View Full Version : GameStop / Reddit Stuff

01-27-2021, 08:33 PM

Apparently the fact that the new Treasury Secretary being female matters when it comes to the current situation.

Excellent response at the press briefing.

Four years folks.. four years.

BTW - good on all the investors screwing over the shorter's on Wall Street. Make the market work for you.

01-27-2021, 08:38 PM
Want to be really scared?

This is what the fucking "establishment" can't stand. "Stay in your place. Hold your tongue. We know better than you."


01-27-2021, 08:39 PM
Ordim is up 400+% today. Fuck you shaps suck all of my dick and balls.

01-27-2021, 08:42 PM
You can put them in your mouth in whatever order you prefer. Dick first, balls first, its fine with me, as long as they all end up in there bud.

01-27-2021, 08:45 PM
You can put them in your mouth in whatever order you prefer. Dick first, balls first, its fine with me, as long as they all end up in there bud.

Never seen you post. You buying the drinks?

01-27-2021, 08:48 PM
Never seen you post. You buying the drinks?

I'm posting this set of dick and balls in your mouth.

01-27-2021, 08:53 PM
I'm posting this set of dick and balls in your mouth.

Ohhh saucy. You going to be my bottom bitch?

01-27-2021, 08:54 PM
Ohhh saucy. You going to be my bottom bitch?


01-27-2021, 08:56 PM
Bhaalizmo, are you on an alt account? I should have known it was you. Video linking gave you away buddy.

01-27-2021, 08:56 PM
Bhaalizmo, are you on an alt account? I should have known it was you. Video linking gave you away buddy.

Projection all the way.

01-28-2021, 08:15 AM
My favorite part of this whole entire fiasco is that the argument for Wall Street is that it's market manipulation... which is exactly what they were trying to do by driving the stock price down to make money on it.

01-28-2021, 08:26 AM
My favorite part of this whole entire fiasco is that the argument for Wall Street is that it's market manipulation... which is exactly what they were trying to do by driving the stock price down to make money on it.

Yup I am all for them getting screwed over. If they hadn't been being shady like this in the first place they wouldn't have been visited with the fair play back at them.

01-28-2021, 08:28 AM
When you have one of the richest persons on the planet on your side:

#Gamestonks ~ Elon Musk

01-28-2021, 10:01 AM
AOC has come out in defense of the redditors of WSB. CNN is going to have a tough time, figuring out which way to go on this. On one hand, they declared it to be trumpism. On the other hand, they have AOC in support.

01-28-2021, 12:37 PM
Apparently the Hedge Fund that was shorting GME is bankrupted now.

01-28-2021, 12:38 PM
AOC has come out in defense of the redditors of WSB. CNN is going to have a tough time, figuring out which way to go on this. On one hand, they declared it to be trumpism. On the other hand, they have AOC in support.

Ted Cruz said he fully agrees with AOC. Welcome to 2021.

01-28-2021, 12:39 PM
Ted Cruz said he fully agrees with AOC. Welcome to 2021.

Yep. We're in the twilight Zone with that.

01-28-2021, 12:50 PM
rofl, now Trump Jr is tweeting in agreement with AOC.

01-28-2021, 12:51 PM
rofl, now Trump Jr is tweeting in agreement with AOC.

You have got to be shitting me.

01-28-2021, 12:54 PM
You have got to be shitting me.

They are the ultimate villian right now, everyone is piling on

01-28-2021, 01:36 PM
Made a killing in GameStop? Now comes the tax bomb



01-28-2021, 01:48 PM


Yeah, the highest taxes only hit those that make a shit ton in the year and it is still a massive profit regardless.

01-28-2021, 01:53 PM


Sure, I mean, if I made 22 million in the stock market, but had to pay 8 million in taxes, I'd be incredibly heartbroken, at only having 14 million left. It would be terrible. Terrible, I tell you!

01-28-2021, 01:57 PM
Sure is strange to not see the PCsocialists all up in this thread cheering and shit.

01-28-2021, 02:00 PM
Sure, I mean, if I made 22 million in the stock market, but had to pay 8 million in taxes, I'd be incredibly heartbroken, at only having 14 million left. It would be terrible. Terrible, I tell you!

Yea, it would be rough.

Some of these assholes are already saying they need a bailout.

01-28-2021, 02:08 PM
Class action lawsuit already starting up against Robinhood for halting buying of $GME.

01-28-2021, 02:14 PM
Elon Musk piling on now. I feel like they are trying to create the Avengers here at this point.

01-28-2021, 04:31 PM
I'm actively participating and cheering this on. Rough day of fuckery and I don't expect the shit Lib Dems to do anything meaningful. That's why I'm stroking my balls and cock getting them ready for Shap's mouth.

01-28-2021, 04:32 PM

01-28-2021, 04:34 PM

No war but the class war.

01-28-2021, 04:42 PM
So I have no idea what the fuck this is but I read up on it and a friend who’s a super smart finance guy gave me the jist.

Basically, this Melvin capital couldn’t swing it legit so they called in some favors and shutdown the retail/reddit investors “portal” into buying the stock (which was what made it kept going up) and thus artifically and purposefully made the stock go down which would net these Melvin guys a shit ton of money.

Am I getting this right?

01-28-2021, 05:08 PM
So I have no idea what the fuck this is but I read up on it and a friend who’s a super smart finance guy gave me the jist.

Basically, this Melvin capital couldn’t swing it legit so they called in some favors and shutdown the retail/reddit investors “portal” into buying the stock (which was what made it kept going up) and thus artifically and purposefully made the stock go down which would net these Melvin guys a shit ton of money.

Am I getting this right?

Sorta. Robinhood is basically owned by a Hedge fund, that is why they did it. I'm willing to bet the others are too.

Honestly, it is a damned if they do, damned it they don't situation. They expect a legal battle, which they may or may not win, but the knew 100% they'd be gone if they didn't stop it somehow.

Better to be alive tomorrow than to die today.

01-28-2021, 05:15 PM
Sorta. Robinhood is basically owned by a Hedge fund, that is why they did it. I'm willing to bet the others are too.

Honestly, it is a damned if they do, damned it they don't situation. They expect a legal battle, which they may or may not win, but the knew 100% they'd be gone if they didn't stop it somehow.

Better to be alive tomorrow than to die today.

There is word that they are owned by a company that is bailing out Melivn, which raises more red flags now that RobinHood stopped allowing trading on these stocks.


01-28-2021, 05:23 PM
https://scontent-dfw5-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/143724928_1330348747328791_6946914232404019734_n.j pg?_nc_cat=107&ccb=2&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=1ofXfFWa8jsAX9LOyAv&_nc_ht=scontent-dfw5-2.xx&oh=76a6b7096a46487bfe1e4f461d8b4c0d&oe=6039AF57

Throw a big pity party. What kind of stuck up out of touch idiot thinks people only make money from Government COVID checks?

01-28-2021, 05:27 PM
Throw a big pity party. What kind of stuck up out of touch idiot thinks people only make money from Government COVID checks?


01-28-2021, 05:46 PM
Supposedly Robinhood is now closing accounts and selling stock without user consent.

01-28-2021, 05:49 PM
Short-sellers have over 70 billion in losses at this point.

01-28-2021, 06:40 PM
Short-sellers have over 70 billion in losses at this point.

I have no problem with this.

At all.

01-28-2021, 07:43 PM
Supposedly Robinhood is now closing accounts and selling stock without user consent.

I think we're going to see a huge grand jury circus over this. Some of the shit that's leaking out is pretty remarkable. Sounds like some of these trading apps are stalling trades and skimming the losses in the "dead time" created in the stall.

01-28-2021, 08:24 PM
And finally... people waking up... it's not race, or sex, or gender, or right, or left... it's the above.

If you thought they went after Trump hard, watch what they'll do to the average citizen coming up.

One can only hope enough eyes are opened.

01-28-2021, 08:27 PM
Friend of mine got in on some cryptocurrency Dogcoin or something.. it was less than a penny when he bought in.. it's now up 400%.

01-28-2021, 08:31 PM
Friend of mine got in on some cryptocurrency Dogcoin or something.. it was less than a penny when he bought in.. it's now up 400%.

Dogecoin, it's literally meme money.

01-28-2021, 08:33 PM
Dogecoin, it's literally meme money.

Like Simucoins or in game gold?


01-28-2021, 09:15 PM
I've been listening in on some of the channels that people are organizing on. Sounds like they are going to keep pushing and just move their money to other shorts in the market. Our financial institutions are going to be a wreck by the end of the year. They put a meme president into office, wall street shouldn't be much more difficult.

01-28-2021, 11:05 PM
Tesla calls, Apple and NIO killed it for me this year. Wish I got on that GME train early

Moon, rocket, moon, rocket , moon, rocket.

01-28-2021, 11:12 PM
Tesla calls, Apple and NIO killed it for me this year. Wish I got on that GME train early

Moon, rocket, moon, rocket , moon, rocket.

Yea it'd been nice.. buy a couple thousand at 20-25 and offload minute it tops 200. Glad for those that were able to do it.

01-29-2021, 01:12 AM
And finally... people waking up... it's not race, or sex, or gender, or right, or left... it's the above.

Exactly, I normally only hold ETF's but I'm holding GME stock indefinitely because this debacle has lifted the veil on an issue that has infuriated me for years.

01-29-2021, 06:27 AM
Janet Yellen received $800K from hedge fund at center of Gamestop scandal.


01-29-2021, 06:49 AM
In case anyone didn't know:

Janet Louise Yellen is an American economist who is serving as the 78th and current United States Secretary of the Treasury. Previously, she was the 15th chair of the Federal Reserve from 2014 to 2018.

Speaking of the swamp...

01-29-2021, 09:29 AM
Elon Musk is saying he will put the GameStop logo on one of his rockets if the stock hits $1000.

01-29-2021, 09:34 AM
He should put out a trading app that won't pull the type of BS RobinHood does.

I mean, regardless, RobinHood is done. Who wants to use that now?

01-29-2021, 10:02 AM
He should put out a trading app that won't pull the type of BS RobinHood does.

I mean, regardless, RobinHood is done. Who wants to use that now?

Many of the papers are reporting that they've restored GameStop trading but what they fail to mention is that Robinhood isn't letting it users buy more than 5 shares total, already have 5 shares? sorry no more for you... I'll be very surprised if they recover from this. What is really disconcerting is the amount of misinformation that's being spewed as fact from the media from all sides of the political spectrum.

01-29-2021, 10:05 AM

01-29-2021, 10:41 AM
Many of the papers are reporting that they've restored GameStop trading but what they fail to mention is that Robinhood isn't letting it users buy more than 5 shares total, already have 5 shares? sorry no more for you... I'll be very surprised if they recover from this. What is really disconcerting is the amount of misinformation that's being spewed as fact from the media from all sides of the political spectrum.

Some rando was saying they are also not allowing fractional trading on these stocks, which is one of Robinhoods biggest selling points.

01-29-2021, 12:21 PM
Many of the papers are reporting that they've restored GameStop trading but what they fail to mention is that Robinhood isn't letting it users buy more than 5 shares total, already have 5 shares? sorry no more for you... I'll be very surprised if they recover from this. What is really disconcerting is the amount of misinformation that's being spewed as fact from the media from all sides of the political spectrum.

They are saying what the reddit group did is illegal. I mean, it isn't. Nothing they did was not public. They didn't have inside information on the company. Hedge fund types just wish it was illegal.

01-29-2021, 12:22 PM
They are saying what the reddit group did is illegal. I mean, it isn't. Nothing they did was not public. They didn't have inside information on the company. Hedge fund types just wish it was illegal.

Make loads of money on the stock market with this one simple trick! Hedge Funds Hate It!

01-29-2021, 02:10 PM

01-29-2021, 02:30 PM
Make loads of money on the stock market with this one simple trick! Hedge Funds Hate It!

3 seconds after you click the link...


01-29-2021, 03:10 PM
Uh oh.. someone's scared.


Lol.. comparing people playing the Stock Market to Jan 6 and calling on police to step in. ROFL.

I seriously hope this continues to expose what's really going on, so the masses begin to understand it. Right now is a good start, but hopefully the Government and the Corporatists aren't able to spin this using race/sex/gender and now "insurrection" bullshit to try and get it back to the status quo so they can continue pillaging without reprisal.

01-29-2021, 03:15 PM
hopefully the Government and the Corporatists aren't able to spin this using race/sex/gender and now "insurrection" bullshit

Reddit, and more specifically wallstreetbets skews white male, so don't think they won't try to portray this as racist. CNN has already posted an article calling the wsb redditors as Trumpists.

01-29-2021, 03:16 PM

Elizabeth Warren - champion for the little people - exposed like the lying politician she is.


How dare normal people buy and sell stock, causing volatility in the market! ROFL

01-29-2021, 03:18 PM
Infowars. Fake news, right?

01-29-2021, 03:19 PM
Reddit, and more specifically wallstreetbets skews white male, so don't think they won't try to portray this as racist. CNN has already posted an article calling the wsb redditors as Trumpists.

One thing gives me hope - because in reality land (where we all live and politicians don't) - is that I don't think they understand the youth they've created. Literally no young people care about race/sex/gender/etc. between themselves (as ideas sure) - but they're internet babies... and you start fucking with their "internet games" the backlash will be severe.

The politicians have manipulated them up to this point with "movements"... if they think they can do it when the spectrum of those participating is so widespread and specifically when it comes to things involving the Internet/Reddit/etc (the world that the youth live in)... that energy will turn on those fuckers (the politicians) fast.

Going to be fun to watch.

Edit: Only thing that can really hold it back is the "trendy"/short-attention span of people nowadays LOL. So we'll see.

01-29-2021, 03:50 PM

Oh shit.. the people figured it out!! Quick - fix this!


Drain the Swamp... and Trumps not there anymore for them to hide behind and blame... ROFL.

Was never about Trump, only about the powerful and how to retain it without interference from the PEOPLE.

01-29-2021, 04:00 PM


I wonder how long it'll take before Back starts parroting this. There is a 101% chance it will happen.

It's a joke based on this, but that won't stop Back:
https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/27/politics/gamestop-stock-surge-trumpism/index.html?fbclid=IwAR1eglKhtig4fbTSvV2n4V8O4c_hNa hx0NvwA8iZTa_E6lROYvLrsTA1TqY

01-29-2021, 04:08 PM

01-29-2021, 05:36 PM
Fucking assholes.


Authoritarian regime inc. - all the steps are happening structurally if paying attention.

01-29-2021, 10:43 PM
I rather liked this read this morning.

01-29-2021, 11:24 PM
I rather liked this read this morning.

Darn.. have to subscribe to read the whole article.. doesn't seem like a racist Trumper to me that they'll try to spin this as.. just a guy from the younger generation that figured some shit out.

We'll see what the politicians do, but if shit like this doesn't wake folks up.. who knows what will.

01-30-2021, 10:33 AM
Darn.. have to subscribe to read the whole article.. doesn't seem like a racist Trumper to me that they'll try to spin this as.. just a guy from the younger generation that figured some shit out.

We'll see what the politicians do, but if shit like this doesn't wake folks up.. who knows what will.

He's a white male. We can just assume he's racist and a Trumper.

01-30-2021, 10:37 AM
He's a white male. We can just assume he's racist and a Trumper.

Well, unless he's woke and then can be the Great White Savior for the oppressed blacks...

01-30-2021, 11:17 AM
Well, unless he's a Democrat, then he can dictate how all blacks should behave..


01-30-2021, 11:18 AM
Both are correct.

01-30-2021, 12:24 PM

Pssshh. Amateurs.

Anyway, buying Bloodscrip futures for 5 a k.

02-03-2021, 02:34 PM
Belated Ordim update:
got in at $150 GME and out at $325
AMC in at $5 and out at $20.

best gambling ever.
Fuck robinhood, fuck shaps. Balls and cock status = sucked.

02-03-2021, 03:52 PM
Belated Ordim update:
got in at $150 GME and out at $325
AMC in at $5 and out at $20.

best gambling ever.
Fuck robinhood, fuck shaps. Balls and cock status = sucked.

ROFL - fuck you to Bhaalizmo. Glad you can afford that new pair of socks you wanted. /clap

02-03-2021, 03:53 PM
Belated Ordim update:
got in at $150 GME and out at $325
AMC in at $5 and out at $20.

best gambling ever.
Fuck robinhood, fuck shaps. Balls and cock status = sucked.


02-03-2021, 05:12 PM
ROFL - fuck you to Bhaalizmo. Glad you can afford that new pair of socks you wanted. /clap

When yer done sucking my cock and balls you should make yet another bullshit post in this forum about it.

02-03-2021, 05:18 PM
Lol guess who's family doesn't speak to them anymore and their only outlet is posting on a dead mud forum:

02-03-2021, 06:06 PM
Lol guess who's family doesn't speak to them anymore and their only outlet is posting on a dead mud forum:

Don't talk about yourself that way. With all that new found wealth, I'm sure you'll have someone come around eventually.

02-03-2021, 06:07 PM
When yer done sucking my cock and balls you should make yet another bullshit post in this forum about it.

Ahh the truth comes out... you just want me don't you... yea, you like me... so sweet... I'll smack you around in the sack... 50 shades style... now keep using the lotion until I get over there. Make sure you clean up after though, don't want your mom having to clean up your stains.

02-03-2021, 07:01 PM
Ahh the truth comes out... you just want me don't you... yea, you like me... so sweet... I'll smack you around in the sack... 50 shades style... now keep using the lotion until I get over there. Make sure you clean up after though, don't want your mom having to clean up your stains.

Suck suck suck my dick
suck my dick and balls
slurpy slurpy slurpy slurp
till cum runs down your chin

02-03-2021, 07:02 PM
Don't talk about yourself that way. With all that new found wealth, I'm sure you'll have someone come around eventually.

If you can go 24 hours without a reply back you can suck my dick from the back tonight bb

02-03-2021, 07:07 PM
Suck suck suck my dick
suck my dick and balls
slurpy slurpy slurpy slurp
till cum runs down your chin

That's rather homophobic of you. Congrats. You're a homophobe.

02-03-2021, 07:08 PM
If you can go 24 hours without a reply back you can suck my dick from the back tonight bb

Sorry.. you're bottom bitch. No worries though, I won't Wayne Brady you.

02-03-2021, 07:11 PM
Suck suck suck my dick
suck my dick and balls
slurpy slurpy slurpy slurp
till cum runs down your chin

You've really been fantasizing about this for a while....

Maybe you should try Tinder.

Or a Glory Hole.

02-03-2021, 07:14 PM
I won't Wayne Brady you.


I probably don't want to know....

02-03-2021, 07:41 PM

I probably don't want to know....

Lol.. look up Dave Chappelle and Wayne Brady skit.

02-03-2021, 07:57 PM

I probably don't want to know....

You do, its a classic Dave Chapelle skit

02-03-2021, 09:35 PM
Sorry.. you're bottom bitch. No worries though, I won't Wayne Brady you.

I knew you couldn't do it. I was really looking forward to your nose tickling my asshole. I'll give you a bite of the old double down though, where I stick my dick between my balls and make you a nice cock and ball sandwich.

02-03-2021, 09:36 PM
That's rather homophobic of you. Congrats. You're a homophobe.

Hi I'm forums poster Caelric, I like to white knight shaps by posting like a cry baby bitch.

02-04-2021, 08:37 AM
Suck suck suck my dick
suck my dick and balls
slurpy slurpy slurpy slurp
till cum runs down your chin

That doesn't even rhyme.


02-04-2021, 11:15 AM
My favorite part of this whole entire fiasco is that the argument for Wall Street is that it's market manipulation... which is exactly what they were trying to do by driving the stock price down to make money on it.

I feel like #GME is the first time, in a long time, where both the extreme right and extreme left are coming together for something greater. Dare I say, I agree with you here PB.

02-04-2021, 12:00 PM
They are still manipulating it by selling it to themselves at lower prices to drive the stock down.

02-04-2021, 12:25 PM
I feel like #GME is the first time, in a long time, where both the extreme right and extreme left are coming together for something greater. Dare I say, I agree with you here PB.

Betty White turns 100 next year, so we'll have that to look forward to too.

02-04-2021, 02:01 PM
I feel like #GME is the first time, in a long time, where both the extreme right and extreme left are coming together for something greater. Dare I say, I agree with you here PB.

While you may consider yourself extreme left, I'm far from extreme right.

But as far as agreeing with me... that should be your default setting.