View Full Version : Clinton Adviser Claims Indiana Slur Video Is Conspiracy

05-02-2008, 12:41 PM
A former aide to President Bill Clinton, and current informal adviser to Sen. Hillary Clinton, expressed outrage and shock on Friday after a videotape from 1992 surfaced allegedly showing him describing Indianans as "white n---rs."

Mickey Kantor, who served as campaign chairman during Clinton's 1992 run for the White House and says he has offered help and advice to Sen. Clinton, insisted that the tape was a fraud and that he was exploring legal steps against the individual who posted it online.

"I've never used that word in my entire life, ever, under any circumstance, ever," an angry Kantor told The Huffington Post, citing his and his parent's work fighting for civil rights. "I have listened to [the video] and so have you. You can't tell what it is I'm saying in that second sentence, you can't decipher that."



05-02-2008, 12:52 PM
Oh uh. Someone has some splainin' to do.

05-02-2008, 12:55 PM
"Many people are subject to this kind of being used in a way to try and stir people up," he said. "I can't say it more clearly, but I had never used that word... My parents would come from the grave and kill me if I used that word."White?

05-02-2008, 03:53 PM
But apparently calling Hoosiers "shit" is a-okay with him...and it sure sounds to me like he said "white niggers", even without the subtitles.

Any odds on the MSM picking up on this guilt-by-association bullshit like they did with Wright? Methinks not so much...

05-02-2008, 04:01 PM
I just spoke to D.A. Pennebaker, the director of "The War Room," who said his film had been doctored to produce a widely-viewed YouTube clip.

In a clip from his film on the 1992 Clinton campaign, posted to YouTube today, Clinton advisor Mickey Kantor is -- according to subtitles -- seen referring to Indiana residents with an expletive and to his colleague George Stephanopolous with a racial slur.

"He does not say that. He does not say that," said Pennebaker, after viewing the clip.

He said the initial expletive referred to the anticipated reaction in the Bush White House to the fact that Ross Perot's polling numbers were holding strong.

"What he says is he’s surprised Perot’s numbers are holding," said Pennebaker in a brief phone interview. "He says they must be shi**ing in the White House."

The second expletive, he said, appeared to have been entirely fabricated, with new audio dubbed onto the original movie.

More... (http://www.politico.com/blogs/bensmith/0508/Pennebaker_Clip_Doctoered.html)

That does not mean the Clintons and their advisers are innocent in this matter. It may well be a trap that the Clintons set for Obama. That's how devious the Clintons are, and Obama is gullible enough to fall for it.

05-02-2008, 04:03 PM
Well he doesn't deny saying "shit" but he said it was taken out of context and he was referring to the Bush campaign when he said "these people". He has an explanation for the article and I think he probably was taken out of context. If so, he'll get the YouTube post shut down but it may still have an effect on Clinton in Indiana (we all know accusations don't have to be true, to hurt).

05-02-2008, 04:04 PM
That does not mean the Clintons and their advisers are innocent in this matter. It may well be a trap that the Clintons set for Obama. That's how devious the Clintons are, and Obama is gullible enough to fall for it.I blame Rove.

Crazy Bard
05-02-2008, 04:04 PM
Who the hell hasn't used the n word in there life?

05-02-2008, 04:06 PM
Who the hell hasn't used the n word in there life?He keeps denying he ever used "that word." I'm not so sure he means "nigger". I think he's referring to "white".

05-02-2008, 04:09 PM
He keeps denying he ever used "that word." I'm not so sure he means "nigger". I think he's referring to "white".

i know I've never use the word whi...ohh...Clove, you sneaky bastard!

Stanley Burrell
05-02-2008, 04:43 PM
I don't even know who the fuck that guy is or what this slander campaign is trying to advocate.

God-be-damned Afrocentric caucasoid Indy 500 Austrian-incest bastards.

05-02-2008, 05:17 PM
Here's a working link:


I have to admit, it sound's like he's saying 'Those people are shitting.' and it's harder to make out his whispered words in the end.

05-02-2008, 11:29 PM
I for one have never used the N word ever in my life and I'm a 45 yo white guy living in one of the most racist areas in the country. Then again I'm a career academic and hold a high degree which vastly lowers the percentage of people around me using that word. Although, by no means am I saying there are no racists in academia, it's just most academics believe saying that word is below them and prefer to "scientifically" talk about race.

Anyhow, the way I see it White people have made enemies out of like 80% of humanity, either by enslaving them, genociding them, or taking their land. But all things change, and one day the tables will be turned. What then?

05-03-2008, 02:37 AM
He definitely does not say "how would you like to be in the white house right now".

05-03-2008, 09:23 AM
he says "white nigger" theres no mistake. Jack up the sound and you'll hear it. Plus the sentence before that he says pretty much is a lead in to the next thing. "Those people are shit!"

05-03-2008, 10:44 AM
he says "white nigger" theres no mistake. Jack up the sound and you'll hear it. Plus the sentence before that he says pretty much is a lead in to the next thing. "Those people are shit!"
Quoting the Washington Post (http://blog.washingtonpost.com/the-trail/2008/05/02/dirty_tricks_gone_viral.html?hpid=topnews):

"D.A. Pennebaker, director of "The War Room," said today the clip is clearly doctored. It is longer than the original, for one, and Kantor never said anything like what is being ascribed to him. He was, in fact, talking about election turn-out and the panic that George H.W. Bush's White House must have been in."

There are two videos out there. One, the original, the other has doctored audio and subtext.

Looks to be a hoax.

If you watch the original (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_wKOgMNs0U&e) clip (around 4:37 or so) you can clearly hear him say "Those people are shitting." and something about "the White House".

Clever, dirty politics. But just a hoax.

05-03-2008, 03:04 PM
Anyhow, the way I see it White people have made enemies out of like 80% of humanity, either by enslaving them, genociding them, or taking their land. But all things change, and one day the tables will be turned. What then?

Were whites the only 'race' to ever dominate or enslave humanity?

Do Romans count as white?

What about Persians?

Atilla the Hun perhaps?

Interesting question.

05-03-2008, 09:26 PM
Were whites the only 'race' to ever dominate or enslave humanity?

Do Romans count as white?

What about Persians?

Atilla the Hun perhaps?

Interesting question.

This is actually a very common misconception that I and many people hold. Even academics (who are not in history or political science) often cite the old but what about ... but many don't realize the near total domination that post industrial Europeans held over the world. Post 1500, it was 'The Europe show' starring Europe.

As per your examples. The Romans are white, since I'm mostly Italian myself and I and people around me consider me 'white' whatever that may pertain. But they only mostly conquered 'White' lands barring north Africa and parts of the middle east (which were not "colonized"...more on that later).


Persia at it's height conquered only within it's 'racial' boundaries if you will, they in no way infilitrated European lands, except the tips of the Balkans (but even this was very tentative and the borders here fluctuated). Further, Europeans (aka Alexander the Great) actually sacked and conquered all of the Persian Empire, along with Egypt and generally most of the middle east and north Africa and as far as the borders of India. This is the Persian Empire at it's height.


But, lets compare this to the total European domination from 1500 until the end of the second world war (and even beyond)

Every color on the following map is a European power except for two (the yellow and blue).


Further, why this was so significant is that these European powers were not just conquer and tribute (as were nearly all the pre-industrial empires) but were much more sinister. They were colonies. And those lands Europeans could not genocide,enslave, or depopulate in order to colonize, they conquered and penetrated then remorselessly pillaged at the end of a machine gun (which at the time only Europeans had).

There were some native tribes in the South Pacific that believed even up to the early 19th century that no other peoples or cultures existed beyond their shores. However, European world conquest was so complete that when researchers from the U.S. arrived in the 1920's, they were surprised that these natives knew one English word ,"devil" which they used constantly to describe the researchers.

Anyhow, no matter how bleak this all sounds, as Europeans we have a unique advantage that due to this historical legacy of near total world conquest given to us by our ancestors we currently control a vast majority of the military,economic, cultural power over non-Whites. I just think we should take this opening to make amends to victims of the world, lest they have any ideas for revenge. Since we control so much of the culture of the world currently, this maybe a golden opportunity. Thats just my two cents.

Stanley Burrell
05-03-2008, 09:35 PM
You don't understand how badly I want someone who isn't me to respond to your post.

05-04-2008, 08:11 AM
....... Thats just my two cents.

I had a few paragraphs pounded out ... but I don't think it would do you much good.

Instead I want you to make some maps and some cut out soldiers and traders colored to fit the skin color of the nations and countries they originated ..... and then march those soldiers and traders along historic lines of battle and trade ... and take the same color marker and make dot along the way. When you come to areas the armies conquered, take that marker and make a bunch of squigglies through the area ... when defeated, just leave a few more dots.

I think only then will you realize the ignorance of your statement.

05-04-2008, 01:17 PM
I had a few paragraphs pounded out ... but I don't think it would do you much good.

Instead I want you to make some maps and some cut out soldiers and traders colored to fit the skin color of the nations and countries they originated ..... and then march those soldiers and traders along historic lines of battle and trade ... and take the same color marker and make dot along the way. When you come to areas the armies conquered, take that marker and make a bunch of squigglies through the area ... when defeated, just leave a few more dots.

I think only then will you realize the ignorance of your statement.

That "paragraph" isn't even coherent.

05-04-2008, 01:48 PM
Every color on the following map is a European power except for two (the yellow and blue).
You need your eyes checked, that's not blue. Yellow (obviously the chinese), purple (japan) and light purple/lavender(russia) are all non-european, you also didn't mention how an entire continent doesn't have any european influence. The penguins have that shit on LOCKDOWN BITFCHES

___________________________^KICKING SOME ASS

05-04-2008, 02:36 PM
Russians are far more Caucasian than Asian, which I believe was the original point.

05-04-2008, 04:01 PM
That "paragraph" isn't even coherent.

Nice defense of your post.

Italians are about as white as .... well, a donkey isn't a horse, and a horse isn't a donkey. A mule is neither, but it takes a donkey and horse to make a mule.

Do you need pictures?

05-05-2008, 06:25 AM
I mean...

Nevermind, Lucas, this would just be entirely too easy.



- Arkans