View Full Version : Poor Thing

03-15-2021, 11:32 PM

1. Fuck Sarah Silverman


3. Dumb idiot realized her comedy sucks without "orange-man bad" around to ride the coattails of.

She literally for 4 years was a horrible person, used her influence to persuade others, and was overall a bitch. Now all of a sudden, OOPS!

ROFL - Fucking hilarious.

Edit: I actually thought she was a pretty good comic in the early 2000s. Lot of promise, then about 2010 she realized how to make that $ by trash talking politics. Shame to see talent wasted like that - she sold out. Now she's realizing "oh shit".

03-16-2021, 07:16 AM

1. Fuck Sarah Silverman


3. Dumb idiot realized her comedy sucks without "orange-man bad" around to ride the coattails of.

She literally for 4 years was a horrible person, used her influence to persuade others, and was overall a bitch. Now all of a sudden, OOPS!

ROFL - Fucking hilarious.

Edit: I actually thought she was a pretty good comic in the early 2000s. Lot of promise, then about 2010 she realized how to make that $ by trash talking politics. Shame to see talent wasted like that - she sold out. Now she's realizing "oh shit".

Her comedy sucked well before 2016.

03-16-2021, 08:04 AM
Her comedy sucked well before 2016.

She wasn't that bad - as said "lots of promise". Then it turned to utter shit.

03-16-2021, 09:45 AM
She was all for canceling people until the cancel mob came after her.

03-16-2021, 10:53 AM
It's just a variation of Robespierre’s Law – Power you give government to do unto others will be used to do unto you. In this case, it wasn't the government, it was the mob.

It's why, no matter how well intentioned anyone is, laws and powers must be considered at all times against the worst possible use/abuse of them. The slippery slope is a logical fallacy however it is a social probability. It is not 100% guaranteed so it is not a fact therefore a logical fallacy, it is however, in all cases known, a very high probability.

03-16-2021, 10:57 AM
Aren't they trying to cancel Eminem now for lyrics in songs he did years ago? He's another person who was all in favor of canceling people until they came after him.

03-16-2021, 12:45 PM
Congress tried to cancel him in like 2001. Nothing new for him to be controversial

03-16-2021, 11:40 PM
I liked her voice acting of Vanellope in the Wreck-It Ralph movie and its sequel. And that she supported Bernie Sanders. Didn't really pay attention to her comedy stuff.

I hope she doesn't go back to the Democrats in a few years. More people in this country need to realize that both major parties are garbage and don't care about the people.