View Full Version : Indigenous Coca Farmer Set to Win Bolivian Election

12-20-2005, 08:34 PM
Morales 'certain of Bolivia win' (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/4544768.stm)

Bolivian socialist leader Evo Morales has won enough votes in the country's presidential election to be installed as leader, electoral officials say.
The country's electoral court confirmed that with almost two-thirds of the votes counted, Mr Morales' share was enough for him to win.

Mr Morales, an indigenous Aymara coca farmer, has called for an alliance with the US against drug trafficking.

In a BBC interview, though, Mr Morales defended traditional uses of coca.

Mr Morales' win has raised eyebrows in the US, after he expressed his admiration for the Cuban leader Fidel Castro and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.

He has also pledged to fight to remove the coca plant from the United Nations list of poisonous plants, and stressed his keenness to increase state control over Bolivia's lucrative natural gas industry.


Ok, for what its worth I am going to say good for Boliva based on one thing and one thing only: Their FIRST indigenous democratically elected president. (stipulated)

I get the feeling the US has played around too much with SA, setting up puppets and moving things to the US benefit and now we are seeing the backlash. Over all this time we could have cultivated a hemispherical union but instead we have dictated through shady means. This is just my impression.

Can an indian coca farmer step up to the world stage? Will his policies withstand? Its up or down at this point and only time will tell. The people of Bolivia seem to have said, “Yes.”

Bolivia was named after Simon Bolivar (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simon_Bolivar), their first president. A rich Spaniard who immigrated, then fought for independence, from Spain.

[Edited on 12-21-2005 by Backlash]

Terminator X
12-20-2005, 08:39 PM
From the few people I have known who actually chewed coca leaves/drank the tea, it supposedly is much less strong than the "high" one would experience from a drinking a strong cup of Twinining's earl grey :shrug:

[Edited on 12-21-2005 by Terminator X]

12-20-2005, 09:21 PM
The tea is called Mate de Coca and is more of a relaxant and is used most often in my experience as a way to soften the blow of the altitude in some of the cities in the Andes mountains. You have a cup of two and just take it easy upon initial arrival and it helps minimize the stress the shift from sea level to the much thinner air.

In the past and i guess to a much smaller extent it was/is also used by the indians as a form of chaw with a leaf or two between the cheek and gum and sucked on over the course of the day to help alleviate the fatigue they normally encounter.

And I could be way off base and of course for the people of Bolivia I hope I am, but i give this guy 18 months max to crash and burn.

12-21-2005, 12:43 PM

Watch for Morales to speak to the Left, but actual policies are center-right.


Which would be a parallel to de Silva of Brazil.

12-21-2005, 01:27 PM
A person also must keep in mind that the indigenous people of this particular culture have chewed coca leaves for centuries. Knowing a very limited amount about them (only what was briefly discussed in an elective anthropology course I took), I think they use the leaves for several purposes:

1. pain management
2. seal pacts (house sales etc)
3. very small, temporary pick-me-up, as we would use coffee.

As this man has stated that the US is illegally on his country's soil with its military bases, I think it may cause a bit of conflict, personally. Watching.
