View Full Version : Just a way to get more money

02-07-2021, 07:40 AM

Bow down serfs.

02-07-2021, 07:46 AM
Keeping those campaign promises!



02-07-2021, 07:57 AM
Dude just wear a mask. It fucking works.

I've been to Asia last Christmas, they've been done with this covid shit for a while. People are just going about like normal, heck they're even having trouble getting people to vaccinate because hey don't see it as such a big deal any more. All because they wore some masks and did what they're supposed to for a few months.

"Muh freedom" is great and all but there is something called common sense.

02-07-2021, 08:09 AM
Dude just wear a mask. It fucking works.

I've been to Asia last Christmas, they've been done with this covid shit for a while. People are just going about like normal, heck they're even having trouble getting people to vaccinate because hey don't see it as such a big deal any more. All because they wore some masks and did what they're supposed to for a few months.

"Muh freedom" is great and all but there is something called common sense.

You don't get the idea between recommendations and compulsion do you?

I never said not to wear a mask.

Edit: If "public health" and mandates as the one above which you advocate for are so reasonable - why not charge ever person that doesn't wear a condom during sex $1500 each time. Between STDs and unwanted pregnancies - that would make sense correct?

What about obesity - If you're a fat piece of shit placing strain on the health care system because you're overweight - $1500 per every 3lbs you're overweight should suffice. Because we're about "health" right?

What about sunscreen - cancer and specifically skin cancer can be greatly reduced wearing sunscreen and long apparel. If a person doesn't and contracts skin cancer.. $1500 fines should fix it.

Don't get how you miss the point so easily.

02-07-2021, 08:16 AM
Want common sense?


That's right - you got the vaccine - to bad.. keep wearing a mask. Because, you know, common sense.

I mean if Asia can get it right - we're going to get it super right.

It's a money grab, not "common sense".

02-07-2021, 08:23 AM
And in case you think they actually care (hint: they don't and it's about making you subservient - I know hard to believe right?)


Hypocrites and narcissists - the lot of them.

02-07-2021, 08:49 AM
And in case you think they actually care (hint: they don't and it's about making you subservient - I know hard to believe right?)


Hypocrites and narcissists - the lot of them.

Living in Iowa is a good thing. We went pretty much fully back to normal as of midnight last night.

(or maybe that's tonight :thinking: )

Either way, we have broken free from Egypt.

02-07-2021, 09:03 AM
Looking at some numbers now. Iowa has been one of the more lenient states when it comes to covid protocol, New York among the most stringent. Iowa has had roughly 160 deaths per 1000, New York is at 228 deaths per 1000.

Oof, and Florida, who pretty much said fuck it and had spring break anyway, 127 deaths per thousand.

02-07-2021, 11:05 AM
Looking at some numbers now. Iowa has been one of the more lenient states when it comes to covid protocol, New York among the most stringent. Iowa has had roughly 160 deaths per 1000, New York is at 228 deaths per 1000.

Oof, and Florida, who pretty much said fuck it and had spring break anyway, 127 deaths per thousand.

You know that population density varies widely among those locations, right? And that pandemic precautions in a New York lifestyle look a great deal different than life in Iowa or Florida, right?

Or do you just not count past 8 when you run outta fingers?

02-07-2021, 11:25 AM
For the good of the country and your neighbors wear a damn mask.

02-07-2021, 11:37 AM
For the good of the country and your neighbors wear a damn mask.


02-07-2021, 11:40 AM
You know that population density varies widely among those locations, right? And that pandemic precautions in a New York lifestyle look a great deal different than life in Iowa or Florida, right?

Or do you just not count past 8 when you run outta fingers?

This would almost hold water if Florida had a higher count per 1000 than Iowa. I have lived in both locations and Florida is much more densely populated.

02-07-2021, 12:05 PM

Oh bullshit. Most everyone can breathe with a mask on. They reduce areosol which the virus uses to spread. If people have medical issues then sure they ought not to but then those folks should stay home. There is no debate on the science. Or common sense which people are so fond of bringing up in arguments. This virus is deadly, contageious, and we have to take drastic steps if we don't want a total collapse of society.

02-07-2021, 12:14 PM
Oh bullshit. Most everyone can breathe with a mask on. They reduce areosol which the virus uses to spread. If people have medical issues then sure they ought not to but then those folks should stay home. There is no debate on the science. Or common sense which people are so fond of bringing up in arguments. This virus is deadly, contageious, and we have to take drastic steps if we don't want a total collapse of society.

Please wear multiple masks.. not to protect them from covid.. but to protect them in case your monumental stupidity is somehow contagious.

That would be the end of civilization as we know it.

02-07-2021, 12:35 PM
I fear its too late to stop the spread of stupidity. Your one term boy spread so much its nearly torn our nation apart. Like lying about election results or how covid is a hoax by the democrats. Stop the spread of stupid and wear a mask.

02-07-2021, 02:13 PM
Oh bullshit. Most everyone can breathe with a mask on. They reduce areosol which the virus uses to spread. If people have medical issues then sure they ought not to but then those folks should stay home. There is no debate on the science. Or common sense which people are so fond of bringing up in arguments. This virus is deadly, contageious, and we have to take drastic steps if we don't want a total collapse of society.

The irrational shutdown has been more deadly than the Kung-fu cold.

02-07-2021, 02:26 PM
The irrational shutdown has been more deadly than the Kung-fu cold.

I already know this is a waste of time and energy but... source?

02-07-2021, 02:29 PM
Dude just wear a mask. It fucking works.

I've been to Asia last Christmas, they've been done with this covid shit for a while. People are just going about like normal, heck they're even having trouble getting people to vaccinate because hey don't see it as such a big deal any more. All because they wore some masks and did what they're supposed to for a few months.

"Muh freedom" is great and all but there is something called common sense.

There's no common sense in any of this. Masks don't do anything.

Please tell me why it's ok to take off your mask when you sit down at a table in a restaurant?

Now we're being told we need double-mask to stay safe.

All this for the .01% chance you'll die from this thing.

02-07-2021, 02:35 PM
There's no common sense in any of this. Masks don't do anything.

Please tell me why it's ok to take off your mask when you sit down at a table in a restaurant?

Now we're being told we need double-mask to stay safe.

All this for the .01% chance you'll die from this thing.

Why does the US have the highest number of cases and deaths?

02-07-2021, 02:50 PM
Why does the US have the highest number of cases and deaths?

Because the US has been the most transparent with its numbers and classifications (although there are still issues with even that).

Please use common sense. Right now if you were to take these numbers at face value it puts the fatality rate at 1.7%; however, common sense would tell you two things here:

1) More people have the virus than the 27MM cases
2) Classification of covid deaths is likely overstated (i.e. death as a complication of covid but not covid in and of itself)

Common sense would tell you that the freak out over all of this, double masks and all, is an incredible exaggeration. But then again, you don't have any common sense at all whatsoever. You're literally one of the many morons out there that is perfectly fine going into a restaurant and sitting down at a table with your mask off, breathing in the same air as the other people in the room as you, and then feeling "protected" putting your mask on when you stand back up, walk through the room to the door and back out to your car.

02-07-2021, 05:02 PM
Please use common sense.

Low fucking blow.

You know Backlash has zero of that.

You owe him an apology.

02-08-2021, 11:44 AM
You don't get the idea between recommendations and compulsion do you?

I never said not to wear a mask.

Edit: If "public health" and mandates as the one above which you advocate for are so reasonable - why not charge ever person that doesn't wear a condom during sex $1500 each time. Between STDs and unwanted pregnancies - that would make sense correct?

What about obesity - If you're a fat piece of shit placing strain on the health care system because you're overweight - $1500 per every 3lbs you're overweight should suffice. Because we're about "health" right?

What about sunscreen - cancer and specifically skin cancer can be greatly reduced wearing sunscreen and long apparel. If a person doesn't and contracts skin cancer.. $1500 fines should fix it.

Don't get how you miss the point so easily.

None of what you listed is contagious other than STDs though, and you kinda have to stick your dick in something in order for that to happen.

I'm not some mask fanatic, but this is a pretty piss poor comparison.

02-08-2021, 11:46 AM
Oh bullshit. Most everyone can breathe with a mask on. They reduce areosol which the virus uses to spread. If people have medical issues then sure they ought not to but then those folks should stay home. There is no debate on the science. Or common sense which people are so fond of bringing up in arguments. This virus is deadly, contageious, and we have to take drastic steps if we don't want a total collapse of society.

So...people with medical issues that prevent them from wearing a mask should stay home, but not that 87 year old great grandma who already has 4837920423 underlying conditions and is as high risk as high risk can get, they're good to go and it should be up to everyone around them to mask up instead of them simply staying home like the person you mentioned that can't wear a mask?

Just want to make sure I'm not misunderstanding you and all.

02-08-2021, 11:55 AM
Because the US has been the most transparent with its numbers and classifications (although there are still issues with even that).

Please use common sense. Right now if you were to take these numbers at face value it puts the fatality rate at 1.7%; however, common sense would tell you two things here:

1) More people have the virus than the 27MM cases
2) Classification of covid deaths is likely overstated (i.e. death as a complication of covid but not covid in and of itself)

Common sense would tell you that the freak out over all of this, double masks and all, is an incredible exaggeration. But then again, you don't have any common sense at all whatsoever. You're literally one of the many morons out there that is perfectly fine going into a restaurant and sitting down at a table with your mask off, breathing in the same air as the other people in the room as you, and then feeling "protected" putting your mask on when you stand back up, walk through the room to the door and back out to your car.

He made an argument in favor of wearing a mask in a convertible with the top down while driving down the interstate not that long ago, so there's really no limit to the dumb shit he'll say.

Like this two mask thing...if two masks are required, then that would logically indicate that one mask doesn't work. Back will never question anything like this, and is probably wearing 3 masks now with a diaper over them for extra woke points.

02-08-2021, 01:20 PM
He made an argument in favor of wearing a mask in a convertible with the top down while driving down the interstate not that long ago, so there's really no limit to the dumb shit he'll say.

Like this two mask thing...if two masks are required, then that would logically indicate that one mask doesn't work. Back will never question anything like this, and is probably wearing 3 masks now with a diaper over them for extra woke points.


02-09-2021, 03:26 AM
Wear a mask and make sure you keep to your campaign promises

02-09-2021, 07:00 AM
Wear a mask and make sure you keep to your campaign promises

OH SHIT! A bot for fake diplomas... I bet you'll get some traffic for this post.

Andraste is probably due to get a new "PhD"..

02-09-2021, 07:10 AM
None of what you listed is contagious other than STDs though, and you kinda have to stick your dick in something in order for that to happen.

I'm not some mask fanatic, but this is a pretty piss poor comparison.

Not only that, STDs are two parties knowingly doing things with each other, other than just existing near each other. If you don't want syphilis, you have the choice to just not bang someone. It is pretty impossible to keep yourself 100% isolated from every human that exists, though.

02-10-2021, 01:50 PM
I fear its too late to stop the spread of stupidity. Your one term boy spread so much its nearly torn our nation apart. Like lying about election results or how covid is a hoax by the democrats. Stop the spread of stupid and wear a mask.

Thankfully, President Biden is just bringing us all back together.......................................... ...........

As far Covid is a hoax.. I don't think the actual virus is a hoax.. but how the Democrats used it was.

02-10-2021, 02:35 PM
As far Covid is a hoax.. I don't think the actual virus is a hoax.. but how the Democrats used it was.

In before Back ignores this part...

but how the Democrats used it was.

...and then continues to say that you said Covid is a hoax.

Kind of like how he makes it a point to omit the "illegal" part of "illegal" immigration when he's whining about that.

02-10-2021, 02:46 PM
In before Back ignores this part...

...and then continues to say that you said Covid is a hoax.

Kind of like how he makes it a point to omit the "illegal" part of "illegal" immigration when he's whining about that.

Do you not remember how you got destroyed on this point? Looks like you're the only one "ignoring that part," otherwise known as the GQP fallback strategy: Romnesia.

02-10-2021, 04:13 PM
Do you not remember how you got destroyed on this point? Looks like you're the only one "ignoring that part," otherwise known as the GQP fallback strategy: Romnesia.

Oh right, I forgot about the rule that states because you threw a synthetic estrogen fueled tantrum filled with buzzword diarrhea then that means you're correct...


02-10-2021, 04:15 PM
Oh right, I forgot about the rule that states because you threw a synthetic estrogen fueled tantrum filled with buzzword diarrhea then that means you're correct...


No, it's more about the part where you made a demonstrably incorrect argument, then proved yourself incapable of dealing with that argument, thus conceding.


02-10-2021, 04:38 PM
No, it's more about the part where you made a demonstrably incorrect argument, then proved yourself incapable of dealing with that argument, thus conceding.



My previous point stands no matter how hard you try to fantasyland it up.

See you tomorrow Corky.

02-10-2021, 04:40 PM

My previous point stands no matter how hard you try to fantasyland it up.

See you tomorrow Corky.

You didn't have a point - you had a demonstrably incorrect argument that you shat out at Back, which was utterly dismantled, and you demonstrated your unwillingness or inability to defend your position, conceding. Then your Romnesia flared up.

Better luck tomorrow!

02-10-2021, 06:25 PM
Not only that, STDs are two parties knowingly doing things with each other, other than just existing near each other. If you don't want syphilis, you have the choice to just not bang someone. It is pretty impossible to keep yourself 100% isolated from every human that exists, though.

And you thought one didn't deal with the other... Just today... https://www.yahoo.com/news/california-may-illegal-remove-condom-182959906.html

Next move - making it illegal a woman telling a man they're on birth control and they're not.

Next move - every facet of life will require government oversight.

As an example - The fact states have laws against anal/oral or any other activity that occurs between two consenting adults is utterly asinine as is. All in the name of "public health" though.

And in before "but it makes sense and you must hate women if you don't support this new law!" - I think anyone that does this is a complete jackass and puts people at risk. My point is about how Government is going to 100% tell you how to live and these are just starting points. The same issue I have with MANDATES - not guidelines or recommendations that any sane person understands are reasonable.

02-10-2021, 07:07 PM
As an example - The fact states have laws against anal/oral or any other activity that occurs between two consenting adults is utterly asinine as is. All in the name of "public health" though.

Those are antiquated anti-homosexuality laws that are struck down when anyone tries to enforce them.

02-10-2021, 07:12 PM
Those are antiquated anti-homosexuality laws that are struck down when anyone tries to enforce them.

Thank goodness they are - should be stricken from the books all together.

02-10-2021, 07:27 PM
There is a world of difference between "Wear a mask to protect yourself and your neighbor." and "Wear a mask just because we told you to."

You are so focused on being outraged that you can't see the simple common sense behind trying to stop the spread of a deadly pandemic.

02-10-2021, 07:37 PM
There is a world of difference between "Wear a mask to protect yourself and your neighbor." and "Wear a mask just because we told you to."

You are so focused on being outraged that you can't see the simple common sense behind trying to stop the spread of a deadly pandemic.

Yea done with you. You literally ignore the actual point, or even what I said. You just are to ideologically stupid to understand the difference between I'm against MANDATES - and not recommendations.

All you ever do is "but, but, but" without actually comprehending.

02-11-2021, 09:40 AM
You didn't have a point - you had a demonstrably incorrect argument that you shat out at Back, which was utterly dismantled, and you demonstrated your unwillingness or inability to defend your position, conceding. Then your Romnesia flared up.

Better luck tomorrow!


There is a world of difference between "Wear a mask to protect yourself and your neighbor." and "Wear a mask just because we told you to."

You are so focused on being outraged that you can't see the simple common sense behind trying to stop the spread of a deadly pandemic.

Like when Lincoln County passed a law saying that only white people had to wear masks? Is that the kind of "It's not 'Wear a mask just because we told you to.'" that you're talking about?

02-11-2021, 11:25 AM
I couldn't come up with a counter-argument, so I'm going to post an animated gif!

Very impressive form of concession.

02-11-2021, 11:43 AM
Like when Lincoln County passed a law saying that only white people had to wear masks? Is that the kind of "It's not 'Wear a mask just because we told you to.'" that you're talking about?

I just read up on that because I did not hear about it back in June of 2020. What do you think happened?

02-11-2021, 01:32 PM
Very impressive form of concession. At least in my make believe world where everyone except for me is the problem.


I just read up on that because I did not hear about it back in June of 2020. What do you think happened?

It got dropped obviously because it was racist. The fact that it was a thing at all to begin with is the scary part.

02-11-2021, 01:45 PM

Confirmed, Methais = T4F

02-11-2021, 03:56 PM
If I shit out enough memes, someday they'll count as a counter-argument!

Alas, not today. Better luck tomorrow.

02-11-2021, 04:44 PM
I wish I listened to methais in the positivity thread because I really hate myself a lot.


06-09-2021, 08:02 PM
Mask or no mask, the whole pandemic situation has made it impossible to go back to work. I still wait for the restaurant I used to work to call, and instead of that, I'm stuck home doing a shitty job that is underpaid. So I had to look for a way to add an extra income, and joker388 (https://www.vietnamwar.net/) was a great way as I have always been a great blackjack player. I had some great winnings back in the day on a few occasions I went, so it's natural to make money out of this for me. People always think that casinos are a waste of time, but it really depends on the place you choose.

06-10-2021, 10:39 AM
Mask or no mask, the whole pandemic situation has made it impossible to go back to work. I still wait for the restaurant I used to work to call, and instead of that, I'm stuck home doing a shitty job that is underpaid.


What's the name of the Inn in Wehnimer's Landing though?

06-10-2021, 10:40 AM
Mask or no mask, the whole pandemic situation has made it impossible to go back to work. I still wait for the restaurant I used to work to call, and instead of that, I'm stuck home doing a shitty job that is underpaid.

You can't like, go find a new restaurant?

06-21-2021, 09:49 AM
Ok thanks for letting us know.

09-07-2021, 08:31 AM
stfu gaylordius maximus

02-25-2022, 10:01 AM
A month after the start of the world quarantine, I was fired. At that time, the government had not yet developed legislation to protect workers in these difficult times, and I fell under the first stream of unemployed. You know, it was hard for me to live with the idea that all my efforts over the past years were so devalued at my last workplace.

You forgot the spam link from your 1 other post on here, dickbagaroni.

02-25-2022, 11:26 AM
Hahahahaha, I thought Ashliana was unbanned for a second...

I thought we were out of remission there for a second.


02-28-2022, 11:23 AM
A month after the start of the world quarantine, I was fired. At that time, the government had not yet developed legislation to protect workers in these difficult times, and I fell under the first stream of unemployed. You know, it was hard for me to live with the idea that all my efforts over the past years were so devalued at my last workplace. Unfortunately, they didn't want to take me anywhere else because there were no places for me. Then I decided to earn money on the Internet and found myself in games. In the beginning, I earned a few dollars in each playing session (https://arrestyourdebt.com/games-that-pay-real-money/), but now the figure can reach several tens. I told this story that you should always believe in yourself and look for ways out of any situation!

Great job Emily! You can possibly make 10's of dollars a day!

You hit it big time!

01-09-2024, 10:26 AM
Just keep in mind that it's important to be careful and avoid any scams. One way to make money through games that pay real money instantly (https://wealthofgeeks.com/games-that-pay-instantly-to-cash-app/). Apps like Swagbucks, InboxDollars, and Mistplay offer tasks, surveys, and games that let you earn rewards.

01-09-2024, 10:41 AM
Just keep in mind that it's important to be careful and avoid any scams.
