View Full Version : Similarities between Nazis and Republicans

02-05-2021, 01:49 PM
This is likely to be a touchy subject but we just cannot ignore the similarities.

Some of the things I see people post here in our little corner of the internet sound awfully familiar. The more we talk about the attempted insurrection/coup on Jan 6th, the more we learn about what motivates Trump supporters who are overwhelmingly republican, the more these similarities stand out.

I'm not trying to say Republicans want to throw Jews in camps and mass murder them. Not at all.

But I am looking at the things I see posted here, what I hear from Republican politicians, and the garbage being spread by the QAnon crowd and I have to stop and say WTF.


Nazis | Republicans
Thought Jews were destroying nations with immigrants to usher in global government.|Anti globalization, anti immigrant.
Thought Jews used minorities for their purposes.|Republicans claim democrats use minorities for their votes to stay in power.
Blamed Jews in entertainment and media for controlling people.|Rejects mass media. Hates Hollywood.
Thought liberalism would destroy the state.|Rejects liberalism.
Told people their country was in danger from an enemy within and promised to fix it by creating jobs.|Told people their country was in danger from an enemy within and promised to fix it by creating jobs.
Were anti-democratic.|Tried to overturn a legal presidential election.
Anti labor union.|Anti labor union.

02-05-2021, 02:08 PM
This is likely to be a touchy subject but we just cannot ignore the similarities.

Some of the things I see people post here in our little corner of the internet sound awfully familiar. The more we talk about the attempted insurrection/coup on Jan 6th, the more we learn about what motivates Trump supporters who are overwhelmingly republican, the more these similarities stand out.

I'm not trying to say Republicans want to throw Jews in camps and mass murder them. Not at all.

But I am looking at the things I see posted here, what I hear from Republican politicians, and the garbage being spread by the QAnon crowd and I have to stop and say WTF.


Nazis |Blamed Jews in entertainment and media for controlling people.|Rejects mass media. Hates Hollywood.

When you're anti-Semitic and you don't even know it, clap your hands.

02-05-2021, 02:20 PM
This is likely to be a touchy subject but we just cannot ignore the similarities.

Some of the things I see people post here in our little corner of the internet sound awfully familiar. The more we talk about the attempted insurrection/coup on Jan 6th, the more we learn about what motivates Trump supporters who are overwhelmingly republican, the more these similarities stand out.

I'm not trying to say Republicans want to throw Jews in camps and mass murder them. Not at all.

But I am looking at the things I see posted here, what I hear from Republican politicians, and the garbage being spread by the QAnon crowd and I have to stop and say WTF.


Nazis | Republicans
Thought Jews were destroying nations with immigrants to usher in global government.|Anti globalization, anti immigrant.
Thought Jews used minorities for their purposes.|Republicans claim democrats use minorities for their votes to stay in power.
Blamed Jews in entertainment and media for controlling people.|Rejects mass media. Hates Hollywood.
Thought liberalism would destroy the state.|Rejects liberalism.
Told people their country was in danger from an enemy within and promised to fix it by creating jobs.|Told people their country was in danger from an enemy within and promised to fix it by creating jobs.
Were anti-democratic.|Tried to overturn a legal presidential election.
Anti labor union.|Anti labor union.

If there's one thing the democrat party is fantastic at, it's projection.

Aside from that, I'm not even gonna bother wasting time telling you about why you're as stupid as you are. Though I am curious where you pulled this from, because you haven't had a thought of your own on here since December of 2002.

02-05-2021, 02:41 PM
Though I am curious where you pulled this from, because you haven't had a thought of your own on here since December of 2002.

https://static.timesofisrael.com/jewishndev/uploads/2021/02/Rep._Marjorie_Taylor_Greene_official_photo_117th_C ongress.jpg

02-05-2021, 02:42 PM
https://static.timesofisrael.com/jewishndev/uploads/2021/02/Rep._Marjorie_Taylor_Greene_official_photo_117th_C ongress.jpg

What I'm saying is I seriously doubt that Back typed that up himself. He probably copy & pasted it from somewhere else. Because Back doesn't think for himself. At all.

Still dumb as hell either way. I like how they always leave out the "illegal" part of "illegal immigrants" and just paint it as "anti-immigrant," as an example of said full of shitness.

Thought Jews used minorities for their purposes. Republicans claim democrats use minorities for their votes to stay in power.


02-05-2021, 02:53 PM
Its really been in front of our faces for a long time. I created the table but was inspired by this link that talks about the video people were shown at the Trump rally before they broke into and ransacked the US Capitol on Jan 6th.


Movie at the Ellipse: A Study in Fascist Propaganda
Scholars on the Nazis and anti-Semitism have seen this before

by Jason Stanley
February 4, 2021

On January 6, Trump supporters gathered at a rally at Washington DC’s Ellipse Park, regaled by various figures from Trump world, including Donald Trump Jr. and Rudy Giuliani. Directly following Giuliani’s speech, the organizers played a video. To a scholar of fascist propaganda, well-versed in the history of the National Socialist’s pioneering use of videos in political propaganda, it was clear, watching it, what dangers it portended. In it, we see themes and tactics that history warns pose a violent threat to liberal democracy. Given the aims of fascist propaganda – to incite and mobilize – the events that followed were predictable.

The whole piece goes into detail about the similarities with the tactics Hitler used to gain power and Trump's ascension along with QAnon conspiracies.

02-05-2021, 02:53 PM


02-05-2021, 03:15 PM
When you're anti-Semitic and you don't even know it, clap your hands.

When you can't be bothered to lay out a counter-argument and you're forced to resort to your fallback strategy and you know it, clap your hands. Good luck rationalizing how pointing out the right's antisemitism is, itself, antisemitism though.

[Argument]You're Stupid!]

Very convincing.

02-05-2021, 03:18 PM
Still dumb as hell either way. I like how they always leave out the "illegal" part of "illegal immigrants" and just paint it as "anti-immigrant," as an example of said full of shitness.

Sorry, this form of right-wing apologia stopped being valid due to -- you guessed it -- the Mango Mussolini. Trump did virtually nothing effective to stop illegal immigration, but did everything he could to stop legal immigration. Y'know, the kind that you're sitting here pretending that the GOP doesn't oppose?

Here's a right-wing source telling you so. https://www.cato.org/blog/president-trump-reduced-legal-immigration-he-did-not-reduce-illegal-immigration

Try to shit out a better argument next time.

02-05-2021, 03:25 PM
Its really been in front of our faces for a long time. I created the table but was inspired by this link that talks about the video people were shown at the Trump rally before they broke into and ransacked the US Capitol on Jan 6th.


Movie at the Ellipse: A Study in Fascist Propaganda
Scholars on the Nazis and anti-Semitism have seen this before

by Jason Stanley
February 4, 2021

The whole piece goes into detail about the similarities with the tactics Hitler used to gain power and Trump's ascension along with QAnon conspiracies.

There's only one party in the US that pushes for the extermination of 130,000 black Americans every year, rioted in the streets, murdered cops, burnt private property to the ground, harassed/assaulted people and presented legislation to end our form of government. That's the democrat party.

02-05-2021, 03:31 PM
There's only one party in the US that pushes for the extermination of 130,000 black Americans every year, rioted in the streets, murdered cops, burnt private property to the ground, harassed/assaulted people and presented legislation to end our form of government. That's the democrat party.

There's only one party in the US that couldn't care less about black Americans all the time, rioted in the streets, murdered cops, and tried to stop the peaceful transition of power. That's the republican party.

02-05-2021, 03:34 PM
There's only one party in the US that pushes for the extermination of 130,000 black Americans every year

You're right -- it's Republicans, who oppose policies that are proven to reduce the abortion rate -- comprehensive sex education -- on puritanical, religious grounds. How unfortunate for you.

rioted in the streets, murdered cops

Trump's FBI and DHS said that right-wing extremism is the biggest threat facing the US. How unfortunate for you. Love the intellectual dishonesty that goes into you pretending that, at Trump's behest, the right wing didn't literally beat cops to death in January -- while waving Blue Lives Matter flags.

burnt private property to the ground, harassed/assaulted people

Let's see.. You're hypocritically concerned with racial unrest that led to damage of a Home Depot... but not the right-wing insurrection attempt at the US Capitol at the inciting of the person you voted for. Gotcha.

and presented legislation to end our form of government. That's the democrat party.

You voted for someone who tried to encourage an insurrection, which you've totally ignored, and are concerned with legal, constitutional efforts to change -- not end -- aspects, not the form of -- our government.

It's almost like you're full of shit in basically everything you say. Who knew? (Everyone who isn't an idiot).

02-05-2021, 03:35 PM
Back and Ash... you all are seriously deranged.

Enough said on this topic.

02-05-2021, 03:37 PM
I couldn't refute anything you said, but I sure am upset you said it!


02-05-2021, 03:41 PM
There's only one party in the US that couldn't care less about black Americans all the time.

Is that the one where black Americans just had the lowest unemployment numbers....ever?

02-05-2021, 03:44 PM
You're right -- it's Republicans, who oppose policies that are proven to reduce the abortion rate -- comprehensive sex education -- on puritanical, religious grounds. How unfortunate for you.

Trump's FBI and DHS said that right-wing extremism is the biggest threat facing the US. How unfortunate for you. Love the intellectual dishonesty that goes into you pretending that, at Trump's behest, the right wing didn't literally beat cops to death in January -- while waving Blue Lives Matter flags.

Let's see.. You're hypocritically concerned with racial unrest that led to damage of a Home Depot... but not the right-wing insurrection attempt at the US Capitol at the inciting of the person you voted for. Gotcha.

You voted for someone who tried to encourage an insurrection, which you've totally ignored, and are concerned with legal, constitutional efforts to change -- not end -- aspects, not the form of -- our government.

It's almost like you're full of shit in basically everything you say. Who knew? (Everyone who isn't an idiot).

Democrat policies kill more inner city black children than are born. 79% of the murder factories you support are within walking distance of black communities.

02-05-2021, 03:47 PM
Democrat policies kill more inner city black children than are born. 79% of the murder factories you support are within walking distance of black communities.

Again, if you want to reduce the abortion rate, there are plenty of constitutional ways of doing so. Republicans oppose those on religiously-based ideological grounds.

Deal with your own shithouse.

02-05-2021, 03:47 PM
Is that the one where black Americans just had the lowest unemployment numbers....ever?

Don't worry, I'm sure they'll try to fix their mistake.

02-05-2021, 03:53 PM
Again, if you want to reduce the abortion rate, there are plenty of constitutional ways of doing so. Republicans oppose those on religiously-based ideological grounds.

Deal with your own shithouse.

As I was saying, Democrats are the ones wining and dining the murder mills this time. Hell, even the Nazi's barrowed some of their policies from the founders of the murder mills you support.

02-05-2021, 03:55 PM
As I was saying, Democrats are the ones wining and dining the murder mills this time. Hell, even the Nazi's barrowed some of their policies from the founders of the murder mills you support.

You've demonstrated your lack of interest in reducing the abortion rate, so your crocodile tears about who's responsible for it aren't particularly convincing. You may want to review your party's support for Nazism, though, as laid out by Back.

02-05-2021, 04:01 PM
You've demonstrated your lack of interest in reducing the abortion rate, so your crocodile tears about who's responsible for it aren't particularly convincing. You may want to review your party's support for Nazism, though, as laid out by Back.

It's funny hearing you yell "NAZI's!" as you hold a dead black baby in your hand.

02-05-2021, 04:04 PM
It's funny hearing you yell "NAZI's!" as you hold a dead black baby in your hand.

Aww. Does widdle Neveragain not know how human anatomy works? "Dead babies" aren't the result of the overwhelming majority of abortions, and the few that do are the result of life-threatening complications, stillbirths, and nonviable fetuses with birth defects.

But, uhh, your fascist belief that the government has the authority to tell women what they can do with their own bodies sure doesn't reek like Nazism. Nope.

02-05-2021, 04:12 PM
“Politicians argue for abortion largely because they do not want to spend the necessary money
to feed, clothe and educate more people. Here arguments for inconvenience and economic
savings take precedence over arguments for human value and human life... Psychiatrists, social
workers and doctors often argue for abortion on the basis that the child will grow up mentally
and emotionally scarred. But who of us is complete? If incompleteness were the criteri(on) for
taking life, we would all be dead. If you can justify abortion on the basis of emotional
incompleteness, then your logic could also lead you to killing for other forms of incompleteness
— blindness, crippleness, old age.”

- Jesse Jackson, January 1977

02-05-2021, 04:13 PM
“Politicians argue for abortion largely because they do not want to spend the necessary money
to feed, clothe and educate more people. Here arguments for inconvenience and economic
savings take precedence over arguments for human value and human life... Psychiatrists, social
workers and doctors often argue for abortion on the basis that the child will grow up mentally
and emotionally scarred. But who of us is complete? If incompleteness were the criteri(on) for
taking life, we would all be dead. If you can justify abortion on the basis of emotional
incompleteness, then your logic could also lead you to killing for other forms of incompleteness
— blindness, crippleness, old age.”

- Jesse Jackson, January 1977


02-05-2021, 04:17 PM
Aww. Does widdle Neveragain not know how human anatomy works? "Dead babies" aren't the result of the overwhelming majority of abortions, and the few that do are the result of life-threatening complications, stillbirths, and nonviable fetuses with birth defects.

But, uhh, your fascist belief that the government has the authority to tell women what they can do with their own bodies sure doesn't reek like Nazism. Nope.

I know enough about the human anatomy to know that men can't breastfeed, if you have a penis you're a man and that there are only 2 genders.

It's not your body, the DNA says so.


02-05-2021, 04:19 PM

ROFL - hadn't seen that one. Good link.

02-05-2021, 04:23 PM
“Politicians argue for abortion largely because they do not want to spend the necessary money
to feed, clothe and educate more people. Here arguments for inconvenience and economic
savings take precedence over arguments for human value and human life... Psychiatrists, social
workers and doctors often argue for abortion on the basis that the child will grow up mentally
and emotionally scarred. But who of us is complete? If incompleteness were the criteri(on) for
taking life, we would all be dead. If you can justify abortion on the basis of emotional
incompleteness, then your logic could also lead you to killing for other forms of incompleteness
— blindness, crippleness, old age.”

- Jesse Jackson, January 1977

Care to guess what Jackson said 10 years later?

"It is not right to impose private, religious and moral positions on public policy."

I know enough about the human anatomy to know that men can't breastfeed, if you have a penis you're a man and that there are only 2 genders.

It's not your body, the DNA says so.

What a fascinating (and incidentally, incorrect) nonsequitur. Nature, the most respected scientific journal in the world, comically destroyed (https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-018-07238-8) the Trump administration's attempt to impose an (unscientific) legal definition on gender and sex, since they had the same misconceptions about the state of biology in the modern day as you. Thanks for conceding on the abortion issue, though.

02-05-2021, 04:25 PM
https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/18/18-1171/116542/20190920143641893_18-1171%20Amicus%20Brief%20of%20ISSUES4LIFE%20Foundat ion.pdf

“We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.” - Margaret Sanger 1939

It's all about a "woman's right" to choose. Yup, that's all it is. Nothing to see here, move along folks.

02-05-2021, 04:28 PM
https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/18/18-1171/116542/20190920143641893_18-1171%20Amicus%20Brief%20of%20ISSUES4LIFE%20Foundat ion.pdf

“We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.” - Margaret Sanger 1939

It's all about a "woman's right" to choose. Yup, that's all it is. Nothing to see here, move along folks.

Two seconds (https://www.factcheck.org/2011/11/cains-false-attack-on-planned-parenthood/) show how comically off-base your propaganda is.


02-05-2021, 04:30 PM

Its really been in front of our faces for a long time.


02-05-2021, 04:31 PM
In 1921, Margaret Sanger founded the American Birth Control League (ABCL) along with founding directors Clarence Cook “C.C.” Little, who served as President of the American Eugenics Society, and Lothrop Stoddard, a white supremacist who published his book “The Rising Tide of Color Against White World-Supremacy” in 1920. The ABCL would eventually become the Birth Control Federation of America, which was renamed Planned Parenthood Federation of America in 1942.
Sanger believed she had found the solution to Stoddard’s “Crisis of the Ages” in birth control. In a 1919 article, she appealed to eugenicists to
lend their support to birth control as the vehicle for “racial betterment.” Sanger’s objective was to eliminate the “unfit,” while striving to “Create a
Race of Thoroughbreds,” which was the tagline for her magazine The Birth Control Review. Sanger published countless articles on eugenics and racial cleansing in The Birth Control Review, including “Eugenic Sterilization: An Urgent Need” by Dr. Ernst Rudin in 1933. Ernst Rudin, Eugenic Sterilization: An Urgent Need,Birth Control Review (1933), available at https://lifedynamics.com/app/uploads/2015/09/1933-04-April.pdf. Rudin was the architect of the racial policy in Nazi Germany known as Rassenhygiene or racial hygiene and praised Adolf Hitler as the one who through whom “our 30 year long dream of 6 translating Rassenhygiene into action finally become a reality.” William H. Tucker, The Science and Politics of Racial Research 121 (1996). In 1939, Margaret Sanger initiated the “Negro Project” to educate Blacks about birth control and thereby reduce the birth rate among
Black Americans. She sought help from her friend Clarence Gamble, heir to the Proctor and Gamble fortune. Gamble had already been funding birth
control clinics in North Carolina in order to “improve North Carolinas next generation by correcting the present undesirable differential birth
rate….” James A. Miller, Betting with lives: Clarence Gamble and the Pathfinder International, available at https://www.pop.org/betting-with-livesclarence-gamble-and-the-pathfinderinternational/#endnote_anchor-16. Sanger wrote to Gamble about her ideas for the Negro Project, which included enlisting the support of Black doctors as well as Black clergy members who Sanger believed to be essential to the success of her project. In a December 10, 1939 letter to Gamble, Sanger wrote, “We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.” Margaret Sanger letter to C. J. Gamble, 1939 (https://libex.smith.edu/omeka/files/original/d6358b c3053c93183295bf2df1c0c931.pdf).

All about a woman's right. Yup.. move along folks. Nothing to see here.

02-05-2021, 04:33 PM
Sanger was an activist for more than one movement. One succeeded, one failed. Got anything else besides association fallacies and out-of-context quotes that, again, you could find debunked in two seconds (https://www.factcheck.org/2011/11/cains-false-attack-on-planned-parenthood/)?

02-05-2021, 04:34 PM
Again, if you want to reduce the abortion rate, there are plenty of constitutional ways of doing so. Republicans oppose those on religiously-based ideological grounds.

Deal with your own shithouse.

Let them increase the fuck out of abortion rates. Especially since most people who get them are democrats. And who wants more retards like you running around?

Speaking of shithouses though, how does your room smell today?

In before you whine about me not following your unwritten posting rules some more.

02-05-2021, 04:34 PM
Nazi's are bad. I'm in full support of murdering 130,000 black people annually.

You sound confused.

02-05-2021, 04:36 PM
Two seconds (https://www.factcheck.org/2011/11/cains-false-attack-on-planned-parenthood/) show how comically off-base your propaganda is.


And this.. is why I ignore 99% of what you say.

02-05-2021, 04:37 PM
Let them increase the fuck out of abortion rates. Especially since most people who get them are democrats. And who wants more retards like you running around?

Abortion rates steadily declined throughout the Obama administration before leveling off and increasing in the Trump administration. How odd.


Speaking of shithouses though, how does your room smell today?

In before you whine about me not following your unwritten posting rules some more.

Speaking of projection.. Consult a mirror, or a psychiatrist, please.

Thanks for conceding on the "illegal" versus "legal" immigration issue, though. That was you getting put in your place yet again, beeteedubs.

02-05-2021, 04:38 PM
And this.. is why I ignore 99% of what you say.

Your inability to read objectives sources that debunked your batshit insane right-wing Evangelical propaganda, or your inability to provide a counterargument?


02-05-2021, 04:39 PM
I refuse to support policies to lower the abortion rate while hypocritically blaming other people for the problems I perpetuate.

We already knew you were a hypocrite. You don't have to so clearly state it.

02-05-2021, 04:40 PM
Abortion rates steadily declined throughout the Obama administration before leveling off and increasing in the Trump administration. How odd.

So are fewer abortions a good thing?

02-05-2021, 04:41 PM
Your inability to read objectives sources that debunked your batshit insane right-wing Evangelical propaganda, or your inability to provide a counterargument?


I know it's hard to realize your own ignorance, but you will eventually. Your reaction when it finally dawns on you, will be interesting to watch.

02-05-2021, 04:41 PM
Abortion rates steadily declined throughout the Obama administration before leveling off and increasing in the Trump administration. How odd.


Grats? I wasn't arguing numbers, or arguing anything on the subject really, so your graph is pretty meaningless.

Speaking of projection.. Consult a mirror, or a psychiatrist, please.

I just did. Both said you're a failure and that you need to start bathing regularly. Even the Super Smash Bros. community agrees. And they smell pretty terrible.

02-05-2021, 04:42 PM
So are fewer abortions a good thing?

The left-wing position has long been that abortions should be accessible, safe, and rare. Republicans are the ones who perpetuate higher rates of abortion by 1) turning to prohibition (which never works), 2) opposing proven strategies for reducing abortions, such as comprehensive sex-education. Better luck coming up with a defensible position next time.

02-05-2021, 04:44 PM
The left-wing position has long been that abortions should be accessible, safe, and rare. Republicans are the ones who perpetuate higher rates of abortion by 1) turning to prohibition (which never works), 2) opposing proven strategies for reducing abortions, such as comprehensive sex-education. Better luck coming up with a defensible position next time.

Why are fewer abortions a good thing? (I'm assuming you think that fewer abortions are good thing since you didn't answer the question)

02-05-2021, 04:50 PM
Don't paint all Republicans the same color. A couple examples regarding myself:

I am not anti labor union. I do believe unions sometimes go overboard with some of their demands, and I have had exchanges with union stewards that bordered on the ridiculous. It depends on the situation. If they are arguing for increased safety standards and protocols, I am likely to support them. If they are arguing for six hour work days for a job in a office setting (yes I've seen that), I am unlikely to support them.

I did not support Trump and the efforts of some of the Republican Party to overturn the election once I realized that there was mostly smoke and no major fires in the accusations regarding the election.

02-05-2021, 04:50 PM
I know it's hard to realize your own ignorance, but you will eventually. Your reaction when it finally dawns on you, will be interesting to watch.

Oh, look. You couldn't actually lay out a counter-argument, and shat some worthless nonsequitur out in a desperate attempt to soothe your bruised ego. Better luck next time!

Grats? I wasn't arguing numbers, or arguing anything on the subject really, so your graph is pretty meaningless.

Your statement of "Let them increase the fuck out of abortion rates. Especially since most people who get them are democrats. And who wants more retards like you running around" implies, retardedly, that increasing the number of abortions is somehow a left-wing goal. The graph demonstrates the oppose, that when Democrats are in power, they pass policies which address the problem. Republicans always have the same, completely ineffective solution: prohibition.

I just did. Both said you're a failure and that you need to start bathing regularly. Even the Super Smash Bros. community agrees. And they smell pretty terrible.

Since you can't argue on the merits, you'd save us both time if you just summarized your nonsense with exchanges of "Fuck you!" Or you could learn how to lay out a coherent position.. but we both know you're incapable of doing that. Kudos again, though, on conceding on your "illegal versus legal immigration" nonsense.

Why are fewer abortions a good thing?

This is a separate question than you previously asked. The scientific answer is: abortion, like most medical procedures, carries the risk of complications to the subject, and avoiding unnecessary medical risk (and medical costs) are an uncontroversial, universally held belief.

(I'm assuming you think that fewer abortions are good thing since you didn't answer the question)

I did answer the question, by virtue of the "rare" portion of my response. You've asserted abortion is a horrible thing; and I've told you that the most effective way of reducing the number that occur is through proven strategies, such as comprehensive sex education. Policies that the right opposes on religious grounds, which have no place in public policy.

02-05-2021, 04:55 PM
Oh, look. You couldn't actually lay out a counter-argument, and shat some worthless nonsequitur out in a desperate attempt to soothe your bruised ego. Better luck next time!

Your statement of "Let them increase the fuck out of abortion rates. Especially since most people who get them are democrats. And who wants more retards like you running around" implies, retardedly, that increasing the number of abortions is somehow a left-wing goal. The graph demonstrates the oppose, that when Democrats are in power, they pass policies which address the problem. Republicans always have the same, completely ineffective solution: prohibition.

Since you can't argue on the merits, you'd save us both time if you just summarized your nonsense with exchanges of "Fuck you!" Or you could learn how to lay out a coherent position.. but we both know you're incapable of doing that. Kudos again, though, on conceding on your "illegal versus legal immigration" nonsense.

This is a separate question than you previously asked. The scientific answer is: abortion, like most medical procedures, carries the risk of complications to the subject, and avoiding unnecessary medical risk (and medical costs) are an uncontroversial, universally held belief.

I did answer the question, by virtue of the "rare" portion of my response. You've asserted abortion is a horrible thing; and I've told you that the most effective way of reducing the number that occur is through proven strategies, such as comprehensive sex education. Policies that the right opposes on religious grounds, which have no place in public policy.

From your responses lately, it's starting to creep in... that realization... that dying last gasp... the awakening that what you've been taught, and currently believe, may not be exactly what you thought it was.

You may not consciously realize it right now, but it's happening... and that nagging thought that you're fighting against will eventually win. I'll wait it out.

As I said, going to be fun once it hits you.

02-05-2021, 04:55 PM

02-05-2021, 04:56 PM

02-05-2021, 05:35 PM
FUCK! I'm convinced. If you're in Poland get the fuck out! Democrats are coming!

02-05-2021, 05:35 PM
Oh, look. You couldn't actually lay out a counter-argument, and shat some worthless nonsequitur out in a desperate attempt to soothe your bruised ego. Better luck next time!

Your statement of "Let them increase the fuck out of abortion rates. Especially since most people who get them are democrats. And who wants more retards like you running around" implies, retardedly, that increasing the number of abortions is somehow a left-wing goal. The graph demonstrates the oppose, that when Democrats are in power, they pass policies which address the problem. Republicans always have the same, completely ineffective solution: prohibition.

Since you can't argue on the merits, you'd save us both time if you just summarized your nonsense with exchanges of "Fuck you!" Or you could learn how to lay out a coherent position.. but we both know you're incapable of doing that. Kudos again, though, on conceding on your "illegal versus legal immigration" nonsense.

This is a separate question than you previously asked. The scientific answer is: abortion, like most medical procedures, carries the risk of complications to the subject, and avoiding unnecessary medical risk (and medical costs) are an uncontroversial, universally held belief.

I did answer the question, by virtue of the "rare" portion of my response. You've asserted abortion is a horrible thing; and I've told you that the most effective way of reducing the number that occur is through proven strategies, such as comprehensive sex education. Policies that the right opposes on religious grounds, which have no place in public policy.

I don't appose it based off only my belief any more than I appose murder off of what I believe. We know for a fact it's an individual with it's own unique DNA. We know PP targets poor, minority neighborhoods, the numbers don't lie. We know PP is a huge donator to the Democrat party.

Perhaps a good start would be for the Democrats to start promoting having a child as a positive and necessary part of the human condition rather than "I don't want my daughter punished with a baby".

And yes the Republicans are as much to blame for being assholes with our welfare systems. Nobody should have to worry about how they are going to afford to have children in a society with so much wealth. Everyone benefits from a new human conscious that is given all the necessities in life as to not hinder their goals.

02-05-2021, 06:25 PM
I don't appose it based off only my belief any more than I appose murder off of what I believe. We know for a fact it's an individual with it's own unique DNA. We know PP targets poor, minority neighborhoods, the numbers don't lie. We know PP is a huge donator to the Democrat party.

Perhaps a good start would be for the Democrats to start promoting having a child as a positive and necessary part of the human condition rather than "I don't want my daughter punished with a baby".

And yes the Republicans are as much to blame for being assholes with our welfare systems. Nobody should have to worry about how they are going to afford to have children in a society with so much wealth. Everyone benefits from a new human conscious that is given all the necessities in life as to not hinder their goals.

rails against socialist programs
thinks about it
Is for socialist programs


02-05-2021, 06:27 PM
From your responses lately, it's starting to creep in... that realization... that dying last gasp... the awakening that what you've been taught, and currently believe, may not be exactly what you thought it was.

You may not consciously realize it right now, but it's happening... and that nagging thought that you're fighting against will eventually win. I'll wait it out.

As I said, going to be fun once it hits you.


Time after time, with person after person, you lay out a retarded position, it gets completely blown out of the water, and you shit out some non-response. Very impressive. Someday, if you keep at it very hard, you might be able to defend your position instead of just conceding. Not today, apparently.

I don't appose it based off only my belief any more than I appose murder off of what I believe. We know for a fact it's an individual with it's own unique DNA.

Your "apposition" is as moronic as you not knowing the word oppose. You can believe abortion is wrong all you want. You can argue that it's morally wrong all you want. What you don't have, is the ability to prevent other people who disagree with you from doing it. Nor do attempts at prohibition solve the problem, just like prohibition on alcohol didn't solve the problem, and the prohibition on drugs didn't solve the problem -- it pushes it in back alleys, and makes conservative politicians take their mistresses on "trips to Mexico" to get abortions elsewhere. If you want to reduce the number of abortions, the way to go about it is embracing comprehensive sex education, family planning and supporting the empowerment of women, all things that conservatives have opposed since time immemorial.

We know PP targets poor, minority neighborhoods, the numbers don't lie.

You don't "know" anything. Cite a source. You can't, because it's bullshit that's been debunked (https://www.guttmacher.org/sites/default/files/article_files/guttmacher-advisory.2011.08.31.pdf).

We know PP is a huge donator to the Democrat party.

Uh, no. The Planned Parenthood PAC, a separate entity, donates small amounts of money: 45 million out of the 14 billion spent on the 2020 election. The NRA spent over double that in the previous election.

Perhaps a good start would be for the Democrats to start promoting having a child as a positive and necessary part of the human condition rather than "I don't want my daughter punished with a baby".

A better start would be Republicans not trying to force parents to have babies they can't afford or aren't in a position to take care of, only to turn around and provide absolutely no public assistance once those babies are born.

And yes the Republicans are as much to blame for being assholes with our welfare systems. Nobody should have to worry about how they are going to afford to have children in a society with so much wealth. Everyone benefits from a new human conscious that is given all the necessities in life as to not hinder their goals.

Ah, yes, the hypocritical conservative concern with income inequality -- only insofar as it facilitates women becoming baby factories, not about right or wrong.

02-05-2021, 06:38 PM

Time after time, with person after person, you lay out a retarded position, it gets completely blown out of the water, and you shit out some non-response. Very impressive. Someday, if you keep at it very hard, you might be able to defend your position instead of just conceding. Not today, apparently.

Your "apposition" is as moronic as you not knowing the word oppose. You can believe abortion is wrong all you want. You can argue that it's morally wrong all you want. What you don't have, is the ability to prevent other people who disagree with you from doing it. Nor do attempts at prohibition solve the problem, just like prohibition on alcohol didn't solve the problem, and the prohibition on drugs didn't solve the problem -- it pushes it in back alleys, and makes conservative politicians take their mistresses on "trips to Mexico" to get abortions elsewhere. If you want to reduce the number of abortions, the way to go about it is embracing comprehensive sex education, family planning and supporting the empowerment of women, all things that conservatives have opposed since time immemorial.

You don't "know" anything. Cite a source. You can't, because it's bullshit that's been debunked (https://www.guttmacher.org/sites/default/files/article_files/guttmacher-advisory.2011.08.31.pdf).

Uh, no. The Planned Parenthood PAC, a separate entity, donates small amounts of money: 45 million out of the 14 billion spent on the 2020 election. The NRA spent over double that in the previous election.

A better start would be Republicans not trying to force parents to have babies they can't afford or aren't in a position to take care of, only to turn around and provide absolutely no public assistance once those babies are born.

Ah, yes, the hypocritical conservative concern with income inequality -- only insofar as it facilitates women becoming baby factories, not about right or wrong.

Women are baby factories. Speaking of sex education (that you obviously missed) here is a refresher:


The NRA doesn't actively murder human beings.

There's only one majority party in the US that actively supports genocide, that's the Democrat party.

02-05-2021, 06:47 PM
Women are baby factories. Speaking of sex education (that you obviously missed) here is a refresher:


Whatever demented thought process prompted you to shit out that non-response is staggering, but indicative of nothing but your general inability to think and desperate need for psychiatric care.

The NRA doesn't actively murder human beings.

The NRA actively opposes policies that hypermajorities of Americans support. Commonsense efforts to reduce gun violence, even research gun violence. They are absolutely responsible for more people actually being murdered. On the flip side, no, your irrationality about what works versus doesn't work on reducing abortion rates doesn't magically transform a collection of cells with no ability to think or feel into a "human being."

There's only one majority party in the US that actively supports genocide, that's the Democrat party.

Nope. That's the Republican party, yet again. Article II of the Geneva Convention (https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/documents/atrocity-crimes/Doc.1_Convention%20on%20the%20Prevention%20and%20P unishment%20of%20the%20Crime%20of%20Genocide.pdf), of which the United States is a signator, defines genocide as:

In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with
intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its
physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

You eagerly supported an administration which committed genocide under Jeff Sessions' "zero tolerance policy (https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/attorney-general-announces-zero-tolerance-policy-criminal-illegal-entry)" that was just rescinded under Biden (https://www.yahoo.com/now/biden-doj-officially-rescinds-trump-223706583.html).

Better luck peddling horseshit next time!

02-05-2021, 06:57 PM
Democrats idea of family planning is "Don't plan on having a family if you're black."

You eagerly supported an administration which committed genocide under Jeff Session's "zero tolerance policy" that was just rescinded under Biden.

We don't let children go to jail with their parents. The fact still remains we have borders for reasons like not spreading disease. We have 0 idea if those children are even with their parents or human traffickers, common sense dictates that we have to separate children from adults until everything is known about the undocumented persons.

02-05-2021, 07:03 PM
Democrats idea of family planning is "Don't plan on having a family if you're black."

We can easily point to what the Republican idea of family planning is: Hypocrisy. Hypocrisy that hasn't changed in the last 70 years. "Sex is only for procreation, and only between a married wife and husband. Even masturbation is wrong." Conservatives certainly don't practice that, and never have. They just had secret mistresses and flew them to permissive states or countries for hypocritical abortions, and insisted that jerking off was something other people did, as they immediately went and did just that. Again, you eagerly supported someone who was illegally paying off sex workers to be silent about his affairs while his wife was in the hospital, pregnant with his son, whose wife accused him of rape, and who dozens of credible women accused of sexual assault.

Sorry you've been brainwashed by Bronze Age goat herder mythology from thousands of years ago, and aren't critical enough of your own beliefs to move past it. If you had the capacity for introspection, though, you probably wouldn't be a 2021 Republican.

02-05-2021, 07:21 PM
We can easily point to what the Republican idea of family planning is: Hypocrisy. Hypocrisy that hasn't changed in the last 70 years. "Sex is only for procreation, and only between a married wife and husband. Even masturbation is wrong." Conservatives certainly don't practice that, and never have. They just had secret mistresses and flew them to permissive states or countries for hypocritical abortions, and insisted that jerking off was something other people did, as they immediately went and did just that. Again, you eagerly supported someone who was illegally paying off sex workers to be silent about his affairs while his wife was in the hospital, pregnant with his son, whose wife accused him of rape, and who dozens of credible women accused of sexual assault.

Sorry you've been brainwashed by Bronze Age goat herder mythology from thousands of years ago, and aren't critical enough of your own beliefs to move past it. If you had the capacity for introspection, though, you probably wouldn't be a 2021 Republican.

02-05-2021, 07:22 PM
Bronze Age goat herder mythology from thousands of years ago.

What about having unique DNA makes it goat herder myth?

There's nothing mythical about the 130,000 black people that you and the Democrats support murdering every year.

02-05-2021, 07:30 PM

The fact that you picked a famous atheist.. best known for playing a socialist progressive.. is pretty funny. :) Sorry you can't deal with the abject hypocrisy of the religious right, though. Luckily for the rest of us, that hypocrisy is driving more and more people away from it than ever.

What about having unique DNA makes it goat herder myth?

There's nothing mythical about the 130,000 black people that you and the Democrats support murdering every year.

You can insist that a collection of cells is a "person" all you want, but scientifically speaking, you don't have much of a case. And the crocodile tears about the concern for black people -- for whom Republicans care very little -- don't convince anyone. Better luck next time, though.

02-05-2021, 07:58 PM
You can insist that a collection of cells is a "person" all you want, but scientifically speaking, you don't have much of a case.

I didn't think we would have to continue at the 3rd grade level of biology. You do know that, you too, are just "a collection of cells".

Knowing that you have difficulty in just the basics of biology I don't expect you to even begin to grasp the implications of our ignorance on the subject of consciousness.

02-05-2021, 08:02 PM
I didn't think we would have to continue at the 3rd grade level of biology. You do know that, you too, are just "a collection of cells".

Aww. Were you not able, from context, to understand that I was referring to a fertilized zygote? Do you not know what one is, or how many cells it's composed of? (One.) Do you know how many make up your body? Your intellectual dishonesty doesn't constitute an argument.


Knowing that you have difficulty in just the basics of biology I don't expect you to even begin to grasp the implications of our ignorance on the subject of consciousness.

You can do all the backflips and contortions you want, except you still haven't demonstrated the contention that underlies your argument -- that abortions are "murdering babies." Have fun, from a scientific perspective, making that argument. Spoiler Alert: You may want to look at what the body of science -- since you're sitting here claiming to know anything about biology -- says about what stage of life "personhood" comes into being. It certainly isn't conception, which is a religious standpoint with no scientific basis.

You are an imbecile.

02-05-2021, 08:09 PM
Ashalina sure is triggered about this. You know everyone here wasn't aborted just saying.

02-05-2021, 08:09 PM
The fact that you picked a famous atheist.. best known for playing a socialist progressive.. is pretty funny. :) Sorry you can't deal with the abject hypocrisy of the religious right, though. Luckily for the rest of us, that hypocrisy is driving more and more people away from it than ever.
If I laid out the most solid factual argument for you, you’d actually pause and reflect on it? Or would you continue on with your beliefs and think “It doesn’t matter, I am still going to believe what I want.” At this point since you know everything about every topic and people there’s a slim chance of changing your mind. I swear in politics these days so many struggle with Dunning Kruger. You simply are a caricature of a human being. Using Picard had nothing to do with the topic and I had no idea he was an atheist so I learned something.

02-05-2021, 08:10 PM
I was wondering why this thread had so many replies already. I see it’s because Ashliana is every other post as per usual.

02-05-2021, 08:12 PM
Aww. Were you not able, from context, to understand that I was referring to a fertilized zygote? Do you not know what one is, or how many cells it's composed of? (One.) Do you know how many make up your body? Your intellectual dishonesty doesn't constitute an argument.


You can do all the backflips and contortions you want, except you still haven't demonstrated the contention that underlies your argument -- that abortions are "murdering babies." Have fun, from a scientific perspective, making that argument. Spoiler Alert: You may want to look at what the body of science -- since you're sitting here claiming to know anything about biology -- says about what stage of life "personhood" comes into being. It certainly isn't conception, which is a religious standpoint with no scientific basis.

You are an imbecile.

There's really only one difference, you believe you can kill an innocent human being at a certain cell count, I don't believe we should be killing innocent humans at all (I don't even support the death penalty.). It's has very little to do with my trust in religion and more to do with my trust in knowing we are really stupid monkeys that don't know shit from shinola.

02-05-2021, 08:19 PM
Why are fewer abortions a good thing? (I'm assuming you think that fewer abortions are good thing since you didn't answer the question)

Abortions have been happening far longer than Christianity has been around. And from a realistic stand point you aren't going to be able to completely get rid of them. So the next best thing would be to do what one can to reduce their number.

02-05-2021, 08:22 PM
If I laid out the most solid factual argument for you, you’d actually pause and reflect on it? Or would you continue on with your beliefs and think “It doesn’t matter, I am still going to believe what I want.” At this point since you know everything about every topic and people there’s a slim chance of changing your mind. I swear in politics these days so many struggle with Dunning Kruger. You simply are a caricature of a human being.

You can do mental gymnastics about why you just can't be bothered to lay out an argument... in a discussion thread .. you're going out of your way to post in... all you want. All you're doing is demonstrating, yet again, your unwillingness (or, likelier: inability) to lay out an actual argument. If you were actually concerned about people's openmindedness to having their minds changed, you wouldn't be directing it to me.

Using Picard had nothing to do with the topic and I had no idea he was an atheist so I learned something.

Much like you posting your non-response, my pointing out the humor in your non-response wasn't particularly meaningful. I'm glad I was able to educate you, though.

I was wondering why this thread had so many replies already. I see it’s because Ashliana is every other post as per usual.

Ah, Dreaven. Stopping by for the occasional swipe with nothing substantive to add, as usual.

There's really only one difference, you believe you can kill an innocent human being at a certain cell count, I don't believe we should be killing innocent humans at all (I don't even support the death penalty.).

Your inability to deal with the fact that a fertilized zygote doesn't have personhood under either the law or the body of science (good job giving up on that aspect immediately after being challenged, though -- Kudos!) only reflects on you. Good for you opposing the death penalty -- too bad you'll never go out of your way to discuss that issue as it pertains to the Republican position on it, though. Virginia Democrats just abolished it, by the way, and you supported Trump throughout his restarting of federal capital punishment for the first time in years, including the first woman to be federally executed in half a century.

It's has very little to do with my trust in religion and more to do with my trust in knowing we are really supid monkeys that don't know shit from shinola.

Your magical belief that a single-celled zygote is a "person" certainly isn't based in science, so if it isn't religion, it's just something you invented arbitrarily to reduce your cognitive dissonance, though neither would reflect well on you.

02-05-2021, 08:30 PM
"In multicellular organisms, the zygote is the earliest developmental stage."

In this case, that organism is a human.

"Abortions have been happening far longer than Christianity has been around. And from a realistic stand point you aren't going to be able to completely get rid of them. So the next best thing would be to do what one can to reduce their number."

Murder has been around before Christianity as well, will not putting murders in prison reduce murder rates?

If it's not murder, why do you feel the need to reduce the numbers?

02-05-2021, 08:48 PM
"In multicellular organisms, the zygote is the earliest developmental stage."

In this case, that organism is a human.

Nope. Each of your trillions of cells may be "human," but that doesn't mean they're a person, a required element for your magical assertion that "abortion is murder." You weren't able to lay out a coherent argument this time. Better luck next time. And the next time. And the next time.

"Abortions have been happening far longer than Christianity has been around. And from a realistic stand point you aren't going to be able to completely get rid of them. So the next best thing would be to do what one can to reduce their number."

Murder has been around before Christianity as well, will not putting murders in prison reduce murder rates?

And draconian measures to punish murder -- from the death penalty to mass incarceration -- don't work, either, but it looks like you know as little about criminology as you do about biology. No surprise, there. If the justice system were a complete solution to murder, they wouldn't still be happening. And specifically, there's a fair amount of evidence that the murder rate has gone down in recent decades specifically because of Roe v. Wade (https://www.nber.org/system/files/working_papers/w25863/w25863.pdf).

If it's not murder, why do you feel the need to reduce the numbers?

You asked this question, already, and it was answered. Are you having a stroke? Or are you just bullshitting in circles for its own sake? (Ding, ding, ding, ding!)

02-05-2021, 08:56 PM
Nope. Each of your trillions of cells may be "human," but that doesn't mean they're a person, a required element for your magical assertion that "abortion is murder." You weren't able to lay out a coherent argument this time. Better luck next time. And the next time. And the next time.

And draconian measures to punish murder -- from the death penalty to mass incarceration -- don't work, either, but it looks like you know as little about criminology as you do about biology. No surprise, there. If the justice system were a complete solution to murder, they wouldn't still be happening. And specifically, there's a fair amount of evidence that the murder rate has gone down in recent decades specifically because of Roe v. Wade (https://www.nber.org/system/files/working_papers/w25863/w25863.pdf).

You asked this question, already, and it was answered. Are you having a stroke? Or are you just bullshitting in circles for its own sake? (Ding, ding, ding, ding!)

Typically, the earliest abortions are performed at 4-6 weeks of pregnancy, however, this does vary by state.

Though abortion can be performed earlier, 4-6 weeks is generally when women begin experiencing symptoms of pregnancy, with a missed period often being the first sign.

Soo, as I have been saying. Democrats are the only major party that supports the murder of 130,000 black Americans every year.

02-05-2021, 08:57 PM
Soo, as I have been saying. Democrats are the only major party that supports the murder of 130,000 black Americans every year.

You still haven't established how abortion is murder, so your undemonstrated claim continues to be meaningless. Better luck bullshitting in a circle next time, though.

02-05-2021, 09:10 PM
Murder: the "unlawful" premeditated killing of one human being by another.

I quoted the unlawful only because that is the topic of argument. Even using the crusty old "it's a zygote" argument, which I already demonstrated as the red herring it is, abortion is indeed the premeditated killing of one human being by another.

You believe it's ok to murder little black humans, I believe it's not ok to murder humans at all. I'm not sure why this makes you blow a gasket, I don't want to kill people, it's really weird you are so hateful because I don't want to murder humans?

02-05-2021, 09:26 PM
Nope. Each of your trillions of cells may be "human," but that doesn't mean they're a person, a required element for your magical assertion that "abortion is murder." You weren't able to lay out a coherent argument this time. Better luck next time. And the next time. And the next time.

And draconian measures to punish murder -- from the death penalty to mass incarceration -- don't work, either, but it looks like you know as little about criminology as you do about biology. No surprise, there. If the justice system were a complete solution to murder, they wouldn't still be happening. And specifically, there's a fair amount of evidence that the murder rate has gone down in recent decades specifically because of Roe v. Wade (https://www.nber.org/system/files/working_papers/w25863/w25863.pdf).

You asked this question, already, and it was answered. Are you having a stroke? Or are you just bullshitting in circles for its own sake? (Ding, ding, ding, ding!)

"In multicellular organisms, the zygote is the earliest developmental stage."

In this case, that organism is a human.

"Abortions have been happening far longer than Christianity has been around. And from a realistic stand point you aren't going to be able to completely get rid of them. So the next best thing would be to do what one can to reduce their number."

Murder has been around before Christianity as well, will not putting murders in prison reduce murder rates?

If it's not murder, why do you feel the need to reduce the numbers?

I feel we do a lot of wasteful things, doesn't make them a crime.

02-05-2021, 09:30 PM
I feel we do a lot of wasteful things, doesn't make them a crime.

Do only what your conscience will allow you to live with.

02-05-2021, 09:45 PM
Murder: the "unlawful" premeditated killing of one human being by another.

Best of luck figuring out the reason why people aren't currently being charged for murder for having abortions either under federal law, or any state law. Hint: It's the root of your confusion here.

I quoted the unlawful only because that is the topic of argument. Even using the crusty old "it's a zygote" argument, which I already demonstrated as the red herring it is, abortion is indeed the premeditated killing of one human being by another.

You can characterize the root of your confusion as a "crusty old argument" all you like -- all it means is that religious zealots have failed to come up with a counterargument able to convince society, or the courts.

You believe it's ok to murder little black humans, I believe it's not ok to murder humans at all. I'm not sure why this makes you blow a gasket, I don't want to kill people, it's really weird you are so hateful because I don't want to murder humans?

You've selectively limited the scope of the morality of abortion to black humans, out of an effort to emotionally (and disingenuously) frame the argument as an issue of race, which it isn't, rather than of universal human rights, which it is. Sorry you're butthurt that society doesn't agree with your fringe, religiously-based, science-free vision of the world, but them's the breaks. That's your role as a right-wing religious kook: to be laughed at, ignored, and moved past. Better luck coming up with a coherent argument next time.

02-05-2021, 10:25 PM
Best of luck figuring out the reason why people aren't currently being charged for murder for having abortions either under federal law, or any state law. Hint: It's the root of your confusion here.

You can characterize the root of your confusion as a "crusty old argument" all you like -- all it means is that religious zealots have failed to come up with a counterargument able to convince society, or the courts.

You've selectively limited the scope of the morality of abortion to black humans, out of an effort to emotionally (and disingenuously) frame the argument as an issue of race, which it isn't, rather than of universal human rights, which it is. Sorry you're butthurt that society doesn't agree with your fringe, religiously-based, science-free vision of the world, but them's the breaks. That's your role as a right-wing religious kook: to be laughed at, ignored, and moved past. Better luck coming up with a coherent argument next time.

As said.. do what your conscience will allow you to live with. Legal/Illegal are just constructs.

02-05-2021, 10:34 PM
As said.. do what your conscience will allow you to live with. Legal/Illegal are just constructs.

I agree with you. (Shocker, I know). Abortion is a personal question, and decided by the person who's pregnant. Progressives have already met conservatives half-way with efforts to reduce abortion without trampling on people's rights. But to the ideologically "pure," nothing short of prohibition, and chucking women in prison will suffice. Which not only doesn't work in reducing abortion, it's morally repugnant.

02-05-2021, 10:37 PM
Best of luck figuring out the reason why people aren't currently being charged for murder for having abortions either under federal law, or any state law. Hint: It's the root of your confusion here.

You can characterize the root of your confusion as a "crusty old argument" all you like -- all it means is that religious zealots have failed to come up with a counterargument able to convince society, or the courts.

You've selectively limited the scope of the morality of abortion to black humans, out of an effort to emotionally (and disingenuously) frame the argument as an issue of race, which it isn't, rather than of universal human rights, which it is. Sorry you're butthurt that society doesn't agree with your fringe, religiously-based, science-free vision of the world, but them's the breaks. That's your role as a right-wing religious kook: to be laughed at, ignored, and moved past. Better luck coming up with a coherent argument next time.

So mad that I don't want to murder black babies.

You're bigotry towards religion and support for genocide is telling. You're policies have ended the life of over 6 million black American lives since 1973.

02-05-2021, 10:46 PM
So mad that I don't want to murder black babies.

So mad that you haven't been able to establish that abortions "murder babies," or that you didn't have a retort to your selectively applied limitation of the scope of morality of abortion to blacks as a cheap emotional tactic. And, you guessed it, Republicans are the ones who oppose effective measures to reduce abortions - i.e., comprehensive sex education, on purely religious grounds, which have no place in public policy.

You're bigotry towards religion and support for genocide is telling. You're policies have ended the life of over 6 million black American lives since 1973.

It's "your," not "you're," and beeteedubs, you voted for Trump, who actually had a policy of genocide as per the Geneva Convention, of which the US is a signatory. Better luck next time laying out a coherent argument, though.

02-05-2021, 10:48 PM
So mad that you haven't been able to establish that abortions "murder babies," or that you didn't have a retort to your selectively applied limitation of the scope of morality of abortion to blacks as a cheap emotional tactic. And, you guessed it, Republicans are the ones who oppose effective measures to reduce abortions - i.e., comprehensive sex education, on purely religious grounds, which have no place in public policy.

It's "your," not "you're," and beeteedubs, you voted for Trump, who actually had a policy of genocide as per the Geneva Convention, of which the US is a signatory. Better luck next time laying out a coherent argument, though.

Easier if you just admit it.. it is legal murder. Is what it is. No use trying to sugar coat it. Would resolve a lot of the back and forth on the topic.

02-05-2021, 10:56 PM
. Progressives have already met conservatives half-way with efforts to reduce abortion without trampling on people's rights.

I'm actually pro-choice, but this is laughable. Progressives have not at all met anyone halfway on this, or anything else.

02-05-2021, 10:57 PM
Easier if you just admit it.. it is legal murder. Is what it is. No use trying to sugar coat it. Would resolve a lot of the back and forth on the topic.

You think it's murder. Great. Best of luck convincing your fellow citizens that that's the case. Thus far, you haven't convinced either the population or the courts.

02-05-2021, 10:58 PM
So mad that you haven't been able to establish that abortions "murder babies," or that you didn't have a retort to your selectively applied limitation of the scope of morality of abortion to blacks as a cheap emotional tactic. And, you guessed it, Republicans are the ones who oppose effective measures to reduce abortions - i.e., comprehensive sex education, on purely religious grounds, which have no place in public policy.

It's "your," not "you're," and beeteedubs, you voted for Trump, who actually had a policy of genocide as per the Geneva Convention, of which the US is a signatory. Better luck next time laying out a coherent argument, though.

So mad that you have to defend murdering 6 million black babies.

02-05-2021, 11:01 PM
I'm actually pro-choice, but this is laughable. Progressives have not at all met anyone halfway on this, or anything else.

"They haven't met us halfway!"

"But what about the numerous measures we know actually reduce the abortion rate? Comprehensive sex education, family planning, empowerment of women?"

"Those don't count!"

"So you're only trying to control women and enforce your religion through secular law?"

"Shut up!"

Very convincing, conservative.

02-05-2021, 11:01 PM
So mad that you have to defend murdering 6 million black babies.

So mad that you haven't been able to establish that abortions "murder babies," or that you didn't have a retort to your selectively applied limitation of the scope of morality of abortion to blacks as a cheap emotional tactic. And, you guessed it, Republicans are the ones who oppose effective measures to reduce abortions - i.e., comprehensive sex education, on purely religious grounds, which have no place in public policy.

Better luck next time!

02-05-2021, 11:02 PM
Once again, you're a twat-waddle, little ashy-poo.

02-05-2021, 11:05 PM
So mad that you haven't been able to establish that abortions "murder babies," or that you didn't have a retort to your selectively applied limitation of the scope of morality of abortion to blacks as a cheap emotional tactic. And, you guessed it, Republicans are the ones who oppose effective measures to reduce abortions - i.e., comprehensive sex education, on purely religious grounds, which have no place in public policy.

Better luck next time!

The NAZI's convinced themselves that Jews weren't people either. That's what they told themselves at night as they rest their heads on hair filled pillows and human ash settled like snow upon their window sills.

02-05-2021, 11:07 PM
Once again, you're a twat-waddle, little ashy-poo.

Once again, you couldn't make or defend a coherent position. Someday, Caeli-poo.

The NAZI's convinced themselves that Jews weren't people either. That's what they told themselves at night as they rest their heads on hair filled pillows.

I know you're butthurt that religious right-wingers haven't convinced either the public or the courts that "abortion is murder," but that's your issue. Perhaps you should dedicate your life to it if you feel so strongly, instead of just whining about it on a forum.

02-05-2021, 11:19 PM
You think it's murder. Great. Best of luck convincing your fellow citizens that that's the case. Thus far, you haven't convinced either the population or the courts.

It's sanctioned murder. Like the death penalty. I don't care either way. I just call it what it is. I don't need the "illusion" of it being something else. Others can lie to themselves all they want. Makes no mind to me.

02-05-2021, 11:32 PM
I was wondering why this thread had so many replies already. I see it’s because Ashliana is every other post as per usual.

It's triggered again.

02-05-2021, 11:32 PM
Once again, you couldn't make or defend a coherent position. Someday, Caeli-poo.

I know you're butthurt that religious right-wingers haven't convinced either the public or the courts that "abortion is murder," but that's your issue. Perhaps you should dedicate your life to it if you feel so strongly, instead of just whining about it on a forum.


6 million black Americans murdered by Democrat policies. Congratulations! 2021 will be the year Democrats surpass the Holocaust.

02-05-2021, 11:37 PM
It's sanctioned murder. Like the death penalty. I don't care either way. I just call it what it is. I don't need the "illusion" of it being something else. Others can lie to themselves all they want. Makes no mind to me.

You can think it's murder all you want. I think indoctrinating your children in religious belief before they have the ability to evaluate information for themselves is child abuse. :) To each their own.


So you've got the minority opinion, the one held by the majority of men, who don't make the decision about abortion. How mystifying.

Beeteedubs, if you break down the percentage of people who believe that abortion should be legal in some or most cases, it's much higher than a plurality. :) Almost like reality isn't the black and white partisan battle you've deluded yourself into seeing.

6 million black Americans murdered by Democrat policies. Congratulations! 2021 will be the year Democrats surpass the Holocaust.

So mad that you haven't been able to establish that abortions "murder babies," or that you didn't have a retort to your selectively applied limitation of the scope of morality of abortion to blacks as a cheap emotional tactic. And, you guessed it, Republicans are the ones who oppose effective measures to reduce abortions - i.e., comprehensive sex education, on purely religious grounds, which have no place in public policy.

It's triggered again.

So many triggered right-wingers can't tolerate their arguments falling apart when subjected to the slightest bit of scrutiny. :)

02-05-2021, 11:40 PM
You can think it's murder all you want. I think indoctrinating your children in religious belief before they have the ability to evaluate information for themselves is child abuse. :) To each their own.

So you've got the minority opinion, the one held by the majority of men, who don't make the decision about abortion. How mystifying.

Beeteedubs, if you break down the percentage of people who believe that abortion should be legal in some cases, it's much higher than a plurality. :) Almost like reality isn't the black and white partisan battle you've deluded yourself into seeing.

So mad that you haven't been able to establish that abortions "murder babies," or that you didn't have a retort to your selectively applied limitation of the scope of morality of abortion to blacks as a cheap emotional tactic. And, you guessed it, Republicans are the ones who oppose effective measures to reduce abortions - i.e., comprehensive sex education, on purely religious grounds, which have no place in public policy.

So many triggered right-wingers can't tolerate their arguments falling apart when subjected to the slightest bit of scrutiny. :)

I don't think it is.. it is. Just because you want to use some other term to feel better about yourself, so be it.

02-05-2021, 11:45 PM
You can think it's murder all you want. I think indoctrinating your children in religious belief before they have the ability to evaluate information for themselves is child abuse. :) To each their own.

So you've got the minority opinion, the one held by the majority of men, who don't make the decision about abortion. How mystifying.

Beeteedubs, if you break down the percentage of people who believe that abortion should be legal in some or most cases, it's much higher than a plurality. :) Almost like reality isn't the black and white partisan battle you've deluded yourself into seeing.

So mad that you haven't been able to establish that abortions "murder babies," or that you didn't have a retort to your selectively applied limitation of the scope of morality of abortion to blacks as a cheap emotional tactic. And, you guessed it, Republicans are the ones who oppose effective measures to reduce abortions - i.e., comprehensive sex education, on purely religious grounds, which have no place in public policy.

So many triggered right-wingers can't tolerate their arguments falling apart when subjected to the slightest bit of scrutiny. :)

I'm just pointing out that not everyone is pro-murder like you suggest, it's actually a pretty close split.

I mean, call me nuts, but.. in the past week we have Democrats that support murdering black babies by the 10's of thousands a year that also want to re-educate political adversaries.

But Republicans are Nazi's.

02-05-2021, 11:47 PM
I don't think it is.. it is. Just because you want to use some other term to feel better about yourself, so be it.

You can assert it is all you want. That doesn't make it so any more than you declaring the sky is purple makes it so, as your unilateral declarations lack the power to twist and warp reality to suit your delusions, much to your obvious dismay.

I'm just pointing out that not everyone is pro-murder like you suggest, it's actually a pretty close split.

I mean, call me nuts, but.. in the past week we have Democrats that support murdering black babies by the 10's of thousands a year that also want to re-educate political adversaries.

But Republicans are Nazi's.

I know you're butthurt that you haven't been able to establish that abortions "murder babies," or that you didn't have a retort to your selectively applied limitation of the scope of morality of abortion to blacks as a cheap emotional tactic. And, you guessed it, Republicans are the ones who oppose effective measures to reduce abortions - i.e., comprehensive sex education, on purely religious grounds, which have no place in public policy. Better luck next time.

02-05-2021, 11:50 PM
You can assert it is all you want. That doesn't make it so any more than you declaring the sky is purple makes it so, as your unilateral declarations lack the power to twist and warp reality to suit your delusions, much to your obvious dismay.

I know you're butthurt that you haven't been able to establish that abortions "murder babies," or that you didn't have a retort to your selectively applied limitation of the scope of morality of abortion to blacks as a cheap emotional tactic. And, you guessed it, Republicans are the ones who oppose effective measures to reduce abortions - i.e., comprehensive sex education, on purely religious grounds, which have no place in public policy. Better luck next time.

As said, you keep telling yourself that to make yourself feel better. Doesn't change the fact. Why I said earlier.. would clear up a lot of the argument if it was just called what it is... sanctioned murder. So be it.

Not sure why you're fighting an obvious fact so hard, but /shrug... you're a piece of shit so it doesn't surprise me. That is an opinion, not fact. See the difference?

02-05-2021, 11:51 PM
As said, you keep telling yourself that to make yourself feel better. Doesn't change the fact. Why I said earlier.. would clear up a lot of the argument if it was just called what it is... sanctioned murder. So be it.

Not sure why you're fighting an obvious fact so hard, but /shrug... you're a piece of shit so it doesn't surprise me. That is an opinion, not fact. See the difference?

You think it's murder. Great. Best of luck convincing your fellow citizens that that's the case. Thus far, you haven't convinced either the population or the courts.

02-05-2021, 11:52 PM
You think it's murder. Great. Best of luck convincing your fellow citizens that that's the case. Thus far, you haven't convinced either the population or the courts.

Keep fighting it. I know it's all you have. Sad to watch really, but is what is.

02-05-2021, 11:53 PM
Keep fighting it. I know it's all you have. Sad to watch really, but is what is.

Keep whining at strangers on the Internet as if it'll convince society you're right. Spoiler Alert: It won't. :)

02-05-2021, 11:56 PM
You can assert it is all you want. That doesn't make it so any more than you declaring the sky is purple makes it so, as your unilateral declarations lack the power to twist and warp reality to suit your delusions, much to your obvious dismay.

I know you're butthurt that you haven't been able to establish that abortions "murder babies," or that you didn't have a retort to your selectively applied limitation of the scope of morality of abortion to blacks as a cheap emotional tactic. And, you guessed it, Republicans are the ones who oppose effective measures to reduce abortions - i.e., comprehensive sex education, on purely religious grounds, which have no place in public policy. Better luck next time.

Ok, Democrat policies kill nearly 600,000 Americans every year. Geez, I was cutting you break.

Before Roe v Wade, “thousands of women died every year” from botched, illegal abortions. It’s a nice stat. But as the Washington Post reports, it is a “false claim.” Let that sink in. The Washington Post, a radically pro-abortion newspaper, is giving Planned Parenthood and its president Leana Wen four Pinocchios for this whopper. I encourage you to read the article. Before the advent of antibiotics, say back in the 1930s, thousands of women may have died each year. But even that isn’t clear. But by 1972, the year before Roe, the CDC reported 24 deaths from legal abortions, and 39 by illegal abortions.

02-05-2021, 11:57 PM
Keep whining at strangers on the Internet as if it'll convince society you're right. Spoiler Alert: It won't. :)

I'm making statements of fact.. pretty sure you're the one making the excuses. I'm okay calling it what it is, and if society wants to accept it... so be it. I just don't need the sugar coated logic or terminology to accept it. You, and others, seem to need it.

Edit: Fact you're throwing smiley faces behind your posts about such a topic, tells me more about you than the already low opinion I had of you.

02-06-2021, 12:11 AM
Ok, Democrat policies kill nearly 600,000 Americans every year. Geez, I was cutting you break.

The Republican ideal of morality, dripping with hypocrisy, hasn't changed in the last 70 years. "Sex is only for procreation, and only between a married wife and husband. Even masturbation is wrong." Conservatives certainly don't practice that, and never have. They just had secret mistresses and flew them to permissive states or countries for hypocritical abortions, and insisted that jerking off was something other people did, as they immediately went and did just that. Again, you eagerly supported someone who was illegally paying off sex workers to be silent about his affairs while his wife was in the hospital, pregnant with his son, whose wife accused him of rape, and who dozens of credible women accused of sexual assault.

Sorry you've been brainwashed by Bronze Age goat herder mythology from thousands of years ago, and aren't critical enough of your own beliefs to move past it. If you had the capacity for introspection, though, you probably wouldn't be a 2021 Republican.

I'm making statements of fact.. pretty sure you're the one making the excuses. I'm okay calling it what it is, and if society wants to accept it... so be it. I just don't need the sugar coated logic or terminology to accept it. You, and others, seem to need it.

Edit: Fact you're throwing smiley faces behind your posts about such a topic, tells me more about you than the already low opinion I had of you.

Erm, no. You're making subjective statements, pretending they're factual, and getting increasingly upset that simply repeating that the sky is purple isn't magically twisting and warping reality to suit your delusions. Sorry you're butthurt that society doesn't agree with your fringe, religiously-based, science-free vision of the world, but them's the breaks. That's your role as a right-wing religious kook: to be laughed at, ignored, and moved past. Better luck coming up with a coherent argument next time. :)

02-06-2021, 12:24 AM
The Republican ideal of morality, dripping with hypocrisy, hasn't changed in the last 70 years. "Sex is only for procreation, and only between a married wife and husband. Even masturbation is wrong." Conservatives certainly don't practice that, and never have. They just had secret mistresses and flew them to permissive states or countries for hypocritical abortions, and insisted that jerking off was something other people did, as they immediately went and did just that. Again, you eagerly supported someone who was illegally paying off sex workers to be silent about his affairs while his wife was in the hospital, pregnant with his son, whose wife accused him of rape, and who dozens of credible women accused of sexual assault.

Sorry you've been brainwashed by Bronze Age goat herder mythology from thousands of years ago, and aren't critical enough of your own beliefs to move past it. If you had the capacity for introspection, though, you probably wouldn't be a 2021 Republican.

Erm, no. You're making subjective statements, pretending they're factual, and getting increasingly upset that simply repeating that the sky is purple isn't magically twisting and warping reality to suit your delusions. Sorry you're butthurt that society doesn't agree with your fringe, religiously-based, science-free vision of the world, but them's the breaks. That's your role as a right-wing religious kook: to be laughed at, ignored, and moved past. Better luck coming up with a coherent argument next time. :)

Whatever excuse you need to live with yourself. There are all types of excuses to deal with killing, mentally and emotionally... some work - others don't. Just don't pretend it's not killing.

And again with the smiley face... can tell you've actually never killed before. Or maybe you have, and it's your coping mechanism.

02-06-2021, 12:29 AM
Whatever excuse you need to live with yourself. There are all types of excuses to deal with killing, mentally and emotionally... some work - others don't. Just don't pretend it's not killing.

Again, if you were interested in reducing abortions, there's plenty of ways to do so without trampling on people's rights. And those pragmatic efforts are opposed by... Republicans. You have no one to blame but yourself.

And again with the smiley face... can tell you've actually never killed before. Or maybe you have, and it's your coping mechanism.

:rofl: Seek psychiatric care.

02-06-2021, 12:33 AM
Again, if you were interested in reducing abortions, there's plenty of ways to do so without trampling on people's rights. And those pragmatic efforts are opposed by... Republicans. You have no one to blame but yourself.

:rofl: Seek psychiatric care.

You realize you're the one putting smiley faces in posts about abortion and killing, don't you?

You really should rethink what you post, because I always disagreed with most of your ideas - but now I just think you're a degenerate piece of garbage the more you talk.

02-06-2021, 12:34 AM
You realize you're the one putting smiley faces in posts about abortion and killing, don't you?

You really should rethink what you post, because I always disagreed with most of your ideas - but now I just think you're a degenerate piece of garbage the more you talk.

You are an imbecile. Oh, and before I forget: :) Learn2PC.

02-06-2021, 12:37 AM
You are an imbecile. Oh, and before I forget: :) Learn2PC.

Nothing to add.. I'm pretty sure your responses are blatant enough for most to understand your depravity.

02-06-2021, 12:45 AM
Nothing to add.. I'm pretty sure your responses are blatant enough for most to understand your depravity.

You literally dropped your "argument" to focus on ... my use of smileys. Speaking of having "nothing to add.." Consult a mirror, or a psychiatrist.

02-06-2021, 07:29 AM
I hate humanity. I wish humans never existed, well, except me of course. The earth would cease to turn if I did not exist.

That's because you're a self aggrandizing cunt.

02-06-2021, 09:44 AM
Your statement of "Let them increase the fuck out of abortion rates. Especially since most people who get them are democrats. And who wants more retards like you running around" implies, retardedly, that increasing the number of abortions is somehow a left-wing goal. The graph demonstrates the oppose, that when Democrats are in power, they pass policies which address the problem. Republicans always have the same, completely ineffective solution: prohibition.

Let me try again, but with crayons:

Loosening restrictions on abortions would result in more abortions overall. Republicans aren't pushing for this, democrats are. Let them have it and cull their own numbers as much as they want. The world would have less retards like you running around as a result.

Was that more clear for you, since you can't figure out things on your own and have to parse every syllable of every word in a 100% literal context?

Since you can't argue on the merits, you'd save us both time if you just summarized your nonsense with exchanges of "Fuck you!" Or you could learn how to lay out a coherent position.. but we both know you're incapable of doing that. Kudos again, though, on conceding on your "illegal versus legal immigration" nonsense.

Nobody is forcing you to reply. Nobody is forcing you to not understand the difference between legal and illegal immigration either. That's just you choosing to be a retard on top of the massive retardedness you were born with.

In before you reply with more buzzword diarrhea like you do in 99% of your posts to anyone while continuing to be in dire need of a bath in a tub full of industrial strength Dawn soap.

02-06-2021, 09:54 AM
I was wondering why this thread had so many replies already. I see it’s because Ashliana is every other post as per usual.

Notice how most of this week was pretty chill overall until Ashliana showed back up and started blasting his retarded diarrhea all over the place like usual.

When you log onto the PC after Ashliana has been spraying forum diarrhea everywhere:


02-06-2021, 10:41 AM
In before you reply with more buzzword diarrhea like you do in 99% of your posts to anyone while continuing to be in dire need of a bath in a tub full of industrial strength Dawn soap.

Can you imagine the hairy grease stain left behind in the tub?


02-06-2021, 10:42 AM
Notice how most of this week was pretty chill overall until Ashliana showed back up and started blasting his retarded diarrhea all over the place like usual.

When you log onto the PC after Ashliana has been spraying forum diarrhea everywhere:


It has determined normal people are the problem and he's here to fag up the joint.

02-06-2021, 10:44 AM
Can you imagine the hairy grease stain left behind in the tub?



02-06-2021, 11:41 AM
I murdered animals in my family's neighborhood growing up.

Get help soon.

Let me try again, but with crayons:

Loosening restrictions on abortions would result in more abortions overall. Republicans aren't pushing for this, democrats are. Let them have it and cull their own numbers as much as they want. The world would have less retards like you running around as a result.

Was that more clear for you, since you can't figure out things on your own and have to parse every syllable of every word in a 100% literal context?

Let's try again, but with crayons:

It's long been the Democratic position that abortions should be accessible, safe, and rare.

Was that more clear for you, since you can't figure out things on your own and have to parse every syllable of every word in a 100% literal context? Or does your addiction to straw man arguments win out every time?

Nobody is forcing you to reply. Nobody is forcing you to not understand the difference between legal and illegal immigration either. That's just you choosing to be a retard on top of the massive retardedness you were born with.

People understood, you simply misrepresented the state of the Republican position. Republicans prior to Trump openly opposed illegal immigration while, in reality, opposing immigration of all kinds. Trump brought it into the open, did nothing effective to stop illegal immigration, but did manage to heavily reduce legal immigration. Or were you too retarded to read the right-wing? (Ding, ding, ding, ding!)

In before you reply with more buzzword diarrhea like you do in 99% of your posts to anyone while continuing to be in dire need of a bath in a tub full of industrial strength Dawn soap.

Aww. Sensitive right-wing fee-fees are sensitive!

Notice how most of this week was pretty chill overall until Ashliana showed back up and started blasting his retarded diarrhea all over the place like usual.

When you log onto the PC after Ashliana has been spraying forum diarrhea everywhere:


Let's quote your same stupidity back at you, but with crayons: Nobody is forcing you to reply.

And FYI, you are literally the one, this time, that shat up this thread by sperging out at Back. Second reply. So yet again, you're decrying the toxicity that you, yourself, created, without a shred of self-awareness or irony. But it just wouldn't be a Politics folder thread on the PC without that classic Methais-brand hypocrisy.

Can you imagine the hairy grease stain left behind in the tub?


There you go with your projection and fantasies again. Or did you have yet another bout of Alzheimer's and forget that you were the one who pussed out of the "let's prove who's fat and hairy" challenge? :)

It has determined normal people are the problem and he's here to fag up the joint.

You are anything but "normal." Normal people don't, in their late 40s, start a decade-long spree of obsessively cycling through the rep system on an ancient text-based game -- that they don't even play anymore -- to leave sexually graphic messages full of impotent rage to strangers, mostly other men, on the Internet. Seek psychiatric care.

02-06-2021, 11:59 AM

02-06-2021, 01:50 PM
Let's try again, but with crayons:

It's long been the Democratic position that abortions should be accessible, safe, and rare.

More accessible = more abortions happening overall. I'm sorry that you don't have the thinking capacity to figure this out.

People understood, you simply misrepresented the state of the Republican position. Republicans prior to Trump openly opposed illegal immigration while, in reality, opposing immigration of all kinds. Trump brought it into the open, did nothing effective to stop illegal immigration, but did manage to heavily reduce legal immigration. Or were you too retarded to read the right-wing? (Ding, ding, ding, ding!)


Aww. Sensitive right-wing fee-fees are sensitive!

How does you being the most predictable person on this forum translate to hurt feelings again? Be specific.

Let's quote your same stupidity back at you, but with crayons: Nobody is forcing you to reply.

Which is why I skip 99% of your posts, and then you're like OMG U CONCEDED and look like an even bigger tard than you already are.

You however, are incapable of doing such with anyone who's posting anything about anything. This thread is proof of that.

And FYI, you are literally the one, this time, that shat up this thread by sperging out at Back. Second reply. So yet again, you're decrying the toxicity that you, yourself, created, without a shred of self-awareness or irony. But it just wouldn't be a Politics folder thread on the PC without that classic Methais-brand hypocrisy.

This thread was toxic from the first because it was a toxic post based on the same type of stupidity that you embrace. You think it's not toxic because you agree with it, because in your world, as long as you agree with something, it can never be toxic.

Despite that, any thread you enter becomes exponentially more toxic than it may have already been.

But I'm quite sure that the problem is with everyone else, and certainly not you. Right?

02-06-2021, 02:08 PM
More accessible = more abortions happening overall. I'm sorry that you don't have the thinking capacity to figure this out.

Not if they're paired with proven strategies for reducing abortion, like comprehensive sex-education, that the religious right opposes. I'm sorry that you don't have the thinking capacity to figure this out.


Yet another concession. Excellent.

How does you being the most predictable person on this forum translate to hurt feelings again? Be specific.

Speaking of predictable: your go-to strategy every time is to dress up what is, ultimately, a substance-free exchange of antipathy. But it wouldn't be you without the Methais-brand lack fo self-awareness.

Which is why I skip 99% of your posts, and then you're like OMG U CONCEDED and look like an even bigger tard than you already are.

Erm, no. You "skip" posts because you're only on during certain parts of the day, where you stop by to leave some poorly conceived swipe or, on rare occasion, a poorly conceived position which is immediately dismantled and you come back to lash out personally rather than substantively respond the next day.

You however, are incapable of doing such with anyone who's posting anything about anything. This thread is proof of that.

You literally shat this thread up in your second post, then whined about other people being toxic. Sorry you're a retarded hypocrite, but that's on you.

This thread was toxic from the first because it was a toxic post based on the same type of stupidity that you embrace. You think it's not toxic because you agree with it, because in your world, as long as you agree with something, it can never be toxic.

Despite that, any thread you enter becomes exponentially more toxic than it may have already been.

But I'm quite sure that the problem is with everyone else, and certainly not you. Right?

Except you're the one who stated how "peaceful" it was until I came and started posting. Or was it Back and his "toxicity"? You can't even keep your bullshit straight. Better luck next time.

02-06-2021, 03:41 PM
Not if they're paired with proven strategies for reducing abortion, like comprehensive sex-education, that the religious right opposes. I'm sorry that you don't have the thinking capacity to figure this out.

Republicans shouldn't give a shit about abortion, because democrats get them way more often than republicans do. You're just too dense to understand points being made because you're too busy foaming at the mouth all the time.

Yet another concession. Excellent.

I don't have to type up a huge wall of text filled with regurgitated buzzwords in order to tell you that you're wrong and/or full of shit.

Speaking of predictable: your go-to strategy every time is to dress up what is, ultimately, a substance-free exchange of antipathy. But it wouldn't be you without the Methais-brand lack fo self-awareness.

That's a lot of words just to say NO U. Though relatively speaking, for an Ashliana post, it's at least 20 paragraphs short of the norm.

Erm, no. You "skip" posts because you're only on during certain parts of the day, where you stop by to leave some poorly conceived swipe or, on rare occasion, a poorly conceived position which is immediately dismantled and you come back to lash out personally rather than substantively respond the next day.

I still read posts that I missed out on while I was logged off. But when I see 500 pages of you going back and forth with your usual Ashliana bullshit, yeah I keep scrolling. I skip the posts of the person you're arguing with too, if that makes your anus a little less sore, since me not reading all of your posts clearly hurts your feelings. A lot.

You literally shat this thread up in your second post, then whined about other people being toxic. Sorry you're a retarded hypocrite, but that's on you.

The thread was toxic from the moment Backlash posted it. But now that you're here, it's like 94873290472390423x more toxic.

Except you're the one who stated how "peaceful" it was until I came and started posting. Or was it Back and his "toxicity"? You can't even keep your bullshit straight. Better luck next time.

Back, at least compared to you, is like 90% well intentioned stupidity and 10% toxic, whereas you're 100% of both. That's why this thread went from shit to full blown diarrhea as soon as you got here.

Out of 119 posts in this thread including this one, 38 of them are yours, and throughout almost the whole thread, every 2nd or 3rd post is yours and it rarely goes longer than that without you spraying more fail everywhere.

But yes, you being able to ever shut the fuck about anything at all ever with anyone and latching onto every syllable of every word said to counter against arguments that aren't even being made except for in your fantasy world is totally everyone else's fault and it's them being toxic, and not you. That's why you've already taken up 1/3 of the total posts in this thread regurgitating the same diarrhea over and over.

On the toxic scale, Back is more like this:

And you are this:

02-06-2021, 04:02 PM
Republicans shouldn't give a shit about abortion, because democrats get them way more often than republicans do. You're just too dense to understand points being made because you're too busy foaming at the mouth all the time.

Nice non-sequitur. Guess you conceded the earlier point? No surprise there. And beeteedubs, you didn't make a "point," you made a straw man, which was pointed out, and you flailingly veered off in another direction.

I don't have to type up a huge wall of text filled with regurgitated buzzwords in order to tell you that you're wrong and/or full of shit.

Your mental gymnastics about why you conceded are meaningless, no matter how much you pretend you had some high, noble purpose for not being able to bother to defend your position. Better luck next time.

That's a lot of words just to say NO U. Though relatively speaking, for an Ashliana post, it's at least 20 paragraphs short of the norm.

I see, like above, you couldn't engage with the matter of your hypocrisy and lack of self-awareness. Surprise: Zero.

I still read posts that I missed out on while I was logged off. But when I see 500 pages of you going back and forth with your usual Ashliana bullshit, yeah I keep scrolling. I skip the posts of the person you're arguing with too, if that makes your anus a little less sore, since me not reading all of your posts clearly hurts your feelings. A lot.

If you do read posts, you don't absorb any of what's going on, since you've demonstrated your ignorance of subject matter and interpersonal reactions. So it's either you don't read, or you have the reading comprehension of a mentally impaired five year old. Which do you imagine reflects better on you?

The thread was toxic from the moment Backlash posted it. But now that you're here, it's like 94873290472390423x more toxic.

So it was toxic from the beginning, and you just decided to jump in and make it worse -- without a shred of irony or self-awareness to your general whining about the supposed toxicity -- which has nothing to do with you and your dogpiling friends, right? A completely consistent position that doesn't, in any way, shape or form, exemplify your aforementioned hypocrisy. Kudos.

Back, at least compared to you, is like 90% well intentioned stupidity and 10% toxic, whereas you're 100% of both. That's why this thread went from shit to full blown diarrhea as soon as you got here.

Nope. You and your dogpiling clique are the reason, as always. You just seem to think intellectual dishonesty somehow makes you look less retarded than owning your shitposting, as if your act is somehow convincing.

Out of 119 posts in this thread including this one, 38 of them are yours, and throughout almost the whole thread, every 2nd or 3rd post is yours and it rarely goes longer than that without you spraying more fail everywhere.

But yes, you being able to ever shut the fuck about anything at all ever with anyone and latching onto every syllable of every word said to counter against arguments that aren't even being made except for in your fantasy world is totally everyone else's fault and it's them being toxic, and not you. That's why you've already taken up 1/3 of the total posts in this thread regurgitating the same diarrhea over and over.

What do you imagine the last half-dozen of our interactions has accomplished? Nothing besides you demonstrating your own hypocrisy. You're very concerned about the state of the forum, and the "diarrhea being regurgitated," as you literally do that at every opportunity. Consult a mirror, and/or a psychiatrist.

On the toxic scale, Back is more like this:

And you are this:

You'd think after more than a decade of each of our interactions going the same way, with you freaking out over your circlejerk's groupthink being disturbed, that you'd eventually figure out that no amount of dogpiling will ever get you what you want. Keep at it, though!


02-06-2021, 04:15 PM
Nice non-sequitur. Guess you conceded the earlier point? No surprise there. And beeteedubs, you didn't make a "point," you made a straw man, which was pointed out, and you flailingly veered off in another direction.

Your mental gymnastics about why you conceded are meaningless, no matter how much you pretend you had some high, noble purpose for not being able to bother to defend your position. Better luck next time.

I see, like above, you couldn't engage with the matter of your hypocrisy and lack of self-awareness. Surprise: Zero.

If you do read posts, you don't absorb any of what's going on, since you've demonstrated your ignorance of subject matter and interpersonal reactions. So it's either you don't read, or you have the reading comprehension of a mentally impaired five year old. Which do you imagine reflects better on you?

So it was toxic from the beginning, and you just decided to jump in and make it worse -- without a shred of irony or self-awareness to your general whining about the supposed toxicity -- which has nothing to do with you and your dogpiling friends, right? A completely consistent position that doesn't, in any way, shape or form, exemplify your aforementioned hypocrisy. Kudos.

Nope. You and your dogpiling clique are the reason, as always. You just seem to think intellectual dishonesty somehow makes you look less retarded than owning your shitposting, as if your act is somehow convincing.

What do you imagine the last half-dozen of our interactions has accomplished? Nothing besides you demonstrating your own hypocrisy. You're very concerned about the state of the forum, and the "diarrhea being regurgitated," as you literally do that at every opportunity. Consult a mirror, and/or a psychiatrist.

You'd think after more than a decade of each of our interactions going the same way, with you freaking out over your circlejerk's groupthink being disturbed, that you'd eventually figure out that no amount of dogpiling will ever get you what you want. Keep at it, though!



02-06-2021, 04:20 PM

In reality, you and the usual suspects just dogpile the people who dare to disturb your circlejerk and you're usually able to raise their mental cost of engaging to the point where they just leave. You somehow haven't figured out, after more than a decade, that no amount of it works on me, and that seems to frustrate you to no end. :) Sorry you're butthurt about your tactics being effective. Perhaps you should adapt. Better luck next time, though!

02-06-2021, 04:30 PM
In reality, you and the usual suspects just dogpile the people who dare to disturb your circlejerk and you're usually able to raise their mental cost of engaging to the point where they just leave. You somehow haven't figured out, after more than a decade, that no amount of it works on me, and that seems to frustrate you to no end. :) Sorry you're butthurt about your tactics being effective. Perhaps you should adapt. Better luck next time, though!

Believe it or not, I actually like that you post here. It keeps me entertained at work. But that doesn't make anything I said less true about you being a toxic ball of fail. It just happens to also be entertaining.

Look on the bright side -- at least you're good at something.

02-06-2021, 04:35 PM
Believe it or not, I actually like that you post here. It keeps me entertained at work. But that doesn't make anything I said less true about you being a toxic ball of fail. It just happens to also be entertaining.

Look on the bright side -- at least you're good at something.

"It's so peaceful when you're not around.."

"This is me logging on each morning..."

"Believe it or not, I actually like that you post here. It keeps me entertained.."

You're really having issues with the whole consistency thing today. Not that anyone would ever accuse you of being coherent -- seeing as how you couldn't argue your way out of a wet paper bag -- but today takes the cake.

Don't worry, Methais. Stop stressing about it. You'll eventually come up with a way to shitpost that doesn't immediately reveal you as a retarded hypocrite.


02-06-2021, 04:46 PM
"It's so peaceful when you're not around.."

"This is me logging on each morning..."

"Believe it or not, I actually like that you post here. It keeps me entertained.."

You're really having issues with the whole consistency thing today. Not that anyone would ever accuse you of being coherent -- seeing as how you couldn't argue your way out of a wet paper bag -- but today takes the cake.

Don't worry, Methais. Stop stressing about it. You'll eventually come up with a way to shitpost that doesn't immediately reveal you as a retarded hypocrite.


It's possible for both to be true that it's peaceful when you're not here, but still entertaining when you're here having your meltdowns. Churches are peaceful places too, but not very entertaining to most people.

I understand that this is a very difficult concept for you to grasp, since everything is a zero sum black & white game to you. The good news for you is that no one is surprised.

02-06-2021, 04:47 PM
It's possible for both to be true that it's peaceful when you're not here, but still entertaining when you're here having your meltdowns. Churches are peaceful places too, but not very entertaining to most people.

I understand that this is a very difficult concept for you to grasp, since everything is a zero sum black & white game to you. The good news for you is that no one is surprised.

It's not a "difficult concept," it's a non-sequitur, as it doesn't jive with your constant whining about the toxicity that you, yourself, create, and now you're saying you "like it." Sorry you can't deal with the fact that you're contradicting yourself, but that, as always, is on you. Better luck laying out a coherent position next time.

02-06-2021, 04:52 PM
It's not a "difficult concept," it's a non-sequitur, as it doesn't jive with your constant whining about the toxicity that you, yourself, create, and now you're saying you "like it." Sorry you can't deal with the fact that you're contradicting yourself, but that, as always, is on you. Better luck laying out a coherent position next time.

So you are that stupid.

Thanks for confirming what was already known.

Protip: It's ok to be stupid. Just don't brag about it.

I'll see you in the positive thread (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?128125-A-thread-for-Ashliana) buddy!


02-06-2021, 04:57 PM
If I pretend the sky is purple hard enough, reality will somehow twist and warp to suit my delusions!

Alas, much to your obvious dismay, it shan't. It's great that you're totally on board with being a transparent hypocrite, though. It's not like you had any credibility either way. :)

02-11-2021, 08:55 AM
This is likely to be a touchy subject but we just cannot ignore the similarities.

Some of the things I see people post here in our little corner of the internet sound awfully familiar. The more we talk about the attempted insurrection/coup on Jan 6th, the more we learn about what motivates Trump supporters who are overwhelmingly republican, the more these similarities stand out.

I'm not trying to say Republicans want to throw Jews in camps and mass murder them. Not at all.

But I am looking at the things I see posted here, what I hear from Republican politicians, and the garbage being spread by the QAnon crowd and I have to stop and say WTF.


Nazis | Republicans
Thought Jews were destroying nations with immigrants to usher in global government.|Anti globalization, anti immigrant.
Thought Jews used minorities for their purposes.|Republicans claim democrats use minorities for their votes to stay in power.
Blamed Jews in entertainment and media for controlling people.|Rejects mass media. Hates Hollywood.
Thought liberalism would destroy the state.|Rejects liberalism.
Told people their country was in danger from an enemy within and promised to fix it by creating jobs.|Told people their country was in danger from an enemy within and promised to fix it by creating jobs.
Were anti-democratic.|Tried to overturn a legal presidential election.
Anti labor union.|Anti labor union.

Remarkable, aint it?

02-11-2021, 09:02 AM
Remarkable, aint it?

Your stupidity is remarkable, yes. It's close to rivaling back's stupidity.

02-11-2021, 09:05 AM
Your stupidity is remarkable, yes. It's close to rivaling back's stupidity.

Please try to avoid drooling on everything while you hate monger. Thank you.

02-11-2021, 09:09 AM
Please try to avoid drooling everything while you hate monger. Thank you.

Please work on your sentence structure and grammar. It's clear evidence of your stupidity.

02-11-2021, 09:25 AM
Didn't that Star Wars chick just get fired for comparing modern politics to Nazis? Congrats, Back, you're a trailblazer.

02-11-2021, 09:48 AM
Your stupidity is remarkable, yes. It's close to rivaling back's stupidity.

Oh come on, that's a bit hyperbolic.

02-11-2021, 11:38 AM
Didn't that Star Wars chick just get fired for comparing modern politics to Nazis? Congrats, Back, you're a trailblazer.


02-11-2021, 10:52 PM
Please work on your sentence structure and grammar. It's clear evidence of your stupidity.

You're not permitted to grammar nazi (boom, thread title reference) from an all lowercase account name.

Sorry not sorry.

Them's the rules.

02-13-2021, 02:37 PM
Didn't that Star Wars chick just get fired for comparing modern politics to Nazis? Congrats, Back, you're a trailblazer.

She sure did. Apparently you can totally fire anyone you want to, even if they could snap your neck like a twig. Disney lawyers are thick too, she won't stand a chance trying to fight it, if she tries.

02-14-2021, 11:08 PM

Sad but true

02-18-2021, 08:46 AM

02-20-2021, 10:06 AM

02-20-2021, 10:26 AM

CNN headline: Ted Cruz domestic violence caught on video

02-20-2021, 05:34 PM
CNN headline: Ted Cruz domestic violence caught on video

I love that gif.

Good combo. Punch, elbow, backfist. Hug.

That's ride or die.

02-21-2021, 01:13 PM
I love that gif.

Good combo. Punch, elbow, backfist. Hug.

That's ride or die.

Confirmed Ted Cruz plays a monk.

02-21-2021, 01:26 PM
You all missed the finale.. he shoves her face in his armpit.. gahhh.

02-21-2021, 04:03 PM
She sure did. Apparently you can totally fire anyone you want to, even if they could snap your neck like a twig. Disney lawyers are thick too, she won't stand a chance trying to fight it, if she tries.

I expect the large number of cancellations to Disney Plus might get someone's attention in the company.

02-22-2021, 06:14 PM
I expect the large number of cancellations to Disney Plus might get someone's attention in the company.

What large numbers of cancellations? I think it sucked that they let her go, but the Mandalorian was still awesome in the episodes she wasn't in. And there is a shit ton of other stuff on Disney+ still.

Walt Disney Corporation doesn't give a fuck if a thousand people cancel out of protest.

02-22-2021, 07:52 PM
Why would anyone pay for Disney when you can just get anything on there from the Pirate Bay?

02-22-2021, 09:44 PM
Why would anyone pay for Disney when you can just get anything on there from the Pirate Bay?

Why would anyone pay for anything when they can just steal it?

02-22-2021, 10:34 PM
Why would anyone pay for anything when they can just steal it?

I wish stealing delivered.

02-22-2021, 11:23 PM
I wish stealing delivered.


02-23-2021, 07:24 AM
Why would anyone pay for anything when they can just steal it?

I pay for plenty of things, I simply do not give my money to organizations that claim to be a business but are really social justice warriors.

02-23-2021, 08:40 AM
I pay for plenty of things, I simply do not give my money to organizations that claim to be a business but are really social justice warriors.

So are you just boycotting Disney a little, by cancelling a Disney+ subscription? Or are we talking more of a lifetime commitment by changing the channel when their productions come on, and learning about all the brands they control and avoiding those too?

Just idly curious. I understand they own a bunch of stuff.

02-24-2021, 07:35 PM
haha, yeah canceling disney+ while still participating in other disney products is a purely self-congratulatory symbol, a way to virtue signal to your fellow conservatives. Congrats dude, you really are sticking it to them.

02-24-2021, 07:56 PM
haha, yeah canceling disney+ while still participating in other disney products is a purely self-congratulatory symbol, a way to virtue signal to your fellow conservatives. Congrats dude, you really are sticking it to them.

Well, it does hurt them a bit.

Now, whose alt are you?

02-24-2021, 10:14 PM
Well, it does hurt them a bit.

Now, whose alt are you?

Not everyone is an alt, ParkBandit.

02-24-2021, 10:28 PM
Not everyone is an alt, ParkBandit.

But you are.

02-24-2021, 10:32 PM
But you are.

Go ahead. Tell us more about yourself.

So far we know you're gay, retarded, and an alt.

03-01-2021, 01:08 PM


03-09-2021, 01:42 PM