View Full Version : Antisemitism Awareness Act

05-02-2024, 09:42 AM
H.R. 6090, described as “an act to provide for the consideration of a definition of antisemitism set forth by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance for the enforcement of Federal antidiscrimination laws concerning education programs or activities, and for other purposes,” was passed on Wednesday by the House of Representatives in a 312 to 91 vote with 26 abstentions.

More... (https://www.jewishpress.com/news/us-news/house-adopts-ihra-definition-of-antisemitism-amends-civil-rights-act-to-include-jews/2024/05/02/)

Quoted below, Marjorie Taylor Greene explained her opposition to the bill. She was right to oppose the bill. It was a brave stance for her to take. The definition adopted by Congress, as quoted by Greene below, would clearly be an unconstitutional basis for awarding or withholding government funds. Greene stood on the side of freedom of speech and freedom of religion with her vote.

Marjorie Taylor Greene explains her opposition to the bill..



05-02-2024, 10:00 AM
Quoted below, I explain my constant need for creating 989422734 new attention threads every week because the PC is my life and I haven't come out from under my bed since 2020.

My parents hate me and haven't paid any attention to me in 30+ years except for when mommy showed me how to buy cold cuts once, which I'm still traumatized from and have been hiding under my bed from Covid and cold cuts ever since.

This is correct.

05-02-2024, 10:10 AM
Democrats openly calling for the murder of Jews and downplaying violent rioters as “peaceful protesters” and Clyder is worried about how MTG is going to vote on a bill.

You are almost as big of a clown as Seran is these days.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-02-2024, 10:31 AM
Do we really need an act of congress to condemn anti-Semitism? Why can't we just enforce laws meant to protect all citizens?

05-02-2024, 10:52 AM
Do we really need an act of congress to condemn anti-Semitism? Why can't we just enforce laws meant to protect all citizens?

With the tens of thousands of Democrats openly calling for the murder of Jews and taking over college campuses, looks like we do.

If only Democrats in the 90's focused a little less on locking up as many black people as possible and instead cracked down on violent white students attending college and their equally violent professors then maybe this wouldn't be a problem today.

05-02-2024, 11:10 AM
I thought the Romans killed Christ. Rome was not Christian at the time. Romans were not Jewish. This bill is beyond dumb.

05-02-2024, 11:35 AM
I thought the Romans killed Christ. Rome was not Christian at the time. Romans were not Jewish. This bill is beyond dumb.

The Pharisees tried him and turned him over to the Romans. Pontius Pilate found no guilt and offered the Jews the option to either free Jesus or free Barabbas, a convicted murderer, the Jews chose to free Barabbas.

The argument that the Jews didn't kill Jesus is like arguing that Hitler didn't kill Jews.

If this bill passes, I would be guilty of a crime for saying this.

Suppressed Poet
05-02-2024, 12:05 PM
The Pharisees tried him and turned him over to the Romans. Pontius Pilate found no guilt and offered the Jews the option to either free Jesus or free Barabbas, a convicted murderer, the Jews chose to free Barabbas.

The argument that the Jews didn't kill Jesus is like arguing that Hitler didn't kill Jews.

If this bill passes, I would be guilty of a crime for saying this.


As a Catholic, I was taught for better or worse that lion’s share of guilt for the crucifixion of Christ is with the higher priests of the Pharisees. They saw Jesus as a blasphemer and threat to their authority. We are careful to make the distinction that the calls for his death came from those in positions of power, but not necessarily representative of the common Jew. Jesus and most of his disciples were practicing Jews after all.

Suppressed Poet
05-02-2024, 12:15 PM
My 2 cents is such a bill would be unconstitutional and violation of the First Amendment. As abhorrent as it is, it’s perfectly legal for one to go on the street dressed as a SS soldier waving a Nazi flag and blaming the Jews for all the world’s problems. Free speech (that doesn’t include direct calls for violence and certain rare exceptions that have been defined through case law) should be protected from government prosecution at all costs, and if you believe in that you must accept that includes speech you disagree with.

05-02-2024, 12:16 PM
The Pharisees tried him and turned him over to the Romans. Pontius Pilate found no guilt and offered the Jews the option to either free Jesus or free Barabbas, a convicted murderer, the Jews chose to free Barabbas.

The argument that the Jews didn't kill Jesus is like arguing that Hitler didn't kill Jews.

If this bill passes, I would be guilty of a crime for saying this.

In the end, Pontius Pilate ordered the killing Jesus, the rest are accomplices. It was his decision, period. Gods logic falls out the window with Christian idiots.

05-02-2024, 12:17 PM
My 2 cents is such a bill would be unconstitutional and violation of the First Amendment. As abhorrent as it is, it’s perfectly legal for one to go on the street dressed as a SS soldier waving a Nazi flag and blaming the Jews for all the world’s problems. Free speech (that doesn’t include direct calls for violence and certain rare exceptions that have been defined through case law) should be protected from government prosecution at all costs, and if you believe in that you must accept that includes speech you disagree with.

^^ This.

05-02-2024, 12:27 PM

As a Catholic, I was taught for better or worse that lion’s share of guilt for the crucifixion of Christ is with the higher priests of the Pharisees. They saw Jesus as a blasphemer and threat to their authority. We are careful to make the distinction that the calls for his death came from those in positions of power, but not necessarily representative of the common Jew. Jesus and most of his disciples were practicing Jews after all.

It's a nice little lesson on how the mob can be manipulated into making the worst decisions imaginable.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-02-2024, 12:32 PM
I feel like there is a Crowder meme of "Jesus was a only a magician in antiquity, prove me wrong." here.

Wouldn't time travel be cool so we could go back and find out? I personally would like to go back to the younger dryas event to see what was up back then. Advanced civilization or no?

05-02-2024, 12:37 PM
In the end, Pontius Pilate ordered the killing Jesus, the rest are accomplices. It was his decision, period. Gods logic falls out the window with Christian idiots.

Bullshit, Pontius was facing the outbreak of a civil war, he literally gave the Jews numerous chances to free Christ. They chose to free a murderer. Had Pontius freed Christ the Pharisees would have incited a violent civil war.

The term "I wash my hands of it" is a literal reference to his decision. Christ even recognized that Pontius was forced into the decision.

05-02-2024, 12:38 PM
I thought the Romans killed Christ. Rome was not Christian at the time. Romans were not Jewish. This bill is beyond dumb.

Jesus was actually saved by some random on his way to being crucified, as seen below:


Suppressed Poet
05-02-2024, 12:55 PM
I feel like there is a Crowder meme of "Jesus was a only a magician in antiquity, prove me wrong." here.

Wouldn't time travel be cool so we could go back and find out? I personally would like to go back to the younger dryas event to see what was up back then. Advanced civilization or no?

I would definitely take that time travel trip with you.

I’ll be honest…I’m really not the most religious person, sometimes waver in my faith, and can be described as a Cafeteria Catholic. It’s part of my heritage though and I couldn’t imagine being anything else. I also do believe the core principles of Christianity as it relates to morality and ethics (like how it values individualism, forgiveness, tolerance, etc.). It helps raise my children to be good people.

Suppressed Poet
05-02-2024, 01:03 PM
Bullshit, Pontius was facing the outbreak of a civil war, he literally gave the Jews numerous chances to free Christ. They chose to free a murderer. Had Pontius freed Christ the Pharisees would have incited a violent civil war.

The term "I wash my hands of it" is a literal reference to his decision. Christ even recognized that Pontius was forced into the decision.

Yeah Pilate was sent to govern and subjugate the rowdy & rebellious Jews. He didn’t want to order Christ’s death (or better put really didn’t care nor wish to be bothered), but he gave into the demands of the Pharisees & the mob only in an effort to prevent another open rebellion. He has some blame. He could have said no, but didn’t.

Edit: It’s also important to notate that Christ knew that this was his destiny and embraced it. There were plenty of opportunities he had to defend himself or call upon the divine to save him from this fate of crucifixion, but willingly accepted it despite his mortal fear of a painful death. There can be no resurrection without death.

05-02-2024, 01:07 PM
The problem with time travel for historical research of such debated things is the same as the problem with uncomfortable facts for the masses today. No matter what you find, people, in general, won't change and all you can end up doing is starting a war. Then there are all those historical inaccuracies that we see today and no one corrects or cares about. On a personal level, it might be nice, on a society level, it's a death sentance.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-02-2024, 01:45 PM
I would definitely take that time travel trip with you.

I’ll be honest…I’m really not the most religious person, sometimes waver in my faith, and can be described as a Cafeteria Catholic. It’s part of my heritage though and I couldn’t imagine being anything else. I also do believe the core principles of Christianity as it relates to morality and ethics (like how it values individualism, forgiveness, tolerance, etc.). It helps raise my children to be good people.

I wasn't raised religious at all, but I do like the morality, ethics and values most religions espouse. Just the basic "be good to each other". Hardly anyone really subscribes to that though, in all aspects of their lives. I'd throw in a "don't suffer idiots" and then the be good to each other is really easy. I've actually started reading The Bhagavad Gita and there are a lot of things in it I like and subscribe too (and find incredibly interesting) and then of course a bit I don't. It's like every business or guide book I've read before, I try to take the parts I agree with and apply them to my life. Not sure I believe in a God or an afterlife, but I'm hopeful.

One thing I've never shared here is I had pretty bad AFIB about 6 years ago, enough so that I needed an ablation to fix it. On the table I flatlined for approximately 25 seconds and they had to do chest compressions on me. When I woke up and found out what happened, I was very disappointed I didn't see a tunnel and bright light OR the fiery depths of hell. This is 100% a true story.

Suppressed Poet
05-02-2024, 02:02 PM
I wasn't raised religious at all, but I do like the morality, ethics and values most religions espouse. Just the basic "be good to each other". Hardly anyone really subscribes to that though, in all aspects of their lives. I'd throw in a "don't suffer idiots" and then the be good to each other is really easy. I've actually started reading The Bhagavad Gita and there are a lot of things in it I like and subscribe too (and find incredibly interesting) and then of course a bit I don't. It's like every business or guide book I've read before, I try to take the parts I agree with and apply them to my life. Not sure I believe in a God or an afterlife, but I'm hopeful.

One thing I've never shared here is I had pretty bad AFIB about 6 years ago, enough so that I needed an ablation to fix it. On the table I flatlined for approximately 25 seconds and they had to do chest compressions on me. When I woke up and found out what happened, I was very disappointed I didn't see a tunnel and bright light OR the fiery depths of hell. This is 100% a true story.

All major religions say in some way be good to one another, but not all religions are equal in my humble opinion. As an example, Orthodox Judaism believes that a certain culture/race/ethnicity are God’s special chosen people. Islam is fundamentally rooted in conversion by the sword & Sharia law. Our Western culture was shaped by Christianity. It was and still is somewhat of a radical concept of Christianity that says and individual should be judged by their own actions and that you are not responsible for the sins of your fathers.

Glad you are still with us and thank you for sharing. I too want to believe in an afterlife but admittedly waver in my faith. The way I see it, if it’s all just made up BS but has a good foundation in ethics and community, I’d still choose it. To each their own. We’re all just struggling to get by in this world.

05-02-2024, 02:31 PM
All major religions say in some way be good to one another, but not all religions are equal in my humble opinion. As an example, Orthodox Judaism believes that a certain culture/race/ethnicity are God’s special chosen people. Islam is fundamentally rooted in conversion by the sword & Sharia law. Our Western culture was shaped by Christianity. It was and still is somewhat of a radical concept of Christianity that says and individual should be judged by their own actions and that you are not responsible for the sins of your fathers.

Glad you are still with us and thank you for sharing. I too want to believe in an afterlife but admittedly waver in my faith. The way I see it, if it’s all just made up BS but has a good foundation in ethics and community, I’d still choose it. To each their own. We’re all just struggling to get by in this world.

You don't need religion to be a decent human being.

05-02-2024, 02:53 PM

05-02-2024, 04:25 PM
You don't need religion to be a decent human being.

Define "decent" and where you inherited that idea.

If you have observed 2 children alone with 1 toy, you certainly know we are not born with decency.

05-02-2024, 04:29 PM
Define "decent" and where you inherited that idea.

If you have observed 2 children alone with 1 toy, you certainly know we are not born with decency.

So you believe that only decent human beings are religious ones.


Go believe that there is some alien being looking down on you and watching your every move.

And when you choose do do something wrong, you can always blame the "devil" because he made you do it.

05-02-2024, 04:47 PM
So you believe that only decent human beings are religious ones.


Go believe that there is some alien being looking down on you and watching your every move.

And when you choose do do something wrong, you can always blame the "devil" because he made you do it.

You could just answer the question.

I have no problem with you believing everything came from nothing, not sure why you are getting upset.

05-02-2024, 04:56 PM
You could just answer the question.

You didn't pose a question. You know what a question mark is, right?

I have no problem with you believing everything came from nothing, not sure why you are getting upset.

Not getting upset at all. I just view you as a moron and respond to your posts in a manner in which I would deal with a moron.

05-02-2024, 05:15 PM
You didn't pose a question. You know what a question mark is, right?

Not getting upset at all. I just view you as a moron and respond to your posts in a manner in which I would deal with a moron.

Define "decent" and where you inherited it from?

Would you consider your go to "you're a moron" response to everyone that says they believe in a creator to be "decent" behavior?

05-02-2024, 06:20 PM
Define "decent"

adjective (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/adjective)


a: conforming to standards of propriety (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/propriety), good taste, or morality (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/morality)

and where you inherited it from?


It wasn't "inherited".. I just looked it up.

Would you consider your go to "you're a moron" response to everyone that says they believe in a creator to be "decent" behavior?

No. I would only use the term "moron" to someone who believes that the only way to be a decent human being is to believe in your "God" and anyone else who believes in nothing or another "God" can't possibly ever be decent.

I would also use various other terms to describe such a buffoon.. like buffoon.

I would also use: dipshit, dumbass, nitwit, ignoramus, dimwit and imbecile.

I would not use, but others might: bonehead, blockhead, birdbrain, airhead, dope, dork or dunce.

05-02-2024, 07:01 PM

adjective (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/adjective)


a: conforming to standards of propriety (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/propriety), good taste, or morality (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/morality)


It wasn't "inherited".. I just looked it up.

No. I would only use the term "moron" to someone who believes that the only way to be a decent human being is to believe in your "God" and anyone else who believes in nothing or another "God" can't possibly ever be decent.

I would also use various other terms to describe such a buffoon.. like buffoon.

I would also use: dipshit, dumbass, nitwit, ignoramus, dimwit and imbecile.

I would not use, but others might: bonehead, blockhead, birdbrain, airhead, dope, dork or dunce.

OK Mr Thesaurus. Stop using those multisyllabic words, you know it confuses and confounds them. Play nice.

ROFLMAO damn, almost made it to post without laughing.

Suppressed Poet
05-02-2024, 08:29 PM
You don't need religion to be a decent human being.

I absolutely agree.

It does help with raising your children to be morally grounded. At least it does for me. If it’s not religion, you need something to fill that role else leftism on TikTok will (or other less than ideal influences).

05-02-2024, 08:52 PM
I don't care if someone is religious or not or what religion religious people are, but if someone needs a deity to motivate them to not be a cunt, instead of just not being a cunt for the sake of not being a cunt, then that makes them a cunt. Even if they're not being a cunt. Which they probably are.


Suppressed Poet
05-02-2024, 10:06 PM
I don't care if someone is religious or not or what religion religious people are, but if someone needs a deity to motivate them to not be a cunt, instead of just not being a cunt for the sake of not being a cunt, then that makes them a cunt. Even if they're not being a cunt. Which they probably are.


Devil’s advocate (no pun intended), but do we need laws & punishment to deter crime? Of course we do. Sure you can say that you don’t commit a crime for other & more morally sound reasons besides that you can be incarcerated, but if you look at society as a whole that is a necessary component. Punishment and reward are the most basic of human motivators that we all learn at infancy.

Beyond that, tests of morality often happen not in the black & white but the grey areas of life. Religion/faith can offer guidance in such areas. There is a reason for the saying “there are no atheists in foxholes”. Everyone has a value system. Even if you are atheist/agnostic, if you grew up in the Western world your value system is almost certainly influenced by Christianity.

Just my 2 cents.

05-02-2024, 10:26 PM
Devil’s advocate (no pun intended), but do we need laws & punishment to deter crime? Of course we do. Sure you can say that you don’t commit a crime for other & more morally sound reasons besides that you can be incarcerated, but if you look at society as a whole that is a necessary component. Punishment and reward are the most basic of human motivators that we all learn at infancy.

Beyond that, tests of morality often happen not in the black & white but the grey areas of life. Religion/faith can offer guidance in such areas. There is a reason for the saying “there are no atheists in foxholes”. Everyone has a value system. Even if you are atheist/agnostic, if you grew up in the Western world your value system is almost certainly influenced by Christianity.

Just my 2 cents.

I'm not saying all religious people are cunts. It's possible to be both religious and not be a cunt for the sake of not being a cunt. And then you have the cunty religious people. You know the type. The ones whose own gods would even think they're cunts. Even the all forgiving ones.

Non-religious people can be cunts too. And lots are. Just look at Seran. Sure, some of it is because he's severely mentally handicapped, but it's mostly because he's an all around shitstain.

Suppressed Poet
05-02-2024, 11:14 PM
I'm not saying all religious people are cunts. It's possible to be both religious and not be a cunt for the sake of not being a cunt. And then you have the cunty religious people. You know the type. The ones whose own gods would even think they're cunts. Even the all forgiving ones.

Non-religious people can be cunts too. And lots are. Just look at Seran. Sure, some of it is because he's severely mentally handicapped, but it's mostly because he's an all around shitstain.

Yes, I do know the type.

Agreed. Cunts come from all different types of religion, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual preference, etc.

05-02-2024, 11:15 PM
I'm not saying all religious people are cunts. It's possible to be both religious and not be a cunt for the sake of not being a cunt. And then you have the cunty religious people. You know the type. The ones whose own gods would even think they're cunts. Even the all forgiving ones.

Non-religious people can be cunts too. And lots are. Just look at Seran. Sure, some of it is because he's severely mentally handicapped, but it's mostly because he's an all around shitstain.

The question isn't about believers/non-believers being more cuntish than one another. The question is, who is more likely to be a cunt?

Do you think the cunts that are out rioting on the campuses right now follow the basic teachings of what our nations laws are based on?

The fact is, the reason you know the difference between a cunt and not a cunt is because of the Christian foundation of our society you were born and raised in.

The whole "do you need a deity watching over you?" is an argument from people that don't understand Christianity. We create our own hell by nod following those laws, the more one tries to abide by those laws the less likely their life is going to be hell.

I personally love science, yet, I have never learned anything about morality from science or a reason for morality to even exist.

Suppressed Poet
05-02-2024, 11:50 PM
Define "decent" and where you inherited that idea.

If you have observed 2 children alone with 1 toy, you certainly know we are not born with decency.


These are my 17 month old boys playing with one toy.

I do get what you are saying. It was perhaps their first natural inclination to use any means necessary (including violence) for one to take the desired toy from the other. That can still happen on rare occasion, but even at this young tender age they prefer cooperative play. They share and love each other like brothers should.

In the literal sense, I wouldn’t say they know Jesus. We’re real shitty about going to church…as in we went on Easter Sunday and it was Christmas before that. We pray before dinner and the boys just kinda stare at us. That’s about it, but they have two parents that love them & more than their basic human needs met. Anyways, the whole philosophical argument of whether humans are naturally good or bad…my life experiences tell me that we each have a great capacity to do be both with no inherent bias one way or another at birth. That may or may not agree with my religious doctrine, but that’s my own conclusion.

05-03-2024, 09:28 AM
The question isn't about believers/non-believers being more cuntish than one another. The question is, who is more likely to be a cunt?

Do you think the cunts that are out rioting on the campuses right now follow the basic teachings of what our nations laws are based on?

The fact is, the reason you know the difference between a cunt and not a cunt is because of the Christian foundation of our society you were born and raised in.

The whole "do you need a deity watching over you?" is an argument from people that don't understand Christianity. We create our own hell by nod following those laws, the more one tries to abide by those laws the less likely their life is going to be hell.

I personally love science, yet, I have never learned anything about morality from science or a reason for morality to even exist.

You don't need to be religious to be able to decern the difference between right and wrong... and you certainly don't have to be a Christian... which makes your "point" even more hilarious.

"MY religion is the best, every other religion is wrong!"

05-03-2024, 10:16 AM
The question isn't about believers/non-believers being more cuntish than one another. The question is, who is more likely to be a cunt?

Do you think the cunts that are out rioting on the campuses right now follow the basic teachings of what our nations laws are based on?

The fact is, the reason you know the difference between a cunt and not a cunt is because of the Christian foundation of our society you were born and raised in.

The whole "do you need a deity watching over you?" is an argument from people that don't understand Christianity. We create our own hell by nod following those laws, the more one tries to abide by those laws the less likely their life is going to be hell.

I personally love science, yet, I have never learned anything about morality from science or a reason for morality to even exist.

People who "believe" and people who are "religious" aren't necessarily the same thing. There's some overlap, but that doesn't make them the same.

Organized religion in general, which is what I'm referring to when I talk about "religious people," are basically cults. And "cult" is only one letter away from "cunt." Probably for a reason.

Organized religion is also not a requirement for people who believe to be "right" with their god. And anyone who tries to tell you it is, is either a manipulative cunt and/or a brainwashed retard.

I'm not an Atheist. I was also raised Catholic. Not hardcore church every Sunday Catholic, but enough to see how Catholicism and organized religion in general is generally a bunch of retarded cult bullshit. Cool churches though.

I consider myself a Christian, but not part of any sort of organized religion. And when I do things like <INSERT GOOD DEED HERE>, I don't do it because I'm motivated by shit like, "I'd better help this person or else I might not get into Heaven!"

Do you think the cunts that are out rioting on the campuses right now follow the basic teachings of what our nations laws are based on?

Most of those people are also in a cult. Primarily these dumb fuck white kids who are out there protesting and rioting, LARPing with their garbage can shields (https://twitter.com/OliLondonTV/status/1786131419481223362), mindlessly chanting dumb shit like "Queers for Palestine!" or whatever other dumb shit they shriek now, etc., but can't actually tell you why they're protesting when asked. Or best case, they just repeat shit that they heard other people say while having no idea what any of it means and knowing literally nothing about any historical context for either side. They just don't have any self awareness and are typically very low IQ and/or retarded, which isn't exclusive to that crowd, but their members seem to overwhelmingly have that in common.

Basically people like Seran and ClydeRetard, except these people actually go outside, and some might even have jobs.

Who's more likely to not be a cunt? Someone all wrapped up in organized religion? Or someone who believes in that same god, but doesn't participate in organized religion?

Suppressed Poet
05-03-2024, 10:29 AM
I think you’re a cunt if you believe in something/anything that someone else told you without applying your own critical thinking. I can respect those that have different views/thoughts/opinons who came to those conclusions through logical and rational thought. I don’t respect those who blindly follow authority without question.

05-03-2024, 10:58 AM
People who "believe" and people who are "religious" aren't necessarily the same thing. There's some overlap, but that doesn't make them the same.

Organized religion in general, which is what I'm referring to when I talk about "religious people," are basically cults. And "cult" is only one letter away from "cunt." Probably for a reason.

Organized religion is also not a requirement for people who believe to be "right" with their god. And anyone who tries to tell you it is, is either a manipulative cunt and/or a brainwashed retard.

I'm not an Atheist. I was also raised Catholic. Not hardcore church every Sunday Catholic, but enough to see how Catholicism and organized religion in general is generally a bunch of retarded cult bullshit. Cool churches though.

I consider myself a Christian, but not part of any sort of organized religion. And when I do things like <INSERT GOOD DEED HERE>, I don't do it because I'm motivated by shit like, "I'd better help this person or else I might not get into Heaven!"

Most of those people are also in a cult. Primarily these dumb fuck white kids who are out there protesting and rioting, LARPing with their garbage can shields (https://twitter.com/OliLondonTV/status/1786131419481223362), mindlessly chanting dumb shit like "Queers for Palestine!" or whatever other dumb shit they shriek now, etc., but can't actually tell you why they're protesting when asked. Or best case, they just repeat shit that they heard other people say while having no idea what any of it means and knowing literally nothing about any historical context for either side. They just don't have any self awareness and are typically very low IQ and/or retarded, which isn't exclusive to that crowd, but their members seem to overwhelmingly have that in common.

Basically people like Seran and ClydeRetard, except these people actually go outside, and some might even have jobs.

Who's more likely to not be a cunt? Someone all wrapped up in organized religion? Or someone who believes in that same god, but doesn't participate in organized religion?

Bro, I haven't attended church since the early 90's. I won't even vote for evangelical candidates. I find the collection plate to be no different than the merchant tables that Christ freaked the fuck out about and a shallow excuse for people to not do the works that they are called to do. I also don't blame anyone from turning away from religion, the church is entirely to blame.