View Full Version : Nuke sites spotted in Syria

09-12-2007, 10:52 PM
Washington official says Israeli surveillance shows possible Syrian nuclear installation stocked by North Korea, Israeli Arab newspaper claims target of alleged raid last week was Syrian missile base financed by Iran

Israel believes that North Korea has been supplying Syria and Iran with nuclear materials, a Washington defense official told the New York Times. “The Israelis think North Korea is selling to Iran and Syria what little they have left,” he said.

The official added that recent Israeli reconnaissance flights over Syria revealed possible nuclear installations that Israeli officials estimate might have been supplied with material from North Korea.

Meanwhile on Wednesday the Nazareth-based Israeli Arab newspaper The Assennara cited anonymous Israeli sources as saying that Israeli jets "bombed a Syrian-Iranian missile base in northern Syria that was financed by Iran... It appears that the base was completely destroyed."

According to the Times, American officials confirmed Tuesday that Israeli jets launched an airstrike inside Syria. Sources said that Israel struck at least one target in northeastern Syria, but could not provide more details.

The most likely target was, according to some administration officials, weapon caches sent by Iran to Hizbullah through Syria.
North Korea commented on the incident Tuesday, calling it a "dangerous provocation", Chinese News Agency Xinhua reported on Tuesday.

"This is a very dangerous provocation little short of wantonly violating the sovereignty of Syria and seriously harassing the regional peace and security," a North Korean Foreign Ministry spokesman said.

"The Democratic People's Republic of Korea strongly denounces the above-said intrusion and extends full support and solidarity to the Syrian people in their just cause to defend the national security and the regional peace."

http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3448829,00.html (http://www.ynetnews.com/Ext/Comp/ArticleLayout/CdaArticlePrintPreview/1,2506,L-3448829,00.html)
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So this explains why those Israeli jets were fired upon in northern Syria earlier this week.



09-12-2007, 10:58 PM
So this explains why those Israeli jets were fired upon in northern Syria earlier this week.




Israel is very good at playing puppet master.

09-13-2007, 12:14 AM
Are these like the chemical weapons sites we saw in Iraq and had our house-slave Colin Powell wave in front of the UN?

"Lookie, massah! These hyeah be biologic bombs, yessir!"

09-13-2007, 01:21 AM
Heck. Somebody needs to track down James Baker. October Suprise 2!

09-13-2007, 08:57 AM
You think we would suddenly just notice they have whole sites? riigghht.

With as much shit we watch over there, we'd be seeing them start to build sites long before they were finished..and working.


09-13-2007, 09:22 AM
Are these like the chemical weapons sites we saw in Iraq and had our house-slave Colin Powell wave in front of the UN?

"Lookie, massah! These hyeah be biologic bombs, yessir!"

I'd truly like to see you personally express that to Colin Powell face-to-face. It's absolutely ludicrous to expect North Korea, Iran or Syria to be involved in illegal weapons transfers, isn't it? You act as if these suspiscions were levied against Denmark, Sweden and Holland.

09-13-2007, 09:27 AM
I'd truly like to see you personally express that to Colin Powell face-to-face.

Oh he does... in his fantasy dream world. He's tough in there, but kind.

Stanley Burrell
09-13-2007, 09:48 AM
"Lookie, massah! These hyeah be biologic bombs, yessir!"

:rofl: x 10^100


09-13-2007, 09:48 AM
Ah well, I figured it'd be Iran with whom we goto war next.

09-13-2007, 09:53 AM
Ah well, I figured it'd be Iran with whom we goto war next.

We should just let them do whatever they want.. and worry about it when they actually use a nuclear device.

Tea & Strumpets
09-13-2007, 09:54 AM
Calling Colin Powell an Uncle Tom because you disagree with him politically is a very enlightened approach. You two should be proud!

09-13-2007, 10:20 AM
Calling Colin Powell an Uncle Tom because you disagree with him politically is a very enlightened approach. You two should be proud!


But hey, you know its all about hugs in kisses in international relations with TheE's viewpoint.

Interesting that the materials of the sites were concluded to have come from N. Korea and Iran. I wonder if any were also obtained from pre-invaded Iraq.

Stanley Burrell
09-13-2007, 10:25 AM
Powell wasn't an Uncle Tom. He was a politician with a gimmick.

Bush is definitely Cheney's Egor, though.

09-13-2007, 01:20 PM
POwell calls that day at the UN the worst mistake of his life. I'm sure if I said, "Those white boys in the Administration paraded you out in front of the UNJ to give some legitimacy to their unjust war", he would agree with me.

As for him being the slave...I thought it was funny, because it did seem that he was dancing for his puppet masters who he disagreed with vehemently in the months leading up to that presentation at the UN.


09-13-2007, 01:41 PM
POwell calls that day at the UN the worst mistake of his life. I'm sure if I said, "Those white boys in the Administration paraded you out in front of the UNJ to give some legitimacy to their unjust war", he would agree with me.
No he wouldnt agree to what you just worded. Nice thoughts though bigot.

As for him being the slave...I thought it was funny, because it did seem that he was dancing for his puppet masters who he disagreed with vehemently in the months leading up to that presentation at the UN.

We'll remind you of being a puppet when you start working legitimately for your DA's office. In the real world, you do as you're told if you wish to keep the job you're doing. ;)

09-13-2007, 01:44 PM
Stanley Burrell (http://forum.gsplayers.com/member.php?u=2899)
This message is hidden because Stanley Burrell is on your ignore list (http://forum.gsplayers.com/profile.php?do=editlist).


09-13-2007, 02:15 PM
In the real world, you do as you're told if you wish to keep the job you're doing

:smirks: Precisely the problem in the Powell situation.

09-13-2007, 02:29 PM
I don't know if you've ever been an ADA before, but they are generally given large discretion of their own. This is especially true in the Manhattan DA's office. None of them ever were told "you can't prosecute this case", or "you must prosecute this case".


09-13-2007, 02:34 PM
I don't know if you've ever been an ADA before, but they are generally given large discretion of their own. This is especially true in the Manhattan DA's office. None of them ever were told "you can't prosecute this case", or "you must prosecute this case".


I wasn't aware you made ADA. Congratulations.

09-13-2007, 02:35 PM

Holy crap, I never realized there was an ignore list.

Tea & Strumpets
09-14-2007, 09:03 AM
POwell calls that day at the UN the worst mistake of his life. I'm sure if I said, "Those white boys in the Administration paraded you out in front of the UNJ to give some legitimacy to their unjust war", he would agree with me.

As for him being the slave...I thought it was funny, because it did seem that he was dancing for his puppet masters who he disagreed with vehemently in the months leading up to that presentation at the UN.


Sheesh. You set new landmarks for stupidity. I'm not sure what is more unrealistic, your Amos & Andy impression of Colin powell, or your delusion from fantasyland where you and Colin Powell are discussing how Colin is an ignoramus trotted out by Whitey.


It was Powell who told the United Nations and the world that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and posed an imminent threat. He told Walters that he feels "terrible" about the claims he made in that now-infamous address -- assertions that later proved to be false.

When asked if he feels it has tarnished his reputation, he said, "Of course it will. It's a blot. I'm the one who presented it on behalf of the United States to the world, and [it] will always be a part of my record. It was painful. It's painful now."

He doesn't blame former CIA Director George Tenet for the misleading information he says he pored over for days before delivering his speech; he faults the intelligence system.

"George Tenet did not sit there for five days with me misleading me. He believed what he was giving to me was accurate. … The intelligence system did not work well," he said.

That's wierd how Powell doesn't agree with you at all. I know in your Fantasyland that Powell can't make his own decisions or have his own point of view since he is a black man in a white world, but I figured I'd throw Colin's real point of view up there anyway. Surely he is just reciting what he was told to say on that day.

09-14-2007, 09:04 AM
Ehh...people have different views of things than mainstream news bytes. I believe he made some different statements in a book?

Tea & Strumpets
09-14-2007, 09:08 AM
Ehh...people have different views of things than mainstream news bytes. I believe he made some different statements in a book?

I read his entire book "I am a pawn for Whitey" and he didn't mention it at all.

09-14-2007, 09:54 AM
I don't know if you've ever been an ADA before, but they are generally given large discretion of their own. This is especially true in the Manhattan DA's office. None of them ever were told "you can't prosecute this case", or "you must prosecute this case".

I've never been an ADA; however, I can guarantee you that if the DA tells you how to prosecute a case, you'll do it. Or you'll be on the street.

I wasn't aware you made ADA. Congratulations.

Well, he hasnt, but he slept in a Holiday Inn Express last night.

09-14-2007, 10:25 AM
I'm not an ADA, which is why I said "they" are given lots of discretion.

I feel lucky to count many ADAs as my friends, though.