View Full Version : Gonzales proposes new crime: 'Attempted' copyright infringement

05-21-2007, 04:47 PM
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales is pressing the U.S. Congress to enact a sweeping intellectual-property bill that would increase criminal penalties for copyright infringement, including "attempts" to commit piracy.

"To meet the global challenges of IP crime, our criminal laws must be kept updated," Gonzales said during a speech before the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Washington on Monday.

The Bush administration is throwing its support behind a proposal called the Intellectual Property Protection Act of 2007, which is likely to receive the enthusiastic support of the movie and music industries, and would represent the most dramatic rewrite of copyright law since a 2005 measure dealing with prerelease piracy.

* Create a new crime of life imprisonment for using pirated software. Anyone using counterfeit products who "recklessly causes or attempts to cause death" can be imprisoned for life. During a conference call, Justice Department officials gave the example of a hospital using pirated software instead of paying for it.


05-21-2007, 05:05 PM
Life imprisonment for that shit? Damn, that's cruel.

05-21-2007, 05:26 PM
How retarded.

05-21-2007, 05:37 PM
Capitalism at its finest. The government certainly is working overtime for large corporations. I also fail to see how this would be an issue that homeland security would need to concern itself with.

05-21-2007, 05:51 PM
* Permit more wiretaps for piracy investigations. Wiretaps would be authorized for investigations of Americans who are "attempting" to infringe copyrights.

* Allow computers to be seized more readily. Specifically, property such as a PC "intended to be used in any manner" to commit a copyright crime would be subject to forfeiture, including civil asset forfeiture. Civil asset forfeiture has become popular among police agencies in drug cases as a way to gain additional revenue, and it is problematic and controversial.


but they forgot one

* Permit preemptive military action against any country suspected of attempting to harbor an individual or individuals suspected of violating the Intellectual Property Protection Act of 2007.

05-21-2007, 06:31 PM
You know, I read that, and thought it was an article from the Onion. This sounds insane.