View Full Version : Canadian election today

01-23-2006, 11:12 AM
Who are the Canucks on the board planning to vote for today? Personally I can't stand the corruption in the Liberal party, I am sick of them allowing the likes of Jack Layton to dictate their agenda, the stunt they pulled in passing their bloated left wing budget made me want to wretch. However I am left with a conundrum. In the neighbourhood in which I live a developer has an application for rezoning in order to build a 28 storey condo fiasco. The neighbourhood is an older, established one with many 100 year old homes. The Liberal candidate will fight to stop the development; the Conservative one won't commit to fighting it but is concerned about it. In Canada you only get one vote. When we vote we vote for a local politician who represents a federal party, the party that gets the most votes wins and forms the next Government. There isn't a separate vote for Prime Minister and then a vote for the local representative. So I am left undecided today, Election Day s to who to vote for?

Do they Americans on the board have a preference who wins the Canadian election? (serious posts only please)

01-23-2006, 11:40 AM
Do they Americans on the board have a preference who wins the Canadian election? (serious posts only please)

Seriously? 99% of our population doesn't even know there's an election up there today.

The other 1% only know because they are/used to be Canadian :)


01-23-2006, 11:42 AM
I didn't even know canada had elections. I thought Paul Bunyon was your king.

01-23-2006, 12:22 PM
I didn't even know canada had elections. I thought Paul Bunyon was your king.

Paul Bunyan, although fictional, was American.

01-23-2006, 12:54 PM
Obviously we'd install one of our own to be in charge of America Junior.

As to the voting thing: vote for the Conservative guy and raise all kinds of grassroots hell about the zoning thing.

01-23-2006, 12:55 PM
Yeah I know. but he really fits the Canadian Sterotype-ay?

01-23-2006, 12:55 PM
Anyone a Seinfeld fan?

This post reminds me of the episode when Kramer asked if he could watch TV at Jerry's house and Jerry asked, "Why".

Kramer replies with, "Cause I am taping Canadian Parliament on CSPAN".

Thought I'd share.

01-23-2006, 12:56 PM
America Junior.

I prefer America Lite

01-23-2006, 01:06 PM
(serious posts only please)

You so should have known better.


01-23-2006, 01:18 PM
You so should have known better.


I guess I over estimated the maturity of some of the posters on this board.

Tea & Strumpets
01-23-2006, 01:42 PM
I guess I over estimated the maturity of some of the posters on this board.

Apology accepted.

Sean of the Thread
01-23-2006, 02:57 PM
Who are the Canucks on the board planning to vote for today? Personally I can't stand the corruption in the Liberal party, I am sick of them allowing the likes of Jack Layton to dictate their agenda, the stunt they pulled in passing their bloated left wing budget made me want to wretch. However I am left with a conundrum. In the neighbourhood in which I live a developer has an application for rezoning in order to build a 28 storey condo fiasco. The neighbourhood is an older, established one with many 100 year old homes. The Liberal candidate will fight to stop the development; the Conservative one won't commit to fighting it but is concerned about it. In Canada you only get one vote. When we vote we vote for a local politician who represents a federal party, the party that gets the most votes wins and forms the next Government. There isn't a separate vote for Prime Minister and then a vote for the local representative. So I am left undecided today, Election Day s to who to vote for?

Do they Americans on the board have a preference who wins the Canadian election? (serious posts only please)

What do you care you're American.

01-23-2006, 03:02 PM
What do you care you're American.

As I have mentioned numeorus times here, I am a dual citizen and I currently reside in Canada.

01-23-2006, 04:05 PM
As I have mentioned numeorus times here, I am a dual citizen and I currently reside in Canada.

Xyelin fits into the category of the conservatives in my sig.

He's rather special.

To answer your question:

You could of course pull a Tamral and not vote at all. If it were me I would vote for the liberal.

01-23-2006, 04:16 PM
Xyelin fits into the category of the conservatives in my sig.

He's rather special.

To answer your question:

You could of course pull a Tamral and not vote at all. If it were me I would vote for the liberal.

But would you ever vote for the Conservative? Polls close in 5 hours and I am still undecided. I feel compelled to vote, as there are parts of the world where people don't have the right.

01-23-2006, 05:29 PM
But would you ever vote for the Conservative? Polls close in 5 hours and I am still undecided. I feel compelled to vote, as there are parts of the world where people don't have the right.

Yes, I would definitely vote for a conservative if I agreed with their principles. I have said several times that if John McCain were on the ticket, he could very well get my vote.

01-23-2006, 05:31 PM
Yes I Know I am going to hear the flames but I voted Liberal as the only other one that I would have given a chance in my district is NDP but that is a wasted vote so only choice I saw fit was Liberal.

We will see.

01-23-2006, 06:05 PM
With as much oil as they have estimated in the sands Im certain you will see American policy makers tone down their stupid rhetoric about Canada which has gone on far too long regardless of how much oil they have.

It worries me that the Conservatives are in the lead. Their rhetoric sounds just as divisive as the Republicans here, and we all know how the Republican culture of corruption has screwed us over the past 6 years.

Sean of the Thread
01-23-2006, 07:45 PM
Xyelin fits into the category of the conservatives in my sig.

He's rather special.

To answer your question:

You could of course pull a Tamral and not vote at all. If it were me I would vote for the liberal.

Way to make it personal. And as far as conservatives go I'm very moderate. I think XTC should vote at the very least.. such a privilege to be had no matter who he votes for.

01-23-2006, 09:21 PM
voting should always be done. Sometimes, you end up making the last minute decision just looking at the names nad something just Clicks on who you want in your head.

My riding is particularly interesting, We have the Head of the NDP's wife running here against an Italian Liberal that has been in power here 4 terms already.

01-23-2006, 10:25 PM
Well with just 3% of the polls returned, some TV stations are calling it, they are saying it is/will be a Conservative Minority Government.

Backlash, the Conservatives here bear no resemblance to Bush and Co. in the US. They are much more moderate and centrist in their policies. The party that is rife with corruption here has been the Liberals which is in large part why it looks like they are getting turfed. However if the Conservatives win a minority Government, it means they will have the most seats in the House of Commons but they will lack enough seats to form a majority Government. There are 308 seats in the House and 155 are needed to formed a Majority Government. If the Conservatives win a minority Government, in order to rule they will need to convince the Governor General (the Queen's representative in Canada) that they rule and can pass bills despite the fact they lack the votes, some members of the other parties will have to support the Conservatives. The Liberals won't but some stray members may vote on Conservatives bills on a case by case basis. After the Conservatives and the Liberals, the Bloc Quebecois (separatist party) are the biggest. Their agenda is for Quebec to separate from Canada. They will vote for a Conservative bill, only if it benefits Quebec. Next down the line are the NDP who are socialists. They won't vote for a single Conservative bill. It is possible as well that the Green Party may pick up a seat or two but it has never happened before. The leader of the Green party, Jim Harris, (a personal friend) use to be a Conservative, it is likely, if they win any seats,that the Green party will work with the Conservatives. Anyway it will be interesting, we could be back at the polls in another few months.

Backlash, Canada is America's largest supplier of oil, so I imagine the rhetoric will be played down. If Canada turned off the pumps, America couldn't function.

01-23-2006, 11:20 PM
"Backlash, Canada is America's largest supplier of oil, so I imagine the rhetoric will be played down. If Canada turned off the pumps, America couldn't function."

If Canada turned off the pumps, could Canada function from the lack of income selling oil to the U.S. provides?


01-23-2006, 11:22 PM
"Backlash, Canada is America's largest supplier of oil, so I imagine the rhetoric will be played down. If Canada turned off the pumps, America couldn't function."

If Canada turned off the pumps, could Canada function from the lack of income selling oil to the U.S. provides?


Oil is like crack, finding customers is never a problem. China for a start.


01-23-2006, 11:26 PM
Way to make it personal you fat whore. And as far as conservatives go I'm very moderate. I think XTC should vote at the very least.. such a privilege to be had no matter who he votes for.

Way to be a predictable asshole who has no idea what I look like. Is that the best you can do? Fat? You forgot to add that I'm older than PB. I never claimed to be thin, but I find it absolutely hilarious that it's the FIRST thing that your small brain can reach for...of course it does describe 64% of the Adults in the US, so chances ARE, I'm fat just like 2/3 of the rest of this country. That took brainpower didn't it?

Since I don't recall ever seeing a photo of you, why don't you share your in shape and toned body with us. No? I thought so.

Going to blame your outburst on your alcoholism?

Since you are SERIOUSLY humor impaired, it was a joke you fucking nutjob. Go have another drink.

01-24-2006, 01:00 AM
Wow this thread got nasty in a hurry. I never thought a thread about a Canadian election could get nasty.

I did vote but just like the last US election, I am keeping who I voted for to myself. I would like to see the Conservatives win a majority but I knew it was unlikely going into the polls. I guess I will have to be content with a Conservative minority. The polls aren't all in but it is clear, it is a Conservative win and very much a win for me. The Conservatives are winning and my local Liberal, who will help me fight against the proposed Condo development is winning as well.

I will add that my local Liberal isn't very liberal, he may belong to the Liberal party but he is very much a small c conservative. He is Pro-Life, against same-sex marriage, and a fiscal conservative. It is right race but he is winning by a 1000 votes. Looks like win/win for me, now if the US could just get its house in order.

01-24-2006, 01:59 AM
Who gives a fuck about Canada, (besides Canadians) honestly?

01-24-2006, 02:36 AM

I seriously had no fucking idea that Canada votes on things. I saw one news blurb this year about some kind of political upheaval in Canada and that was it. Generally the mainstream media doesn't cover Canadian news (or most of the rest of the world's news for that matter). I don't know what I imagined your government was based on if it isn't voting. I suppose I imagined that someone in charge in Canada (I.E. the best hockey player) wrestled a bear whenever a decision had to be made.


Seriously, though. At least you guys can vote between conservatives and liberals. In America the Republicants and the Demicraps are all conservative in their own way. Liberal candidates really don't have much of a shot at an executive office.

01-24-2006, 07:40 AM
Well, it's a minority PC government. Thank goodness for the change. I may however be eating my words. You never know. The scandal did taint my view of Liberals.

As for the assmarks made by some, I can't believe you function in society. Jesus, Canada is just above the US. How can you NOT know a little something of what goes on unless you have your head so stuck up your computers gaming ass you can't see past your own flaming I'm level nth degree ego stupid tongue flapping.

that is all.

01-24-2006, 08:23 AM
I'm very disappointed as well in some of the ridiculous comments that were made in this thread. I'm the first to laugh when Canadian jokes are made, usually, but this was a serious thread and I guess I was hoping for more maturity. I could get past the misinformation that evidently plagues certain of our members but I have a hard time swallowing the blatant disrespect.

01-24-2006, 08:43 AM
At work my boss and I are both dual citizens and the butt of all the American jokes. I have to say that I am disappointed in the lack of knowledge, the average American displays about world events. If it were not for 911, I don't think most Americans would have even looked beyond their borders at all. I think American arrogance and the media are to blame. Sit down and watch a nightly American newscast and then watch BBC World News(Canucks can watch it on basic cable, cable 26 in Toronto 6pm).

Almost every product we buy is made in China. China that still has gulags and regularly tortures prisoners. China that has no respect for human rights or copyrights. China that won't float its currency or trade fair. China that along with Japan owns a massive part of the American debt. I think more Americans need to pay attention to world events. I wonder how many Americans knew Canada was the largest supplier of oil to the US?

Ignorance happens always at your own peril.

Getting back to the thread I am very pleased the Conservatives won.

01-24-2006, 08:44 AM
I vote for Xyelin and RoseLady to make a thread and continue. That was some good stuff!

01-24-2006, 09:11 AM
Hey, don't be all American when it suits you then call Americans ignorant and stupid when you're trying to be all Canadian. You're being all Xcalibur, and that's not a good thing.

01-24-2006, 09:32 AM
Hey, don't be all American when it suits you then call Americans ignorant and stupid when you're trying to be all Canadian. You're being all Xcalibur, and that's not a good thing.

I think many Americans have a lack of knowledge about many world events. I think when we are called on that lack of knowledge, our backs go, and the arrogant side comes out. My brother in law is 100% American. His father is a Lawyer and the President of a multi-billion dollar company. He lived up here for a few years and was surprised at some of the anti-Americanism, unfortunately he moved up a year or so before the Iraq war. After being here for several months, he started to get it. That Americans know nothing about their largest trading partner or their largest supplier of oil. He started to see and understand why Canadians at times are less than enthusiastic about their southern neighbours. He went home for a visit and spoke with his mother, a University educated women and wife of a CEO, he told her, we as Americans know nothing about the world outside our borders. Her response was why should we. He was shocked and horrified by her feelings.

I don't think we Americans are stupid, we are myopic in our outlook in many cases. The world is changing. China is a world power that is gobbling up armaments and oil at an alarming rate. China and Japan own the Lion's share of America's national debt.

If you read my post I blame the media and our arrogance. As American jobs are shipped to China and our dollar falls even lower how long can we claim to be the greatest country in the world and believe it? As America's standard of living drops, China's increases.

I don't write these comments to simply cast stones at my fellow Americans. I do it as a patriot, as a wake up call.

Living in Canada for as many years as I have has given me a unique perspective. Canada has an enviable model of debt reduction. They drastically reduced their debt to GDP ratio. We support the UN and believe it is important for the world to function and that all voices need to be heard, not just the loudest one.

I guess at times I am may seem schizophrenic, American one day, Canadian the next. I am both.

Tea & Strumpets
01-24-2006, 09:36 AM
I think many Americans have a lack of knowledge about many world events. I think when we are called on that lack of knowledge, our backs go, and the arrogant side comes out. My brother in law is 100% American.

I think a lot of people give themselves a much needed self-esteem boost by making generalizations about their fellow Americans, and excluding themselves from the horse shit they are shovelling.

01-24-2006, 09:36 AM
I've read that entire post, XTC.

And the only thing I can think of to say is Happy Birthday.

01-24-2006, 09:42 AM
I think a lot of people give themselves a much needed self-esteem boost by making generalizations about their fellow Americans, and excluding themselves from the horse shit they are shovelling.

You have the right to be wrong.

Tea & Strumpets
01-24-2006, 10:17 AM
You have the right to be wrong.

True, but irrelevant to the discussion. People like you that enjoy making these huge generalizations about the US in some pathetic attempt to make themselves feel superior disgust me. Your statements don't even have an iota of truth to them, and are the typical generalizations of an ignoramus. By the way, don't forget to give yourself a huge pat on the back for watching CNN tonight to find out what happened in Beijing today--way to go world watcher!

01-24-2006, 11:01 AM
A lot of Americans complain about the lack of covereage on world news and they have complained about it for a very long time. Don't fucking call people "ignorant" just because they have a lack of resources. A lack of credible journalists. A lack of media that doesn't completely suck.

"Like, oh my god. I can't BELIEVE people in Zimbabwe don't know about the elections in Mexico. What a bunch of ignorant slobs!"

Thats what you sound like.

01-24-2006, 11:52 AM
True, but irrelevant to the discussion. People like you that enjoy making these huge generalizations about the US in some pathetic attempt to make themselves feel superior disgust me. Your statements don't even have an iota of truth to them, and are the typical generalizations of an ignoramus. By the way, don't forget to give yourself a huge pat on the back for watching CNN tonight to find out what happened in Beijing today--way to go world watcher!

I have no need to feel superior. My statement is filled with truth, the average American's knowledge of Canada is non-existent. This goes for the leaders as well. During the 2000 Presidential election, a Canadian comedy show spoke with Al Gore and George Bush, the interviewer purposefully made incorrect statements about Canada. Gore and Bush agreed with the misinformation, the interviewer called our Prime Minister the wrong name and both Gore and Bush used the wrong name for the Prime Minister and this is just one example. So my statement is filled with truth. The same show has showed up numerous Governors and a Harvard Professor.

Knowledge of world events is common in many parts of the world especially Europe. To give myself a pat on the back for it would be like giving myself a pat on the back because I have the ability to walk.

Thanks for the offer to watch CNN but I prefer BBC World.

01-24-2006, 12:01 PM
A lot of Americans complain about the lack of covereage on world news and they have complained about it for a very long time. Don't fucking call people "ignorant" just because they have a lack of resources. A lack of credible journalists. A lack of media that doesn't completely suck.

"Like, oh my god. I can't BELIEVE people in Zimbabwe don't know about the elections in Mexico. What a bunch of ignorant slobs!"

Thats what you sound like.

I never used the word ignorant. I also acknowledged that the American media is partly to blame for its lack of coverage of world events. I think since the wide spread use of the internet, we aren't limited to American television and print journalism for our sources of news. The great thing about Google News is that you can read newspaper articles from Taipei if you wish.

I think since 9-11 Americans have become more interested in world news/events. I hope this interest spreads beyond the Middle East and continues to grow. Certainly there are many Americans who do have an in-depth knowledge of what happens beyond there borders. It is my hope that this group of people continues to grow.

I think the people in Zimbabwe could be excused for the lack of knowledge about Mexico as they have limited access to media sources and the internet isn't widely available there.

01-24-2006, 01:00 PM
I have to say that I am disappointed in the lack of knowledge, the average American displays about world events. If it were not for 911, I don't think most Americans would have even looked beyond their borders at all. I think American arrogance and the media are to blame. Sit down and watch a nightly American newscast and then watch BBC World News(Canucks can watch it on basic cable, cable 26 in Toronto 6pm).

I agree that Americans are a bit behind when it comes to world events, unless of course it concerns 911, Bin laden or Iraq. We certainly hear enough about that.

I am very curious about Canada. Mainly in the contrasts between life in Canada and the US. I know you have national healthcare, but what else can you (anyone) share that sets you apart or makes us similiar?

I live in Central Ohio, so on occasion we go to Windsor. The last time the border agent was a real hardass. I could see his point, we had no birth certificates with us and no passports - just our driver's license that he so pointedly stated were not proof of citizenship. It left me with a bad feeling about Canada - we were going to gamble some of our money away - after that I made sure that my expenditures were less than anticipated. We won't be back for awhile, and if we do - we won't be going without a passport. Eventually it will be a requirement anyway.

At any rate, I apologize if anything that I said made any Canadians feel disrespected.

01-24-2006, 01:01 PM
I vote for Xyelin and RoseLady to make a thread and continue. That was some good stuff!

Sorry to disappoint, ignore is a beautiful thing.

01-24-2006, 01:21 PM
I'm not trying to insult Canada, nor the residents therein...

But I don't see myself ever caring about anything that goes on in Canada. Alternatively, I don't see why they should care about anything that goes on in America.

Miss X
01-24-2006, 01:28 PM
Unfortunatly, things that go on in America have an effect on other nations sometimes. Because of this, non-Americans have to take some interest in your affairs.

01-24-2006, 01:31 PM
Good thing we're in charge, then. It means us common folk don't have to care about the rest of you.

01-24-2006, 01:48 PM
I agree that Americans are a bit behind when it comes to world events, unless of course it concerns 911, Bin laden or Iraq. We certainly hear enough about that.

I am very curious about Canada. Mainly in the contrasts between life in Canada and the US. I know you have national healthcare, but what else can you (anyone) share that sets you apart or makes us similiar?

I live in Central Ohio, so on occasion we go to Windsor. The last time the border agent was a real hardass. I could see his point, we had no birth certificates with us and no passports - just our driver's license that he so pointedly stated were not proof of citizenship. It left me with a bad feeling about Canada - we were going to gamble some of our money away - after that I made sure that my expenditures were less than anticipated. We won't be back for awhile, and if we do - we won't be going without a passport. Eventually it will be a requirement anyway.

At any rate, I apologize if anything that I said made any Canadians feel disrespected.

Border agents on both sides can be real hard asses. I think both Canadian and US border agents could do with a course in respect. A birth certificate along with a driver's license should suffice to cross the border next time. Windsor being a border town tends to be very pro-American. I hope you will come back for the most part Canadians are fond of their American brothers. I think when Bush leaves office this wave of anti-Americanism will leave us up here. During the beginning of the Iraq war it was higher than I have ever seen it.

Canada is very similar to America in many regards and different in some. Canadians are very diverse as are Americans. The East coast was settled by those from Scotland, Ireland, and England. Fishing was its primary industry which has taken a big hit which has hurt them a lot. For the most part I find East Coasters very likeable and welcoming. Quebec is very European in parts from architecture to attitude, Quebec brings a unqiue quality to Canada, unfortunately the endless bickering with the rest of English Canada detracts. Toronto which is in Ontario is Canada's economic engine, we produce 1/5 of the countries GDP. We are somewhat similiar to New Yorkers, we think if it isn't happening in Toronto, it just is happening. We are the worst's most ethnically diverse city in the world. There are many first generation Canadians running around Toronto and many recent immigrants. The west as in Alberta is run by their oil profits and bears some resemblance America's south with their love or leave it attitude however the racism isn't as bad. The west West Coast is home to Canada's hippies. They are more laid back than us Ontarians, they like their pot. British Columbia also has a very large Chinese population.

TRL I don't recall you ever saying anything disrepectful about Canadians.

Differences are many. We have a Westminister parliamentary system not a Presidential parliament. The official head of state isn't the Prime Minister, it is the Governor General who is appointed by the PM and is the Queen's representative in Canada. We have 2 official languages English and French. We don't believe in the melting pot concept, we ask our immigrants to become Canadian but to retain their ethnic identities. We believe that ethnic diversity is a strength.

Perhaps Kranar, Shalla and Chad can add their observations about Canada.

Tea & Strumpets
01-24-2006, 01:48 PM
I never used the word ignorant. I also acknowledged that the American media is partly to blame for its lack of coverage of world events.

What country in the world provides more coverage of world events than the US?

You just love to bash "Arrogant americans", and that's the long and short of it. Thankfully, I'm sure that by next week you'll have moved on from the topic of "Arrogant Americans unaware of anything that happens outside of US borders" right on over to the old favorite of "American oppressors are sticking their noses into the internal affairs of every country on Earth!"


01-24-2006, 01:49 PM
I'm not trying to insult Canada, nor the residents therein...

But I don't see myself ever caring about anything that goes on in Canada. Alternatively, I don't see why they should care about anything that goes on in America.

What happens in Canada affects America and vice versa. Our Global village is getting smaller by the day.

01-24-2006, 02:00 PM
What country in the world provides more coverage of world events than the US?

You just love to bash "Arrogant americans", and that's the long and short of it. Thankfully, I'm sure that by next week you'll have moved on from the topic of "Arrogant Americans unaware of anything that happens outside of US borders" right on over to the old favorite of "American oppressors are sticking their noses into the internal affairs of every country on Earth!"


1.BBC World News beats CNN at its coverage of world events, any day of the week, as does CTV's all news channel.

2.Your eloquent, insightful, analysis of geopolitical events has proven me wrong....not

3.You missed the whole purpose of my post.

01-24-2006, 02:13 PM
No more off topic/flaming posts please. Anymore will be deleted. Thanks.

01-24-2006, 02:29 PM
Border agents on both sides can be real hard asses. I think both Canadian and US border agents could do with a course in respect. A birth certificate along with a driver's license should suffice to cross the border next time. Windsor being a border town tends to be very pro-American. I hope you will come back for the most part Canadians are fond of their American brothers. I think when Bush leaves office this wave of anti-Americanism will leave us up here. During the beginning of the Iraq war it was higher than I have ever seen it.

Canada is very similar to America in many regards and different in some. Canadians are very diverse as are Americans. The East coast was settled by those from Scotland, Ireland, and England. Fishing was its primary industry which has taken a big hit which has hurt them a lot. For the most part I find East Coasters very likeable and welcoming. Quebec is very European in parts from architecture to attitude, Quebec brings a unqiue quality to Canada, unfortunately the endless bickering with the rest of English Canada detracts. Toronto which is in Ontario is Canada's economic engine, we produce 1/5 of the countries GDP. We are somewhat similiar to New Yorkers, we think if it isn't happening in Toronto, it just is happening. We are the worst's most ethnically diverse city in the world. There are many first generation Canadians running around Toronto and many recent immigrants. The west as in Alberta is run by their oil profits and bears some resemblance America's south with their love or leave it attitude however the racism isn't as bad. The west West Coast is home to Canada's hippies. They are more laid back than us Ontarians, they like their pot. British Columbia also has a very large Chinese population.

TRL I don't recall you ever saying anything disrepectful about Canadians.

Differences are many. We have a Westminister parliamentary system not a Presidential parliament. The official head of state isn't the Prime Minister, it is the Governor General who is appointed by the PM and is the Queen's representative in Canada. We have 2 official languages English and French. We don't believe in the melting pot concept, we ask our immigrants to become Canadian but to retain their ethnic identities. We believe that ethnic diversity is a strength.

Perhaps Kranar, Shalla and Chad can add their observations about Canada.

Thank you, that was very informative.

Do Canadians have an equivalent of a social security number? Do you have a big "tax" day like we do here, April 15? Is there a center of concentrated politics like Washington DC?

I hope that your new conservative government does what it says it is going to do; and doesn't 10 years from now find itself drunk with power to the level that exists in Washington today.

01-24-2006, 02:40 PM
ok back on topic those corrupt Liberals are toast (for now). Stephen Harper is the new Prime Minister of Canada, the old Prime Minister Paul Martin stepped down as head of the Liberal party after he lost which I thought was very sucky.

I am sure Backlash believes Harper is another Bush.

01-24-2006, 03:00 PM
We have a SIN number (Social Insurance Number). Politics in Canada are centred in Ottawa, Ontario. This is where the Prime Minister and all the Federal politicians, and the foreign diplomats are located. We do have a big tax day, April 30.

Considering it is a minority Government, it is unlikely they will be with drunk with power.

We don’t have term limits so someone could be Prime Minister for as long as the public would vote for them.

We also have a 7% Federal sales tax which is added to all goods and services, usually this is on top of a provincial tax of 8%.

01-24-2006, 03:37 PM
My question to Canadians is this: What does it mean for world politics to have a conservative in office rather than a liberal?

My very limited understanding of the problems that were going on in Canada were that the liberal party was full of corruption and many Canadians were angry about it and wanted a change. My understanding is also that the newly elected conservative is as I heard someone else put it "Bush's butt-buddy".

How is Canada going to improve with its new political leadership?

01-24-2006, 04:21 PM
But I don't see myself ever caring about anything that goes on in Canada. Alternatively, I don't see why they should care about anything that goes on in America.An injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.
For the most part I find East Coasters very likeable and welcoming.Scotland, as we're all aware, is ftw.
We don't believe in the melting pot conceptThe melting pot has been out of vogue for at least 10 years now, probably more. I could go into a very vehement defense of the melting pot here, but it seems extremely untopical and largely opinion-driven anyway. In any event, America's public school system at the very least no longer supports the melting pot phrase/concept.
Politics in Canada are centred in Ottawa, Ontario. <insert joke from Canadian Bacon here>

01-24-2006, 04:26 PM
My question to Canadians is this: What does it mean for world politics to have a conservative in office rather than a liberal?

My very limited understanding of the problems that were going on in Canada were that the liberal party was full of corruption and many Canadians were angry about it and wanted a change. My understanding is also that the newly elected conservative is as I heard someone else put it "Bush's butt-buddy".

How is Canada going to improve with its new political leadership?

You are correct about Canadians being fed up with Liberal corruption. I think we also felt after 13 years of Liberal rule it was time for a change. The way this Liberal government ruled was with a coaltion with the NDP who are socialists, because of this, the NDP called the shots and the country took a massive turn left. Now that the Conservatives are power we won't be pandering to the socialists. I also think that the Conservatives will empower the provinces more so we de-centralise power more.

The current Conservative leader Stephen Harper has been demonised by the Liberals as being Bush's bum buddy. I doubt this is true, one of the facts they use is that Harper wanted to go to Iraq. What they fail to mention is that he was in favour of doing this if they UN voted to go, not with America alone. Also the last Liberal leader was in favour of the Iraq war, it was the Liberal P.M. before him who decided we wouldn't go. The current Conservative use to be a liberal in the 70's, he left them because Trudeau (then Liberal Prime Minister) launched a national energy policy which Harper opposed. As an aside that energy policy failed. The Conservative platform is is very centrist. I do think the Conservatives will try hard to have a better relationship with Washington but the last Liberal tried to get along with Bush ,after his predecessor had a bad relationship with Dubbya, and failed. I doubt Stephen Harper will be anyone bum boy, if you look at his history he is very strong minded and not one to play second fiddle to anyone.