View Full Version : Iowa Caucuses

01-12-2024, 09:22 AM
Trump told an audience of more than 2,000 in Clinton on Saturday night that his aides told him he shouldn't worry about cold weather, although his opponents probably should.

"The other side will never vote, because they don't have any enthusiasm," Trump said. Stoking the crowd, he added, "We won't lose one vote, because our people, they're going to walk on glass."

More... (https://abc7chicago.com/iowa-caucuses-donald-trump-nikki-haley-ron-desantis/14297554/)

Trump says bad weather in Iowa will help him in the caucuses. That means if there is bad weather, any Trump victory will be much less meaningful, since his margin would have been smaller, or even negative, in normal weather conditions.

Suppressed Poet
01-12-2024, 09:59 AM
Trump says bad weather in Iowa will help him in the caucuses. That means if there is bad weather, any Trump victory will be much less meaningful, since his margin would have been smaller, or even negative, in normal weather conditions.

Bad logic.

Michael Jordan says eating Wheaties is the Breakfast of Champions. That means if he eats Wheaties, any 90s Bulls NBA Finals victory was much less meaningful, since their margin would have been smaller, or even negative, had Michael Jordan not ate his Wheaties.

01-12-2024, 11:23 AM
Trump says bad weather in Iowa will help him in the caucuses. That means if there is bad weather, any Trump victory will be much less meaningful, since his margin would have been smaller, or even negative, in normal weather conditions.

Shut the fuck up and stop being the biggest attention whore in the universe 24/7 and go buy some cold cuts without your mom's help.

01-16-2024, 06:06 PM
In 2020, Trump won 97% of the votes in the Iowa caucus. This year, his support plummeted to just 51%. That's a warning sign for sure!

Suppressed Poet
01-16-2024, 06:14 PM
In 2020, Trump won 97% of the votes in the Iowa caucus. This year, his support plummeted to just 51%. That's a warning sign for sure!

Shut the fuck up ClydeR.

Always posting dumb shit…

01-16-2024, 06:17 PM
In 2020, Trump won 97% of the votes in the Iowa caucus. This year, his support plummeted to just 51%. That's a warning sign for sure!


01-21-2024, 04:00 PM
Well, DeSantis is out, endorses Trump. So it's Trump vs Nickki Haley, the outsider vs the swap creature.

01-22-2024, 10:09 AM
Well, De'Santi's i's out, endorse's Trump. So its Trump vs Nickki Haley, the out'sider v's the swap creature.

Fixed so that Seran can read it.

01-22-2024, 04:58 PM
Fixed so that Seran can read it.

Thank you for your heroic efforts to lead the functionally retarded to knowledge.

That said, damn that hurts my eyes.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
01-22-2024, 05:17 PM
Don't forget, Nikki Haley is brown.

01-22-2024, 06:35 PM
Don't forget, Nikki Haley is brown.

Trump won't let anybody forget..

ATLANTA (AP) — Donald Trump used his social media platform Friday to mock Nikki Haley ‘s birth name, the latest example of the former president keying on race and ethnicity to attack people of color, especially his political rivals.

In a post on his Truth Social account, Trump repeatedly referred to Haley, the daughter of immigrants from India, as “Nimbra.” Haley, the former South Carolina governor, was born in Bamberg, South Carolina, as Nimarata Nikki Randhawa. She has always gone by her middle name, “Nikki.” She took the surname “Haley” upon her marriage in 1996.

More... (https://apnews.com/article/trump-nikki-haley-58b7ffa7e49f626bae481060cf9975d2)

01-22-2024, 08:17 PM
Trump won't let anybody forget..

"Everyone needs to have their identity verified to communicate on social media. ~ Nikki Haley"

Also Nikki Haley: I also don't use my real name so I can hide who I really am.

01-23-2024, 04:00 PM
Don't forget, Nikki Haley is brown.

I just want to know why her teeth don't move when she speaks like 90% of the time.

Suppressed Poet
01-24-2024, 08:20 AM
In before Seran & ClydeR minimize Trump’s New Hampshire primary win.

01-24-2024, 08:46 AM
Trump won't let anybody forget..

At least not forget like he forgot who Nancy Pelosi was.

01-24-2024, 09:29 AM
At least not forget like he forgot who Nancy Pelosi was.

Everyone wants to forget who Nancy Pelosi is.

01-24-2024, 09:31 AM
In before Seran & ClydeR minimize Trump’s New Hampshire primary win.

That was Haley's best chance to beat Trump.

She's going to get shit on in Nevada and South Carolina... and her tagline "I've never lost an election!" will be used no more.

01-24-2024, 09:41 AM
At least not forget like he forgot who Nancy Pelosi was.

Look at you coping and seething and shitting your pants already.


Remember when Trump "forgot" who Pelosi was and then the media accidentally admitted that Pelosi really was in charge of Capitol police for Jan 6 as part of their "correction" though?

Suppressed Poet
01-24-2024, 09:44 AM
That was Haley's best chance to beat Trump.

She's going to get shit on in Nevada and South Carolina... and her tagline "I've never lost an election!" will be used no more.

If she is smart and/or has a campaign manager worth their salt, she will drop out before the South Carolina primary. Holding on and getting beat badly by Trump by double digit margins in her home state will have negative consequences to any future political aspirations. I know she said she is going to keep going, but we’ll see what happens in the next few days.

01-24-2024, 09:59 AM
That was Haley's best chance to beat Trump.

She's going to get shit on in Nevada and South Carolina... and her tagline "I've never lost an election!" will be used no more.

And that was with democrats voting for her to try and sabotage the NH primary.

Here's some soytard admitting to it:

https://i.imgur.com/1u62GAq.png (https://x.com/NuanceBro/status/1749957727588069716?s=20)

Seran's room must be covered in diarrhea today. More than usual that is.

01-24-2024, 10:57 AM
Trump is deranged to think Haley is going to drop out after only two states with voter counts less than that of the average metropolis. She was just outside of 10% second place in New Hampshire too, showing the extent of Dump Fatigue. Staying in makes her heir apparent when Trump goes to prison.

01-24-2024, 11:33 AM
Trump is deranged to think Haley is going to drop out after only two states with voter counts less than that of the average metropolis. She was just outside of 10% second place in New Hampshire too, showing the extent of Dump Fatigue. Staying in makes her heir apparent when Trump goes to prison.

You do realize that like 70+% of NH votes she got were from "undeclared" democrats right?

I know you're incapable of comprehending words, so maybe you can go upstairs and ask your disappointed parents for help.

Suppressed Poet
01-24-2024, 12:31 PM
Trump is deranged to think Haley is going to drop out after only two states with voter counts less than that of the average metropolis. She was just outside of 10% second place in New Hampshire too, showing the extent of Dump Fatigue. Staying in makes her heir apparent when Trump goes to prison.

She has the same chance of being the heir apparent to the Republican nomination as Liz Cheney. Zero chance.

As PB and others mentioned, NH was the best chance of Nikki winning. She lost by double digit margins. Trump will win by a significantly wider margin of victory in every other state, including her home state of SC.

01-24-2024, 12:32 PM
Trump is deranged to think Haley is going to drop out after only two states with voter counts less than that of the average metropolis. She was just outside of 10% second place in New Hampshire too, showing the extent of Dump Fatigue. Staying in makes her heir apparent when Trump goes to prison.

You're retarded... Trump isn't going to prison.

If you look, she has zero chance in Nevada the first week of Feb and she's losing by 30 points in her home state of SC currently. If she can't win in NH and she gets trounced in SC, she has literally zero chance to get the nomination. Super Tuesday looks even worse for her.

Trump 2024. Get on board now, so you aren't surprised on election night... at least this way you will have a solid 10 months to get used to the idea.

01-24-2024, 01:20 PM
She has the same chance of being the heir apparent to the Republican nomination as Liz Cheney. Zero chance.

As PB and others mentioned, NH was the best chance of Nikki winning. She lost by double digit margins. Trump will win by a significantly wider margin of victory in every other state, including her home state of SC.

We know for a fact that 35% of polled registered voters state they will not vote for Dump. Haley is playing the smart card in staying in the race until the very end in case Trump winds up not being able to hold office. If 35% or possibly more of Republicans won't show up to vote this year because of Dump, Democrats will sail into the Whitehouse.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
01-24-2024, 02:03 PM
We know for a fact that 35% of polled registered voters state they will not vote for Dump. Haley is playing the smart card in staying in the race until the very end in case Trump winds up not being able to hold office. If 35% or possibly more of Republicans won't show up to vote this year because of Dump, Democrats will sail into the Whitehouse.

If 35% or possibly more of Democrats won't show up to vote this year because of sundowning Biden, Republicans will sail into the Whitehouse.

01-24-2024, 03:23 PM
We know for a fact that 35% of polled registered voters state they will not vote for Dump. Haley is playing the smart card in staying in the race until the very end in case Trump winds up not being able to hold office. If 35% or possibly more of Republicans won't show up to vote this year because of Dump, Democrats will sail into the Whitehouse.

He will still win NH in November. Easily.

01-24-2024, 06:02 PM
Thread starts here:

https://i.imgur.com/x30lqFy.png (https://twitter.com/BerryRazi/status/1750249733048934704)

01-24-2024, 07:04 PM
Thread starts here:

https://i.imgur.com/x30lqFy.png (https://twitter.com/BerryRazi/status/1750249733048934704)

I think if you search back through this thread, you will find that I mentioned this is the reason Democrats canceled their first in the nation Iowa caucus a few years ago.

DeSantis probably saved his political future by dropping out before NH.

Since this psyop is failing the question is what is the next step and how dangerous is it. The bribe recorded by Kari Lake suggests there is no limit to what these people will do.

01-24-2024, 07:08 PM
I think if you search back through this thread, you will find that I mentioned this is the reason Democrats canceled their first in the nation Iowa caucus a few years ago.

DeSantis probably saved his political future by dropping out before NH.

Since this psyop is failing the question is what is the next step and how dangerous is it. The bribe recorded by Kari Lake suggests there is no limit to what these people will do.State rules are so strange here. In my state, you simply say whether you'd want a Republican or Democrat ballet. There's no cross referencing to registration or anything.

Sent from my motorola one 5G ace using Tapatalk

01-24-2024, 07:20 PM
State rules are so strange here. In my state, you simply say whether you'd want a Republican or Democrat ballet. There's no cross referencing to registration or anything.

Sent from my motorola one 5G ace using Tapatalk

I actually support open primaries, no party primaries. Everyone gets a ballot with the Democrat and Republican candidates and selects a candidate from both parties.

02-07-2024, 10:33 AM

TLDR: Haley lost the (meaningless) Nevada primary to "none of these candidates."



02-07-2024, 11:24 AM
I actually support open primaries, no party primaries. Everyone gets a ballot with the Democrat and Republican candidates and selects a candidate from both parties.

What benefit do you see to allowing members of one party the choice of whom gets to be the primary candidate for the opposing party?

02-07-2024, 11:49 AM
What benefit do you see to allowing members of one party the choice of whom gets to be the primary candidate for the opposing party?

Remember how you had no issues with democrats re-registering as "undeclared" in New Hampshire just so they could vote for Haley because they think Biden would do better vs. Haley than he would vs. Trump, and then admitting to doing so just before saying they're voting for Biden in the general?

In b4 "tHaT's DiFfErEnT!!!!" because it's actually not, you're just a scumbag.