actually, because it does happen (much like you say that racism is still evident in mainstream American society).

Bottom line, the recriprocation of that kind of behavior just perpetuates the problem, instead of neutralizing or solving it.

05-30-2008, 01:07 PM
It is actually, because it does happen (much like you say that racism is still evident in mainstream American society).

Bottom line, the recriprocation of that kind of behavior just perpetuates the problem, instead of neutralizing or solving it.

Clearly, you must be a racist.. unless of course you have a black symbol of some sort tattooed to your skin.

05-30-2008, 01:16 PM
I have no clue who I'm going to vote for, so..LOL
It's not going to be Obama so I have no idea why you're pretending otherwise.

05-30-2008, 02:39 PM
It's not going to be Obama so I have no idea why you're pretending otherwise.
There will be more choices on most states' ballots then Obama and McCain. "I have no idea why you're pretending otherwise".

Granted, the chances of any third party candidate are almost nil, but people could choose to vote for neither of the Demopublicans.

I still believe we need a US Constitutional Amendment for "None of the above." in all federal elections.

05-30-2008, 02:56 PM
Granted, the chances of any third party candidate are almost nil, but people could choose to vote for neither of the Demopublicans.

I still believe we need a US Constitutional Amendment for "None of the above." in all federal elections.First of all it's Republicrat, get it right. Second of all, what exactly do a none of the above vote would accomplish?

05-30-2008, 03:09 PM
There will be more choices on most states' ballots then Obama and McCain. "I have no idea why you're pretending otherwise".
Except that her mantra for a long time now has been that if Hillary isn't on the ballot, she's voting for McCain. Then again not too long ago she said something about not voting for anyone at all.

05-30-2008, 03:15 PM
Except that her mantra for a long time now has been that if Hillary isn't on the ballot, she's voting for McCain. Then again not too long ago she said something about not voting for anyone at all.Really, it's just one more thing Mabus doesn't understand. Why bother?

05-30-2008, 03:18 PM
Second of all, what exactly do a none of the above vote would accomplish?Richard Pryor would take office, duh.

Some Rogue
05-30-2008, 03:26 PM
Richard Pryor would take office, duh.

WRONG. It would be a way to spend millions of dollars and accomplish nothing and have nothing to show for it.

Actually, that pretty much sounds like all government....carry on.


05-30-2008, 05:05 PM
Second of all, what exactly do a none of the above vote would accomplish?
Why ask me?

You obviously believe you know so much more then I could ever know.

You explain why I believe it would be a good idea, and then you and your forum-buddies can tear into the idea. Perhaps throw some "Isn't he just like <poster name>" and possibly some profanity and you can all feel so superior while basking in your inferiority. There would be just as much communication between the two of us if you chose to do so.

05-30-2008, 05:08 PM
Why ask me?

You obviously believe you know so much more then I could ever know.

You explain why I believe it would be a good idea, and then you and your forum-buddies can tear into the idea. Perhaps throw some "Isn't he just like <poster name>" and possibly some profanity and you can all feel so superior while basking in your inferiority. There would be just as much communication between the two of us if you chose to do so.

Nice diversion.

If you dont want to (cant) answer the question... just say so.


05-30-2008, 05:11 PM
Nice diversion.

If you dont want to (cant) answer the question... just say so.

I can answer the question in depth.

Whether a thread dedicated to another racist tirade at Obama's church is the proper place for it, and whether I choose to discuss it at all, are another matter.

05-30-2008, 05:11 PM
Whatever makes you feel better.

Just sayin...


05-30-2008, 11:39 PM
So what does this all mean? Is Obama going to strike back at the man? Is he in league with the terrorists? Is he the anti-christ bringing about the end times?

05-30-2008, 11:50 PM

I hadn't realized this priest was a long time friend of Obama's.. and another one of his advisors. Not that I'm surprised though... I'm sure Obama knew nothing of this guy's history.

It's like Obama's church is TRYING to torpedo Obama.

05-31-2008, 12:50 AM

I hadn't realized this priest was a long time friend of Obama's.. and another one of his advisors. Not that I'm surprised though... I'm sure Obama knew nothing of this guy's history.

It's like Obama's church is TRYING to torpedo Obama.
Obama and Pfleger go back about 20 years. Obama called him "One of my spiritual advisors that helps to keep me on track." in 2001.

Christopher Hitchens wrote:
"In April 2007 Barack Obama told a reporter from the Chicago Sun-Times that he had three spiritual mentors or counselors: Jeremiah Wright, James Meeks, and Father Michael Pfleger"

Obama liked Pfleger, or perhaps his programs, so much he got him $225,000 in grants for St. Sabina (Pfleger's church) while Obama was a state senator.

Up until a few weeks ago Pfleger sat on the "Catholics for Obama" committee , which advised Obama on Catholic voter relations.

So yes, they have known each other a while. He is not some random man that the media cooked up.

05-31-2008, 01:01 AM
Why ask me?

You obviously believe you know so much more then I could ever know.

You explain why I believe it would be a good idea, and then you and your forum-buddies can tear into the idea. Perhaps throw some "Isn't he just like <poster name>" and possibly some profanity and you can all feel so superior while basking in your inferiority. There would be just as much communication between the two of us if you chose to do so.Really? You surmised all of that from a simple, direct question? If you don't have an answer you can just say so. And there's no need for you to bitch-out now, you're perfectly comfortable discussing anything about Obama in any thread (such as the Rachel Ray thread).

05-31-2008, 01:19 AM
Really? You surmised all of that from a simple, direct question?
No, I figured it out from watching you over multiple threads. You are not as complex as you like to believe.

05-31-2008, 01:20 AM
No, I figured it out from watching you over multiple threads. You are not as complex as you like to believe.Ah, so now I think I'm complex. Really if you don't have an argument, it's okay. You can just STFU.

05-31-2008, 01:37 AM
Ah, so now I think I'm complex. Really if you don't have an argument, it's okay. You can just STFU.
Thanks for the advice! Maybe if I fail to post for a couple hours you can wear a smug smirk and feel that you won! It seems in vogue.

Oh my, won't that be fantastic!

05-31-2008, 01:52 AM
Thanks for the advice! Maybe if I fail to post for a couple hours you can wear a smug smirk and feel that you won! It seems in vogue.

Oh my, won't that be fantastic!Still got nothing?

05-31-2008, 06:31 AM
Mabus, don't bother. They'll have you going back and forth with them forever. Sometimes it's just better to ignore it.:)


05-31-2008, 08:27 AM
Mabus, don't bother. They'll have you going back and forth with them forever. Sometimes it's just better to ignore it.:)

AngelaThat's not true, he could of course always answer the question. By the way, what day are we having the party? Saturdays work best for me.

05-31-2008, 08:30 AM
Or he can delete his posts when the conversation isn't going his way. We love that around here.

05-31-2008, 08:31 AM
Or he can delete his posts when the conversation isn't going his way. We love that around here.Zing!

05-31-2008, 09:01 AM
That's not true, he could of course always answer the question. By the way, what day are we having the party? Saturdays work best for me.

What question are you asking that needs an answer? What will a "None of the Above" vote fix? That is your big, burning question that seems worth derailing a thread about? That is it?

Here, allow me. A "None of the Above" vote will probably derail the democratic process.. or at least extend it. If it were on the ballot this November, I most certainly would check that box. I think all 3 candidates are bad for America.. and bad choices for most people.

There you go... although I suppose now you will keep on demanding that Mabus answer the same question because you posed it to him, responding to one of his posts.


05-31-2008, 09:04 AM
Look who's being that guy when you have gone round and round with people in several threads for them to answer YOUR question, which usually has nothing to do with the thread but some insipid argument you had with that person months ago.

Are you deliberately trying to make enemies on all sides of the fence? Not sure what your deal is lately.

05-31-2008, 09:08 AM
What question are you asking that needs an answer? What will a "None of the Above" vote fix? That is your big, burning question that seems worth derailing a thread about? That is it?

Here, allow me. A "None of the Above" vote will probably derail the democratic process.. or at least extend it. If it were on the ballot this November, I most certainly would check that box. I think all 3 candidates are bad for America.. and bad choices for most people.

There you go... although I suppose now you will keep on demanding that Mabus answer the same question because you posed it to him, responding to one of his posts.

:shrug:Not that you haven't done the same. Particularly from someone who when asked a direct question ignores, deflects or switches to an insult match.

05-31-2008, 09:10 AM
Look who's being that guy when you have gone round and round with people in several threads for them to answer YOUR question, which usually has nothing to do with the thread but some insipid argument you had with that person months ago.

Are you deliberately trying to make enemies on all sides of the fence? Not sure what your deal is lately.

:rofl: at you thinking I give 2 shits about making "enemies" over an internet forum.


And the reason you aren't sure of what my deal is lately is clearly I disagree with you over Obama. This might be one of the few times we don't see eye to eye, and you think somehow I'm trying to make enemies with you and friends with Mabus.

And what burning question did I have for Daniel/Keller that I went round and round for months? I'm pretty sure it was Daniel who wanted his question answered after I cornered him for lying about a post I never made.

05-31-2008, 09:12 AM
Not that you haven't done the same. Particularly from someone who when asked a direct question ignores, deflects or switches to an insult match.

Dude... I stepped in to HELP. You clearly needed a question answered for whatever reason.. I stuck out my hand to help.

And this is the way I'm treated!? I'm shocked at your rudeness.

Good Day Sir!

05-31-2008, 09:14 AM
:rofl: at you thinking I give 2 shits about making "enemies" over an internet forum.
There went that friendship I thought we had. Now it's reduced to just someone on the internet. Oh well.

And the reason you aren't sure of what my deal is lately is clearly I disagree with you over Obama. This might be one of the few times we don't see eye to eye, and you think somehow I'm trying to make enemies with you and friends with Mabus.
Maybe it's because you've insulted me over it, and are quick to insult Obama supporters and side with Mabus, regardless of the reasons behind it all.

05-31-2008, 09:31 AM
There went that friendship I thought we had. Now it's reduced to just someone on the internet. Oh well.

Maybe it's because you've insulted me over it, and are quick to insult Obama supporters and side with Mabus, regardless of the reasons behind it all.

I don't think I ever insulted you regarding Obama... but I do question your blind love affair with the man. Let's take a look at it... shall we?

You claim to be a semi-conservative or at the very least a Republican. What is it about Obama's platform that you feel best represents your Republican or conservative ideals? Let's forget how gifted of a speaker he is.. let's just dive into his policies, pledges and promises. Which of those are so in line with your conservative roots?

05-31-2008, 09:38 AM
I don't think I ever insulted you regarding Obama... but I do question your blind love affair with the man. Let's take a look at it... shall we?
You called me Ilvane retarded. Sorry if you don't see that as an insult but I do. :tongue:

You claim to be a semi-conservative or at the very least a Republican. What is it about Obama's platform that you feel best represents your Republican or conservative ideals? Let's forget how gifted of a speaker he is.. let's just dive into his policies, pledges and promises. Which of those are so in line with your conservative roots?
First of all, I'm registered Republican strictly so that I can vote in the primaries, because in CT you can't if you're Independent or I would have registered that way instead.

That said, I'm having a hard time deciding between Obama and McCain. I don't like either of their Iraq policies. I'm interested in his healthcare system and I like that he doesn't want to have a gas tax holiday, which McCain wants and I don't feel is productive. McCain has admitted to not having a good grasp on economics, which worries me because that's our prime issue at the moment. I'm not sure Obama does either.

Unfortunately it's more of who do I disagree with less, so I'll have to hear both of their issues and how they will incorporate them once elected.

05-31-2008, 10:10 AM
You called me Ilvane retarded. Sorry if you don't see that as an insult but I do. :tongue:

Fuck.. forgot about that. I am sorry :(

That said, I'm having a hard time deciding between Obama and McCain. I don't like either of their Iraq policies.

Obama wants to simply withdraw.. get out asap... to hell with the consequences. McCain wants to win and then withdraw. I think Obama's plan is reckless and ignorant of what will happen. Look at the news this week regarding Iraq. Looks like the surge is working.. wouldn't you want to leave Iraq as a stable country, rather than just allowing it to implode? Whether or not you agree with the war, don't we have a responsibility to the citizens of Iraq to clean up the mess we made?

I'm interested in his healthcare system

I'm interested in his healthcare system.. up until I realize that the Government is going to be the entity administering it. Holy hell, name one thing the Government actually runs right.. and within budget! I hate having to pay $600 a month for health insurance for me and my family.. but it's much cheaper than what I'll end up paying under Obama's plan.

and I like that he doesn't want to have a gas tax holiday, which McCain wants and I don't feel is productive.

Both are stupid ploys imo and will do zero to actually relieve the price of oil. None of the 3 want to explore domestically and have said as much. Solar energy is where it will be within 5 years... invest in that if you have some extra $$ floating around.. trust me :)

McCain has admitted to not having a good grasp on economics, which worries me because that's our prime issue at the moment. I'm not sure Obama does either.

I agree.. neither does. In my opinion, we're fucked less with McCain.. just because he has shown to be a stickler for pork barrel spending.. where Obama isn't. I DO like Obama's idea of not spending what we don't have.. but I doubt he could do it... given his current campaign promises.

Unfortunately it's more of who do I disagree with less, so I'll have to hear both of their issues and how they will incorporate them once elected.

I hear you sister... I'm currently leaning towards the lesser of two evils (or 3 if you include Clinton.. YOU GO GIRL! FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!) but none of them are what this country needs right now.

05-31-2008, 10:26 AM
Obama wants to simply withdraw.. get out asap... to hell with the consequences.That's why I don't like it.

McCain's sounded too much like they'd never leave, so I need to hear about that more.

I'm interested in his healthcare system.. up until I realize that the Government is going to be the entity administering it. Holy hell, name one thing the Government actually runs right.. and within budget! I hate having to pay $600 a month for health insurance for me and my family.. but it's much cheaper than what I'll end up paying under Obama's plan.
None of them have a sound way to help with the healthcare problem. Only reason I liked Obama's over Hillary's is because 1) his isn't mandatory except for children and 2) hers is based on a percentage of your income, which sounds like bullshit to me. I haven't heard how his will be handled so that is really going to sell me.

What they need to do is work with the insurance companies and health facilities to allow for EVERYONE to have access to preventative care for starters.

Both are stupid ploys imo and will do zero to actually relieve the price of oil. None of the 3 want to explore domestically and have said as much. Solar energy is where it will be within 5 years... invest in that if you have some extra $$ floating around.. trust me :)
Agreed. I think it would be pretty cool to have solar panels on my house. Saw a story about a funeral owner who had them installed and is spending half on electricity.

I agree.. neither does. In my opinion, we're fucked less with McCain.. just because he has shown to be a stickler for pork barrel spending.. where Obama isn't. I DO like Obama's idea of not spending what we don't have.. but I doubt he could do it... given his current campaign promises.
I like that too, however I don't like how people say "well what we spend on the war we could spend elsewhere". This is money this country doesn't have. You can't spend what you don't have. So if he can pull that off, great. But I don't want to hear that line of excuse either.

05-31-2008, 10:33 AM
Agreed. I think it would be pretty cool to have solar panels on my house. Saw a story about a funeral owner who had them installed and is spending half on electricity.

Solar panels are just starting to turn the corner on real innovation. Spending half on electricity is nothing.. wait until you get panels that are half the size... taking care of ALL your energy needs PLUS reselling back to the grid. :) That is right around the corner.

05-31-2008, 10:37 AM
Solar, wind and tidal FTW.

05-31-2008, 01:24 PM
Not that you haven't done the same. Particularly from someone who when asked a direct question ignores, deflects or switches to an insult match.
How does that go?


05-31-2008, 01:38 PM
How does that go?

Right, so nobody here should be crying about getting insulted when they insult them in turn. That includes you.

05-31-2008, 01:50 PM
Right, so nobody here should be crying about getting insulted when they insult them in turn. That includes you.
As I have responded before, let me do so again, just for you.

I respond to being attacked. I sometimes use the exact same attack-tactic (or one the poster has used previously) as a defense against the attack.

I would prefer we discussed issues, facts, defintions and opinions without attacks on the posters, but knowing that when some people cannot make a valid point they do attack I often choose to respond in defense.

You can disagree with that, but it is how I choose to be.

05-31-2008, 01:55 PM
Okay Tsa`ah Jr., seeing as how you recently called Latrin an asshole (because in your world being told you're groaning and complaining is an insult), I don't feel that you insult back in the same fashion that you're spoken to. So I'd appreciate if you stop taking the high road and admit that you're as bad as other people around here with the insults.

05-31-2008, 02:35 PM
Okay Tsa`ah Jr.

Exactly one of the tactics I was talking about.

And while I may disagree with Tsa'ah on several points, I do find much that he posts to be well thought out and intelligent.

05-31-2008, 02:46 PM
Angela and Mabus need to procreate.