View Full Version : Despite their apparent white conservativeness, FDNY is not all Rudy fans.

07-03-2007, 11:29 AM
The head of the New York firefighter's union has vowed to sink Rudy's candidacy. I know Unions are theoretically pretty pro-Democratic, but firefighters (like the military) don't really fall into that category.

http://www.nypost.com/seven/07012007/news/regionalnews/union_big_opens_fire_on_giuliani_regionalnews_ging er_adams_otis.htm?page=0

This is interesting after him somewhat weathering the attack on him in March by the International Association of Fire Fighters.


and Rudy's bumbled response


Is stuff like this why Rudy's not in the lead? Is the Thompson surge going to change the game or not? For my own part I don't think Huckabee has the leverage and that makes me happy. He scares me much more than most Republicans.

07-03-2007, 11:39 AM
A union is a union is a union.

Personally I dont think the FDNY speaks for the entire US. They do have credibility in critiquing his leadership and management style, therefore they deserve an opportunity to voice their opinion. But someone vowing to sink someone's campaign instead of putting something out there to let the people decide kind of presents some personal bias where it wont do the FDNY the most benefit or give them any added credibility.

07-03-2007, 11:58 AM
There are a lot of NY residents who aren't big Rudy fans and will practically froth at the mouth when discussing him as a president.

07-03-2007, 12:09 PM
"For someone running for the highest office in the country claiming to be a leader on terrorism, Giuliani's track record stinks," Cassidy declared."

You don't say. In the same token he has much in common with Bush as it pertains to stumbling track records and claims of expertise in areas they once failed at miserably.

07-03-2007, 12:10 PM
The UFA has been harping on Rudy for years it's not like they just now decided to put the information out there. Isn't putting out disparaging information about his leadership ability and decision making skills a round about way of sinking his campaign anyway? Whats the difference if they are just more blunt about their goal?

Anyway from what I can tell is most of the ill feelings come from Rudy being way to big on his anti crime stance and empowering the NYPD that other social services like the FDNY ended up suffering.

07-12-2007, 10:44 AM
Now there's an actual campaign ad...


07-12-2007, 10:54 AM
The UFA has been harping on Rudy for years it's not like they just now decided to put the information out there. Isn't putting out disparaging information about his leadership ability and decision making skills a round about way of sinking his campaign anyway? Whats the difference if they are just more blunt about their goal?

Anyway from what I can tell is most of the ill feelings come from Rudy being way to big on his anti crime stance and empowering the NYPD that other social services like the FDNY ended up suffering.

Yea.. because being anti crime is a bad thing.

This just in.. he cleaned up NYC. If I thought he could clean up just a small section of Washington, he'd get my vote.

07-12-2007, 10:56 AM
"For someone running for the highest office in the country claiming to be a leader on terrorism, Giuliani's track record stinks," Cassidy declared."

You don't say. In the same token he has much in common with Bush as it pertains to stumbling track records and claims of expertise in areas they once failed at miserably.

Yea.. he could have just sat by and done nothing.. but then they would have to call him Mr. Clinton.

God.. this is too easy.

07-12-2007, 11:00 AM
Do you get a off on being a douche bag just for the sake of being a douche bag?

No one said being anti-crime was a bad thing. The FDNY's apparently complaint has never been that Rudy shouldn't have tried to lower the crime rate it's that he did it at the expense of other critical civil services like the FDNY.

07-12-2007, 11:01 AM
From the article...

Some of those in the video accused Giuliani of blaming the victims by telling the 9/11 commission that many firefighters decided to "stand their ground" when ordered to evacuate. The commission's staff reports partially support his testimony, concluding that some firefighters put off evacuating to help injured or handicapped civilians.

But while some firefighters, including at least two battalion chiefs, received the evacuation order, "other firefighters did not receive the transmissions." The system was overwhelmed by radio traffic, and some of the firefighters had rushed to the scene while off-duty without their radios, the report states.

07-12-2007, 12:08 PM
Do you get a off on being a douche bag just for the sake of being a douche bag?

No one said being anti-crime was a bad thing. The FDNY's apparently complaint has never been that Rudy shouldn't have tried to lower the crime rate it's that he did it at the expense of other critical civil services like the FDNY.

Oh waa. In my defense, this was far less douche baggie of me than normal.

I'm a results oriented kinda guy. Seems to me Rudy produced many of the results I wanted him to in NYC.

07-12-2007, 06:18 PM
Yea.. because being anti crime is a bad thing.

This just in.. he cleaned up NYC. If I thought he could clean up just a small section of Washington, he'd get my vote.

He cleaned up nothing. Robert Morgenthau cleaned up NYC. Rudy just gave cops a reason to beat people up and give the City negative press.


07-12-2007, 10:45 PM
He cleaned up nothing. Robert Morgenthau cleaned up NYC. Rudy just gave cops a reason to beat people up and give the City negative press.


LOL, yea right...

Stanley Burrell
07-13-2007, 12:27 PM
This was an issue with FDNY vs. NYPD contracts well before everyone became patriotic.

I think it even was gaining some spotlight momentum under Dinkins, iirc.

07-13-2007, 01:23 PM
Yea.. he could have just sat by and done nothing.. but then they would have to call him Mr. Clinton.

God.. this is too easy.It's easy because you didn't have anything to address. Politics aside, he makes Clinton look like a rookie school boy.

And since when was running around with a bullhorn in hand considered heroic?