View Full Version : ANTIFA accounts suspended

01-22-2021, 03:43 PM

LOL - "Thanks! Needed you to oust Trump, now sit in the corner and STFU! We need to hide the Brown-shirts until the next election!" sayeth their Democratic overlords. ROFL.

I'm sure they'll be back in 3 years, along with BLM, for the next election cycle. Good part, not one person of color will die from corrupt police officers in the next 3 years. Whew.

Bunch of controlled idiots.

01-22-2021, 04:34 PM
Good riddance.

01-22-2021, 04:43 PM

LOL - "Thanks! Needed you to oust Trump, now sit in the corner and STFU! We need to hide the Brown-shirts until the next election!" sayeth their Democratic overlords. ROFL.

I'm sure they'll be back in 3 years, along with BLM, for the next election cycle. Good part, not one person of color will die from corrupt police officers in the next 3 years. Whew.

Bunch of controlled idiots.

They'll be back just in time for the midterms.

01-22-2021, 08:06 PM
Good riddance.

“But their name means Anti-fascist! So if you’re against them then you’re for fascism!”

Christ you’re such a useful idiot.

01-22-2021, 08:10 PM
“But their name means Anti-fascist! So if you’re against them then you’re for fascism!”

Christ you’re such a useful idiot.

As I've said before, they are about as anti-fascist as the DPRK is a democratic republic for the people. But yes, I know what you're saying.

01-22-2021, 08:16 PM
As I've said before, they are about as anti-fascist as the DPRK is a democratic republic for the people. But yes, I know what you're saying.

Back has literally said “but their name means anti-fascist which means they are against fascism” and now here he is throwing them under the bus because his media and Democrat overlords have decided they aren’t useful while Democrats control the federal government.

01-22-2021, 08:17 PM
Like I said, I know what you're saying.

01-22-2021, 08:28 PM
Antifa as a concept is simply anti fascist. When someone says they are in an organized group with an official name called Antifa it then becomes a group of thugs. I approve of the concept. I disapprove of organized thugs. Always have. Nothing has changed.

01-22-2021, 08:38 PM
Antifa as a concept is simply anti fascist. When someone says they are in an organized group with an official name called Antifa it then becomes a group of thugs. I approve of the concept. I disapprove of organized thugs. Always have. Nothing has changed.

You are by far the most useless useful idiot who has ever existed. Holy shit.

01-23-2021, 08:43 AM
Antifa as a concept is simply anti fascist. When someone says they are in an organized group with an official name called Antifa it then becomes a group of thugs. I approve of the concept. I disapprove of organized thugs. Always have. Nothing has changed.

Strange way of saying you're extremely gullible.

What would your response be if someone told you the Tea Party was about tea?

01-23-2021, 10:22 AM
Antifa as a concept is simply anti fascist. When someone says they are in an organized group with an official name called Antifa it then becomes a group of thugs. I approve of the concept. I disapprove of organized thugs. Always have. Nothing has changed.

So you agree with the group's name, but not any of their ideals, tactics or methods...


You're a fucking retard.