View Full Version : Man uses gun to save woman's life.

03-07-2007, 02:00 PM
In a lot of these discussions we have about banning firearms the fact that they are often used to save lives gets lost:


03-07-2007, 02:01 PM

03-07-2007, 03:59 PM
Likely lost because shooting someone with a gun causes physical harm or death and because people that know how to use a gun are taught not to threaten with it.

If you pull it out, you better damn well use it!

Either way, good for him.


03-07-2007, 04:02 PM
Imagine that...

03-07-2007, 04:08 PM
what jumps out at me from that article is that the man is only facing aggravated assault charges, probably gbh. i'm not a lawyer, so i'm curious as to why he isn't being charged with attempted murder.

03-07-2007, 04:11 PM
Maybe he argued it was a Passion crime? They looked to have been married. Let that be a lesson to everyone about the joys of marriage!

Stanley Burrell
03-08-2007, 12:07 AM
As the attack continued, people were yelling at the man to stop and honking their horns, Stuckey said. She said she called 911.

Fuck that.

I would be flattening fools with the .12 gauge shaggin' wagon.

In a lot of these discussions we have about banning firearms the fact that they are often used to save lives gets lost

You mean the fully automatic M-16 the individual used in this instance?

And no one's ever gotten bold because they had a firearm on them and broke up a fight by getting everyone involved in it killed due to misguided ballsiness.

Sean of the Thread
03-08-2007, 09:54 AM
Fuck that.

I would be flattening fools with the .12 gauge shaggin' wagon.

You mean the fully automatic M-16 the individual used in this instance?

And no one's ever gotten bold because they had a firearm on them and broke up a fight by getting everyone involved in it killed due to misguided ballsiness.

Dear Stanley,

I hope you're being sarcastic... otherwise you're truly clueless on gun law and/or gun control issues being proposed now days.

Stanley Burrell
03-08-2007, 10:28 AM
I live right next door to a Brig Gen in The State of Connecticut§ who just got funded, lemme say, exhorbitantly, for the private development of a new class of hush-hush unbelievable small to heavy firearms.

I feel that I know enough about what I do *personally* to disagree strongly (non-exclusive to citizenship ownership) with gun nerfing and/or anti-nerfing sentiment:

I've lived in The Bronx for almost twenty-two years where many-a-person's personal doing the right thing prerogative with non-registered weapons led to way more bloodshood than if they hadn't been packing the chrome to begin with (I'm not talking perpetration rather than not knowing wtf the consequences would be for stepping unknowingly into a situation where a dangerous individual has a finite hairline trigger as is.)

And again, Drew mentioned the other gun thread -- The one that spoke about an assault weapon banz0r on non-military/non-police :shrug: I think it's wonderful that a human life was saved, I doubt it was done so with citizen intervention using a fully automatic Beretta in each hand. Wearing a bandana. Fighting the Vietnamese.

Living in a country whose mental illness rate exceeds just about any and all other places on the globe by twenty neckstabs, a bound, asphyxiated nine year old girl and a woman's torso free of her body tells me why it is extremely important to keep guns as far away from the far-from-average citizen as is possible -- That includes any trickle down system of sales as well, which I feel absolutely have to be targeted from their foundation since we don't actually have the capacity nor the resources to Big Brother non-minorities.

This is not an incident that occured in someone's house and even if it were, it still wouldn't change my personal opinion that we need to protect ourselves from ourselves before we do others. That isn't supposed to be some flowery shiznit as it is some kind of M. Night Shyamalan's "The Village" metaphor, or what have you.

Anyway, if the PC's state of defending firearms expenditures lies in the rub of this thread, it makes me that much more glad that this would have to be the extreme example of gun-whatever justification :shrug:

§ - Gun-Havens, Gun-Burys, Gun-ecticut and way too lax gun sales in general, imho.

03-08-2007, 11:05 AM
Living in a country whose mental illness rate exceeds just about any and all other places on the globe by twenty neckstabs, a bound, asphyxiated nine year old girl and a woman's torso free of her body tells me why it is extremely important to keep guns as far away from the far-from-average citizen as is possibleSo let's say we obliterate all firearms, they're all gone forever. Certainly a man who would stab his wife 20 times and try to light her on fire is not well. How would this situation have changed for the better?

If we want to talk about a country as a whole, can you argue with the increased violent crime statistics from England?

03-08-2007, 11:14 AM
If we want to talk about a country as a whole, can you argue with the increased violent crime statistics from England?

They realized they were English, therefore useless, and got needlessly angry about it?


Stanley Burrell
03-08-2007, 11:49 AM
So let's say we obliterate all firearms, they're all gone forever. Certainly a man who would stab his wife 20 times and try to light her on fire is not well. How would this situation have changed for the better?

If we want to talk about a country as a whole, can you argue with the increased violent crime statistics from England?

Yep. I said we should obliterate all firearms.

Also, those quickly-pulled "statistics" would be ones not involving firearms most likely.