View Full Version : Don't bitch out Joe!

03-18-2021, 10:31 PM

Put that mother fucker in his place Joe!


Edit: Special Counsel to the President - Megan Rapinoe USA! USA! USA!

03-18-2021, 10:50 PM
Edit: Special Counsel to the President - Megan Rapinoe USA! USA! USA!

You're pulling my leg.


03-18-2021, 11:07 PM
You're pulling my leg.


LOL.. c'mon Tgo.. you not caught on to my sarcasm yet? :forehead:

Have to admit though, would be hilarious.

03-18-2021, 11:12 PM
LOL.. c'mon Tgo.. you not caught on to my sarcasm yet? :forehead:

Have to admit though, would be hilarious.

I mean...I wouldn't put anything past the craziness that we live in now.

03-18-2021, 11:29 PM
I mean...I wouldn't put anything past the craziness that we live in now.

Good point.

03-18-2021, 11:44 PM
I mean...I wouldn't put anything past the craziness that we live in now.

Wasn't expecting this one. Goodness gracious LOL.

Now this will piss off some people. Don't fuck with the weed man.


Meanwhile, Swalwell is banging Chinese spies for years and sits on the House Intelligence Committee. Shit is god damn loony toons.


03-18-2021, 11:48 PM
Wasn't expecting this one. Goodness gracious LOL.

Now this will piss off some people. Don't fuck with the weed man.


Meanwhile, Swalwell is banging Chinese spies for years and sits on the House Intelligence Committee. Shit is god damn loony toons.


I'm shocked. SHOCKED! Well not THAT shocked.

03-19-2021, 12:11 AM
"I thought you were done. Plus when you only interact with tgo it's kind of the end of the rope."

Nice rep comment I got - Have some balls and sign it. LOL

Idiots like you are why I do this. You don't add anything, just spout anonymous comments. So, I just give it back. Been fun watching you all crumble after a couple of months, after the rest of us had to deal with your batshit insanity for over 4 years. I was planning on slowing down... now I don't know. You might have relit my passion. I do this for the pure LOLs.

And people like you provide me those LOLs.

03-19-2021, 06:59 AM
Uncritically posting state-produced media, doing the Lord's work, getting Russia's message out. Spectacular (and not at all completely retarded), Shaps.

03-19-2021, 08:00 AM
Uncritically posting state-produced media

Oh please. You probably listen to NPR religiously and quote them all the time.

03-19-2021, 10:40 AM
Oh please. You probably listen to NPR religiously and quote them all the time.

RT is a state-controlled Russian propaganda outlet. NPR is a private, independent news organization that gets a combination of private and public funding. NPR is fine, but no, they're a bit too bland for my tastes.

Kudos on the profoundly retarded non-sequitur, though, Dreaven. Was this your best attempt to rationalize your unironic consumption of Russian propaganda because they're willing to tell you the mean old feminists are coming for your freeze peach?

03-19-2021, 10:42 AM
RT is a state-controlled Russian propaganda outlet. NPR is a private, independent news organization that gets a combination of private and public funding. NPR is fine, but no, they're a bit too bland for my tastes.


"State funded news is bad when Russia or North Korea does it! It's fine when the US does it as long as the organization leans far left like my political views!"

Either state funded news is bad or not.

03-19-2021, 10:44 AM

"State funded news is bad when Russia or North Korea does it! It's fine when the US does it as long as the organization leans far left like my political views!"

Either state funded news is bad or not.

Whoopsie! Looks like somebody doesn't know the difference between public funding for an organization and state control over an organization. Sorry, dipshit -- RT is state-run, an arm of the Russian government, in the same way that Xinhua is state-run Chinese media.

Thanks for doubling down on your own ignorance, which you somehow think is "hilarious."


03-19-2021, 10:45 AM
My bad, Ashliana. I didn't mean to give you the false hope that you and I would have a debate over this.

I'm right. You're wrong. BYE!

03-19-2021, 10:48 AM
My bad, Ashliana. I didn't mean to give you the false hope that you and I would have a debate over this.

I'm right. You're wrong. BYE!

"My fantasy trumps your facts" might be the clarion call of conservatives in 2021, but alas, your unilateral assertions continue to lack the power to twist and warp reality to suit your delusions.

Better luck doing two seconds of research before posting next time!

03-19-2021, 11:57 AM
Wasn't expecting this one. Goodness gracious LOL.

Now this will piss off some people. Don't fuck with the weed man.


Meanwhile, Swalwell is banging Chinese spies for years and sits on the House Intelligence Committee. Shit is god damn loony toons.


Didn't President Harris claim she smoked pot? I guess Joe doesn't dare fire her.

03-20-2021, 10:38 AM
Didn't President Harris claim she smoked pot? I guess Joe doesn't dare fire her.

Yep, just before she started locking people up for doing the same thing.

03-20-2021, 11:12 AM
Yep, just before she started locking people up for doing the same thing.

And withholding evidence that would exonerate them in order to keep them in prison. Pretty sure there was someone even executed because she withheld evidence.