View Full Version : Say bye bye to violent video games?

02-24-2021, 10:57 AM

Bringing snowflakery to a whole new level.

I've played every GTA released to date and not once have I wanted to go car jack, murder, or rob someone.

Just wowza.

02-24-2021, 11:03 AM

Bringing snowflakery to a whole new level.

I've played every GTA released to date and not once have I wanted to go car jack, murder, or rob someone.

Just wowza.

Ohhh.. you didn't think they'd come for things like this eventually?

The politicians in power right now are only interested in one thing - total control. It's been tried before, but the people fought against it - the majority of people these days are Twitter zombies who don't understand they're comfortable lives are going to get much worse and more restricted.

02-24-2021, 11:04 AM
I've played every GTA released to date and not once have I wanted to go car jack, murder, or rob someone.

I can’t help but notice you left out you have never wanted to beat up hookers.

02-24-2021, 11:09 AM
Ohhh.. you didn't think they'd come for things like this eventually?

The politicians in power right now are only interested in one thing - total control. It's been tried before, but the people fought against it - the majority of people these days are Twitter zombies who don't understand they're comfortable lives are going to get much worse and more restricted.

I mean, I'm not at all surprised that it's the democrats that are pushing this. But to be clear, the bill this article talks about, HB3531, is specific to Illinois, land of many, many democrats thanks to Chicago, and the politician that is proposing this is a state representative, not a national rep. This is limited to Illinois, and not the rest of the US.

02-24-2021, 11:10 AM
I can’t help but notice you left out you have never wanted to beat up hookers.

Wayne Brady knows the struggle.

02-24-2021, 11:12 AM
I mean, I'm not at all surprised that it's the democrats that are pushing this. But to be clear, the bill this article talks about, HB3531, is specific to Illinois, land of many, many democrats thanks to Chicago, and the politician that is proposing this is a state representative, not a national rep. This is limited to Illinois, and not the rest of the US.

Doesn't matter from my perspective. Pass it one place, leads to others. Hopefully it's struck down by higher courts if it does pass, but seeing as how scared shitless the Supreme Court is lately - who the fuck knows what's going to happen.

02-24-2021, 11:13 AM
Ohhh.. you didn't think they'd come for things like this eventually?

The politicians in power right now are only interested in one thing - total control. It's been tried before, but the people fought against it - the majority of people these days are Twitter zombies who don't understand they're comfortable lives are going to get much worse and more restricted.

What do you mean "eventually"? They come after video games constantly and always lose handily.

02-24-2021, 11:15 AM
Besides, a similar law in California was just struck down by the Supreme Court in 2011. There is already a precedent for this being UnConstitutional. It wasn't even a close ruling, 7-2.

02-24-2021, 11:17 AM
What do you mean "eventually"? They come after video games constantly and always lose handily.

Pretty much this.

This bill is just virtue signalling, the rep in question trying to show his constituents that he is Doing Something.

02-24-2021, 11:17 AM
What do you mean "eventually"? They come after video games constantly and always lose handily.

Did you read the rest of what I wrote?

I said "it's been tried before, but people fought against it" then commented on how people are Twitter zombies now.


02-24-2021, 11:18 AM
Pretty much this.

This bill is just virtue signalling, the rep in question trying to show his constituents that he is Doing Something.

Until it passes.

You all seem to think the old norms apply. They don't.

02-24-2021, 11:20 AM
Until it passes.

You all seem to think the old norms apply. They don't.

And even if it were, it would immediately be challenged in court by the ESA, and the court would issue an injunction preventing enforcement of the law pending the suit, given the numerous other nearly-identical statutes that have been struck down.

Your hyperventilation is amusing, but retarded as usual.

02-24-2021, 11:21 AM
Did you read the rest of what I wrote?

I said "it's been tried before, but people fought against it" then commented on how people are Twitter zombies now.


Did you read what I wrote? It would be quickly destroyed by the first court it sees citing the 2011 ruling. It wasn't any "people fought against it", they almost never even make it to a floor vote, and when they do they are massively pwned. You can thank California for get the legal Precedent sorted out if by a snowball's chance in hell it ever made it to the President's desk.

02-24-2021, 11:22 AM
I keep seeing the person above posting - and I keep not reading what they write. It's a nice change. Highly recommend it.

Fun watching them jump from post to post trying to get my recognition.

02-24-2021, 11:23 AM
I keep seeing the person above posting - and I keep not reading what they write. It's a nice change. Highly recommend it.

Fun watching them jump from post to post trying to get my recognition.

Thanks for giving me carte blanche to unilaterally shut down your retarded discussions in any thread. Who knew it was this easy?

02-24-2021, 11:24 AM
Did you read what I wrote? It would be quickly destroyed by the first court it sees citing the 2011 ruling. It wasn't any "people fought against it", they almost never even make it to a floor vote, and when they do they are massively pwned. You can thank California for get the legal Precedent sorted out if by a snowball's chance in hell it ever made it to the President's desk.

I'm saying - under normal/past circumstances yes.

I don't think these are normal circumstances, and people are going to be wondering WTF happened when stuff like this (which is already going on) actually succeeds.

02-24-2021, 11:26 AM
I'm saying - under normal/past circumstances yes.

I don't think these are normal circumstances, and people are going to be wondering WTF happened when stuff like this (which is already going on) actually succeeds.

Even if your retarded fearmongering were justified, the court is even more conservative now than in 2011. It's 6-3 majority conservative, so your hysterical "BUT WHAT IF!?!?!?!?!?" means absolutely nothing. Back under your bridge, troll.

02-24-2021, 11:26 AM
I'm saying - under normal/past circumstances yes.

I don't think these are normal circumstances, and people are going to be wondering WTF happened when stuff like this (which is already going on) actually succeeds.

Then you can take faith that the largest entertainment industry in the US would completely wreck any attempts at their profit being fucked with.

02-24-2021, 11:32 AM
Then you can take faith that the largest entertainment industry in the US would completely wreck any attempts at their profit being fucked with.

I'm saying irrational people are in positions of power in our government - and I don't put it past them, and the mindless sheep that follow them, to do something like this.

If you don't see all of the irrational crap being attempted currently, and think video games are immune, then I don't know what to tell you.

We can agree to disagree. We'll see how it plays out.

Edit: Prime examples just recently - DnD succumbing to the irrational mob, people in this game trying to change "crusader" and other terms, public warnings on the Muppet Show, etc. etc. etc.

They went after the fucking Muppet Show - you think GTA is immune. C'mon.

02-24-2021, 12:01 PM
I'm saying irrational people are in positions of power in our government - and I don't put it past them, and the mindless sheep that follow them, to do something like this.

Good thing there's a healthy mix of people from both parties, right? Thus diminishing your breathless hysteria?

If you don't see all of the irrational crap being attempted currently, and think video games are immune, then I don't know what to tell you.

Undemonstrated weasel words. What "irrational crap" is being "currently attempted"?

We can agree to disagree. We'll see how it plays out.

Edit: Prime examples just recently - DnD succumbing to the irrational mob, people in this game trying to change "crusader" and other terms, public warnings on the Muppet Show, etc. etc. etc.

They went after the fucking Muppet Show - you think GTA is immune. C'mon.

Ah, so you're confusing the choices of private developers -- which are free to do what they want to their own properties -- with government-mandated changes to private properties. So you either don't understand the difference or you're deliberately, erroneously conflating the two. As if your ignorance or intellectual dishonesty somehow constituted a position. Alas.

02-24-2021, 01:14 PM

Bringing snowflakery to a whole new level.

I've played every GTA released to date and not once have I wanted to go car jack, murder, or rob someone.

Just wowza.

I totally expected this to be being pushed by some Bible thumping republican.

Nope, it's a democrat. From Chicago even.

But yes I'm quite sure that GTA and other violent games are why Chicago is so fucked, and banning them will instantly fix it.

02-24-2021, 01:38 PM
I totally expected this to be being pushed by some Bible thumping republican.

Nope, it's a democrat. From Chicago even.

But yes I'm quite sure that GTA and other violent games are why Chicago is so fucked, and banning them will instantly fix it.

Yeah me too... was seriously shocked. But idiocy isn't party specific no matter what people want to believe.

And Tgo caught me... all those hookers I've beat up in real life most definitely led to this. I even have my own episode dedicated to me on Criminal Minds... :lolwave:

02-24-2021, 02:07 PM
Nope, it's a democrat. From Chicago even.

Nope. It plays well into the theme of democrats claiming no one is responsible for their own actions, they were forced to do it by their environment/racism/food issues/violent video games/etc...

All those 'mostly peaceful' BLM protestors were forced to riot and loot in major cities because of the racism. Wasn't their fault. Didn do nuffin'

I suspect we will start to see more of this in the next two years.

02-24-2021, 02:08 PM
Nope. It plays well into the theme of democrats claiming no one is responsible for their own actions, they were forced to do it by their environment/racism/food issues/violent video games/etc...

All those 'mostly peaceful' BLM protestors were forced to riot and loot in major cities because of the racism. Wasn't their fault. Didn do nuffin'

I suspect we will start to see more of this in the next two years.

Does it need to be pointed out that you're contradicting yourself? Are Democrats saying the BLM protesters are "mostly peaceful" (and thus, some certain percentage aren't) or that those who did engage in violence (which Dems roundly condemned) aren't "at fault, and were 'forced' to because of racism"?

Get your bullshit story straight, idiot.

02-24-2021, 02:09 PM
Does it need to be pointed out that you're contradicting yourself? Are Democrats saying the BLM protesters are "mostly peaceful" (and thus, some certain percentage aren't) or that those who did engage in violence (which Dems roundly condemned) aren't "at fault, and were 'forced' to because of racism"?

Get your bullshit story straight, idiot.

Ah, so cute, little ashy-poo is trying to talk like a big girl. big boy. big something. There, there, now ashy-poo, it's alright.

02-24-2021, 02:11 PM
Yeah me too... was seriously shocked. But idiocy isn't party specific no matter what people want to believe.

And Tgo caught me... all those hookers I've beat up in real life most definitely led to this. I even have my own episode dedicated to me on Criminal Minds... :lolwave:

True, this just sounded more in line with Republican stupidity than democrat stupidity.

Or maybe not...because I keep forgetting that Joe Lieberman was an Independent. That's who I still think of when this kind of stupid shit is in the headlines.

Rockstar should release some parody game that's like the complete opposite of GTA. Like GTA: Care Bear Edition.

02-24-2021, 02:12 PM
Ah, so cute, little ashy-poo is trying to talk like a big girl. big boy. big something. There, there, now ashy-poo, it's alright.

There, there, widdle Caelric, dry those tears. If you keep at it long enough, you'll come up with a coherent position someday.

02-24-2021, 02:13 PM
There, there, widdle Caelric, dry those tears. If you keep at it long enough, you'll come up with a coherent position someday.

Oh, look! ashy-poo figured out how to use the italics function! So cute when she tries to do grown-up things!

02-24-2021, 02:19 PM
True, this just sounded more in line with Republican stupidity than democrat stupidity.

Or maybe not...because I keep forgetting that Joe Lieberman was an Independent. That's who I still think of when this kind of stupid shit is in the headlines.

Rockstar should release some parody game that's like the complete opposite of GTA. Like GTA: Care Bear Edition.

DUDE! A Carebear GTA would be amazing ROFL. Cute little bears going around jacking things. Evil, cuddly bears street racing. I bet that would be a huge hit.

Stanley Burrell
02-24-2021, 02:19 PM
I feel like the hype that politics make about a video game = more video game sales.

Plus, I've always felt like video games and angry hip-hop music and whatever were a way for human beings to sublimate and not do retarded shit IRL. I dunno. I think for as many copycats as you have, you always have people who are mellowing out and not doing aforementioned retarded shit. Maybe :shrug:

02-24-2021, 02:22 PM
And Tgo caught me... all those hookers I've beat up in real life most definitely led to this. I even have my own episode dedicated to me on Criminal Minds... :lolwave:

Just don't marry them!

02-24-2021, 02:24 PM
Oh, look! ashy-poo figured out how to use the italics function! So cute when she tries to do grown-up things!

You're just a few more double-downs away from coming up with a coherent position! Keep at it!

02-24-2021, 02:42 PM
DUDE! A Carebear GTA would be amazing ROFL. Cute little bears going around jacking things. Evil, cuddly bears street racing. I bet that would be a huge hit.


02-24-2021, 03:30 PM
This is nothing new. There have always been a handful of politicians railing against video games.

02-24-2021, 04:16 PM
This is nothing new. There have always been a handful of politicians railing against video games.

Yeah, it used to be the heavy metal. Now it's the games.

02-24-2021, 04:29 PM
Yeah, it used to be the heavy metal. Now it's the games.


02-24-2021, 04:36 PM

Played D&D (and other TTRPGs) since I was 8 years old. Still haven't gotten my invitation to a coven Wouldn't mind having REAL MAGICAL ULTIMATE POWER!!@!

02-24-2021, 06:31 PM
Remember Jack Thompson? He hated games so much he went and got himself disbarred.

02-24-2021, 09:34 PM
Remember Jack Thompson? He hated games so much he went and got himself disbarred.

Oh yeah he was a giant cunt too.

02-24-2021, 10:29 PM
Played D&D (and other TTRPGs) since I was 8 years old. Still haven't gotten my invitation to a coven Wouldn't mind having REAL MAGICAL ULTIMATE POWER!!@!

Real magical ultimate power?

C'mon we both know you're just looking for +1 intelligence and +1 charisma to bring you outta the negative.

BOOM D&D roasted.


02-25-2021, 08:26 AM
Real magical ultimate power?

C'mon we both know you're just looking for +1 intelligence and +1 charisma to bring you outta the negative.

BOOM D&D roasted.


You must not know anything about ninjas, REAL NINJAS. (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?14138-The-Official-Ninja-Post&p=367770#post367770)

02-25-2021, 01:30 PM

Bringing snowflakery to a whole new level.

I've played every GTA released to date and not once have I wanted to go car jack, murder, or rob someone.

Just wowza.


Some are skeptical of Rep. Williams claims however. Columnist Joe Jurado of the Root points out that the franchise is hardly new and widely distributed, with the latest iteration, GTA V, released eight years ago and having sold 130 million copies. He adds that attempting to ban the game would be incredibly difficult writing, "Let me entertain this stupid-ass notion for a second. Say they're successful and get the game off store shelves in Illinois. What are you going to do about digital sales? You're telling me that the state of Illinois is willing to expend the time, money, and technical know-how to block the game off of PlayStation Network, Xbox Live, Epic Games, and the Rockstar storefront? I've worked for the state government, and I know damn well those Windows XP-using assholes ain't built for this life."

02-25-2021, 01:34 PM

Some are skeptical of Rep. Williams claims however. Columnist Joe Jurado of the Root points out that the franchise is hardly new and widely distributed, with the latest iteration, GTA V, released eight years ago and having sold 130 million copies. He adds that attempting to ban the game would be incredibly difficult writing, "Let me entertain this stupid-ass notion for a second. Say they're successful and get the game off store shelves in Illinois. What are you going to do about digital sales? You're telling me that the state of Illinois is willing to expend the time, money, and technical know-how to block the game off of PlayStation Network, Xbox Live, Epic Games, and the Rockstar storefront? I've worked for the state government, and I know damn well those Windows XP-using assholes ain't built for this life."

The online stores would stop sales themselves to comply with law. That doesn't stop a user from finding ways around it though.

02-25-2021, 01:49 PM
This remind me of some old episode of I think Tyra Banks where some guy's wife dragged him onto the show over his WoW addiction, said if he doesn't quit WoW she's leaving him.

So he's like "Ok." and then he "quits" WoW by breaking the disc in half on TV and then all the women cheer.

Pretty sure he went home and just got back on WoW after. I hope.

I can't find the full version, but it's from this:


02-25-2021, 01:51 PM
I completely forgot that WoW ever came on a disc.

02-25-2021, 09:36 PM
The online stores would stop sales themselves to comply with law. That doesn't stop a user from finding ways around it though.

Yathink? Yathink webstores would stop game sales to a single US state, just because that state changed a law? I dunno, I think they'd object alot. In the name of dollars.

02-26-2021, 01:22 PM
Yathink? Yathink webstores would stop game sales to a single US state, just because that state changed a law? I dunno, I think they'd object alot. In the name of dollars.

Yes. They do it based on zipcode. They already do it for some products, namely states that don't allow alcohol to be sold through mail. They'd of course try to appeal the law, but unless there is in an injunction, they aren't going to purposely violate the law.

02-26-2021, 01:24 PM
Yathink? Yathink webstores would stop game sales to a single US state, just because that state changed a law? I dunno, I think they'd object alot. In the name of dollars.

They already do that for many things.

Also, they collect different sales taxes, based on location of the customer.

If you don't understand how that works, I feel for you. We already knew you were an idiot, though.

02-26-2021, 03:28 PM
Yes. They do it based on zipcode. They already do it for some products, namely states that don't allow alcohol to be sold through mail. They'd of course try to appeal the law, but unless there is in an injunction, they aren't going to purposely violate the law.

Using a VPN should get around that pretty easily though wouldn't it?

02-26-2021, 03:33 PM
Using a VPN should get around that pretty easily though wouldn't it?


02-26-2021, 07:06 PM
Using a VPN should get around that pretty easily though wouldn't it?

It can, sure. That isn't on the company though. They just have to make the minimal effort to show they are complying with the law.

03-01-2021, 09:36 PM
It can, sure. That isn't on the company though. They just have to make the minimal effort to show they are complying with the law.


03-09-2021, 01:48 PM

03-09-2021, 01:55 PM

Jack Thompson https://i.imgur.com/piREjBq.gif Marcus Evans Jr.

12-11-2021, 03:56 AM
I had moved from RS children to TKAA because I kept having compatibility issues with RS children that I wasn't able to resolve.

I like that TKAA kids look like kids. Fortunately, I still have the mod and took care to archive my copy after it was taken down.
you should also give a try to minecraft nether portal calculator (https://nethercraft.net/nether-portal-calculator.php)

12-11-2021, 08:08 AM
Seems legit.

12-11-2021, 03:43 PM
I had moved from RS children to TKAA because I kept having compatibility issues with RS children that I wasn't able to resolve.

I like that TKAA kids look like kids. Fortunately, I still have the mod and took care to archive my copy after it was taken down.
you should also give a try to minecraft nether portal calculator (https://nethercraft.net/nether-portal-calculator.php)

Minecraft graphics are way too advanced for GS players.

04-12-2022, 05:43 PM
Blaming people for their cruelty because of video games is very stupid. I've been playing video games, and I'm a law-abiding citizen. I don't understand how a set of pixels can make you kill someone in the street or steal something. Politicians are just trying to find a convenient solution for them without understanding the problem. I wouldn't be surprised if they wanted to say that Minecraft can cause aggression and violence in humans. I'll keep playing my favorite pixelmon servers (https://servers-minecraft.net/minecraft-pixelmon-servers) because I want to have fun, not get angry and kill someone.

04-12-2022, 08:47 PM
Blaming people for their cruelty because of video games is very stupid.

Thank you MacDan, for that deep, deep insight.

04-14-2022, 05:18 PM
Thank you MacDan, for that deep, deep insight.

And yet it's more insightful than anything you've ever posted. And any thought you've ever had in your dome of failure.

08-06-2022, 02:18 PM
Oh, that's a pretty sick topic. It's good that people invented freedom of speech. I've played all parts of the GTA, too, and the fifth part of this great series has been through and through. But I don't have the sudden urge to go beat up prostitutes either.

Shut the fuck up bot.