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12-23-2003, 08:32 AM

So I ran into an older sorcerer throwin his weight around against younger characters.

I wear NO titles but I made the mistake of keepin my profession title up (Archmage).

I asked if said character was willing to pull the same crap on me, no such luck.

I won't start the fight, but I will certainly finnish it given half the chance.

I really dont get into it very often with other characters, but this dead head pissed me off.

When confronted, he pulled out his bought capped characters, what a lovely piece of work.

I called my own *original* friends in to answer the blatant OOC'ness, yea two wrongs don't make a right, but this seriously pissed me off, so I called in favours.

He then rang out and logged out.

Next time I cast and ask questions later


12-23-2003, 08:39 AM
Blah, my bad, soneone wana move this into charactr complaints


12-23-2003, 10:21 AM
Throwing your weight around makes you cool.

The Cat In The Hat
12-23-2003, 12:43 PM
I happen to be pretty good friends with Fizzan, and I know for a fact he's a bad ass and doesn't need the help of his "older bought characters" (Of which he has never bought any.)

Now, while I'm sure you had an issue with him I'm pretty sure, having known him as long as I am that unless you're a fuckoff like Teeoncy, he pretty much leaves you be. (and he fucks Teeoncy up regularilly, for his own personal reasons. Hes my hero... poor Teeoncy lost her shield and weapon yesterday - boohoo)

But, you accuseing him of bringing in his older "bought" characters, I wont agree with because Fizzan takes care of things for Fizzan on Fizzan's own.


12-23-2003, 01:06 PM
how old is Fizzan?

12-23-2003, 02:00 PM
Are you that much of a joke that you have to resort to lies and impotent whining on these player boards to either try and win back some respect, or people over to your side?

Let's look at the facts, shall we...

1) Fizzan and your wizard were face to face at least half a dozen times last night, and never once did he ring out and log out. That'd make him logging out at the entrance to Maagrha's Tower. Stop telling lies.

2) You didn't say the name of the capped character you claim I own-- why not? Is it because the character was Yactaevia, and if you posted that I owned her, you'd be laughed off the boards by anyone with half a brain, or anyone who'd ever met either of us, even in passing? Stop telling lies.

3) You still seem to think I attacked Teeoncy out of sheer malice, and that it was un-provoked, thus you expected/hoped I'd do the same to you? Idiot, I told you enough times last night-- until you have an issue with Fizzan, he won't have an issue with you. Find me one other person who claims I've ever bullied them, and I'll find you ten more who can squash that report, or offer stories of where I've helped them. Stop telling lies.

4) Next time you'll cast first? Well, let's see... I burned off 10k experience (Fizzan's 72 now, Syberus) last night, which means you had about 7 opportunitiies to do so, had you opted to leave the table where you, Teeoncy, and Jassraina were spreading gossip and lies. And you're talking about not starting things? STOP TELLING LIES!!!

5) Instead of doing something about it IC, which is where this event has all of its grounding, you opt to take it here, as well as accusing me of going IC by bringing in a capped chracter that you think I own, or even called for?! Give me a break, man... your minimum wage job and dull life must really make you need this type of thing to feel whole, as a human being... Try and learn how to keep IC separated from OOC, and STOP TELLING LIES!!!

6) Clearly, your opinion matters very little in the grand scheme of things-- I told you and Teeoncy both, Fizzan'll pay for that gear when "the Eye freezes over and V'Tull gives free sleigh rides." Should the powers-that-be see fit to punish me, that's about the only grounds on which your accusations will carry any weight.

7) Teeoncy's gear is lost because of other sorcerers imploding in the Temple, and because she's too poor an excuse of a warrior to carry an extra blade around. The chain of events-- I stunned, flea cursed, unstunned and Pained her for enough RT to be able to tell her why I was doing it-- "For spreading rumors in Vaalor to the little children." was exactly what he said. That done, I promptly fogged out. Had I wanted her to lose the gear, I would have left her stunned for five minutes, or just killed her on the spot. Besides, her antics are so well documented on these boards (among other places), I probably don't have to justify myself at all. I was amazed, however, that she didn't slap me with the sixth WARN of our brief, gut-turning relationship. Did I mention... stop telling lies?

8) If you're so Uber and un-afraid and ready to wax Fizzan, why do you wait until he rings out to the Tower to tell a dais full of people who prefer his company to Teeoncy's (ten times over) that he's a loser? What's more, why must you resort to this whiners board to get your point across? Cupcake, much? Stop telling lies!!!

9) I'm getting such a kick out of this, it's un-by-God-believable!!! On top of the 4 dozen-some-odd responses I got yesterday in favor of what I did (yours, Ansherak, is the only negative response, if you were wondering), now there's someone creating a thread with my character's name, which is a bold-faced lie through and through, evident in the fact that you're willing to testify based on "Fizzan nods to Yactaevia in greeting" that I either called her in, or must own her, or both... I'm soakin' it up.

The gear's gone, and if you've all spoken to as "many" GM's as you claim, then it ain't comin' back if they haven't given it back already. And don't hold your breath for my lockout either.

Actually, on second thought... do. Game's (world's?) a better place without impotent fools who aren't afraid to post/speak lies so long as they think there's no one around to point out the blatant errors.

In closing, I really hope someone who's spent at least five minutes around Fizzan, or ever gotten one of my OOC whispers (that always begin with "Sorry to go OOC") reads this thread... They'll come to understand just how ridiculous the whole thing really is.

In closing... stop telling lies and whining like an impotent goon. Remind me of the rich little brats I had to deal with in highschool-- of course, they weren't safe behind miles and miles of phone line and computer screen, now were they?

You see how much support you can rally for the psycho/lair/manipulative warrior, you come after Fizzan with all of them, and see how quickly he walks you all over the Lands. Accuse me of owning whoever, but are you going to say I own three capped sorcerers, a capped wizard, and a well-known family of of near-capped characters, should they opt to step up in my defense?

You seem about dim-witted enough to do something like that... Go on, discredit yourself further.

-Fizzan (and if all reports are to be believed, Yactaevia's) player.

P.S. Desperation and impotency are a stinky cologne... yet you seem to wear them very well. They go along with your well-woven tapestry of lies like french fries goes with a hamburger.

"I spit venom in every direction-- soak some up."

12-23-2003, 02:02 PM
Uh... welcome to our boards and stuff.

The Cat In The Hat
12-23-2003, 02:15 PM
God damn Fizzan I fucking LOVE you.


12-23-2003, 02:17 PM
Crying shame someone had to point me to this thread to get me to join up... I've read posts here before, but opted to stay out of them.

Of course, something as hilarious as "Fizzan owns Yactaevia, whaaa!" just... requires some type of reply, right?

How about some opinion taking on the very act of Flea Cursing her gear?

Phase 1-- tackles, threats, curses, and rumor spreading on Teras lead to the paining to death of Teeoncy during the krolvin attacks.

Phase 2-- tackles, threats, curses and rumor spreading in Ta'Illistim lead to multiple stuns, limb disruptions, and Pains, though no murder.

Phase 3-- threats, curses and rumor spreading to the poor, un-witting children in Vaalor that "Fizzan's talking crap about you and he's going to hunt you down" results in a flea curse while Teeoncy is in the Skull Temple.

Phase 4-- the two people she seems to be able to get on her side begin their task of spreading rumors and masculine posing, yet... they do nothing IC.

Phase 5 (hasn't happened yet, but a prediction)-- my OOC goading gets one of these fools to actually come after Fizzan, where he promptly finds himself dead in the Tower with a sorcerer standing over him gloating. I spend ten minutes explaining the situation to the GM's, who let me go without more than an un-official warning, and secretly wish they could thank me for dealing with a person they've A) spent God-knows-how-many hours dealing with themselves, and B) were impotent to punish based on their silly policies.

Phase 6 (again, near future)-- the psycho shows her true self to those she's managed to dupe into siding with her, and Fizzan and I both get the satisfaction of "I told you so"'s.

So let's see... you can't form a rational argument without telling a lie that I can easily squash... You claim to be ready to do soemthing IC, yet did nothing in the ten or so opportunities presented to you last night. You even swear up and down that I own Yactaevia, yet won't even supply her name for fear of being blatantly miscredited...

I say you're either Sara herself, or you two deserve each other. Go make a happy life in ass-crack Egypt, and kill each other (or yourselves) out of sheer mental disorder within the first few months. That's about the only thing you seem to have real power to achieve.

Sorry your life's so miserable! But this mud-slinging, lie telling and pointless posing is really making me laugh! Can't you tell I love posting these long replies?!

And oh, yeah... you said you were going to take my gear last night... If you can ward me with a curse in my own circle, you're welcome to it. Like I showed you last night... I've got a trail knife and mithglin shield you can snag-- put me out 6k! ::moans, eyes rolling the whole time::

Just don't plan on leaving that table again, that's all.

-Fizzan's player, apparently player of others, if all reports are to be believed.

The Cat In The Hat
12-23-2003, 02:21 PM
That wouldnt be suprising to find thats Sarah, shes created 2 other names here and lied to stick up for herself saying they were someone else.


12-23-2003, 03:03 PM
the drama...

12-23-2003, 03:30 PM
Hee. Welcome, Fizzan. A big, warm welcome! :D


12-23-2003, 03:32 PM
I happen to know Fizzan is already getting reported for at least 2 or 3 other things.. Fizzan=Total snert shit.

Miss X
12-23-2003, 03:44 PM
Fizzan is cool, every interaction Chica has had with him has been good, same with Ansherak.
However, I know for a fact Teeoncy spread those rumours, I was on the boat back to Illistim from Vaalor and I got talking to some girl (Sofia I think) and she asked me if I knew Fizzan, I said I did since we both live in Illistim and she asked if what he was like. Not knowing him that well I just said he's always seemed nice, for a Dhe'nar (hehehe) and she then told me what Teooncy had told her. She seemed really nice so I'm inclined to believe her. ::shrug::

The Cat In The Hat
12-23-2003, 04:04 PM
Originally posted by Chadj
I happen to know Fizzan is already getting reported for at least 2 or 3 other things.. Fizzan=Total snert shit.

You can report all you like, doesnt change the fact that both Fizzan and I have had to assist/report about this little bitch in the past a million times. There are GM's that fucking hate Teeoncy heh

Chadj you can stick up for her all you want, she needs a lap dog and you seem to have all the qualifications.

Yeah, Fizzan pretty fucking stuck up but he's not a jackass. he doesn't do things unless he has a reason and that bitch has it comming.


12-23-2003, 05:13 PM
Having had interaction with Fizzan I can attest that the derogatory accusations seem false to me. They just don't fit how the character or player presents themselves in game.

Where I to read any truth in said allegations, I would be the first to back them up. I don't speak to the player outside the game nor do I seek the character in game, therefore I have nothing to gain or lose in the way of personal acquaintances.

My opinion does not have the slant of friendship, nor did I make a coast-to-coast flight to meet the player of Fizzan. :rolleyes:

12-23-2003, 05:39 PM
Ouch. Point for Tsa'ah.

I stand by my statement. Nice to get both sides of the story though. I've had limited interaction with Fizzan, aside from picking a few of his boxes, so I'll limit myself to saying, Throwing power around makes you cool. Just looks like I directed it at the wrong target the first time.

Weedmage Princess
12-23-2003, 05:57 PM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah
nor did I make a coast-to-coast flight to meet the player of Fizzan. :rolleyes:


12-23-2003, 06:04 PM
I never said he didn't throw around his weight. All of us do to a point. I just don't see any truth in the way it was initially described.

12-23-2003, 06:19 PM
If Fizzan is, indeed, Dhe'nar he could be expected to throw his weight around, and to present as an egotistical elitist. In fact, I would expect it.

Teeoncy and her tricks are not going to be tolerated by some. If she cannot get that through her head, and if her supporters cannot get it through their heads, all will be facing similar situations in future. Best prepare. :D


*Edited because I had to bring down a flying elephant*

[Edited on 12-23-2003 by HarmNone]

12-23-2003, 06:33 PM
Fizzan is definatly the man. By the way Black Rob rules.

The Cat In The Hat
12-23-2003, 06:42 PM
Yeah, She's noseing around today to see what the outcome of the Poor teeoncy, Fizzan's a meaneyhead thread.

50 Members Who Have Visited Today (if applicable)
Zir, ZGemstone, Zeyrin, Zephyrius, Zentoph, Xcalibur, Wintervale, Who me, Wezas, Weedmage Princess, Warriorbird, Volstock, Vixen, Vesi, Valthissa, Valiren, TwilightSinger, Tsoran, Tsa`ah, tokeinc, Tijay, ThisOtherKingdom, The Cat In The Hat, Testosterone, tenlaughs, Tendarian, Tea & Strumpets, Tayre, Taernath, Syberus, Sweets, Stunseed, Straight-up, Soulpieced, Solkern, Snapp, Skirmisher, Siefer, Shaukal, Sente, Savanae, Saber, Runean, Rsen, Rowi, Revalos, Razarn, Ravenstorm, Rastaman, RangerD1

12-23-2003, 06:44 PM
She's nosing around cause she was posted about, or can you not comprehend someone wanting to see why people are talking shit about them? I will refrain from speaking my mind about you, Cat, simply because i was asked. But needless to say, i think you should crawl into a small, dark hole, and never come back out.

That is all.

12-23-2003, 06:49 PM
isnt that why fizzan posted cat in the hat? because people were posting about him? he admits to not even registering to post until it happened. you need to get over your fixation with her and move on.

12-23-2003, 06:54 PM
Teeoncy is welcome to come here to read, just as is anyone else who is not banned from reading these forums.

Whether or not everyone who comes to read likes what they read is another issue entirely. People have different views on issues. Hopefully, most people will be mature enough not to let things said injure them. If changes are needed, perhaps those who benefit from having these needed changes pointed out will gain something from the interaction.


The Cat In The Hat
12-23-2003, 06:56 PM
Originally posted by Tijay
isnt that why fizzan posted cat in the hat? because people were posting about him? he admits to not even registering to post until it happened. you need to get over your fixation with her and move on.

Actually, Fizzan had registered before but never used it.

And yes Chadj You got in her pants so I would expect you to say something like that. Is it green yet?


[Edited on 12-23-2003 by The Cat In The Hat]

12-23-2003, 06:58 PM
I've said that from the beginning bitch. Get a life. Get over it.

The Cat In The Hat
12-23-2003, 06:58 PM
And BTW, I didnt say anything bad about her being here, just pointed it out since she says over and over she doesnt come here and she doesnt care.


12-23-2003, 06:59 PM
yea since my PC went nuts and ate my post .. or it got deleted either way...

Fizzans registation date is today which anyone can see.

but to stay on topic. i dont have anything against him from what ive seen of him on the dais but i do think hes lying when he says he didnt intend for her to lose her gear. hes a sorcerer old enough to know what happens when you flea someones ESPECIALLY in a hunting area.

The Cat In The Hat
12-23-2003, 07:03 PM
Originally posted by Tijay
yea since my PC went nuts and ate my post .. or it got deleted either way...

Fizzans registation date is today which anyone can see.

but to stay on topic. i dont have anything against him from what ive seen of him on the dais but i do think hes lying when he says he didnt intend for her to lose her gear. hes a sorcerer old enough to know what happens when you flea someones ESPECIALLY in a hunting area.

Not that its important, but Fizzan HAD registered before but never used it, he had a different name. yes FIZZAN registered today because the other one wouldnt work.


12-23-2003, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by Fizzan
Crying shame someone had to point me to this thread to get me to join up... I've read posts here before, but opted to stay out of them.

-Fizzan's player, apparently player of others, if all reports are to be believed.

just for cat in the hat

The Cat In The Hat
12-23-2003, 07:28 PM
Originally posted by Tijay

Originally posted by Fizzan
Crying shame someone had to point me to this thread to get me to join up... I've read posts here before, but opted to stay out of them.

-Fizzan's player, apparently player of others, if all reports are to be believed.

just for cat in the hat

Ok, and when Fizzan tells you he had a previous forum name you can eat my ass, hows that? And hmm... Wonder who pointed him here, I think that was me!


[Edited on 12-24-2003 by The Cat In The Hat]

12-23-2003, 07:30 PM
sure when he contradicts his previous post ill be sure to break down and cry about it.

12-23-2003, 07:32 PM
Alright.. This just in from a GM friend, and i confirmed it with Teeo just now.. Teeo is getting her stuff back, and the senior GM's are looking over the case.. and a quote: " If Fizzan thinks he is gonna get away with this, he can enjoy the feeling for a little longer, but not for much"

12-23-2003, 07:34 PM
gettin juicy now

The Cat In The Hat
12-23-2003, 07:40 PM
Originally posted by Chadj
Alright.. This just in from a GM friend, and i confirmed it with Teeo just now.. Teeo is getting her stuff back, and the senior GM's are looking over the case.. and a quote: " If Fizzan thinks he is gonna get away with this, he can enjoy the feeling for a little longer, but not for much"

And, Teeoncy's so known for telling the truth.


12-23-2003, 07:46 PM
God, get a life, and drop the obsession. And maybe she isnt, but the GM's are doing it. meh.

The Cat In The Hat
12-23-2003, 07:55 PM
Originally posted by Chadj
God, get a life, and drop the obsession. And maybe she isnt, but the GM's are doing it. meh.

Yeah, 5 minutes worth of posts is an obcession! At least I didnt fly there! ROFLMAO...


12-23-2003, 08:00 PM
Like the GMs give a fuck over some guy cursing someone and the subsequent loss of equipment. They have a game to run not a day care.

12-24-2003, 04:25 AM
Lemme begin by saying... wow, thanks for the warm welcome!

Actually, a while back, I had created another account-- Bad Kharma (sounds goofy), but I forgot the password and figured it'd be easier for everyone if I just made an account with Fizzan's name on it.

However, the only reason I opted to make another account, and even read this boards was because Cat pointed me in the direction.

Chadj-- who are you? I don't know what 2 or 3 other things you claim I've been reported for, but so you know... the further in the past they were, the more the GM's will laugh at you. ::sage nod::

Frankly, if they were going to "deal with me", I'd be locked out by now with an e-mail in my box about it. Else I would have been approached by a GM-- I've spent enough time on at decent hours for them to do so.

And that direct quote you posted... "if he thinks he's going to get away..." blah blah blah... Give me a break. That's not out of a GM's mouth-- they don't give you that type of information, especially not in some tone of voice like that.

Enough with the lies and falsehoods-- haven't you seen how easily I crush them, and how few give them any thought to begin with?! Didn't you learn anything in pre-school?

Point of fact-- I'm waiting patiently and expectantly for my interview with the GM's. If they can show me a policy that I've broken, well... they'll get about fifteen good reasons (already made the list) why it was broken. Whether I get locked or not, the fact of the matter is, YOU IDIOTS WHO INSISTED ON POSTING ABOUT IT have made me a martyr. Gracci-- great when an opponent defeats themselves.

At the very least, Miss I-need-lots-of-lithium won't be mucking with my character anymore, which means I don't have to develop a headache bloody well trying to figure out how to deal with her around the wall of abused-WARNS she's put up, and her incredibly inate ability to dupe the more dim-witted and sexually frustrated (you can't tell me it's not her flirting and promiscuity <spell?> that's got you fooled) into siding with her.

As I try and maintain a logical mind about this, I still want to point out the key fact-- popular opinion still holds that Teeoncy got what Teeoncy deserved, even when considering the interaction between her (I know for a fact she can't separate IC from OOC) and my character. Aside from that-- Castlana?

I mean, Sarah, you're reading and if you want to refute this, go right ahead, but the night you said you'd kill yourself if I didn't call you (seek help and medication, btw), you bragged about that on the phone to me. Why I'd have any reason to lie about that is up to you to decide, but... clearly, your track record with the truth is a lot skimpier than my own.

And yes, I did understand the possibility of her gear getting taken by a creature. However, the following factors were also considered at the same time...

1) She was left alive and unstunned, clearly able to get her items back with the spare weapon you'd hope she kept. (What kind of warrior doesn't have at least two blades?)

2) The creature in the room was a supplicant, stunned and on its back from a tackle I watched her deliver. To my recollection, the supplicants swing a two-handed flamberge, and don't bother with the dogmatist or hierophant gear when it's dropped. Dogmatists and hierophants both are ohe/shield users, btw.

3) There was no one else in the TEmple at the time, therefor it was impossible for the gear to be taken by someone else, or vaporized by a sorcerer. In the end, we decided that it had been vaporized by accident, but again, there's no way to prove this. Bluntly, I wouldn't be surprised if she got the gear back, gave it to someone else for safekeeping, and tried to pull a double scam, getting me locked and her gear doubled. Of course, that involves me placing a lot of respect in the girl's intelligence, but hey... she was smart enough to dupe some other poor moron into "poofing" Castlana's gear...

4) When I heard the gear had actually disappeared, my first reaction was to chuckle. An added bonus, as it were. The message I was getting across was very clear, and clearly, very effective at the same time-- stop mucking with Fizzan. Death is just too good for some people. ::shrug:: And constant abuse, WARN violation, etc, etc... I got tired of Stunning and Limbing her twice a night (or so it seemed). Not only do I play a spiteful, malicious and down-right sinister character (only if you cross him, of course-- hence spiteful), but I've got a few of those qualities myself.

Would she be stupid enough to walk through the 9th Ward, slinging racial slurs at every last drop-top '64 Impala that rolls by? And if she were that stupid, would she not deserve the beating/bullets/etc that she'd receive?

Tell me how this is any different? I stole away her little security blanket that the computer screen affords her, ripping away something from the only world she can really be happy in, making her miserable in-game and IRL. I'd do it again if I had the chance.

Two more things to add to this novel, which is little more than a ramble as of now...

1) What ever happened to the whole accusation of me owning Yactaevia?! I wanted some more laughter over that one!

2) Why, if she has her gear back and I'm "doomed" for lockout, does her away message for AIM say, "Hmm... Extreamly (her idiocy, not my own on the spelling there) confused... :::sigh::: I wish I would have gotten some answers tonight... etc."

Feh. Can anyone besides Ansherak or Chadj find something to say about me that I can't pick apart even as I read over it? Is that so much to ask?

I mean, if what I did was so wrong... and I'm in so much trouble, and blah blah blah blah blah... Then why did this little rant-session utterly backfire?

Conclusion-- how many posts do I need before I get all of them nifty stars and titles?!

-Fizzan's Player, ever full of joy.

12-24-2003, 06:15 AM
My take on it...Teeoncy probably deserved an IC punishment. Fizzan clearly broke the rules by using curse to take the items and caused them to be destroyed. Two wrongs don't make a right in this case. I think Fizzan would have been easily justified in dealing with her in some way that didn't break policy. Having had a run-in or two with both parties, IMO both can be complete asses and take things overboard.

With that said, I would hope you get a warning but I hope you don't get locked out either.


12-24-2003, 07:06 AM
Seriously... do any of you guys smoke cigarettes? Because I bet not a single one of you who's getting so worked up over this do. My recommendation? Start. You all need to chill.

Weth, who may not smell great, but is still far more relaxed than all of you.

12-24-2003, 07:52 AM
Welcome Fizzan. I must say you're posts are intelligent and well thought out. Usually when someone gets posted about here, they come back with posts that are angry and jumbled. You are calm, cool, and make sense. It's refreshing, actually, for someone to respond intelligently without the usual STFU stuff.

I've had a few dealings with GM's and other players and I know for a fact GM's to not say what Chadj claims they say. Because of their privacy issues they do not disclose whether a person will be punished or not.

Sorry the GM's don't make comments like, " If Fizzan thinks he is gonna get away with this, he can enjoy the feeling for a little longer, but not for much". That comment seems rather personal for a GM to make, you know? And they certainly don't make comments like that after hearing only ONE side. So, nothing is going to happen until they've at least talked to Fizzan first.

I doubt Teeoncy is getting her crap back either. There are so many people who've lost things in situations just like this and they say they can't do anything about it. So either Chadj is lying or someone is lying to Chadj, or Teeoncy didn't really lose the items in the first place.

If she really did lose her items then all I've got to say is this. Gotta love that Karma.

12-24-2003, 08:22 AM
Originally posted by Chelle
Welcome Fizzan. I must say you're posts are intelligent and well thought out.

And far too long. Get to the point.

12-24-2003, 08:29 AM
Chelle calling you intelligent is not a compliment.

It's more like a damnation.

Brevity is important...

12-24-2003, 10:38 AM
Don't want to read a long post-- don't read it.

Brevity's not half as important as accuracy and the inclusion of everything that needs to be said.

Flea cursing *and* taking gear is a break of policy. Flea cursing then leaving isn't.

Anyone else see this logic but me? If flea curse is such a policy-boggling issue, why does it still work on players? Of all of the systems in place to make the GM's lives easier (especially those responding to reports/Referrals), why does this ability still exist if it's against policy to use it?

Clearly I knew she ran the risk of losing her gear. Clearly, I thought it was an added bonus that the gear was lost. Clearly, I'll admit it to the GM's as I admitted it here-- in the long run, if they lock me, it'll probably be because I pointed out their own in-ability to solve the situation, and how tired I was of waiting for it to be dealt with over the past half year.

And thanks for the compliment to my intelligence! I probably got flushed when I read the thing. <Insert witty crack on whoever ripped Chelle for it.>

As far as other alternatives-- ha. Just plain ha. I've killed her, stunned her for minutes at a time, Pained her, blown all of her limbs off one by one, and even been part of a few assists/referrals with her at the center, and what do I get from it? Even more grief, if you ask me.

Right or wrong, against policy or just barely hugging its outline, the flea curse got the job done, end of file. That alone made it the right thing to do, IMHO. And save your breath (typing?) on the trying to convince me otherwise-- drastic times and all of that.

-Fizzan's Player

12-24-2003, 10:44 AM
Weth, do you consider me one of the ones being very un-calm about this whole thing?

Because I'm a pack-and-a-half (at least) a day smoker, and I don't touch anything that's not Marlboro and Red. (I ain't no cowboy-- not gonna kill me!!!)

Not to mention an alcholic (New Orleans, remember, for the past 3 years) and... eh... something else that's known to keep your nerves extremely calm. ::pointed cough::

Besides, this is all just an excuse to find entertainment in an area I'm not used to finding it... Every last response could have been in Teeoncy's favor, and my mood/behaivor wouldn't change a bit.

The main reason for my never joining in this discussions? Petty remarks like ninety percent of the posts in this thread contain. Sure, a few of those petty remarks are mine, but at least mine have grounding in reality! Heh.

This is fun! And when do I get a star?!?!

-Fizzan's Player

The Cat In The Hat
12-24-2003, 10:49 AM
Originally posted by Chelle
Sorry the GM's don't make comments like, " If Fizzan thinks he is gonna get away with this, he can enjoy the feeling for a little longer, but not for much". That comment seems rather personal for a GM to make, you know? And they certainly don't make comments like that after hearing only ONE side.

Ya know, when I read that i thought of meatwad from Adult Swim wearing a cape flapping in the wind.. Sorry.. Well it was funny to me!


12-24-2003, 11:15 AM
you need to get over your fixation with her and move on.

It doesnt seem like he's the only one fixated on her. I mean.. ive only seen her running around town a couple times, and from what I hear she's a major bitch. Thats sad when your reputation precedes you.

The Cat In The Hat
12-24-2003, 11:33 AM
So I'm cooking, and I'm bored as hell.



12-24-2003, 11:46 AM
Dont you just love it when the GM's get all personal.
Kinda like spying for a friend when your sitting at a table talking with a lady.. but thats another story.

That does seem a bit odd for a GM to say that.. to another player no less not even associated with what happened.

The Cat In The Hat
12-24-2003, 11:52 AM
There's another thread on another um.. You all know where im trying to say where Teeoncy AKA Sweetpea has proclaimed, and I quote

"I say deed the bastard ::covers her mouth:: Did I say that? "

So Fizzan, darling dear... Im with ya.


12-24-2003, 11:58 AM
Originally posted by Fizzan
Flea cursing *and* taking gear is a break of policy. Flea cursing then leaving isn't.

-Fizzan's Player

Casting the curse spell with the intent of the other player to drop their valuables is against policy.

Not taking sides on this situation.. just pointing out the inaccuracy.

12-24-2003, 01:24 PM
Ahh, thanks for the clarification on that policy, Park. At the same time, I know for a fact that what you said is not written anywhere in their policy, nor is what I said-- in other words, it's all GM discretion, as are most things of this nature.

Your opinion, however, is typically the one the GM's will back. In this case, since it was a last-ditch effort to get Teeoncy off Fizzan's back, they might very well see it the way I do. Especially after the points I'm planning to raise.

Prime example of the level of idiocy possessed by Teeoncy-- you can't deed anyone, anymore.

Cat, I almost died laughing at that PhotoShop thing. That's hilarious.

I figured out what I'm getting the biggest kick out of, though... all of these idle threats from people (in-game and in terms of the GM's), and they expect me to be scared?

Chadj, Ansherak, Sarah, the whole lot of you-- I've had a gun to my face more times than you've been laid. Better come up with something else if you're going to try and intimidate me.

Call me when you graduate highschool, or read at a fifth grade level.

And someone earlier said Teeoncy was planning on being an English teacher?! That's hilarious! I'm a third year English major, TA'd this year for the freshmen writing seminar, which means I grade all of the papers first, then the prof. makes sure I didn't mess anything up...

I'd fail Teeoncy on the grounds of grammar and spelling, much less punctuation and clarity of thought. Yet she'll probably *still* end up teaching English to a pack of eight year olds-- and we wonder why illiteracy and lack of vocabulary run rampant these days.

So, what's next? We've claimed that I own Yactaevia, that Chadj and Teeoncy's GM friend swore I'd be taken care of... which one of you will be best friends with GW the next time you post?

I mean, does it do something for your ego to look like a complete idiot every time you click the "Post Reply" button? Go get wasted and humiliate yourself that way-- it's more fun, and at least you'll have a viable excuse for being a complete and utter imbecile.

-Fizzan's Player

12-24-2003, 01:54 PM
Agreed, I'm not even an English major and I'd have flunked 3/4 of the people that post in this forum for misspelling and grammar alone. But, I'd have to grade on a curve as most of the people that post here never claim to be English majors.

As far as Fizzan goes? I pick many of his boxes in Illistim and have never had a problem with him, other than he thinks he can make me take a tip.

12-24-2003, 04:50 PM
Park, you were right. It is against policy to cast curse with the intention of making someone drop something. Straight from the GM's mouth on that one! Kudos for the knowledge.

And yeah, Fizzan still doesn't understand why you rogues or healers won't take tips! Feh!

-Fizzan's player.

12-25-2003, 12:53 AM
I've delt with Fizzan a few times in Illistim recently, and again on Teras during the Krolvin attacks. Most of my dealings have been mostly pleasant, while others slightly unpleasant, but that's only due to his somewhat coarse nature.

All in all, I thought he was an excellent roleplayer. Not once have I ever seen him go out of character, nor have I seen him get nasty with anyone without severe provokation.

I feel bad for Fizzan's player because someone felt the need to come here and tear this issue out into the open. I have been on the receiving end of a hate thread on the boards myself, so I feel for ya...

12-25-2003, 04:29 AM
Thanks, Iza!

It's good to know that there are people out there who have enough of a level head to truly understand that no, Fizzan won't be nice 100 percent of the time, but he surely won't do anything harmful to you without serious provokation...

I appreciate all of the warm gestures, everyone. Hope most of you have a Merry Christmas!

As for "getting ripped" in a thread... Eh, they're such idiots they make themselves look like doorknobs without me really having to do much but point out the key, bullshit facts...

Notice the person who started this thread has yet to reply? (Cupcake.) Notice the whole Yactaevia issue died quickly? (Fruit cookie.) Notice I spoke with a GM tonight and didn't get locked? (::tunless whistle::) Notice the IM I got at 1 AM from the person Teeoncy holds responsible for vaporizing her gear, saying that she didn't get it back? (::wicked grin::)

Merry Christmas, indeed. Heh.

-Fizzan's Player, flattered by the RP compliment.

12-25-2003, 04:37 AM
Sorry, was away due to Christmas and truly important engagements, Fizzan, you amaze me, you're ability to distort the truth is note worthy.

I am a pretty easy goin guy, and you know this, Takes alot to piss me off, you managed to do this, regardless of WHO it was.

I offered my gear up to you,and you rang out, when I tried to find you, you were no longer in the lands....go figure?

I will, indeed, admit to being a bit over exhuberent, in my reaction to said events, even jumped to conclusions (Though I do find it somewhat suspious that a capped Sorcerer showed up just then to "side"with you) Maybe yours, maybe not, don't really care, bottom line is, you called in firepower that had NO interest in the situation....I call it as a I see it, I confront you and poof, a bought character shows up. Amazing coincidence in the least.

Yakity Yact was a good friend before sold, so blow all bogus BS out the window.

Hell we used to hunt Seekers together before she decided to sell up.

Anyways, I digress.

So you don't own Yakity, ehh, well obviously someone on your IM does, hey lets RP.....Capped sorcereress owned by whomever now, I've got a problem, Some Wizard I can't pick on is calling me out, please help!

I too Had friends there, but ALL were in hiding or one room away. not to get fully involved until truly needed.

Why were they called? Because I asked them, and why was that? because all of a sudden all these Capped critters, erm, characters showed up.

So play the role if you want to, but that was plain nasty, regardless.

You know me Fizzan, I don't get bent without reason.
Even in my deelings with you, I was not over the top, I just asked you to return the gear, is that unreasonable considering you caused the loss of said gear?

Does Teeoncy piss you off?
I'm sure she does, she's....annoying......She's alot of things, but she is not a bully.

I know her fairly well, I know quite a few here fairly well, and many will state, I am far from un-intelligent, nor uneducated or lacking in years of experience.
I came here and bitched about you Fizzan because this is where I should bitch about you.

In Game, we both hunt the same area, and if I ever came across you in a bad situation, Ansherak, the character, would help, because, as Ansherak, *I* have had no problems wit you, though you as the player, I do.

I can seperate the two, can you?

It's a very simple situation, you cursed someone to lose there gear, I asked you return it, I wan't even rude about it, you said, and I quote, or should I post the log?
She got what she deserved....
Maybe so, I know a snowball can cause grievious damage to a rift age sorcerer.

I've been away the past few days enjoying the holidays, and I'll probably be tied up for the next couple of days doing the same, so you'll have to forgive this very late responce to your posts.

Give my sincere apologies to Yactaevia's new "owner" I thought it was you do to the mysterious and timely appearance by her.

Apparently minimum wage only affords you a basic account and you have too call in friends rather than deal with thing yourself.

I too get even braver with capped characters watching my back......

Oh wait, I got that too.

Anyways, the situation is resolved, I gave her new gear and plan on enchanting to above what she had already, alls well that ends well.

PS: oh, and on your quote, very clever, why spend the money buying a capped character whn you can callin your OOC friends that already did!?


[Edited on 12-25-2003 by Ansherak]

12-25-2003, 04:41 AM
I'd edit all those spelling mistakes, but I really don't feel like it!

So read through the very bad grammar and take it as you will!


12-25-2003, 04:46 AM
Oh and as a side note, Cat, I post as me, I say what I need to and I want to people to know who it is thats saying it, I dont hide behind a made up forum name because I am scared what I say may be unpopular.

I've seen both sides of this story and you have seen your side, so do yourself a favor and read a book, preferably something educational, lord knows that wouldnt cause any damage to your IQ.


12-25-2003, 05:47 AM
OK so I'm lost here. I read the first 2 posts, then gave up reading shortly after. Could someone please sum up the story for me, the alcohol is kicking in.

Edit yeah edited.

[Edited on 12-25-2003 by Lalana]

12-25-2003, 07:50 AM
Ok well I always love adding my two cents into conflict... Fizzan from what I’ve seen here... kudos to you
Ansherak so you know with Fizzan's ability to implode He can easily pick on a capped wizard. I The Edine with only 1x spell aim and magic item use can pick on wizards 30 trains over my head IE 90 with a implode rod so I will give Fizzan the benefit of the doubt on that issue. As much as id be pissed about losing my items in situations like that it is somewhat gratifying to see it happen to her, not the character since I have never had the displeasure of meeting her. But the person who sat here and lied, tried accusing people of illegal things that could have caused grief to others. So in conclusion Teeoncy\Sarah (that apparently is her real name) is a nut.

12-25-2003, 08:32 AM
So mind bringing us up to date on what happened when you spoke with the GM Fizzan...inquiring minds want to know. It's pretty obvious you didn't get locked out...if nothing else...post the log.


12-25-2003, 04:16 PM
Not bothering with all of your post, Ansherak-- you repeated yourself fifty thousand times, continue to make yourself look foolish, and then try and say the reason I don't own a capped character is because I'm broke?

I'd bet my life, I could piss your yearly salary in a month. And I'm in college still, goony.

You offered me your gear, I said I had no quarrel with you, ringed out to hunt. If I got logged or not, I was certainly back two seconds later. You saw me on the dais at least five times, and if you "hunt where I hunt", then you could have easily come found me.

Or is it too hard to navigate a maze?

Now then, the final word--

Well, whichever two GM's were in charge of the situation (I hope they read this, too) opted to put me in the Lounge while I wasn't in the Lands, and left instructions that I wasn't to be let out before I talked to them. To those two... read Kafka.

GM's Stealth, Zyllah and Isten were the only three I ever spoke to... Stealth and Zyllah both told me that the two GM's responsible were gone, and after 2 hours of waiting, I started seriously getting a bit miffed... Isten, feeling he was familiar enough with the situation, opted to "get me out of [there] as quickly as possible". Thanks, you three!!!

The final word-- I got an official warning (gasp!), and released. I'm not supposed to have any IC contact with Teeoncy, ever again.

Of course, this was the case after the first four WARNS she slapped on me, then quickly broke within the day... typically, within five seconds of putting them up.

This time, however, should it happen and I REPORT/ASSIST, my word will no longer be taken at face value.

Simply put, I told Isten that I knew she ran the risk of losing gear, I knew I was at least bending policy in the act, and a hundred-some odd people agreed with me that she got what she deserved.

Why did she deserve it? Well, constant snow ball throwing wasn't even a part of it, fruit cookie. Even more evidence that you need to shut your silly mouth-- you don't even have half the facts, yet you lead the assault on me as if you were Teeoncy herself. Can't the little sike-ho do it on her own?

In essence, I got what I deserved-- a slap on the wrist for giving someone a sledehammer blow to the skull.

Unfortunately, her gear is due to be replaced. Fortunately, it was such a cheap blade and shield that the replacements will likely shatter within days of breakage coming into play anyway...

A friend made a good point when she said, "All of that whoreing around that she does, and she can't find someone to buy her better gear than a 5x shield and 4x, somewhat damage weighted khopesh?"

I thought that was funny, too...

-Fizzan's Player, still getting his kicks.

P.S. I don't have to go back and edit spelling or grammar mistakes, because my "inferior" intellect and "minimum wage" job lends me the ability to not waste hours in the editing. What's your excuse?

Given, these posts don't have to be perfect, but... I can't even get the gist of yours, through all that ramble and sloppy-excuse for punctuation and grammar.

I mean, come on... how can I under-cut your argument if I can't even understand the damn thing?

12-25-2003, 04:22 PM
Fizzan, did any of the GMs clarify what you should do if she continues to annoy you? You are forbidden, by them, to have contact with her. What are you to do if the contact is initiated by HER? :)

HarmNone is curious

12-25-2003, 04:24 PM
The only thing I know about you, Ansherak, is you're an impotent little whining bitch, and I know that soley from what I've seen here.

The GM's have spoken, things are said and done, and this isn't supposed to be something that ever happened IC. They literally want nothing more than for this whole incident to be behind everyone.

Now why do you think that is? I'd say... they bent their own rules on my behalf, in that I clearly broke a policy I knew I was partly breaking, and did so with malcious intent, yet... it was apparently for good enough reason.

Disclaimer-- had I known it was a full break of policy to flea curse with the purpose of making her drop gear, I'd have come up with something more interesting. Like I said before, I thought flea cursing just to steal gear was the issue, not flea cursing in general. Go figure.

So then, if you want to come after me IC, bring all of your capped friends out, and blah blah blah blah blah, that's fine and dandy-- I'll REPORT the lot of you, as I've been asked to do, and be done with it.

As far as helping me if you see me in need? That's a joke-- I haven't died but three times since the shift, all three times a result from my attempts to pick or 125 a box. So I spit in the face of that offer.

I, however, will retrieve your little runestick when you drop it. I don't have any issues with you IC or OOC-- you're doing me a great service by continuing to post, how could I not like the player?!

I want you to define something for me, though... Shouldn't be tremendously difficult...

Ingrate-- ...?

Once you're done with your homework, I'll tell you why I chose that word in particular.

-Fizzan's Player

"Game-- ya'll don't know a thing. Jump off, make it snow in spring, but anyway... Clubs-- if ya'll don't know yet, I skip the pat down, cashier and coat check..."

12-25-2003, 04:31 PM
I was told to REPORT and ASSIST, should she approach FIzzan in-game, or anyone approach Fizzan on behalf of her in-game.

I asked if I could just flea curse her again, but Isten didn't get much of a laugh out of it...

If I wrote the policy, it'd be a character's sole responsibility to deal with people that piss them off... The only time a GM would have to step in would be if things were clearly getting out of hand.

Of course, even Isten agreed, no one would be stupid enough to muck with the perpetrator of such an attack... so I doubt I'll hear from her ever again.

That would have been worth getting locked out for, too...

-Fizzan's Player

12-25-2003, 04:34 PM
Heh. Isten is a pretty cool guy. :D

Hopefully, you will not have any further problems with these folks.


12-25-2003, 05:07 PM
Im not reading all that shit. just shortin these posts a little.

12-25-2003, 05:11 PM
Originally posted by Fizzan
I was told to REPORT and ASSIST, should she approach FIzzan in-game, or anyone approach Fizzan on behalf of her in-game.
-Fizzan's Player
Just so you know, report does nothing. i got killed, twice for a completely OOC, OOG argument by people not even involved.. Most people around here know what im talking about. Hashum murdering me for Atheana, as well as some hidden guy with a crossbow (STILL don't know who that is). Anyways, i reported, and i don't even think they said a single thing to them... so, naturally, i killed hashum a few times... he reported.. and again, they did nothing. So really, that is a pretty pointless threat/warning

12-25-2003, 05:15 PM
Originally posted by Fizzan
As far as helping me if you see me in need? That's a joke-- I haven't died but three times since the shift, all three times a result from my attempts to pick or 125 a box. So I spit in the face of that offer.

-Fizzan's Player

My... Well, you are an asshole :)

12-25-2003, 05:15 PM
Unless things have changed drastically, it is important to remember that when you Report, you have no idea what the repercussions are for the one against whom you lodged said Report. The GMs will not share that information with you. If someone suddenly disappears after a Report, that person has probably reached critical mass in irritating the GMs.

In short, do not assume nothing is done because you do not personally witness "something" being done.


12-25-2003, 05:15 PM
by the way, i havnt died at all, and i overhunt up to 15 levels on my own

12-25-2003, 05:27 PM
Fine with me, you bold-faced lair. I asked if any GM said what you claimed was a direct quote, and I was laughed at for even considering it to be so.

If you're too lazy/ignorant/just plain dim-witted to read a post that can't be more than a page-and-a-half, then... why do you deserve to be in this so-called "debate"?

What's more, why should I bow down and change my posts for your backwards backside? You've yet to speak a word of truth in this thread!

"Dear Mr. President,

Way to go on the whole Iraq thing! (::being extremely sarcastic:: ) You probably don't remember, but I was right there with the troops when the shit was hitting the fan.

But listen... could you tone down the length and complexity of your public addresses? They're too long for me.


::rolls his eyes:: You silly sack.

-Fizzan's Player

12-25-2003, 06:24 PM
I never said a GM said that.

12-25-2003, 06:25 PM
I was kidding with the shortening thing, and there is a reason i don't listen to his long ass talks.

[I can't believe I have to do this again because of your wordage. ~Tsa`ah]

[Edited on 12-26-2003 by Tsa`ah]

12-25-2003, 06:27 PM
There. I read it. I STILL think you are a dumbass.

12-25-2003, 06:28 PM
Originally posted by Fizzan
You silly sack.

-Fizzan's Player

wtf? holy shit... how mentally immature do you have to be to come up with that?

12-25-2003, 06:55 PM
Originally posted by Chadj
Alright.. This just in from a GM friend, and i confirmed it with Teeo just now.. Teeo is getting her stuff back, and the senior GM's are looking over the case.. and a quote: " If Fizzan thinks he is gonna get away with this, he can enjoy the feeling for a little longer, but not for much"

um Chadj you kinda did say it...

12-25-2003, 07:09 PM
Heh, neither of the GM's I talk to on AIM ever tell me anything...wonder what I'm doing wrong...

What are the odds that a GM you know handled the assist/report anyway.

The Cat In The Hat
12-25-2003, 07:28 PM
Originally posted by Ansherak
Oh and as a side note, Cat, I post as me, I say what I need to and I want to people to know who it is thats saying it, I dont hide behind a made up forum name because I am scared what I say may be unpopular.

I've seen both sides of this story and you have seen your side, so do yourself a favor and read a book, preferably something educational, lord knows that wouldnt cause any damage to your IQ.


And that means what exactly? because what I say may be unpopular? heehee I got a U2U the other day that said something along the lines of "Cat, I'm sorry I insulted you and doubted you teeoncy is a psycho." I wont post the U2U or reveal the sender unless he steps up and says its ok... But aparently my opinion isn't so unpopular. If you could read a fucking profile you would know exactly who I am.


The Cat In The Hat
12-25-2003, 07:36 PM
Originally posted by Fizzan
A friend made a good point when she said, "All of that whoreing around that she does, and she can't find someone to buy her better gear than a 5x shield and 4x, somewhat damage weighted khopesh?"

Yay me!


12-25-2003, 07:38 PM
chadj tell me your not falling into the same kind of crap that teeoncy with making things up...

12-25-2003, 07:46 PM
Yes, the quote was said. No, a GM never said it. It was my mistake if that was the message that came accross on it.

12-25-2003, 07:47 PM
who were you quoting then teeoncy?

12-25-2003, 07:48 PM
Originally posted by Chadj

Originally posted by Fizzan
You silly sack.

-Fizzan's Player

wtf? holy shit... how mentally immature do you have to be to come up with that?

What struck me as really funny is that Fizzan's posts really come off as being well written and thorough. He was able to insult people without throwing around the worst of four-lettered words. He seems to have managed to deftly and quickly prod you into a sequence of fairly uncreative, redundant name calling.

12-25-2003, 07:55 PM
Doesnt bother me. Was just an honest question.

12-25-2003, 08:14 PM
Originally posted by Chadj

Originally posted by Fizzan
You silly sack.

-Fizzan's Player

wtf? holy shit... how mentally immature do you have to be to come up with that?

Originally posted by Chadj
I was kidding with the shortening thing, and there is a reason i don't listen to his long ass talks.

I'm not taking any sides in this one.. but you did make yourself look rather stupid there Chadj.

You know.. glass house, rocks type stupid.

[Edited on 12-26-2003 by Tsa`ah]

12-25-2003, 08:24 PM
Thanks, Kitsun! Saved me from having to make one of those "ridiculously long posts".

I'm done slinging insults. Heh. I do, however, think it's funny that Chadj called me a fag, then accused me of being disturbed because I came up with something that didn't go out of sytle when I was in 8th grade.

This isn't an insult, just a suggestion-- quit posting until you turn 12. Or at least think/read/write/act at a 12 year old's level.

Plainly, you're just providing those of us who have passed that silly age with tons of amusement... at your own expense.

Or is that too complex for you to see, to?

Out of morbid curiosity, who do you play? I wonder if your RP's half as bad as your RL behaivor.

My bet... it's worse.

-Fizzan's Player, thankful that the vast majority of people reading this thread seem to get the right idea of all of those posting in it.

P.S. If it wouldn't be really vain and arrogant of me, I'd start a poll to see who's crushing their opponent the most with their posts... Me, you, or Ansherak.

But that'd be pointless now, wouldn't it? You two seem to be the only ones not aware of the fact that your words are weak and pointless, and people prefer a "way-too-long" ::whinewhine, pissmoan:: post that actually makes sense to your short ass, random rambles.

Silly sack.

"I won't deny it, I'm a straight rider-- you don't wanna fuck with me."

12-25-2003, 08:38 PM
what about those of us who prefer short posts that make sense? on a more serious note, chadj i wasn't there to experience your run ins with fizzan so i really don't know what happened but if it was so terrible why don't you add it to the thread, i mean it is technically a complaints thread about fizzan. and it would probably give us more insight then you calling him a fag or speaking about teeoncys situation which isnt really your battle. anyway just my opinion.

ps. im richer then you insults went out of style in the 9th grade right after the you're a fag insults.

12-25-2003, 08:50 PM
Well, Fizzan, my friend, I RP quite well, thank you. And, im a quite level headed guy. Most people here should know that, I think this is the third time i've gotten annoyed on these boards. And normally, i'm at least somewhat mature. No, your insults arent going over my head. I may be 17, but im not stupid. anyways, whats with "Morbid curiousity". Do you even know what that means? Not to insult your intelligence, but you just reminded me of some 12 year old with a dictionary-thesaurus.. not to use any of what you just said, im just stating what it looks like to me. Anyways, i should go, see ya, and please, write back :)

12-25-2003, 09:04 PM
Originally posted by Tijay
on a more serious note, chadj i wasn't there to experience your run ins with fizzan so i really don't know what happened but if it was so terrible why don't you add it to the thread, i mean it is technically a complaints thread about fizzan. and it would probably give us more insight then you calling him a fag or speaking about teeoncys situation which isnt really your battle.

I seriously doubt he's had any run-ins with Fizzan as himself... being as Fizzan just asked what character he played. You'd think Fizzan would remember who "CHADJ" played in game if there was any conflict.. since he uses the same handle here as his character in GS. My guess is Chadj is just being Teeoncy's little bitch.. again.

12-25-2003, 09:07 PM
Nah, im not. Teeo has only mentioned this to me once. And again, people jumping to conclusions. I never said i had a conflict with Fizzan, i said i've seen him around, met him once or twice, and he was an ass during those times, but for all i knew, coulda been RP. Read before you speak.

12-25-2003, 09:11 PM
Clearly Fizzan is winning this argument.

12-25-2003, 09:11 PM
Further proof im not doing nothin for Teeo.. I havn't mentioned her once other than relaying a message. Other than that, i have simply been stating my opinions, and observations of the character, Fizzan, and a little more recently, the player Fizzan.

12-25-2003, 09:12 PM
In the end, Fizzan hasn't flown coast-to-coast to meet someone he's known for 2 months online in hopes of losing his virginity.

He wins.

12-25-2003, 09:14 PM
LOL, well, i never said we fucked, now did I? It was a christmas present from my aunt, who, woulda gotten me shitty, ugly clothes unless i picked the flight, so.. i took the flight. i got enough ugly clothes from the rest of my relatives. At least i dont giggle on the phone. (cough)

EDIT: And im just kiddin, don't take offense to the giggle comment

[Edited on 12-26-2003 by Chadj]

12-25-2003, 09:18 PM
1. I didn't say you did have sex, Mr. Guilty Conscious.
2. There is written proof that you flew coast-to-coast, there is no proof that I allegedly "giggle".
3. How I wish Teeoncy would have turned out to be a 40 year old fat man named Gus.

12-25-2003, 09:33 PM
Like any other conflict, I think both sides could have handled this a lot better. Chadj, you're not helping Teeoncy's case by calling Fizzan a fag, nor are you improving other people's opinion of you. I don't know about everyone else, but I can't even remember what message you were 'relaying,' and I just read that post probably 2 minutes ago.

Fizzan, it might be best at this point to try to work things out with Chadj over U2U or something, because from my experience, topics like this can explode into a 30 page thread pretty easily, and things are said that aren't always meant and are hurtful.

Now that it's clear how you and Teeoncy should behave in game, it might be a good time to just drop the argument and move on. I understand that you only came here to defend yourself, but things can quickly go from there to sounding condescending, especially when debating with a 15 year old or however old he is.

12-25-2003, 09:36 PM
I still ask Chadj who are you quoteing when you made that statment? teeoncy?

12-25-2003, 09:57 PM
I dunno who quoted it, i was just asked to pass it along.
Im not TRYING to make Teeoncy's case! Im not here fighting on her behalf! bah! Humbug!

And Tayre.. lmfao.. number 3? ... lmfao, that woulda been hilarious

12-25-2003, 09:59 PM
I dunno who quoted it


12-25-2003, 10:04 PM
then it appears to me to be a lie on your part Chadj, Either you heard it from teeoncy or you heard it from the Gm themselves. one way or another or you just made it up. speak the truth and it will get you farther in life ::mutters::

12-25-2003, 11:01 PM
I heard it FROM teeo, yes. But i dont know if it was her who said it. I know there was a lot of people that were discussing it, coulda been one of them.. I honestly dont know, cause like i said, i dont care to talk to Teeo about that little incident.

The Cat In The Hat
12-25-2003, 11:02 PM
Originally posted by The Edine
then it appears to me to be a lie on your part Chadj, Either you heard it from teeoncy or you heard it from the Gm themselves. one way or another or you just made it up. speak the truth and it will get you farther in life ::mutters::

He's spending time with Sarah... do you really think Miss "Moderators are breaking the rules and are all out to get me" Sarah has taught him to tell the truth?


12-25-2003, 11:42 PM
bah, Cat, how many times do i need to say.. Im not here on behalf of Sarah. and if you insist on constantly talking about her.. damn you are obsessed.

The Cat In The Hat
12-26-2003, 12:03 AM
Originally posted by Chadj
bah, Cat, how many times do i need to say.. Im not here on behalf of Sarah. and if you insist on constantly talking about her.. damn you are obsessed.

Yes... the 6 seconds it took for me to type that post is a terrible terrible obcession.

bah, Chadj, how many times do i need to say.. AT LEAST I DIDNT FLY ACROSS THE U.S. !! That wouldnt be an.... obcession at all, now would it?


12-26-2003, 12:06 AM
Fly across the US? What?

12-26-2003, 12:08 AM
Originally posted by The Cat In The Hat

bah, Chadj, how many times do i need to say.. AT LEAST I DIDNT FLY ACROSS THE U.S. !! That wouldnt be an.... obcession at all, now would it?


I dont get your point about it being a bad thing?

Why wouldnt you fly across the US to see a girl?

12-26-2003, 12:14 AM
Steps to being a loser:

1. Meet someone in GS
2. Fly Across the US to meet them

12-26-2003, 12:35 AM
It was a christmas present from an uncle.. he jokingly made a bet, lost, and i held him to it.... It was either a flight to see Sarah, or an ugly shirt. so oh well.

12-26-2003, 01:22 AM
It was a christmas present from an uncle.. he jokingly made a bet, lost, and i held him to it.... It was either a flight to see Sarah, or an ugly shirt. so oh well.

Several posts ago it was a gift from your Aunt. Now this is a gift from your Uncle over a bet? The only thing consistent with both comments is the ugly clothes you were going to get instead.

Weedmage Princess
12-26-2003, 01:25 AM
Wait..could this ticket have been to anywhere?

I mean, could you have went somewhere nice, like Hawaii..or something...and instead you went to Washington State??? If that's the case, then yeah it's safe to say there was some horizontal lambada going on cause there's no other reason to go to friggin Washington when you could have went to so many other nice places other than a chance at gettin' some..heh.

12-26-2003, 01:27 AM
Originally posted by DarkelfVold
Dont you just love it when the GM's get all personal. Kinda like spying for a friend when your sitting at a table talking with a lady.. but thats another story.

That does seem a bit odd for a GM to say that.. to another player no less not even associated with what happened.

That is -- if you believe that a GM really said it. First Chadj says he checked with a GM friend and then confirmed it with Teeoncy, but switched to say he only heard it from her. We all know what a pillar of truth she has been about many things here.

12-26-2003, 01:29 AM
Aunt, uncle, whatever. Same money that sent me. If i MUST explain myself, fine.

My aunt and uncle (sylvia and grant) are somewhat.. wealthy to say the least. My uncle had heard that i had a bunch of long distance friends from a game i played online. He said "Chad, if you can beat me at poker, than i will fly you to see any single one that you want." I was like, ok. Well, im not about to say im better than him.. no way in hell. He just got the shits as far as cards. So, i beat him. He backed out of the bet. I jokingly brought it up with my aunt, who in turn, talked to my uncle about it, and they decided to keep the word on the bet and fly me wherever i wanted. Well, i decided that since she was the closest in age and one of my better friends, that i would be flown to Sarah. So it was from both my aunt and my uncle. Happy? :)

Weedmage Princess
12-26-2003, 01:31 AM
Heh okay I removed a post where I compared Chadj's uncle post and then his "aunt" post because...this is a thread in Complaints about the Gemstone Character Fizzan...not Chadj going to Washington for sex or anything else...so let's try to keep on Fizzan..thanks :)

12-26-2003, 01:32 AM

12-26-2003, 01:41 AM
Does Teeoncy piss you off?
I'm sure she does, she's....annoying......She's alot of things, but she is not a bully.

Well, someone hasn't bothered to read the post that started the first thread about Teeoncy, or subsequent posts within.

12-26-2003, 01:44 AM
Uh huh... right.

12-26-2003, 01:44 AM
What are you talking about?
If you mean why did i go see her, Teeo and Sarah are different people... and if thats not what you mean, then im completely lost.

12-26-2003, 01:50 AM
Since the posts seem cumbersome, let's keep it short.

Anyone ever meet me in game, and see how fast I type? You think I actually sit over a thesaurus for this? (Because a dictionary does you no good when you're searching for a word, instead of a definition, now does it?)

And Weedmage... thanks for pointing it back at me. ::snickers::

Only point that I can make that hasn't been made by someone else...

Notice that the second someone other than myself questions anything Chadj has said, he backs down, even poses an apology?

Hand in the cookie jar, one timer!

Morbid curiosity-- the fact that I'm a curious Libra supercedes my knowledge that whatever the answer to my question is will just make me pity you, as a human being, more.

That's in context for you.

And condescending?! Me?! ::flashes a wide grin:: Only when I'm doing it on purpose. But you've got to understand... I don't get simple banter like this very often, being a single man of course. Especially not banter that can make me laugh like this!!!

"[I can't believe I have to do this again because of your wordage. ~Tsa`ah]

[Edited on 12-26-2003 by Tsa`ah] "

That was taken from one of Chadj's posts, and Tsa'ah... you nearly collapsed a lung with that, I was laughing so hard.

-Fizzan's Player

"So what you wanna do when shit hits the fan? Are you gonna stand and fight like a man? Show us you're as hard as you say you are... or you gonna run and go get your bodyguards..."

12-26-2003, 01:53 AM
i know what it meant. Now read your U2U bud. I sent you one a little while ago.

12-26-2003, 01:56 AM
And i backed down, because i dislike these boards for what they do to people, like Atheana. She had it coming, yes, but i really, really dont trust the boards no more, so i'm not gonna risk getting a 50 page post about me. Thats why i post more on klaives.. cause shit like that just doesn't happen there. Anyways, point to be made: I backed down cause im scared of having everyone on this board hate me. I will be honest about it. It wouldnt bother me much as maybe atheana, but it would bother me enough to have me scared. PC is cruel. What can i say?

12-26-2003, 01:57 AM
Wait a sec...TenLaughs lives in my state? WHO THE HELL GAVE HER THE RIGHT?! Where is she!?


12-26-2003, 01:58 AM
ohh, post 1111 adredrin? Congrats. :P :bouncy:

[Edited on 12-26-2003 by Chadj]

12-26-2003, 01:59 AM
You'll have to pardon my first instance of ignorance, but whatever media through which U2U's are sent did not deliver a U2U to me.

At the same time, I'm rather glad it worked out that way. Without an audience in front of which I can display your faults, there's no telling what you might say.

I've been in IM arguments with Sarah, in which she just tosses off-the-wall, fifth grade insults around... I guess at the same time, I know each insult she throws is really signifying a blow I've landed. ::grin wickedly::

Your local medical worker (shh, don't tell him I said this) will pick you up soon. Just be glad you stopped calling his house when you did.

-Fizzan's Player

12-26-2003, 02:00 AM
You wanna know what the U2U said?

Title: Hey
Time sent: 12-26-2003 at 01:39 AM
Message: Look, im gonna keep this short and simple. I aint had nothin against you before now, and i really dont wanna keep any feuds. Truce?

12-26-2003, 02:00 AM
Originally posted by Chadj
Thats why i post more on klaives... PC is cruel.

You must be joking. I've read more mindless crap posed there about some of the most petty things, and the responses are 10 times crueler just because they can be. Not because there are people that back their comments up with facts.

12-26-2003, 02:02 AM
Originally posted by Caramia

Originally posted by Chadj
Thats why i post more on klaives... PC is cruel.

You must be joking. I've read more mindless crap posed there about some of the most petty things, and the responses are 10 times crueler just because they can be. Not because there are people that back their comments up with facts.

i dunno what you've been readin.. but i cant think of the last flame fest that was on Klaives... Last one here? Teeo. Before that? Atheana. Now, maybe they deserved it, maybe not, but they shouldnt get to be 50 pages. It's cruel.

12-26-2003, 02:03 AM
So, fizzan, do you want to sit and continue to throw your insults, or call this a truce?

edited to add: Cause im finished throwin insults around.

[Edited on 12-26-2003 by Chadj]

12-26-2003, 02:08 AM
I read those boards sometimes when someone sends me something funny (in a sad way) or when I feel like killing brain cells and I'm out of alcohol or paint.

12-26-2003, 02:08 AM
lol @ Edaarin

12-26-2003, 02:10 AM
No answer eh? I was just wondering where at in WA she lived..God I hope its not in the Tri-Cities..


12-26-2003, 02:11 AM
nope, its not.. but i don't know washington too well.

12-26-2003, 02:13 AM
And i guess Fizzan ain't gonna answer... Well, no one can say i didn't try to keep this calm and without fight.

12-26-2003, 02:15 AM
Wait...you flew there..but dono where she is at? What kinda crap is that?


12-26-2003, 02:17 AM
i know where she is at. Does she want me to say? I dont know. Its Shelton. The one with the walmart, and the smallest movie theatre in the world. :)

12-26-2003, 02:18 AM
Shelton, see, that was easy. Its not like you gave me her address..I just wanted to make sure she did not live in my town. I feel better now.


12-26-2003, 02:18 AM
wasnt sure if i was supposed to say heh.. still not sure.. :-\
lol @ Adredrin.. :P

[Edited on 12-26-2003 by Chadj]

12-26-2003, 02:20 AM
well, at least she is on the other side of the state. I don't feel so bad now.


12-26-2003, 02:26 AM
Originally posted by Chadj
i dunno what you've been readin.. but i cant think of the last flame fest that was on Klaives... Last one here? Teeo. Before that? Atheana. Now, maybe they deserved it, maybe not, but they shouldnt get to be 50 pages. It's cruel.

When people keep feeding thread-trolls, the threads grow, even if the object of the thread is the troll-feeder.

You want a thread that got nasty quick? Try the one on GM Taelrand. Granted it didn't increase, largely because it seems the cat has Janisi's tongue.

The rest of the posts I've read seem to either be full of self-aggrandizing or self-masturbatory comments. Heh, that might be the same thing for some.

[Edited on 12-26-2003 by Caramia]

12-26-2003, 02:27 AM
we got rid of janisi. She annoyed us. Was a snert.

12-26-2003, 02:34 AM
Ah, then perhaps Spun Girl's and Tayre's suspicions were correct!

12-26-2003, 02:54 AM
that Janisi was a man? Most likely garr? Yes. they were probably correct. take it from me.. i was pretty close to her

12-26-2003, 03:01 AM
Originally posted by Chadj
that Janisi was a man? Most likely garr? Yes. they were probably correct. take it from me.. i was pretty close to her

Or him, as the case may be. Ah well, poor Rainbow.

12-26-2003, 03:05 AM
aye.. i will break the news to her i guess.. ::sigh::

12-26-2003, 03:50 AM
Give a homey a while to respond, why don't ya? I do like to hunt sometime, you know...

I just figured out the U2U thing, btw. Tiny little message at the top of my screen wasn't catching my eye.

So lemme get this straight... You come onto the boards, slinging insults at me, calling me a "snert shit", quoting a GM saying something that was never said (you'll never convince me that wasn't the gist behind your post with that quote), get your proverbial ass absolutely handed to you by not only my own posts, but others' as well...

And now you want a truce?

::snickers:: Oh, that's rich. Rich indeed.

Well, since you started with the slinging of insults, and mine were heads-and-shoulders above yours in all catagories (especially the "public opinion of the insult" catagory), if you quit while *I'm* ahead, I won't take it any further, either.

If I've said it once, I've said it a hundred times-- I don't want a quarrel with anyone, but I sure won't back down or let my good name be dragged through the muck.

You want your truce, you got it. But don't harbor any delusions about it-- there will always be a problem between you and I. You can set your watch by that.

--Fizzan's Player, wondering why the Hell he should forgive and forget, when settling with the current situation is just fine by him?

"So what you wanna do when shit hits the fan? Are you gonna stand and fight like a man? Show us you're as hard as you say you are, or you gonna run and go get your bodyguard?"

Looks like it's the bodyguard this time, hmm?

12-26-2003, 03:51 AM
As you have all seen I have not posted to this. Why? Because it is silly fruit cake crap as fizzan would put it. This is our business and both fizzan and Teeoncy have worked it out. The players have also worked out their differences. It is over. You people can go back to your lives now and butt out. Make a new thread and rant about how much you hate Teeoncy I don't care... but the topic of Teeoncy and Fizzan is dead.

I have nothing more to say. Thank you.

[Edited on 12-26-2003 by tenlaughs]

[Edited on 12-26-2003 by tenlaughs]

12-26-2003, 03:58 AM
I'll be the first to confirm-- Sarah's telling the truth.

Big of you, girl. I give you praise.

Justifiable? I think so.

-Fizzan's Player, got his cake and ate it, too.

Feh! Saving face with that edit! No fair! They can't make you drop it on the boards, and you know it! ::sticks his tongue out::

[Edited on 12-26-2003 by Fizzan]

Much better! You're my girl again.

[Edited on 12-26-2003 by Fizzan]

12-26-2003, 04:04 AM
Problem between you and i? Maybe you got one with me, but i aint got none with you :)

12-26-2003, 04:16 AM
Guess that's your perogative. I really came out on top then, eh?

-Fizzan's Player, who didn't want to get let off so easy!

"Instead of war on poverty, they got a war on drugs so the police can bother me..." --Marx, or Shakur?

12-26-2003, 05:01 AM
A reminder.

This is not a thread about who is seeing whom. Nor is it a thread about the content of the "other" boards.

In addition: Of course you can have your cake and eat it to, why think otherwise? It was originally "you can't eat your cake and have it to" until an idiot heard it and regurgitated it for another idiot.

The Cat In The Hat
12-26-2003, 11:13 AM
Originally posted by Caramia

Originally posted by Chadj
Thats why i post more on klaives... PC is cruel.

You must be joking. I've read more mindless crap posed there about some of the most petty things, and the responses are 10 times crueler just because they can be. Not because there are people that back their comments up with facts.

No no, Caramia. What Chadj meant ot say was "This wouldnt happen to me there because I'm a mod and I would just have any of them deleted."

They like to delete posts there.


12-26-2003, 12:55 PM
I think Fizz handled himself well here, one of the more intelligible diss threads. I also stand corrected in thinking that Garr was/is Janisi. ahnyway ::shrug:: is the beef over now...

12-26-2003, 03:28 PM
Originally posted by The Cat In The Hat

Originally posted by Caramia

Originally posted by Chadj
Thats why i post more on klaives... PC is cruel.

You must be joking. I've read more mindless crap posed there about some of the most petty things, and the responses are 10 times crueler just because they can be. Not because there are people that back their comments up with facts.

No no, Caramia. What Chadj meant ot say was "This wouldnt happen to me there because I'm a mod and I would just have any of them deleted."

They like to delete posts there.


I cant, im only a mod in the Bard section. And we have a completely unmoderated area called "Nine Hells", where, even with it unmoderated, there are never flame fests.

12-26-2003, 03:32 PM
And even Klaive gets flamed sometimes, but there are still no flame fests like here.

12-26-2003, 04:53 PM
i have to agree with chad on that.. these are brutal compared to that site. ive been there once and scrolled through a bit. nothing like this place.

12-26-2003, 05:00 PM
as tsa'ah pointed out this is a thread for complains about fizzan's character, not his player. in addition to that its also not a thread about the PC vs klaive's site. if youd like to make a thread to discuss those things i cant stop you but this isnt the place.

edited to also point out fizzan and teeoncy seemingly have ended their issue so we dont really need to discuss it much more its like beating a dead horse.

[Edited on 12-26-2003 by Tijay]

12-26-2003, 05:09 PM
Tsa'ah-- exactly right. Didn't want to get into that, though, by posting the "eat your cake and have it to"-- just confuses people. Heh.

I don't pretend to know anything about the other boards or the people that run them, but from what I see here, I think the Mods do a *wonderful* job with this set of boards.

And any jackass that would delete a post for purely selfish reasons on some other set of boards doesn't deserve to have the boards populated. ::shrug:: That's plain and simple enough, eh?

I'm getting stars and experience! Yay, me! ::snickers::

-Fizzan's Player

"I lived the lifestyle of drug dealers, but now legitly so I laugh 'til I'm cryin' when the law come get me..."

12-26-2003, 05:11 PM
i have no complaints... im just posting so i can get another star next to my name ::shrug:: actually its not that serious.

12-27-2003, 12:46 AM
was gonna ask for some stars but i got two!


[Edited on 12-27-2003 by Amaron]

12-28-2003, 02:11 AM
Ok me and Fizzans player have been talking outside of the game and we have decided to be friends. I am sure that you guys will find this log HILARIOUS. And yes I know I said I would not post again, but fizzan's player made it well worth it.

s>Fizzan appears in a flash of light, looking slightly disoriented.
s>Fizzan stares off into space.
s>sniffYou sniff.
s>look on barOn the cookie bar you see a bottle of cold milk, an enormous brownie, a chocolate chip cookie and a candy-studded sugar cookie.
s>gasps>You gasp.
s>Fizzan stands up.
s>Fizzan folds his arms over his chest.
s>standYou stand back up.
>get cooYou just grabbed yourself a delicious looking chocolate chip cookie. Enjoy!!
>Khaladon asks, "What can I do for you?"
>Fizzan stares off into space.
>eat my cooYou take a bite of your chocolate chip cookie.
>'this is good enough!You sweetly exclaim, "This is good enough!"
>Fizzan quietly says, "I hate when you all do that."
>Fizzan folds his arms over his chest, glancing at Khaladon.
>Fizzan quietly says, "But..."
>'I love itYou sweetly say, "I love it."
>'free cookiesYou sweetly say, "Free cookies."
>Khaladon exclaims, "Cookie teef!"
>eat my cookYou take a bite of your chocolate chip cookie.
Yum! Tastes just like mom used to make!
>Fizzan quietly asks, "I don't suppose you got her first report?"
>blushYou blush a glowing shade of red.
>Fizzan points at you.
>drop cooYou drop a chocolate chip cookie.
>'I didnt do itYou sweetly say, "I didnt do it."
>kneelYou kneel down.
K>eat cooA klaxon begins to blare.
K>You manage to take a bite of a chocolate chip cookie, which is on the floor.
You only have one bite left.
K>eat cooYou manage to take a bite of a chocolate chip cookie, which is on the floor.
That was the last of it.
K>whistleYou whistle tunelessly to yourself, remembering days past.
K>(Fizzan covers his ears.)
K>Fizzan quietly says, "Loud."
K>standYou stand back up.
>sit stooYou sit down.
s>standYou stand back up.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
R>'are we in a halfling house?You sweetly ask, "Are we in a halfling house?"
>Fizzan leans softly against you.
>Fizzan quietly says, "Stand still."
>Khaladon says, "Ok, its late, and I just logged in to check things and need bed."
>Khaladon asks, "So whats?"
>'we wanna be lovers nowYou sweetly say, "We wanna be lovers now."
>Fizzan rolls his eyes.
>Fizzan quietly says, "We want to be civil agian."
>Fizzan quietly says, "Again."
>Fizzan coughs.
>'we want him to take me huntingYou sweetly say, "We want him to take me hunting."
>join fizzYou join Fizzan.
J>'we are friends nowYou sweetly say, "We are friends now."
J>Fizzan quietly says, "We resolved the differences, out-of-game."
J>nodYou nod.
J>'on the phoneYou sweetly say, "On the phone."
J>'so we didnt go against anything!You sweetly exclaim, "So we didnt go against anything!"
J>Khaladon makes notes to ask about account hacking.
J>Fizzan quietly says, "And we'll at least not involve you all."
J>Fizzan chuckles.
J>Fizzan quietly says, "That's funny."
J>roll eyesYou roll your eyes.
JObvious exits: east
J>sitYou sit down.
sJ>standYou stand back up.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
JR>Fizzan quietly asks, "Or are you being serious?"
J>Fizzan peers quizzically at Khaladon.
J>Khaladon says, "Ummm, no, teasing."
J>Fizzan nods.
J>Khaladon says, "Fine by me."
J>'so we wont get in trouble?Fizzan quietly asks, "Is there any official thing?"
J>You sweetly ask, "So we wont get in trouble?"
J>Fizzan peers quizzically at Khaladon.
J>Khaladon says, "I'll let the SGMs knows."
J>Fizzan quietly says, "That's what we were worried about."
J>Khaladon says, "Nah, have fun."
J>Fizzan chuckles.
J>Fizzan quietly says, "Night."
J>kiss khaAs you lean over to kiss Khaladon, he steps away and exclaims, "Sorry, that's against guild rules!"
J>'your my heroYou sweetly say, "Your my hero."
J>loo[Gingerbread House, Cookie Vault]
A solid door of veil iron seals this room from prying eyes and fingers. Shelves of cookies set behind sheets of transparent glaes fill the available wall space. A rich indigo woven rug rests on the floor in front of a rosewood cookie bar with several bar stools propped before it. You also see the Fizzan disk.
Also here: High Lord Fizzan, GameMaster Khaladon
Obvious exits: east
J>Fizzan quietly asks, "Can I go east real quick?"
J>e[Gingerbread House, Workroom]
The walls are devoid of any adornment, as is the bare hardwood floor. A hardwood workbench is covered in an assortment of tools and work orders.
Obvious exits: east, west
>e[Khaladon's Office]
Smoking torches in cast iron sconces are imbedded along the walls of this room, providing a softly flickering light. Soot and smoke darken nearly every surface and the haze makes it hard to see. A pitted and scratched writing desk resides in one corner, its surface covered with trinkets, gadgets and a small framed certficate. A thick manual rests on a nearby podium. Before the desk, an inviting black leather sofa rests. You also see a polished bloodwood serving cart with some stuff on it.
Obvious exits: none
>look on cartOn the serving cart you see a flask of golden whiskey, a gingerbread soldier cookie, a beaker of guildmaster's best, an oversized fudge cookie, a candy-studded sugar cookie, a decanter of death-rum and a chocolate chip cookie.
>get cooYou just grabbed yourself a delicious looking soldier cookie. Enjoy!!
>You've gained 1 mental training point.
(To use these new points, type GOALS and adjust your skills.)
>get fud cooYou just grabbed yourself a delicious looking fudge cookie. Enjoy!!
>GameMaster Khaladon's group just arrived.
>'this is coolYou sweetly say, "This is cool."
>bounecPlease rephrase that command.
>bounceYou bounce around happily.
>eat sol cooYou must pick it up first.
>eat my sol cooYou take a bite of your soldier cookie.
Hey, that tasted great!
>Fizzan is about to toast himself with a decanter of death-rum!
>Fizzan put a decanter of death-rum in his shadowed silk robes.
>put coo in my cloakYou put an oversized fudge cookie in your black cloak.
>Fizzan coughs.
>get cooYou just grabbed yourself a delicious looking soldier cookie. Enjoy!!
>pu tcoo in my cloakpu tcoo in my cloakWhat were you referring to?
>What were you referring to?
>Fizzan quietly says, "We don't want to pester you."
>Fizzan nods to Khaladon.
>nodYou nod.
>'but i wanna stay hereYou sweetly say, "But i wanna stay here."
>put coo in my cloakYou put a gingerbread soldier cookie in your black cloak.
>put coo in my cloakFizzan glances around, looking a bit less confident.
>You put a gingerbread soldier cookie in your black cloak.
>The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves Fizzan.
>'forget the elfYou sweetly say, "Forget the elf."
>'ill live hereYou sweetly say, "Ill live here."
>look on cartOn the serving cart you see a flask of golden whiskey, a gingerbread soldier cookie, a beaker of guildmaster's best, an oversized fudge cookie, a candy-studded sugar cookie, a decanter of death-rum and a chocolate chip cookie.
>Fizzan quietly asks, "What elf?"
>Fizzan peers quizzically at you.
>grin fizYou grin at Fizzan.
>Fizzan chuckles.
>look in cartThat is closed.
>Fizzan quietly says, "Sarah, you're a goon."
>Fizzan leans softly against you.
>sit sofYou walk over to the sofa and with a satisfying sigh, throw yourself down upon its soft cushions.
s>'oooooYou sweetly say, "Ooooo."
s>Khaladon says, "Alrighty you two, seriously, good luck with things, I hope it works out."
s>lay sofYou lie down.
P>'oh yeahYou sweetly say, "Oh yeah."
P>Khaladon says, "Have a great night."
P>Fizzan nods.
P>stretchYou stretch.
P>poseYou stretch one arm along your side and prop up your head with the other hand.
P>Fizzan turns towards Khaladon and renders a sharp hand salute.
P>Fizzan quietly says, "We're not getting married."
P>Fizzan folds his arms over his chest.
P>Fizzan grows indistinct. Slowly it dawns on you that he isn't there anymore.
P>'not yetYou sweetly say, "Not yet."
P>The world grows blurry and indistinct. After a moment everything becomes clear again. Looking about, you see...
[Lapis Cloud Table]
The circular black oak table is polished to a high sheen, its surface glimmering with reflected light. A set of high-backed chairs surrounds the table, each padded with deep red velvet upholstery. The rounded edge of the table is bordered with inlaid lapis, forming a pattern of clouds. You also see the Fizzan disk, a pale blue moonstone, a cerulean glimaerstone, a piece of banded onyx, a ruby, a smoky glimaerstone, a smoky glimaerstone, a yellow sapphire, a pale water sapphire, a rough slab of silver, a rough slab of silver, a moonglae opal, a golden topaz and a crystal amulet.
Also here: High Lord Fizzan, Kataleena

[Edited on 12-28-2003 by tenlaughs]

12-28-2003, 02:20 AM
Yeah, that log is entirely, 100 percent real.

We both decided that our in-game lives were just... too dull without each other. Heh.

Plus, plainly, I promised not to make Fizzan flea Curse Teeoncy anymore, and Sarah promised to make Teeoncy lay off of Fizzan. Some, anyway.

-Fizzan's Player

12-28-2003, 02:25 AM

Its nice to see the situation resolved peacefully.

*makes his own notes to investigate hackings*

Just kidding =P

12-28-2003, 09:54 AM
Why do I picture Fizzan standing with a glazed expression on his face going:


Join us.

Don't be afraid.

12-28-2003, 09:57 AM
I so do not want to even comment on this.

The Cat In The Hat
12-28-2003, 11:29 AM
Wow... Im totally staying out of this one.


12-28-2003, 11:44 AM
That's some scary shit.

12-28-2003, 11:47 AM
Fizzan has sold all he worldly possessions and will be soon joining the compound to await the reunification.

Thats just another guess though.

12-28-2003, 11:49 AM
Fizzan bought a pair of my boots. 10000 points.

12-28-2003, 12:31 PM
Look for the pod.

12-28-2003, 04:09 PM
Ok I am going to be totally vain and write this in third person. I find it totally hilarious that you all are so set on Sarah being just like Teeoncy. Teeoncy is a character nothing more. Sarah has another character that is sweet as can be and you would all be flippin' crazy if you thought I would say who that is. Why? "Most" of you can not tell the different between characters or players. She is too well loved and I know those of you who I know love her and hate Teeoncy would all of a sudden start starting things with her. Teeoncy is my trouble child. Teeoncy sees an opportunity of adventure and fun with Fizzan and she is going to take it. Sarah sees a nice respectable guy that just like her loves to role play a little...cranky… and some fun with that. So let’s stop with the IM's guys. Sarah role plays that is all she is totally different in real life. Also, because she has a life outside of gemstone, she doesn't need hate IM's from people. Now I know some of you do not understand this concept of "role play" and will continue to bash Sarah. Don't worry... some day, you will make it past the third grade.


~This is not directed at everyone.

Miss X
12-28-2003, 04:20 PM
Ok, this is just an observation so dont take it as a flame. I have nothing against you at all.
You go on and on about people not being able to seperate Sarah from Teeoncy, yet you tell Khaladon you sorted out your differences with Fizzan's player on the phone? I mean, what did you RP on the phone too? I doubt it. Therefore, you are allowing the lines between you, and your charecter to blur. (I know it happens, happened to me too a few times.) I guess the thing is, you contradict yourself a lot.

Another thing I find strange, although none of my buisness, is that one second Fizzan's player hates you and comes here and tells everyone about it (yes, I realise in response to Ansheraks post, but thats not the point) the next your chatting on the phone to each other and hanging out in game. I mean, A it caused a fuss over nothing and B its a little weird.
There you go, each to their own and all that.

12-28-2003, 05:49 PM
Instead of saying this is not directed at everyone you may wish to say who exactly it is directed at.

You will avoid some rather unpleasnt dialogues by being direct rather than using generalities throught your post only to backpedal at the end.

12-28-2003, 06:03 PM
You attempt to dial a Motorola Phone.
FS: +110 - PD: +130 + FvP: +25 + d100: +4 == +9
Dialing Failed!
Dial Roundtime 3 Seconds.

That's what happens when I try to call people I meet in gemstone.

12-28-2003, 06:52 PM
I've never had a problem with the character. This is likely due to the reason that once the word was out I highlighted the character's names and avoided contact. I tend to do that as a player, I like the drama IC and in small amounts.

You the players however have displayed nothing but the ability to lie, without end.

Even when called on a lie, you continue to perpetuate it. Our last bout of IMs should be telling of that. To date I have yet to speak a harsh word to you, yet you insist that I used such "language" with you.

You don't know anger toots, keep up the crap though ... and you will.

As for Fizzan changing his toon ... the only conclusion I can draw is that maybe he doesn't know you're 15?

12-28-2003, 08:40 PM
When you stop and think about it, it's not as incredible as it sounds... Fizzan had interaction with Teeoncy, and it turned out bad. Few weeks passed, we decided to give each other our AIM's and try and fix it. All of our discussions were 100 percent about our own characters, and their in-game relationship.

From our limited conversations, it seemed pretty clear to me... at the time... that I was dealing with a really crazy person. First to admit my error-- really crazy is a bit overboard. Eccentric, maybe... but not really crazy.

It's incredibly easy to lie over the computer screen. Anyone who says they've never done it is disproving their claims in the saying so-- little white lies, huge whoppers, or someone else's pictures you claim to be your own are all one in the same.

Hence my need to hear a voice. My need to hear someone as I scrutinized them on things I knew to be lies.

As it stands, I was amazed at how upfront Teeoncy the mundane player was... At the same time (and Sarah will be the first to tell you), I still stop and question every last little thing she says, and I think we've come to understand that the poor girl dug her own grave in that regard.

By the... eh... strength of the responses, it seems to me that people are labeling me another one of those sexually frustrated/easily fooled boys (I won't name names unless it becomes really necessary) that have been deceived and easily wrapped around a 15 (17? 18? 21?) year old's finger.

Ha. More humor in this thread than I ever imagined. The true nature of the situation is in no way, shape, or form one of manipulation, sexual desire, or string-pulling.

In other words, I got what I needed to know via phone conversation, and that's the end of that. As I said in my response to the log, we both realized that our perceptions of each other were little more than our opinions of our characters. And in the meantime, we came to a simple understanding-- it's more fun to fuck with each other in-game, now that this agreement to not let it get out of hand has been reached.

But don't take my word for it-- keep your eyes open, in-game. Fizzan and Teeoncy will not suddenly become best of friends, get involved in a lovey-dovey relationship, or even act differently towards each other than they did before. We were at the table (seen in the log) for the strict purpose of getting a GM to make some sort of official statement to the other authority figures that we had asked to be able to interact with each other again.

So aside from Teeoncy giving herself over as a slave to Fizzan (sound likely to you?), the situation between them will always remain the same. The OOC/IRL aspect of the confrontation, however, is dead.

For the time being, that is. The things I have been told by Sarah, the player... I expect to be true. Come to find out even the smallest thing is not... ::shrugs:: You might really get to see me in a rage.

Long post, sorry-- wanted to clarify all at once.

-Fizzan's Player

"I'm livin' care free until I'm burried, and if they dare me... I'm bustin' them haters until they scurry... I'm clearly... a man of military means, and my artillery watchin' over me through every murder scene..."

12-28-2003, 08:43 PM
In the end, you still argued with someone on the phone over a game.

12-28-2003, 08:47 PM
And I didn't notice this at first glance, but...

Tsa, are you calling me a liar?

If so... I'd like to know what it was I lied about. Maybe I just contradicted myself by accident? Or left out a key bit of information?

In a place where it's so easy to lie, I do try and freakin' maintain as much integrity as I can... so if there's some confusion, lemme know? Gracci.

--Fizzan's Player

12-28-2003, 08:50 PM
Actually, I don't think we ever argued on the phone...

It was more of a surreal conversation, during which we took pause every five minutes to ask ourselves, often times aloud, "What the Hell are we doing?!"

It has been by far the strangest bloody incident in my self-proclaimed, short life...

Oh, and what's this huge deal over the telephone?! Even had she been a fifty year old male stalker... she'd have made a mistake coming up in my house. Pitbulls and .40 cals... need I say more?

--You should know who, by now.

12-28-2003, 09:00 PM
heh no Teeoncy didnt pause to ask that she seems to have a history of phone conversations. Fizzan I have lost all respect for you you are now even more of a Tool than Tayre.

Edit: you suck and thats sad.
sorry had to steal that line was too fitting

[Edited on 12-29-2003 by The Edine]

12-28-2003, 09:08 PM
1) Pause to ask what? ((Oh, oh, ask, "What am I doing?" I think you're wrong there... She may have a history on the phone, but with someone who, in her own words, "made [her] the maddest she's ever been"? Neh.))

2) I'm crushed. ::snickers:: I mean... someone who's opinions can change so drastically is certainly someone I need thinking well of me! Especially when their opinions change primarily based on a bais towards Teeoncy's player. (Note-- that's sarcastic, in case it wasn't obvious.)

History of phone conversations or not, the issue at hand is Teeoncy the character and Fizzan the character, now able to interact again.

What it has to do with me, the person, is entirely beyond me...

But I do have to know... what exactly did she do to you?

--Guess who.

[Edited on 12-29-2003 by Fizzan]

12-28-2003, 09:13 PM
well hold on let me type a post up so it sounds like im talking like you

12-28-2003, 09:24 PM
1) Well let us look at this logicly

You came to the players

Posting about how much you the player dislike teeoncy

2) You like to boast about how much
money you make

and that your better
because of it.

3) let us address the lie issue
Instead of doing something about it IC, which is where this event has all of its grounding, you opt to take it here, as well as accusing me of going IC by bringing in a capped chracter that you think I own, or even called for?! Give me a break, man... your minimum wage job and dull life must really make you need this type of thing to feel whole, as a human being... Try and learn how to keep IC separated from OOC, and STOP TELLING LIES!!!

Your exact words, and I would like to point your incapable, small, little, minute mind to the last three lines of the pharagraph. Yet… you say this

It's incredibly easy to lie over the computer screen. Anyone who says they've never done it is disproving their claims in the saying so-- little white lies, huge whoppers, or someone else's pictures you claim to be your own are all one in the same.

Kind of contradicts, goes against, means the opposite of itself does it not?

4) it seems I am not able to drone on and on as you do I will
5) stop my post there
6) and use up a few more numbers
7) just
8) for
9) the
10) hell
11) of
12) it.
13) oh by the way I make more money then you. I am head of security for a hospital at 20 something while im in college

12-28-2003, 09:24 PM
Heh. This should be funny, right?

::waits in anticipation::

Oh, side note... aside from the things she'd told me in confidence (which I will take to my grave, even if I should become enraged for some reason), I'm willing to be entirely up front about all of this, so... don't hesitate to ask...

That goes for every/anyone... Truth be told, we posted here mostly for the sake of you all, and your peace of mind as well as our own...

That, and to put one in Chadj and Ansherak's face, of course.

Point in fact-- had this not been brought the boards, I wouldn't be here posting... And if you'll note, Sarah was not the one who created this thread.

And according to Ansherak, Sarah didn't put him up to it, either... So unless he's willing to call himself a liar, I really don't see where all of this is coming from...

-Fizzan's Player

12-28-2003, 09:25 PM
No you're not you work at an eye doctor place thing.

12-28-2003, 09:27 PM
I was mocking him Tayre.

12-28-2003, 09:36 PM
heh no doubt the things she told you in confidence were the same lies she has used on others to turn them to her side IE chadj etc.

12-28-2003, 09:40 PM
Heh. hard to tell what's a quote from my post, and what's yours... Lemme see if I can figure it out...

A) If you'll check back, I think I made one comment about pissing someone's salary... In fact, it's right there around that quote. It was in resposne to Ansherak, who made some remark about me being too poor to buy a capped character... Sorry if I went wild with my reaction, but yeah... Speaking up in my own defense is not the same as bragging...

B) My mind's so small, yet my posts are coherent and are easily readable. Go figure.

C) Because I said everyone's told lies online does not mean I've been lying here. Gemstone and this PC board are not my only online activities. What's more, I've been messing around online (RP and otherwise) for nearly ten years now, and surely you can understand that I've probably fibbed once or twice to *someone* in that time.

D) And if you'll note... my first post at the PC was in response to this thread, started by Ansherak. I didn't bring it here-- why would I start a thread about my own character in the Complaints Folder?

E) I re-iterate-- if you don't like long posts, just don't read them! Your opinion, however valued, isn't a necessity.

Besides, it's not mindless dribble or an attempt to make fun of someone else... as per the last handful of numbered-points in your post.

F) Could you possibly clue me in, because I'm baffled-- how do you know, exactly, what I make? Or what I do, for that matter, to make that money? Clarify, perhaps?

G) Yes, yes. It's so stupid to brag about who's where in their life, who's got what, material things, and how much better of a person it makes you...

Yet... what's with number 13? (PS-- I'm 20 something, in college, too!)

H) Here's a true contradiction, all in one of your posts...

"2) You like to boast about how much
money you make

and that your better
because of it."

Now, there's no... real... clear statement there... but I think you were insinuating that I did this, and I was a bad person because of it... So the contradiction lies within this quote...

"13) oh by the way I make more money then you. I am head of security for a hospital at 20 something while im in college

I) Final point-- how angry are you? In your attempt to downtalk and degrade me (probalby in the eyes of those who view this board), you've managed to spout insults that, while slightly more original than the 15 year old Chadj, are still groundless, ignorant, more arrogant than you accuse me of being, and very useful in that they reveal to me the true nature behind "The Edine".

And what happened to the post that was going to be like a phone conversation?!

And I ask again, What has Sarah done to you? Clearly something that you're not happy about...

--Fizzan's Player, utterly baffled.

PS-- insults really cheapen whatever argument you're trying to make. And aside from that, you wouldn't say them to my face, so why hide behind miles of phone line and computer screen?

12-28-2003, 09:42 PM
Yes, perhaps they are all the same lies.

That's what I'm on the phone to find out.

I realized that my perceptions of Sarah, the player, were based on two things alone...

1) Fizzan's IC interaction with her characters Teeoncy and Kataleena...

2) What other people had told me, posted, etc, etc.

Not much fair about that...

And if she's lying, she's lying. I'll know soon enough, now won't I?

--Fizzan's Player

12-28-2003, 09:55 PM
dude your not to bright..
when your done typing your posts in WORD let me know
also read the posts that come after before you cut and paste it for your responce.

"insults really cheapen whatever argument you're trying to make. And aside from that, you wouldn't say them to my face, so why hide behind miles of phone line and computer screen? "

hmm comments like that get into the whos is bigger game. I assure you I am ::puffs his chest::

but let us just look back at your post in itself in relation to insults...
your words
"you've managed to spout insults that, while slightly more original than the 15 year old Chadj, are still groundless, ignorant, more arrogant than you accuse me of being, "
which happen to be insults, Hence negating all validity to your own argument by your own rules.

The number issue was making fun of you oh great dense one, Im proud of you this time you used letters at the start but reverted to numbers at the end.

I will point you to the 50 some odd pages of the TEEONCY and family thred if you wish to know what she has done.

I guess just like you I will have to point out the sarcasm of my talking like you comment. Talk=post, look at all the little numbers next to each one of your "power" points and then look at my post I think you in your infinte wisdom will be able to figure it out... If not just ask and I will draw you a picture.

12-28-2003, 09:59 PM
Quick post for one more step towards a star, and to let you know...

This'll be the last post for a few hours, so you don't have to keep watching for replies...

And if you don't respond to at least one of the points I've raised, you can post until your blue in the face and never hear another word out of me...

Logically (that's how you spell it) speaking, there's no point in arguing with a brick wall.

If you're going to refute something I say, at least do it intelligibly and in cohesion with some proof or counter-point... Otherwise, you're just ranting at me and I'm wasting my time.

--Fizzan's Player, out like a trout.

"Sir, it's a sweeping victory! You're the best general this nation has ever seen!"

"No, son, the credit lies within the enemy. It's ten times easier when they defeat themselves."

12-28-2003, 10:01 PM
Ehp, read that last one right after I posted.

::shrugs:: I give up.

Hope you're content to rant at a turned back from now on...

--Fizzan's Player

OH, but I will say one more thing... You have NO idea who I am, what I am, or what I've been through. You assume because I play Gemstone, I'm some type of pathetic wanna-be who's lying, or whatever it is you assume...

Believe what you will, feel better about yourself for it, and be comforted in the knowledge that I really, truly, and honestly feel for you.

[Edited on 12-29-2003 by Fizzan]

12-28-2003, 10:11 PM
My comments were in responce to Teeoncy. I should have proof read a third time to see that I used the word players and not player.

12-28-2003, 10:15 PM
well i think i did adress a few of your posts and I will be the first to say i don't bother much with spelling for I know im poor at it

Fizzan let me just do this

go there read that from start to finish and you yourself will see what that girl can do to people weak of mind.

I need not make another point than that to prove everything.

12-28-2003, 10:18 PM
mod there got rid of it Fizzan look at your u2u when you get back.

12-28-2003, 10:31 PM
I give it a month... and I think that's being generous. Then again, I'm a cynic anyways.

12-29-2003, 12:00 AM
Okay up until this point I've said nothing. I'm sure I'll get flamed for this. Personally I don't care.

We've established that A. Teooncy and Sarah are both troublemakers in and out of the game. *gasps* amazing I know I can seperate them. B. She's a liar and likes the attention but supposedly "doesn't care" Yet she's always here posting everytime her name is mentioned. C. She is getting the attention that she claims she doesn't need but is still getting. I'm starting to see Klaive like issues here.

If you don't like the girl fine. Thats great and fantastic and your prerogative . But when it gets to the point that every other thread is about her. It gets old. WHO cares. Everyone has seen how she has portrayed herself. This is of her own doing granted. So why keep giving her the attention she wants? Good or bad she's feeding off it.

Frankly if i wanted to see a happy kiss ass sloppy I love THE girl who can not be named fest I'd go to the "other" boards. I'm sure I'm not the only one who is tired of reading about her or seeing things. So just once again make one huge thread about her or let it go. Its like beating the dead horse again and again.

Personally I don't give a shit about the girl in game or out, have had no interaction with her and really don't care if I do. But there are other things I'm sure that piss you off in game find them but leave the poor dead horse alone. WE KNOW ALREADY.

/ end rant


P.S I'm glad for Fizzan that it was all worked out. NOW let it go and post something new.

P.P.S Before anything is said Chadj I don't give a shit. Its how I feel. She's you're friend thats fine but not everyones going to kiss her ass, kthx.

12-29-2003, 03:24 AM
Tsa-- no issue, just wanted to make sure. I'm trying to stress the following point: "I did not come here to flame, I came here to defend myself. The only people I've ripped on extensively have called it down upon themselves by attempting to rip on me." And PS-- I haven't lost yet.

Dryad... I don't know who you are, but will you marry me? Heh. Good post.

Edine, I said I'd ignore you from here on out, but then you stopped ranting (it seems) and tried to offer me some friendly advice (note-- should have done that to start). As much as I appreciate it, I trust myself ten times more than any log, post, comment or report that comes from an outside source.

Lemme re-iterate-- the primary goal was to allow Teeoncy and Fizzan to interact again, in-game. The secondary goal is to decide just how much crap Sarah's really full of, when it comes to talking to someone "voice-to-voice". Period, end of file.

So I appreciate your concern (as if I truly think you're concerned), but like I told poor Chadj in IM's a few moments ago, I know too many girls like her IRL to fall for any of her usual shit. She'll be honest with me, or she'll rue the day.

Thanks for toning it down, though. And yeah, even the U2U was polite/hepful/friendly, so I replied in the same manner.

--Fizzan's Player

"See I'm a fighter, not a lover-- a hit-and-runnin' ass, cold-blooded motherfucker."

12-29-2003, 04:42 AM
You know what just struck me?

The creator of this thread hasn't said much in a while.

Get walked backwards too, did he? ::smug grin::

And oh, yeah... in relation to that warning about Teeoncy's mun I gave you, Ansherak...

Told, You, and So.

--Fizzan's Player

"This Uptown motherfucker kills at will-- I keep my mac-milli chill as chill. All you haters is fags and jokes for real-- I push coc all day, FOR REAL." -B. Siegel

12-29-2003, 12:05 PM
Oh yes, I am eating up this attention. I lied a lot to you all. I plan on never meeting you in real life... so well.. I don't care. Fizzan's player knows exactly what I have lied about and knows the truth. BUT do not even begin to think he is anything like chadj is. Chadj is a great guy... would stick his own neck out on the branch for me like you have all seen... Fizzan on the other hand posts with logic... not to stick up for me.

Both Fizzan's player and I are extreamly skeptical of each other. He has stunned Teeo...killed Teeo...taken her gear even. Ohhhh but baby she is up for another round! If anyone knows Teeoncy, she is persistant and no matter how many times she dies...she is right back... not killing....but annoying the hell outta them.

Fizzan's player on the other hand...trusts me... lol lets just say hardly at all if at any. Anything I say he quizs over and over agian demanding proof along the way. And proof is in the mail baby.

As for the Teeoncy topic... Lets look at it edine.. what does it cover...

1) Teeoncy is a snert --- true she likes to annoy people

2) Teeoncy is a bully-- rarely... if someone can't take words.. then yes. She does not kill people though.

3) Teeoncy and Sarah are both liars-- true to those she doesn't care about. ::cough:: meaning 99% of you. Online means NOTHING.

4) I called Gothiques daughter a whore-- no I said... Gothi was a whore and if she was not careful, her daughter would follow her example... insert a few swear words and you got it made.

5) I stole castlana's stuff-- My fiance in the game did it at the time... Castlana still hangs out with Teeoncy.. does that not prove anything?

6) Those are not my pictures-- If they are or not, FIzzan will soon have some.. one saying Fizzan is an asshole.. and one saying This is for <fizzans player> . So that matters not at all.

7) lied about my age... Look at all you 45 year olds claiming to be 30! LOL (joke don't flip out) Geezus everyone lies about their age. Fizzan knows how old I really am. And no I am not as young as 15. <rolls her eyes>

8) History on the phone--- That has been extreamly worked up.. but, Fizzan's player knows the truth. That however, I have no proof... he himself has to figure that one out.. but like that topic really matters.

9) Teeoncy is a slut in game--- Again I ask where is your proof.. I will tell you.. Teeoncy likes to mess with boyfriends of other players just to see how faithful they are.. Its a game.. it is fun. BUT Teeoncy does not go to private rooms.. and Fizzan knows why. LOL.

10) Oh yes, I am Bipolar--- Umm ok.. Sure! Oh yes I am ::grins evilly::
I try not to be ::sobs::
Oh shut the hell up!

So Edine.. I invite Fizzan to read the Teeoncy thread as well. Hell I'll waste the paper and ink and print it out and mail it to him. Other then being extreamly bored and hearing things he already knows... I have NOTHING to hide..................................from him. :::grins evilly::: You all are far from the truth though.

So keep throwing things like ...she did this.. :::sob:: she did that... He knows it all. And honestly...He knows the truth about everything... And therefore, I can prove stuff because I don't have to hide other stuff lol.

Yes I dug my own grave.. ::looks up miles above to see the sky::: it is quite comfy down here.

[Edited on 12-29-2003 by tenlaughs]

12-29-2003, 12:31 PM
::clears his throat::

That was a lot of coming clean, if you ask me... ::shrugs::

--You knnowww!

"See, I'm Money-Mob Diggaler, playa for sho'. Hit 'em 16 to 60, blind, crippled, or poor..."

12-29-2003, 12:37 PM
lotta coming clean on both ends.. or from both ends. no i meant from the both of you. glad you worked out your differences.

12-29-2003, 10:14 PM
Ugh nevermind.

yes. Edited.

[Edited on 12-30-2003 by Lady Shalla]

Weedmage Princess
12-30-2003, 01:07 AM
Oh Teeoncy shut the hell up already.

12-30-2003, 01:09 AM
<3 old princess.

12-30-2003, 03:02 AM
Did she seriously come all the way over here to post some shit?
With curiousity I read that. I wish I hadn't.
Someone just needs to douche their shit and move the fuck on. ::coughteeoncycough::

12-30-2003, 04:36 AM
I'm in love with Weedie again.

Coming clean? I saw that post as more defensive than honest.

12-30-2003, 04:46 AM
Originally posted by Fizzan
You know what just struck me?

The creator of this thread hasn't said much in a while.

Get walked backwards too, did he? ::smug grin::

And oh, yeah... in relation to that warning about Teeoncy's mun I gave you, Ansherak...

Told, You, and So.

--Fizzan's Player

"This Uptown motherfucker kills at will-- I keep my mac-milli chill as chill. All you haters is fags and jokes for real-- I push coc all day, FOR REAL." -B. Siegel

Well, the holidays have kept me rather busy, second, we had the chance to talk, to a degree, up until this incident I have never had a negative experience with Fizzan.

At the time, all I knew was you were hit with a snowball and gear was lost over it, seems a bit over the top to me.

Teeoncy, though maybe a bit over the top herself in her ways, is actually quite a nice girl, despite the villian or quack some may make her out to be.

I can't speak on many of the accusations made here and there, other than my own experiences, which put me in a rock and a hard place, from where I sat, it looked like a bully to me, I was incorrect in that assumption, and I can admit when I am wrong, and do so.

Secondly, or was that thirdly? heh....
I hold no ill will to Fizzans player, I actually think he plays GS with alot of integrity, if anything, I was out of line involving myself in a dispute I had no business involving myself.

I haven't kept up with this thread, unfortunately and after 9 pages of insults and flames, I ain't gonna.

Teeoncy and Fizzan have came to an understanding, my character and Fizzan have aswell, I hope this thread will die now.

Again, I offer my apologies for speaking before I thought, sometimes that just happens, I don't think I'm the only one thats guilty of that.


Ps: I don't make minimum wage, head burger flipper is highly paid!

12-30-2003, 05:30 AM
Originally posted by The Edine
Ok well I always love adding my two cents into conflict... Fizzan from what I’ve seen here... kudos to you
Ansherak so you know with Fizzan's ability to implode He can easily pick on a capped wizard. I The Edine with only 1x spell aim and magic item use can pick on wizards 30 trains over my head IE 90 with a implode rod so I will give Fizzan the benefit of the doubt on that issue. As much as id be pissed about losing my items in situations like that it is somewhat gratifying to see it happen to her, not the character since I have never had the displeasure of meeting her. But the person who sat here and lied, tried accusing people of illegal things that could have caused grief to others. So in conclusion TeeoncySarah (that apparently is her real name) is a nut.

Edine, yer a ...whats the word...brave? I'll be kind and use that. Next time I'm hunting Kobolds I'll drop by and pay a visit! heh, I do truly love arguin with ya.

And I am far from capped, but I'll be back in Kobold land when the spitfire hits town and you can feel free to school me if ya wish *grin*


12-30-2003, 01:13 PM
umm Sarah why dont you go in your parents rooms, get one of your dads dirty socks and put it in your mouth untill you learn to shut up.

Who was it that said the best thing about telling the truth what you do not have to remember who you told what to?
Where to i say I care anything about what Teeoncy does?
Why I ask you does a person feel proud of telling lies?
What does that say about a persons moral character?
suggestion for your own well being Sarah, learn to tell the truth and live by it, when you get cought in lies it will destroy everything you worked so hard for, and you will be left with nothing but yourself.

one more why...
Why would you tell some random man on the phone everything about yourself, you attempt to make it look like he knows everything, which in my eyes after a phone conversation equates to sad.

Sarah I think you need a 30 min time out. ::points at the stool in the corner::

12-30-2003, 01:55 PM
99% of what I say is lies. I am trying to change that. All I can say is hang back and watch. That is all you can really do.

12-30-2003, 01:57 PM
I doubt that will happen, Warclaidhm.

12-30-2003, 02:09 PM
well why dont you start by changing your location unless you just moved to hawaii phhhththt

12-30-2003, 02:38 PM
I proved without any doubt that Chadj is becoming Teeoncy/sarah's pet

Teeoncy has issues in life and bring them in game to appreciate life better.

She uses people with ANY MEANS possible to bring them in her pockets.

Rastasam is right, YOU DON'T WANT TO BRAG THAT YOU FLY 5000 KILOMETERS to meet someone from a pathetic text based game AND THEN saying you have no pressure by that person.

In conclusion go read some posts on klaive's about how teeoncy is fucking up chadj


[Edited on 30-12-03 by Xcalibur]

12-30-2003, 02:43 PM
Originally posted by Xcalibur
Teeoncy has issues in life and bring them in game to appreciate life better.

So, instead of bashing her.. shouldn't they pity her then? :saint:

12-30-2003, 02:55 PM
If it was Warclaidhm, i'd say yes.

Her? no.

Name me one person you know that took a trip of 5000 kilometers to see someone he/she knows for like 2 months OVER AN INTERNET GAME

name me on

I can name you one: Chadj

Collect all informations available on this forum and on klaive's and you'll become scared of her. She is dangerous, trully.

[Edited on 30-12-03 by Xcalibur]

12-30-2003, 06:06 PM
X, Going to Klaives forums will only show how tired people are getting of your rambling.

Chad is a great guy. I will always value his friendship...he is one of the very few true people.

As for my actions in the past.. all I can do is say I am sorry and ask that you concentrate more on my future actions.

12-30-2003, 06:10 PM
As for my actions in the past.. all I can do is say I am sorry and ask that you concentrate more on my future actions.

So when do you plan on going psycho in IMs again? All I did was show concern and question why these things were happening and not only did you go mommy dearest, you lied to me about what I said to you.

Don't you think that's a tad stupid? Shouldn't you lie to other people about what I said, not lie to the source?

Toots, I tolerated your inane prattle before with a grain of salt. I was never crude or vulgar with you and spoke to you in total neutrality down to the tone.

You won't get that from me again.

12-30-2003, 06:17 PM
exactly why almost nobody here knows my im

12-30-2003, 06:20 PM
Exactly why i changed and almost no one knows it, or close to

A picture to remind us to stay on topic

12-30-2003, 06:38 PM
I've delt with FIzzan a few times, and he's was the biggest fucking asshole I've ever seen, He was tossing his weight around, picking on low level people, and stunning people for no reason...ok i'll stop acting like chadj for a second and quit lying.

The few times i've delt with fizzan was a pelasent time, he was most helpful, when I need a little help.

12-30-2003, 07:19 PM
Tsa`ah-- You obviously make it clear on the boards that you hate me... then you IM me and all of a sudden act nice. You can not blame me for being extremely cautious. If you knew all the people who IM me to trick me... you would understand. They can be nice until they get something out of you and then they are back posting logs and the such. If you can forgive me or simply wish to talk again I will keep an open mind with your future IM’s. If you can not accept my apology, then I hope you the best and understand.

“Words are like weapons they can wound sometimes.”

12-30-2003, 07:30 PM
Tenlaughs, if I might interject a piece of advice....

The best way to change what has gone before is to hunker down, get very quiet, and get to work changing it. When it is changed, show that it is changed. Do not make promises, up front, that you are going to change. Just do it, be quiet about it while you are doing it, and do not speak of it again.

If you are an admitted liar, one who tells a lie when the truth might better serve them, it is NOT easy to change. It is an ingrained habit for most, and does not just erase because you want it to erase. It takes hard work and determination to break the habit, and it does not happen overnight.


12-30-2003, 08:03 PM
Harmnone is saying something very interesting, here

It doesn't take 1 night, 1 week, 1 month, 1 year to remove something as bas as this.

Saying the contrary is admiting you never wanted to change but pretending.

12-30-2003, 08:29 PM
And anyone not willing to give someone else, especially as admittedly young as Sarah, a second chance is petty, pitiful, and cleary more interested in having someone to rant at than getting to the bottom of the truth...

Evidence? Me.

Oh, I know-- she's gotten to me, too. I laugh in your face for that one, though, and just wish it was my place to lay out the whole story. But I ask... based on this thread alone... do I seem like the typical boys that she's been able to wrap up? Answer yes, and be promptly ignored.

Things change-- that's the only universal truth. Nothing ever stays the same, for better or for worse.

Have some self-respect and be ready to let go your source of sniping, less you show your true colors.

Tsa's pissed, right? He seems ready to at least have an open mind about it. That so much to ask?

-Fizzan's Player

12-30-2003, 08:38 PM
The problem Fizzan is we have given her quite a few chances, and have given her ample opportunity to retract the lies she was caught in. I am not much older than she is, and I in no way would do what she does\did or even consider it. It must be the environment I grew up in I guess if I would have lied like that my ass would have been red for a good long time.

[Edited on 12-31-2003 by The Edine]

12-30-2003, 08:41 PM
Problem is with internet, you never knew when to understand if it's real or not.

In her case, she proved without any doubt that she has issues IN REALITY

She called people, threated to commit suicide for STUPID reasons, and so on, i won't even name em all.

You cannot give her the benefice of the doubt knowing she CONSTANTLY acted like this and NEVER changed for ANYONE.

12-30-2003, 09:26 PM
I never got introuble at home for lying because I didn't. You all seem to think of me as someone who is terrible in real life. How many of you have met me? I rest my case. I lie online all the time... Online is to entertain myself..If I entertain myself by lying then thats what I do. I have recently found that is not the best way to do it. I find it funny that you all of a sudden all once one Fizzan's side now are being not as nice to him. That shows how petty people can be. Fizzan had a very very hard time believing what I had to say. I had to bend over backwards for him including giving him brand new pictures along with some with signs. He still is on his guard and does not always believe me without solid proof. Do not even begin to think I have him under my "spell" as some will say. You all think I am getting his approval blindly... you all do not see the proof that I am forced to give him in order for him to continue to even glance my way. Do not take it out on him.

12-30-2003, 09:32 PM
I wouldn't bend over backwards for men I meet in games if I were you.. unless you like that sort of thing.

12-30-2003, 10:29 PM
umm lets just make it simple so you can understand I supported Fizzan when I agreed with him, when he became a turncoat my support for him went away, I think that was obvious to him as well as to everyone else but you. I find it very very VERY hard to belive your words "oh sure I lie all the time online just for the hell of it to amuse myself but I never lie to friends or at home" I mean really look at what you just said, can you see how stupid that sounds? The player behind fizzan can do whatever he wants Im sure he does not need you to speak for him either. Why might I ask are you going out of your way to have him talk to you... does somebody have a crush? ::snickers::

[Edited on 12-31-2003 by The Edine]

12-30-2003, 10:34 PM
She banalises (triviality) it again, see?

A lot of people that surely thought they knew her came here and told us how BAD and MEAN she is.

Yet, she banalises ALL her behavior (since she lies all the time)

Does that means it's completely useless to even responde to her?

12-30-2003, 10:37 PM
most likely yes but It amuses me all the same. I stood back while everyone was flaming her and just asked for the proof I needed, it never came and after the strayrogue issue I have decided I might as well join in the fun.

12-30-2003, 11:23 PM
Wow lets see...way to back peddle and try to pull yourself outta the SHIT girl. First its all I want forgiveness then its Oh I lie online so I can amuse myself.

Let me give you a fucking clue. If YOU self admittedly lie all the time that makes YOU a liar. WHY WOULD anyone respect you? I sure the hell don't and won't ever do so.

You backpeddle so much and when the going gets tough you try to get them to call you in real life or win them over with hi look at me I'm a really cute little teenage hot in the pants for anything male type thing.

Is that my opinion of you? Yes it is for the simple fact you've never shown differently. You're like some little teenage cyber whore ready to go out and suck off anything that gives you the least bit of attention. If you can't even have respect for yourself online I'd hate to see the way you are in real life.

You my dear have more issues than time life magazine. You can sit back and laugh and say you don't care. You can manipulate your little male friends (I've noticed but the only ones who she can get to defend her are guys never see a female do you?) play head games with them whatever it is you do with your sick little twisted mind and then try to justify it by saying I can lie online and its okay is bullshit.

Why even come here and post you claim its for amusement. I think its the simple fact that you want attention and have NOTHING else better to do. When it comes down to it you claim you don't care what others think or if they like you or not. But by self admittance you said yourself YOU meet people once every 6 months. When someone gets angry and does come out you. You try your best to suck up to them and try to change them to your way of thinkin. Obviously little miss I'm the girl who cried wolf you do care or else you wouldn't try to prove yourself to these so called people you'll never meet.

I've tried to give you the benefit of the doubt. I really have. I don't even have to meet you in game I'd never judge you by that. I'm judging you by your ways here and frankly I'd rather talk to a stone wall then associate with you. Thank the goddess I don't have to and you "don't care that you'll never meet me".


Weedmage Princess
12-31-2003, 12:02 AM
Once more for the people in the Upper Deck...

all with me, everybody...

Shut the hell up, Teeoncy

12-31-2003, 12:24 AM
Play nice, or I'll destroy you all.

Weedmage Princess
12-31-2003, 12:28 AM


12-31-2003, 12:38 AM
No I do not have to speak for him.

As for not telling the truth on-line but in real life... I did not say it was right to lie online. Which is why I am stopping.

If you want to have interaction with me or not that is your choice and your choice alone. Again, you can keep pondering on my past and get upset over it all over again or keep your eyes open for the future.

But this is irritating me now...so, have fun.

12-31-2003, 12:43 AM
get upset?! you give yourself far to much credit.

12-31-2003, 01:56 AM
Originally posted by tenlaughs
Tsa`ah-- You obviously make it clear on the boards that you hate me...

I have done no such thing. Point it out if you believe otherwise.

One thing that I do is give everyone the benefit of the doubt until they remove all doubt on their own.

12-31-2003, 02:07 AM
Dryad-- if that part about boys being the only ones defending her was in any way directed at me, I retract my offer to marry you (give me that ring back!), and I do as I promised I would do should anyone insinuate she had worked her routine on me-- ha, ha.

Daina (spelled right? Don't wanna go back)-- no, dear. You seem more than open minded. I just happened to post that probably the same time you did, and had not yet had a chance to see your post. Notice the time lapse between my posts, and you'll hopefully understand. Gracci.

Xcalibur-- flying 5,000 kilometers (metric system sucks) to meet someone from a text based game is not pitiful. Moaning, groaning, sniping, flaming, whining and bitching for 2440 or more posts (on this PC board alone, who knows about other places) over someone you know only through a text based game is pitiful.

And if these people are so full of lies, what makes you even think that any of the RL stuff you take to be truth really happened? Do you have some excellent, 100% reliable, inside source that feeds you this information? No. So why is it that you feel the need to get so adamant about all of this? (I read your IM to Chad, too.) "Blame Canada!" Or maybe just French Canada.

Just want to re-iterate something I think I've mentioned eight or ten times in this thread already...

The more angry, flamed, and downright sinister your post, the less credit it can really be given. I mean, it clearly displays your bais towards her, and there's really no point in posting that you're not going to believe her-- chances are, she doesn't think you will anyway. Seems to me, IMHO, that it's just another opportunity to snipe and gripe on an easy target.

I mean, if she's so little, and so much a nothing, and all of the other things you accuse her of, why give her the attention (that you claim she has to have) that she clearly doesn't deserve?

Am I way off the mark here? Please, someone form a nice, calm, and level headed post (that's properly punctuated, at least) and let me know if I am.

Does Sarah have a long way to go? Who doesn't.

Can't we just let it die, and wait and see what turns out? At least if she lies this time, it'll be nigh impossible for her to be trusted again. Worth it to sit it out? You decide.

--Fizzan's Player

"God, you don't even know... the half about me. I bring it straight to your chest-- ask your staff about me."

Weedmage Princess
12-31-2003, 03:34 AM
If that was based on my posts telling her to shut the hell up...I must say...I don't care how much credibility anyone who's willing to befriend a wretch like her who admits to lying just about all the time she's online gives me, honestly.

If people are looking to forgive her or treat her like she's worth something--that's their business..and I won't knock them for it. However, as far as I'm concerned..once a liar, always a liar..and I've no use for a liar. Can't stand liars, especially malicious ones...and they deserve whatever they get.

I think what needs to be understood here is the reason for [some] people's hostility towards her. I'll speak for myself here. At one time I defended this thing. I thought people were being uneccessarily mean to her..so threads in which people trashed her badly, I tried to stick up for her, and even tried to derail. I failed in my attempts, because their dislike for her was just THAT STRONG. (ever wonder why?) Well..I backed out of the whole thing at that point, figured she was getting a raw deal, and legitimately felt bad for her. But you know what they say about lies..the more you tell, the worse it gets--and all things come to light. Well I saw lots of her lies coming to light. Little inconsistencies at first..then they got bigger and more blatant. "Wow, maybe she really isn't such a nice person after all." I thought.

She starts getting very mean spirited, insulting people in general, not just people who were insulting her (like she slammed Spun Girl who was actually trying to defend her) ..then made other disparaging remarks about people on these boards..the guys needed to go try to have sex with women on these boards who were over 30 and at their peak because they're too ugly to have had sex in their 20's or something to that effect she said. She'd say these things, say she was leaving the boards..then come back with another handle, Ten Laughs, lie to back her story up (saying she wasn't Teeoncy), insult more people..and then (this was the big deal) accuse Ten Laughs as Teeoncy of harrassing her...which is an issue for Staff because that would be a violation of TOS. So..I in so many words blew the whistle on her. I knew she was lying about making the handle Ten Laughs because the signature she has as Ten Laughs..about Life being a one night stand? She had the same thing on her AIM SN profile that she had listed under her old handle here, Lady Teeoncy. I also asked someone to verify for me if they were both the same. I couldn't do this myself you see because she had never posted with both handles in a folder I moderate...and the person confirmed that both IPs matched. Didn't give me the number mind you, just told me there was a match. So I in so many words, blew the whistle on her...more of a matter of just trying to get her to shut up and leave it be. Well she didn't..and I can only imagine she was quite pissed with me seeing as I made her look foolish. So what does she do? She goes and tells people that I gave out her IP address (which I never had, mind you) to someone close to her...this person being Stray Rogue..who had never spoken to her--or me for that matter-- a day in his life outside of PC. If I'd done such a thing, not only would my moderator status here be revoked, both Stray and I would have been banned.

So yeah, that was a pretty nasty, malicious lie. Luckily for me, I'm not in the habit of telling lies so I do have some credibility..and like I said, it was impossible for me to get her IP address at that point. It also didn't help that the supposed IP address Stray gave her...didn't even match with whatever her real IP is when she had administration check it...heh.

A final note. A lie is a lie...where and when you tell it..be it online, to your priest, to your friends, etc. doesn't change what it is. So just because you "lie online" doesn't mean you're not a liar. And let me further clarify..I don't mean a little fib like you are really an inch or two shorter than what you say, or things of that nature. I mean true, serious lies which are told out of malice with the intent to hurt people..which is what she does. It takes a special kind of scum to do that 99% of the time. Just because it's online, doesn't make the lies..or the person..any less scummy.

12-31-2003, 04:41 AM
This thread hasn't died yet? ::stare::
Well, im not posting on her behalf.. Anyways, about sarah.. Well, im still debating whether to give her another chance or not.. But in the mean time, we arent talking. Im somewhat pissed at her, but here is the truth as far as i can see it. You all wanna know, Sarah has changed, a lot. She lied to me, about many things. She had me all wrapped up.. And it was shit, cause i've never been caught up like that before, ever, so i had no idea which way was up or down. I came to my senses.. Eventually. Regardless, she has come out, and told me strait out how much she lied. She was sorry, all that. And thats fine. Anyone can do that. But the thing is, she knows damn well what she did. She had no reasons, whatsoever, when i asked her, "Why the fuck should i give you a second chance? What reasons do i have, to NOT hate you"... Her answer was simply, none. Sarah has changed.. so look.. A lot of you read those logs. I have more reason to hate her than any of you.. Yes, even YOU Cat. I was quite fucked up, and it's not like it was for a single day either. I WANT to hate her guts, but she HAS changed.. just hold out, and see, before you start flaming again.


EDIT: Edited cause i dont think right at 5AM in the morning, and im sure i will edit again tomorrow when i wake up and say, "How the hell did i come up with spelling it like THAT?"

[Edited on 12-31-2003 by Chadj]

12-31-2003, 04:54 AM
Originally posted by Fizzan
I mean, if she's so little, and so much a nothing, and all of the other things you accuse her of, why give her the attention (that you claim she has to have) that she clearly doesn't deserve?

Am I way off the mark here? Please, someone form a nice, calm, and level headed post (that's properly punctuated, at least) and let me know if I am.

Does Sarah have a long way to go? Who doesn't.

Can't we just let it die, and wait and see what turns out? At least if she lies this time, it'll be nigh impossible for her to be trusted again. Worth it to sit it out? You decide.

--Fizzan's Player

"God, you don't even know... the half about me. I bring it straight to your chest-- ask your staff about me."

I consider myself to be pretty level-headed. I do not play GemStone anymore, so have no bone to pick with Teeoncy or her player from that aspect. What I know of her comes from what I have seen here. To be blunt, it is not a pretty picture.

I made a comment earlier, suggesting that to make the changes to oneself that Teeoncy's player is purportedly trying to make is not an easy task. It is not done quickly, it is not done without huge effort, and it is not done with words.

Inherent in that suggestion was the notion that it was probably best to stop talking here about the changes she was making, so the best thing to do was to stop paying it lip service and just do it quietly and without all the fanfare.

Did Teeoncy's player heed that advice? No, she did not. She is still here, gabbling on about not telling lies anymore. That shows me a person who, as many have pointed out, is starved for attention...any kind of attention. Those are the people who, in my experience, tend to tell the kind of lies she has told. It is that aspect of the personality that must be altered in order for the necessary changes to be even remotely possible. Until that is done, no progress can be made. It has been seen in others on these boards, believe me.

You asked for a level-headed opinion. I have given you mine. I believe it to be without undue prejudice. Your mileage may vary. ;)

HarmNone says...keep it quiet and just DO IT

12-31-2003, 08:50 AM
Ha but alas I must ask How doe we know she is not lieing now or she did not lie to you chadj, Fizzan? you can not assue anyone otherwise. We have our experiences with her and will respond to any assurance according to what we already know not what you say.

12-31-2003, 09:41 AM
Originally posted by Fizzan
Dryad-- if that part about boys being the only ones defending her was in any way directed at me, I retract my offer to marry you (give me that ring back!), and I do as I promised I would do should anyone insinuate she had worked her routine on me-- ha, ha.

Let me tell ya something sweetie if I had meant you. I would have said Fizzan, I'm not one to candy coat anything. So no I wasn't directing it towards you.

As for my "big mean post" Im going by the way she has portrayed herself here. The fact that she has lied and tried to get others in trouble makes her pretty low in my opinion. No not things I've heard, its the things she has done its solid proof she tried to get two people here in trouble. So yes there is proof.

There is a huge difference between little white lies and the things that Teooncy/Sarah has brought forth. When you start trying to manipulate others thoughts or feelings with those lies thats when you start dealing with issues that not even a messageboard can point out.

As I have said before. I go by the way she has shown herself here. Nothing more or nothing less. As for her trying to change? I'll believe it when I see it, she dug this grave herself now its her turn to lay in it. Not you or anyone else who defends or wants to give her a chance can change the mind of others that she has hurt with her lies or whatever.

Like I've also said. If you are friends with her thats fantastic. I don't really care if you are or not it does NOT change my opinion of you as a person. (The you's being in general of those who are friends with her and support her) . NOT everyone is going to kiss her ass or want to give her a second chance or bow down to her. I for one am one of those people who will always see her as a liar and will not believe a word that comes out of her mouth.

Online or not she has made her bed and now she has to lay in it.


Edited: Because Nyquil makes me forget things.

[Edited on 12-31-2003 by Bewitchindryad25]

12-31-2003, 09:58 AM
All that being said, it ends AGAIN as this

people having a reason to remain friendly with her, which is a few people, that reason is, I would say, influenced by something.

People having doubts (justified) and not believing a pseudo-call again for sympathy or attention.

Why does people knowing Warclaidhm won't believe him anymore? because he tried EVERYTHING in his power to get that sympathy/attention.

Threat to suicide, admiting problems in life, justification with sicknesses, et cetera.

Guess what? she did the same, and in some case she did worse.

Also, I'd like to take the opportunity to say that no woman deserve respect when that said woman insulted a 2 years old children.


[Edited on 31-12-03 by Xcalibur]

12-31-2003, 03:32 PM
Dryad-- I feel you entirely. In your shoes, I might well be inclined to do the same thing. However, you also seem willing to at least sit back and see, and that speaks highly of your character. You may never come to forgive or forget, but at least you may come to see a change. Huge of you!

X-- pointedly ignore the turn around on your weak-worded "is pitiful" comment; knew that was coming. No real counter for the truth, eh? And "all of these instances" you're talking about... calling a 2 year old child a whore... I'm twice as close to both parties in that incident than you could ever hope to be, and I find it funny that they're not the ones here bringing it up, but you are.

Are you really that good hearted that you take it upon yourself to try and warn people (who don't need your ridiculous warnings in the first place) about Sarah before they "get hurt"? Or are you going to submit to my assesment of you-- it's an easy target for your petty snipes. Let it die.

HarmNone-- extremely open minded! Three cheers! You're right, she did come back and post again. Not a step in the right direction. Maybe she's learned her lesson. Personally speaking, I'd say it's probably best if she just stop reading the boards (at least this thread in particular) all together.

It's almost impossible to sit back and watch yourself slandered without posting some type of reply. Unless, of course, you're afraid of getting squashed after you post the reply. ::CoughcoughCanadacoughcough::

Edine-- I feel you, too. "The world is full of dangerous women"-- theme from the Odyssey (did I spell that right?). Fortunately, I know more females than I can count, IRL, ten times as dangerous as Sarah could ever be. I don't think anyone's asking for instant forgiveness, or maybe even forgiveness at all. Just the ability to try and turn things around. Even you seem willing to grant that, given enough time. BIg of you, too.

Everyone with long, flamed-up posts-- I'm not passing judgement on your rage at her, because I"m aware of multiple instances in which that rage might become justified.

I would like to know what Sarah's done to you all personally, though. Whether it's "hurt a friend", or "lied to so and so about me", or whatever. Most of you seem inclined to add this to your posts (Mage, for instance, talking about the whole ip lie and accusation thing, is justified!), but others seem pretty close-lipped.

You have to realize, those of us (probably very few) who have not taken the time to read the pages and pages of posts on Sarah/Teeoncy/Kataleena don't know what the deal is, and you just seem like you're taking pot shots at a non-moving, half-dead target.

Whoever made this point had it right on the mark-- if she's so awful and not worth anyone's time, shouldn't we pity her as a person instead of taking out our anger? Only seems logical.

--Fizzan's Player, who wants to make it clear that he's not defending Sarah, only trying to understand why people aren't willing to give her a chance.

"What can I say to make you see how the fuck I feel, to make me wanna jump over the edge? I'm charged off of staic, gettin' shot up on the ledge. For pain, instead of 'caine, I took a blunt off to the head..."

12-31-2003, 03:42 PM
I don't know you, I cannot imagine what you know about her, about Cat in the hat, about your life, about anything.

In my mind, she is a dangerous person everyone should avoid. You think the contrary? it's your problem.

That being said, I replied on this topic at page 10 or so, so I did let it die, but it seems she cannot lay low for 1 day (beside laying low for, ahh pointless flaming, i'll let you finish the sentence)