View Full Version : Biden tells U.S. citizens to leave Ukraine, saying military wouldn't rescue them

Suppressed Poet
02-11-2022, 02:47 PM
You don’t even have to say it Joe. The whole world is already aware that you are more than happy to abandon American citizens back when we exited Afghanistan…

02-11-2022, 02:49 PM
Did he actually say this? Not that it would surprise me, I'm just surprised he said the quiet part out loud this time instead of gas lighting everyone like he did with the Afghanistan failure.

02-11-2022, 02:50 PM


02-11-2022, 02:50 PM

02-11-2022, 02:52 PM


Wow. He actually said it.

How does his approval rating not drop to below 20% by the end of the month? Oh right, because the media will work overtime to downplay his words, bury his words, and defend him.

02-11-2022, 02:54 PM
Honestly, people should probably get out of Ukraine. I can understand us not sending in the military to the Ukraine a lot more than not doing it for Afghanistan. He doesn't want a wider war with Russia, which would be a pretty shitty war because we both have nukes. I mean, we'd kick their ass, but then China would be in a pretty place.

02-11-2022, 02:56 PM
Honestly, people should probably get out of Ukraine. I can understand us not sending in the military to the Ukraine a lot more than not doing it for Afghanistan. He doesn't want a wider war with Russia, which would be a pretty shitty war because we both have nukes. I mean, we'd kick their ass, but then China would be in a pretty place.

He has gotten us to this point though. He has done his best to prop up and embolden Russia, and now that American lives might be at risk he's just like "Meh. What can I do about it?"

Notice this shit didn't even come close to happening under Trump.

It doesn't help when Biden says dumb shit like "Well our response depends on how big of an invasion Putin does" or flat out says right now that he won't under any circumstance put American troops in a position to fight again Russia. Why say that? That's basically saying Russia can do anything they want and the US will stand aside and allow it.

The man is beyond incompetent at this point and is just downright dangerous to be anywhere near any sort of power.

02-11-2022, 02:59 PM
He has gotten us to this point though. He has done his best to prop up and embolden Russia, and now that American lives might be at risk he's just like "Meh. What can I do about it?"

Notice this shit didn't even come close to happening under Trump.

It doesn't help when Biden says dumb shit like "Well our response depends on how big of an invasion Putin does" or flat out says right now that he won't under any circumstance put American troops in a position to fight again Russia. Why say that? That's basically saying Russia can do anything they want and the US will stand aside and allow it.

The man is beyond incompetent at this point and is just downright dangerous to be anywhere near any sort of power.

Hopefully the Republican party puts up a strong candidate this time.

Suppressed Poet
02-11-2022, 03:04 PM
Honestly, people should probably get out of Ukraine. I can understand us not sending in the military to the Ukraine a lot more than not doing it for Afghanistan. He doesn't want a wider war with Russia, which would be a pretty shitty war because we both have nukes. I mean, we'd kick their ass, but then China would be in a pretty place.

Yes they should.

But our President shouldn’t go out of his way to publicly state that we would not save our own citizens if an invasion occurs. It makes us look weak.

Or several weeks ago he stated in a public interview that a Russian attack on Ukraine is imminent. Even if this is true and he has clear & absolute intelligence to come to that conclusion, what is the purpose of saying that to the American public (whole world)? Would you not first try everything you can to come to a diplomatic solution? If a diplomatic solution isn’t possible does stating that when our enemy is listening tactically sound?

I’ll tell you why…to instill fear in the public. To what purpose is that being used for? Who the hell knows. Then again I could be giving him far too much credit and Biden is simply a fumbling idiot…

02-11-2022, 03:10 PM
Honestly, people should probably get out of Ukraine. I can understand us not sending in the military to the Ukraine a lot more than not doing it for Afghanistan. He doesn't want a wider war with Russia, which would be a pretty shitty war because we both have nukes. I mean, we'd kick their ass, but then China would be in a pretty place.

Putin directly threatened nuclear war over Ukraine/NATO

02-11-2022, 03:23 PM
I see the state department said they couldn’t rescue American citizens of Russia invaded, but where did Biden say it?

Also, it makes sense. If Russia invades and then the US military goes in after Americans, it’s like throwing gas on the bonfire. People should’ve have already left.

02-11-2022, 03:25 PM
I see the state department said they couldn’t rescue American citizens of Russia invaded, but where did Biden say it?

Gelston linked to the video.

It's not even so much him saying the US military wouldn't rescue US citizens, it's how he said it, which was something like "You can't have Americans and Russians shooting at each other, it would be the start of a world war." Basically saying under no circumstance would the US military ever engage with the Russian military, which is just all kinds of stupid.

And Democrats said Trump was Putin's puppet.

Suppressed Poet
02-11-2022, 03:34 PM
Russia should be afraid of the US and our allies, not the other way around. We need a president with more cock n’ ballz that will spank little dictators like Putin when they step out of line.

Instead of “OOOH NOOOO!! Americans get out while you can! We don’t want to start a new world war!” How about “Russia eff around and see what happens to you.” Perhaps make them think twice about invading instead of seemingly encouraging it.

02-11-2022, 03:42 PM
Russia should be afraid of the US and our allies, not the other way around. We need a president with more cock n’ ballz that will spank little dictators like Putin when they step out of line.

Instead of “OOOH NOOOO!! Americans get out while you can! We don’t want to start a new world war!” How about “Russia eff around and see what happens to you.” Perhaps make them think twice about invading instead of seemingly encouraging it.

It goes back to Obama just letting them take over the Crimea without a big fuss.

02-11-2022, 03:45 PM
Hopefully the Republican party puts up a strong candidate this time.


Stanley Burrell
02-11-2022, 03:45 PM
It goes back to Obama just letting them take over the Crimea without a big fuss.

Patton should have done the fucking Mexican Hat Dance on Moscow.

And Biden … Hmmm: So, any other president with half of a quarter of an eighth of a thinktank would tell him we'd (bullshit completely) save all the US Citizens. I can't trust an honest politician.

02-11-2022, 03:52 PM
Wow. He actually said it.

How does his approval rating not drop to below 20% by the end of the month? Oh right, because the media will work overtime to downplay his words, bury his words, and defend him.

Because you have brain dead Democrats who will say he's doing an amazing job no matter what.

02-11-2022, 03:53 PM
Gelston linked to the video.

It's not even so much him saying the US military wouldn't rescue US citizens, it's how he said it, which was something like "You can't have Americans and Russians shooting at each other, it would be the start of a world war." Basically saying under no circumstance would the US military ever engage with the Russian military, which is just all kinds of stupid.

And Democrats said Trump was Putin's puppet.

In a round about way he said it, and he could’ve said something better for sure, but you don’t want Russians and American troops battling. Come on. You’re very dismissive of hell that would create.

02-11-2022, 03:55 PM
you don’t want Russians and American troops battling. Come on. You’re very dismissive of hell that would create.

Depends on the situation. If Russia pulls a Germany circa WW2 and is sweeping across Europe and murdering dissidents should the US just say "Well.....American and Russia troops shooting at one another could get ugly...best stay in our lane"?

If yes then why the fuck do we even have a military anymore? Might as well just downsize our military to the size of Canada and spend that money elsewhere if we aren't going to help our allies and fight evil in the world.

02-11-2022, 03:58 PM
Depends on the situation. If Russia pulls a Germany circa WW2 and is sweeping across Europe and murdering dissidents should the US just say "Well.....American and Russia troops shooting at one another could get ugly...best stay in our lane"?

If yes then why the fuck do we even have a military anymore? Might as well just downsize our military to the size of Canada and spend that money elsewhere if we aren't going to help our allies and fight evil in the world.

Avoid military conflict at all costs. If Russia pulls a Germanic circa WW2 than we have no choice.

02-11-2022, 04:01 PM
And Democrats said Trump was Putin's puppet.

That's because democrats are the party of projection.

EDIT: And beef wellington

Suppa Hobbit Mage
02-11-2022, 04:04 PM
Yeah I really don't want Russia and the US fighting either, and I think he's right it would be a world war. It's really a tough situation.

Suppressed Poet
02-11-2022, 04:06 PM
We all know what’s going to happen….

Russia will invade and take the Donbass region and stop there. We and Europe will bitch about it and give Russia a little slap on the wrist with some insignificant sanction. Germany will continue to export their goods and import Russian fuel.

02-11-2022, 04:11 PM
Yeah I really don't want Russia and the US fighting either, and I think he's right it would be a world war. It's really a tough situation.

Remember Chamberlain and Hitler?Still had a World War.

02-11-2022, 04:20 PM
Russia should be afraid of the US and our allies, not the other way around. We need a president with more cock n’ ballz that will spank little dictators like Putin when they step out of line.

Instead of “OOOH NOOOO!! Americans get out while you can! We don’t want to start a new world war!” How about “Russia eff around and see what happens to you.” Perhaps make them think twice about invading instead of seemingly encouraging it.

Putin has China backing him up. Feels emboldened.

02-11-2022, 04:26 PM
Putin has China backing him up. Feels emboldened.

China wouldn't raise a finger. Their goal was always to have the USSR and US fight a war and then they'd sweep up the remnants.

02-11-2022, 04:30 PM
The US and Russia have already been fighting for years over in Syria - in a proxy war.

The US has also killed a shit ton of them.

Hey... remember a few years ago when all the Lefties were screaming that Trump would start WW3... /sings "How ya feeeeel now?"

And it took only 1 year. Fucking outstanding!


100% agree with Gelston though... China is laughing their asses off right now.

02-11-2022, 05:07 PM
Yeah I really don't want Russia and the US fighting either, and I think he's right it would be a world war. It's really a tough situation.

If Nikolai Volkoff wasn't dead, he and Hulk Hogan could settle this.

02-11-2022, 05:09 PM
I just wish we were already to the point of settling disputes like in Robot Jox!

02-11-2022, 06:42 PM
Avoid military conflict at all costs. If Russia pulls a Germanic circa WW2 than we have no choice.

Avoiding military conflict at all costs is what gave us WWII. How did that turn out for us again?


02-11-2022, 06:44 PM
Yeah I really don't want Russia and the US fighting either, and I think he's right it would be a world war. It's really a tough situation.

It's a situation he put himself in. When you are a weak leader, other leaders will take advantage of it.

02-11-2022, 06:46 PM
The US and Russia have already been fighting for years over in Syria - in a proxy war.

The US has also killed a shit ton of them.

Hey... remember a few years ago when all the Lefties were screaming that Trump would start WW3... /sings "How ya feeeeel now?"

And it took only 1 year. Fucking outstanding!


100% agree with Gelston though... China is laughing their asses off right now.

BUT TEH NUCLEAR CLOCK REALLY MOVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -Ashlianabanned 2020.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
02-11-2022, 11:29 PM
Remember Chamberlain and Hitler?Still had a World War.

No dude, how old do you think I am?

I'm just saying it's tough. Biden or Trump would have a tough go of this. Biden more so since he's a puss, but either way it's not ideal.

02-12-2022, 01:01 AM
No dude, how old do you think I am?

I'm just saying it's tough. Biden or Trump would have a tough go of this. Biden more so since he's a puss, but either way it's not ideal.

I mean, I've read a history book before. Appeasement just leads to them wanting more and more.

02-12-2022, 08:52 AM
No dude, how old do you think I am?

I'm just saying it's tough. Biden or Trump would have a tough go of this. Biden more so since he's a puss, but either way it's not ideal.

Notice how Putin did this shit with Obama and now Biden, but didn't do it during Trump?

And Trump wasn't a warmonger either.. he literally was the most peaceful President in the past 40 years.. but he also talked tough and didn't take shit from anyone.

02-12-2022, 08:59 AM
Notice how Putin did this shit with Obama and now Biden, but didn't do it during Trump?

And Trump wasn't a warmonger either.. he literally was the most peaceful President in the past 40 years.. but he also talked tough and didn't take shit from anyone.

But...but but he murdered an Iranian general/terrorist! Literally Hitler!

02-12-2022, 10:58 AM
Yes they should.

But our President shouldn’t go out of his way to publicly state that we would not save our own citizens if an invasion occurs. It makes us look weak.

Or several weeks ago he stated in a public interview that a Russian attack on Ukraine is imminent. Even if this is true and he has clear & absolute intelligence to come to that conclusion, what is the purpose of saying that to the American public (whole world)? Would you not first try everything you can to come to a diplomatic solution? If a diplomatic solution isn’t possible does stating that when our enemy is listening tactically sound?

I’ll tell you why…to instill fear in the public. To what purpose is that being used for? Who the hell knows. Then again I could be giving him far too much credit and Biden is simply a fumbling idiot…

Yes he should. Because the people in Ukraine need to understand the full consequences of not heeding his warning.

And point of fact, there have been months (years really) of diplomatic interventions on this subject. Honestly I find it flabbergasting that you're suggesting otherwise...

02-12-2022, 11:09 AM
Yes he should. Because the people in Ukraine need to understand the full consequences of not heeding his warning.

And point of fact, there have been months (years really) of diplomatic interventions on this subject. Honestly I find it flabbergasting that you're suggesting otherwise...

I'm unsure how Ukrainians are supposed to understand Biden when Americans don't understand what Biden is saying 80% of the time.

02-12-2022, 11:16 AM
Notice how Putin did this shit with Obama and now Biden, but didn't do it during Trump?

And Trump wasn't a warmonger either.. he literally was the most peaceful President in the past 40 years.. but he also talked tough and didn't take shit from anyone.

Trading love letters with North Korea, which he stole in violation of the Presidential Records Act. Meanwhile North Korea happily kept upgrading its nuclear capabilities. Then he pulled us out of the Iranian nuclear Accord said that's a result they ramped up their own enrichment program. And let us not forget the trade war that he sparked with China. And those agreements he came up with to resolve it were never fulfilled by China. So now Trump was as big a warmonger as anyone.

02-12-2022, 12:01 PM
Trading love letters with North Korea, which he stole in violation of rye Presidential Records Act. Meanwhile North Korea happily kept upgrading its nuclear capabilities. Then he pulled us out of the Iranian nuclear Accord said that's a result they ramped up their own enrichment program. And let us not forget the trade war that he sparked with China. And those agreements he came up with to resolve it were never fulfilled by China. So now Trump was as big a warmonger as anyone.

President Trump was the most peaceful President in your lifetime.


I know you believe that a "trade war" is a real war, but it's not even close.

Not even sure why you would bring up a "love letter" to North Korea, but again, that's not a war.

You could always try the "BUT ZOMG THE NUCLEAR CLOCK MOVED CLOSER TO MIDNIGHT" like Ashlianagotbannedandlosttome did a couple years ago to recapture your title, but that would look desperate on your part.

Stanley Burrell
02-12-2022, 07:00 PM
BTW, I have heard from a senior source who I personally know that Russia is absolutely OK with having only 15-20% of its population remaining alive during a tit-for-tat WMD scenario. Take that as you will.

Suppressed Poet
02-12-2022, 07:21 PM
BTW, I have heard from a senior source who I personally know that Russia is absolutely OK with having only 15-20% of its population remaining alive during a tit-for-tat WMD scenario. Take that as you will.

You know why Russia never launched their nukes in the Cold War? It was just Stalin.

Stanley Burrell
02-12-2022, 07:31 PM

02-14-2022, 10:43 AM
Trading love letters with North Korea, which he stole in violation of the Presidential Records Act. Meanwhile North Korea happily kept upgrading its nuclear capabilities. Then he pulled us out of the Iranian nuclear Accord said that's a result they ramped up their own enrichment program. And let us not forget the trade war that he sparked with China. And those agreements he came up with to resolve it were never fulfilled by China. So now Trump was as big a warmonger as anyone.

How is it possible that you get dumber and dumber every single day? Even Backlash was never this retarded.

02-14-2022, 12:06 PM
Trading love letters with North Korea, which he stole in violation of the Presidential Records Act. Meanwhile North Korea happily kept upgrading its nuclear capabilities. Then he pulled us out of the Iranian nuclear Accord said that's a result they ramped up their own enrichment program. And let us not forget the trade war that he sparked with China. And those agreements he came up with to resolve it were never fulfilled by China. So now Trump was as big a warmonger as anyone.

I'm sorry Trump didn't bring us to the brink of war like Democrats do.

02-15-2022, 10:05 AM
No, he shouldn’t send the military in to save Americans. Russia has been building up its military for months along the border, US citizens have been told for quite some time to get the fuck out,
and it’s quite easy to leave Ukraine right now. if you wanna stay because you don’t think anything is going to happen, well, that’s on your ass. Don’t expect the military to come in to save your ignorant ass, waste millions and millions of Us tax payers money, along with possible loss of US troops because you’re a fucking idiot that didn’t listen and thought you knew better than government agencies from all over the world.

If war breaks out, The US government will be still be doing repatriation flights for US citizens to leave the country, just not with the military.

02-15-2022, 05:24 PM
Ukrainian Government websites have been getting hit and taken down by DDoS attacks.

02-15-2022, 05:43 PM
Ukrainian Government websites have been getting hit and taken down by DDoS attacks.

US had a spate of outages today, Spectrum, AWS, MS Teams, MS Outlook, Discord and a bunch of other were hit, but with the interdependencies of the net in the way it exists now, it's not too terribly surprising when something over here goes down due to something over there getting DDoSed. Still. It was a bad day at work in IT for the people that get called in on outages.