View Full Version : Judge Strikes Down Part of Patriot Act

09-06-2007, 05:41 PM
NEW YORK (AP) - A federal judge struck down parts of the revised USA Patriot Act on Thursday, saying investigators must have a court's approval before they can order Internet providers to turn over records without telling customers.

U.S. District Judge Victor Marrero said the government orders must be subject to meaningful judicial review and that the recently rewritten Patriot Act ``offends the fundamental constitutional principles of checks and balances and separation of powers.''


09-06-2007, 06:10 PM
oh noes, a district court judge.

We'll see how the Court of Appeals handles it.

Stanley Burrell
09-06-2007, 06:40 PM
oh noes, a district court judge.

We'll see how the Court of Appeals handles it.

#A) Awesome for this judge to pose a challenge in lieu the crock of shit that is the Patriot Act, regardless of which court he represents. Bravo :clap:

It's a shame that the court that will finally battle it (The P.A.) isn't the one that called for its enactment.

And would you seriously expect the first quarrels with the many illegalities of the Patriot Act to somehow come from any court of substantial recognition?

Maybe, with enough piecing together of district courts it could reach a Grand federal court, and gain snowball effect. I'm at least positive that this will happen eventually, just not in due time.

09-06-2007, 06:54 PM
I support the Patriot Act's current incarnation. I laugh at the District Judge.

(even though she's pretty much right, unfortunately).

09-06-2007, 07:51 PM
Victor sounds like a male name.

And it didn't mention which district court, but since the AP says New York, gonna assume the case is there, and I think the 2nd Circuit will probably affirm.

Thank God, I hate the Patriot Act.

09-06-2007, 07:55 PM
Yeah...I didn't read the judge's name or something. Dunno why I called Victor a she.

09-06-2007, 08:32 PM
Victor? Sounds like turror to me.