View Full Version : Walmart in MA forced to carry morning after pill

02-15-2006, 06:34 PM
(CNN) -- Wal-Mart pharmacies in Massachusetts must carry emergency contraception pills, the state's pharmacy board has ruled.


The three slu... women filing complaints against Walmart for refusing to fill their perscription.

02-15-2006, 06:57 PM
The three slu... women filing complaints against Walmart for refusing to fill their perscription.

So, you're saying that someone who wishes to prevent an unwanted pregnancy is a slut? Or just these three women in particular?

02-15-2006, 07:16 PM

02-15-2006, 07:26 PM
I don't know why it would surprise me that some of you would take that 'slut' standpoint on it, but it does. And it disappoints me. Grow up, damn.

Emo Emu
02-15-2006, 07:26 PM
I strongly support the "morning after" pill. If one is just too blind to see the obviouse benefits then by all means, refer to them as sluts, but it doesn't speak volumes about ones common sense.

- Luke

02-15-2006, 08:03 PM
Poor Latrin.

02-15-2006, 08:16 PM


02-15-2006, 08:31 PM
Does it make me a slut that I think its a good idea?

It still doesn't protect against STDs so its still not a go-fuck-your-brains-out-and-never-worry pill.

02-15-2006, 08:39 PM
I have nothing against the pill, as my store fills prescriptions for it as well, but I'm not sure if I think it's right that the state tells them they "have" to carry it. I don't think they should be able to tell a store what they stock and what they don't, reguardless of the reason.

02-15-2006, 08:39 PM
I don't know why it would surprise me that some of you would take that 'slut' standpoint on it, but it does. And it disappoints me. Grow up, damn.

I know I was joking, and I'm 99% sure Wezas was joking.


02-15-2006, 09:30 PM
How dare you tell anyone to relax? I can't believe someone would take that standpoint.

Actually, I can. And it sickens me.

02-15-2006, 09:56 PM

02-15-2006, 09:59 PM
Now if they'd only make a pill that would make the 'thing' you woke up with the morning after, disappear. Now THAT would have made the single life a lot easier.

02-15-2006, 10:10 PM
Now if they'd only make a pill that would make the 'thing' you woke up with the morning after, disappear. Now THAT would have made the single life a lot easier.

LOL. There needs to be a morning after hangover pill.

02-15-2006, 10:10 PM
A coyote ugly pill, hm? That'd be nice...

02-15-2006, 10:11 PM
I don't think the pharmacists have the right to deny giving the pills out. It pisses me off, it's your job to hand over the medicine not to enforce your views on other people.

02-15-2006, 10:19 PM
I don't think the pharmacists have the right to deny giving the pills out. It pisses me off, it's your job to hand over the medicine not to enforce your views on other people.

Agreed. There was a thread a while back about Pharmacists not filling prescriptions because it went against their religion. Do what you are paid to do and stfu.

02-15-2006, 10:29 PM
Agreed. There was a thread a while back about Pharmacists not filling prescriptions because it went against their religion. Do what you are paid to do and stfu.

Exactly. I wouldn't be a vet if I was morally against putting an animal down... I wouldn't be a nurse if I didn't believe in vaccinations. Don't be a pharmicist if you don't believe in giving out medication, no matter what it is/

02-15-2006, 10:34 PM
Its real simple.

If you dislike performing certain actions as part of your job. Get a job where you dont have to go against those beliefs. Otherwise, you could run the risk of getting fired. And rightfully so.

If they feel that strongly, they could always find another pharmacy, or start their own practice where they can dictate what is dispensed and what is not.

02-15-2006, 10:38 PM
I have nothing against the pill, as my store fills prescriptions for it as well, but I'm not sure if I think it's right that the state tells them they "have" to carry it. I don't think they should be able to tell a store what they stock and what they don't, reguardless of the reason.

As Leeloo said this is not a matter so much of telling the pharmacy to carry a particular medicine as much as telling them to not not carry one.

"Wal-Mart apparently thinks it is above the law," said Sam Perkins, a lawyer for the three plaintiffs.
The lawsuit, backed by abortion rights groups Planned Parenthood of Massachusetts, NARAL Pro-Choice Massachusetts and Jane Doe Inc., argues Wal-Mart is violating a state policy that requires pharmacies to provide all "commonly prescribed medicines." They are suing to force compliance with the regulation through the Massachusetts Consumer Protection Act.


02-15-2006, 10:55 PM
I don't think the pharmacists have the right to deny giving the pills out.You have to admit that it's sort of bizarre in a capitalist economy for the government to be telling businesses what they have to sell.

02-15-2006, 11:14 PM
I don't think the pharmacists have the right to deny giving the pills out. It pisses me off, it's your job to hand over the medicine not to enforce your views on other people.

I love how people get so pissy about this, GOTO A DIFFERENT PHARMACIST. It's really not that hard.

02-15-2006, 11:17 PM
Yes, the slut comment was a joke.

Thanks to all you who got the joke and/or defended me.

Even you, Hulkein.

02-15-2006, 11:23 PM
No problem, but don't get used to it, little poodle.

02-15-2006, 11:59 PM
Yes, the slut comment was a joke.

Thanks to all you who got the joke and/or defended me.

Even you, Hulkein.

This retraction and quasi apology has made me physically ill and because of your pussification i'm going to be forced to quit the boards.

Quite frankly I'm totally disgusted by this behavior.

02-16-2006, 12:01 AM
This retraction and quasi apology has made me physically ill and because of your pussification i'm going to be forced to quit the boards.

Quite frankly I'm totally disgusted by this behavior.

Make sure to start an "I'm leaving in 4 days" post so that anyone that may want to stay in touch can PM you.

02-16-2006, 12:06 AM
Make sure to start an "I'm leaving in 4 days" post so that anyone that may want to stay in touch can PM you.

can't breath... laughing so hard.....

Bye .... tij...

Sean of the Thread
02-16-2006, 12:08 AM
This retraction and quasi apology has made me physically ill and because of your pussification i'm going to be forced to quit the boards.

Quite frankly I'm totally disgusted by this behavior.

OMG dont go! I don't want to lose one of my "bredron" from these boards.

Sean of the Thread
02-16-2006, 12:09 AM
And in other news Condom stock prices just crashed 63% today.

02-16-2006, 12:10 AM
This retraction and quasi apology has made me physically ill and because of your pussification i'm going to be forced to quit the boards.

Quite frankly I'm totally disgusted by this behavior.

Thats the most grammatically correct post you have made in years. A+ on spelling too. Though you did not capitalize the i in "i'm." and quasi-apology should be hyphenated...

You get an A for content but a B+ for execution.

02-16-2006, 10:33 AM
I think it is give and take. If the Pharmacist working there refuses to fill prescriptions that is wrong.

If a store does not want to carry a product I also think that is there right. If Wal-mart does not want to carry the pill then the Pharmacists have none to fill. If Wal-mart didn't want to carry fishing poles I doubt they could get sued over that.

It should be up to the owner. But if they have it and by owning a pharmacy are required by laws pertaining to pharmacies that require them to fill all prescriptions then they should have to.

Did that make sense??

02-16-2006, 10:47 AM
It should be in the application the person fills out to work there. If you feel that your beliefs will prohibit you from doing your job to the extent stated in the job description, please list them here. And perhaps something in parenthesis about distrubuting birth control pills.

Not to say you'll be immediately passed up, but the company needs to keep it in mind in case you are the only one working and the customer will not get waht they need.

02-16-2006, 11:04 AM
It scares me a little to think that the morning after pill is considered a "commonly prescribed" pill. It shouldn't be, and I feel that if the pharmacy (not the individuals) decided to not carry it, that's their choice.

Contraception taken regularly is fine since it's a preventative measure. Something about the morning after pill being so easily distributed disturbs me. Not sure why, it just does.

Emo Emu
02-16-2006, 11:08 AM
The only reason I am against the morning after pill being "common" is that people might be lulled into believing it helps protect against STD's like condoms do. I think a fierce public education campaign needs to be undertaken and then it can be made a common prescription.

- Luke

Miss X
02-16-2006, 11:20 AM
I think a pharmacist has every right to refuse to dispense a prescription for the morning after pill. Doctors are never required to sign an abortion request if it is against their personal beliefs. They have to pass it on to a doctor who has no problem with doing it, it should be the same for pharmacists and other health care professionals.

I can definitely see that it being so readily available might mean that some people are relying on it as a method of contraception without looking at the long term risks of regular use of it. However.. whatever we can do to prevent teenage and unwanted pregnancies is a good thing. It's far better to take a pill than have to go through an abortion.

It's a choice thing... Its available, no one is forcing anyone to take it. Condom's split, people forget to take their pill, get drunk and don't realise what they are doing... Morning after pill is a blessing in these cases. I'd take it without a second thought to prevent being stuck with a screaming baby at this point in my life. (of course, this would involve me actually getting laid again at some point..) ;)

02-16-2006, 11:42 AM
One must remember that we are not talking about a Mom & Pop cute little one store pharmacy operation in littletown USA.

Walmart like it or not is a simply immense part of the US economy and for them to decide to not carry a drug in any of their Pharmacies affects a huge number of people.

They do not play by the same rules as small owner/proprieter stores, but also have different responsibilities.

02-16-2006, 11:55 AM
Heh, yeah well, Walmart's pharmacy isn't as stocked as regular pharmacies sometimes. I've tried to get something there and they say they don't stock it and have to order it in, and I don't bother and go elsewhere to get it. So it's not like they have everything because of who they are. Walmart isn't known for their pharmaceuticals.

02-16-2006, 12:09 PM
I love how people get so pissy about this, GOTO A DIFFERENT PHARMACIST. It's really not that hard.It could be that the only pharmacist for a prohibitively large number of miles around is that particular Wal-mart. This is MA we're talking about.

I'm not extremely familiar with the Wal-mart hierarchy, but the wording of the article seems to suggest that this affects only the Wal-marts in MA, so it could have been a regional manager's decision as opposed to general Wal-mart policy.

The main issue (in this case) is not pharmacists refusing to dispense a medication, it's the government forcing a pharmacy to carry the medication in the first place. I don't think it's difficult to convince people that pharmacists should dispense whatever medication a doctor prescribes, but it's pretty nutty for the government to demand a pharmacist must carry X medication. A boycott organized by the people strikes me as more in tune with what America's all about.

02-16-2006, 12:28 PM
I love how people get so pissy about this, GOTO A DIFFERENT PHARMACIST. It's really not that hard.

Actually, it can be. Imagine you live in small town USA where the only pharmacy is in the local Wal-Mart (or whatever the pharmacy may be). And you don't have a car. How do you get to the next small town USA?

Or, let's say that you do have a car, but are working 12 hours a day, and the only pharmacy open within reasonable driving distance is a Wal-Mart? Do you wait for the next day off? Certain things, especially medication, and certainly this one, require timeliness.

Also, those who offer medical service are held to a different set of standards, because of the huge consequences of their actions. Imposing morality should not in any way be seen as acceptable.


02-16-2006, 12:42 PM
It's a legally approved drug for cryin' out loud. I bet there'd be an even bigger explosion if pharmacies refused to stock something like... hmm... Viagra or Cialis. I can see it now.

Walmart has already successfully put numerous mom and pop stores out of business. The least they can do is offer a widely recognized drug, one which is prescribed by a doctor, for women who need it.

02-16-2006, 12:46 PM
It's a legally approved drug for cryin' out loud. I bet there'd be an even bigger explosion if pharmacies refused to stock something like... hmm... Viagra or Cialis. I can see it now.

That's different.

Boys are allowed to have sex.

Girls who have sex are dirty. Unless they're having sex with you. Then they aren't. Until they break up with you. Then they're sluts.


02-16-2006, 12:49 PM
Not true.

Occasionally they're dirty sluts while they're having sex with you.

02-16-2006, 12:52 PM
Not true.

Occasionally they're dirty sluts while they're having sex with you.

Only if you're lucky :)


02-16-2006, 12:58 PM
That's different.

Boys are allowed to have sex.

Girls who have sex are dirty. Unless they're having sex with you. Then they aren't. Until they break up with you. Then they're sluts.


Your husband called... He wants dinner ready by 7 sharp.

02-16-2006, 12:58 PM
Only if you're lucky :)

JorddynHell yea...

02-16-2006, 01:00 PM
Your husband called... He wants dinner ready by 7 sharp.

I just don't know that I have time to find a guy, get engaged, get married, AND cook dinner by 7.


02-16-2006, 01:04 PM
That's because you're only a woman.


02-16-2006, 01:07 PM
That's because you're only a woman.


No, it's because I won't settle for a crappy husband or crappy food :)

Jorddyn, glad to be only a woman

02-16-2006, 04:02 PM
Walmart has already successfully put numerous mom and pop stores out of business. The least they can do is offer a widely recognized drug, one which is prescribed by a doctor, for women who need it.If Walmart has and maintains a monopoly, that's a separate issue.
It's a legally approved drug for cryin' out loud. I bet there'd be an even bigger explosion if pharmacies refused to stock something like... hmm... Viagra or Cialis. I can see it now.One cannot expect a business to stock every item that is legally for sale. As said in the article, the decision to not stock the drug was based on cost-benefit analysis. Whether this includes moral considerations (or is a flat-out lie) is anyone's guess, but the argument that Walmart must carry every legal product is flawed without resorting to morality.

At this point I think it's helpful to bring up a point Melissa (among others) have made in the past: there are herbal remedies that will perform the same function as the morning-after pill. I believe the name was pennyroyal tea, but the specific name is not necessary for my point. In any event, is Walmart not also required to stock pennyroyal tea? If my dad and I need our levothyroxin (synthetic thyroid stuff), is Walmart required to carry that?

02-16-2006, 05:23 PM
If Walmart has and maintains a monopoly, that's a separate issue.That's your opinion.
One cannot expect a business to stock every item that is legally for sale. One surely cannot expect as such. Glad I never said that was the case.
As said in the article, the decision to not stock the drug was based on cost-benefit analysis. Now if only they had elaborated on that prior or even further.
Whether this includes moral considerations (or is a flat-out lie) is anyone's guess, but the argument that Walmart must carry every legal product is flawed without resorting to morality.Who's saying they must carry every legally prescribed medication? I'm referring specifically to the one in question. Furthermore, as to who determines what is and is not "commonly prescribed medication" I haven't a clue.

If my dad and I need our levothyroxin (synthetic thyroid stuff), is Walmart required to carry that?Is this a rhetorical question?

"CVS, the state's largest pharmacy chain, stocks the pill at all of its pharmacy locations, as do the state's other major pharmacy chains."

02-16-2006, 05:44 PM
What was the point of you saying it was a legally approved drug then, DeV? I took that as you saying 'it's legally approved, therefore Walmart should carry it.'

02-16-2006, 05:59 PM
The point is this...

It's not as if they're being asked to carry crack.

02-16-2006, 06:14 PM
CVS, the state's largest pharmacy chain, stocks the pill at all of its pharmacy locations, as do the state's other major pharmacy chains.If anything, this is evidence that Walmart should be free to not stock what they wish. CVSs aren't exactly tough to find.
It's not as if they're being asked to carry crack.I don't get the point then. I don't think anyone suggested that the pill is illegal.
Is this a rhetorical question?No. My dad had his (at the time, hyperactive) thyroid destroyed, so he actually does need those pills. If Walmart is not obligated to carry those pills, there's no rational case that can be made for them to be obligated to carry morning-after pills, which by definition are not necessary in the vast, vast majority of cases. The case could certainly made that a group of people *want* Walmart to carry those pills, but I would think that a decision along those lines would rest with a democratically elected part of the government, which I would hope is not a characteristic of a pharmacy board.
That's your opinion.A monopoly is illegal in its own right, it doesn't matter if the monopolizer gives the people what they want. If Walmart is not a monopolizer, then bringing up the people Walmart has put out of business is irrelevant and inflammatory. Hence, Walmart being a monopoly is a separate issue.
Now if only they had elaborated on that prior or even further.The article doesn't specify, but what makes you think they didn't say that at the board hearing?

02-16-2006, 06:18 PM
The case could certainly made that a group of people *want* Walmart to carry those pills, but I would think that a decision along those lines would rest with a democratically elected part of the government, which I would hope is not a characteristic of a pharmacy board.Wait, didn't they win their case? lol...

02-16-2006, 07:17 PM
This morning after thing is just a couple of regular contraceptive pills plus a home pregnancy test. It isn't RU487, it's something called Preven, also known as Plan B. I don't know if Walmart sells RU487, but I checked a couple of medical news websites (Reuter's Health news) and even Snopes had an article about this in 2004 (before the lawsuit obviously, the article was about a boycott that never happened).

What I read, it didn't look like they were refusing to stock the kit for moral purposes but for business purposes. They said there just aren't enough people needing it to carry it in their store. Walmart also said their pharmacists are required to refer customers to pharmacies that do carry it, if they come in with a prescription.

As much as I hate Walmart for all sorts of reasons (from mass purchases of slave-labor products, to treatment of employees and customers in general), I think I have to side with them on this. If they have to carry that, what's to say some time in the future they won't be required to carry something even fewer customers would want, simply because one or two people sued them over it? If this Preven was a widely used product and they were refusing to carry it to make a religious statement, I'd say they should suck it up and sell it. But that doesn't seem to be the case, it looks a lot more like a business decision based on cost vs. potential revenue and it makes sense to me.

02-16-2006, 07:29 PM
Actually, it can be. Imagine you live in small town USA where the only pharmacy is in the local Wal-Mart (or whatever the pharmacy may be). And you don't have a car. How do you get to the next small town USA?

Or, let's say that you do have a car, but are working 12 hours a day, and the only pharmacy open within reasonable driving distance is a Wal-Mart? Do you wait for the next day off? Certain things, especially medication, and certainly this one, require timeliness.

Also, those who offer medical service are held to a different set of standards, because of the huge consequences of their actions. Imposing morality should not in any way be seen as acceptable.


I suppose you do have a point as I know what life is in small town usa...however, there is literally no one that lives in small town USA that doesn't have a car. Shit, half the dogs have one.

Of course, I could make the joke about if you live in a town that small, you're probably fucking your sister...but I wont.

I just don't see the big fucking deal, Americans in general tend to piss and moan about the stupidest shit. OH MY GOD THEY WONT FILL MY PRESCRIPTION AT THIS PHARMACIST, WHAT AM I TO DO? I'm willing to bet that 98 out of 100 people could manage to find another pharmacist who would be more than happy to fill their prescription. Point in case, the person I was originally replying to...

Don't get me wrong, i'm a supporter of the morning after pill. Condoms FTL.

02-16-2006, 08:33 PM
The two who couldn't clearly sued. I don't blame them either. Latrin's type like em barefoot and pregnant.

02-16-2006, 11:22 PM
It isn't as if there wasn't options at Walmart before this decision. Walmart has carried coat hangers for as long as I can remember. *

*very tongue in cheek

02-17-2006, 09:36 AM
I've changed my mind.

I don't think they should be required to carry it. WalMart is not exactly known for making decisions from the heart, so it is entirely possible that this is a business decision.

I think if they do carry it, they should take steps to ensure that their pharmacists do not take blatant moral stands and refuse to fill said prescription.

I do think they should carry it, considering their market domination.


02-17-2006, 01:06 PM
I wonder if their state pharmacy board, after establishing this baseline for commonly used medicine, will police Wal-Mart and all other suppliers of pharmaceuticals in Massachusetts to ensure they uniformly carry every last medicine that is prescribed more often than Plan B.

02-17-2006, 04:30 PM
Also xtc, you're right that people had other places to get meds before Walmart. But many of those places are out of business, because Walmart barreled into town and closed them up. So in some cases, they no longer have those options, thanks to Walmart. That doesn't account for CVS, which is on every fucking street corner in the USA. Scary thought though, that Walmart can cause so many previous "options" to close shop.

02-17-2006, 04:39 PM
It's nice living in an area where there aren't any WalMarts nearby that I can even think of. There are about 6 Pharmacies, most of them different companies, within a mile of my house.

02-17-2006, 04:44 PM
Also xtc, you're right that people had other places to get meds before Walmart. But many of those places are out of business, because Walmart barreled into town and closed them up. So in some cases, they no longer have those options, thanks to Walmart. That doesn't account for CVS, which is on every fucking street corner in the USA. Scary thought though, that Walmart can cause so many previous "options" to close shop.

I was being a smart ass with my prior post. Walmart is tough to compete against, no body squeezes their suppliers as much on price as Walmart. Walmart has sent a ton of jobs to China (if you don't know how, google it). I am betting Walmart's decision to not carry the drug was a financial one. As prescriptions go their dispensing fee is cheaper than many of their competitors. However many people have a plan that covers the cost so who cares what the dispensing fee is.

Of course if you stop by the pharmacy and pick some condoms before getting your grove on, then you wouldn't have to scramble like a panicked maniac after to try and get the morning after pill. Walmart always sells condoms, in big quantities too!

02-17-2006, 05:30 PM
I am betting Walmart's decision to not carry the drug was a financial one. As prescriptions go their dispensing fee is cheaper than many of their competitors. However many people have a plan that covers the cost so who cares what the dispensing fee is.

I make no such bet.

WWal-Mart has made decisions to not carry plainly profitable items in the past due to the owners imposing their own moral code on things as much as they try to impose their own moral code on their employees both on and off duty.

02-18-2006, 02:18 PM
I make no such bet.

WWal-Mart has made decisions to not carry plainly profitable items in the past due to the owners imposing their own moral code on things as much as they try to impose their own moral code on their employees both on and off duty.

What profitable items has Walmart refused to carry in the past?

02-18-2006, 04:27 PM
They have refused to carry a variety of music CDs because they felt it was against their "family oriented" moral code. That's one I know of, not sure what else. Funny thing though, they had no problem beating a suspected shoplifter almost to death in their parking lot, when the guy was already on the ground, already half-beaten, subdued, and trying to tell them he wasn't resisting. Neat "family-oriented" moral code isn't it? I guess I just have to be thankful that none of their management is part of my family.

02-19-2006, 11:14 PM
What profitable items has Walmart refused to carry in the past?

At one point or another, banned in Walmart:

Grand Theft Auto (pretty much every version)
Giants: Citizen Kabuto
Stuff, FHM, & Maxim magazines
The Daily Show's "America"
A book by George Carlin
Sheryl Crow's self-titled album (objection to a lyric that criticized Wal-mart for selling handguns)
Goo Goo Dolls album for featuring a baby covered in blackberry juice on the cover.
Robert Greenwald's "Uncovered: The Whole Truth About the Iraq War"
t-shirts reading "Someday a woman will be president" was removed from the sales floor because because "the message goes against Wal-Mart family values"

02-20-2006, 11:44 AM
Tough issue to me. I dont like the idea of a business being forced to carry things they dont want to. They should be free to sell whatever they want. Its as silly to me to say Walmart, you have to carry 50cent as to say hey porn shop owner, you have to sell Bibles. Deal in what you want...

On the other hand, Im not too thrilled with Walmart picking and choosing what they feel is "appropriate". It does more harm than good by trying to restrict people's experiences.

Given both those feelings, I think its a capitalism issue. If Walmart voluntarily chooses to hamstring its sales by not carrying things that sell - its their own funeral. If their employing unfair business practices to keep other participants out of the market, thats a legal issue. This is the point of capitalism, if I wont sell 50cent or morning after pills, someone can jump in the market and take advantage of my blindspot. Heaven knows, its not as if mail order prescription services or Amazon.com don't exist. For all this talk of a global economy I just cant fathom how one chain (no matter how powerful) can really deny someone access to what they need.

02-20-2006, 02:34 PM
This is the point of capitalism, if I wont sell 50cent or morning after pills, someone can jump in the market and take advantage of my blindspot. Heaven knows, its not as if mail order prescription services or Amazon.com don't exist. For all this talk of a global economy I just cant fathom how one chain (no matter how powerful) can really deny someone access to what they need.

Well no one has EVER been able to completely deny someone acess to what they need unless they are placing them in jail or the like.

It is however a matter of both the added time and expense that a single company can force so many people to undertake by that company making such a decision.

That added time and/or expense can be enough to make some change their minds and seeing as how it is that very store that drove so much of the competition, and therefore options that customers would have had, out of business it seems to me that the rules forcing them to carry all commonly prescribbed medicationss no matter what they may think of them is a good one.

02-23-2006, 04:29 PM
At one point or another, banned in Walmart:

Grand Theft Auto (pretty much every version)
Giants: Citizen Kabuto
Stuff, FHM, & Maxim magazines
The Daily Show's "America"
A book by George Carlin
Sheryl Crow's self-titled album (objection to a lyric that criticized Wal-mart for selling handguns)
Goo Goo Dolls album for featuring a baby covered in blackberry juice on the cover.
Robert Greenwald's "Uncovered: The Whole Truth About the Iraq War"
t-shirts reading "Someday a woman will be president" was removed from the sales floor because because "the message goes against Wal-Mart family values"

I had no idea, thx.

02-23-2006, 05:07 PM