View Full Version : Shocker: DOJ admits it ain't got shit on "insurrection"

04-04-2021, 11:56 AM

Prosecutors made some serious claims after the deadly U.S. Capitol attack, saying they had evidence rioters planned to kill elected officials, suggesting a Virginia man at the building received directives to gas lawmakers, and accusing another suspect of directing mayhem on Jan. 6 with encrypted messages.

But the Justice Department has since acknowledged in court hearings that some of its evidence concerning the riot - carried out by a mob of supporters of former President Donald Trump to try to overturn his election loss - is less damning than it initially indicated.

The department suffered another blow this week when U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta threatened to impose a gag order on prosecutors after Michael Sherwin, its former head prosecutor on the Capitol cases, told CBS’s “60 Minutes” program that evidence pointed toward sedition charges against some defendants.

A charge of sedition - meaning incitement of a rebellion - has not been brought against any of the more than 400 people arrested to date. The most serious charges have been assault, conspiracy and obstruction of Congress or law enforcement.

Prosecutors are in the early stages of building criminal cases ahead of the trials stemming from an attack that left five people dead including a police officer, forced lawmakers to hide for their own safety and interrupted the formal congressional certification of President Joe Biden’s election victory.

Of the more than 400 people arrested so far the most serious charges have been assault, conspiracy, and obstruction of Congress or law enforcement. Remember when a lot of people laughed at me because I said the "insurrectionists" were mostly guilty of trespassing? Good thing I'm the person who loves to say I told you so: I TOLD YOU SO!

Oh but it gets better!

Remember the retired US Navy Officer they insisted was part of a right-wing militia? They accused him of wanting to "gas" members of congress because he received this message while the "insurrection" was going on:

“‘All members are in the tunnels under capital seal them in. Turn on gas,’” it read.

Because clearly that was a direct order from his high-ups in the militia and not just a couple of idiots on Facebook.

Oh wait, turns out that's exactly what it was:

A prosecutor in Florida read those words aloud in February in a bid to convince a judge to detain two of Caldwell’s co-defendants. Prosecutors now acknowledge that Caldwell was not even a dues-paying member of the Oath Keepers and that they lack evidence he ever entered the Capitol.

There also are questions about the Facebook messages. Caldwell’s lawyer said in a March 10 court filing those messages were sent by two men who were more than 60 miles (100 km) away at the time and had no connection to the Oath Keepers. The comments were apparently satirical, albeit “tasteless,” his lawyer said, and Caldwell never responded to them.

The Navy Officer wasn't part of the militia, no evidence suggests he was even in the Capitol, and the idiots who sent him that Facebook message were indeed idiots who had no ties to the militia and were more than 60 miles away from the shit going on.

The saddest part is that no one who took this "insurrection" shit seriously will read any of this and come away thinking "Shit...I've been played? I should do better in the future."

04-04-2021, 12:14 PM
The rest: ROFLMAO

Far less damage and injury than many Leftist riots, far more hype and arrests. And the Left wonders why we talk about a bias?

The saddest part is that no one who took this "insurrection" shit seriously will read any of this and come away thinking "Shit...I've been played? I should do better in the future."

Sadly true.

04-04-2021, 09:54 PM
The saddest part is that no one who took this "insurrection" shit seriously will read any of this and come away thinking "Shit...I've been played? I should do better in the future."

That would require the tiniest bit of self awareness that most liberals do not have.

People like Backlash and time4fun will still consider it an "insurrection" because that is what they were told to say it was.

04-07-2021, 08:18 PM
Remember how this was a "bloody coup" attempt because people died?

Yeah about that.

2 people died of natural causes from cardiovascular disease.
1 person was murdered by a police officer.
1 person overdosed on amphetamine.

That only leaves the police officer which the medical examiner has already said did NOT die from blunt force trauma to the head like the media lied about in the early days of the "insurrection."

Speaking of which, weird how this officer (who might have died from chemical inhalation from the police's own use of pepper spray) was honored by the media and Democrats, was even given the honor of lying in state in the capital (first time ever for a police officer? Not sure.) Yet an officer who was literally murdered by a black supremacist while serving in the line of duty is hardly even given a mention in the national media.

Almost as if this is all a political game.

04-10-2021, 09:50 AM
Just out of morbid curiosity, what would you call what happened at the Capitol. How would you label what their goal was. Not a trying to be funny answer like "a mostly peaceful protest" but a real one.

04-10-2021, 10:05 AM
Just out of morbid curiosity, what would you call what happened at the Capitol. How would you label what their goal was. Not a trying to be funny answer like "a mostly peaceful protest" but a real one.








Want me to keep going? Can find about 250+ more of these, but you hopefully get the point.

Their goal was to protest - it got out of hand. It was wrong. People that should be arrested, were arrested. It was not an attempt at an "insurrection". They'll keep telling you that though.

Edit: Democrats just didn't like that it wasn't their "protestors". Wait until the 2022 and 2024 elections. You'll see more "protests" spring up. It won't be called "insurrection" though. Care to guess why?

04-10-2021, 11:41 AM
Just out of morbid curiosity, what would you call what happened at the Capitol. How would you label what their goal was. Not a trying to be funny answer like "a mostly peaceful protest" but a real one.

Shouldn’t I be asking you that question if you think this was an insurrection? Indeed what was their goal? How were they going to overthrow the government? What was their plan? Please use specifics.

04-10-2021, 12:02 PM
Edit: Democrats just didn't like that it wasn't their "protestors". Wait until the 2022 and 2024 elections. You'll see more "protests" spring up. It won't be called "insurrection" though. Care to guess why?

Remember when tens of thousands of Democrats took over the Wisconsin state capital and not only were allowed to do so but were cheered on and encouraged by Democrats, including people like Nancy Pelosi who said she was proud of the rioters?

Remember how even to this day Democrats downplay the shit out of that riot because they know what a bunch of hypocrites they look like?

04-10-2021, 12:29 PM
Shouldn’t I be asking you that question if you think this was an insurrection? Indeed what was their goal? How were they going to overthrow the government? What was their plan? Please use specifics.

The dude asks you a fair question to see how you're characterize the invasion of Congress and you immediately flip it to asking absolutely fucking ridiculous questions that no one could truly know outside of the DOJ, FBI and the insurrectionists themselves. Why don't you man up for once and offer your own opinion. And for the love of God, stop talking to yourself between your Shaps and Tg01 accounts.

04-10-2021, 01:33 PM
The dude asks you a fair question to see how you're characterize the invasion of Congress and you immediately flip it to asking absolutely fucking ridiculous questions that no one could truly know outside of the DOJ, FBI and the insurrectionists themselves.

Too funny. "Just trust the DOJ, FBI, media, and Democrats!!1111!!! We couldn't possibly know their motives! It's impossible! IMPOSSIBLE!"

Thanks for proving what a sheep you are.

04-10-2021, 02:13 PM
Imagine that, nothing but support for the Department of Justice under William Barr for Dreaven until the end of the administration. Now suddenly the DOJ is lumped in with the rest of his tinfoil hat conspiracies. Shocker.

04-10-2021, 02:45 PM
Imagine that, nothing but support for the Department of Justice under William Barr for Dreaven until the end of the administration. Now suddenly the DOJ is lumped in with the rest of his tinfoil hat conspiracies. Shocker.

You just got finished saying the default answer is it was an insurrection because the DOJ, FBI, Democrats, and media said it was. You then said it's up to other people to prove it WASN'T an insurrection because, and I quote, "no one could truly know" what their motives were other than the DOJ, FBI, and "insurrectionists" themselves.

You do realize how absolutely insane you sound right now right? Come on, even you of all people have to realize how crazy you are in saying this shit.

Do you think the "insurrectionists" are calling it an "insurrection"? I'm gonna say 99.99% of them aren't saying that. So now you're saying it has to be an insurrection because that's what the DOJ and FBI said it was and I have to prove otherwise even though "no one could truly know" what it was other than the DOJ and FBI.

Oh yeah, speaking of the DOJ and FBI, did you know almost each and every charge basically amounts to assault, trespassing, and interrupting congress? OhhhHHHhhHHHH! Insurrectionists be all up in here using simple assault to overthrow the US government! No one could possibly know their motives other than the DOJ and FBI!

04-10-2021, 04:57 PM
The dude asks you a fair question to see how you're characterize the invasion of Congress and you immediately flip it to asking absolutely fucking ridiculous questions that no one could truly know outside of the DOJ, FBI and the insurrectionists themselves. Why don't you man up for once and offer your own opinion. And for the love of God, stop talking to yourself between your Shaps and Tg01 accounts.

Lol.. the fact you think I'm Tgo.. you're dumber than I thought.

04-10-2021, 05:01 PM
I can promise anyone that does not know what an insurrection looks like, when it does start, you will not be confused about what is going on, you will only have to pick a side.

What happened in DC and all the other places were liberals burned down buildings and looted business, was just a riot, it just does not fit your narrative of how evil the right is to call it so, on either side. So just to be clear, if it is a conservative it is insurrection; and if it is a liberal, it is a mostly peaceful protest, that caused billions in damages to the very citizens they claim to be protesting for. Does that about sum it up?

04-10-2021, 09:19 PM
Man, how quickly these people attempt to gloss over history. Occupying government offices with the intent to damage, obstruct or commit violence is an act of insurrection. This is illegal and a federal offense.

Portland, Seattle, St Louis demonstrations were legal until they became violent and began looting and vandalizing. Then it became a felony.

Both groups get punished if charged and arrested. But the former group attempted to overthrow the federal government. I know a lot of you so called freedom fighters want to pretend this was justified, but you're wrong.

04-10-2021, 09:31 PM
Man, how quickly these people attempt to gloss over history. Occupying government offices with the intent to damage, obstruct or commit violence is an act of insurrection.

You're a loon. Imagine being you, thinking this is what amounts to an "insurrection."

"But...but they occupied offices! We nearly lost our freedoms that night to a bunch of people who were mostly just walking along the halls of congress!"

04-10-2021, 11:02 PM
You're a loon. Imagine being you, thinking this is what amounts to an "insurrection."

"But...but they occupied offices! We nearly lost our freedoms that night to a bunch of people who were mostly just walking along the halls of congress!"

Oh yeah totally, beating police officers half to death, breaking down doors, windows and barriers to invade the seat of your governments power is totally a JK moment. Let's forget in addition to the above there's coordination to bust into certain Congressional offices for targets and to kidnap the second in the line of succession.

Your blindness is only exceeded by your ignorance.

04-10-2021, 11:57 PM
Shouldn’t I be asking you that question if you think this was an insurrection? Indeed what was their goal?

To stop the certification of the election results. Cause it was "stolen".

How were they going to overthrow the government? What was their plan? Please use specifics.

You're assuming that there has to be a plan. These weren't the sharpest tools in the shed.

Now it's your turn.

04-11-2021, 12:07 AM
To stop the certification of the election results.

They were there to protest the results, you know similar to how tens of thousands of angry Democrats took over the Wisconsin capitol building and threatened lawmakers in an effort to stop the vote taking place there, was that an "insurrection"?

04-11-2021, 12:28 AM
They were there to protest the results, you know similar to how tens of thousands of angry Democrats took over the Wisconsin capitol building and threatened lawmakers in an effort to stop the vote taking place there, was that an "insurrection"?

What made them democrats? This was a collective bargaining bill that affected nearly all gov't employees.

Were they allow to stay there?

It's still your turn to share.

04-11-2021, 12:37 AM
What made them democrats?


Were they allow to stay there?

"Allowed" in the sense that there were so many violent and crazed Democrats pouring into the capitol building, in part because Democratic lawmakers were letting them in, assisting them, and encouraging them, that the police couldn't control the situation? Sure, they were "allowed" to stay.

It's still your turn to share.

I already told you, it was a largely peaceful protest, just because you said this isn't the answer you wanted doesn't make it any less so. Look at the charges. No, seriously, look at the charges, almost each and every single person was basically charged with trespassing, interfering with congress/police, and assault. Since when do these crimes rise above a largely peaceful protest to the point of an insurrection?

Face it, you were lied to in the beginning by the media and Democrats and told they murdered a police officer and now that the truth is coming out months later you can't just admit the fact that you were lied to. Again. And that you fell for the lies. Again.

04-11-2021, 04:55 AM

"Allowed" in the sense that there were so many violent and crazed Democrats pouring into the capitol building, in part because Democratic lawmakers were letting them in, assisting them, and encouraging them, that the police couldn't control the situation? Sure, they were "allowed" to stay.

I already told you, it was a largely peaceful protest, just because you said this isn't the answer you wanted doesn't make it any less so. Look at the charges. No, seriously, look at the charges, almost each and every single person was basically charged with trespassing, interfering with congress/police, and assault. Since when do these crimes rise above a largely peaceful protest to the point of an insurrection?

Face it, you were lied to in the beginning by the media and Democrats and told they murdered a police officer and now that the truth is coming out months later you can't just admit the fact that you were lied to. Again. And that you fell for the lies. Again.

Wait, no officers were killed?

04-11-2021, 10:24 AM

"Allowed" in the sense that there were so many violent and crazed Democrats pouring into the capitol building, in part because Democratic lawmakers were letting them in, assisting them, and encouraging them, that the police couldn't control the situation? Sure, they were "allowed" to stay.

I already told you, it was a largely peaceful protest, just because you said this isn't the answer you wanted doesn't make it any less so. Look at the charges. No, seriously, look at the charges, almost each and every single person was basically charged with trespassing, interfering with congress/police, and assault. Since when do these crimes rise above a largely peaceful protest to the point of an insurrection?

Face it, you were lied to in the beginning by the media and Democrats and told they murdered a police officer and now that the truth is coming out months later you can't just admit the fact that you were lied to. Again. And that you fell for the lies. Again.

"Right" isn't an answer. I'll assume you don't have one then.

So how did the officer die? All I've seen is that the medical examiner hasn't released their findings. I assume you're saying it's just a coincidence.

Seditious conspiracy is a conspiracy to commit sedition. It is a federal crime in the United States per 18 U.S.C. § 2384:

If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.

It's not surprising they would go for the lesser and easier to prosecute cases first. I hope some of them get charged with this or a similar law. Prosecutors have a high bar to prove sedition so not surprising it's not the first charges brought out.

I've started the video with the Michael Sherwin saying exactly that.


04-11-2021, 10:49 AM
Wait, no officers were killed?

AFAIK, correct.

One officer died due to health issues.. not getting hit over the head with a fire extinguisher that we were told happened.

I am curious to all those calling this an insurrection though.... how do you have a successful insurrection (taking over the government) without any weapons?

04-11-2021, 12:05 PM
I am curious to all those calling this an insurrection though.... how do you have a successful insurrection (taking over the government) without any weapons?

I don't think anyone is arguing that they had ideas based in reality.

04-11-2021, 12:10 PM
I don't think anyone is arguing that they had ideas based in reality.

"It was a bloody coup attempt! BLOODY COUP!"
"How exactly what is a coup?"
"I dunno! It just was!"

04-11-2021, 01:47 PM
"It was a bloody coup attempt! BLOODY COUP!"
"How exactly what is a coup?"
"I dunno! It just was!"

A portion of the mob was trying to stop the election being certified, insurrection doesn't only mean trying to take over the gov't. You can revolt against a part of the gov't, that doesn't mean you are trying to take over the entire gov't.

04-11-2021, 04:39 PM
A portion of the mob was trying to stop the election being certified, insurrection doesn't only mean trying to take over the gov't. You can revolt against a part of the gov't, that doesn't mean you are trying to take over the entire gov't.

I'll just keep linking them until you get it through your skull.



https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_protests_against_Donald_Trump (you can find all the "peaceful protests" that resulted in death, destruction, and occupying of government buildings yourself)

https://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/inauguration-2017/washington-faces-more-anti-trump-protests-after-day-rage-n709946 INSURRECTION!!!!!!

https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-inauguration-protests/violence-flares-in-washington-during-trump-inauguration-idUSKBN1540J7 INSURRECTION!!!!!!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCu2gxVZ4E8 INSURRECTION!!!!!!

You fucking get it yet? Stop being a dumbass.

Edit: Literally for 4 years the insane left put this country through hell and affected numerous cities and neighborhoods with their "peaceful protests". A protest gets out of hand at the capitol - and rightly so people were arrested - but you fucking hypocrites want to now act all innocent and claim "insurrection!".

04-11-2021, 05:41 PM
I'll just keep linking them until you get it through your skull.



https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_protests_against_Donald_Trump (you can find all the "peaceful protests" that resulted in death, destruction, and occupying of government buildings yourself)

https://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/inauguration-2017/washington-faces-more-anti-trump-protests-after-day-rage-n709946 INSURRECTION!!!!!!

https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-inauguration-protests/violence-flares-in-washington-during-trump-inauguration-idUSKBN1540J7 INSURRECTION!!!!!!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCu2gxVZ4E8 INSURRECTION!!!!!!

You fucking get it yet? Stop being a dumbass.

Edit: Literally for 4 years the insane left put this country through hell and affected numerous cities and neighborhoods with their "peaceful protests". A protest gets out of hand at the capitol - and rightly so people were arrested - but you fucking hypocrites want to now act all innocent and claim "insurrection!".

Yes, you are trying to "what about". I have condemned Antifa in the past. So... you can fuck off with that noise. I know it's hard for you to believe someone can have views on both sides of the aisle, gasp, at the same time. Politics isn't binary, you don't have to always be Democrat or Republican. I can call both sides out when they fuck up. Your childish comparison of "But Antifa did it too" doesn't fly. It was fucked up then and it's fucked up now, no matter who is doing it. Sorry your people showed they were no better than the people you've been complaining about for years.

04-11-2021, 05:52 PM
Yes, you are trying to "what about". I have condemned Antifa in the past. So... you can fuck off with that noise. I know it's hard for you to believe someone can have views on both sides of the aisle, gasp, at the same time. Politics isn't binary, you don't have to always be Democrat or Republican. I can call both sides out when they fuck up. Your childish comparison of "But Antifa did it too" doesn't fly. It was fucked up then and it's fucked up now, no matter who is doing it. Sorry your people showed they were no better than the people you've been complaining about for years.

I literally called out both sides. I said what happened at the Capitol was dumb and that people should have been arrested.

I never called it an "insurrection" though.

You're the one here asking for "proof" about why it shouldn't be called one. I'm giving you those examples. Don't get mad at me when you ask a question, try to argue something is more than it is, then get refuted.

Good on you for being a normal person and calling out stupidity, regardless of who does it. That's called being rational. So why you want to keep asking about the "insurrection" as opposed to the "protests" is disingenuous.

04-11-2021, 10:39 PM
The only people calling it an "insurrection" are those people who have the mental capacity of someone like Backlash / Ashliana / Andraste..

They were told it was an insurrection... just like they were told that Trump colluded with Russia, that Kavanaugh attacked Christine Ford, that President Biden didn't sexually assault Reade, that Trump was going to start WW3 (Doomsday Clock ZOMGOSOMGOMZOMG!!!), etc....

Stupid people believe stupid things because above all else: They are stupid.

04-11-2021, 11:02 PM
Remember according to Chucky this was worse than 9/11.

04-12-2021, 11:32 AM
Remember according to Chucky this was worse than 9/11.

Remember Tgo thinks they were just taking a tour.

04-12-2021, 11:51 AM
Remember Tgo thinks they were just taking a tour.

Right, right. A tour with the explicitly stated intent do stop the count. A tour with benefits?

Which naturally leads me to

"a three hour tour"
"a three hour tour"


04-12-2021, 11:57 AM
Right, right. A tour with the explicitly stated intent do stop the count. A tour with benefits?

It's funny you guys keep harping on this.

Do you guys think there is a magic conch in the senate chambers or something that grants magical government controlling powers to whoever holds it?

So what even if they did "stop the count"? Like they couldn't just order tens of thousands of national guard troops to clear out the capitol of the "insurrectionists" 99.99% of which were unarmed and reconvene the next day and finish the count then? Oh, right, they would have taken control of the magic conch and have been declared rulers of the US!

This is why it's so funny you guys keep saying shit like "It was a coup!" "But what was their plan to take control of the US?" "Oh right...I dunno? But it was a coup!"

You people got played continue to get played. Do better in life is all I'm saying.

04-12-2021, 12:09 PM
You people got played continue to get played. Do better in life is all I'm saying.

Is it? Is it really all you're saying? Cause if it is, we can expect to stop seeing you blather on about nonsensical BS here 24/7 and if that's the case, I thank you.

04-12-2021, 12:31 PM
Is it? Is it really all you're saying? Cause if it is, we can expect to stop seeing you blather on about nonsensical BS here 24/7 and if that's the case, I thank you.


04-12-2021, 02:39 PM
It's funny you guys keep harping on this.

Do you guys think there is a magic conch in the senate chambers or something that grants magical government controlling powers to whoever holds it?

This sounds like exactly like what a Qanon Trump supporter would believe.

04-12-2021, 03:02 PM
This sounds like exactly like what a Qanon Trump supporter would believe.


Okay but seriously, let's say they managed to stop the count that night, do you really think that would be the end of it? Trump goes on to serve as president for life?

04-12-2021, 07:36 PM

Okay but seriously, let's say they managed to stop the count that night, do you really think that would be the end of it? Trump goes on to serve as president for life?

They haven't been told to "think" that far ahead. All they have been told is the events of 1/6/21 was an INSURRECTION and that's all they know.

04-13-2021, 12:52 PM

Okay but seriously, let's say they managed to stop the count that night, do you really think that would be the end of it? Trump goes on to serve as president for life?

Of course not, I don't think you are grasping what I'm suggesting.

I am saying that the Trump supporters didn't think that far ahead.

Trump supporters: "We stopped the election results! We won!"
Next day (or later that night): They certify the results anyways.
Trump supporters: "They just stole the election again!!!11"

Again, these weren't the sharpest tools in the shed.

04-13-2021, 12:56 PM
Don't forget...donate to help with this legal battle!

04-13-2021, 01:24 PM
I am saying that the Trump supporters didn't think that far ahead.

But of course we know for a fact it was a bloody coup. Oh wait, when that didn't land even with the most gullible of people they downgraded it to a mere "insurrection."

"It was a bloody coup!"
"So what was their plan to overthrow the US government?"
"Well they were dumb so they had no plans!"
"But a coup would require..."

04-13-2021, 01:42 PM
But of course we know for a fact it was a bloody coup. Oh wait, when that didn't land even with the most gullible of people they downgraded it to a mere "insurrection."

"It was a bloody coup!"
"So what was their plan to overthrow the US government?"
"Well they were dumb so they had no plans!"
"But a coup would require..."

A coup doesn't in fact require a plan. Not one destined to succeed, similar to what we saw.

Just keep down playing it, keep losing any shred of high ground you might have over Antifa.

04-13-2021, 01:48 PM
A coup doesn't in fact require a plan.

So they were going to overthrow the US government with no plan? Sounds legit.

Just keep down playing it, keep losing any shred of high ground you might have over Antifa.

Oh wait, how many people have left wing terrorists/"largely peaceful" protests murdered during Trump's term? I do believe it's dozens.

How many people did the "insurrectionists" kill again? The number is 0 in case you forgot.

How much property damage have left wing terrorists/"largely peaceful" protests caused during Trump's term? I do believe the number is in the billions.

How much property damage did the "insurrectionists" cause? What, a couple hundred thousand maybe?

Keep comparing the two and lose any shred of high ground you thought you had here.

04-13-2021, 01:49 PM
A coup doesn't in fact require a plan. Not one destined to succeed, similar to what we saw.

Just keep down playing it, keep losing any shred of high ground you might have over Antifa.

Lose high ground?

Who here has said what happened at the Capitol should have?
Who here has said people shouldn't have been arrested?
Who here has said it was the right thing to do?

I'm pretty sure none of us. The rioters were idiots and arrested as they should have been.

It's the hypocrisy of calling it an "insurrection", when none of the violence over the past year has been referred to that way. All the attacks on government, all the attacks on private citizens, the formation of "autonomous zones", the demand for the abolition of local/state governments by violent jackasses.

Not once did the media or Dems refer to any of that as insurrection! But, Republicans lose their fucking mind at a rally for one day and suddenly it's "worse than 9-11"?

Get the fuck out of here. How about everyone - as you claim to do - call things as they are, not what the fucking talking heads tell you it is.

04-13-2021, 02:04 PM
So they pulled a clive bundy and they're insurrectionists.

You know. The guy the right praised for standing up for his rights via guns.

04-13-2021, 02:12 PM
So they pulled a clive bundy and they're insurrectionists.

I just want to make sure I'm understanding this, tell me where I'm wrong.

Left wing terrorists: Riot in DC the day of Trump's inauguration, destroy federal property, destroy police cars.
Largely peaceful protest.

Left wing rioters for months firebomb federal courthouses and other federal buildings, take over various government offices/buildings, firebomb cop cars and other government vehicles, and over a dozen people are killed.
Largely peaceful protest.

A bunch of mostly unarmed right wing people enter the capitol building, in which almost everyone merely walked around the halls, almost every charge basically amounts to trespassing or interfering with congress.
Insurrection/bloody coup.

04-13-2021, 02:39 PM

Okay but seriously, let's say they managed to stop the count that night, do you really think that would be the end of it? Trump goes on to serve as president for life?

If they had successfully hindered the vote, Trump would have still been out of office on the same date, we just would have had Congress decide who was President until it was. I'm betting they'd have had Biden there.

See 20th Amendment for more details.

04-13-2021, 03:15 PM
I just want to make sure I'm understanding this, tell me where I'm wrong.

Left wing terrorists: Riot in DC the day of Trump's inauguration, destroy federal property, destroy police cars.
Largely peaceful protest.

Left wing rioters for months firebomb federal courthouses and other federal buildings, take over various government offices/buildings, firebomb cop cars and other government vehicles, and over a dozen people are killed.
Largely peaceful protest.

A bunch of mostly unarmed right wing people enter the capitol building, in which almost everyone merely walked around the halls, almost every charge basically amounts to trespassing or interfering with congress.
Insurrection/bloody coup.

They're all insurrections, by definition. What the right wingers did under Trump's direction was stage an attempted coup.

04-13-2021, 03:16 PM
Lose high ground?

Who here has said what happened at the Capitol should have?
Who here has said people shouldn't have been arrested?
Who here has said it was the right thing to do?

I'm pretty sure none of us. The rioters were idiots and arrested as they should have been.

It's the hypocrisy of calling it an "insurrection", when none of the violence over the past year has been referred to that way. All the attacks on government, all the attacks on private citizens, the formation of "autonomous zones", the demand for the abolition of local/state governments by violent jackasses.

Not once did the media or Dems refer to any of that as insurrection! But, Republicans lose their fucking mind at a rally for one day and suddenly it's "worse than 9-11"?

Get the fuck out of here. How about everyone - as you claim to do - call things as they are, not what the fucking talking heads tell you it is.

Pretty sure I remember Tgo basically saying they were just taking a tour of the building and since it was open to the public it was fine.

04-13-2021, 03:17 PM
If they had successfully hindered the vote, Trump would have still been out of office on the same date, we just would have had Congress decide who was President until it was. I'm betting they'd have had Biden there.

See 20th Amendment for more details.

Had the vote have went to the House due to failure to ratify, Republicans would have had the majority of states represented. If you think they'd have voted Biden, you're crazy.

The above is exactly what the DOJ is probably investigating. Trump's participation in the attempted coup and establishing a very obvious motive for disrupting certification.

04-13-2021, 03:28 PM
They're all insurrections, by definition.

Finally some consisten.....

What the right wingers did under Trump's direction was stage an attempted coup.


04-13-2021, 03:28 PM
Pretty sure I remember Tgo basically saying they were just taking a tour of the building and since it was open to the public it was fine.

Nope. Try again.

04-13-2021, 05:09 PM
Had the vote have went to the House due to failure to ratify, Republicans would have had the majority of states represented. If you think they'd have voted Biden, you're crazy.

The above is exactly what the DOJ is probably investigating. Trump's participation in the attempted coup and establishing a very obvious motive for disrupting certification.

No, because it wasn't a majority Republican House on Jan 20th. Democrats held the house since 2018 midterms. Do you follow politics?

04-13-2021, 05:41 PM
No, because it wasn't a majority Republican House on Jan 20th. Democrats held the house since 2018 midterms. Do you follow politics?

Homeboy, that's not how the Electoral College works. If the results are not ratified, then it goes to Congress to conduct the contingency vote as defined by the Twelfth Amendment. Under that scenario, Republicans would have had a majority of electoral voters.

Do you truly not understand that's why Trump and other's were demanding Pence rejected the ratification? And since Pence refused to do so, why Trump egged his supporters to March to the capital? You really have to be blind to not see that correlation.

04-13-2021, 07:12 PM
I just want to make sure I'm understanding this, tell me where I'm wrong.

Left wing terrorists: Riot in DC the day of Trump's inauguration, destroy federal property, destroy police cars.
Largely peaceful protest.

Left wing rioters for months firebomb federal courthouses and other federal buildings, take over various government offices/buildings, firebomb cop cars and other government vehicles, and over a dozen people are killed.
Largely peaceful protest.

A bunch of mostly unarmed right wing people enter the capitol building, in which almost everyone merely walked around the halls, almost every charge basically amounts to trespassing or interfering with congress.
Insurrection/bloody coup.

Did I say you were wrong? Lol they're all insurrections. They pulled a bundy. They're also equally retarded. I'm basically saying y'all pretended bundy was some sort of hero who was simply standing up for himself, yet flip about the chaz autonomous zone, which was effectively the same damn thing.

Fox news sure enjoyed running the story.

On Fox & Friends, co-host Ainsley Earhardt said that Bundy’s supporters are “good, hardworking Americans” who merely “disagree” with the government.
Former Fox & Friends co-host Clayton Morris said the ranchers were “protesting peacefully” and “arguing against government intervention here.”
Fox senior judicial analyst Andrew Napolitano, who was a contributor at the time, said that the ranch protesters “shows you the resistance of patriotic Americans.”
Former Fox News contributor Todd Starnes said that the protesters were “law-abiding citizens” and “patriots.”
Starnes also characterized the federal government seizing Bundy’s cattle as “stealing” and said that authorities “used to string folks up for stealing cattle.”
On his prime-time Fox show, Hannity sympathized with Bundy's claims against the government and argued that allowing Bundy's cattle to graze on public lands “keeps the price of meat down for every American consumer.”
Fox & Friends complained about the grazing regulations implemented to protect threatened desert tortoises that sparked the initial dispute between Bundy and the Bureau of Land Management. Co-host Brian Kilmeade said, “We're not anti-turtle, but we are pro-logic and tradition.”
Hannity floated a conspiracy theory on his show that the federal government would kill Bundy and bragged about his role in escalating the standoff.

After weeks of being championed by conservative media in 2014, Bundy and his armed supporters set up checkpoints to demand to see locals’ proof of residency and engaged in other intimidating tactics. Bundy’s tension with the Bureau of Land Management rose to a boiling point on April 12, 2014, when the federal agency moved to confiscate Bundy’s cattle. One reporter described the resulting chaos by saying Bundy supporters had been “whipped into a frenzy” by Hannity and others in conservative media. Bundy threatened violence against Bureau of Land Management agents who confiscated his cattle, saying that he would “do whatever it takes” and that he “abide[s] by almost zero federal laws.”

Numerous media outlets reported on supporters pointing guns at federal agents, and one Bundy supporter gained media attention after he presented a strategy of using women as human shields. Another Bundy supporter, who was observed carrying a firearm, was later sentenced to 68 years in prison for his actions threatening law enforcement. Several supporters revealed a common affinity for extremism, including an urge to engage in a “range war.”

04-13-2021, 07:43 PM
Lol they're all insurrections.

And yet you have spent like, what, 30 seconds of your time calling out the left wing "insurrections" and have whined about the right wing "insurrection" for dozens of posts now.

You are fake news! SAD!

04-13-2021, 09:02 PM
Did I say you were wrong? Lol they're all insurrections. They pulled a bundy. They're also equally retarded. I'm basically saying y'all pretended bundy was some sort of hero who was simply standing up for himself, yet flip about the chaz autonomous zone, which was effectively the same damn thing.

Fox news sure enjoyed running the story.

On Fox & Friends, co-host Ainsley Earhardt said that Bundy’s supporters are “good, hardworking Americans” who merely “disagree” with the government.
Former Fox & Friends co-host Clayton Morris said the ranchers were “protesting peacefully” and “arguing against government intervention here.”
Fox senior judicial analyst Andrew Napolitano, who was a contributor at the time, said that the ranch protesters “shows you the resistance of patriotic Americans.”
Former Fox News contributor Todd Starnes said that the protesters were “law-abiding citizens” and “patriots.”
Starnes also characterized the federal government seizing Bundy’s cattle as “stealing” and said that authorities “used to string folks up for stealing cattle.”
On his prime-time Fox show, Hannity sympathized with Bundy's claims against the government and argued that allowing Bundy's cattle to graze on public lands “keeps the price of meat down for every American consumer.”
Fox & Friends complained about the grazing regulations implemented to protect threatened desert tortoises that sparked the initial dispute between Bundy and the Bureau of Land Management. Co-host Brian Kilmeade said, “We're not anti-turtle, but we are pro-logic and tradition.”
Hannity floated a conspiracy theory on his show that the federal government would kill Bundy and bragged about his role in escalating the standoff.

After weeks of being championed by conservative media in 2014, Bundy and his armed supporters set up checkpoints to demand to see locals’ proof of residency and engaged in other intimidating tactics. Bundy’s tension with the Bureau of Land Management rose to a boiling point on April 12, 2014, when the federal agency moved to confiscate Bundy’s cattle. One reporter described the resulting chaos by saying Bundy supporters had been “whipped into a frenzy” by Hannity and others in conservative media. Bundy threatened violence against Bureau of Land Management agents who confiscated his cattle, saying that he would “do whatever it takes” and that he “abide[s] by almost zero federal laws.”

Numerous media outlets reported on supporters pointing guns at federal agents, and one Bundy supporter gained media attention after he presented a strategy of using women as human shields. Another Bundy supporter, who was observed carrying a firearm, was later sentenced to 68 years in prison for his actions threatening law enforcement. Several supporters revealed a common affinity for extremism, including an urge to engage in a “range war.”

Let's not forget in 2016 when Bundy's associate got cacked by the FBI for reaching for a handgun during a stop.


04-13-2021, 09:11 PM
Let's not forget in 2016 when Bundy's associate got cacked by the FBI for reaching for a handgun during a stop.


Look who suddenly approves of police shootings if it's someone they don't like.

04-13-2021, 09:29 PM
Nope. Try again.

Oh right, you thought they were just trespassing.

Like when someone kicks down your front door and robs you it's just trespassing.

04-13-2021, 09:45 PM
Oh right, you thought they were just trespassing.

Yup, and most of the charges amount to that. Oh yeah and interfering with official congressional business.

Like when someone kicks down your front door and robs you it's just trespassing.

Breaking and entering typically requires some force to illegally enter property, if the doors were wide open or someone else already "kicked down the door" then merely walking through the door is not breaking and entering UNLESS the person entered the property with intent to commit a crime. If someone merely walks through a door (broken down or otherwise) with no intention of committing a crime then it is indeed simple trespassing.

But okay, sure, let's play your game, everyone arrested was guilty of breaking and entering and not trespassing. OMG! We all almost lost our democracy that night to a bunch of unarmed people roaming through the halls of congress! Literally worse than 9/11!

04-13-2021, 10:00 PM
They're all insurrections, by definition. What the right wingers did under Trump's direction was stage an attempted coup.

Serious question: Were you always this dumb or did it happen after the accident?

04-13-2021, 10:15 PM
Look who suddenly approves of police shootings if it's someone they don't like.

When someone tells the State police to shoot them, tells them a bloodbath is gonna happen and approaches law enforcement after several warnings.. Yeah he got what he was asking for.

04-13-2021, 10:25 PM
When someone tells the State police to shoot them, tells them a bloodbath is gonna happen and approaches law enforcement after several warnings.. Yeah he got what he was asking for.

Couldn't they have used non-lethal means?!

Why didn't they use a taser?!

Why didn't they just handcuff him?!

Why didn't they just throw their weapons on the ground?! Once the guy saw the law enforcement were no longer armed he would have turned himself in!

04-13-2021, 10:59 PM
Couldn't they have used non-lethal means?!

Why didn't they use a taser?!

Why didn't they just handcuff him?!

Why didn't they just throw their weapons on the ground?! Once the guy saw the law enforcement were no longer armed he would have turned himself in!

All good questions for you to ask your liberal friends. Me on the other hand, I believe police officers have qualified immunity for a reason and they don't set it aside when accidents happen and you pull your handgun in lieu of your taser, subdue a resisting suspect whose already dying from pre-existing conditions and drug overdose, or shoot someone invading congressional chambers during a coup. Police officers have a hard enough job without having to seriously consider their superiors would rather they get shot than defend themselves.

04-14-2021, 01:07 PM
Homeboy, that's not how the Electoral College works. If the results are not ratified, then it goes to Congress to conduct the contingency vote as defined by the Twelfth Amendment. Under that scenario, Republicans would have had a majority of electoral voters.

Do you truly not understand that's why Trump and other's were demanding Pence rejected the ratification? And since Pence refused to do so, why Trump egged his supporters to March to the capital? You really have to be blind to not see that correlation.

Incorrect. See the 20th Amendment.

04-14-2021, 01:17 PM
Couldn't they have used non-lethal means?!

Why didn't they use a taser?!

Why didn't they just handcuff him?!

Why didn't they just throw their weapons on the ground?! Once the guy saw the law enforcement were no longer armed he would have turned himself in!

Maybe he thought he had his taser out?

04-14-2021, 10:49 PM
And yet you have spent like, what, 30 seconds of your time calling out the left wing "insurrections" and have whined about the right wing "insurrection" for dozens of posts now.

You are fake news! SAD!

Dozens? Lol dude. I barely make it back here these days.

04-14-2021, 11:23 PM
Dozens? Lol dude. I barely make it back here these days.


04-19-2021, 07:36 PM
Official medical examiner analysis: the officer suffered a stroke and died of natural causes.

You all got played. Bigly.

04-20-2021, 07:54 AM
Official medical examiner analysis: the officer suffered a stroke and died of natural causes.

You all got played. Bigly.

Maybe he had a stroke while he was being bludgeoned to death by the fire extinguisher?

04-20-2021, 12:19 PM
Maybe he had a stroke while he was being bludgeoned to death by the fire extinguisher?

I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not but the fire extinguisher story was apparently completely made up, the medical examiner found no evidence of blunt trauma.

04-21-2021, 07:54 AM
I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not but the fire extinguisher story was apparently completely made up, the medical examiner found no evidence of blunt trauma.

Given that there was zero evidence of blunt force trauma.... I thought my post was pretty self explanatory.