View Full Version : If you think there isn't a plan in effect....

04-02-2021, 03:34 AM

Sitting black Congressman speaking on a national news station.

Nothing controversial said.

YouTube turned off the comment section - just because his thoughts don't line up with the current media driven narrative.

Some serious shit needs to happen in 2022. Republicans need to stop being bitches and if they win back Congress, go full bore on breaking up the Tech monopolies and bounce 230. Fuck the "public image" - the media already destroys their public image - grow some balls and do what's right - fuck what the "media" will say, because they're going to say it no matter what.

04-02-2021, 06:42 AM

Sitting black Congressman speaking on a national news station.

Nothing controversial said.

YouTube turned off the comment section - just because his thoughts don't line up with the current media driven narrative.

Some serious shit needs to happen in 2022. Republicans need to stop being bitches and if they win back Congress, go full bore on breaking up the Tech monopolies and bounce 230. Fuck the "public image" - the media already destroys their public image - grow some balls and do what's right - fuck what the "media" will say, because they're going to say it no matter what.

What? You're asking for a fucking miracle.

Republicans are a gigantic group of pussies. There's only a handful of them that will stand up to the stupidity of the Democrat Party.

04-02-2021, 10:35 AM

Sitting black Congressman speaking on a national news station.

Nothing controversial said.

YouTube turned off the comment section - just because his thoughts don't line up with the current media driven narrative.

Some serious shit needs to happen in 2022. Republicans need to stop being bitches and if they win back Congress, go full bore on breaking up the Tech monopolies and bounce 230. Fuck the "public image" - the media already destroys their public image - grow some balls and do what's right - fuck what the "media" will say, because they're going to say it no matter what.

YouTube didn't turn off the comment section, Fox News did, because they're snowflakes. Also, you still don't understand what §230 does.

Republicans are a gigantic group of pussies.

This might be the only thing you've said in months that isn't completely stupid. Too bad you followed it up with another Retard Champion Parkbandit comment, though.

04-02-2021, 12:24 PM
Learn why comments are disabled
Comments may be turned off on a video because:

The video owner selected the setting to "Disable comments".
YouTube may have turned off comments on some videos for safety reasons, like to protect minors. Learn more about this type of content.
The channel or video’s audience is set as "made for kids." Learn more about this type of content.
You or your system administrator have turned on Restricted Mode. Learn more about this setting.
Comments on auto-generated Art Tracks are turned off. Learn more about Art Tracks.

Hmm.. not seeing anything saying the content creator turned them off. If you scroll through all their videos and see which ones have comments turned off and which ones don't - pretty telling trend.

04-02-2021, 12:48 PM
Learn why comments are disabled
Comments may be turned off on a video because:

The video owner selected the setting to "Disable comments".
YouTube may have turned off comments on some videos for safety reasons, like to protect minors. Learn more about this type of content.
The channel or video’s audience is set as "made for kids." Learn more about this type of content.
You or your system administrator have turned on Restricted Mode. Learn more about this setting.
Comments on auto-generated Art Tracks are turned off. Learn more about Art Tracks.

Hmm.. not seeing anything saying the content creator turned them off. If you scroll through all their videos and see which ones have comments turned off and which ones don't - pretty telling trend.

It's literally the first reason you posted. Try reading this time. Fox, the video owner, disabled their comments. The trademark strategy of snowflakes.

04-02-2021, 12:54 PM
"YouTube turned off the comment section"

Reading comprehension 101.

Last reply to you. I'm breaking my rule about responding to your dumbass shit. I was having a peaceful few weeks ignoring you. So, back to it.

04-02-2021, 12:56 PM
"YouTube turned off the comment section"

Reading comprehension 101.

Last reply to you. I'm breaking my rule about responding to your dumbass shit. I was having a peaceful few weeks ignoring you. So, back to it.

You're butthurt about being too retarded to substantiate your claims, and can't read for shit. No one's issue but yours.

04-02-2021, 12:59 PM
I see your heading - I don't read your post - Go back to the thread that was created for you. Last reply - bye!

04-02-2021, 01:01 PM
You chose to make a claim, then were unable or unwilling to substantiate it. Regardless of how butthurt you get about it, nothing changes that fact. Kudos on contradicting yourself about your supposed "last reply," though.

04-02-2021, 01:08 PM
You chose to make a claim, then were unable or unwilling to substantiate it. Regardless of how butthurt you get about it, nothing changes that fact. Kudos on contradicting yourself about your supposed "last reply," though.

Aren't you doing the same, exact thing? How specifically do you know that it was Fox News that turned off the comments?

04-02-2021, 01:16 PM
Aren't you doing the same, exact thing? How specifically do you know that it was Fox News that turned off the comments?

Don't feed them. They don't understand their own logic is blinded by their innate hatred. We need them back in their hole. /wink /wink

04-02-2021, 01:18 PM
Aren't you doing the same, exact thing? How specifically do you know that it was Fox News that turned off the comments?

YouTube lays out the criteria they use to disable comments against a video owner's wishes, none of which apply to that video. There was a lot of media attention when they made the decision to remove comments on millions of videos featuring kids, specifically to
stop pedophiles from targeting children in the comments. If Fox were being censored by Google, they'd be up in arms. Conversely, Fox has been disabling comments on bunches of their videos for ages, especially when know 1) their fans are going to post nasty comments, which 2) other groups will use to (rightly) criticize right-wingers, like when McCain died.

Don't feed them. They don't understand their own logic is blinded by their innate hatred. We need them back in their hole. /wink /wink

Aww, is someone butthurt they couldn't substantiate their completely fantasized claim? Poor Shaps!

04-02-2021, 01:33 PM

LOL. I think Georgia Republicans might be figuring out how the game is played these days. That's some balls to do that.

Need more of it.

BTW: Showing an ID to vote, is not voter suppression - no matter what the lunatics say.

04-02-2021, 01:38 PM
Honestly, I don't know who turned off the comments. I looked through about 5 or 6 other videos from them and the comments were not disabled on any of those. No idea why it was decided on this one.

04-02-2021, 01:42 PM

LOL. I think Georgia Republicans might be figuring out how the game is played these days. That's some balls to do that.

Need more of it.

BTW: Showing an ID to vote, is not voter suppression - no matter what the lunatics say.

:rofl: A "conservative" party trying to use the law as retribution against a company exercising their First Amendment rights? Hmm. Sounds like cancel culture. Regardless, Delta leaving Georgia would screw over Georgia more than Delta. Same with Coke. Regardless, that measure died in the Senate, and was just right-wing grandstanding. Who knew?

04-02-2021, 01:46 PM
They should pull an Elon Musk and move their HQ to a different state.

04-02-2021, 01:50 PM
Honestly, I don't know who turned off the comments. I looked through about 5 or 6 other videos from them and the comments were not disabled on any of those. No idea why it was decided on this one.


Most people know this, given Youtube's own link they provided on that video.

But then you have people like Ashliana that decries other people saying specifically which party turned off the comments, while telling everyone which party turned off the comments.

He's a ball full of stupidity.

Some people believe they

04-02-2021, 01:51 PM
YouTube lays out the criteria they use to disable comments against a video owner's wishes, none of which apply to that video. There was a lot of media attention when they made the decision to remove comments on millions of videos featuring kids, specifically to
stop pedophiles from targeting children in the comments. If Fox were being censored by Google, they'd be up in arms. Conversely, Fox has been disabling comments on bunches of their videos for ages, especially when know 1) their fans are going to post nasty comments, which 2) other groups will use to (rightly) criticize right-wingers, like when McCain died.

So you don't actually know.


04-02-2021, 01:52 PM
They should pull an Elon Musk and move their HQ to a different state.

They could move it to California, New York, New Jersey... oh wait.

I'm all for free market.

I don't like what's going on, but if people want to play the game by a different set of rules... no reason not to do it too. It will only lead to collapse, but that's already happening.. so fuck it, go down swinging I say.

You'd think Progressives would be in favor of this... taxing big corporations right? Errr.. wait... uhhh...

Edit: Just made me think of the old adage, "don't bring a knife to a gunfight". Under it, one side wins... if both bring a "gun"... well... no one really wins... but I won't be the one showing up with a knife, others can do what they want.

I know - odd analogy, but hopefully the idea I'm trying to express is somewhat understood.

04-02-2021, 01:55 PM

Most people know this, given Youtube's own link they provided on that video.

Which contain the guidelines on when they disable comments, which, again, don't apply to that video. As was pointed out to you, which you're just trying to wish away because you couldn't come up with anything to say in response.

But then you have people like Ashliana that decries other people saying specifically which party turned off the comments, while telling everyone which party turned off the comments.

He's a ball full of stupidity.

Shaps made a claim which 1) he didn't demonstrate, 2) requires you to believe absurdities (like Fox not taking action if their videos were being censored, and ignoring YouTube's stated guidelines for disabling videos). Your inability to deductively reason is your problem.

Some people believe they

Right after you got done calling someone else stupid. How unfortunate, and on-brand for you. :rofl:

04-02-2021, 01:55 PM
They could move it to California, New York, New Jersey... oh wait.

I'm all for free market.

I don't like what's going on, but if people want to play the game by a different set of rules... no reason not to do it too. It will only lead to collapse, but that's already happening.. so fuck it, go down swinging I say.

You'd think Progressives would be in favor of this... taxing big corporations right? Errr.. wait... uhhh...

Probably Texas. Be a shame if that Delta hub in Atlanta disappeared and became a Houston Hub.

And I'm all for this. Make your state hostile to a business, that business is going to find a different state.

My state lost a vibrant filming industry because of the idiot Jindal.

04-02-2021, 01:55 PM
They should pull an Elon Musk and move their HQ to a different state.

The Delta CEO's reasoning is retarded though.

04-02-2021, 01:56 PM
So you don't actually know.


Your inability to deductively reason only reflects on you.


04-02-2021, 01:58 PM
Which contain the guidelines on when they disable comments, which, again, don't apply to that video. As was pointed out to you, which you're just trying to wish away because you couldn't come up with anything to say in response.

Shaps made a claim which 1) he didn't demonstrate, 2) requires you to believe absurdities (like Fox not taking action if their videos were being censored, and ignoring YouTube's stated guidelines for disabling videos). Your inability to deductively reason is your problem.

Right after you got done calling someone else stupid. How unfortunate, and on-brand for you. :rofl:

You have but 1 of 5 reasons why comments were disabled. You complained that Shaps made an assumption.. and proved how hypocritical you are when you too, made an assumption.

But you know what they say about assumptions: You're an asshole.

04-02-2021, 01:59 PM
The Delta CEO's reasoning is retarded though.

Yeah, not saying I agree with him, but I don't agree with legislating against a business because they say shit you dislike. Seems kind of UnAmerican to me. Both sides do it though, so maybe it is very American.

04-02-2021, 01:59 PM
Your inability to deductively reason only reflects on you.


Your hypocrisy doesn't reflect upon you.. it is your entire existence.

A ball full of stupid.

Now, let's go back to your special thread I made you. I'm not asking either.

04-02-2021, 02:02 PM
Yeah, not saying I agree with him, but I don't agree with legislating against a business because they say shit you dislike. Seems kind of UnAmerican to me. Both sides do it though, so maybe it is very American.

I 100% agree with your statement. It's batshit nuts, but that's where we are. Sad to watch this dumpster fire happen.

04-02-2021, 02:07 PM
Probably Texas. Be a shame if that Delta hub in Atlanta disappeared and became a Houston Hub.

And I'm all for this. Make your state hostile to a business, that business is going to find a different state.

My state lost a vibrant filming industry because of the idiot Jindal.

Not familiar with what occurred, but sad to hear that something couldn't be worked out. Lived in Louisiana a few years. Loved the place and the people.

04-02-2021, 02:10 PM
Yeah, not saying I agree with him, but I don't agree with legislating against a business because they say shit you dislike. Seems kind of UnAmerican to me. Both sides do it though, so maybe it is very American.

I don't understand why a Board would have a CEO basically insulting 50% of the population. Never understood that.

But I don't disagree with you here either. State depends on companies to bring in tax revenue. Could have been an easy phone call from the Governor to make to Delta to set him straight.

04-02-2021, 02:10 PM
You have but 1 of 5 reasons why comments were disabled. You complained that Shaps made an assumption.. and proved how hypocritical you are when you too, made an assumption.

But you know what they say about assumptions: You're an asshole.

Shaps made an assumption. I pointed out that his assumption, not demonstrated, is nonsensical. If you're not being intellectually dishonest -- which you and he always are -- the answer is quite obvious: Fox disabled the comments. Believing otherwise requires you to engage in bad-faith mental gymnastics, your go-to strategy. Making you the asshole, my deluded friend.

Your hypocrisy doesn't reflect upon you.. it is your entire existence.

A ball full of stupid.

Now, let's go back to your special thread I made you. I'm not asking either.

If only intellectually dishonesty on your part constituted a reasoned position. Alas, it doesn't, no matter how butthurt you get about it.

04-02-2021, 02:11 PM
Not familiar with what occurred, but sad to hear that something couldn't be worked out. Lived in Louisiana a few years. Loved the place and the people.

Jindal ended tax credits for the filming industry, so the majority moved to Georgia. I don't know a single person in this state that agreed with that move. Lot of people I know lost their jobs. It was just fucking stupid, like he thought they'd just stay and pay more money.

04-02-2021, 02:18 PM
Jindal ended tax credits for the filming industry, so the majority moved to Georgia. I don't know a single person in this state that agreed with that move. Lot of people I know lost their jobs. It was just fucking stupid, like he thought they'd just stay and pay more money.

That's rough. I do vaguely recall a large influx, and talk, about the Georgia movie industry a few years back. Makes sense now.

04-02-2021, 02:35 PM
That's rough. I do vaguely recall a large influx, and talk, about the Georgia movie industry a few years back. Makes sense now.

So it's another example of failed GOP leadership, like the one you lauded earlier today? How interesting.

04-02-2021, 02:40 PM
So it's another example of failed GOP leadership, like the one you lauded earlier today? How interesting.

JBE isn't any better. He never tried to put the tax credits back. PRetty sure JBE only got elected because his last name was Edwards and people here love them some Edwin Edwards.

04-02-2021, 04:15 PM
Delta won't move, they can barely stay afloat as it is and it would take a decade of massive spending to build a terminal to handle the load. If smart, they will apologize, pay off some politicians and charity or something and then get some reinstated tax breaks at a lesser degree.

Surprised the Left is upset, they hate corporate tax breaks.

04-03-2021, 11:18 AM
So, can a liberal please tell us specifically what is so bad about this new law in Georgia?

I'm not talking about feelings... I'm actually talking about the law itself.

04-03-2021, 03:48 PM
So, can a liberal please tell us specifically what is so bad about this new law in Georgia?

I'm not talking about feelings... I'm actually talking about the law itself.

No they can't because there isn't anything, in fact the law makes MORE days available for early voting. They will claim that the voter ID is the problem when we all know, including them, it is not. It is the 21st century, everyone has or can get an ID. This is about the left and it wanting the right to always compromise but never being willing to compromise from the left. It is actually smart because they have managed to drive this country further and further left over the past 50 years because conservatives want to go along to get along.

I only see two outcomes for this country, peaceful or not so peaceful secession. So grab your gun and bring in the cat.

04-04-2021, 11:10 AM
No they can't because there isn't anything, in fact the law makes MORE days available for early voting. They will claim that the voter ID is the problem when we all know, including them, it is not. It is the 21st century, everyone has or can get an ID. This is about the left and it wanting the right to always compromise but never being willing to compromise from the left. It is actually smart because they have managed to drive this country further and further left over the past 50 years because conservatives want to go along to get along.

I only see two outcomes for this country, peaceful or not so peaceful secession. So grab your gun and bring in the cat.

They even provide FREE picture IDs to people who can't afford them.

Literally, the dumbest people are crying about this new law.

04-05-2021, 09:34 AM
I don't know why free basic IDs aren't a thing. Make it a function through SSA, when you turn 18, you go get a new SS Card and it has your picture.

04-05-2021, 10:56 AM
I don't know why free basic IDs aren't a thing. Make it a function through SSA, when you turn 18, you go get a new SS Card and it has your picture.

Free IDs are a thing because the "best" liberal talking point is that they believe minorities are too stupid and too poor to get an ID that cost money.. and they use that retarded "logic" to say that voting shouldn't cost anything and therefore asking for an ID to vote is racist.

Also, I agree. Make it a federal thing where we get a free ID card with a photo and it erases any "logical" excuse liberals have to cry about voter ID laws.

04-05-2021, 12:27 PM
Free IDs are a thing because the "best" liberal talking point is that they believe minorities are too stupid and too poor to get an ID that cost money.. and they use that retarded "logic" to say that voting shouldn't cost anything and therefore asking for an ID to vote is racist.

Also, I agree. Make it a federal thing where we get a free ID card with a photo and it erases any "logical" excuse liberals have to cry about voter ID laws.

You'd think that in sixty years of being a blight on the nation, you'd have picked up 1) why national IDs aren't a thing and 2) why conservative groups oppose the creation of national IDs (https://www.cato.org/commentary/you-value-privacy-resist-any-form-national-id-cards) (as do neutral and liberal ones (https://www.aclu.org/other/5-problems-national-id-cards)).

Similarly, your willful ignorance of why Republicans push restrictions on voting doesn't exist in a vacuum and is made all the funnier by the fact that Republicans, in the Trump age, gave away the game, both to the Supreme Court (https://news.yahoo.com/arizona-gop-lawyer-tells-supreme-200813978.html), and one of the Trump campaign's lawyers caught on tape admitting (https://apnews.com/article/af2f0ede054d8baebbe1bb6ca47b4895)to the long-held tradition by conservatives.

04-05-2021, 12:48 PM
You'd think that in sixty years of being a blight on the nation, you'd have picked up 1) why national IDs aren't a thing and 2) why conservative groups oppose the creation of national IDs (https://www.cato.org/commentary/you-value-privacy-resist-any-form-national-id-cards) (as do neutral and liberal ones (https://www.aclu.org/other/5-problems-national-id-cards)).

Similarly, your willful ignorance of why Republicans push restrictions on voting doesn't exist in a vacuum and is made all the funnier by the fact that Republicans, in the Trump age, gave away the game, both to the Supreme Court (https://news.yahoo.com/arizona-gop-lawyer-tells-supreme-200813978.html), and one of the Trump campaign's lawyers caught on tape admitting (https://apnews.com/article/af2f0ede054d8baebbe1bb6ca47b4895)to the long-held tradition by conservatives.

I can't help but feel I'm the reason this ooze is going into other topics.

I should never have pointed out that I was trying to contain it in the aptly named "A thread for Ashliana".. because now It'll be posting allllllllll over the place.

My apologies. It was a decent 2 months though.

04-05-2021, 12:51 PM
I can't help but feel I'm the reason this ooze is going into other topics.

I should never have pointed out that I was trying to contain it in the aptly named "A thread for Ashliana".. because now It'll be posting allllllllll over the place.

My apologies. It was a decent 2 months though.

You were never "containing" anything. I had been, and will continue, posting as I see fit. We'll just put add yet another star to your championship diaper for the stupidity about a self-identifying conservative arguing for a national ID, though.

04-05-2021, 02:23 PM
National IDs aren't a thing? Pretty sure our Social Security Number is a "National ID".

04-05-2021, 02:45 PM
National IDs aren't a thing? Pretty sure our Social Security Number is a "National ID".

If you have time to look over the sources I posted, you'd see why both leftist, centrist and right-wing groups oppose the creation of a more widely adopted or, heaven forbid, mandatory national ID, and that SSNs have been wildly expanded beyond their originally stated purpose (and that an actual national ID would pose even greater risks).

To answer your question directly, no, a person's SSN is a unique identifier that connects to a person's tax record and eligibility to work in the US, but a Social Security card doesn't identify a holder itself and isn't a primary form of ID (https://secure.ssa.gov/poms.nsf/lnx/0110201065). That's why you need other documents in addition to a Social Security card to receive an optional national ID issued for more limited purposes (i.e., a Passport or Passport card).

04-05-2021, 02:57 PM
If you have time to look over the sources I posted, you'd see why both leftist, centrist and right-wing groups oppose the creation of a more widely adopted or, heaven forbid, mandatory national ID, and that SSNs have been wildly expanded beyond their originally stated purpose (and that an actual national ID would pose even greater risks).

To answer your question directly, no, a person's SSN is a unique identifier that connects to a person's tax record and eligibility to work in the US, but a Social Security card doesn't identify a holder itself and isn't a primary form of ID (https://secure.ssa.gov/poms.nsf/lnx/0110201065). That's why you need other documents in addition to a Social Security card to receive an optional national ID issued for more limited purposes (i.e., a Passport or Passport card).

First reasonable post from you in awhile - so I will actually reply to it.

Understand the points you are making and I don't disagree with them all. I posted on this awhile back as a compromise to 1. ensure election integrity 2. it would provide a standardized/subsidized free form of ID for all legal US citizens and 3. Ensure consolidation of all the current various forms out there.

All are issued a SS card upon birth - without photo. At 18, US Citizen goes and updates their SS card to one with a photo. Renew the SS card every 10 years with a new photo. This card would only need to be displayed for work use (as you linked), and as confirmation of citizenship when Voting. That's it. Nothing else.

It could serve a dual purpose as a free and concise measure to calm everyone's insanity about various things with regards to voting. Every citizen receives it free of charge and ensures standardization across the states to assist local governments with voter ID requirements.

Only reason to fight showing an ID to vote - is if you want to cheat. Everything in life requires ID (rent a home, file for benefits, purchase things, etc.). Making it free and in one standardized format is a good compromise IMO. Could go with Passports, but those are different and have to much exposure overseas, whereas a Social Security card is protected much more closely (or people should be protecting it more closely).

Edit: Understand, I'm open to other ideas. This was one I recommended as a way to ensure no out of pocket cost to the individual, standardized formatting across multiple states, secure (as much as stuff can be in this digital age), and utilizing an already existing database and developed system without added cost to government infrastructure (ie. no new department needed, or offices, etc.). I'm open to any recommendations you may have as an alternative.

Edit2: BTW good link on the CATO article. I don't disagree with a lot of what it's saying either. If they start going Biometric with that shit (which eventually they will, because... technology) I will avoid that at all costs. People like tech to much though to avoid it occurring, as it is more prevalent in our lives. The problem isn't the systems though, it's the people in charge of the systems. And I don't think any of us have a good feeling about most of our politicians.

04-05-2021, 02:59 PM
Honestly, I'd rather just have free US Passports.

04-05-2021, 03:06 PM
Honestly, I'd rather just have free US Passports.

That would be nice too. I like passports being their separate thing though, just because of their exposure overseas. So certain info shouldn't be on it - but again in the digital age nothing is really secure if someone really wants to find it.

With what people pay in taxes already - SS card and Passports should be free to all citizens.