View Full Version : Felons Voting

04-08-2021, 11:42 AM
Should felons who have served their prison sentences be allowed to vote?

SEATTLE — Gov. Jay Inslee on Wednesday signed a bill automatically restoring voting rights to people who have been released from prison after committing felonies, even if they are still on parole — a measure sponsored by a lawmaker who was herself formerly incarcerated.

“While other states are restricting the right to vote, I’m glad that in Washington, we are expanding access to democracy,” Inslee said.

More... (https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/elections/gov-inslee-signs-bill-restore-voting-rights-washington-parolees-n1263387)

According to Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felony_disenfranchisement_in_the_United_States#Rec ent_statistics), Florida is, of course, the state with the highest percentage of its population ineligible to vote because of felony convictions. What a horrible place Florida must be. More alligators, more giant snakes, more house-size sinkholes, more brain-eating amoebas, and more felons than other states. Mississippi is the state with the second highest percentage. In Mississippi, if a felon wants to regain the right to vote, all he has to do is convince 2/3rds of both houses to the state legislature to vote to restore his voting rights. Then you have, in order, Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia and Alabama.

04-08-2021, 11:59 AM
There is already a process to restore voting rights once you have served your sentence. Parole is a released on good behavior but eligible to be back in jail in a few hours should you mess up system so no, you should not be eligible to vote while on parole since you have not served your sentence.

As to Florida, well, one must consider, given all those bad things, people are still moving there in droves because of the weather, social, economic and political climate. But hey, the Northeast is still looking down on them.

04-08-2021, 01:31 PM
I don't think voting should ever be taken away, to be frank. If you are a US Citizen, prisoner, felon, or not, you should be able to vote.

04-08-2021, 02:16 PM
I don't think voting should ever be taken away, to be frank. If you are a US Citizen, prisoner, felon, or not, you should be able to vote.

I disagree.

I think it should be - voting rights suspended if serving a sentence (either in prison or on parole). If non-violent crime - once sentence served, voting rights reinstated. If a violent crime (rape, murder, child abuse, etc.) - voting rights are not reinstated.

04-08-2021, 02:19 PM

04-08-2021, 02:21 PM

Beautiful plant on the dresser! Why that person is blocking part of it, I have no idea. Wish they'd move.

04-08-2021, 02:28 PM
I disagree.

I think it should be - voting rights suspended if serving a sentence (either in prison or on parole). If non-violent crime - once sentence served, voting rights reinstated. If a violent crime (rape, murder, child abuse, etc.) - voting rights are not reinstated.

Can you give me a reason why their voting rights should be removed?

04-08-2021, 02:32 PM
Can you give me a reason why their voting rights should be removed?

Just seems wrong to me that someone sitting on death row for murdering dozens of people is able to participate in a system which tells me how I can live my life. I don't want politicians fighting for the murderer and rapist vote.

04-08-2021, 02:36 PM
Can you give me a reason why their voting rights should be removed?

When you are convicted of a felony and are in prison, so many rights you have as a member of society are already taken away. What makes voting different?

If you don't want your right to vote taken away, don't be a criminal.

With that being said... when people get out of jail having done their time, I think they should get some of their rights back. Voting is one I believe you should be able to get back.

But while you are in jail, you should have no rights.

04-08-2021, 02:36 PM
Just seems wrong to me that someone sitting on death row for murdering dozens of people is able to participate in a system which tells me how I can live my life. I don't want politicians fighting for the murderer and rapist vote.

Death row I can see arguments for, as they are essentially being stripped of their life anyways. Other than that, though, nope.

When you are convicted of a felony and are in prison, so many rights you have as a member of society are already taken away. What makes voting different?

If you don't want your right to vote taken away, don't be a criminal.

With that being said... when people get out of jail having done their time, I think they should get some of their rights back. Voting is one I believe you should be able to get back.

But while you are in jail, you should have no rights.

My thing, I'm losing faith in the abilities of the Government. The "felons can't vote" thing just seems like an easy way to strip people of voting rights.

04-08-2021, 02:49 PM
Death row I can see arguments for, as they are essentially being stripped of their life anyways. Other than that, though, nope.

My thing, I'm losing faith in the abilities of the Government. The "felons can't vote" thing just seems like an easy way to strip people of voting rights.

I don't disagree with your sentiments Gelston, especially the second one.

I think if a person serves their time, then they should have their rights restored - they paid the due society has asked of them.

I'm all for it, except in certain violent actions. I believe if you murder, rape, child molester, etc. - the egregious bodily harm inflicted on someone else - that there should be a steeper price. We could discuss what specific acts this would apply to, and I'm all for a surgical approach to it's applicability, but I do not think a child molester should have the right to vote on laws which affect their actions against minors, just as an example.

Edit: https://nypost.com/2021/03/29/nyc-cop-killer-now-helping-to-reform-the-police/

Things like this? For me personally, hell no. It's great if he is reformed and wants to make a difference. Make it with speaking to the youth, or some other way. Can you imagine being that Officers family, seeing him sitting and advising the Police board? Fuck that.

04-09-2021, 05:49 AM
I don't think voting should ever be taken away, to be frank. If you are a US Citizen, prisoner, felon, or not, you should be able to vote.

I agree, all American citizens should keep their right to vote, even if they're incarcerated.

04-09-2021, 08:55 AM
My thing, I'm losing faith in the abilities of the Government. The "felons can't vote" thing just seems like an easy way to strip people of voting rights.

I don't disagree.. and just like you have most of your other rights restored upon release, your right to vote should be restored when you leave prison and have paid your debt to society. While you are in prison though, no. You don't have any rights there because you've done something so heinous you need to be caged away from society.. why should you have a say in how that society runs?

The only right I believe you should forfeit is the right to bear arms when you are convicted of a violent crime.

04-09-2021, 11:36 AM
Death row I can see arguments for, as they are essentially being stripped of their life anyways. Other than that, though, nope.

My thing, I'm losing faith in the abilities of the Government. The "felons can't vote" thing just seems like an easy way to strip people of voting rights.

Agreed. Give em an inch, they take a mile. Let em strip voting rights from just the super nasty bad guys, next thing you know anyone who ever got charged with anything can't vote.