View Full Version : Pelosi: Superdelegates may do damage.

03-16-2008, 11:44 AM
WASHINGTON (AP) – House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says it would be damaging to the Democratic party for its leaders to buck the will of national convention delegates picked in primaries and caucuses, a declaration that gives a boost to Sen. Barack Obama.

"If the votes of the superdelegates overturn what's happened in the elections, it would be harmful to the Democratic party," Pelosi said in an interview taped Friday for broadcast Sunday on ABC's "This Week."

The California Democrat did not mention either Obama or his rival, Sen. Hillary Clinton, by name. But her remarks seemed to suggest she was prepared to cast her ballot at the convention in favor of the candidate who emerges from the primary season with the most pledged delegates.

Obama leads Clinton by 142 pledged delegates — those delegates picked in nomination contests to date, in The Associated Press' count.

Barring an unlikely string of landslide victories by the former first lady in the remaining states, he will end the primary season with a delegate lead, but short of the 2025 needed to win the nomination.

That gives the balance of power to the so-called superdelegates, prominent Democrats who are automatically entitled to attend the convention because of their status as members of Congress or other leaders. Clinton leads Obama for their support in the AP count, 249-213.

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Agreed; however, the DNC should have thought of that before they created the supedelegate system and then cherrypicked the delegates.

Reap what you sow? :yes:

03-16-2008, 12:04 PM
Honestly, with the show of support for Hillary coming from the GOP as of late, the recent scandal might help obama. GOP pseudo-support for hillary may dissolve with his apparent fall from grace.

03-16-2008, 01:10 PM
Honestly, with the show of support for Hillary coming from the GOP as of late, the recent scandal might help obama. GOP pseudo-support for hillary may dissolve with his apparent fall from grace.

Holy reverse psychology meta-double think against the tides...

(and you're probably right, except that Rush doesn't have anything else to do with his time as far as I can see)