View Full Version : Damn - The love didn't last long

01-20-2021, 12:05 PM

Multiple articles just dropped on it right after he was sworn in. Making friends already!

01-20-2021, 12:11 PM
What are you smoking? That was being reported days ago.




I'm sure -- in your mind -- "Biden choosing to do things differently than Trump!" is somehow an outrage worthy of shitting up the folder with yet another pointless thread, though.

01-20-2021, 12:19 PM
What are you smoking? That was being reported days ago.




I'm sure -- in your mind -- "Biden choosing to do things differently than Trump!" is somehow an outrage worthy of shitting up the folder with yet another pointless thread, though.

No, no, no.. not Orange man to hide behind now. Congrats. This is all you from here on out!

01-20-2021, 12:20 PM
you would think ASSaliana would be less hostile since her/he/it people won? I mean got elected

01-20-2021, 12:21 PM
you would think ASSaliana would be less hostile since her/he/it people won? I mean got elected

I wouldn't be.. threats of a lawsuit already?? From our friends in Canada no less! Wowza!

01-20-2021, 12:29 PM
So my uncle has been involved in these protests for years as he is a member of the Lakota tribe in ND. Considering the impacts this would have regarding encroaching on their land, I'm really surprised that you're surprised by Biden repealing this, especially since the Obama administration voted against it previously.

Aside from that, it's a pipeline to replace an existing pipeline, because it's slightly faster. Really? And for all you people who don't want to give foreign aid, why do you all of the sudden care about Canada's economy? But you're perfectly fine with once again taking land from indigenous people?

In case you didn't know, oil really is bad, and moving away from it is the best thing we could possibly do.

Unsurprisingly, not one post of substance from Shaps over here on the topic. Dude just spews diarrhea from his keyboard all day long. Why? Why do you support this pipeline, and why are you okay with just taking Native American's land still?

As claimed in recent lawsuits from some Native American organizations:

Although, the pipeline’s proposed path crosses the plaintiff tribes’ homelands, the tribes have not been consulted as required by law and DOI policy.

In granting the right-of-way, the BLM failed to analyze and uphold the United States’ treaty obligations to protect the Tribes lands and natural resources. The government failed to even evaluate an alternate route to avoids tribal treaty lands.

The government’s analysis does not meaningfully address how an influx of out-of-state construction workers will affect the health, welfare, and safety of tribal members, and in particular Native women and children.

The agencies have not considered the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on either health and safety or the global oil markets.

The 2019 supplemental environmental impact statement has numerous issues and shortcomings. Even its maps do not give enough detail to show impacts on Indian lands.

In their permit application, TransCanada agreed to abide by tribal laws and regulation, which they have failed to do.

01-20-2021, 12:45 PM
So my uncle has been involved in these protests for years as he is a member of the Lakota tribe in ND. Considering the impacts this would have regarding encroaching on their land, I'm really surprised that you're surprised by Biden repealing this, especially since the Obama administration voted against it previously.

Aside from that, it's a pipeline to replace an existing pipeline, because it's slightly faster. Really? And for all you people who don't want to give foreign aid, why do you all of the sudden care about Canada's economy? But you're perfectly fine with once again taking land from indigenous people?

In case you didn't know, oil really is bad, and moving away from it is the best thing we could possibly do.

Unsurprisingly, not one post of substance from Shaps over here on the topic. Dude just spews diarrhea from his keyboard all day long. Why? Why do you support this pipeline, and why are you okay with just taking Native American's land still?

As claimed in recent lawsuits from some Native American organizations:

I didn't advocate one way or another.

I just can't believe the new administration is already being threatened to be sued by our neighbors to the north. OMG! How could this happen!??

Why are you against American interests? Are you okay with Americans suffering and causing international incidents with our neighbors? Are you okay with the incoming administrations disregard for international relations??? **that's sarcasm in case you missed it**

As for Native Americans and their historical plight - you're right, they got fucked over. Sadly man has been doing this to one another since the dawn of time and will continue to do so.

01-20-2021, 12:50 PM
As for Native Americans and their historical plight - you're right, they got fucked over. Sadly man has been doing this to one another since the dawn of time and will continue to do so.

This is why you, and people like you, are shit bags. "Yeah, we know it's wrong, but it is what it is so just roll with it".

If you know something is wrong, you should speak out against it and not just accept it as the way it is. Not doing so makes you a shit bag. Sorry, it just does.

And it's really not surprising. Many things Trump did are going to get rolled back, just like he rolled back a large number of items from the Obama administration. This is fully expected, just as it was when Trump took office.

And so what if is Canada is suing us? Our own citizens have been suing over this for 12 fucking years since it was first announced. We're supposed to care more when Canada sues us? Doesn't add up.

01-20-2021, 01:18 PM
This is why you, and people like you, are shit bags. "Yeah, we know it's wrong, but it is what it is so just roll with it".

If you know something is wrong, you should speak out against it and not just accept it as the way it is. Not doing so makes you a shit bag. Sorry, it just does.

And it's really not surprising. Many things Trump did are going to get rolled back, just like he rolled back a large number of items from the Obama administration. This is fully expected, just as it was when Trump took office.

And so what if is Canada is suing us? Our own citizens have been suing over this for 12 fucking years since it was first announced. We're supposed to care more when Canada sues us? Doesn't add up.

You mistake understanding human nature and history - with thinking something is right. I stated facts. Just because they are not nice facts, that does not change them. Did I say what happened to Native Americans was correct? No. I said they got fucked over, because they did. Fact.

People "like me" are realists. I understand that humans treat each other like - to use your term - shit. If you think that's going to change, well.. LOL.

Lastly, you don't know me or what I've done. I can safely assume, and just assume as I do not know you, that I've done quite a bit more for the poor and downtrodden during my life than you have. Maybe not, but more than likely unless you work for Doctors Without Borders, UNICEF, or an equivalent. I'm just old and tired at this point, and I don't have the energy to keep going back into such desolate places. That's for the younger generation now.

So unless you're saving babies - you shut up "shit bag".

01-20-2021, 01:22 PM
No, no, no.. not Orange man to hide behind now. Congrats. This is all you from here on out!


01-20-2021, 01:35 PM
Biden campaign promise: Won't raise taxes on anyone (possibly household) earning less than $400K/year.

My prediction: Not a chance. Before 2021 is over, taxes will go up and the threshold will be a lot less than $400K/year.

01-20-2021, 01:37 PM

Those are actually pretty funny. Following the break down that followed in 2016, I'd say par for the course.

01-20-2021, 01:39 PM
Biden campaign promise: Won't raise taxes on anyone (possibly household) earning less than $400K/year.

My prediction: Not a chance. Before 2021 is over, taxes will go up and the threshold will be a lot less than $400K/year.

Thanks for not paying attention.

Taxes will go up from Trump's plan, they are set to go up this year.

But it'll be Biden's fault of course.

01-20-2021, 01:49 PM
Thanks for not paying attention.

Taxes will go up from Trump's plan, they are set to go up this year.

But it'll be Biden's fault of course.

You mean to say the individual tax cuts were written to expire, but the corporate tax cuts were made permanent, to allow the bill to skate under budget reconciliation rather than obtaining any bipartisan approval and successfully invoking cloture? No! That can't be, the Republicans would never do anything so cynical and dishonest.

01-20-2021, 02:06 PM
Biden campaign promise: Won't raise taxes on anyone (possibly household) earning less than $400K/year.

My prediction: Not a chance. Before 2021 is over, taxes will go up and the threshold will be a lot less than $400K/year.

All he has to do is reverse the Trump Tax Cuts and that campaign promise is broken. He will quickly say "BUT I GOT YOU $1400 MOR COVID MONEY, SO I WUZ TELLIN THE TRUTH!" and the alt-lefties here will be like:


01-20-2021, 02:12 PM
All he has to do is reverse the Trump Tax Cuts and that campaign promise is broken.

Biden doesn't have to do anything - the cuts, written by Republicans and signed into law by Trump, will expire per those Republican plans.

"But you didn't reverse our Republican plan!" is a much less convincing argument.

the alt-lefties here

:rofl: It's hilarious that you say things like that with no regard whatsoever to how retarded it makes you look.

01-20-2021, 04:39 PM
Biden doesn't have to do anything - the cuts, written by Republicans and signed into law by Trump, will expire per those Republican plans.

"But you didn't reverse our Republican plan!" is a much less convincing argument.

They don't expire until 2025. Granted, they will start going down this year and in subsequent years until being completely gone in 2025.

If he reverses the Tax Cuts, then he will, in fact, be raising taxes on most people.

:rofl: It's hilarious that you say things like that with no regard whatsoever to how retarded it makes you look.

It's hilarious you have been so upset for the past 2 weeks. Notice there is one common denominator with your stupidity on these forums during that time period?

It's you.

And before you proclaim your own victory.. or that you "put me in my place", I have no desire to have another back and forth with you, so if I don't respond it's because I'm being the bigger man... something other than overall weight, you've never been.

01-20-2021, 04:41 PM
But why do you morons care? None of you make more than 400k a year!

Someone here does. They're very quick to brag about their various PhD's and how much they make.

01-20-2021, 04:41 PM
But why do you morons care? None of you make more than 400k a year!

You always just believe whatever you're told.. don't you MacGuyver?

"Well Joe Biden said he would never raise taxes for people making over 400K a year... and I believe him! He would never lie to us just to get elected again.. would he??"


01-20-2021, 05:40 PM
They don't expire until 2025. Granted, they will start going down this year and in subsequent years until being completely gone in 2025.

If he reverses the Tax Cuts, then he will, in fact, be raising taxes on most people.

Simple solution: Keep the tax cuts for the majority, raise it on those making 400k+ like he's being saying. Bam. Also raise it on corporations.

It's hilarious you have been so upset for the past 2 weeks. Notice there is one common denominator with your stupidity on these forums during that time period?

It's you.

That would be projection, my deluded friend. Consult a mirror (or a psychiatrist).

And before you proclaim your own victory.. or that you "put me in my place", I have no desire to have another back and forth with you, so if I don't respond it's because I'm being the bigger man... something other than overall weight, you've never been.

Speaking of being upset, my earlier comments about you conceding clearly bothered you. And FYI, conceding in advance doesn't magically make it not a concession, should you do so. Pro-tip, though: Inventing a line of attack ("You're fat!") with no evidence means nothing. On the flip side, everyone knows about your severe mental illness and, shall we say, "advanced" age.

01-20-2021, 05:49 PM
Simple solution: Keep the tax cuts for the majority, raise it on those making 400k+ like he's being saying. Bam. Also raise it on corporations.

He said he was eliminating the tax cuts. He didn't say he would keep any part of it. "like he's being saying" is wrong on so many levels.

That would be projection, my deluded friend. Consult a mirror (or a psychiatrist).

I'm not your friend. You have no friends.

Speaking of being upset, my earlier comments about you conceding clearly bothered you. And FYI, conceding in advance doesn't magically make it not a concession, should you do so. Pro-tip, though: Inventing a line of attack ("You're fat!") with no evidence means nothing. On the flip side, everyone knows about your severe mental illness and, shall we say, "advanced" age.

Pretty sure you once posted an arm you passed off as your own. It was extremely hairy and large (not muscular). I'm sure you scrubbed it off the forums by now... it wasn't flattering at all.

And who knows if it was actually yours or not... can't keep up with your various stories...

01-20-2021, 06:04 PM
I have no desire to have another back and forth with you, so if I don't respond it's because I'm being the bigger man...


01-20-2021, 06:28 PM
He said he was eliminating the tax cuts. He didn't say he would keep any part of it. "like he's being saying" is wrong on so many levels.

Well, well, well, two seconds of fact-checking: "Biden has pledged to reverse much of President Trump’s tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations to fund, in part, ambitious climate, education and health-care plans. But he has drawn a firm line if he is elected president — no new taxes for anyone making less than $400,000 (https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/08/31/joe-bidens-claim-that-he-wont-raise-taxes-people-making-less-than-400000/)."

If he breaks that promise, you get to call him out on it. Aren't you excited?

That would be projection, my deluded friend. Consult a mirror (or a psychiatrist).I'm not your friend. You have no friends.

Isn't it funny how you remember some random post about people's arms, but not that we've had literally this exact exchange (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?110469-Russia-Investigation-Heating-Up&p=2017225#post2017225) before? It's a turn of phrase, shit-for-brains.

Pretty sure you once posted an arm you passed off as your own. It was extremely hairy and large (not muscular). I'm sure you scrubbed it off the forums by now... it wasn't flattering at all.

And who knows if it was actually yours or not... can't keep up with your various stories...

Occasionally I forget how desperately obsessed you've been for over a decade. Alas, no, whatever fever dreams you came up with as a result of that thread, I'm neither particularly hirsute nor oversized. Given your history, though, I'm not particularly keen on proving you wrong as it would involve giving you even more information to obsess about, so believe what you wish. It's how you operate everything else. FYI, though, gay men are statistically less likely to be overweight (https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nhsr/nhsr077.pdf) (and vice versa for lesbians, for whatever reason).

01-20-2021, 06:35 PM

No matter how much I fail.. I won't come close to your 3 or 4 or 5 marriages. Do you even keep count anymore?

As the saying goes... "It's not them, it's you".

01-20-2021, 06:39 PM
Well, well, well, two seconds of fact-checking: "Biden has pledged to reverse much of President Trump’s tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations to fund, in part, ambitious climate, education and health-care plans. But he has drawn a firm line if he is elected president — no new taxes for anyone making less than $400,000 (https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/08/31/joe-bidens-claim-that-he-wont-raise-taxes-people-making-less-than-400000/)."

If he breaks that promise, you get to call him out on it. Aren't you excited?

No "new" taxes on anyone making less than $400K... but if he reverses any part of the Trump Tax Cuts for people making less than $400K a year, then he has broken his promise. He didn't say he was keeping tax cuts in place from the Trump Tax Cuts for people making less than 400K. A 2 second google search AND an IQ above 12 would make you know this: https://www.cnbc.com/2020/06/29/biden-tells-donors-he-will-end-most-of-trumps-tax-cuts.html

Isn't it funny how you remember some random post about people's arms, but not that we've had literally this exact exchange (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?110469-Russia-Investigation-Heating-Up&p=2017225#post2017225) before? It's a turn of phrase, shit-for-brains.

Occasionally I forget how desperately obsessed you've been for over a decade. Alas, no, whatever fever dreams you came up with as a result of that thread, I'm neither particularly hirsute nor oversized. Given your history, though, I'm not particularly keen on proving you wrong as it would involve giving you even more information to obsess about, so believe what you wish. It's how you operate everything else. FYI, though, gay men are statistically less likely to be overweight (https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nhsr/nhsr077.pdf) (and vice versa for lesbians, for whatever reason).

"I'm gay, therefore I can't be fat!"

That's your proof?



I do enjoy how you believe that insinuating that a straight guy is gay is an insult though... given your queerness.

And you're right.

01-20-2021, 06:50 PM
No "new" taxes on anyone making less than $400K... but if he reverses any part of the Trump Tax Cuts for people making less than $400K a year, then he has broken his promise. He didn't say he was keeping tax cuts in place from the Trump Tax Cuts for people making less than 400K. A 2 second google search AND an IQ above 12 would make you know this: https://www.cnbc.com/2020/06/29/biden-tells-donors-he-will-end-most-of-trumps-tax-cuts.html

You're either playing a meaningless semantic game, suffering various reading comprehension failures, or both. You just contradicted your earlier claim: "He didn't say he would keep any part of it" by linking to an article of Biden saying he'll end "most of Trump's cuts" (thereby keeping some). How much retardation can you pack into a single post?

"I'm gay, therefore I can't be fat!"

That's your proof?



Again, ignoring the totality of what someone says so you can seize upon what you (stupidly) believe is rhetorically weakest is a concession on your part. Nobody's giving you proof of anything, as you're a mentally ill obsessive, and on the flip side, the arm picture you referenced demonstrated neither of your claims. Y'know.. seeing as how they're a picture of me.. and I'm neither of the things you claimed, so...

I do enjoy how you believe that insinuating that a straight guy is gay is an insult though... given your queerness.

And you're right.

Your behavior is observable; pointing it out doesn't constitute "insinuating a straight guy (being) gay is an insult," that would be your arbitrary inference. Better luck next time.

01-20-2021, 07:07 PM
You're either playing a meaningless semantic game, suffering various reading comprehension failures, or both. You just contradicted your earlier claim: "He didn't say he would keep any part of it" by linking to an article of Biden saying he'll end "most of Trump's cuts" (thereby keeping some). How much retardation can you pack into a single post?

Like I stated.. if he keeps the tax cuts in place for everyone earning less than 400K a year, then he will have kept his promise of not increasing any taxes for people making over 400K per year.

If he ends "most of the Trump cuts", that would include anyone making under 400K a year, then he will have broken his promise of not increasing any taxes for people making over 400K per year.

I can't make it simpler for you to understand without breaking out the crayons. Tell me you finally understand? Do you?

Again, ignoring the totality of what someone says so you can seize upon what you (stupidly) believe is rhetorically weakest is a concession on your part. Nobody's giving you proof of anything, as you're a mentally ill obsessive, and on the flip side, the arm picture you referenced demonstrated neither of your claims. Y'know.. seeing as how they're a picture of me.. and I'm neither of the things you claimed, so...

You posted a picture you said was your fat hairy arm and chubby thick fingers. That's all I know, which is why I described you the way I did. YOU claimed it was your arm.

That's all.

Your behavior is observable; pointing it out doesn't constitute "insinuating a straight guy (being) gay is an insult," that would be your arbitrary inference. Better luck next time.

Hey.. I don't disagree with your life of reasoning.

It is an insult to me... but I'm not sure that it should be an insult coming from you...

But I suppose if I were so distraught with the skin I'm trapped in that I have to pretend I'm 180 degrees of what I am online.. maybe you have a point.

Only a trained psychologist would know... or is it a psychiatrist that can prescribe medication?

01-20-2021, 07:11 PM
Like I stated.. if he keeps the tax cuts in place for everyone earning less than 400K a year, then he will have kept his promise of not increasing any taxes for people making over 400K per year.

That's right! Good for you!

If he ends "most of the Trump cuts", that would include anyone making under 400K a year, then he will have broken his promise of not increasing any taxes for people making over 400K per year.

Like I said: Then you'd have something to criticize him for.

I can't make it simpler for you to understand without breaking out the crayons. Tell me you finally understand? Do you?

You're the one who contradicted yourself with no awareness of it. Perhaps you should put the cheetos down, wash your hands, and re-read.

You posted a picture you said was your fat hairy arm and chubby thick fingers. That's all I know, which is why I described you the way I did. YOU claimed it was your arm.

That's all.

Ah, making up details again. (FYI, I have super skinny fingers). But tell you what, buddy. Why don't we pick a neutral third party we both like and respect - like Tisket - and each send her a picture she can verify is us, and have her say who between the two of us is "fat and hairy"? Put up or shut up, dumbass. Spoiler Alert: You won't be winning. :rofl:

Hey.. I don't disagree with your life of reasoning.

It is an insult to me... but I'm not sure that it should be an insult coming from you...

But I suppose if I were so distraught with the skin I'm trapped in that I have to pretend I'm 180 degrees of what I am online.. maybe you have a point.

Only a trained psychologist would know... or is it a psychiatrist that can prescribe medication?

Ah, more evidence-free claims from Parkbandit, combined with a flashing, neon sign that you require psychiatric care. Seek help soon.

01-20-2021, 07:13 PM
That's right! Good for you!

Like I said: Then you'd have something to criticize him for.

You're the one who contradicted yourself with no awareness of it. Perhaps you should put the cheetos down, wash your hands, and re-read.

Tell you what, buddy. Why don't we pick a neutral third party we both like and respect - like Tisket - and each send her a picture she can verify is us, and have her say who between the two of us is "fat and hairy"? Put up or shut up, dumbass. Spoiler Alert: You won't be winning. :rofl:

Ah, more evidence-free claims from Parkbandit, combined with a flashing, neon sign that you require psychiatric care. Seek help soon.

I'll just be the bigger man... and I'm not talking weight wise, Chunk.

01-20-2021, 07:14 PM
I'll just be the bigger man... and I'm not talking weight wise, Chunk.

That would be yet another concession from you, buddy. You were challenged to put up or shut up, and ... well, you didn't put up.


01-22-2021, 11:09 AM
But why do you morons care? None of you make more than 400k a year!

You have access to everyone's tax returns?

Shut up.

01-22-2021, 04:46 PM
you would think ASSaliana would be less hostile since her/he/it people won? I mean got elected

People like Ashliana will be miserable forever no matter what. It oozes out of every post he makes, including the butthurt one he's going to reply to this with with a bunch of made up thoughts and positions he decided for me.

01-22-2021, 04:58 PM
People like Ashliana will be miserable forever no matter what. It oozes out of every post he makes, including the butthurt one he's going to reply to this with with a bunch of made up thoughts and positions he decided for me.

:rofl: The lack of self-awareness it took to write that is quite impressive.

01-23-2021, 08:38 AM
:rofl: The lack of self-awareness it took to write that is quite impressive.

Yes yes we know, the problem is with literally everyone else and certainly not you.


01-23-2021, 10:59 AM
Yes yes we know, the problem is with literally everyone else and certainly not you.


Sorry if you weren't self-aware enough to realize you were making up someone's state of mind as you literally accused them of doing it, but that's on you and your lack of reasoning. At least you gave it the ol' college try, though!

01-23-2021, 11:09 AM
Sorry if you weren't self-aware enough to realize you were making up someone's state of mind as you literally accused them of doing it, but that's on you and your lack of reasoning. At least you gave it the ol' college try, though!

Now you're trying the deflection routine? So predictable. LOL. Good elementary try though!

01-23-2021, 11:12 AM
Now you're trying the deflection routine? So predictable. LOL. Good elementary try though!

That doesn't really apply to anything that I said.. But, uhh, okay?

01-23-2021, 11:21 AM
That doesn't really apply to anything that I said.. But, uhh, okay?

Exactly, thanks for your concession.

01-23-2021, 11:29 AM
Exactly, thanks for your concession.

The only thing I conceded is that you made a non-sequitur.


01-23-2021, 11:31 AM
The only thing I conceded is that you made a non-sequitur.


You saying you're Nancy Pelosi? Makes sense. Deranged, unhinged, and totalitarian. Makes sense. That's for letting us know how you see yourself.

01-23-2021, 11:32 AM
You saying you're Nancy Pelosi? Makes sense. Deranged, unhinged, and totalitarian. Makes sense. That's for letting us know how you see yourself.


01-23-2021, 11:36 AM

Oh.. I forgot.. you are delusional also. Thanks for reminding me.

Now get to telling Biden to remove his AG, because his AG hates immigrants and their children. How could Biden ever allow this to happen!

01-23-2021, 11:38 AM
Oh.. I forgot.. you are delusional also. Thanks for reminding me.

Now get to telling Biden to remove his AG, because his AG hates immigrants and their children. How could Biden ever allow this to happen!

You've gotten your threads mixed up. Perhaps you should stick to only one at a time since you can't keep them separate.

01-23-2021, 12:19 PM
You've gotten your threads mixed up. Perhaps you should stick to only one at a time since you can't keep them separate.

I know you're slow. Sorry I'll keep things on one topic at a time. I know it's difficult for you to multi-task. No worries though, you can reply over in that thread your hatred for the evil immigrant hating Biden and his AG.

01-23-2021, 01:00 PM
I know you're slow. Sorry I'll keep things on one topic at a time. I know it's difficult for you to multi-task. No worries though, you can reply over in that thread your hatred for the evil immigrant hating Biden and his AG.

You're right -- my "slowness" is what caused you to bring up a different topic in the wrong thread. Speaking of "making excuses" and "deflecting"... Do you even read yourself?

01-23-2021, 01:13 PM
You're right -- my "slowness" is what caused you to bring up a different topic in the wrong thread. Speaking of "making excuses" and "deflecting"... Do you even read yourself?

Biden hates immigrant children! Let's protest! I know you are on board with that.. yes indeed, yes indeed. Let's burn down some more Democratic Party headquarters like in Oregon. Make sure that evil tyrant knows what's up! He won't get away with this!

Edit: For the new Domestic Intelligence agency (forget the Fourth Amendment why don't we) - that was sarcasm. Stop your intrusions into our lives. Dictator Biden! Hail Biden! Hail Biden!

01-23-2021, 01:20 PM
Speaking of which, why again do we need a NEW "domestic intelligence agency"? I'm pretty sure the FBI and DHS, not to mention all the local law enforcement already cover those areas... what could it be, what could it be... hmmm...

DICTATOR! Time to join ANTIFA looks like. Those blokes apparently knew the Dictator was coming! Who'd have thunk it??

Edit: Again - Government overseers it's SARCASM. Stop monitoring us without consent Biden!

01-23-2021, 02:15 PM
Biden hates immigrant children! Let's protest! I know you are on board with that.. yes indeed, yes indeed. Let's burn down some more Democratic Party headquarters like in Oregon. Make sure that evil tyrant knows what's up! He won't get away with this!

Edit: For the new Domestic Intelligence agency (forget the Fourth Amendment why don't we) - that was sarcasm. Stop your intrusions into our lives. Dictator Biden! Hail Biden! Hail Biden!

Aww. Looks like you had to drop your silly line of attack. Better luck next time.

01-23-2021, 04:35 PM
Sorry if you weren't self-aware enough to realize you were making up someone's state of mind as you literally accused them of doing it, but that's on you and your lack of reasoning. At least you gave it the ol' college try, though!

No no, it's clear now that the issue is with everybody else and totally not you, despite the common denominator being you. I truly mean this, from the bottom of my shart.

01-23-2021, 04:39 PM
No no, it's clear now that the issue is with everybody else and totally not you, despite the common denominator being you. I truly mean this, from the bottom of my shart.

Damn, you put It in It's place.

01-23-2021, 04:39 PM
No no, it's clear now that the issue is with everybody else and totally not you, despite the common denominator being you. I truly mean this, from the bottom of my shart.

Pointing out your hypocrisy and lack of awareness doesn't have anything to do with me. Again, your inability to follow a conversation you're going out of your way to participate in only reflects on you, Methais. Perhaps you should lay off the booze and drugs for an afternoon and see how that works out for you.

01-23-2021, 04:42 PM
Pointing out your hypocrisy and lack of awareness doesn't have anything to do with me. Again, your inability to follow a conversation you're going out of your way to participate in only reflects on you, Methais. Perhaps you should lay off the booze and drugs for an afternoon and see how that works out for you.

PROTIP: Just because you repeat the same few sentences and use the same handful of buzz words with everybody in every post you make doesn't make anything you say less retarded or more true.


01-23-2021, 04:49 PM
PROTIP: Just because you repeat the same few sentences and use the same handful of buzz words with everybody in every post you make doesn't make anything you say less retarded or more true.


Perhaps you should take a moment and place our last few interactions together with no other posts in-between, see where you went wrong, and try again.


01-24-2021, 08:52 AM
Perhaps you should take a moment and place our last few interactions together with no other posts in-between, see where you went wrong, and try again.



01-24-2021, 10:25 AM


01-24-2021, 12:07 PM

I accept your concession.

01-24-2021, 12:08 PM
I concede.

I know.

01-27-2021, 07:42 AM
Biden campaign promise: Won't raise taxes on anyone (possibly household) earning less than $400K/year.

My prediction: Not a chance. Before 2021 is over, taxes will go up and the threshold will be a lot less than $400K/year.

Looks like they are starting to walk back on their $2k stimulus promise as well despite Biden's campaign promise (bribery) to Georgians.

01-27-2021, 08:21 AM
Looks like they are starting to walk back on their $2k stimulus promise as well despite Biden's campaign promise (bribery) to Georgians.

So far, my 2nd favorite is the Teamsters endorsing Biden for President and one of his first EOs is cancelling the last part of the Keystone XL Pipeline project... and the Teamsters being surprised by it...

Like how fucking stupid are you?

My first favorite is the environmentalist wackjobs thinking the cancelling of the rest of the Keystone was a win. Um.. 75% of the pipeline is already done.. so instead of transporting the oil in a pipe that has negligible environmental impact, they will now load it onto trucks and trains and continue to ship it.. because that's far more environmentally sound.........

And, to be fair, it probably saved a bunch of jobs longterm. Sure there are immediate construction jobs that are lost, but for the trucking and train sectors, this is a huge win for them.

01-27-2021, 08:39 AM
So far, my 2nd favorite is the Teamsters endorsing Biden for President and one of his first EOs is cancelling the last part of the Keystone XL Pipeline project... and the Teamsters being surprised by it...

Like how fucking stupid are you?

My first favorite is the environmentalist wackjobs thinking the cancelling of the rest of the Keystone was a win. Um.. 75% of the pipeline is already done.. so instead of transporting the oil in a pipe that has negligible environmental impact, they will now load it onto trucks and trains and continue to ship it.. because that's far more environmentally sound.........

And, to be fair, it probably saved a bunch of jobs longterm. Sure there are immediate construction jobs that are lost, but for the trucking and train sectors, this is a huge win for them.

I've heard it goes over a major aquafer and if it had a leak it could contaminate drinking water for millions of people. So the environmental impact is negligible when it's working as intended, but that rarely stays that way.

It didn't seem like a great deal to begin with. Why they ship it to the Gulf of Mexico to go to China idk.

01-27-2021, 11:57 AM
I've heard it goes over a major aquafer and if it had a leak it could contaminate drinking water for millions of people. So the environmental impact is negligible when it's working as intended, but that rarely stays that way.

It didn't seem like a great deal to begin with. Why they ship it to the Gulf of Mexico to go to China idk.

There is already a couple of pipelines along the route and XL would allow one of the older ones to be retired. And they want to ship it to the gulf for refining since eco-terrorists have made it impossible to build a new refinery in North America. Right now, you could own the Hansford nuclear site, one of the most polluted and dangerous places on the planet and you could not get authorization to build a new refinery because of eco-terrorist lawsuits and idiot laws. Along the gulf, when the refineries were originally built there, they bought massive tracts of land and so they have the licenses to build on those pieces of land. Therefore they have massive refineries with the capacity to expand instead of trying to build a new refinery. That is why the pipeline is such a big deal.

Right now, the oil is moved by rail, which is much much less safe, much more likely to spill and much more environmentally damaging. The thing is Warren Buffet owns the rail is a noted Leftist and has pushed this agenda from the get go since it would hurt his business.

Pipelines are and always have been, despite all the disasters combined, safer and more ecologically friendly than any other land transport of oil. Facts don't matter to the idiots protesting this pipeline and to Creepy Joe and his cronies.

01-27-2021, 12:51 PM
There is already a couple of pipelines along the route and XL would allow one of the older ones to be retired. And they want to ship it to the gulf for refining since eco-terrorists have made it impossible to build a new refinery in North America. Right now, you could own the Hansford nuclear site, one of the most polluted and dangerous places on the planet and you could not get authorization to build a new refinery because of eco-terrorist lawsuits and idiot laws. Along the gulf, when the refineries were originally built there, they bought massive tracts of land and so they have the licenses to build on those pieces of land. Therefore they have massive refineries with the capacity to expand instead of trying to build a new refinery. That is why the pipeline is such a big deal.

Right now, the oil is moved by rail, which is much much less safe, much more likely to spill and much more environmentally damaging. The thing is Warren Buffet owns the rail is a noted Leftist and has pushed this agenda from the get go since it would hurt his business.

Pipelines are and always have been, despite all the disasters combined, safer and more ecologically friendly than any other land transport of oil. Facts don't matter to the idiots protesting this pipeline and to Creepy Joe and his cronies.

Still don't care it's getting 86'd. This will increase gas prices for the midwest so that an oil company can make a few more bucks selling it to China. And it will create a grand total of like 35 jobs.


01-27-2021, 01:38 PM
Still don't care it's getting 86'd. This will increase gas prices for the midwest so that an oil company can make a few more bucks selling it to China. And it will create a grand total of like 35 jobs.




01-27-2021, 02:02 PM


What am I not listening to? Please enlighten me.

01-27-2021, 02:09 PM
Still don't care it's getting 86'd. This will increase gas prices for the midwest so that an oil company can make a few more bucks selling it to China. And it will create a grand total of like 35 jobs.


Yeah, no sympathy for the oil companies. They've lied to us for decades about the damage their products are causing to our environment while destroying said environment to get the product in the first place. We have to ditch oil production and pay all employees who lose a job over it a lifetime pension from the blood money profits those companies and CEOs raped our planet to get.

01-27-2021, 02:12 PM
Yeah, no sympathy for the oil companies. They've lied to us for decades about the damage their products are causing to our environment while destroying said environment to get the product in the first place. We have to ditch oil production and pay all employees who lose a job over it a lifetime pension from the blood money profits those companies and CEOs raped our planet to get.

The device you're using to post on here wouldn't exist without oil.

Stop posting so you can help to save the environment.

01-27-2021, 02:12 PM
Yeah, no sympathy for the oil companies. They've lied to us for decades about the damage their products are causing to our environment while destroying said environment to get the product in the first place. We have to ditch oil production and pay all employees who lose a job over it a lifetime pension from the blood money profits those companies and CEOs raped our planet to get.

You lost me in the second half. We do need an alternate clean energy but fuck paying someone who worked at an oil company for the rest of their lives. That's just stupid.

01-27-2021, 02:53 PM
It's not that people don't want to move towards alternative energy. It's that nobody trusts anybody to do the right thing with the money.


We had the same thing happen with a brand spanking new, high tech ethanol plant just outside of town. They gave Dupont a bunch of money to build it then it went under. Now it's owned by some foreign entity.

01-27-2021, 03:34 PM
Yeah, no sympathy for the oil companies. They've lied to us for decades about the damage their products are causing to our environment while destroying said environment to get the product in the first place. We have to ditch oil production and pay all employees who lose a job over it a lifetime pension from the blood money profits those companies and CEOs raped our planet to get.


If you are tired of the mean ol' oil companies raping our planet.. then do something about it! You come here with the stupidity you heard on Twitter or Instagram all day and regurgitating it here. Be the change instead of just being a keyboard warrior. BE the person who finally steps up and does something about it! It's easy to demand change all day from the comfort of your mom's home that has electricity (made by fossil fuels), typing away on your computer (made by petroleum products) or phone (same fossil fuel parts) and using the Internet (powered by coal fired electric plants) and espousing the change you want... while all the time benefiting from oil.

Expressing your dissatisfaction on an unofficial forum for a 30+ year old, text based roleplaying game, with oil companies, banks, rich people, etc.. is not a revolution.

If you want to make a difference in this country, what is stopping you except your own laziness? Maybe it's time to take that white, male privilege out for a test drive and prove it's real! How are you still in your situation when you are both white and male??? That just doesn't make any sense to what you clamor on about here.

I'm so tired of people like you demanding change without making the tiniest of effort and actually benefiting from the change you claim you are so against.

01-27-2021, 03:47 PM

If you are tired of the mean ol' oil companies raping our planet.. then do something about it! You come here with the stupidity you heard on Twitter or Instagram all day and regurgitating it here. Be the change instead of just being a keyboard warrior. BE the person who finally steps up and does something about it! It's easy to demand change all day from the comfort of your mom's home that has electricity (made by fossil fuels), typing away on your computer (made by petroleum products) or phone (same fossil fuel parts) and using the Internet (powered by coal fired electric plants) and espousing the change you want... while all the time benefiting from oil.

Expressing your dissatisfaction on an unofficial forum for a 30+ year old, text based roleplaying game, with oil companies, banks, rich people, etc.. is not a revolution.

If you want to make a difference in this country, what is stopping you except your own laziness? Maybe it's time to take that white, male privilege out for a test drive and prove it's real! How are you still in your situation when you are both white and male??? That just doesn't make any sense to what you clamor on about here.

I'm so tired of people like you demanding change without making the tiniest of effort and actually benefiting from the change you claim you are so against.


If you are tired of the mean ol' progressives raping western society... then do something about it! You come here with the stupidity you heard on Parler or Fox News all day and regurgitate it here. Be the change instead of just being a keyboard warrior. BE the person who finally steps up and does something about it! It's easy to demand change all day from the comfort of your old folks home that has technological advances (made by liberalism-loving scientists), typing away on your computer (designed by liberalism-loving scientists) or phone (same liberal-loving scientists and Apple technicians) and using the Internet (designed by scientists) and espousing the change you want.. while all the time benefiting from liberalism.

Expressing your dissatisfaction on an unofficial forum for a 30+ year old, text based roleplaying game, with Democrats, feminists, gays, Anne Tifa™ and George Soros ... is not a revolution.

If you want to make a difference in this country, what is stopping you except your own laziness? Maybe it's time to take that white, male privilege out for a test drive and demonstrate for the bazillionth time that it's real! How are whites still so advantaged despite all the whining you've done about affirmative action? That just doesn't make any sense to what you clamor on about here.

I'm so tired of people like you demanding change without making the tiniest of effort and actually benefiting from the change you claim you are so against.

01-27-2021, 04:06 PM

If you are tired of the mean ol' progressives raping western society*... then do something about it! You come here with the stupidity you heard on Parler or Fox News all day and regurgitate it here. Be the change instead of just being a keyboard warrior. BE the person who finally steps up and does something about it! It's easy to demand change all day from the comfort of your old folks home that has technological advances (made by liberalism-loving scientists)*, typing away on your computer (designed by liberalism-loving scientists)*or phone (same liberal-loving scientists and Apple technicians)* and using the Internet (designed by scientists)* and espousing the change you want.. while all the time benefiting from liberalism.*

Expressing your dissatisfaction on an unofficial forum for a 30+ year old, text based roleplaying game, with Democrats, feminists, gays, Anne Tifa™ and George Soros ... is not a revolution.

If you want to make a difference in this country, what is stopping you except your own laziness? Maybe it's time to take that white, male privilege out for a test drive and demonstrate for the bazillionth time that it's real! How are whites still so advantaged despite all the whining you've done about affirmative action? That just doesn't make any sense to what you clamor on about here.

I'm so tired of people like you demanding change without making the tiniest of effort and actually benefiting from the change you claim you are so against.

*Multiple Citations required.

01-27-2021, 04:07 PM
*Multiple Citations required.


01-27-2021, 04:11 PM

I accept your defeat.

01-27-2021, 04:15 PM
Mine was a parody, and doesn't require citations since those weren't serious claims. Where are your citations for your genuine claims about Back?


01-27-2021, 04:18 PM

If you are tired of the mean ol' progressives raping western society... then do something about it! You come here with the stupidity you heard on Parler or Fox News all day and regurgitate it here. Be the change instead of just being a keyboard warrior. BE the person who finally steps up and does something about it! It's easy to demand change all day from the comfort of your old folks home that has technological advances (made by liberalism-loving scientists), typing away on your computer (designed by liberalism-loving scientists) or phone (same liberal-loving scientists and Apple technicians) and using the Internet (designed by scientists) and espousing the change you want.. while all the time benefiting from liberalism.

Expressing your dissatisfaction on an unofficial forum for a 30+ year old, text based roleplaying game, with Democrats, feminists, gays, Anne Tifa™ and George Soros ... is not a revolution.

If you want to make a difference in this country, what is stopping you except your own laziness? Maybe it's time to take that white, male privilege out for a test drive and demonstrate for the bazillionth time that it's real! How are whites still so advantaged despite all the whining you've done about affirmative action? That just doesn't make any sense to what you clamor on about here.

I'm so tired of people like you demanding change without making the tiniest of effort and actually benefiting from the change you claim you are so against.

In another country to affect the change you're talking about - would be through violence. Here we have laws and hopefully those laws are followed. Time will tell, but violence usually is the finale to such situations historically. Hopefully we don't reach that point in the US, but if you think the US has some protected status from such incidents occurring then you haven't been watching.

Look at the history of any communist, socialist, regressive regime change - they rule for awhile - then the people stand up for themselves, or the world comes to their aid and they are violently deposed.

Voting and the separation of powers are supposed to be the mechanism in the US to avoid such situations, but it seems people like playing fuck fuck games with those systems. So we'll see how it turns out. I give it.. hmm.. I used to think 50 years or so about 5 years ago.. current situation I'm down to 30 years or so. Hopefully I'm wrong.

Edit: Though if you watch what's going on in the Netherlands - maybe we only have 5 years. And we all know how lefties historically have liked to hold up the Netherlands as an example of "working socialism or progressivism". Push a people to far, and watch the results.

01-27-2021, 04:42 PM
Mine was a parody, and doesn't require citations since those weren't serious claims.

You tried so hard too.

Where are your citations for your genuine claims about Back?



It's all there in his post history.

You can do the rest of the work.

01-27-2021, 05:19 PM

If you are tired of the mean ol' oil companies raping our planet.. then do something about it! You come here with the stupidity you heard on Twitter or Instagram all day and regurgitating it here. Be the change instead of just being a keyboard warrior. BE the person who finally steps up and does something about it! It's easy to demand change all day from the comfort of your mom's home that has electricity (made by fossil fuels), typing away on your computer (made by petroleum products) or phone (same fossil fuel parts) and using the Internet (powered by coal fired electric plants) and espousing the change you want... while all the time benefiting from oil.

Expressing your dissatisfaction on an unofficial forum for a 30+ year old, text based roleplaying game, with oil companies, banks, rich people, etc.. is not a revolution.

If you want to make a difference in this country, what is stopping you except your own laziness? Maybe it's time to take that white, male privilege out for a test drive and prove it's real! How are you still in your situation when you are both white and male??? That just doesn't make any sense to what you clamor on about here.

I'm so tired of people like you demanding change without making the tiniest of effort and actually benefiting from the change you claim you are so against.

Its called voting. And...


01-27-2021, 05:34 PM
You tried so hard too.


It's all there in his post history.

You can do the rest of the work.

Ooh! That's the standard of evidence conservatives have? In that case, I will cite my sources: http://forum.gsplayers.com/member.php?30-Parkbandit

It's all there in his post history. You can do the rest of the work.

01-27-2021, 06:10 PM

If you are tired of the mean ol' oil companies raping our planet.. then do something about it! You come here with the stupidity you heard on Twitter or Instagram all day and regurgitating it here. Be the change instead of just being a keyboard warrior. BE the person who finally steps up and does something about it! It's easy to demand change all day from the comfort of your mom's home that has electricity (made by fossil fuels), typing away on your computer (made by petroleum products) or phone (same fossil fuel parts) and using the Internet (powered by coal fired electric plants) and espousing the change you want... while all the time benefiting from oil.

Expressing your dissatisfaction on an unofficial forum for a 30+ year old, text based roleplaying game, with oil companies, banks, rich people, etc.. is not a revolution.

If you want to make a difference in this country, what is stopping you except your own laziness? Maybe it's time to take that white, male privilege out for a test drive and prove it's real! How are you still in your situation when you are both white and male??? That just doesn't make any sense to what you clamor on about here.

I'm so tired of people like you demanding change without making the tiniest of effort and actually benefiting from the change you claim you are so against.

You left out the petroleum used in the manufacturing process of Backs medication.

01-27-2021, 06:13 PM
Mine was a parody, and doesn't require citations since those weren't serious claims. Where are your citations for your genuine claims about Back?



Shocking.... really.

As far as my citations, I literally quoted his post. Did you even bother reading it?

01-27-2021, 06:17 PM
Its called voting. And...

"I'm doing my part! I voted!"


You have had "0" days without being retarded.

01-27-2021, 06:51 PM

Shocking.... really.

Does your mistake here need to be pointed out explicitly -- or can you figure it out yourself? Shocking.... really.

As far as my citations, I literally quoted his post. Did you even bother reading it?

Except for that whole, inconvenient part where no, his post didn't substantiate your various assertions.

Parkbandit assertion #1: If you are tired of the mean ol' oil companies raping our planet.. then do something about it!
Reality: You don't know what Back does, or doesn't, do with regard to his belief in environmentalism.

Parkbandit assertion #2: You come here with the stupidity you heard on Twitter or Instagram all day and regurgitating it here
Reality: You don't know where Back gets his information from, much less that it's from Twitter or Instagram.

Parkbandit assertion #3: Back lives with his mom.
Reality: Does he? Do you know that?

Parkbandit assertion #4: Expressing your dissatisfaction on an unofficial forum for a 30+ year old, text based roleplaying game, with oil companies, banks, rich people, etc.. is not a revolution.
Reality: That might be your single-most idiotic, least self-aware post of all time. Guess what you have tens of thousands of, retard? Posts of you bitching about things that this forum isn't capable of changing. Because that's not why Back posted his post, nor is it why you posted your tens of thousands of posts. You're just a disingenuous dipshit who thought you could take a cheap, hypocritical shot at Back and not get called out for it. Not today.

Parkbandit assertion #5: If you want to make a difference in this country, what is stopping you except your own laziness?
Reality: You don't know what Back does, or doesn't do, to improve the country. He certainly improved it by voting the Mango Mussolini out of office.

Parkbandit assertion #5: I'm so tired of people like you demanding change without making the tiniest of effort and actually benefiting from the change you claim you are so against.
Reality: You don't know what Back does, or doesn't do, to improve the country. He certainly improved it by voting the Mango Mussolini out of office.

Not only did you not cite any sources for your claims, you tried to act like my parody post of your utter retardation required citations... but not your genuine claims. You are a fucking idiot, Tardbandit. Period.

01-27-2021, 08:41 PM
Does your mistake here need to be pointed out explicitly -- or can you figure it out yourself? Shocking.... really.

Except for that whole, inconvenient part where no, his post didn't substantiate your various assertions.

Parkbandit assertion #1: If you are tired of the mean ol' oil companies raping our planet.. then do something about it!
Reality: You don't know what Back does, or doesn't, do with regard to his belief in environmentalism.

Parkbandit assertion #2: You come here with the stupidity you heard on Twitter or Instagram all day and regurgitating it here
Reality: You don't know where Back gets his information from, much less that it's from Twitter or Instagram.

Parkbandit assertion #3: Back lives with his mom.
Reality: Does he? Do you know that?

Parkbandit assertion #4: Expressing your dissatisfaction on an unofficial forum for a 30+ year old, text based roleplaying game, with oil companies, banks, rich people, etc.. is not a revolution.
Reality: That might be your single-most idiotic, least self-aware post of all time. Guess what you have tens of thousands of, retard? Posts of you bitching about things that this forum isn't capable of changing. Because that's not why Back posted his post, nor is it why you posted your tens of thousands of posts. You're just a disingenuous dipshit who thought you could take a cheap, hypocritical shot at Back and not get called out for it. Not today.

Parkbandit assertion #5: If you want to make a difference in this country, what is stopping you except your own laziness?
Reality: You don't know what Back does, or doesn't do, to improve the country. He certainly improved it by voting the Mango Mussolini out of office.

Parkbandit assertion #5: I'm so tired of people like you demanding change without making the tiniest of effort and actually benefiting from the change you claim you are so against.
Reality: You don't know what Back does, or doesn't do, to improve the country. He certainly improved it by voting the Mango Mussolini out of office.

Not only did you not cite any sources for your claims, you tried to act like my parody post of your utter retardation required citations... but not your genuine claims. You are a fucking idiot, Tardbandit. Period.

While we appreciate all the time and effort you made.. plus all the bold and even italics bold... Backlash has already answered when asked what he has or is doing... he voted.

I accept your apology and expect a full retraction.

01-27-2021, 08:58 PM
While we appreciate all the time and effort you made.. plus all the bold and even italics bold... Backlash has already answered when asked what he has or is doing... he voted.

I accept your apology and expect a full retraction.

Ahh. So you no longer dispute that your claim about his post substantiating your assertions was bullshit. Perfect. And that you were hypocritical in asserting that it was "shockingly" hypocritical my parody didn't need citation because you had backed yours up? Gotcha.

01-28-2021, 08:11 AM
Ahh. So you no longer dispute that your claim about his post substantiating your assertions was bullshit. Perfect. And that you were hypocritical in asserting that it was "shockingly" hypocritical my parody didn't need citation because you had backed yours up? Gotcha.

No, he responded to my post with this:

Its called voting.

Not sure how to make it more clear to you than that.

Maybe if I made it in rainbow colors like your special "Crayon Time"? Let's try:

Its called voting.

01-28-2021, 09:20 AM
Ooh! That's the standard of evidence conservatives have? In that case, I will cite my sources: http://forum.gsplayers.com/member.php?30-Parkbandit

It's all there in his post history. You can do the rest of the work.

I checked every post.

Didn't find what you were talking about.

01-28-2021, 09:22 AM
Maybe if I made it in rainbow colors like your special "Crayon Time"? Let's try:


01-28-2021, 10:46 AM
No, he responded to my post with this:

Not sure how to make it more clear to you than that.

Maybe if I made it in rainbow colors like your special "Crayon Time"? Let's try:

Congratulations! You've made what's called, in the big boy world, a non-sequitur. His subsequent post doesn't, ex post facto, rationalize your statement about Back's post that you quoted somehow having been substantiated.

I checked every post.

Didn't find what you were talking about.

That made me laugh. I'd say "you win," but you might let that go to your head.

01-28-2021, 10:47 AM
in the big boy world, a.

So, basically, definitely not you.

01-28-2021, 10:53 AM
So, basically, definitely not you.

More in my world than yours, my sniping friend. :)

01-28-2021, 10:54 AM
More in my world than yours, my sniping friend. :)

Sure, ashy-poo, sure.

01-28-2021, 11:08 AM
That made me laugh. I'd say "you win," but you might let that go to your head.


01-28-2021, 12:00 PM
I am not sure about everyone else but I still have not received my $1,200.00 from the government yet. Joe promised we would have it by the end of January.

01-28-2021, 12:01 PM
You've got 3 days left in january.

01-28-2021, 12:06 PM
I am not sure about everyone else but I still have not received my $1,200.00 from the government yet. Joe promised we would have it by the end of January.

I'm sure that will somehow be Trump's fault.

01-28-2021, 12:07 PM
I'm sure that will somehow be Trump's fault.

Well, duh.

01-28-2021, 01:35 PM
'moving away from oil is the best thing that could happen'

Dude, electric car companies can't even standardize their fucking plug system, how we expected to 'move away' from combustion?

Americans are so resistant to change, I expect it to be a full 20 to 30 years MORE before electric cars can be the standard. And what about all the BAD side products of electric car manufacture? Mercury, heavy metals, etc?

01-28-2021, 01:47 PM
'moving away from oil is the best thing that could happen'

Dude, electric car companies can't even standardize their fucking plug system, how we expected to 'move away' from combustion?

Americans are so resistant to change, I expect it to be a full 20 to 30 years MORE before electric cars can be the standard. And what about all the BAD side products of electric car manufacture? Mercury, heavy metals, etc?

I don't see Americans or humans resistant to change.. but the change has to be beneficial. You can't expect people to pay more for the vehicle that will only go a fraction of the distance before you have to recharge it again.. just to make some people feel better about whatever the complaint du jour is.