View Full Version : WTF - BTK killer

06-27-2005, 03:33 PM
The BTK killer actually confessed to his crimes - stalking and killing 10 people, including a little 11 year-old girl, and jacking off on their corpses.

He can't receive the death penalty because it wasn't in place in the state when he committed these acts.

So now taxpayer dollars get to keep this waste of flesh taken care of for the rest of his natural life... wtf is wrong with our legal system?

06-27-2005, 03:41 PM
Chances are he'll get life in prison just like Jeffery Dahmer did.

[Edited on 6-27-2005 by AnticorRifling]

06-27-2005, 03:56 PM
Originally posted by Fission
The BTK killer actually confessed to his crimes - stalking and killing 10 people, including a little 11 year-old girl, and jacking off on their corpses.

He can't receive the death penalty because it wasn't in place in the state when he committed these acts.

So now taxpayer dollars get to keep this waste of flesh taken care of for the rest of his natural life... wtf is wrong with our legal system?

Blame the Liberals for not allowing quick and easy executions to spare the tax payers millions of $$ that could be used for school and public infrastructure instead.

06-27-2005, 04:03 PM
Maybe life in prison will be worse for him? I thought that pedophiles often got very rough treatment in prison by other prisoners.

06-27-2005, 04:14 PM
Originally posted by GSLeloo
Maybe life in prison will be worse for him? I thought that pedophiles often got very rough treatment in prison by other prisoners.

It probably would, but I still dislike having to fund his housing and food while he's in jail, when the money could go to better use elsewhere in other social programs (again, education or public infrastructure).

06-27-2005, 04:39 PM
We didn't have to fund Dahmer for very long, if you think about it. :whistle:

06-27-2005, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by HarmNone
We didn't have to fund Dahmer for very long, if you think about it. :whistle:

Harmnone is so 4 posts late but now I have to go change the spelling of the dude's name in my post!

06-27-2005, 06:54 PM
Originally posted by Atlanteax

Originally posted by Fission
The BTK killer actually confessed to his crimes - stalking and killing 10 people, including a little 11 year-old girl, and jacking off on their corpses.

He can't receive the death penalty because it wasn't in place in the state when he committed these acts.

So now taxpayer dollars get to keep this waste of flesh taken care of for the rest of his natural life... wtf is wrong with our legal system?

Blame the Liberals for not allowing quick and easy executions to spare the tax payers millions of $$ that could be used for school and public infrastructure instead.

It is really sad that it costs less to keep them alive than to execute them... I am a liberal and I always thought that was nutty, so quit blaming the liberals and buying into media fed stereotypes :loser:

06-27-2005, 06:58 PM
I think i'm pretty liberal, but in cases like this where there is no doubt he is the killer of many innocent people I'm in favor of the death penalty.

Membership card to the human race was turned in long ago and he can be put down like the mad animal he is.

06-27-2005, 07:01 PM
Originally posted by Skirmisher
I think i'm pretty liberal, but in cases like this where there is no doubt he is the killer of many innocent people I'm in favor of the death penalty.

Membership card to the human race was turned in long ago and he can be put down like the mad animal he is.

I agree. Though I'm also glad executions have not been so quick and easy to carry out considering the number of cases we've seen lately of DNA testing exonerating people on death row.

But when there's absolutely, positively no doubt... Take him out back and put a bullet in his head.


06-27-2005, 07:04 PM
Originally posted by GSLeloo
Maybe life in prison will be worse for him? I thought that pedophiles often got very rough treatment in prison by other prisoners.

They actually have to keep pedophiles, rapists and such in a separate ward from the other prisoners because of this fact.

I'm sure they get around it even then, and I don't feel the least sorry for it.

06-27-2005, 08:33 PM
Originally posted by Atlanteax
Blame the Liberals for not allowing quick and easy executions to spare the tax payers millions of $$ that could be used for school and public infrastructure instead.

Assuming that this isn't a flamebait post,

Congrats, this is officially the most ignorant, idiotic statement I've ever read on these boards.

06-27-2005, 09:13 PM
Lethal Injection/Electric chair is actually really expensive.

Im pro-North Korea Death Penalty... Shoot the person in the head; Charge the family for the bullet.

06-27-2005, 09:17 PM
Well made rope works for me.

06-27-2005, 10:26 PM
Originally posted by Sylph
Lethal Injection/Electric chair is actually really expensive.

Im pro-North Korea Death Penalty... Shoot the person in the head; Charge the family for the bullet.

It's probably more expensive because the bastards who should die a quick and simple death all keep appealing.

It's those appeals that make it expensive for the State, I believe.

Remove the ability to appeal, and then all set! :!:

06-27-2005, 11:24 PM
Originally posted by Atlanteax

Originally posted by Fission
The BTK killer actually confessed to his crimes - stalking and killing 10 people, including a little 11 year-old girl, and jacking off on their corpses.

He can't receive the death penalty because it wasn't in place in the state when he committed these acts.

So now taxpayer dollars get to keep this waste of flesh taken care of for the rest of his natural life... wtf is wrong with our legal system?

Blame the Liberals...

Oh do shut up, not being able to change the rules and then retroactively harm a person's right is not a liberal stance, its a sane moral and judicial stance.

*ANYWAY*, yes, assuming the guy survives he will have taxpayer money paying for his life needs. The fact is all humans are our brothers, and we must take care of our people regardless of their sick twisted desires. Chances are this guy was abused himself to become what he is today, we failed to protect him from abuse and now we paid as a society. Who dares act innocent and rightous, but fools.

07-01-2005, 07:22 PM
Originally posted by Divinity

Originally posted by GSLeloo
Maybe life in prison will be worse for him? I thought that pedophiles often got very rough treatment in prison by other prisoners.

They actually have to keep pedophiles, rapists and such in a separate ward from the other prisoners because of this fact.

I'm sure they get around it even then, and I don't feel the least sorry for it.
Wouldn't surprise me. As I recall, sex offenders are the main targets in the prison system.

Originally posted by Fengus
Chances are this guy was abused himself to become what he is today...

There is a good possibility of such. Statistics of serial killers have led to the profile being that a serial killer comes from a dysfunctional family, possibly with abuse of some form. However, there is a lot of debate as to whether the abuse is what triggers the behavior.

I'll shut up now, though, since I'm a forensics nut and I love criminal profiling.


07-01-2005, 07:29 PM
Originally posted by Fengus

Originally posted by Atlanteax

Originally posted by Fission
The BTK killer actually confessed to his crimes - stalking and killing 10 people, including a little 11 year-old girl, and jacking off on their corpses.

He can't receive the death penalty because it wasn't in place in the state when he committed these acts.

So now taxpayer dollars get to keep this waste of flesh taken care of for the rest of his natural life... wtf is wrong with our legal system?

Blame the Liberals...

Oh do shut up, not being able to change the rules and then retroactively harm a person's right is not a liberal stance, its a sane moral and judicial stance.

*ANYWAY*, yes, assuming the guy survives he will have taxpayer money paying for his life needs. The fact is all humans are our brothers, and we must take care of our people regardless of their sick twisted desires. Chances are this guy was abused himself to become what he is today, we failed to protect him from abuse and now we paid as a society. Who dares act innocent and rightous, but fools.

Why not just make prisoners work? In other countries, in prison, you have to do a lot of manual labor. Set them to work stuffing envelopes and use the pay to pay for their food, clothing etc.

On another note: I am all for prisoners suing the states if it's proven they didn't commit their crimes with DNA evidence. That "the government is absolved from lack of evidence/blame" crap doesn't fly here.

On a third note: In a case like this, where the guy has admitted guilt, no... bragged about his guilt (cocky son of a ... explitive deleted), absolutely, shoot him in the head, but I bet you'd get a lot fewer people confessing as he did then.

One of the books I was enamoured with writing dealt a lot with serial killers, so I read up on them as much as I could. BTK was one of the ones I looked at. He is incredibly intelligent, cocky, and probably knew that the law would prohibit his execution when he comitted the crimes that he did. Serial killers are usually of above average intelligence.


07-01-2005, 08:25 PM
Chances are this guy was abused himself to become what he is today, we failed to protect him from abuse and now we paid as a society. Who dares act innocent and rightous, but fools.

I think this happens to be a trap us liberals tend to fall in. Ultimately, responsibility falls on the individual, unless of course, there has been a complete snap from reality, which may have been the case here? Not familiar with the case, been a bit out of touch. It's classic Dostoevesky people - Dmitri had a horrible childhood under his father Fyodor, but in the end, his licentousness is because he refuses to face that childhood head on.

Not to say that society doesn't have a hand - there is a part of the Brothers Karamazov where Zosima says, "In judging your brother, realize that is a fault in yourself that has brought him in front of you for judgment - from there all justice stems."

And I like the idea of prisoners working. When I was in Jesuit high school, they had something called JUG (Justice Under God), our detention, where we did maintanence work instead of just sit around in a room. The school saved money, we didn't want to get detention and be bossed around by the janitor.


07-01-2005, 11:42 PM
Originally posted by ElanthianSiren
On a third note: In a case like this, where the guy has admitted guilt, no... bragged about his guilt (cocky son of a ... explitive deleted), absolutely, shoot him in the head, but I bet you'd get a lot fewer people confessing as he did then.

One of the books I was enamoured with writing dealt a lot with serial killers, so I read up on them as much as I could. BTK was one of the ones I looked at. He is incredibly intelligent, cocky, and probably knew that the law would prohibit his execution when he comitted the crimes that he did. Serial killers are usually of above average intelligence.

Right with you, Melissa. I read a fabulous book for my Criminology class called "The Anatomy of Motive," by former FBI profiler John Douglas, which delved into why people commit the crimes they did, focusing especially on spree killers, mass murderers and serial killers.

There is a very fine distinction between spree killers, mass murderers and serial killers, but serial killers tend to be white men 18-35, intelligent, looking for power and from a turbulent childhood.

There is also a term called the "homicidal traid," for three characteristics that tend to show up in serial killers, that being bedwetting beyond a normal age, firestarting and cruelty to animals. Those three traits are looked at as the individual's attempt to exercise some measure of control in a chaotic life. Two of the three traits showing up in one person would be reason to be concerned.

As far as whether criminals are born or made (the infamous nature vs. nurture debate), most people agree that both will affect the individual. The debate comes when trying to determine how much influence each exerts.

To be honest, I'm not surprised the BTK killer returned after so many years of being quiet, confessed to the murders and even seemed to brag about what he did. Serial killers thrive on attention. They'll keep videos or clippings of news coverage of what they did, or they'll watch police investigating. Many even have a police scanner. They love attention and the power to make people react to what they do. That's a good part of why they kill in the first place. They want to dominate another person totally, even to the point of choosing whether they live or die.

Alright, enough babbling. I just love profiling, if you can't tell. ;)
