View Full Version : Andrew Cuomo molested women

08-04-2021, 06:26 PM

08-04-2021, 10:08 PM

08-05-2021, 01:29 AM
Yawn. Another idiots push poll from the nation's most uninformed Conservative

08-05-2021, 01:32 AM
Yawn. Another idiots push poll from the nation's most uninformed Conservative

Hey, Alfster, we need you in here to bitch at Democrats for downplaying shit when Democrat politicians are caught molesting women and murdering old people. You're not a bad faith actor and hypocrite, are you?

08-05-2021, 05:12 AM
I’m a leftist (not a Democrat) and Cuomo is a colossal piece of shit and if he doesn’t resign he should be impeached out of office. Anyone defending him is just playing team red vs team blue and that shit is why this country is fucked beyond repair

08-05-2021, 05:26 AM
Yes, Cuomo is terrible and should resign or be impeached. Along with a lot of other shitty corrupt politicians in this country, from both major parties. Because both parties don't give a shit about the people, they only care about what their rich donors want.

08-05-2021, 08:22 AM
I’m a leftist (not a Democrat) and Cuomo is a colossal piece of shit and if he doesn’t resign he should be impeached out of office. Anyone defending him is just playing team red vs team blue and that shit is why this country is fucked beyond repair

I don't believe anyone is actually defending him... the colossally retarded just respond with "B-b-b-b-b-but Gaetz!" and honestly believe it's the exact same thing.

08-05-2021, 09:43 AM
I don't believe anyone is actually defending him... the colossally retarded just respond with "B-b-b-b-b-but Gaetz!" and honestly believe it's the exact same thing.

It's more "b-b-b-b-but Trump," since your poorly reasoned excuse with "BUT IT'S DIFFERENT!" breaks down and reveals you as the shameless hypocrite you are, Tardbandit.

But if you were capable of basic reasoning, you wouldn't have earned that championship diaper around your bloated waist.


08-05-2021, 10:40 AM
Hey, Alfster, we need you in here to bitch at Democrats for downplaying shit when Democrat politicians are caught molesting women and murdering old people. You're not a bad faith actor and hypocrite, are you?


08-05-2021, 10:52 AM


It is pretty funny how much of a bad faith actor and hypocrite you are.

You whined and whined and whined that people weren't posting enough in the Matt Gaetz thread when there were a whole TWO posts in regards to the rapist Cuomo, and here Seran is downplaying the shit out of Cuomo being a rapist and a murderer and you unsurprisingly have nothing to say.

Why you gotta be like that, dawg?

08-05-2021, 11:00 AM
Yeah that murdering old people bit is utter nonsense. Cuomo will likely get impeached and brought up on charges, which is how the system works when you're not the President. Idiots like Dreaven conflating issues for political theater are why our country is so fucked up

08-05-2021, 11:09 AM
Yeah that murdering old people bit is utter nonsense. Cuomo will likely get impeached and brought up on charges, which is how the system works when you're not the President. Idiots like Dreaven conflating issues for political theater are why our country is so fucked up

Keep on downplaying. And Alfster, be sure to keep on downplaying when Democrats do the exact same shit you accuse me of doing while you cry for over half a dozen posts.

08-06-2021, 03:31 AM
Cuomo - Investigation formally conducted, reviewed, and submitted.

Gaetz - News reports and indications he's under investigation - It's been supposedly? going on 2 years - No journalists or other information has really come out about it.

The Gaetz situation seems odd that no other information has really come out since the story was announced, so is it more political or factual? - but if he did what he supposedly did, then he should be charged and given his day in court.

Why Cuomo hasn't been formally been charged yet, makes no sense. Deserves his day in court also, but the no charges thing seems odd.

08-06-2021, 07:50 AM
Cuomo - Investigation formally conducted, reviewed, and submitted.

Gaetz - News reports and indications he's under investigation - It's been supposedly? going on 2 years - No journalists or other information has really come out about it.

The Gaetz situation seems odd that no other information has really come out since the story was announced, so is it more political or factual? - but if he did what he supposedly did, then he should be charged and given his day in court.

Why Cuomo hasn't been formally been charged yet, makes no sense. Deserves his day in court also, but the no charges thing seems odd.

"THEY ARE THE SAME THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ALSO TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

08-06-2021, 09:04 AM
Cuomo - Investigation formally conducted, reviewed, and submitted.

Gaetz - News reports and indications he's under investigation - It's been supposedly? going on 2 years - No journalists or other information has really come out about it.

The Gaetz situation seems odd that no other information has really come out since the story was announced, so is it more political or factual? - but if he did what he supposedly did, then he should be charged and given his day in court.

Why Cuomo hasn't been formally been charged yet, makes no sense. Deserves his day in court also, but the no charges thing seems odd.

They are planning to have him fully impeached in under a month.

08-06-2021, 09:10 AM
Yes, Cuomo is terrible and should resign or be impeached. Along with a lot of other shitty corrupt politicians in this country, from both major parties. Because both parties don't give a shit about the people, they only care about what their rich donors want.

It is kind of a catchy tune...


08-07-2021, 05:20 AM
It is kind of a catchy tune...


It is catchy, and it's true too. Neither of them give a fuck about the people.

08-09-2021, 03:02 AM
Just a reminder that Andrew Cuomo is a rapist and a murderer.

08-09-2021, 05:40 AM
They don't care. They "pretend" to care and have principles. They only enforce those "principles" when it allows them to feed the narcissistic idea that they are better, and more noble, than others. Long-winded way of saying, they're jackasses.

08-10-2021, 11:45 AM
The rapist and murderer's top aide has resigned.

In other news two LGBTQWTF+ leaders are facing investigations within their own organizations and are being forced to resign because apparently they helped smear Cuomo's first victim. (https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/prominent-lgbtq-leaders-face-increased-scrutiny-cuomo-report-rcna1633)

Alphonso David was president of the largest LGBTQ advocacy group and is being investigated within his own organization.

The best part is the other person who helped smear the victim of sexual assault is Roberta Kaplan who used to chair "Time's Up", a charity that helps victims of sexual assault. You can't even make this shit up! They are all for "Believe all women!" until women start accusing prominent Democrats.

Sucks that Biden weaseled his way into office, but the silver lining is Democrats are finally getting their long overdue comeuppance, just like I said would happen if Trump lost.

08-10-2021, 12:01 PM
The rapist and murderer's top aide has resigned.

In other news two LGBTQWTF+ leaders are facing investigations within their own organizations and are being forced to resign because apparently they helped smear Cuomo's first victim. (https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/prominent-lgbtq-leaders-face-increased-scrutiny-cuomo-report-rcna1633)

Alphonso David was president of the largest LGBTQ advocacy group and is being investigated within his own organization.

The best part is the other person who helped smear the victim of sexual assault is Roberta Kaplan who used to chair "Time's Up", a charity that helps victims of sexual assault. You can't even make this shit up! They are all for "Believe all women!" until women start accusing prominent Democrats.

Sucks that Biden weaseled his way into office, but the silver lining is Democrats are finally getting their long overdue comeuppance, just like I said would happen if Trump lost.

Are you implying that someone being LGBTQQ doesn't automatically make them good people?


08-10-2021, 12:16 PM
Are you implying that someone being LGBTQQ doesn't automatically make them good people?


But but but...!

08-10-2021, 12:19 PM
He finally resigned.

08-10-2021, 01:05 PM
If Democrats had any balls they would continue with the impeachment. But we all know they will drop this immediately so they can sweep this under the rug and hail the new governor for "making herstory!"

08-10-2021, 01:08 PM
He finally resigned.

Continuing the thrill ride of guilty before proven innocent that Democrats champion while burning their own houses down. Republicans especially benefit from the opportunity to further divide their opposition and use their deep pocket donors to try and fill the vacancy.

08-10-2021, 01:09 PM
This just in Dreaven calls for Democrats to hold theirs leaders accountable and for Republicans to maintain immunity and complete opacity for their alleged crimes!

08-10-2021, 01:38 PM
This just in Dreaven calls for Democrats to hold theirs leaders accountable and for Republicans to maintain immunity and complete opacity for their alleged crimes!

The fuck you talking about? Trump was impeached twice, once after he left office, I'm just asking for Democrats to hold their own politicians to these same standards. Don't let Cuomo get away with this shit by resigning like a coward, impeach the fucker anyways, it's what you all did with Trump.

Why are you such a bad faith actor and hypocrite? Where is Alfster to call out people like you? Oh right, he only calls out Republicans because he claims he's not really a raging alt-leftist douchebag.

08-10-2021, 01:45 PM
Democrats impeach Trump twice as their sole recourse for removal of the orange cancer, all the while navigating multiple obstructions of justice which are being prosecuted now. Because you cannot prosecute a sitting president.

Meanwhile Cuomo's investigation resulted in materiel findings, he subsequently resigns in lieu of being impeached. All the while having no immunity to prosecution if there are criminal findings, which I'm aware of none.

Holding to your standard of hypocrisy, Trump should have resigned before articles of impeachment were even drafted. But of course you didn't advocate that. Poser.

08-10-2021, 01:48 PM
Meanwhile Cuomo's investigation resulted in materiel findings, he subsequently resigns in lieu of being impeached.

And again...impeach him anyways even after he leaves office, it's what you all did with Trump.

Again why are you such a bad faith actor and hypocrite? You can't even bring yourself to call Cuomo a rapist and a murderer, because you're awful. Go cry more about a Republican not voting the way you want him to, because THAT'S what is really important right now.

08-10-2021, 01:58 PM
And again...impeach him anyways, it's what you all did with Trump.

Because sexual harassment isn't a crime prohibiting someone from holding office in New York State. But facing the possibility of impeachment, the governor resigned. AGAIN, you're confusing a governor who is not immune to prosecution and former President, whom was in office and had immunity to prosecution. Trump will face prosecution for acts he allegedly commuted which ARE federal offenses.

Trump violates his oath of office to the county, Republicans and Dreaven cheer his initiative. Cuomo violates his path to faithfully serve New York and resigns, Republicans and Dreaven demand more attention to help fundraising!

08-10-2021, 01:59 PM
Because sexual harassment isn't a crime prohibiting someone from holding office in New York State.

You've gotta be fucking kidding me. THIS is what you come back with?

You really are awful.

Repeat after me: Andrew Cuomo is a rapist and a murderer.

08-10-2021, 02:21 PM

Piece of shit is leaving.

08-10-2021, 02:30 PM
Someone really needs to engage Dreaven on his conspiracy theories, preferably another one of you from the smoke and mirrors party.

08-10-2021, 02:31 PM
But we all know they will drop this immediately so they can sweep this under the rug and hail the new governor for "making herstory!"

Well that didn't take long at all. It's been, what, 2 hours since Cuomo announced he would resign in two weeks and the headlines are already filled with this:

Kathy Hochul to be 1st female NY governor after Cuomo leaves (https://wpta21.com/2021/08/10/kathy-hochul-to-be-1st-female-ny-governor-after-cuomo-leaves/)

Democrats and media: We aided and abetted Andrew Cuomo while we knew he was sexually assaulting women because he's a Democrat, but he's resigning and LOOK! We're making history now with the first female governor of NY! Now move along! Nothing to see here! Remember to vote blue no matter who!

08-10-2021, 02:35 PM
Someone really needs to engage Dreaven on his conspiracy theories, preferably another one of you from the smoke and mirrors party.

No matter what you say Andrew Cuomo will always be a murderer and a rapist and you have no qualms with that because he's a Democrat.

08-10-2021, 03:12 PM
Because sexual harassment isn't a crime prohibiting someone from holding office in New York State. But facing the possibility of impeachment, the governor resigned. AGAIN, you're confusing a governor who is not immune to prosecution and former President, whom was in office and had immunity to prosecution. Trump will face prosecution for acts he allegedly commuted which ARE federal offenses.

Trump violates his oath of office to the county, Republicans and Dreaven cheer his initiative. Cuomo violates his path to faithfully serve New York and resigns, Republicans and Dreaven demand more attention to help fundraising!


You're a horrible liar. You should learn how to be a better liar. Or at least less of a retard.

Anyway....what do you think? Do you personally believe that Cuomo is guilty of the allegations against him?

08-10-2021, 03:15 PM

As an Italian, I'd like to use this opportunity to declare my recently discovered victimhood and demand free stuff because I'm oppressed, and only racists and bigots would have a problem with that.

08-10-2021, 04:31 PM
Anyway....what do you think? Do you personally believe that Cuomo is guilty of the allegations against him?

I do, based slowly on the testimony I've heard and read. My gut instinct tells me he let his power and influence trick him into believing he could act with impunity. I'm glad he resigned.

08-10-2021, 04:31 PM
I do, based slowly on the testimony I've heard and read. My gut instinct tells me he let his power and influence trick him into believing he could act with impunity. I'm glad he resigned.

What are you crying about then?

08-10-2021, 07:13 PM
I do, based slowly on the testimony I've heard and read. My gut instinct tells me he let his power and influence trick him into believing he could act with impunity. I'm glad he resigned.

Well, basing slowly is the only way to get through to you sometimes.

08-12-2021, 12:12 PM
Lots of folks are calling for CNN to fire Chris Cuomo. Chris' name appeared four times in the AG report..

As additional allegations of sexual harassment against the Governor surfaced in the spring of 2021, the Governor’s team of advisors from within and outside the Chamber had ongoing and regular discussions about how to respond to the allegations publicly.1006 The group included the Governor, senior Executive Chamber staff Ms. DeRosa, Mr. Azzopardi, Peter Ajemian (the Governor’s Director of Communications at the time), Ms. Mogul, and Ms. Garvey.1007 It also included Ms. Lacewell, Jefrey Pollock, Lis Smith, Mr. Cohen, Mr. Vlasto, Mr. Bamberger, and Ms. Lever, as well as the Governor’s brother Chris Cuomo.1008

More... (https://ag.ny.gov/sites/default/files/2021.08.03_nyag_-_investigative_report.pdf)

According to internal documents and communications obtained during the investigation, it appears that the Governor’s advisors, including Mr. Pollock and Chris Cuomo, counseled him to express contrition after the press published Ms. Bennett’s allegations.1017

The former consultant testified that she told the Governor in a phone call that she thought “he should apologize and go to counseling.”1034 The Governor “said he didn’t disagree, but that his advisors, the team, thought that he should announce something like that later. Not the apology, but counseling.”1035 During his testimony, Chris Cuomo explained that there was discussion about remedial measures the Chamber should take in light of the sexual harassment allegations, but some people had taken the position that “they should just wait.”1036 When asked about any remedial measures during his testimony, the Governor testified that the Chamber is “talking to people about” them.1037

We also find it revealing and consistent with the Executive Chamber’s overall approach that, when faced with allegations of sexual harassment brought against the Governor, the inner circle of confidantes brought in to control and direct the response included a number of individuals with no official role in the Executive Chamber. For example, in response to the sexual harassment allegations, the Governor and the Executive Chamber actively consulted Ms. Lacewell, Mr. Cohen, Ms. Smith, Mr. Bamberger, Mr. Vlasto, Ms. Lever, Mr. Pollock, Mr. David, and Chris Cuomo.

08-12-2021, 12:14 PM
Lots of folks are calling for CNN to fire Chris Cuomo. Chris' name appeared four times in the AG report..

Add Clyder to the long list of people who couldn't praise Cuomo hard enough while he was molesting women and murdering elderly people while Trump was in office, but suddenly no longer has his back and thinks he's a huge creep now that Trump is out of office.

Weird how that works.

08-12-2021, 09:37 PM
Anyone have odds on Governor Grabass seeing real charges or jail time?

https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/235333788_2909710319278450_6058785136031488574_n.j pg?_nc_cat=111&ccb=1-4&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=Vy7Al36TVCwAX-Aa0LC&_nc_ht=scontent-atl3-1.xx&oh=d201a0d84ddd2c07cba41d84fe68aaa3&oe=613A4AE0

08-12-2021, 09:41 PM
Anyone have odds on Governor Grabass seeing real charges or jail time?

https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/235333788_2909710319278450_6058785136031488574_n.j pg?_nc_cat=111&ccb=1-4&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=Vy7Al36TVCwAX-Aa0LC&_nc_ht=scontent-atl3-1.xx&oh=d201a0d84ddd2c07cba41d84fe68aaa3&oe=613A4AE0

Some Democrats are still calling for investigations into his murdering of elderly people, mostly because they too had parents in nursing homes that were the victim of this monster, otherwise they probably wouldn't give a shit.

But a lot of state Democrats in NY are also saying to drop the whole thing because he resigned. Like really? The guy is a murderer and a rapist and you're gonna let him walk because he resigned? Grow some balls, Democrats, and demand more of the people you vote into office.

08-12-2021, 11:15 PM
https://scontent-dfw5-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/p552x414/236872176_3123015144583046_8064140016425566830_n.j pg?_nc_cat=109&ccb=1-4&_nc_sid=2c4854&_nc_ohc=GGCEjIInZcUAX9wOB49&_nc_ht=scontent-dfw5-2.xx&oh=5255c9865c23e8fb49bc8d91ce3990f8&oe=613CDE21

08-12-2021, 11:17 PM
https://scontent-dfw5-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/p552x414/236872176_3123015144583046_8064140016425566830_n.j pg?_nc_cat=109&ccb=1-4&_nc_sid=2c4854&_nc_ohc=GGCEjIInZcUAX9wOB49&_nc_ht=scontent-dfw5-2.xx&oh=5255c9865c23e8fb49bc8d91ce3990f8&oe=613CDE21

Andrew Cuomo: LOL! Just kidding! We will slut shame you and insult you if you dare try to accuse Democrats of sexual assault!

08-12-2021, 11:44 PM
Add Clyder to the long list of people who couldn't praise Cuomo hard enough while he was molesting women and murdering elderly people while Trump was in office, but suddenly no longer has his back and thinks he's a huge creep now that Trump is out of office.

Weird how that works.

Cool fiction

08-13-2021, 12:05 AM
Cool fiction

No that's literally what happened.

Here's an example:


Back when Orange Man was in office, "comedian" Trevor Noah praised the murderer and rapist and even referred to himself as a "Cumosexual."

Here is Trevor Noah 3 days ago:


New York has successfully flattened the perv

Why are you such a bad faith actor and hypocrite, Bhaalizmo?

08-13-2021, 12:41 AM
Over the years of browsing and commenting on these forums I've been pulled in a time or two into actually commenting on the political forum. It's usually been met with unadulterated trolling because although I voted for George W Bush in the 2000's my conservatism essentially died with his administration and it's thorough mishandling of the war on terror, fake WMDs, etc.

During this time I was an immortal 20 year old that foolishly decided to join the Marine Corps infantry and deploy to Iraq between 2003 and 2008. Coincidentally this was by far the worst time to be an infantryman in Iraq, especially in the Marine Corps.

I only mention this because the conservatism of this forum is God damned ridiculous, and I still read it and wonder why you all even keep trying. It is so obvious and obnoxious that you are only getting riled up so that you have something to be riled up about.

The false arguments, and the whataboutism that is ingrained in your train of thought is honestly disturbing.

Please, please, all of you mad at the world Trumpers that can't accept the reality of the world before them - PLEASE - link your personal Facebook account to this thread, so we can all see how God damned irrational and sadistic you truly are.

And this is coming from a true cynical MFer who used to consider himself a conservative. Just fucking stop.

08-13-2021, 01:00 AM
Over the years of browsing and commenting on these forums I've been pulled in a time or two into actually commenting on the political forum. It's usually been met with unadulterated trolling because although I voted for George W Bush in the 2000's my conservatism essentially died with his administration and it's thorough mishandling of the war on terror, fake WMDs, etc.

During this time I was an immortal 20 year old that foolishly decided to join the Marine Corps infantry and deploy to Iraq between 2003 and 2008. Coincidentally this was by far the worst time to be an infantryman in Iraq, especially in the Marine Corps.

I only mention this because the conservatism of this forum is God damned ridiculous, and I still read it and wonder why you all even keep trying. It is so obvious and obnoxious that you are only getting riled up so that you have something to be riled up about.

The false arguments, and the whataboutism that is ingrained in your train of thought is honestly disturbing.

Please, please, all of you mad at the world Trumpers that can't accept the reality of the world before them - PLEASE - link your personal Facebook account to this thread, so we can all see how God damned irrational and sadistic you truly are.

And this is coming from a true cynical MFer who used to consider himself a conservative. Just fucking stop.

This is an odd post in a thread dedicated to talking about Andrew Cuomo being caught sexually assaulting women and even Democrats in his own state wanting to further investigate his role in thousands of elderly people in nursing homes needlessly dying.

And you're calling me cynical and getting "riled up" and engaging in whataboutism? Please.

08-13-2021, 01:05 AM
This is an odd post in a thread dedicated to talking about Andrew Cuomo being caught sexually assaulting women and even Democrats in his own state wanting to further investigate his role in thousands of elderly people in nursing homes needlessly dying.

And you're calling me cynical and getting "riled up" and engaging in whataboutism? Please.

Exactly. Please post your personal Facebook account profile now please.

Edit: I called myself cynical. I called you sadistic.

08-13-2021, 01:07 AM
Exactly. Please post your personal Facebook account profile now please.

I don't have a public Facebook account. I don't know why you think this is such a "gotcha!" moment though, a lot of people here have shared their Facebook profile with others from the PC. I highly doubt anyone is clamoring to share it with someone who has such obvious odious intentions.

08-13-2021, 01:14 AM
This is an odd post in a thread dedicated to talking about Andrew Cuomo being caught sexually assaulting women and even Democrats in his own state wanting to further investigate his role in thousands of elderly people in nursing homes needlessly dying.

And you're calling me cynical and getting "riled up" and engaging in whataboutism? Please.

You're calling my post odd, but if you read the actual post you'd consider the substance that I previously considered myself a conservative but the whataboutism of the conservative party has become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

I still consider myself economically conservative but your wing of the conservative party is fucking derailed. You know it, everyone else knows it, yet you create thread after thread whining belligerently about absolute bullshit.

08-13-2021, 01:27 AM
You're calling my post odd, but if you read the actual post you'd consider the substance that I previously considered myself a conservative


I still consider myself economically conservative but your wing of the conservative party is fucking derailed.

And what exactly do you think differentiates you and I as far as left/right in terms of social issues?

you create thread after thread whining belligerently about absolute bullshit.

My bad, I didn't know creating a thread about the credible evidence suggesting a Democrat governor is responsible for the deaths of thousands of elderly people and him sexually assaulting over a dozen women was considered "absolute bullshit." Do tell us more how you're more of a social "progressive" than me though.

08-13-2021, 07:36 AM
You're calling my post odd, but if you read the actual post you'd consider the substance that I previously considered myself a conservative but the whataboutism of the conservative party has become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

I still consider myself economically conservative but your wing of the conservative party is fucking derailed. You know it, everyone else knows it, yet you create thread after thread whining belligerently about absolute bullshit.

Was it the children murdered in warfare that attracted you to the pro-baby killing Democrat party or was it the starting of more wars under Obama?

Please share your Facebook account so we can point and laugh at your posts about men in skirts being women.

Thanks for your service.

08-13-2021, 09:33 AM
Over the years of browsing and commenting on these forums I've been pulled in a time or two into actually commenting on the political forum. It's usually been met with unadulterated trolling because although I voted for George W Bush in the 2000's my conservatism essentially died with his administration and it's thorough mishandling of the war on terror, fake WMDs, etc.

During this time I was an immortal 20 year old that foolishly decided to join the Marine Corps infantry and deploy to Iraq between 2003 and 2008. Coincidentally this was by far the worst time to be an infantryman in Iraq, especially in the Marine Corps.

I only mention this because the conservatism of this forum is God damned ridiculous, and I still read it and wonder why you all even keep trying. It is so obvious and obnoxious that you are only getting riled up so that you have something to be riled up about.

The false arguments, and the whataboutism that is ingrained in your train of thought is honestly disturbing.

Please, please, all of you mad at the world Trumpers that can't accept the reality of the world before them - PLEASE - link your personal Facebook account to this thread, so we can all see how God damned irrational and sadistic you truly are.

And this is coming from a true cynical MFer who used to consider himself a conservative. Just fucking stop.

5 year infantry contract? What were you, security forces?

08-13-2021, 10:24 AM
No that's literally what happened.

Here's an example:


Back when Orange Man was in office, "comedian" Trevor Noah praised the murderer and rapist and even referred to himself as a "Cumosexual."

Here is Trevor Noah 3 days ago:


Why are you such a bad faith actor and hypocrite, Bhaalizmo?

Oh wait, I thought you were about to show evidence of ClydeR being a Governor Cuomo fanboy but in fact you're just a fountain of lies.

Because that's what you said, that ClydeR was a huge pro Cuomo guy and now he's not a fanboy anymore.

Then when I called it fiction you responded with nothing at all about ClydeR, shifting the goalpost and spitting fiction like you're writing a Romance novel for Orcs.

Carry on. Maybe submit some lies for publishing, as you are unable to speak truth.

08-13-2021, 10:58 AM
Oh wait, I thought you were about to show evidence of ClydeR being a Governor Cuomo fanboy but in fact you're just a fountain of lies.

Because that's what you said, that ClydeR was a huge pro Cuomo guy and now he's not a fanboy anymore.

Then when I called it fiction you responded with nothing at all about ClydeR, shifting the goalpost and spitting fiction like you're writing a Romance novel for Orcs.

Carry on. Maybe submit some lies for publishing, as you are unable to speak truth.

Well, you are kind of the creepy Cuomo type.

08-13-2021, 11:17 AM
[QUOTE=Gelston;2221663]5 year infantry contract? What were you, security forces?[/QUOTE

No, an 0351. I extended a year to finish the deployment with my company and then did weapons training for the regiment back in 29 palms.

08-13-2021, 11:37 AM
Oh wait, I thought you were about to show evidence of ClydeR being a Governor Cuomo fanboy but in fact you're just a fountain of lies.

Oh my bad, so you fully admit the media, Democrats, and other powerful people openly embraced the murderer and rapist as the greatest governor ever because he said mean things about Orange man and are now turning on him, but you're just concerned about Clyder's poor feelings?

What a bad faith actor and hypocrite you are.

08-13-2021, 12:24 PM
Oh my bad, so you fully admit the media, Democrats, and other powerful people openly embraced the murderer and rapist as the greatest governor ever because he said mean things about Orange man and are now turning on him, but you're just concerned about Clyder's poor feelings?

What a bad faith actor and hypocrite you are.

Nah, actually if you read what I wrote, you'll see that none of what you said i said is remotely similar.

As usual.

08-13-2021, 12:25 PM
Nah, actually if you read what I wrote, you'll see that none of what you said i said is remotely similar.

As usual.

Don't be a bad faith actor and hypocrite. Do you fully recognize that the media, Democrats, and other powerful people openly embraced the murderer and rapist as he was murdering and raping and are now turning on him?

08-13-2021, 12:39 PM
Don't be a bad faith actor and hypocrite. Do you fully recognize that the media, Democrats, and other powerful people openly embraced the murderer and rapist as he was murdering and raping and are now turning on him?

The hypocrisy of you calling anyone a hypocrite is astounding.

You said dumb stuff, IE ClydeR has been a huge fan of Cuomo till now. I challenged you that ClydeR actually hasn't, and for you to prove it.

You then instead of responding to that, because you were called a liar and couldn't disprove it. Went on a whataboutism spree with some links to some Trevor Noah quote and other unrelated things to the topic at hand. Still no rebuttal to your completely false statement that ClydeR as been a huge Cuomo fanboy to date and now he's not. Whataboutism. That's what it looks like when YOU do it.

So when I call you out on that, and try to take you back to the topic at hand, which was that ClydeR has been a huge Cuomo fanboy to date which isn't true obviously and can't be proven because it never happened, you then decide to respond with your personal favorite which is to just make up a bunch of shit someone said / believes / does that they didn't actually do / believe / say.

Oh my bad, so you fully admit the media, Democrats, and other powerful people openly embraced the murderer and rapist as the greatest governor ever because he said mean things about Orange man and are now turning on him

Nope. Didn't. See explanation above.

This is why I generally don't bother to engage with you at any length greater than the few characters that it takes to troll you or tell you to fuck off. You can't even carry a conversation in a linear fashion from one thing you say to the next. If I respond to point A, you'll just respond with made up shit or straight whataboutism. It's incredible. You're deluded. You're brainwashed. You're not worth engaging at any length more than to troll you because you have the mental capacity of a gnat, but not a live gnat, a flat gnat that just got smashed on a windshield.

Seek help.

08-13-2021, 12:56 PM
The hypocrisy of you calling anyone a hypocrite is astounding.

You said dumb stuff, IE ClydeR has been a huge fan of Cuomo till now. I challenged you that ClydeR actually hasn't, and for you to prove it.

You then instead of responding to that, because you were called a liar and couldn't disprove it. Went on a whataboutism spree with some links to some Trevor Noah quote and other unrelated things to the topic at hand. Still no rebuttal to your completely false statement that ClydeR as been a huge Cuomo fanboy to date and now he's not. Whataboutism. That's what it looks like when YOU do it.

So when I call you out on that, and try to take you back to the topic at hand, which was that ClydeR has been a huge Cuomo fanboy to date which isn't true obviously and can't be proven because it never happened, you then decide to respond with your personal favorite which is to just make up a bunch of shit someone said / believes / does that they didn't actually do / believe / say.

Nope. Didn't. See explanation above.

This is why I generally don't bother to engage with you at any length greater than the few characters that it takes to troll you or tell you to fuck off. You can't even carry a conversation in a linear fashion from one thing you say to the next. If I respond to point A, you'll just respond with made up shit or straight whataboutism. It's incredible. You're deluded. You're brainwashed. You're not worth engaging at any length more than to troll you because you have the mental capacity of a gnat, but not a live gnat, a flat gnat that just got smashed on a windshield.

Seek help.

Why are you such a bad faith actor and hypocrite? Just admit that the media, Democrats, and other powerful people openly embraced the rapist because he said mean things about Orange Man and are now turning on him pretending like they always hated him.

08-13-2021, 05:38 PM
[QUOTE=Gelston;2221663]5 year infantry contract? What were you, security forces?[/QUOTE

No, an 0351. I extended a year to finish the deployment with my company and then did weapons training for the regiment back in 29 palms.

Your job doesn't even exist anymore. Losers!

(I always enjoyed having 0351s as attachments to my squad.)

08-13-2021, 06:42 PM
Why are you such a bad faith actor and hypocrite? Just admit that the media, Democrats, and other powerful people openly embraced the rapist because he said mean things about Orange Man and are now turning on him pretending like they always hated him.

Dreaven is basically a really fucked up broken record at this point, thinking of they repeat the same nonsense enough that people will believe. Loser

08-13-2021, 07:05 PM
Dreaven is basically a really fucked up broken record at this point, thinking of they repeat the same nonsense enough that people will believe. Loser

I'm just saying you're also a bad faith actor and a hypocrite and I'm sure Alfster will agree with me any day now. Don't be mad at me because you willingly choose to defend a rapist and a murderer.

08-14-2021, 09:30 AM
Dreaven is basically a really fucked up broken record at this point, thinking of they repeat the same nonsense enough that people will believe. Loser

In fairness, that's clearly how he learned to believe the things that he believes.

08-14-2021, 11:05 AM
In fairness, that's clearly how he learned to believe the things that he believes.

No racist nonsense in a time4fun post? You feeling okay?

08-14-2021, 11:17 AM
In fairness, that's clearly how he learned to believe the things that he believes.

I'm unclear where you learned that men can breastfeed but I would be asking for a refund.


08-14-2021, 09:53 PM
Mhmm you forced me to pick option 3 cause of tacos. That’s fucking cheating!

08-16-2021, 02:38 PM
Holy shit. Democrats in NY originally stopped all impeachment proceedings but have now said they will finish the impeachment probe and release a report.

I'm damned shocked. Amazing how Democrats actually do their job when they no longer have Orange man to distract attention away from them.

I would laugh if Cuomo is like "Fuck that shit! I rescind my resignation" because of this.

08-16-2021, 02:47 PM
Holy shit. Democrats in NY originally stopped all impeachment proceedings but have now said they will finish the impeachment probe and release a report.

I'm damned shocked. Amazing how Democrats actually do their job when they no longer have Orange man to distract attention away from them.

I would laugh if Cuomo is like "Fuck that shit! I rescind my resignation" because of this.

The Supreme Court in the past has said someone that resigned to escape impeachment can be impeached and convicted. It'd mostly be to bar him from public office in the future, but i doubt he'd get elected again anyways.

08-16-2021, 02:49 PM
The Supreme Court in the past has said someone that resigned to escape impeachment can be impeached and convicted. It'd mostly be to bar him from public office in the future, but i doubt he'd get elected again anyways.

Didn't they just try that with Trump? Impeach him after he was out of office. I figure it'd be similar from a legal standpoint?

08-16-2021, 02:56 PM
Didn't they just try that with Trump? Impeach him after he was out of office. I figure it'd be similar from a legal standpoint?

Trumps was irregular because he didn't leave office by his own free will, nor to escape impeachment. His term was up. Conviction, of course, never happened, but it probably would have been reviewable at SCOTUS. I strongly feel they'd have knocked that conviction out, because Trump was a private citizen, and Congress doesn't try private citizens, that is what the Court system is for.

Cuomo, it could be argued, resigned specifically to escape impeachment.

08-23-2021, 04:00 PM
Reports that he left his dog "Captain" at the governor's mansion and asked if anyone could take him in.


08-23-2021, 04:27 PM
Reports that he left his dog "Captain" at the governor's mansion and asked if anyone could take him in.


He's a scumbag. He somehow still has a staff and one member claimed he was just asking if anyone could watch his dog for a few days while he moves. Yeah, sure that's what he was doing. If that's the case put him in a nice kennel, the dude is a fucking millionaire who is going to be getting a cushy pension from the taxpayers of NY, surely he can afford it.

08-23-2021, 06:07 PM
Reports that he left his dog "Captain" at the governor's mansion and asked if anyone could take him in.


Anyone who abandons their pet, needs to be put down.

08-25-2021, 01:43 AM
In the final hours of his term the murderer and rapist commuted the sentence of David Gilbert, the member of the left wing terrorist group The Weather Underground, who participated in a robbery in which 3 innocent people were murdered in cold blood.

08-25-2021, 07:46 AM
In the final hours of his term the murderer and rapist commuted the sentence of David Gilbert, the member of the left wing terrorist group The Weather Underground, who participated in a robbery in which 3 innocent people were murdered in cold blood.

He commuted the minimum sentence so that he is now eligible for parole, which by no means gets him out of prison. He was an unarmed getaway driver. 40 years really does seem to be enough IMO, although he still isn't guaranteed to get out. That is on the Parole Board.

09-01-2021, 11:58 PM
Bump for Keller.

09-04-2021, 11:33 PM
Anyone remember that story from a couple of months ago of a woman waving her dick at kids and women at a spa?

Turns out she is a registered sex offender and has now been charged with 5 felonies stemming from all of this. (https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/indecent-exposure-charges-transgender-woman-wi-spa-koreatown-protests-viral-video/2685854/)

09-05-2021, 09:52 AM
Anyone remember that story from a couple of months ago of a woman waving her dick at kids and women at a spa?

Turns out she is a registered sex offender and has now been charged with 5 felonies stemming from all of this. (https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/indecent-exposure-charges-transgender-woman-wi-spa-koreatown-protests-viral-video/2685854/)

"Gay people just want to get married, that's all. Everything else is just far right conspiracy theories!"

I for one am looking forward to watching the inevitable LGB vs. T war.