View Full Version : Donald Trump loses his shit in interview

04-20-2022, 05:43 PM
I have no words for how hilarious this is to see Trump lose his mind when confronted with honest journalism. Maybe he thought since Murdoch was giving Piers Morgan a slot on Fox that he'd get the typical conservative media taint tickle, but that isn't the case.

GRUMPY TRUMPY Dramatic moment Donald Trump storms off explosive Piers Morgan interview raging ‘you’re a DISLOYAL FOOL’

DONALD Trump stormed out of a world exclusive interview with Piers Morgan in a blazing row over the 'stolen' US presidential election.

The ex-President reached boiling point after Piers blamed Trump's refusal to admit defeat in the 2020 vote for last year's deadly riots at the Capitol.

Trump screamed that his interviewer was 'dishonest', 'a FOOL' and barked at the shocked TV crew: ‘TURN THE CAMERAS OFF!’


04-20-2022, 06:27 PM
I have no words for how hilarious this is to see Trump lose his mind when confronted with honest journalism. Maybe he thought since Murdoch was giving Piers Morgan a slot on Fox that he'd get the typical conservative media taint tickle, but that isn't the case.

Are you really basing this off of a trailer consisting of super short clips, none of which have any context, when the video itself doesn't come out until the 25th? :rofl:

Trump screamed that his interviewer was 'dishonest', 'a FOOL' and barked at the shocked TV crew: ‘TURN THE CAMERAS OFF!’

That's what they (and as a result, you, being an NPC and all) consider a "scream?"

2/10 This is slightly better than your usual brain dead trolls. Emphasis on slightly.

In case anyone wants to save a click:


04-20-2022, 06:43 PM
Trumps starting to look his 75 years.

04-20-2022, 06:49 PM
Trumps starting to look his 75 years.

He really is! Getting pretty thicc too.

04-20-2022, 08:23 PM
Trumps starting to look his 75 years.

Biden has been looking his age for 10 years now....

And I won't even bring up his obvious dementia.

04-20-2022, 08:25 PM
He really is! Getting pretty thicc too.

I have never, ever said that another man is getting "pretty thicc".... ever.

Fucking perv.

04-20-2022, 11:53 PM
I have never, ever said that another man is getting "pretty thicc".... ever.

Fucking perv.

When did you become such a homophobe?

04-21-2022, 08:44 AM
When did you become such a homophobe?

Did you just come out of the closet to the PC?

04-21-2022, 09:11 AM
When did you become such a homophobe?

So you admit you meant it in a homophobic way?

Thank you.

04-21-2022, 10:21 AM
An amusing opinion piece by Piers Morgan on his momentously successful or horrid failure of an interview (depending on your ideology) with former commander and thief, Donald Trump

How all hell broke loose after my fiery showdown with Trump over his stolen election claims

Each time he paused, he peered over the document at me, with mounting rage in his eyes.

I’d never seen him so livid or felt so uncomfortable in his presence as I did right now in his office.

He was almost foaming at the mouth and kept shaking his head slowly and menacingly at me, like Don Corleone when he felt he’d been disrespected.

There was no point in trying to deny the quotes.

I’d said them, and I’d meant them.

“I’ve always been critical of you when I’ve felt you deserved it,” I eventually said, “but as you know, I’ve also written and said many supportive things about you too. This is a one-sided hatchet job designed to stop you doing our interview.”

“It’s definitely a hatchet job,” he retorted, “ON ME!"


Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-21-2022, 12:34 PM
Living rent free in your mind.

04-21-2022, 01:46 PM
Living rent free in your mind.

Well, ever since Seran admitted he had homosexual feelings for President Trump.. and since President Trump doesn't reciprocate those feelings, you can see why Seran would be going on 6 years of absolute rage against President Trump.

It all started making sense yesterday.

04-21-2022, 02:32 PM
Living rent free in your mind.

And apparently for Matt Drudge as well, given it's their banner story. I can certainly understand with 26,301,740 visitors to Drudgereport in the last 24 hours, Team Orange would like to downplay this as much as possible. : )

04-21-2022, 02:50 PM
And apparently for Matt Drudge as well, given it's their banner story. I can certainly understand with 26,301,740 visitors to Drudgereport in the last 24 hours, Team Orange would like to downplay this as much as possible. : )

Downplay what? An obviously slanted highlight reel with no context in either direction that relies on brain dead NPCs like you to blindly be like...


Just admit you're scared shitless that Trump is gonna run again after democrats get obliterated in the midterms.

04-21-2022, 02:57 PM
Downplay what? An obviously slanted highlight reel with no context in either direction that relies on brain dead NPCs like you to blindly be like...

Just admit you're scared shitless that Trump is gonna run again after democrats get obliterated in the midterms.

Downplay the fact that 'unbiased media' is a fabrication by Trump. What Trump and Republicans at large agree to be real news is nothing more than opinion pieces and sugar puff interviews regurgitating campaign or party propaganda. Fake news, tending to be the real shit that points out just how inadequate a President and unlikely future candidate he is, or just how hugely detrimental news/policies are to 95% of Americans at large.

I'm sure Trump is getting tired of all these interviews with Axios, Piers Morgan and Bob Woodward going so ridiculously badly for him. Particularly after the throne worship he usually gets from Fox and Friends, Sean Hannity and that twit Jeanine Pirro.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-21-2022, 03:11 PM
Rent free

04-21-2022, 03:29 PM
Downplay the fact that 'unbiased media' is a fabrication by Trump.

Wait.. you believe the US media is really unbiased??

Holy hell.. that's fucking a new low, even for you.

What Trump and Republicans at large agree to be real news is nothing more than opinion pieces and sugar puff interviews regurgitating campaign or party propaganda. Fake news, tending to be the real shit that points out just how inadequate a President and unlikely future candidate he is, or just how hugely detrimental news/policies are to 95% of Americans at large.

I'm sure Trump is getting tired of all these interviews with Axios, Piers Morgan and Bob Woodward going so ridiculously badly for him. Particularly after the throne worship he usually gets from Fox and Friends, Sean Hannity and that twit Jeanine Pirro.

I'm sorry that President Trump doesn't have the same type of desires for you as you do for him.

That sucks for you. :(

04-21-2022, 03:35 PM
And apparently for Matt Drudge as well, given it's their banner story. I can certainly understand with 26,301,740 visitors to Drudgereport in the last 24 hours, Team Orange would like to downplay this as much as possible. : )

Drudge has been a Never-Trumper since 2018. Are you really shocked that he has an anti-Trump story?

Your retardation is endless.

04-21-2022, 04:04 PM
What a complete shit show Seran is.

04-21-2022, 04:07 PM
Downplay the fact that 'unbiased media' is a fabrication by Trump.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA holy shit :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You are literally the NPC of all NPCs. Holy shit.

Now that I'm done making fun of how stupid you are for at least 7 minutes, please explain how "unbiased media" is "a fabrication by Trump" when people have been saying and pointing out for years/decades before Trump was even on the radar how the media is biased as fuckall.

Start with Obama's time in office since it's the most recent. Or even look at how the media runs cover for Biden nonstop right now, when they'd be losing their shit 24/7 if it was Trump instead of Biden for any of Biden's disasters, right up to and including this from the other day:


Or let me guess...the media was totally unbiased under Obama and is unbiased today? Is that what you're about to say?


04-21-2022, 05:28 PM
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA holy shit :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You are literally the NPC of all NPCs. Holy shit.

Now that I'm done making fun of how stupid you are for at least 7 minutes, please explain how "unbiased media" is "a fabrication by Trump" when people have been saying and pointing out for years/decades before Trump was even on the radar how the media is biased as fuckall.

Start with Obama's time in office since it's the most recent. Or even look at how the media runs cover for Biden nonstop right now, when they'd be losing their shit 24/7 if it was Trump instead of Biden for any of Biden's disasters, right up to and including this from the other day:

Or let me guess...the media was totally unbiased under Obama and is unbiased today? Is that what you're about to say?


I honestly have no idea how someone like Seran can "function" on a daily basis.. and still be this.fucking.stupid. everyday.

04-22-2022, 11:41 AM
lol it's so funny watching Methais get so upset anytime Trump is mentioned. lol

04-22-2022, 11:49 AM
lol it's so funny watching Methais get so upset anytime Trump is mentioned. lol

Seran's retarded, you're retarded, I'm laughing at how dumb you both are, and you're projecting being upset over the sad state of your miserable totally not macguyver life.

04-22-2022, 12:03 PM
lol it's so funny watching Methais get so upset anytime Trump is mentioned. lol

It's so funny to watch how every alt you make loves to hump Methais' leg.

Seriously, what did Methais do to you, MacGuyver? Was it in GS or was it here?

04-22-2022, 12:52 PM
It's so funny to watch how every alt you make loves to hump Methais' leg.

Seriously, what did Methais do to you, MacGuyver? Was it in GS or was it here?

lol it's cute how you guys always defend each other. it's cool to have a posting pal

04-22-2022, 12:52 PM
Seran's retarded, you're retarded, I'm laughing at how dumb you both are, and you're projecting being upset over the sad state of your miserable totally not macguyver life.

lol keep being mad dude. make sure you keep swooping in to defend the honor of Trump

04-22-2022, 01:32 PM
It's so funny to watch how every alt you make loves to hump Methais' leg.

Seriously, what did Methais do to you, MacGuyver? Was it in GS or was it here?

I probably killed him on the boulder in the 90s or something and he still hasn't gotten over it.

Right macguyver?

lol keep being mad dude. make sure you keep swooping in to defend the honor of Trump

lol you're macguyver

04-22-2022, 01:34 PM
I probably killed him on the boulder in the 90s or something and he still hasn't gotten over it.

Right macguyver?

is this like some old man loser reference or something? either way you're dumb

lol you're macguyver

lol you're obsessed with a message board poster

04-22-2022, 01:57 PM
is this like some old man loser reference or something? either way you're dumb

lol you're obsessed with a message board poster

Are you saying that you're not macguyver?

04-22-2022, 02:22 PM
I probably killed him on the boulder in the 90s or something and he still hasn't gotten over it.

Right macguyver?

lol you're macguyver

That's what I figured... or slept him in town.. or killed him in the wilds and the GM wouldn't ban you like he probably reported 10001020120330210123x in hopes they would. Knowing MacGuyver, he probably got banned from GS for being a gigantic HMC... and now blames you for ruining his life.

Something happened between the 2 of you... because he does this on every.single.alt. he makes.

04-23-2022, 06:00 PM
Are you saying that you're not macguyver?
