View Full Version : Conflict Paper

03-24-2006, 01:10 AM
I am doing a term paper on North and South Korea, and I was wondering if anyone that visits here has found some interesting views that are not American, and also reputable and citable. If you can think of anything, or even happen to have some on tap sources, I would appreciate it.

Just an FYI, I picked these two countries because I watch MASH religiously and I feel that due to my lack of knowledge and wisdom when it comes to other countries might give me a small handhold to grasp onto.

Thanks in advance,


03-24-2006, 11:56 AM
Not off the top of my head but I'm sure I could come up with something. What exactly are you looking for?

03-24-2006, 04:37 PM
I am doing a term paper on North and South Korea, and I was wondering if anyone that visits here has found some interesting views that are not American, and also reputable and citable. If you can think of anything, or even happen to have some on tap sources, I would appreciate it.

Just an FYI, I picked these two countries because I watch MASH religiously and I feel that due to my lack of knowledge and wisdom when it comes to other countries might give me a small handhold to grasp onto.

Thanks in advance,


My sister is a professional snowboarder and lived in South Korea for a while when she competed there. Although I doubt her views are citable.

03-24-2006, 07:17 PM
Not off the top of my head but I'm sure I could come up with something. What exactly are you looking for?

The paper will be based on the North and South Korean conflict during the Korean war (unless there is still a continued conflict).

Basically just any interesting references.

Thanks in advance.


03-24-2006, 07:18 PM
My sister is a professional snowboarder and lived in South Korea for a while when she competed there. Although I doubt her views are citable.

Maybe she has or knows some non American resources she would be willing to share?


03-24-2006, 07:51 PM
I'll probably sit down in a little bit and do some research for articles for you. There are all sorts of conflict in Korea, today and in the past. There's of course the military conflict with the chinese and the 38th parallel and then theres the cultural and ideological conflict that has persisted in Korea since its division.

What class is this for?

03-24-2006, 08:14 PM
It's for a sociology class. My first and last sociology class. The campus I attend has us take a 9 unit theme, to aide us in becoming even more well rounded. (Basically to force to take an extra semester, so they can make more money.)

I appreciate your attention to this Daniel, it does sound exciting to learn about. I have found a few periodicals through our online campus library, ut it seems the topic is a harder one to do research on, and my Instructor pointed that out it would be a hard topic to research. I am the one trying to take it a step further by not utilizing American resources.

Thanks again.


03-25-2006, 01:55 AM
Try looking here, got a lot of hits for this journal which means it might have some good info.


Also, got some articles but nto sure about copyright considerations as I got them through my universties database. IM me @ thecla923 and I'll send em to you.

03-25-2006, 02:25 AM
I am doing a term paper on North and South Korea, and I was wondering if anyone that visits here has found some interesting views that are not American, and also reputable and citable. If you can think of anything, or even happen to have some on tap sources, I would appreciate it.

Just an FYI, I picked these two countries because I watch MASH religiously and I feel that due to my lack of knowledge and wisdom when it comes to other countries might give me a small handhold to grasp onto.

Thanks in advance,


If you can find someone who knows how to get ahold of Caels -- Kranar might -- talk to him. He was stationed on the N Korea/S Korea division. He's told me some things about being stationed there, but just in conversation; speaks tagalog too. He's back on active duty right now though, and I haven't talked to him or seen him on IM'er for a few months.


03-25-2006, 04:23 AM
Thanks Daniel, and ES. Appreicate the info.
