View Full Version : Navy Renaming Ships That Were Named For Racists

02-03-2021, 07:51 AM
Navy Task Force Calls for Changing Ship Names that Honor Confederacy (https://www.military.com/daily-news/2021/02/03/navy-task-force-calls-changing-ship-names-honor-confederacy.html?ESRC=eb_210203.nl)

They are looking at renaming ships that honor the confederacy (for example, the Chancellorsville) and ship that honor racist politicians. One example given is the carrier John C. Stennis, a Senator who supported racial segregation through his tenure in the Senate, from 1947 to 1989. Of course, he was a Republican, because we all know that republicans are the racists. Oh, wait, no, Stennis was an ardent Democrat throughout his entire career. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_C._Stennis)

02-03-2021, 08:22 AM
Navy Task Force Calls for Changing Ship Names that Honor Confederacy (https://www.military.com/daily-news/2021/02/03/navy-task-force-calls-changing-ship-names-honor-confederacy.html?ESRC=eb_210203.nl)

They are looking at renaming ships that honor the confederacy (for example, the Chancellorsville) and ship that honor racist politicians. One example given is the carrier John C. Stennis, a Senator who supported racial segregation through his tenure in the Senate, from 1947 to 1989. Of course, he was a Republican, because we all know that republicans are the racists. Oh, wait, no, Stennis was an ardent Democrat throughout his entire career. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_C._Stennis)

Why would Stennis' party affiliation matter to whether or not the the Navy would rename their boats? Or are you just pointing out that the Democratic party used to be the party supporting slavery several hundred years ago? If it's the latter why not just post that more directly?

02-03-2021, 08:23 AM
Why would Stennis' party affiliation matter to whether or not the the Navy would rename their boats? Or are you just pointing out that the Democratic party used to be the party supporting slavery several hundred years ago? If it's the latter why not just post that more directly?

Stennis retied from the Senate in 1989. Certainly not several hundred years ago.

02-03-2021, 08:41 AM
Stennis retied from the Senate in 1989. Certainly not several hundred years ago.

At the spritely age of 88. Much like the republican party of the late 1860s-early 1900s has changed to what it is now the democratic party of the 1860s-1900s has changed.

We also know people foster their beliefs and ideals in their later years and not from their youth which would have been 120-100 years ago for Stennis.

02-03-2021, 09:02 AM
Navy Task Force Calls for Changing Ship Names that Honor Confederacy (https://www.military.com/daily-news/2021/02/03/navy-task-force-calls-changing-ship-names-honor-confederacy.html?ESRC=eb_210203.nl)

They are looking at renaming ships that honor the confederacy (for example, the Chancellorsville) and ship that honor racist politicians. One example given is the carrier John C. Stennis, a Senator who supported racial segregation through his tenure in the Senate, from 1947 to 1989. Of course, he was a Republican, because we all know that republicans are the racists. Oh, wait, no, Stennis was an ardent Democrat throughout his entire career. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_C._Stennis)

If todays standards being applied to historical figures is the new standard... guess every President, Founder, historical figure, and 99% of anyone involved in the formation of the United States - or most other Nations in the world - will have every reference to them removed.

Start naming things A, B, C, etc.

Hell, we've already seen it with the removal of Abraham Lincoln's name from Bay area schools because he "didn't do enough to support black people". Idiocracy in full effect.

02-03-2021, 09:08 AM
Navy Task Force Calls for Changing Ship Names that Honor Confederacy (https://www.military.com/daily-news/2021/02/03/navy-task-force-calls-changing-ship-names-honor-confederacy.html?ESRC=eb_210203.nl)

They are looking at renaming ships that honor the confederacy (for example, the Chancellorsville) and ship that honor racist politicians. One example given is the carrier John C. Stennis, a Senator who supported racial segregation through his tenure in the Senate, from 1947 to 1989. Of course, he was a Republican, because we all know that republicans are the racists. Oh, wait, no, Stennis was an ardent Democrat throughout his entire career. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_C._Stennis)

So basically, the argument you're making by bitching and moaning rather than just directly making it is: You don't agree with this change.

02-03-2021, 10:08 AM
Navy Task Force Calls for Changing Ship Names that Honor Confederacy (https://www.military.com/daily-news/2021/02/03/navy-task-force-calls-changing-ship-names-honor-confederacy.html?ESRC=eb_210203.nl)

They are looking at renaming ships that honor the confederacy (for example, the Chancellorsville) and ship that honor racist politicians. One example given is the carrier John C. Stennis, a Senator who supported racial segregation through his tenure in the Senate, from 1947 to 1989. Of course, he was a Republican, because we all know that republicans are the racists. Oh, wait, no, Stennis was an ardent Democrat throughout his entire career. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_C._Stennis)

So are you mad a racist won't have a ship named after them?

02-03-2021, 10:48 AM
At the spritely age of 88. Much like the republican party of the late 1860s-early 1900s has changed to what it is now the democratic party of the 1860s-1900s has changed.

We also know people foster their beliefs and ideals in their later years and not from their youth which would have been 120-100 years ago for Stennis.

The Democrats haven't changed that much, they are still party of racist old white men trying to keep power over the plantation and using government force and a not so secret para-military wing to terrorize the people into voting for them.

02-03-2021, 11:17 AM
The Democrats haven't changed that much, they are still party of racist old white men trying to keep power over the plantation and using government force and a not so secret para-military wing to terrorize the people into voting for them.

Why is it so hard for you to believe that democrats just accept all people into their party? If I didn't know any better the hate you direct at democrats is BECAUSE it includes black people.

02-03-2021, 11:30 AM
a not so secret para-military wing to terrorize the people into voting for them.


02-03-2021, 12:07 PM
So are you mad a racist won't have a ship named after them?

Not at all.

Just demonstrating the hypocrisy of democrats.

02-03-2021, 12:09 PM
Not at all.

Just demonstrating the hypocrisy of democrats.

Whats the hypocrisy?

02-03-2021, 12:11 PM
I guess hypocrisy is not quite the right word. More along the lines of how the democrats have been (and remain) the party of racism.

02-03-2021, 12:28 PM
I guess hypocrisy is not quite the right word. More along the lines of how the democrats have been (and remain) the party of racism.

Who opposes the renaming of gov't assets named after known racists and Confederate "heroes"?

02-03-2021, 12:47 PM
I don't think caelric thought this thread through.

02-03-2021, 01:44 PM
I don't think caelric thought this thread through.

Thanks for thinking of me, but I definitely did. The Navy is considering renaming some ships, which I am neutral about. One of those ships is the John C. Stennis, named for a prominent democrat. he also happened to be a very racist individual, demonstrating the historic racism of the democratic party. Which, sadly, carries on into the current day, although it's more of a 'Great White Savior helping out the poor black man who can't help himself' version of racism.

02-03-2021, 01:48 PM
I don't think caelric thought this thread through.

Not at all

02-03-2021, 01:49 PM
Thanks for thinking of me, but I definitely did. The Navy is considering renaming some ships, which I am neutral about. One of those ships is the John C. Stennis, named for a prominent democrat. he also happened to be a very racist individual, demonstrating the historic racism of the democratic party. Which, sadly, carries on into the current day, although it's more of a 'Great White Savior helping out the poor black man who can't help himself' version of racism.

Thats an interesting assessment. So what you are saying is is that black people can't think for themselves.

Edited for a very important 't that was missing in my first attempt at posting.

02-03-2021, 01:57 PM
Thanks for thinking of me, but I definitely did. The Navy is considering renaming some ships, which I am neutral about. One of those ships is the John C. Stennis, named for a prominent democrat. he also happened to be a very racist individual, demonstrating the historic racism of the democratic party. Which, sadly, carries on into the current day, although it's more of a 'Great White Savior helping out the poor black man who can't help himself' version of racism.

How does this prove democrats are racists now? Is/was it democrats or republicans looking to block renaming the ship?

02-03-2021, 02:26 PM
failric trying to figure out how Democrats renaming a ship named after a racist makes them the REAL racists:


02-03-2021, 02:37 PM
failric trying to figure out how Democrats renaming a ship named after a racist makes them the REAL racists:


Yep, confirmed. Taernath is an utter retard.

02-03-2021, 03:24 PM
Yep, confirmed. Taernath is an utter retard.
This is incorrect. He’s a reasonable poster. If something appears to be hyperbole he calls it out. I have to agree that you’re really stretching it here.

02-03-2021, 03:37 PM
Again, if today's standards are being applied to people from the past - then remove them all.

Tear down the Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln (apparently?), memorials.

Tear down the White House, tear down New York, tear down everything you currently own and have.

Slavery, slavery, slavery.. We all know it was bad - but that was how people thought in the times. That doesn't do away with all of their accomplishments in other areas.

You like Rome? Fuck that - they had slaves - destroy it all.
You like London? Fuck that - they had slaves - destroy it all.
You like Morocco? Fuck that - they had slaves - destroy it all.
You like Beijing? Fuck that - they still have slaves - destroy it all.
You like your food? Fuck that - food was at one time picked by slaves - destroy it all.
You like your nice shirt? Fuck that - the materials were picked by slaves - destroy it all.
You like your new Air Jordans? - Fuck that - they're made by slaves - destroy it all.

Etc., Etc., Etc.

Fucking dumbasses. And humans will REMOVE IT ALL! in the name of CARING!... and just repeat it all again.

Odd how in every single article or story pushed about race these days... no mention at all of the Civil War - you know.. the one where we actually killed each other to end slavery? No, no... they only mention there was slavery - not the fact we killed each other to end it and evolve to where all humans are created equal. Not perfect along the way, but better than what history had known before. But fuck that fact.

And you backward ass racists want to categorize people again - just like it was... in slave times. Fucking idiots.

02-03-2021, 03:39 PM
Speaking of hyperbole...

Again, if today's standards are being applied to people from the past - then remove them all.

Tear down the Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln (apparently?), memorials.

Tear down the White House, tear down New York, tear down everything you currently own and have.

Slavery, slavery, slavery.. We all know it was bad - but that was how people thought in the times. That doesn't do away with all of their accomplishments in other areas.

You like Rome? Fuck that - they had slaves - destroy it all.
You like London? Fuck that - they had slaves - destroy it all.
You like Morocco? Fuck that - they had slaves - destroy it all.
You like Beijing? Fuck that - they still have slaves - destroy it all.
You like your food? Fuck that - food was at one time picked by slaves - destroy it all.
You like your nice shirt? Fuck that - the materials were picked by slaves - destroy it all.
You like your new Air Jordans? - Fuck that - they're made by slaves - destroy it all.

Etc., Etc., Etc.

Fucking dumbasses. And humans will REMOVE IT ALL! in the name of CARING!... and just repeat it all again.

It's the name of a boat, man.

02-03-2021, 03:41 PM
Again, if today's standards are being applied to people from the past - then remove them all.

Tear down the Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln (apparently?), memorials.

Tear down the White House, tear down New York, tear down everything you currently own and have.

Slavery, slavery, slavery.. We all know it was bad - but that was how people thought in the times. That doesn't do away with all of their accomplishments in other areas.

You like Rome? Fuck that - they had slaves - destroy it all.
You like London? Fuck that - they had slaves - destroy it all.
You like Morocco? Fuck that - they had slaves - destroy it all.
You like Beijing? Fuck that - they still have slaves - destroy it all.
You like your food? Fuck that - food was at one time picked by slaves - destroy it all.
You like your nice shirt? Fuck that - the materials were picked by slaves - destroy it all.
You like your new Air Jordans? - Fuck that - they're made by slaves - destroy it all.

Etc., Etc., Etc.

Fucking dumbasses. And humans will REMOVE IT ALL! in the name of CARING!... and just repeat it all again.

There is a difference between hundreds of years and 30 years. Jefferson has a lot better foot to stand on than a guy who died in the 1990s.

02-03-2021, 03:47 PM
There is a difference between hundreds of years and 30 years. Jefferson has a lot better foot to stand on than a guy who died in the 1990s.

I don't care about the boat. What you don't get is it doesn't stop. Just wait, there are already calls for Jefferson to go. There are calls for Lincoln of all people to go.

But hey, let's just say fuck it and destroy it all. Meanwhile let's segregate people (safe spaces anyone?) - The fucking Democratic Party and the socialist wing (I won't even use liberal anymore because they've perverted what a true liberal is) - has bamboozled ignorant mother fuckers into actually creating and accepting people based on COLOR. How fucking dense do you have to be.

02-03-2021, 03:49 PM
Slavery, slavery, slavery.. We all know it was bad - but that was how people thought in the times. That doesn't do away with all of their accomplishments in other areas.

And what were John Stennis' accomplishments that he needs to be remembered for?

02-03-2021, 03:50 PM
And what were John Stennis' accomplishments that he needs to be remembered for?

I have no idea. Never even had heard the name before. I guess, being a Democrat?

02-03-2021, 04:02 PM
I don't care about the boat. What you don't get is it doesn't stop. Just wait, there are already calls for Jefferson to go. There are calls for Lincoln of all people to go.

But hey, let's just say fuck it and destroy it all. Meanwhile let's segregate people (safe spaces anyone?) - The fucking Democratic Party and the socialist wing (I won't even use liberal anymore because they've perverted what a true liberal is) - has bamboozled ignorant mother fuckers into actually creating and accepting people based on COLOR. How fucking dense do you have to be.

Honestly I don't think these ships should be named after congress people, I would rather they be named after fallen troops or medal of honor recipients.

I understand what you mean regarding race, I'm not a fan of the whole group identity over the individual one. I would be with you if this was a ship named after Washington, Lincoln, or Jefferson, but this guy was a unapologetic racist in our lifetime. I could care less if his name is removed, he's the type they should be going for.

02-03-2021, 04:04 PM
I have no idea. Never even had heard the name before. I guess, being a Democrat?

So shouldn't be a problem then?

02-03-2021, 04:06 PM
Honestly I don't think these ships should be named after congress people, I would rather they be named after fallen troops or medal of honor recipients.

I understand what you mean regarding race, I'm not a fan of the whole group identity over the individual one. I would be with you if this was a ship named after Washington, Lincoln, or Jefferson, but this guy was a unapologetic racist in our lifetime. I could care less if his name is removed, he's the type they should be going for.

In a logical world - I agree. Modern naming conventions for those that have lived in our generation - with our current standards - should not be applauded or celebrated. I 100% agree with you.

Problem is, we live in an illogical time. That's what is so frustrating - because these jackasses will pick anything and call it what they want to achieve whatever they want. It's insane and ultimately unsustainable.

02-03-2021, 04:13 PM
In a logical world - I agree. Modern naming conventions for those that have lived in our generation - with our current standards should not be applauded or celebrated. I 100% agree with you.

Problem is, we live in an illogical time. That's what is so frustrating - because these jackasses will pick anything and call it what they want to achieve whatever they want. It's insane and ultimately unsustainable.

I'm not saying they don't get crazy about statues and ship's names sometimes. I forget which city but they vandalized a statue of someone that was paid for by the slaves he freed or something close to that. That is obviously crazy pants.

I am only speaking about John Stennis' name. I probably wouldn't want to be a black person on ship named after a guy who tried to prevent segregation while I was still alive.

02-03-2021, 04:16 PM
Navy Task Force Calls for Changing Ship Names that Honor Confederacy (https://www.military.com/daily-news/2021/02/03/navy-task-force-calls-changing-ship-names-honor-confederacy.html?ESRC=eb_210203.nl)

They are looking at renaming ships that honor the confederacy (for example, the Chancellorsville) and ship that honor racist politicians. One example given is the carrier John C. Stennis, a Senator who supported racial segregation through his tenure in the Senate, from 1947 to 1989. Of course, he was a Republican, because we all know that republicans are the racists. Oh, wait, no, Stennis was an ardent Democrat throughout his entire career. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_C._Stennis)

If the ship is named after a Democrat, why are you on here whining about changing the ship's name?

.... Because he was a southern, white racist conservative from rural Mississippi who was effusively praised by Ronald Reagan (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tOoM0BFkXw) when he retired. He was replaced by southern, white racist conservative Trent Lott (R-MS), who was himself forced to resign in disgrace as Republican Senate Majority Leader ... because of his praise for -- you guessed it -- segregationist Democrat-turned-Republican Strom Thurmond.

02-03-2021, 04:53 PM
If the ship is named after a Democrat, why are you on here whining about changing the ship's name?

.... Because he was a southern, white racist conservative from rural Mississippi who was effusively praised by Ronald Reagan (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tOoM0BFkXw) when he retired. He was replaced by southern, white racist conservative Trent Lott (R-MS), who was himself forced to resign in disgrace as Republican Senate Majority Leader ... because of his praise for -- you guessed it -- segregationist Democrat-turned-Republican Strom Thurmond.

Why do you support racist supporting politicians then? Time for Biden to go....


02-03-2021, 05:02 PM
Why do you support racist supporting politicians then? I don't support Republicans, since I tend not to support the politicians that southern, rural white racist conservatives support. In the 1800s and 1900s, it was Democrats. In 2021, it's Republicans.

Time for Biden to go....


Thurmond eventually saw the error of his ways, decades after-the-fact. But the article you quoted -- much to your obvious dismay -- includes the fact that "Biden said: 'I disagreed deeply with Strom on the issue of civil rights and on many other issues, but I watched him change. We became good friends.'" Republican Trent Lott, however, was forced to resign since the praise for Thurmond he had specifically referred to his presidential campaign. Y'know, the presidential campaign built on a platform opposing desegregation. Almost like facts matter. Who knew?

Better luck with the intellectual dishonesty next time.

02-03-2021, 05:24 PM
I don't support Republicans, since I tend not to support the politicians that southern, rural white racist conservatives support. In the 1800s and 1900s, it was Democrats. In 2021, it's Republicans.

Thurmond eventually saw the error of his ways, decades after-the-fact. But the article you quoted -- much to your obvious dismay -- includes the fact that "Biden said: 'I disagreed deeply with Strom on the issue of civil rights and on many other issues, but I watched him change. We became good friends.'" Republican Trent Lott, however, was forced to resign since the praise for Thurmond he had specifically referred to his presidential campaign. Y'know, the presidential campaign built on a platform opposing desegregation. Almost like facts matter. Who knew?

Better luck with the intellectual dishonesty next time.

You really don't get your hypocrisy do you.. ROFL. You can read back over your past couple posts and think on it.

02-03-2021, 06:50 PM
I don't think the OP actually read the article before he got outraged. It was the Navy who called for a report and decided to make this change. Not democrats.

02-03-2021, 06:50 PM
You really don't get your hypocrisy do you.. ROFL. You can read back over your past couple posts and think on it.

This was the best you could do? I mean, it's obvious you weren't able to actually come up with a response, but even for your absurdly low-effort shitposting, that's quite the copout. Kudos.

02-03-2021, 07:07 PM
This was the best you could do? I mean, it's obvious you weren't able to actually come up with a response, but even for your absurdly low-effort shitposting, that's quite the copout. Kudos.

Ahh.. judging from your response you realized you made an uh-oh. LOL.

02-03-2021, 07:09 PM
I don't think the OP actually read the article before he got outraged. It was the Navy who called for a report and decided to make this change. Not democrats.

I don't think you actually read anything I wrote, because if you did, you would be able to point to exactly where the outrage was. Protip: there was none. I am neutral about renaming these ships.

What I was using it for was to point out that one of the most racist Senators of the late 20th century was one of the ones that is possibly being renamed. And he's a Democrat, the party of racists, now and then.

But you're backlash, so I don't expect even the basic level of reading comprehension from you.

02-03-2021, 07:10 PM
If the ship is named after a Democrat, why are you on here whining about changing the ship's name?

.... Because he was a southern, white racist conservative from rural Mississippi who was effusively praised by Ronald Reagan (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tOoM0BFkXw) when he retired. He was replaced by southern, white racist conservative Trent Lott (R-MS), who was himself forced to resign in disgrace as Republican Senate Majority Leader ... because of his praise for -- you guessed it -- segregationist Democrat-turned-Republican Strom Thurmond.

Oh, look, ashy-poo is trying to participate in a big boy and big girl conversation. It's so cute when you do that, ashy-poo.

02-03-2021, 07:26 PM
Ahh.. judging from your response you realized you made an uh-oh. LOL.

Except calling you out on your inability to make a substantive reply doesn't constitute an "uh-oh." Better luck coming up with a substantive reply next time. :rofl:

I don't think the OP actually read the article before he got outraged. It was the Navy who called for a report and decided to make this change. Not democrats.I don't think you actually read anything I wrote, because if you did, you would be able to point to exactly where the outrage was. Protip: there was none. I am neutral about renaming these ships.

What I was using it for was to point out that one of the most racist Senators of the late 20th century was one of the ones that is possibly being renamed. And he's a Democrat, the party of racists, now and then.

But you're backlash, so I don't expect even the basic level of reading comprehension from you.

There's a reason southern, white rural conservatives are the ones who display the Confederate flag, and oppose the removal of Confederate imagery. It's their legacy. And they, in 2021, vote solidly Republican. Either the leftovers of the Confederacy, and segregation, are the legacy of Democrats and thus Democrats can remove them, or in reality, they were the legacy of southern, white rural conservatives who used to vote Democrat, and in 2021, they're southern, white rural conservative Republicans opposing the dismantling of their racist legacy.

All but one Confederate state went Republican in 2016, and all but two in 2020. The south is the bedrock of the modern-day GOP. Your REE!ing about that fact can't change reality. Your mental gymnastics aren't able to warp and twist reality to suit your delusions, no matter how many times you try to play the shell game to hide the racism of southern, white rural conservatives.

02-03-2021, 07:42 PM
Except calling you out on your inability to make a substantive reply doesn't constitute an "uh-oh." Better luck coming up with a substantive reply next time. :rofl:

There's a reason southern, white rural conservatives are the ones who display the Confederate flag, and oppose the removal of Confederate imagery. It's their legacy. And they, in 2021, vote solidly Republican. Either the leftovers of the Confederacy, and segregation, are the legacy of Democrats and thus Democrats can remove them, or in reality, they were the legacy of southern, white rural conservatives who used to vote Democrat, and in 2021, they're southern, white rural conservative Republicans opposing the dismantling of their racist legacy.

All but one Confederate state went Republican in 2016, and all but two in 2020. The south is the bedrock of the modern-day GOP. Your REE!ing about that fact can't change reality. Your mental gymnastics aren't able to warp and twist reality to suit your delusions, no matter how many times you try to play the shell game to hide the racism of southern, white rural conservatives.

You still don't get what you wrote and how you contradicted yourself. LOL.. It's hilarious to see you keep copy/pasting the same thing over and over.. when it's completely not the point.

God you are good for a laugh.

02-03-2021, 07:45 PM
You still don't get what you wrote and how you contradicted yourself. LOL.. It's hilarious to see you keep copy/pasting the same thing over and over.. when it's completely not the point.

God you are good for a laugh.

If you could demonstrate how I supposedly contradicted myself, you would have. Notably, despite being challenged, you haven't. Several times in a row.

Spoiler Alert: There's a reason you didn't.

02-03-2021, 07:49 PM
If you could demonstrate how I supposedly contradicted myself, you would have. Notably, despite being challenged, you haven't. Several times in a row.

Spoiler Alert: There's a reason you didn't.

The reason I don't is because I enjoy your ignorant floundering. It's pretty obvious, but that's what makes it so funny.

Spoiler Alert: You're entertainment for me. I don't do what you want, you do what I want.

02-03-2021, 07:50 PM
The reason I don't is because I enjoy your ignorant floundering. It's pretty obvious, but that's what makes it so funny.

Spoiler Alert: You're entertainment for me. I don't do what you want, you do what I want.

Poor little ashy-poo is rather cute when he tries to act like a big girl. Big boy. Big something.

02-03-2021, 07:50 PM
Fourth consecutive demonstration that Shaps couldn't substantiate his position.

Very convincing.

02-03-2021, 07:55 PM
Very convincing.

LOL.. training you with Pavlovian precision. Yes indeed.

02-03-2021, 07:57 PM
Fifth consecutive demonstration that Shaps couldn't substantiate his position.

Very convincing.

02-03-2021, 08:06 PM
Very convincing.

ROFL. You're trying so hard. Thank you. Sincerely, thank you.

02-03-2021, 08:06 PM
Sixth consecutive demonstration that Shaps couldn't substantiate his position

Very convincing.

02-03-2021, 08:36 PM
I've been thinking about this off and on today. Not so much about the name changing or anything, I don't give a fuck about that. More about what would be something cool and American to start naming them. I have come to the conclusion that we should name them after famous American musicians. That would be fucking cool.