View Full Version : University Paper's "F*** Bush" Editorial Angers School Officials

09-23-2007, 12:19 AM
Newspaper Article (http://www.coloradoan.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070921/UPDATES01/70921018)

A four-word editorial published in the student newspaper at Colorado State University has landed the paper’s student man-agers in hot water with campus administrators.

The Rocky Mountain Collegian on Friday published an editorial that reads, in total, “Taser this… F--- BUSH,” spelling out the expletive, along with an explanation that “this column represents the views of the Collegian’s editorial board.”


The second two words of the editorial are printed in extremely large print, about twice the size of a headline.

While the Collegian is editorially independent, CSU retains a measure of control though a 10-member faculty-student Board of Student Communications, which can fire the paper’s editor-in-chief, David McSwane.

In a letter addressed to the university community and Collegian readers, Jeff Browne, director of student media, said he is planning to launch an internal investigation into “the decision-making process” followed in publishing the editorial.

Noting that the paper has First Amendment rights to publish “what they see fit,” Browne continued, “We do not support the specific editorial statement on page 4 of today’s Collegian. We find it unnecessary and unbefitting the proud 116-year tradition of the Collegian.”

Browne also wrote that readers and CSU community members who want to complain should contact him. The Board of Stu-dent Communications meets next on Oct. 10, and complaints will likely be heard then, if not before, he said. The board com-prises seven students and three faculty members.

McSwane earned international attention when, as a high school senior, he pretended to be a high school dropout wanting to enlist in the military. McSwane, who at the time was 17, recorded video of a recruiter saying he would get help to cover up a supposed drug problem, and acquire him a fake high school diploma.

McSwane on Friday morning said he had not yet seen a copy of Browne’s letter and was not prepared to comment but ex-pected to comment later today.

I'm all for first amendment, but "Fuck Bush" is going a bit far. As the editor of a school newspaper you're representing the university and you should operate with class.

09-23-2007, 02:23 AM
What if he really wanted to fuck Bush? Does that change things?

09-23-2007, 09:46 AM
no then it should've said sexorz bush.

09-23-2007, 10:03 AM
I wouldn't wipe my dog's ass with that paper. It could have said FUCK CLINTON and my opinion wouldn't change. It's irresponsible of the paper to print it and the Editors should be held accountable.

09-23-2007, 10:12 AM
I wouldn't wipe my dog's ass with that paper. It could have said FUCK CLINTON and my opinion wouldn't change. It's irresponsible of the paper to print it and the Editors should be held accountable.

I'd like to start a poll of people who believe that.

I do, however, agree with your sentiment.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
09-23-2007, 10:40 AM
What if he really wanted to fuck Bush? Does that change things?

If this is a serious question, it's stupid.

09-23-2007, 01:43 PM
If this is a serious question, it's stupid.

It is so obviously sarcasm, that I can't believe you asked that.

And it was funny - a little.

09-23-2007, 01:51 PM
It is so obviously sarcasm, that I can't believe you asked that.

And it was funny - a little.

Some people are easily amused.

09-23-2007, 02:49 PM
Damn, I once again fail to impress Nien with my witty observations, and my e-peen is now reduced.


09-23-2007, 03:05 PM
You need to make a departure post now and return as 934 different easily identified handles.

09-23-2007, 03:28 PM
What's with the random hyphens in the article?

09-23-2007, 06:00 PM
You need to make a departure post now and return as 934 different easily identified handles.



09-23-2007, 06:13 PM
I hate u all! Pls deleet my acct.