View Full Version : Speaker Vote

01-02-2023, 09:36 AM
It's today!

McCarthy needs a majority of all House members to win. Because Republicans have 222 out of 435 seats in the House, he can afford to lose only 4 Republican votes if he wants to win. If McCarthy does not win on the first vote, there will likely be multiple votes, with McCarthy making promises, possibly even promises to Democrats. Eventually, Republicans would rally behind another candidate.

If McCarthy cannot win, then the House could vote to change the rules so that only a plurality is needed. That would be risky. What if someone who is not a Republican gets a plurality?

01-02-2023, 09:52 AM
Oops. It's not until tomorrow, Jan. 3.

Thanks for the polite email setting me straight.

01-02-2023, 09:58 AM
Shut the fuck up ClydeRetard.

01-03-2023, 01:47 PM
First vote..
212 for Jefferies
203 for McCarthy
19 for others

Nobody got a majority.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
01-03-2023, 02:26 PM
Republican's can't get out of their own way. Morons.

01-03-2023, 02:46 PM
What are the odds that Jim Jordan had this planned from the beginning? He spoke on McCarthy's behalf a few minutes ago, but he didn't say he would refuse to accept the speakership.

01-03-2023, 02:48 PM
McCarthy unfortunately has tried to be the voice of reason both for and against Trump now, inciting the tiny number of MAGAtards. It's fun to watch.

01-03-2023, 02:55 PM
Republican's can't get out of their own way. Morons.

Just as long as they don’t do something stupid like vote for a Democrat or leave before the votes then a Republican will eventually win. But Republicans manage to fuck things up so badly it wouldn’t surprise me if they somehow let a Democrat win.

01-03-2023, 03:20 PM
This could take all night.

Vote 2..
Jeffries 212
McCarthy 203
Jordan 19

01-03-2023, 03:20 PM
Just as long as they don’t do something stupid like vote for a Democrat or leave before the votes then a Republican will eventually win. But Republicans manage to fuck things up so badly it wouldn’t surprise me if they somehow let a Democrat win.

Imagine failing that hard.

I don't put it past them either. They're almost 1% as dumb as Seran, which is still extremely fucking dumb.

01-03-2023, 03:27 PM
Imagine failing that hard.

I don't put it past them either. They're almost 1% as dumb as Seran, which is still extremely fucking dumb.

If we could harness the power of dumbassery then Seran alone could probably provide all of the US’ energy needs.

01-03-2023, 03:47 PM
On the plus side, Democrats voted unanimously for Democrat Hakeem Jeffries and at 212 votes, only a handful of Republicans would be needed to vote for Jeffries to make him speaker.

01-03-2023, 04:02 PM
On the plus side, Democrats voted unanimously for Democrat Hakeem Jeffries and at 212 votes, only a handful of Republicans would be needed to vote for Jeffries to make him speaker.

The RINOs Kinzinger, Cheney, and Upton are gone so this isn’t likely to happen. Stop eating so much poop.

01-03-2023, 04:18 PM
On the plus side, Democrats voted unanimously for Democrat Hakeem Jeffries and at 212 votes, only a handful of Republicans would be needed to vote for Jeffries to make him speaker.

Now tell us what you think the chances are of that actually happening.

01-03-2023, 05:03 PM
Uh oh. McCarthy lost a vote on the third round..

Vote 3..
Jeffries 212
McCarthy 202
Jordan 20

01-03-2023, 06:18 PM
Sucks to suck. House has adjourned, wonder what kind of backroom deals or threats they'll use to try and corral the nays on McCarthy. Democrats should offer a power sharing agreement with six months on/off with the Republicans and even split on committee assignments. Absolutely nothing but compromise legislation would make any headway.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
01-03-2023, 06:53 PM
Sucks to suck. House has adjourned, wonder what kind of backroom deals or threats they'll use to try and corral the nays on McCarthy. Democrats should offer a power sharing agreement with six months on/off with the Republicans and even split on committee assignments. Absolutely nothing but compromise legislation would make any headway.

and elect a communist racist like Jeffries as speaker... dream on troll.

01-03-2023, 06:57 PM
It's hilarious watching shit stains such as Seran act as if this is all a failure on the part of Republicans. Oh noes! The different factions of the Republican party want concessions from Republican leadership!

Contrast this to "the Squad" of Democrats, a far far far left wing faction of the party who could have done the same thing: held out on voting for Pelosi until they got some of their far left demands met. Instead the far left faction folded and voted for Pelosi without a single concession being made, and they gaslit the shit out of their base, telling them that if they didn't vote for Pelosi then a Republican would have won the speakership role. Well, as Republicans are proving, that gaslighting bullshit was just that: gaslighting bullshit.

Keep being sheep and keep eating that poop. The only way this ends up being a failure is if Republicans somehow let a Democrat win the speakership role. Anything other than that doesn't mean jack shit.

01-03-2023, 07:22 PM
What are we supposed to be upset about?

01-03-2023, 08:04 PM
What are we supposed to be upset about?

Dreaven is upset that this is the first time since the 1920s that a political party has failed to nominate a Speaker at the opening session of the House.

01-03-2023, 08:21 PM
Dreaven is upset that this is the first time since the 1920s that a political party has failed to nominate a Speaker at the opening session of the House.

No one is upset about it, retard.

Well, except McCarthy.

01-03-2023, 08:24 PM
Why would I care how long it takes? Literally the only people I see making a big deal about it are Democrats who let their own party gaslight them into thinking that unless everyone voted for Pelosi without any concessions then a Republican would win. Yet again Republicans prove Democrats lied to their base and once again their base just continues to eat shit and continue to vote Democrat no matter what.

The only reason I would care about any of this is if the Republicans are so stupid that they somehow let a Democrat become speaker.

01-03-2023, 10:29 PM
Why would I care how long it takes? Literally the only people I see making a big deal about it are Democrats who let their own party gaslight them into thinking that unless everyone voted for Pelosi without any concessions then a Republican would win. Yet again Republicans prove Democrats lied to their base and once again their base just continues to eat shit and continue to vote Democrat no matter what.

The only reason I would care about any of this is if the Republicans are so stupid that they somehow let a Democrat become speaker.

Not entirely sure how McCarthy's failure as a leader ties into the unmitigated success of Nancy Pelosi's career as Speaker and Democrat powerbroker, but I can see by the fervor of your spin that you must revere her as goddess.

01-03-2023, 10:34 PM
This is an absolute shit show for the Republicans. I don’t see him becoming speaker unless he gives out major concessions to the democrats which he won’t do.

01-03-2023, 10:55 PM
Not entirely sure how McCarthy's failure as a leader ties into the unmitigated success of Nancy Pelosi's career as Speaker and Democrat powerbroker, but I can see by the fervor of your spin that you must revere her as goddess.

If you mean the success of her to make millions while ruining lots of lives then sure. Then there's her husband who hires male prostitutes and then gets them arrested. a great american for sure

01-03-2023, 11:05 PM
If you mean the success of her to make millions while ruining lots of lives then sure. Then there's her husband who hires male prostitutes and then gets them arrested. a great american for sure

So, how exactly does McCarthy’s failure have anything to do with Pelosi? You ranted while attacking Pelosi and not giving any actual response on how the two tie together.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
01-03-2023, 11:11 PM
unmitigated success of Nancy Pelosi's career as Speaker and Democrat powerbroker, but I can see by the fervor of your spin that you must revere her as goddess.

LMAO. Only you would think that party whore would be a "goddess". She's a fucking slut whore who sells herself to the highest bidder.

01-04-2023, 12:44 AM
So, how exactly does McCarthy’s failure have anything to do with Pelosi? You ranted while attacking Pelosi and not giving any actual response on how the two tie together.

did you not read Seran's statement? Or are you joined together in bondage. He was talking about her success. I was just saying she sure was a success at making millions while supposedly working for the American people. But you love seran it's okay man

01-04-2023, 12:49 AM
did you not read Seran's statement? Or are you joined together in bondage. He was talking about her success. I was just saying she sure was a success at making millions while supposedly working for the American people. But you love seran it's okay man

Did you?

Like any other politician is any different? Did you read the first part of Seran’s statement, or did you purposely gloss over and ignore the main point Seran was trying to make?

01-04-2023, 01:11 AM
Did you?

Like any other politician is any different? Did you read the first part of Seran’s statement, or did you purposely gloss over and ignore the main point Seran was trying to make?

Seran is a man? In love with everything democrat. Mccarthy blah and sure all politicians need to be recycled every 4 to 12 years. Pelosi is an evil lady. I don't like Mccarthy but seran brought up his love for Pelosi.

01-04-2023, 03:45 AM
Seran is a man? In love with everything democrat. Mccarthy blah and sure all politicians need to be recycled every 4 to 12 years. Pelosi is an evil lady. I don't like Mccarthy but seran brought up his love for Pelosi.

Actually Tgo brought up Pelosi, not Seran.

01-04-2023, 03:48 AM
Yet again Republicans prove Democrats lied to their base and once again their base just continues to eat shit and continue to vote Democrat no matter what.

You act like republicans never lie to their base…

It’s funny because fact checkers show that Republicans lie more than Democrats

01-04-2023, 07:41 AM
Not entirely sure how McCarthy's failure as a leader ties into the unmitigated success of Nancy Pelosi's career as Speaker and Democrat powerbroker, but I can see by the fervor of your spin that you must revere her as goddess.

Retarded Post of the Year.

And it's only the 3rd day into 2023.

01-04-2023, 07:44 AM
It’s funny because fact checkers show that Republicans lie more than Democrats

You are so easily manipulated.. no wonder you are a Democrat.

01-04-2023, 09:35 AM
Gaetz accuses McCarthy of squatting. Why does the person who got second place In three successive votes for speaker get to occupy the speaker's office?


01-04-2023, 10:15 AM
Gaetz accuses McCarthy of squatting. Why does the person who got second place In three successive votes for speaker get to occupy the speaker's office?


This is classic.

01-04-2023, 10:58 AM
Even sadder when you realize a lot of them have cited McCarthy's lack of support for Trump and MAGA nationalism, despite the fact Trump has been urging support of McCarthy. It's almost as if they're just stirring the pot to be written about as being important pot stirrers!

01-04-2023, 11:50 AM
There is a rumor that Republicans will try to delay the vote until tomorrow. It will take a majority vote to delay. Hopefully, they will do a headcount before actually calling for a vote to delay.

Would you like to know what was said in this apparent confrontation between Ocasio-Cortez and Gaetz? https://twitter.com/MeidasTouch/status/1610348154901397504

01-04-2023, 12:02 PM
Even sadder when you realize a lot of them have cited McCarthy's lack of support for Trump and MAGA nationalism, despite the fact Trump has been urging support of McCarthy. It's almost as if they're just stirring the pot to be written about as being important pot stirrers!

From my understanding, which isn't much, one of the sticking points is that the anti-McCarthy people want to move forward a bill on term limits.

If that's the case, the "pot stirring" looks more like reform from my vantage point.

I'm for certain "melting down" over it.

01-04-2023, 12:18 PM
because fact checkers show

1984 is a warning, not an instruction manual.

01-04-2023, 12:30 PM
Dreaven is upset that this is the first time since the 1920s that a political party has failed to nominate a Speaker at the opening session of the House.

The only one here upset about it is you. The rest of us are laughing because unlike you, we realize that our government, on all sides, is incompetent and corrupt. Meanwhile, you think that all republicans are evil incarnate and all democrats are everything that is pure and good.

It's because you're a gigantic gullible brain dead retard with 0 ability to think for yourself.

Here's the best part....if there's no Speaker, Congress can't do anything at all. I'm cool with this going on for another 2 years with no resolution.

Not entirely sure how McCarthy's failure as a leader ties into the unmitigated success of Nancy Pelosi's career as Speaker and Democrat powerbroker, but I can see by the fervor of your spin that you must revere her as goddess.

McCarthy and Pelosi are both establishment pieces of shit and Pelosi is probably the most corrupt person in Congress on either side. Except you're all about the establishment, while somehow simultaneously convincing yourself that you're part of the "resistance."

Again, it's because you're a brain dead NPC who can't think for himself.

Fun fact: You being a retard is one of the few things that everyone on both sides here on the PC agree on.

01-04-2023, 12:33 PM
Let’s see how many times he fails for a speaker today.

Not even 50 votes in and he already lost four

01-04-2023, 12:37 PM
It’s funny because fact checkers show that Republicans lie more than Democrats

I know you're not stupid, so why are you buying into stupid shit like "fact checkers?"


01-04-2023, 01:28 PM
The fourth vote showed two small changes from the third vote. First, McCarthy got one less vote than yesterday, because one of his supporters from yesterday voted present today. Second, McCarthy's opponents nominated Byron Donald, instead of Jim Jordan. Donald got all 20 votes that Jordan got yesterday, including Donald's own vote.

01-04-2023, 02:07 PM
I know you're not stupid, so why are you buying into stupid shit like "fact checkers?"

Don't let Solkern fool you... he really is stupid.

01-04-2023, 02:43 PM
The fifth vote was exactly the same as the fourth vote. Unless McCarthy and his allies try something different, there will be defections from the McCarthy camp during the sixth vote.

01-04-2023, 03:36 PM
From my understanding, which isn't much, one of the sticking points is that the anti-McCarthy people want to move forward a bill on term limits.

If that's the case, the "pot stirring" looks more like reform from my vantage point.

I'm for certain "melting down" over it.

I'd love to see what they wanna do with term limits.

01-04-2023, 03:52 PM
I'd love to see what they wanna do with term limits.

They would like to see the House term limits of 3 and the Senate of 2 terms.

Have an adult help you with google... it can be pretty tricky. It took me literally 0.72 seconds to find it.

I'm sure with some help, you could get it within 3 days.

Suppressed Poet
01-04-2023, 05:27 PM
I honestly don’t care who leads the house (or nobody) as long as they say no to Biden on any new legislation for the next two years. Just say no to Joe.

Ukraine needs more money…NO.
Bailouts for this recession we created…NOPE.
Turns out Biden can’t forgive student debt on his own and we need your….HELL NO.
Someone got shot and we need the House for new gun contr…GO FUCK YOSEEEELF. :lol:

01-04-2023, 10:19 PM
Republicans aren't going to accomplish anything but go nowhere hearings, floor speeches and attempts at corporate welfare that'll be dead on arrival in the Senate. You don't need to worry about Republicans doing anything but losing the House in two years.

01-04-2023, 10:23 PM
The fifth vote was exactly the same as the fourth vote. Unless McCarthy and his allies try something different, there will be defections from the McCarthy camp during the sixth vote.

Six votes, no Speaker and McCarthy beating the dead horse of his chances to lead the House. What an amazing show of solidarity they have with Chaos on the Right.

01-04-2023, 11:47 PM
Six votes, no Speaker and McCarthy beating the dead horse of his chances to lead the House. What an amazing show of solidarity they have with Chaos on the Right.

He’s not going to win it. Enough people hate him to never vote yes.

01-05-2023, 09:08 AM
I'd love to see what they wanna do with term limits.

You mean you can't figure that out on your own? I guess I shouldn't be surprised, being that it's you.

01-05-2023, 09:12 AM
Republicans aren't going to accomplish anything but go nowhere hearings, floor speeches and attempts at corporate welfare that'll be dead on arrival in the Senate. You don't need to worry about Republicans doing anything but losing the House in two years.

Cope harder.

01-05-2023, 09:20 AM
Six votes, no Speaker and McCarthy beating the dead horse of his chances to lead the House. What an amazing show of solidarity they have with Chaos on the Right.

That's what happens when a party is made up of more than mindless pro-establishment NPCs like you.

01-05-2023, 09:52 AM
I don't believe that wanting to get a vote on a term limits bill, a vote for a balanced budget, 72 hours to review all bills prior to vote and single issue voting are issues that should make Republicans reject outright.. yet McCarthy did and still is.

Passing the 1.7 trillion dollar omnibus bill instead of passing a smaller, 2 week measure until the Republicans officially took over the House is what created this response.

McCarthy won't be the next Speaker without some major concessions.

01-05-2023, 09:53 AM
That's what happens when a party is made up of more than mindless pro-establishment NPCs like you.

Remember when the "Squad" said they would do this unless their demands were met... and they just caved like tissue paper when it came time to vote?

I do.

01-05-2023, 03:08 PM
Matt Gaetz nominated President Trump as Speaker of the House made me laugh.

01-05-2023, 03:14 PM
Matt Gaetz nominated President Trump as Speaker of the House made me laugh.

Somebody should nominate Liz Cheney.

01-05-2023, 03:27 PM
Somebody should nominate Liz Cheney.

For what?

Suppa Hobbit Mage
01-05-2023, 05:21 PM
For what?


01-05-2023, 05:54 PM


Maybe ClydeR wants someone to nominate her for the Miss Piggy Look-Alike contest?


01-05-2023, 06:37 PM
LOL.. McCarthy already moved into the Speaker's office?

Fucking Swamp.

01-05-2023, 06:45 PM
LOL.. McCarthy already moved into the Speaker's office?

Fucking Swamp.

Supposedly he did that because the racist, election-denying minority leader demanded he vacate the minority leader office so he could move in.

I can totally see that piece of shit doing that, but doesn't mean McCarthy had to A) Cave in to his demands or B) Move into the speaker's office.

01-05-2023, 07:47 PM
Supposedly he did that because the racist, election-denying minority leader demanded he vacate the minority leader office so he could move in.

I can totally see that piece of shit doing that, but doesn't mean McCarthy had to A) Cave in to his demands or B) Move into the speaker's office.

Yes but McCarthy is a spineless little bitch just like most republicans, so there's also that.

01-05-2023, 07:59 PM
For what?

For what office? For speaker.

For what purpose? For fun.

01-05-2023, 08:00 PM
Q. What are the odds that a math error results in Speaker Jeffries?
A. 1 to 4. 20%.

01-05-2023, 09:18 PM
For what office? For speaker.

For what purpose? For fun.

She's disliked by both parties... until she switches affiliation to Democrats, then she will be loved by one party even though they hate her father.

Just like her last election: No one would vote for her.

01-06-2023, 01:36 PM
Significant shift toward McCarthy by his detractors. By my math, which you can always trust, if none of the people who were absent for the 12th vote show up for the 13th vote, McCarthy would need just 3 of the 7 Republicans who vote against him to flip.

12th Vote..
McCarthy 213
Jeffries 211
Others 7
Total 431
Required for majority 216

This is the first time out of 12 votes that McCarthy received more votes than Jeffries. One Democrat and two Republicans were absent because of medical or family reasons.

01-06-2023, 01:42 PM
I hope they elect McCarthy today. If they don't, I'm afraid he will have to put a Pod outside the capitol to hold his stuff until next week.

01-06-2023, 01:49 PM
Significant shift toward McCarthy by his detractors. By my math, which you can always trust, if none of the people who were absent for the 12th vote show up for the 13th vote, McCarthy would need just 3 of the 7 Republicans who vote against him to flip.

12th Vote..
McCarthy 213
Jeffries 211
Others 7
Total 431
Required for majority 216

This is the first time out of 12 votes that McCarthy received more votes than Jeffries. One Democrat and two Republicans were absent because of medical or family reasons.

Seems folks are getting more acclimated to just how unpalatable McCarthy is. Being able to easily remove him from the Speakership is the only way he'll see the role, particularly in a year when he announces his support for DeSantis and the hardliner GOP group goes into ragemode.

01-06-2023, 03:32 PM
The Democrat who had a doctor appointment during vote 12 came back for vote 13. One Republican holdout flipped to McCarthy.

Vote 13..
McCarthy 214
Jeffries 212
Others 6
Total 432
Required for majority 217

With all Democrats present, the requirement for a majority increased by 1. McCarthy will need to flip three additional votes, if the two Republicans who are out today remain absent. If those two Republicans return and vote for McCarthy, that will increase the required votes for the majority by 1, meaning that McCarthy will get a net benefit of 1 vote form those two members and would then need to flip just two votes. Apparently, they're voting again at 10 tonight. McCarthy says he will have the votes tonight.

You can compute the majority requirement like this.. total votes divided by 2 plus 0.1 and rounded UP.

01-06-2023, 04:01 PM
The Democrat who had a doctor appointment during vote 12 came back for vote 13. One Republican holdout flipped to McCarthy.

Vote 13..
McCarthy 214
Jeffries 212
Others 6
Total 432
Required for majority 217

With all Democrats present, the requirement for a majority increased by 1. McCarthy will need to flip three additional votes, if the two Republicans who are out today remain absent. If those two Republicans return and vote for McCarthy, that will increase the required votes for the majority by 1, meaning that McCarthy will get a net benefit of 1 vote form those two members and would then need to flip just two votes. Apparently, they're voting again at 10 tonight. McCarthy says he will have the votes tonight.

You can compute the majority requirement like this.. total votes divided by 2 plus 0.1 and rounded UP.

I wonder how many Democrats will come out after this with reams of threats, begging, recriminations and outright sobbing for them to recuse themselves from voting so he could be a big boy Speaker.

01-06-2023, 05:36 PM
Seems folks are getting more acclimated to just how unpalatable McCarthy is. Being able to easily remove him from the Speakership is the only way he'll see the role, particularly in a year when he announces his support for DeSantis and the hardliner GOP group goes into ragemode.

You do realize that rule was almost 200 years old.. and it was the Pelosi that changed it because she didn't want the Squad to fuck her over after she fucked them over.

What am I saying.. of course you don't realize it.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
01-06-2023, 05:43 PM
Is it correct to say as long as we don't have a speaker, congress does nothing?

Arguably, I hope we never elect a speaker.

01-06-2023, 07:24 PM
Not sure how accurate this is
https://bigmemes.funnyjunk.com/pictures/History+of+multi+round+votes+for+speaker+the+sixth +vote_7d07a9_10170644.png

01-06-2023, 07:50 PM
Would you like to know what was said in this apparent confrontation between Ocasio-Cortez and Gaetz? https://twitter.com/MeidasTouch/status/1610348154901397504

A lip-reading expert figured it out!


01-06-2023, 08:27 PM
You do realize that rule was almost 200 years old.. and it was the Pelosi that changed it because she didn't want the Squad to fuck her over after she fucked them over.

What am I saying.. of course you don't realize it.

The motion to vacate was present under the 116th Congress.

01-06-2023, 09:02 PM
The motion to vacate was present under the 116th Congress.

And now we're on the 118th Congress.

I'm going to give you one guess which Congress it was changed and who the Speaker was.

Just one guess though!

01-06-2023, 11:10 PM
Physical violence on the House floor!

01-07-2023, 01:15 AM
Physical violence on the House floor!

Bring back dueling.

01-07-2023, 01:16 AM
As predicted, Kevin McCarthy is speaker of the house. Let the impeachments begin!


01-07-2023, 01:35 AM
So it took 4 days and a Democrat didn't win, the Republicans didn't give any concessions to Democrats, and McCarthy ended up winning. Why was I supposed to care that a speaker wasn't elected on the first day again?

Seems only Democrats thought this was a big deal. How dare everyone not just fall in line like dictator Nancy Pelosi demands every time her party wins a majority.

01-07-2023, 08:50 AM
And now we're on the 118th Congress.

I'm going to give you one guess which Congress it was changed and who the Speaker was.

Just one guess though!

Good luck getting Seran to understand how counting works.

So it took 4 days and a Democrat didn't win, the Republicans didn't give any concessions to Democrats, and McCarthy ended up winning. Why was I supposed to care that a speaker wasn't elected on the first day again?

Seems only Democrats thought this was a big deal. How dare everyone not just fall in line like dictator Nancy Pelosi demands every time her party wins a majority.

Because social media told Seran to tell you you were supposed to care.

He doesn't make the rules, he just follows the code of whatever the latest NPC patch is.

01-07-2023, 09:44 AM
It's been the worst 4 days since the civil war.

01-07-2023, 10:01 AM
It's been the worst 4 days since the civil war.

Brought to you by the same retards that were screaming JANUARY 6 WAS WORSE THAN 9/11!!!!

01-07-2023, 10:18 AM
The motion to vacate was present under the 116th Congress.

And the Rule, motion to vacate or motion to declare speaker's office vacant /also/ existed under the 117th Congress. The only parliamentary change between the 115th to 116th and 117th is the need of the caucus agreement to vacate the Speaker. In any prior Congress the motion, if found privileged would compel a vote to sustain or overrule, so I don't understand what Republicans are crying about. Other than trying to draw attention away from the GOP circuse.

01-07-2023, 10:37 AM
Amusingly enough, little Kevy's first promise as Speaker for bill 1 is to repeal additional funding for the IRS. Because if there's anything Republicans hate more than each other, it's paying legitimately owed taxes! That always goes over well for the deficit.

01-07-2023, 11:23 AM
Amusingly enough, little Kevy's first promise as Speaker for bill 1 is to repeal additional funding for the IRS. Because if there's anything Republicans hate more than each other, it's paying legitimately owed taxes! That always goes over well for the deficit.

If you need 87000 more IRS agents than you currently have.. you are doing something wrong.

But it has no chance of moving through the Senate.. because there's nothing the Democrats love more than to spend more money on more government and lifting more taxes from the middle class.

01-07-2023, 11:34 AM
And the Rule, motion to vacate or motion to declare speaker's office vacant /also/ existed under the 117th Congress. The only parliamentary change between the 115th to 116th and 117th is the need of the caucus agreement to vacate the Speaker. In any prior Congress the motion, if found privileged would compel a vote to sustain or overrule, so I don't understand what Republicans are crying about. Other than trying to draw attention away from the GOP circuse.

I was going to post that I don't understand why it's so difficult for you to comprehend.. then I remembered how fucking retarded you are.

I'll try to dumb this down as much as possible in hopes that you get it.. but I won't be surprised when you don't.

House rule since 1910 said 1 member can ask for a vote to remove Speaker of the House.
Nancy Pelosi changed this in 2019 to a majority of the majority party can ask for a vote to remove Speaker of the House.
Freedom Caucus forced it to be changed back to 1 member.

01-07-2023, 11:36 AM
I can't wait to find out what McCarthy had to give away to get the Speakership.

One thing I am grateful for is a yea or nay vote on term limits on the floor.

Let's get these scumbags on the record.

01-07-2023, 12:13 PM
Amusingly enough, little Kevy's first promise as Speaker for bill 1 is to repeal additional funding for the IRS. Because if there's anything Republicans hate more than each other, it's paying legitimately owed taxes! That always goes over well for the deficit.

Oh ok. So they add 87,000 IRS agents while claiming it's to go after "wealthy" tax cheats, then they pass the $600 PayPal bill down from $20,000 to go after lower/middle class, and you're still white knighting for them.

Imagine being such a retarded NPC boot licker that you're white knighting for the IRS.

This is one of the 997842374289 reasons how everyone knows you're on welfare and sit around being unemployed all day like a useless unwashed pile of shit.

Tell us more about how democrats always pay their taxes though.

Remember this guy?


Need something more recent? Okay...

https://i.imgur.com/wIGh2m9.png (https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/stacey-abrams-back-taxes/)

Stop being such a bootlicker. Fucking IRS white knight :rofl: it isn't possible to get more pathetic than that.

01-07-2023, 01:18 PM
If you need 87000 more IRS agents than you currently have.. you are doing something wrong.

The IRS may hire 87,000 employees, but the IRS will definitely not hire 87,000 agents. That's preposterous. I know that many people have made that claim, including Speaker McCarthy in his speech (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHoyjS8NcUk&t=444s) last night. Anybody who says that is getting their news from flawed sources.

Do you think everybody in the Matrix was an Agent? Same principle. And I mean the first Matrix, not the second one where everybody became an Agent.

01-07-2023, 01:20 PM
Jeffries obviously enjoys rhetorical tricks. His speech (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1It5Z7dfMY) last night was one rhetorical trick (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhetorical_device) after another. That made it pleasing to the ears, but did he really say anything?

01-07-2023, 01:23 PM
They are hiring 20-30 thousand new positions. The rest are to fill positions of people who are retiring/quitting, up to 2031.

It will put the IRS end size at about 100,000, which is what it was at prior to 2013.

01-07-2023, 01:56 PM
Jeffries obviously enjoys rhetorical tricks. His speech (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1It5Z7dfMY) last night was one rhetorical trick (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhetorical_device) after another. That made it pleasing to the ears, but did he really say anything?

Why would I watch or listen to the guy that took second place?

01-07-2023, 02:07 PM
If you need 87000 more IRS agents than you currently have.. you are doing something wrong.

But it has no chance of moving through the Senate.. because there's nothing the Democrats love more than to spend more money on more government and lifting more taxes from the middle class.

Yes, Americans not paying taxes they owe is wrong and hiring additional IRS agents to enforce taxation laws set forth by our Constitution is of paramount importance to our country. Unless you're a Republican, then apparently upholding the Constitution, the laws derived from it and collecting taxes vital to the defense and wellbeing of our country is evil.

01-07-2023, 03:12 PM
Yes, Americans not paying taxes they owe is wrong and hiring additional IRS agents to enforce taxation laws set forth by our Constitution is of paramount importance to our country. Unless you're a Republican, then apparently upholding the Constitution, the laws derived from it and collecting taxes vital to the defense and wellbeing of our country is evil.

The Constitution didn’t create tax laws, it gives Congress power to do that.

01-07-2023, 03:13 PM
Yes, Americans not paying taxes they owe is wrong and hiring additional IRS agents to enforce taxation laws set forth by our Constitution is of paramount importance to our country. Unless you're a Republican, then apparently upholding the Constitution, the laws derived from it and collecting taxes vital to the defense and wellbeing of our country is evil.

There's nothing evil about smaller government.

If you require armed agents to collect taxes, it may be a good sign that you are trying to collect too much taxes.

01-07-2023, 03:17 PM
There's nothing evil about smaller government.

If you require armed agents to collect taxes, it may be a good sign that you are trying to collect too much taxes.

Armed agents have collected taxes since the history of taxes.

01-07-2023, 03:49 PM
This is still by far the best timeline ever.

Democrats pre-Trump: Eat the rich! Make the 1% pay their fair share!
Democrats post-Trump after he made them lose their minds: Hire tens of thousands of new agents to go after poor people making 600 dollars on PayPal because they are trying to get ahead in life! SMASH THEM INTO THE GROUND!!!

01-07-2023, 05:46 PM
There's nothing evil about smaller government.

If you require armed agents to collect taxes, it may be a good sign that you are trying to collect too much taxes.

Armed? Tax agents do not show up to your door with weapons to collect taxes, don't be an idiot. Federal and state laws which prescribe penalties and repercussions for tax evasion and fraud aren't 'arming' tax agents, for the record.

01-07-2023, 05:50 PM
This is still by far the best timeline ever.

Democrats pre-Trump: Eat the rich! Make the 1% pay their fair share!
Democrats post-Trump after he made them lose their minds: Hire tens of thousands of new agents to go after poor people making 600 dollars on PayPal because they are trying to get ahead in life! SMASH THEM INTO THE GROUND!!!

Trump has nothing to do with Democrats wanting people who owe taxes to pay them, though it's admirable how much you obsess over the deposed would-be authoritarian.

Perhaps you ought to ask yourself why you think tax evasion is lawful, when federal and state laws both plainly state that it is illegal

01-07-2023, 06:25 PM
Armed? Tax agents do not show up to your door with weapons to collect taxes, don't be an idiot. Federal and state laws which prescribe penalties and repercussions for tax evasion and fraud aren't 'arming' tax agents, for the record.

The Bundy standoff says you are wrong.

01-07-2023, 06:57 PM
Grazing permits aren't taxes. Cliven Bundy grazed cattle without a permit and was illegally trespassing. Try again moron

01-07-2023, 07:10 PM
Grazing permits aren't taxes. Cliven Bundy grazed cattle without a permit and was illegally trespassing. Try again moron

Do you know what a grazing permit is? Obviously not, it's a tax to use public lands. Also, ask Al Capone if the tax agents that arrested him were armed or not.

01-07-2023, 07:25 PM
Trump has nothing to do with Democrats wanting people who owe taxes to pay them, though it's admirable how much you obsess over the deposed would-be authoritarian.

Perhaps you ought to ask yourself why you think tax evasion is lawful, when federal and state laws both plainly state that it is illegal

Wait, you believe that if someone receives from Paypal $19,999 and doesn't report it on their taxes is "tax evasion"?

01-07-2023, 07:38 PM
Yes, Americans not paying taxes they owe is wrong and hiring additional IRS agents to enforce taxation laws set forth by our Constitution is of paramount importance to our country. Unless you're a Republican, then apparently upholding the Constitution, the laws derived from it and collecting taxes vital to the defense and wellbeing of our country is evil.

Quoted for anytime you call anyone a bootlicker for any reason.

Also, you just want people to pay more taxes because you don't actually pay any. Except for maybe sales tax when you're spending your welfare check.

01-07-2023, 08:30 PM
Armed? Tax agents do not show up to your door with weapons to collect taxes, don't be an idiot. Federal and state laws which prescribe penalties and repercussions for tax evasion and fraud aren't 'arming' tax agents, for the record.

Ummmm the IRS has armed enforcement agents you shitfilled moron.

01-07-2023, 08:34 PM
Wait, you believe that if someone receives from Paypal $19,999 and doesn't report it on their taxes is "tax evasion"?

By definition, yes. That exceeds the gift limit, the minimum tax limit and unless you're particularly thick, the absence of mandatory 1099-k forms from Paypal doesn't change the fact you received $19,999 in income.

01-07-2023, 08:42 PM
Ummmm the IRS has armed enforcement agents you shitfilled moron.

Those aren't debt collectors, those are investigative agents. If you're capable of reading, which given you misread my post I'm not optimistic about, you can lookup the Special Agent job description. They don't take payments, nor do seizures. They're investigative only. As a matter of fact, they're specifically prohibited from collections duties. You get a D for both being unable to read and not understanding the subject matter

01-07-2023, 08:44 PM
Do you know what a grazing permit is? Obviously not, it's a tax to use public lands. Also, ask Al Capone if the tax agents that arrested him were armed or not.

A permit isn't a tax just because you call it that. Nor is a fishing permit, a hunting permit, a crabbing permit, wood collection permit, camping permit, driving permit or any other. A tax is a levy upon a purchase of income, a permit is the written permission for an action, activity, or privilege.

01-07-2023, 10:44 PM
That exceeds the gift limit

First of all: the gift GIVER pays the gift tax, not the gift receiver.
Second of all: The gift tax is per person, so Jim-Bob can receive gifts of 10k dollars from 20 different people and Jim-Bob wouldn't have to pay a dime in taxes, and the people giving him money wouldn't have to pay a dime in taxes either.

I know most people don't understand how all of this works, and that's fine, but if you're going to being in favor of pushing this shit onto people the least you can do is put in the minimum amount of work.

01-08-2023, 12:24 AM
First of all: the gift GIVER pays the gift tax, not the gift receiver.

No shit, however you have to list the name of the recipient and their address is required to be reported. Someone who is the ongoing recipient of large gifts from multiple unrelated sources is going to get an audit.

01-08-2023, 12:36 AM
No shit


"No shit I was spreading misinformation."

You really do enjoy eating poop.

01-08-2023, 02:09 AM
A permit isn't a tax just because you call it that. Nor is a fishing permit, a hunting permit, a crabbing permit, wood collection permit, camping permit, driving permit or any other. A tax is a levy upon a purchase of income, a permit is the written permission for an action, activity, or privilege.

You are so full of shit. It must be from eating all that poop. So, what is abstinence and how are conservatives going to ban it?

01-08-2023, 06:12 AM
You are so full of shit. It must be from eating all that poop. So, what is abstinence and how are conservatives going to ban it?

You calling a permit a tax is hilarious.

01-08-2023, 09:54 AM
You calling a permit a tax is hilarious.

So the government collects money on an activity you do. What else would it be since it is clearly not a fee for service?

Stop being stupid. It's a tax and failing to recognize that is just dumb.

01-08-2023, 11:53 AM
Those aren't debt collectors, those are investigative agents. If you're capable of reading, which given you misread my post I'm not optimistic about, you can lookup the Special Agent job description. They don't take payments, nor do seizures. They're investigative only. As a matter of fact, they're specifically prohibited from collections duties. You get a D for both being unable to read and not understanding the subject matter

Their job is to literally facilitate the collection of taxes, they are cogs in the greater machine. Dumb shit filled idiot.

01-08-2023, 01:17 PM
Their job is to literally facilitate the collection of taxes, they are cogs in the greater machine. Dumb shit filled idiot.

Admirable attempt to try and stretch reality to try and make yourself sound less wrong, but unfortunately you failed. A desk clerk isn't a judge because they work in a court and a recruiter isn't a four star general for the simple fact he enlists soldiers overseen by the same. One day you'll level up your intelligence a bit more, I'm hopeful anyways.

Suppressed Poet
01-08-2023, 02:32 PM
A permit isn't a tax just because you call it that. Nor is a fishing permit, a hunting permit, a crabbing permit, wood collection permit, camping permit, driving permit or any other. A tax is a levy upon a purchase of income, a permit is the written permission for an action, activity, or privilege.

So if a state decides to mandate voting permits to participate in national elections and they charge a $5,000 fee to issue said permit, you would agree that is not in violation of the 24th amendment since a permit isn’t a tax?

01-08-2023, 02:33 PM
"It's not a tax! It's a fee the government imposes!"

The mental gymnastics on display here deserves a gold medal.

01-08-2023, 02:58 PM
Federal law and case law have already answered that question, but thanks for trying! See Harper V. Virginia State Board of Elections. For the record, it's a logical fallacy to claim one illogical argument is valid on the merits of an altogether unrelated argument!

01-08-2023, 03:00 PM
"It's not a tax! It's a fee the government imposes!"

The mental gymnastics on display here deserves a gold medal.

Dreaven just boiled down the entirety of the GOPs argument about gun ownership and the collective stupidity thereof.

01-08-2023, 06:50 PM
Dreaven just boiled down the entirety of the GOPs argument about gun ownership and the collective stupidity thereof.

The GOP's argument about gun ownership is squarely on the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution.


01-08-2023, 07:14 PM
I really don't even understand Seran's point in his latest word vomit.

I think Seran is somehow getting dumber and dumber by the post.

Suppressed Poet
01-08-2023, 10:08 PM
Federal law and case law have already answered that question, but thanks for trying! See Harper V. Virginia State Board of Elections. For the record, it's a logical fallacy to claim one illogical argument is valid on the merits of an altogether unrelated argument!

We’re not talking about a poll tax here. I said a voting permit, dumbass. They are indeed related as YOU suggested that a permit is not and cannot be a tax. You are the very definition of an illogical fallacy.

Have you been adding Fentanyl to your daily ingestion of feces? What is it like waking up every day and being a little bit dumber than you were yesterday?

01-09-2023, 08:17 AM
I know you're trying real hard here by inventing a make believe 'poll charge' to vote, in to prove a moronic claim that permits are taxes, but these goalposts aren't moving. The constitution and derived caselaw have identified it as being unconstitutional to charge people to vote.

01-09-2023, 09:29 AM
Three of my favorite moments from the Speaker saga... So far..

First, Matt Rosendale taking his duties super seriously..


Second, Mike Rogers being an angry drunk..

Rep. Tim Burchett of Tennessee, who was sitting next to Gaetz, said Rogers was making threats about ending careers during the altercation, according to CNN reporter Kate Sullivan.

Burchett also accused Rogers of drinking during the congressional voting, according to tweets from Sullivan.

“People shouldn’t be drinking, especially when you’re a redneck, on the House floor,” Burchett said.

Sullivan reported Burchett said “I would drop [Rogers] like a bag of dirt,” and that “nobody’s gonna put their hands on me. Nobody’s gonna threaten me.”

More... (https://www.al.com/news/2023/01/tennessee-representative-calls-mike-rogers-a-redneck-after-house-floor-altercation.html)

Third, Representative Katie Porter being unconcerned..


01-09-2023, 09:30 AM
McCarthy removed the metal detectors a the entrance to the House, because of his support for the Second Amendment. He should install breathalyzers.

01-09-2023, 09:55 AM
I know you're trying real hard here by inventing a make believe 'poll charge' to vote, in to prove a moronic claim that permits are taxes, but these goalposts aren't moving. The constitution and derived caselaw have identified it as being unconstitutional to charge people to vote.

I think they should bring back being able to sell your vote. Most people would benefit more from the cash than what they actually receive back in services. It would also make it far easier to trust and track election results.

Suppressed Poet
01-09-2023, 10:10 AM
I know you're trying real hard here by inventing a make believe 'poll charge' to vote, in to prove a moronic claim that permits are taxes, but these goalposts aren't moving. The constitution and derived caselaw have identified it as being unconstitutional to charge people to vote.

I agree with you that charging people to vote, no matter what you call it or how it is implemented, is a tax & unconstitutional. Permits can indeed be considered a type of tax as it both generates revenue for government & creates a barrier to entry.

Now try for once in your life to be consistent and apply that same concept to firearms . Requiring a licensing permit to purchase a firearm (constitutionally protected right), such as an Illinois FOID card, is unconstitutional. Recent case law (Heller & Bruen) has further clarified this.

01-09-2023, 10:23 AM
I agree with you that charging people to vote, no matter what you call it or how it is implemented, is a tax & unconstitutional. Permits can indeed be considered a type of tax as it both generates revenue for government & creates a barrier to entry.

Now try for once in your life to be consistent and apply that same concept to firearms . Requiring a licensing permit to purchase a firearm (constitutionally protected right), such as an Illinois FOID card, is unconstitutional. Recent case law (Heller & Bruen) has further clarified this.

Well regulated. Gun permits are not unconstitutional, they are explicitly constitutional in prescribed regulation.

Cliven Bundy on the other hand did not have a constitutional right to trespass, nor to break federal law prescribing grazing permits to pay for that privilege on federal lands. The impoundment of his cattle was lawful.

01-09-2023, 10:43 AM
Well regulated. Gun permits are not unconstitutional, they are explicitly constitutional in prescribed regulation.

Cliven Bundy on the other hand did not have a constitutional right to trespass, nor to break federal law prescribing grazing permits to pay for that privilege on federal lands. The impoundment of his cattle was lawful.

That is all your opinion. Infact, the US Prosecutors couldn't even prove Bundy guilty, so he is completely innocent. Of course, your eyes are so glazed over with shit from your feeding frenzy that you aren't able to see that.

01-09-2023, 10:44 AM
Well regulated. Gun permits are not unconstitutional, they are explicitly constitutional in prescribed regulation.

Cliven Bundy on the other hand did not have a constitutional right to trespass, nor to break federal law prescribing grazing permits to pay for that privilege on federal lands. The impoundment of his cattle was lawful.

Federal land ownership at that level is a crime against humanity.

Democrats, like everything else they touch, have turned Roosevelts vision into a dystopian nightmare.

Suppressed Poet
01-09-2023, 11:36 AM
I think they should bring back being able to sell your vote. Most people would benefit more from the cash than what they actually receive back in services. It would also make it far easier to trust and track election results.

People still sell their vote. The game has changed but that same concept remains. The Democrats of today consist of the few influential super rich & their many poor subjects. Seran is a perfect example of a modern day indentured servant. In exchange for government handouts & being told that he doesn’t have to accept responsibility for his own failures in life, he provides to his overlords undying loyalty & the repetition of their propaganda with blissful ignorance. Seran = Mao & Stalin’s wet dream of an illiterate peasant.

01-09-2023, 01:25 PM
By definition, yes. That exceeds the gift limit, the minimum tax limit and unless you're particularly thick, the absence of mandatory 1099-k forms from Paypal doesn't change the fact you received $19,999 in income.

Now give me my welfare cut. I'm entitled to it and it's mine.


01-09-2023, 01:28 PM
I think Seran is somehow getting dumber and dumber by the post.

This has already been ongoing for a very long time.

01-09-2023, 01:38 PM
Well regulated. Gun permits are not unconstitutional, they are explicitly constitutional in prescribed regulation.

Cliven Bundy on the other hand did not have a constitutional right to trespass, nor to break federal law prescribing grazing permits to pay for that privilege on federal lands. The impoundment of his cattle was lawful.

You think that "Well regulated milita" = run by the government, don't you?

01-09-2023, 01:47 PM
Federal land ownership at that level is a crime against humanity.

Democrats, like everything else they touch, have turned Roosevelts vision into a dystopian nightmare.

What a batshit crazy point of view. Not surprising though, Republicans would have long ago sold all land held in the public trust for pennies to their rich domestic or foreign contributors.

01-09-2023, 02:17 PM
What a batshit crazy point of view. Not surprising though, Republicans would have long ago sold all land held in the public trust for pennies to their rich domestic or foreign contributors.

You do realize that the Roosevelt he was mentioning was Teddy Roosevelt.. a Republican, right?

You are so fucking retarded.

01-09-2023, 02:33 PM
You do realize that the Roosevelt he was mentioning was Teddy Roosevelt.. a Republican, right?

You are so fucking retarded.

And you realize the Republicans I'm referring to are you and your MAGA obsessed ilk right. Moron.

01-09-2023, 04:20 PM
What a batshit crazy point of view. Not surprising though, Republicans would have long ago sold all land held in the public trust for pennies to their rich domestic or foreign contributors.

The homestead act was one of the best, if not the best, land investments in human history. It's produced trillions upon trillions of dollars of wealth, and tax revenue, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

It's one thing to have national parks and such, it's a whole other thing to have nearly 30% of the country under federal lands protection. It's a farce.

01-09-2023, 06:29 PM
The homestead act was one of the best, if not the best, land investments in human history. It's produced trillions upon trillions of dollars of wealth, and tax revenue, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

It's one thing to have national parks and such, it's a whole other thing to have nearly 30% of the country under federal lands protection. It's a farce.

Back in the 1800s when traveling out west to claim land (and displace) the current native populations was controversial to say the least. It essentially said, this is available. If you can get there, build something, defend it against the existing owners and not die, you can keep it. Let me reiterate, it fucked over the Native peoples who according to Big Brother wasn't using the land to it's proper potential, so fuck'em.

Moving forward to today. The 200 biggest landowners own a combined 140 million acres of land, 19% of what's held in trust by their federal government for the benefit and expansion of it's general populace. How about instead of focusing on the majority of that land which is unaccessible timberland, rocky slopes and badlands, we nationalize the part of the 120 million acres of arable land that's not being farmed and start a new generation of farmers. If it's okay to displace the Native population, then surely taking away the extra hundred or so thousand acres not being used by the biggest land owner would be acceptable using your logic.

01-09-2023, 06:38 PM
And you realize the Republicans I'm referring to are you and your MAGA obsessed ilk right. Moron.

Jesus Christ.. why do I keep forgetting how fucking retarded you are?

01-09-2023, 07:35 PM
Jesus Christ.. why do I keep forgetting how fucking retarded you are?

It's because you're retarded.

Suppressed Poet
01-09-2023, 09:44 PM
Back in the 1800s when traveling out west to claim land (and displace) the current native populations was controversial to say the least. It essentially said, this is available. If you can get there, build something, defend it against the existing owners and not die, you can keep it. Let me reiterate, it fucked over the Native peoples who according to Big Brother wasn't using the land to it's proper potential, so fuck'em.

Moving forward to today. The 200 biggest landowners own a combined 140 million acres of land, 19% of what's held in trust by their federal government for the benefit and expansion of it's general populace. How about instead of focusing on the majority of that land which is unaccessible timberland, rocky slopes and badlands, we nationalize the part of the 120 million acres of arable land that's not being farmed and start a new generation of farmers. If it's okay to displace the Native population, then surely taking away the extra hundred or so thousand acres not being used by the biggest land owner would be acceptable using your logic.

The fact that we are posting on the PC in English right now is a microcosm example that our Manifest Destiny to have our own country from sea to shining fucking sea was on the right side of history. If you don’t like that you should get the fuck out of this country because you are not American.

01-09-2023, 09:49 PM
The fact that we are posting on the PC in English right now is a microcosm example that our Manifest Destiny to have our own country from sea to shining fucking sea was on the right side of history. If you don’t like that you should get the fuck out of this country because you are not American.

No. Go take your meds.

Suppressed Poet
01-09-2023, 09:54 PM
Jesus Christ.. why do I keep forgetting how fucking retarded you are?

He really has an unbelievable talent for retardation. Just when I think he can’t get anymore retarded than he is now, he surprises me with even more retardation the next day. I feel like 500 years from now aliens will be studying our species, and collectively we on the PC are supplying them with bibliographic evidence for the study of Seran (aka the most retarded retard human in recorded history).

01-09-2023, 10:17 PM
It's because you're retarded.

Stick to being the creepy fucking retard with the severe OCD mental disorder(s) you were meant to be loser.

01-10-2023, 12:28 AM
Back in the 1800s when traveling out west to claim land (and displace) the current native populations was controversial to say the least. It essentially said, this is available. If you can get there, build something, defend it against the existing owners and not die, you can keep it. Let me reiterate, it fucked over the Native peoples who according to Big Brother wasn't using the land to it's proper potential, so fuck'em.

Moving forward to today. The 200 biggest landowners own a combined 140 million acres of land, 19% of what's held in trust by their federal government for the benefit and expansion of it's general populace. How about instead of focusing on the majority of that land which is unaccessible timberland, rocky slopes and badlands, we nationalize the part of the 120 million acres of arable land that's not being farmed and start a new generation of farmers. If it's okay to displace the Native population, then surely taking away the extra hundred or so thousand acres not being used by the biggest land owner would be acceptable using your logic.

Couple questions

1. Why do we need more farmers and why do you think we need more farmland in production?
2. Do you realize that arable doesn't mean productive or even feasible to cultivate right?
3. With the massive quantity of abandoned and fallow farmland throughout the US, much of it owned by banks, trusts and so on why should we have to seize any land from anyone?
4. Why are people not going into farming in general and what laws might be changed to improve that?
5. What policies could the Biden administration legally enact right now to inspire the changes you want to make without stealing anyone's private property?
6. Do you realize the Western US is in the longest running drought and is facing drastic water crisis and likely can't support additional farming since they are paying people to not plant due to lack of water already?
7. What is abstainece and how are Republicans trying to ban it?