View Full Version : How long?

01-20-2021, 03:25 PM
How long before I need to take days off or work and school because of the new President.
When do I start protesting?
When do I start burning cars buildings and hurting people?
When do I start saying #not my President?

Oh wait I am not going to do any of that because I am
not a liberal crybaby.

I love America so I hope the election results that happened do improve our country and make things better for all of us. Time will tell.

Live long and prosper

01-20-2021, 03:30 PM
Perhaps you should hold off on the sanctimony until the next left-wing protest, seeing as how the right-wingers who tried to stage an insurrection at the Capitol and beat police officers to death two weeks ago didn't exactly give you the moral high ground to scream "checkmate, liberals."

01-20-2021, 03:39 PM
Yawn. Yes the few idiots that caused problems will be prosecuted as they should. Your tds will always be your shield and hey good for you. Will left wings have to protest now that they got what they want and everything will be hunky dory?

01-20-2021, 03:49 PM

Let's get it trending! Oh wait.. you might get labelled a terrorist.

01-20-2021, 03:54 PM
Yawn. Yes the few idiots that caused problems will be prosecuted as they should.

Including the people who incited them, as Mitch McConnell admitted (https://apnews.com/article/mcconnell-trump-fed-lies-to-mob-36871d68df56a10be1c46ed364ad6de6)? Excellent.

Your tds will always be your shield and hey good for you.

Referring to "TDS" when you're the one who brought him up doesn't make much sense. But nobody ever accused you of being consistent... But speaking of someone else trying to use a "shield" -- that just blew up the proverbial irony detector.

Will left wings have to protest now that they got what they want and everything will be hunky dory?

"The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance." Your mischaracterization that the left wing got "everything they want" is divorced from reality, and I'm sure the next time a cop reaches for their gun more quickly than they should, we'll be right back to protesting white supremacy. Not to mention it'll take quite some time to undo the last administration's deliberate attacks on virtually every minority group.

01-20-2021, 04:00 PM
Yawn. Yes the few idiots that caused problems will be prosecuted as they should. Your tds will always be your shield and hey good for you. Will left wings have to protest now that they got what they want and everything will be hunky dory?

You sure got whiny recently, it's almost like something happened and you're having trouble dealing with it.


01-20-2021, 04:03 PM
You sure got whiny recently, it's almost like something happened and you're having trouble dealing with it.


Good teachers! Whine, bitch, and moan until you get your way.


Be fun watching the hypocrites all act "normal" and "caring" now.

01-20-2021, 04:16 PM
Good teachers! Whine, bitch, and moan until you get your way.


Be fun watching the hypocrites all act "normal" and "caring" now.


01-20-2021, 04:19 PM
When, exactly, were Democrats screaming for unity? Please enlighten us, ashy-poo.

01-20-2021, 04:27 PM
When, exactly, were Democrats screaming for unity? Please enlighten us

Obama tried to work with Republicans for years and got thoroughly punished for his naivete. Throughout his campaign (and afterwards) Biden has also been deluding himself into thinking he's going to get right-wing cooperation rather than maximal obstruction, which has been McConnell's strategy for more than a decade. Either way, rhetorically, both Obama and Biden constantly tried/try to bridge the divide, and Trump never once acted as the president of the Union rather than only of the right-wing.


Creepy, as always.

01-20-2021, 06:17 PM
Trump triedto act for America. Took us out of many bad deals. Like the Paris accord. You are too blind to see it. Perhaps I am too blind to see your points as well.

Hey not drauz in game SHHHHHHHH!

01-20-2021, 06:25 PM
Trump triedto act for America. Took us out of many bad deals. Like the Paris accord. You are too blind to see it. Perhaps I am too blind to see your points as well.

Hey not drauz in game SHHHHHHHH!
Perhaps, but it was a racist, chauvinist, nativist, climate change-denying, toxically masculine America.

01-20-2021, 06:36 PM
Well I didn't see it that way. But yes let's blame Trump for everything. Will Biden be blamed when things go bad if they do?

01-20-2021, 06:36 PM
Trump triedto act for America. Took us out of many bad deals. Like the Paris accord. You are too blind to see it. Perhaps I am too blind to see your points as well.

Hey not drauz in game SHHHHHHHH!

That makes literally no sense. The Paris accord is an entirely nonbinding agreement with no enforcement mechanism whatsoever, not a "deal" in any way, shape or form. And there would be no consequence (besides international criticism) for simply remaining in the accord and failing to hit our earlier stated goals. Trump's withdrawal was symbolic (i.e., meaningless) and nothing more than a "screw you, people who care about things" gesture designed to please low-information, right-wing idiots and annoy liberals, much in the same fashion that he "governed" for 4 years.

01-20-2021, 06:39 PM
How long before I need to take days off or work and school because of the new President.
When do I start protesting?
When do I start burning cars buildings and hurting people?
When do I start saying #not my President?

Oh wait I am not going to do any of that because I am
not a liberal crybaby.

I love America so I hope the election results that happened do improve our country and make things better for all of us. Time will tell.

Live long and prosper

I'd say you have the right to do all of them except the burning of cars buildings and hurting people. I don't recommend that. Thats what criminals do. It will get you locked up. No one likes criminals.

01-20-2021, 06:40 PM
Trump triedto act for America. Took us out of many bad deals. Like the Paris accord. You are too blind to see it. Perhaps I am too blind to see your points as well.

Hey not drauz in game SHHHHHHHH!

What is bad about the Paris Climate Agreement?

01-20-2021, 06:43 PM
Trump triedto act for America. Took us out of many bad deals. Like the Paris accord. You are too blind to see it. Perhaps I am too blind to see your points as well.

Hey not drauz in game SHHHHHHHH!

Can you name what is bad about any of them without googling it?

01-20-2021, 07:08 PM
I'd say you have the right to do all of them except the burning of cars buildings and hurting people. I don't recommend that. Thats what criminals do. It will get you locked up. No one likes criminals.

Finally! You are coming out against the riots that happened almost a year ago!

I knew you were slow as fuck in the head... but 10 months behind normal people?


01-20-2021, 07:11 PM
What is bad about the Paris Climate Agreement?

1) Too costly from a monetary standpoint and a jobs standpoint.
2) Very little actual accountability for anything.
3) It wasn't ratified via Congress like it should be.

01-20-2021, 07:35 PM
Finally! You are coming out against the riots that happened almost a year ago!

I knew you were slow as fuck in the head... but 10 months behind normal people?


Your selective reading, comprehending, and memory notwithstanding, its good to see you agree that it was criminals and anarchists that were the perpetrators of the illegal activity over the summer as well as on Jan 6th at the US Capitol though it has never been in dispute.

Go you.

01-20-2021, 07:37 PM
1) Too costly from a monetary standpoint and a jobs standpoint.
2) Very little actual accountability for anything.
3) It wasn't ratified via Congress like it should be.

You raise many questions but at the top of the list why do you think protecting the environment and capitalism cannot coexist?

01-20-2021, 07:41 PM
Yawn. Yes the few idiots that caused problems will be prosecuted as they should. Your tds will always be your shield and hey good for you. Will left wings have to protest now that they got what they want and everything will be hunky dory?

Yes the "few" idiots who left active pipe bombs and started beating cops with the American flag as they attacked our Capitol building because the President told them to. You know, that same President who told him how much he loved them while they were roaming the halls of Congress trying to find and kill Pence and Pelosi.

That same President who called up Georgia and begged & threatened the Sec of State to get him to "find" enough votes for Trump to win and then to illegally change the vote count? (PS THAT'S called stealing an election)

Oh and his Congressional Republican co-conspirators who tried to overthrow the elected government by attempting to invalidate the votes of every swing state Trump lost with no actual evidence that there was any reason to do so.

Of course, we could talk about all of that, but unfortunately we're hurtling towards 400,000 dead Americans. I don't know if you heard, but they died of that Democratic "hoax" that's no worse than the flu and that was supposed to vanish miraculously months ago. We've kind of having a hard time getting vaccines to people because the Trump Administration had absolutely no fucking plan to get them to people.

I guess after that we'll tackle the spiraling unemployment rate that Trump managed to create by refusing to take COVID seriously and Congressional Republicans just turned a blind eye to because more than one comprehensive COVID relief bill in a six month period was just too much to ask. They were busy, you know, appointing Judges and lying about voter fraud.

Here's the deal: you people fucked up again.

Bush took over from Clinton's booming economy (which, btw, was booming in large part because we raised taxes on the wealthy) and crashed it- leading to the greatest economic disaster since the Great Depression. Then, on top of it, he destroyed our international reputation with our allies and destabilized the entire Middle East, getting us caught in two wars in the process.

Then Obama came in and fixed the economy, setting off the longest growth streak we've had since WWII (and yes, with a booming stock market...which has nothing to do with economic growth btw). He took us down to record unemployment levels, restored our international reputation abroad, and managed to not get us into any other wars.

Then Trump took over. Now our economy is cratering, our unemployment is skyrocketing, and we've seriously lost almost half a million lives to COVID because he couldn't be bothered to deal with it. We just had first attack of our own US Capitol by US citizens, and they almost literally fucking killed half of Congress. Half the country doesn't believe in our elections anymore because of some BS lies he told. He alienated all of our allies but made really great friends with dictators. The country is a fucking mess.

Republicans CANNOT GOVERN. You fucking suck at it.

You have no answers for anything. You people live in a perpetual state of perceived grievance and manufactured outrage, all fueled by your endless and exhausting conspiracy theories- each more ridiculous than the last.

So now the Democrats are going to come in and get everything fixed up yet again, and presumably the GOP will take the keys next and crash into the nearest ditch immediately.

Get off your high horse. The adults have work to do.

01-20-2021, 07:48 PM
You raise many questions but at the top of the list why do you think protecting the environment and capitalism cannot coexist?

If it were honestly about "protecting the environment" then I would say yes... but that's not the true end goal of "climate change" legislation... as evidenced by all the socialism in the "New Green Deal" and the frank discussion by one of the main architects of the proposal.

You can't spend 100 trillion dollars in 10 years from 1 country and expect to change a global system like climate.

01-20-2021, 07:49 PM
Yes the "few" idiots who left active pipe bombs and started beating cops with the American flag as they attacked our Capitol building because the President told them to. You know, that same President who told him how much he loved them while they were roaming the halls of Congress trying to find and kill Pence and Pelosi.

That same President who called up Georgia and begged & threatened the Sec of State to get him to "find" enough votes for Trump to win and then to illegally change the vote count? (PS THAT'S called stealing an election)

Oh and his Congressional Republican co-conspirators who tried to overthrow the elected government by attempting to invalidate the votes of every swing state Trump lost with no actual evidence that there was any reason to do so.

Of course, we could talk about all of that, but unfortunately we're hurtling towards 400,000 dead Americans. I don't know if you heard, but they died of that Democratic "hoax" that's no worse than the flu and that was supposed to vanish miraculously months ago. We've kind of having a hard time getting vaccines to people because the Trump Administration had absolutely no fucking plan to get them to people.

I guess after that we'll tackle the spiraling unemployment rate that Trump managed to create by refusing to take COVID seriously and Congressional Republicans just turned a blind eye to because more than one comprehensive COVID relief bill in a six month period was just too much to ask. They were busy, you know, appointing Judges and lying about voter fraud.

Here's the deal: you people fucked up again.

Bush took over from Clinton's booming economy (which, btw, was booming in large part because we raised taxes on the wealthy) and crashed it- leading to the greatest economic disaster since the Great Depression. Then, on top of it, he destroyed our international reputation with our allies and destabilized the entire Middle East, getting us caught in two wars in the process.

Then Obama came in and fixed the economy, setting off the longest growth streak we've had since WWII (and yes, with a booming stock market...which has nothing to do with economic growth btw). He took us down to record unemployment levels, restored our international reputation abroad, and managed to not get us into any other wars.

Then Trump took over. Now our economy is cratering, our unemployment is skyrocketing, and we've seriously lost almost half a million lives to COVID because he couldn't be bothered to deal with it. We just had first attack of our own US Capitol by US citizens, and they almost literally fucking killed half of Congress. Half the country doesn't believe in our elections anymore because of some BS lies he told. He alienated all of our allies but made really great friends with dictators. The country is a fucking mess.

Republicans CANNOT GOVERN. You fucking suck at it.

You have no answers for anything. You people live in a perpetual state of perceived grievance and manufactured outrage, all fueled by your endless and exhausting conspiracy theories- each more ridiculous than the last.

So now the Democrats are going to come in and get everything fixed up yet again, and presumably the GOP will take the keys next and crash into the nearest ditch immediately.

Get off your high horse. The adults have work to do.

Jesus Christ......... Backlash, I realize you have put forth some great effort.. but it's posts like this that will end your reign.

01-20-2021, 08:17 PM
as much i want to talk about honey and her stuff, i said i was going to be different so dang it i must delete.

01-20-2021, 08:21 PM
Are you drunk?

01-20-2021, 08:29 PM
I'd say you have the right to do all of them except the burning of cars buildings and hurting people. I don't recommend that. Thats what criminals do. It will get you locked up. No one likes criminals.

You were fine with BLM and Anftia doing it, I seem to remember you defending both in such instances.

01-20-2021, 08:34 PM
do i even want to read the essay honey wrote? I mean seriously such a delusional idiotic woman. No offense lol oh wait i suppose that was. I will read it eventually, but you are the worst of the worst honey. your blinders are bigger then well probably anyone here.

Oh and calling yourself an adult honey(time4fun) is the biggest laugh of them all. you and your 100 degrees your illegal uncle? and the rest of the crap you spew. seriously I think if you take back,bhazlaiomo,ashamia and drauz you are like 50times worse then them. left can do no wrong. so Vishra/whoever the hell you are, take a hint and sing far far away and be there.

so I did read it. I learned nothing from you except for your normal crap. sad


01-20-2021, 08:45 PM
oh yay drauz you can copy and paste you are my hero. quite being a DF. also it must suck not to have a life to keep refreshing this page and copying everything that is posted.

01-20-2021, 10:02 PM
oh yay drauz you can copy and paste you are my hero. quite being a DF. also it must suck not to have a life to keep refreshing this page and copying everything that is posted.

I didn't realize you were such a snowflake, I'm sorry my words upset you so much. I'll stop interacting with you so you can feel safe from my nasty words.


01-20-2021, 10:17 PM
thanks i appreciate it :) lol

01-20-2021, 10:23 PM
You were fine with BLM and Anftia doing it, I seem to remember you defending both in such instances.

Why do you guys keep repeating this? I know I've said numerous times over the course of the last year, even this past month, that the violence was not right yet you and other Trump supporters never seem to remember that. Criminals and anarchists are not representatives of average everyday democrats. But no doubt in a few days or couple of weeks someone else is going to claim I never cared about the violence over the summer of 2020. Why can't you guys remember that?

01-20-2021, 10:27 PM
Why do you guys keep repeating this? I know I've said numerous times over the course of the last year, even this past month, that the violence was not right yet you and other Trump supporters never seem to remember that. Criminals and anarchists are not representatives of average everyday democrats. But no doubt in a few days or couple of weeks someone else is going to claim I never cared about the violence over the summer of 2020. Why can't you guys remember that?

Odd - the people that breached the Capitol aren't representative of the average everyday Republican. You wouldn't know it though with talk of "insurrection" and "reprogramming" of them.

Glad you don't think that way about Republicans though Back. You're one of the reasonable ones. I'm glad you'll denounce the broad generalizations levelled against conservatives by your own party. This is how unity is built.

01-20-2021, 10:33 PM
Odd - the people that breached the Capitol aren't representative of the average everyday Republican. You wouldn't know it though with talk of "insurrection" and "reprogramming" of them.

Glad you don't think that way about Republicans though Back. You're one of the reasonable ones. I'm glad you'll denounce the broad generalizations levelled against conservatives by your own party. This is how unity is built.

Absolutely. There were peaceful protests outside the capitol that day. Those who were engaged in peaceful protest are ordinary people and not criminals or anarchists.

The reprogramming thing is more about how you help people who have been in a cult rather than some nefarious evil government plot. Believe me if the government wanted to program, reprogram, or otherwise re-educate people, whatever you want to call it, we should all be worried.

01-20-2021, 10:36 PM
Absolutely. There were peaceful protests outside the capitol that day. Those who were engaged in peaceful protest are ordinary people and not criminals or anarchists.

The reprogramming thing is more about how you help people who have been in a cult rather than some nefarious evil government plot. Believe me if the government wanted to program, reprogram, or otherwise re-educate people, whatever you want to call it, we should all be worried.

Glad to hear you think that way. Hopefully you and others speak out against the representatives of the incoming administration and their allies to stop talking about it on national news then. It's okay to have differing political ideologies.

01-20-2021, 10:47 PM
Glad to hear you think that way. Hopefully you and others speak out against the representatives of the incoming administration and their allies to stop talking about it on national news then. It's okay to have differing political ideologies.

The spectacle is imprinted on all of us because of how grave the situation actually was, the lies that caused it, and the people who encouraged it. It was a major low point for America that will never be forgotten. You can't reasonably expect anyone to just stop talking about it. It was a horrific image of how America went wrong.

01-20-2021, 10:47 PM
Absolutely. There were peaceful protests outside the capitol that day. Those who were engaged in peaceful protest are ordinary people and not criminals or anarchists.

The reprogramming thing is more about how you help people who have been in a cult rather than some nefarious evil government plot. Believe me if the government wanted to program, reprogram, or otherwise re-educate people, whatever you want to call it, we should all be worried.

my dad and nephew were at the speech. They did not go anywhere near the captial. Weren't even really protesting. Just there to hear the speech, still believing the truth woudl come out. However it didn't or it wasn't enough

01-20-2021, 10:56 PM
The spectacle is imprinted on all of us because of how grave the situation actually was, the lies that caused it, and the people who encouraged it. It was a major low point for America that will never be forgotten. You can't reasonably expect anyone to just stop talking about it. It was a horrific image of how America went wrong.

I didn't say stop talking about it. I said - and you said you thought this way - to speak out against the talk by representatives and allies of the incoming administration to lump everyone that was there, and all Republicans, as "insurrectionists" or in need of "deprogramming". Just as not all anarchists and rioters over the summer, does not represent all Democrats.

Hopefully you feel that way about the continued riots in Portland and speak out against the continued destruction of that city.

01-20-2021, 11:29 PM
I didn't say stop talking about it. I said - and you said you thought this way - to speak out against the talk by representatives and allies of the incoming administration to lump everyone that was there, and all Republicans, as "insurrectionists" or in need of "deprogramming". Just as not all anarchists and rioters over the summer, does not represent all Democrats.

Hopefully you feel that way about the continued riots in Portland and speak out against the continued destruction of that city.

Yes. Absolutely. We are all not defined by extremists. People who try to solve problems with violence are wrong. I'm pretty sure most people agree. You'll get some assholes on twitter who want to stir things up by saying stupid shit. But I'm pretty sure this adminstration and the authorities are well aware of who are the criminals and who aren't.

01-20-2021, 11:37 PM
Yes. Absolutely. We are all not defined by extremists. People who try to solve problems with violence are wrong. I'm pretty sure most people agree. You'll get some assholes on twitter who want to stir things up by saying stupid shit. But I'm pretty sure this adminstration and the authorities are well aware of who are the criminals and who aren't.

No doubt about it. Glad to know you'll support and ask your leaders to stop demonizing good people in the opposite party then. Progress and unity!

01-21-2021, 07:07 AM
People who try to solve problems with violence are wrong.

Unfortunately, that's not true at all.

01-21-2021, 10:30 AM
People who try to solve problems with violence are wrong.

Pretty sure you are wrong, at least on the Left, we have had 4+years of your riotous temper tantrum and dozens of murders, untold assaults, rapes and hundreds of millions in arson all in the name of "solving" the Trump problem. STFU hypocrite.

01-21-2021, 10:56 AM
Pretty sure you are wrong, at least on the Left, we have had 4+years of your riotous temper tantrum and dozens of murders, untold assaults, rapes and hundreds of millions in arson all in the name of "solving" the Trump problem. STFU hypocrite.

Erm, no. The civil unrest of the past few years has been related to police brutality, which long predates Trump. And FYI, "Antifa" activists haven't been responsible for a single murder (https://www.businessinsider.com/right-wing-extremists-kill-329-since-1994-antifa-killed-none-2020-7), and Trump's FBI (https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/516888-wray-says-racially-motivated-violent-extremism-makes-up-most-of-fbis) and Trump's DHS (https://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/publications/2020_10_06_homeland-threat-assessment.pdf) considered white supremacists the biggest domestic threat by far.

It's almost like your fantasy loses out when you come face-to-face with reality. Who knew? (Everyone who isn't an idiotic right-wing apologist).

01-21-2021, 11:02 AM
Erm, no. The civil unrest of the past few years has been related to police brutality, which long predates Trump. And FYI, "Antifa" activists haven't been responsible for a single murder (https://www.businessinsider.com/right-wing-extremists-kill-329-since-1994-antifa-killed-none-2020-7), and Trump's FBI (https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/516888-wray-says-racially-motivated-violent-extremism-makes-up-most-of-fbis) and Trump's DHS (https://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/publications/2020_10_06_homeland-threat-assessment.pdf) considered white supremacists the biggest domestic threat by far.

It's almost like your fantasy loses out when you come face-to-face with reality. Who knew? (Everyone who isn't an idiotic right-wing apologist).

Yes, well, except, they were still using violence to achieve a goal.

01-21-2021, 12:49 PM
Yes. Absolutely. We are all not defined by extremists. People who try to solve problems with violence are wrong. I'm pretty sure most people agree. You'll get some assholes on twitter who want to stir things up by saying stupid shit. But I'm pretty sure this adminstration and the authorities are well aware of who are the criminals and who aren't.

Blanket statements about violence are horrible. We wouldn't get anywhere, be alive, or continue to exist without it. What you should say is that people who use violence unnecessarily are wrong. It's as bad as people who want everyone to be treated equally. That isn't at all what they want, unless they just hate and despise everyone. What they really want is people to be treated fairly based on the things they can and can't do instead of things like the color of their skin, who they like to sleep with, or what bits dangle between their legs, etc.

01-21-2021, 01:10 PM
Blanket statements about violence are horrible. We wouldn't get anywhere, be alive, or continue to exist without it. What you should say is that people who use violence unnecessarily are wrong. It's as bad as people who want everyone to be treated equally. That isn't at all what they want, unless they just hate and despise everyone. What they really want is people to be treated fairly based on the things they can and can't do instead of things like the color of their skin, who they like to sleep with, or what bits dangle between their legs, etc.

Careful, your lack of understanding will get you labelled a racist, xenophobe, and homophobe. Everything is measured on the color of your skin, sexual orientation, or gender. Sheesh.. get with the times.

01-21-2021, 01:27 PM
Blanket statements about violence are horrible. We wouldn't get anywhere, be alive, or continue to exist without it. What you should say is that people who use violence unnecessarily are wrong. It's as bad as people who want everyone to be treated equally. That isn't at all what they want, unless they just hate and despise everyone. What they really want is people to be treated fairly based on the things they can and can't do instead of things like the color of their skin, who they like to sleep with, or what bits dangle between their legs, etc.

Its kind of a chicken or the egg thing. Yeah, sometimes you need violence to meet other violence, no doubt, but the initial violence is not the right way to solve problems. Just my opinion.

01-21-2021, 03:23 PM
Its kind of a chicken or the egg thing. Yeah, sometimes you need violence to meet other violence, no doubt, but the initial violence is not the right way to solve problems. Just my opinion.

Like how war will be eliminated when we regulate guns?

01-21-2021, 04:09 PM
Like how war will be eliminated when we regulate guns?

Who said that?

01-21-2021, 04:26 PM
Who said that?

Our current Retard Champion.


01-21-2021, 04:26 PM
How long before I need to take days off or work and school because of the new President.
When do I start protesting?
When do I start burning cars buildings and hurting people?
When do I start saying #not my President?

Oh wait I am not going to do any of that because I am
not a liberal crybaby.

I love America so I hope the election results that happened do improve our country and make things better for all of us. Time will tell.

Live long and prosper

I just can't wait to see how some of these people react when they eventually realize that they have no idea what to do with themselves anymore after basing the past 4 years of their entire existence around their TDS.

01-21-2021, 04:27 PM
Who said that?

You literally did. Probably more than the time PB quoted. And it's a pretty standard leftist talking point as well.

01-21-2021, 04:30 PM
You literally did. Probably more than the time PB quoted. And it's a pretty standard leftist talking point as well.

Quote or it didn't happen. Thanks.

01-21-2021, 04:31 PM
Quote or it didn't happen. Thanks.

It's in the Retard Hall of Fame. #1.

I also linked it for you.

01-21-2021, 04:32 PM
Quote or it didn't happen. Thanks.

Are you touched? Daft? Dropped on your head as a child, repeatedly? PB linked it for you.

I read most of the manifesto. Heavy shit. I'm sure it will radicalize another generation doomed to repeat the past. Also... I called it. His biggest issue is birth rates.

We need more gun regulation because of these crazy white nationalist fuckheads. Cry all you want. Its their fault. There will be no war when guns are more regulated. White nationalists do not have the numbers.

Too bad NZ does not have a death penalty. I bet the fuck definitely knew that going in.

01-21-2021, 04:34 PM
Your selective reading, comprehending, and memory notwithstanding, its good to see you agree that it was criminals and anarchists that were the perpetrators of the illegal activity over the summer as well as on Jan 6th at the US Capitol though it has never been in dispute.

Go you.

"Criminals and anarchists."

Ah ok. So the summer riots had no democrats rioting, and the Capitol riot wasn't republicans rioting.

Good to know. Thank you for clearing that up.

01-21-2021, 04:37 PM
Our current Retard Champion.


You're supposed to quote it just in case he decides to Androidpk it.

Reported to the pklice department.

I read most of the manifesto. Heavy shit. I'm sure it will radicalize another generation doomed to repeat the past. Also... I called it. His biggest issue is birth rates.

We need more gun regulation because of these crazy white nationalist fuckheads. Cry all you want. Its their fault. There will be no war when guns are more regulated. White nationalists do not have the numbers.

Too bad NZ does not have a death penalty. I bet the fuck definitely knew that going in.


Are you touched? Daft? Dropped on your head as a child, repeatedly? PB linked it for you.

Fuck, I need to be faster than my super secret alt account next time.

01-21-2021, 04:39 PM
Are you touched? Daft? Dropped on your head as a child, repeatedly?

With almost 2 decades of information to go on.. I believe he's answered those questions with an emphatic "YES", "YES" and "YES". <<Giving Ashliana something to play with

01-21-2021, 04:40 PM
You're supposed to quote it just in case he decides to Androidpk it.

Reported to the pklice department.


Fuck, I need to be faster than my super secret alt account next time.

I have decided to accept your apology, even though it was a terrible one.

Because I'm gracious.

01-21-2021, 04:44 PM
Like how war will be eliminated when we regulate guns?

This is what PB initially posted thinking that is what I posted. But thats not what I posted.

You literally did. Probably more than the time PB quoted. And it's a pretty standard leftist talking point as well.

This is incorrect. You are not using the word "literally" correctly. You can see my post and it does not say what PB thought it said.

Are you touched? Daft? Dropped on your head as a child, repeatedly? PB linked it for you.

I'm glad you reposted my post. Look at the context. I never just came out and said war would be eliminated when guns are more regulated as PB claims. I disagreed with a statement in the manifesto by the NZ mass murderer who thought that gun owners would wage a war when guns were more regulated.

Taken out of context I can see why you or PB might misunderstand the statement. It was written quickly on gaming message board.

01-21-2021, 04:46 PM
"Criminals and anarchists."

Ah ok. So the summer riots had no democrats rioting, and the Capitol riot wasn't republicans rioting.

Good to know. Thank you for clearing that up.

This is correct.

01-21-2021, 04:46 PM
This is what PB initially posted thinking that is what I posted. But thats not what I posted.

This is incorrect. You are not using the word "literally" correctly. You can see my post and it does not say what PB thought it said.

I'm glad you reposted my post. Look at the context. I never just came out and said war would be eliminated when guns are more regulated as PB claims. I disagreed with a statement in the manifesto by the NZ mass murderer who thought that gun owners would wage a war when guns were more regulated.

Taken out of context I can see why you or PB might misunderstand the statement. It was written quickly on gaming message board.

You literally wrote (or perhaps typed, or voice transcribed)

There will be no war when guns are more regulated.

How in the actual fuck is that not saying war would be eliminated when guns are more regulated. I mean, it's almost those exact words.

How dumb are you, on a scale of special bus to can't tie your own shoes in the morning?

01-21-2021, 04:48 PM
You literally wrote (or perhaps typed, or voice transcribed)

How in the actual fuck is that not saying war would be eliminated when guns are more regulated. I mean, it's almost those exact words.

How dumb are you, on a scale of special bus to can't tie your own shoes in the morning?

I'm glad you reposted my post. Look at the context. I never just came out and said war would be eliminated when guns are more regulated as PB claims. I disagreed with a statement in the manifesto by the NZ mass murderer who thought that gun owners would wage a war when guns were more regulated.

Taken out of context I can see why you or PB might misunderstand the statement. It was written quickly on gaming message board.

01-21-2021, 04:49 PM
Ok, so you're at the can't tie your own shoes in the morning level of dumb. Does your carer know you're on a message board on the internet?

01-21-2021, 04:50 PM
This is what PB initially posted thinking that is what I posted. But thats not what I posted.

This is incorrect. You are not using the word "literally" correctly. You can see my post and it does not say what PB thought it said.

I'm glad you reposted my post. Look at the context. I never just came out and said war would be eliminated when guns are more regulated as PB claims. I disagreed with a statement in the manifesto by the NZ mass murderer who thought that gun owners would wage a war when guns were more regulated.

Taken out of context I can see why you or PB might misunderstand the statement. It was written quickly on gaming message board.

I didn't take anything out of context. That was literally what you typed out, read it, then hit the Post button.

Stop blaming anything but your misfiring brain cells for the stupidity you post here. You have 20 years of posting incredibly stupid things here.

You are the Retard Champion. Wear that belt with pride.. it matches your pretty scarf.

01-21-2021, 04:51 PM
Ok, so you're at the can't tie your own shoes in the morning level of dumb. Does your carer know you're on a message board on the internet?

Not sure how I can be more clear. Look at the post. I was not saying ALL war would be ELIMINATED when guns are more regulated. I did say A WAR as described by a mass murderer in his manifesto would not happen if guns were more regulated in the US.

01-21-2021, 04:53 PM
No, really, does your carer know you're on the internet?

01-21-2021, 04:53 PM
I'm glad you reposted my post. Look at the context. I never just came out and said war would be eliminated when guns are more regulated as PB claims. I disagreed with a statement in the manifesto by the NZ mass murderer who thought that gun owners would wage a war when guns were more regulated.

Taken out of context I can see why you or PB might misunderstand the statement. It was written quickly on gaming message board.

Is it really your contention that "War will be eliminated when we regulate guns" is not the same as "There will be no war when guns are more regulated."?

Is that the retard hill you want to dig your heels in and defend?

Holy fucking hell.

01-21-2021, 04:54 PM
I didn't take anything out of context. That was literally what you typed out, read it, then hit the Post button.

Stop blaming anything but your misfiring brain cells for the stupidity you post here. You have 20 years of posting incredibly stupid things here.

You are the Retard Champion. Wear that belt with pride.. it matches your pretty scarf.

:jerkit: :jerkit: :jerkit:

01-21-2021, 05:01 PM
:jerkit: :jerkit: :jerkit:

That is probably the most honest thing you've posted.... but no one asked you what you'll be doing tonight.

01-21-2021, 05:28 PM
Its kind of a chicken or the egg thing. Yeah, sometimes you need violence to meet other violence, no doubt, but the initial violence is not the right way to solve problems. Just my opinion.

It really isn't. We need violence to do just about everything. Even the simple act of eating your food is violent. Violence is a fundamental tool for survival. The sooner we can accept that, the sooner we can move onto the next part of it. How to properly utilize said tool and not just use it in the haphazard way we have been doing for thousands of years.

01-21-2021, 05:39 PM
It really isn't. We need violence to do just about everything. Even the simple act of eating your food is violent. Violence is a fundamental tool for survival. The sooner we can accept that, the sooner we can move onto the next part of it. How to properly utilize said tool and not just use it in the haphazard way we have been doing for thousands of years.

Really just curious more than anything else, what is your stance on fighting for fun, like consensual underground fight clubs, MMA, etc.?

On topic... I think if you apply the term violence in the very literal, by the book definition, you are correct. However, I do believe when people refer to violence in the general sense, they are speaking of aggression/harm to others specifically. So you're arguing semantics while basically saying the same thing really.

01-21-2021, 06:09 PM
It really isn't. We need violence to do just about everything. Even the simple act of eating your food is violent. Violence is a fundamental tool for survival. The sooner we can accept that, the sooner we can move onto the next part of it. How to properly utilize said tool and not just use it in the haphazard way we have been doing for thousands of years.

I enjoy conversations about complex subjects.

My statement needs some context because obviously I was not talking about eating food. Violence by definition is using force with the intent to harm, damage, or kill. I don't see eating as the intent to harm an apple more than an organisms need for sustenance. To dig into the semantics even deeper I could say that humans don't even need to kill another living thing in order to survive. We can harvest fruits/seeds produced by plants without killing the plants to sustain all of our nutritional needs. But that is not the intent of my comment because I agree we need to do "violence" to trees for wood, the earth for materials for construction, crops and domesticated animals to eat, etc.

In the context of my post my opinion is that violence should not be the solution to societal problems. I conceded after your complaint about blanket statements that violence may be needed to meet other violence. But I honestly feel that the person uses violence to get their way over another person is in the wrong.

Is there a situation you can think of where a person initiating violence with the intent to harm, damage, or kill another person is right?

01-21-2021, 06:12 PM
Is there a situation you can think of where a person initiating violence with the intent to harm, damage, or kill another person is right?

"Hi! I'm a hippie and I will be squatting at your place since you opened the door and it allowed me to come in. I won't be moving out and your stuff is quite literally our stuff now. Peace and love my friend"

01-21-2021, 06:39 PM
Really just curious more than anything else, what is your stance on fighting for fun, like consensual underground fight clubs, MMA, etc.?

I have nothing against it.

On topic... I think if you apply the term violence in the very literal, by the book definition, you are correct. However, I do believe when people refer to violence in the general sense, they are speaking of aggression/harm to others specifically. So you're arguing semantics while basically saying the same thing really.

I think most do see it that way, but there are also a lot of other people who see that in different shades of grey. Some who are against violence mean any violence committed between people period, to include sports and things like a good natured punch to the arm. Other people extend that further to mean what is considered animal cruelty by law. And yet others take it even further than that and believe any violence committed against people or animals is wrong period, regardless of the reason. Possibly other examples I can't think of but I believe those are the major ones. Which is just one reason why I believe clear and concise language is import here.

Another reason being that a lot of the people who speak out against violence haven't seem to put much thought into any of it. They don't have any solutions for the problem, merely the feeling that it is bad and should go away.

01-21-2021, 06:52 PM
I have nothing against it.

I think most do see it that way, but there are also a lot of other people who see that in different shades of grey. Some who are against violence mean any violence committed between people period, to include sports and things like a good natured punch to the arm. Other people extend that further to mean what is considered animal cruelty by law. And yet others take it even further than that and believe any violence committed against people or animals is wrong period, regardless of the reason. Possibly other examples I can't think of but I believe those are the major ones. Which is just one reason why I believe clear and concise language is import here.

Another reason being that a lot of the people who speak out against violence haven't seem to put much thought into any of it. They don't have any solutions for the problem, merely the feeling that it is bad and should go away.

Makes sense, and I do agree with you. The answer to violence, in my opinion and as a basic answer, is better and more productive communication and a willingness to compromise. And showing respect to others, can't forget that one. If you improve those things, you take away a lot of the reason violence exists. The only other reasons I can think of are violent acts committed for passion and power, and I don't know that there is an answer to those. Something to chew on I guess.

I don't have anything against consensual violence either. I wouldn't be one to partake in it, but I've watched plenty of fights in my life. I don't have a problem with pretty much anything if it's consensual and victimless honestly.

01-21-2021, 07:48 PM
In the context of my post my opinion is that violence should not be the solution to societal problems. I conceded after your complaint about blanket statements that violence may be needed to meet other violence. But I honestly feel that the person uses violence to get their way over another person is in the wrong.

Since when has being right or wrong stopped a person from doing what their feelings are telling them to do? Especially under duress or mind altering substances, drugs, alcohol, whatever.
Like it or not, violence is how we maintain law and order in this crazy world. And while you may feel violence isn't the answer, how do you plan to stop someone with a differing opinion?

01-21-2021, 08:07 PM
Makes sense, and I do agree with you. The answer to violence, in my opinion and as a basic answer, is better and more productive communication and a willingness to compromise. And showing respect to others, can't forget that one. If you improve those things, you take away a lot of the reason violence exists. The only other reasons I can think of are violent acts committed for passion and power, and I don't know that there is an answer to those. Something to chew on I guess.

I don't have anything against consensual violence either. I wouldn't be one to partake in it, but I've watched plenty of fights in my life. I don't have a problem with pretty much anything if it's consensual and victimless honestly.

I think overall better education and training would go a long way towards curbing a lot of the unnecessary violence. Would fix a lot of our problems really, but our system is so messed up no one wants to take the time to fix it.

01-22-2021, 08:48 AM
In the context of my post my opinion is that violence should not be the solution to societal problems.

Society is completely structured on the threat of violence, this is prevalent throughout the animal kingdom. Humans are the best at it, that's why we sit at the top of the pyramid.


01-22-2021, 09:48 AM
I'm glad you reposted my post. Look at the context. I never just came out and said war would be eliminated when guns are more regulated as PB claims. I disagreed with a statement in the manifesto by the NZ mass murderer who thought that gun owners would wage a war when guns were more regulated.

Taken out of context I can see why you or PB might misunderstand the statement. It was written quickly on gaming message board.

Italics for sarcasm?

01-22-2021, 11:09 AM
I enjoy conversations about complex subjects.


I have no room left in the Retard Hall of Fame, but this is def signature worthy.

01-22-2021, 11:31 AM
Italics for sarcasm?

Emphasis. And because Windows 10 includes formatting from the source text.

They don't want to understand. They just want to argue. If I really meant what they want to think I meant I would be defending it not trying to politely explain the context.

01-22-2021, 11:34 AM

I have no room left in the Retard Hall of Fame, but this is def signature worthy.


01-22-2021, 11:47 AM
Emphasis. And because Windows 10 includes formatting from the source text.

They don't want to understand. They just want to argue. If I really meant what they want to think I meant I would be defending it not trying to politely explain the context.

We can all agree.. it was typical Backlash kind of stupid.

You are the champion.

01-22-2021, 02:27 PM
"Hi! I'm a hippie and I will be squatting at your place since you opened the door and it allowed me to come in. I won't be moving out and your stuff is quite literally our stuff now. Peace and love my friend"

You're describing a wook, not a hippie. No one likes a wook, man.

01-22-2021, 03:05 PM
Really just curious more than anything else, what is your stance on fighting for fun, like consensual underground fight clubs, MMA, etc.?

On topic... I think if you apply the term violence in the very literal, by the book definition, you are correct. However, I do believe when people refer to violence in the general sense, they are speaking of aggression/harm to others specifically. So you're arguing semantics while basically saying the same thing really.

People today literally say things like "Words are violence" now. I'm not sure who actually takes them seriously, but I still hear it frequently.

Pretty sure Back has said that at least once on here. But I might be thinking of some other tard like cwolff or something.

01-22-2021, 03:36 PM
Since when has being right or wrong stopped a person from doing what their feelings are telling them to do? Especially under duress or mind altering substances, drugs, alcohol, whatever.
Like it or not, violence is how we maintain law and order in this crazy world. And while you may feel violence isn't the answer, how do you plan to stop someone with a differing opinion?

I make sure they know I'm there, since surprises are the cause of a lot of accidental shootings. Then, if they want to shoot me, I try and convince them that robbery is not as bad as felony murder or felony a&b. If they seem adverse to such advice, I leave.

01-22-2021, 03:42 PM
You're describing Androidpk, not a hippie. No one likes a pk, man.


01-22-2021, 04:07 PM
OK Boomers.

01-22-2021, 04:08 PM