View Full Version : America at War

12-18-2020, 06:19 PM
Sophisticated hackers, believed to be Russian-backed, conducted a widespread cyber attack on the United States.

Some believe this was an act of war.

The President continues to believe this is part of a liberal conspiracy to undermine his Presidency. And those with incurable Trump Derangement Syndrome will fall in line with the cult like daddy tells them to.

But for the rest of us that still love our country - what do we think America is going to do about this attack?


12-18-2020, 06:25 PM
Sophisticated hackers, believed to be Russian-backed, conducted a widespread cyber attack on the United States.

Some believe this was an act of war.

The President continues to believe this is part of a liberal conspiracy to undermine his Presidency. And those with incurable Trump Derangement Syndrome will fall in line with the cult like daddy tells them to.

But for the rest of us that still love our country - what do we think America is going to do about this attack?


President Trump probably is now doing their bidding to hide the proof, as he long has for Russia.

12-18-2020, 06:26 PM
What can we do? I read an article that said companies will have to rebuild their entire networks to eliminate the backdoor that now exists in everyone's systems. Outside of that, playing into the old this for that mentality, what sort of retaliation could we cause them in kind? Do you put a dollar figure on it? Certainly no lives were lost so no need to hit the doomsday button.

12-18-2020, 08:44 PM
I'm retarded.


Self awareness has to count for something. Kudos.

12-18-2020, 11:57 PM
I don't know about retaliation, but I think one obvious low hanging fruit is that we need to spend a massive amount of money on cyber security, infrastructure and education.

12-19-2020, 05:10 AM
Biden isn’t even president yet and the far-left-pedophile Democrats are already clamoring for war with a major nuclear armed country.

Democrats truly are the party of war now.

12-19-2020, 09:11 AM
I don't know about retaliation, but I think one obvious low hanging fruit is that we need to spend a massive amount of money on cyber security, infrastructure and education.

Crippling sanctions, export embargo on high tech components and products, followed by likely retaliation is my guess. Teaching the Russians a very important economic lesson, hopefully with EU doing the same, will be a good lesson

12-19-2020, 09:12 AM
None of the above would have been possible under Trump due to his nose being where it was in Putin's sphincter and how he unilaterally tried destroying our relationship with our allies

12-19-2020, 09:52 AM
None of the above would have been possible under Trump due to his nose being where it was in Putin's sphincter and how he unilaterally tried destroying our relationship with our allies

Allies are capable of defending themselves against attack and contribute to the alliance.

This was more of a babysitter/child type of relationship.

Thankfully, President Trump forced them to pay their fair share... isn't that one of the liberal's favorite expressions?

You're welcome world.

12-19-2020, 10:20 AM
I don't know about retaliation, but I think one obvious low hanging fruit is that we need to spend a massive amount of money on cyber security, infrastructure and education.

So when has spending massive amounts of money on education ever showed any real changes in educational outcomes?

12-19-2020, 11:25 AM
I don't know about retaliation, but I think one obvious low hanging fruit is that we need to spend a massive amount of money on cyber security, infrastructure and education.

How specifically, would spending massive amounts of money on infrastructure and education combat state run cyber attacks?

Also, you failed to mention climate change. -300 liberal points.

12-19-2020, 11:28 AM
but I think one obvious low hanging fruit is that we need to spend a massive amount of money on cyber security, infrastructure and education.

Within the US government, we already spend a significant amount on cyber security, infrastructure, and education.

However, you can't stop a stupid user, no matter how much education. Human beings are ALWAYS the weak point in any security system.

12-19-2020, 01:14 PM
Within the US government, we already spend a significant amount on cyber security, infrastructure, and education.

However, you can't stop a stupid user, no matter how much education. Human beings are ALWAYS the weak point in any security system.

I am more worried about stupid system and network administrators than I am about stupid users.

12-19-2020, 01:24 PM
Crippling sanctions, export embargo on high tech components and products, followed by likely retaliation is my guess. Teaching the Russians a very important economic lesson, hopefully with EU doing the same, will be a good lesson

Which we can do once we get the Trump administration out. This attack is the direct consequence of 4 years of Trump playing defense for Putin- trying to cover his election interfering tracks, making excuses for him when he poisoned people on British soil, and otherwise refusing to engage with Putin when he has done terrible things to our country.

Let's just put this out there: 4 years after Trump America is sicker, has a weaker economy, has a higher death rate, is more at war with itself, is more vulnerable to attack, and is more politically unstable than it was before he got here.

Like everything else Trump has ever been involved in- he is leaving our country decimated.

I hope that man spends the rest of his life in a New York prison cell.

12-19-2020, 01:26 PM
I am more worried about stupid system and network administrators than I am about stupid users.

Hard to separate the two.

Part of the problem is when admins start trying to lock everything down with no thought to how it affects the ability of others to do their jobs. That's when shadow IT comes in and creates a bigger threat to security than the one they were trying to solve for initially.

12-19-2020, 01:38 PM
Hard to separate the two.

Part of the problem is when admins start trying to lock everything down with no thought to how it affects the ability of others to do their jobs. That's when shadow IT comes in and creates a bigger threat to security than the one they were trying to solve for initially.

It's cute that you think you know anything at all about IT and IT security.

12-19-2020, 01:48 PM
It's cute that you think you know anything at all about IT and IT security.

She has a PhD in cyber security probably.

12-19-2020, 02:05 PM
It's cute that you think you know anything at all about IT and IT security.

Um 7 years in the Enterprise SaaS space genius.

It's cute that you decided to pick up on that comment as something remotely worth questioning. Kind of sounds like you're the one who doesn't know anything about the subject.

12-19-2020, 02:07 PM
I am more worried about stupid system and network administrators than I am about stupid users.

I'm somewhat mystified by this as well. A simple network sweep of IP connections, accessed data and user permissions should have brought up the backdoor within weeks of first security breach. If our government takes 9 months to do this, then we have some serious issues.

12-19-2020, 02:16 PM
Um 7 years in the Enterprise SaaS space genius.

It's cute that you decided to pick up on that comment as something remotely worth questioning. Kind of sounds like you're the one who doesn't know anything about the subject.

Sure you do, sure you do. Just like all the other lies you've said here.

Stanley Burrell
12-19-2020, 02:49 PM
Like, honestly, the guy (Trump) fucking loves dictators. I had no opinion of him whatsoever until I saw him making happy-fun-time with motherfucking Kim Jong Un. ...And then, to a lesser degree, that Turkish bastard. And; all along, as has been pointed out here, admiring Putin's quasi-authoritarianism. Now, having said that, I'm still eh on him. I wish he would be a gameshow host again.

Right now I'm just hoping we don't drop the bomb on Iran. Well. Sort of. Because I don't know how enriched their peaceful uranium isotopes are at this point. Alright.

12-19-2020, 02:59 PM
It's cute that you think you know anything at all about IT and IT security.

Within the US government, we already spend a significant amount on cyber security, infrastructure, and education.

However, you can't stop a stupid user, no matter how much education. Human beings are ALWAYS the weak point in any security system.

So what, you watched Mr. Robot and think you're now an expert? Lovely.

12-19-2020, 03:16 PM
So what, you watched Mr. Robot and think you're now an expert? Lovely.

I mean, the US government pays me a pretty significant salary to do cybersecurity planning, but there are plenty of people with more expertise than me.

12-19-2020, 03:34 PM
Um 7 years in the Enterprise SaaS space genius.

It's cute that you decided to pick up on that comment as something remotely worth questioning. Kind of sounds like you're the one who doesn't know anything about the subject.


With all the years and years of experience you claim you've had, you must be older than my father.

Stop lying. 2021.. new President and time4youtocomecleanfinally.

12-19-2020, 03:36 PM
Like, honestly, the guy (Trump) fucking loves dictators. I had no opinion of him whatsoever until I saw him making happy-fun-time with motherfucking Kim Jong Un. ...And then, to a lesser degree, that Turkish bastard. And; all along, as has been pointed out here, admiring Putin's quasi-authoritarianism. Now, having said that, I'm still eh on him. I wish he would be a gameshow host again.

Right now I'm just hoping we don't drop the bomb on Iran. Well. Sort of. Because I don't know how enriched their peaceful uranium isotopes are at this point. Alright.

Remember how President Trump would say mean things about him.. and call him Little Rocketman?

Probably wouldn't call it "happy-fun-time".. but you do you.

12-19-2020, 03:37 PM
So what, you watched Mr. Robot and think you're now an expert? Lovely.

I mean, the US government pays me a pretty significant salary to do cybersecurity planning, but there are plenty of people with more expertise than me.

That didn't age well... in record time too.. 17 minutes.

12-19-2020, 03:42 PM
She has a PhD in cyber security probably.

Um 7 years in the Enterprise SaaS space genius.

Now THIS is how you make a post that ages well within 17 minutes..

Stanley Burrell
12-19-2020, 05:48 PM
Remember how President Trump would say mean things about him.. and call him Little Rocketman?

Probably wouldn't call it "happy-fun-time".. but you do you.

I mean, it seems like Trump wanted to have happy-fun-time with Little Rocketman.

Or perhaps I'm just projecting:


12-19-2020, 07:29 PM
Hi I’m here to introduce Mr. Dunning and Mr. Kruger. Never mind I was beat to the punch by time4fun (https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/dunning-kruger-effect).

12-19-2020, 07:35 PM
Hi I’m here to introduce Mr. Dunning and Mr. Kruger. Never mind I was beat to the punch by time4fun (https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/dunning-kruger-effect).

Meh. If you're talking about/to me, I know I'm not all that great. Merely average in the field of cybersecurity. But i get paid well. And I highly doubt t4f is any good at it, or gets paid for it, based on all the previous lies she's told.

12-19-2020, 09:19 PM
Meh. If you're talking about/to me, I know I'm not all that great. Merely average in the field of cybersecurity. But i get paid well. And I highly doubt t4f is any good at it, or gets paid for it, based on all the previous lies she's told.
No. Click the link in the name.

12-21-2020, 01:55 PM
Me: America is at war.

the PC: time4fun is awesome/sucks

If you're going to derail a thread, at least have the decency to tell me what you had for lunch!

12-21-2020, 02:39 PM
Me: America is at war.

the PC: time4fun is awesome/sucks

If you're going to derail a thread, at least have the decency to tell me what you had for lunch!

Spaghetti with garlic and mixed in cottage cheese and parmesan cheese.

12-21-2020, 02:39 PM
Me: America is at war.

the PC: time4fun is awesome/sucks

If you're going to derail a thread, at least have the decency to tell me what you had for lunch!

Welcome to the internet. You seem new here.

12-21-2020, 03:27 PM
Guys, didn't you hear it was China. They told me it was China, it's gotta be China.. I bet even if it wasn't China, China would wish they did do it. So we should get them too. China.

Me and Vlad, we're good friends. I trust that My friend would never do that to us. China.

Stanley Burrell
12-21-2020, 04:44 PM
Me: America is at war.

the PC: time4fun is awesome/sucks

If you're going to derail a thread, at least have the decency to tell me what you had for lunch!

Oh, sorry about that Keller.

I had a 12oz diet Red Bull and a nicotine lozenge. Nyumnyummy.

12-21-2020, 06:57 PM

12-21-2020, 07:02 PM

You're very clever, mcguyver. Did you just learn how to make a Venn diagram in your special education for adults class?

12-21-2020, 11:35 PM
Sophisticated hackers, believed to be Russian-backed, conducted a widespread cyber attack on the United States.

Some believe this was an act of war.

The President continues to believe this is part of a liberal conspiracy to undermine his Presidency. And those with incurable Trump Derangement Syndrome will fall in line with the cult like daddy tells them to.

But for the rest of us that still love our country - what do we think America is going to do about this attack?


Obviously thermonuclear war is the answer.

12-21-2020, 11:40 PM
Um 7 years in the Enterprise SaaS space genius.

It's cute that you decided to pick up on that comment as something remotely worth questioning. Kind of sounds like you're the one who doesn't know anything about the subject.


12-22-2020, 08:57 AM
So when has spending massive amounts of money on education ever showed any real changes in educational outcomes?

Um Korea, the Denmark, and Finland?

Also every high property value zip code in the US?

Do you actually know anything about this subject, or are you just spouting old 1990s GOP talking points?

No need to answer. It's clear.

12-22-2020, 10:08 AM
Um Korea, the Denmark, and Finland?

Also every high property value zip code in the US?

Do you actually know anything about this subject, or are you just spouting old 1990s GOP talking points?

No need to answer. It's clear.

Except they really don't here in the US. Spending does not equate to educational outcomes. Culture does. In places where education is valued and the culture supports that, then educational outcomes are better than where it is not. That far outweighs the spending disparity to outcome relationship you suggest in higher property value zip codes. This has been known for decades yet idiots like yourself continue to want to throw more money at the currently underperforming system that isn't working. But hey, like the Socialism you advocate for, the problem isn't they system, it's just that we haven't done it enough. Your position is that we just need more of what is already failing and then it will be ok.

Did you hit your head at some point in life? I am curious because a TBI would explain a lot of your behavior.

12-22-2020, 10:43 AM
Except they really don't here in the US. Spending does not equate to educational outcomes. Culture does. In places where education is valued and the culture supports that, then educational outcomes are better than where it is not. That far outweighs the spending disparity to outcome relationship you suggest in higher property value zip codes. This has been known for decades yet idiots like yourself continue to want to throw more money at the currently underperforming system that isn't working. But hey, like the Socialism you advocate for, the problem isn't they system, it's just that we haven't done it enough. Your position is that we just need more of what is already failing and then it will be ok.

Did you hit your head at some point in life? I am curious because a TBI would explain a lot of your behavior.

But those high income zipcode areas brings a different culture all on it’s own based around money. If Tyrone grew up in a area where gang ABC constantly threatened him to join up or his sister will get gangraped then perhaps Tyrone can concentrate on doing his Algebra homework. Otherwise, he’s fighting to not die and/or have his sister get raped.

Oh and before you say well why don’t Tyrone just move out of there? Please, I’ll give you Tyrone’s address and you can send him the 50 grand to get himaelf out and start a new life elsewhere.

It’s always about the money, always. It’s why people do crazy shit for it.

12-22-2020, 11:20 AM
But those high income zipcode areas brings a different culture all on it’s own based around money. If Tyrone grew up in a area where gang ABC constantly threatened him to join up or his sister will get gangraped then perhaps Tyrone can concentrate on doing his Algebra homework. Otherwise, he’s fighting to not die and/or have his sister get raped.

Oh and before you say well why don’t Tyrone just move out of there? Please, I’ll give you Tyrone’s address and you can send him the 50 grand to get himaelf out and start a new life elsewhere.

It’s always about the money, always. It’s why people do crazy shit for it.

Yeah, because every poor kid in the US is constantly fighting to save his sister from rape. Good story bra. Any other Leftist tropes you want to trot out for display?

Now, let's try and focus on the stupid you both have presented. More money equals better educational outcomes and that isn't true.

To fix the problem, which the Left does not want to fix at all since they have demonstrated complete resistance to any and all education reform for 50+ years, we need to address a lot of issues. Among them, the war on and destruction of the family using welfare, custody courts and a myriad of other means, next, the erosion of personal responsibility in almost everything unless you are white and middle class and third, the constant attack on men and masculinity by destruction of sports in school other than football, basketball and baseball brought on by Title 9, the attack on anything masculine in the media and entertainment industry and the constant attack on males in schools where they have all but eliminated suitable outlets for male behaviors and male role models.

Now, if you want to rebuild a culture and improve education, lets start with the family and rebuilding a culture that values education and I don't just mean college and graduate school. We are woefully understaffed in skilled trades that require education and we are paying the price.

I know you and others will cry foul and disagree, that's exactly the problem and 50+ years of liberalism and Leftism in schools have made the current dumpster fire we see today and yet you want more money to throw gasoline onto that fire. Yep, good idea.

12-22-2020, 06:39 PM
But those high income zipcode areas brings a different culture all on it’s own based around money. If Tyrone grew up in a area where gang ABC constantly threatened him to join up or his sister will get gangraped then perhaps Tyrone can concentrate on doing his Algebra homework. Otherwise, he’s fighting to not die and/or have his sister get raped.

Oh and before you say well why don’t Tyrone just move out of there? Please, I’ll give you Tyrone’s address and you can send him the 50 grand to get himaelf out and start a new life elsewhere.

It’s always about the money, always. It’s why people do crazy shit for it.

I'm sorry to say that there is a huge community component there, namely that Tyrone and his family see their only choice is to allow him to be jumped into the gang instead of going to law enforcement. This isn't Guatemala, Nicaragua or El Salvador where the police are impotent too corrupt to stand up to gangs.

If instead Tyrone and his family were to report who threatened his life, go into victim/witness protection, then the offender would see a courtroom. But instead, because our black communities have no trust in law enforcement, the only choice is to join or fight back. Both obviously illegal and perpetuating the cycle.

12-23-2020, 10:05 PM
But those high income zipcode areas brings a different culture all on it’s own based around money. If Tyrone grew up in a area where gang ABC constantly threatened him to join up or his sister will get gangraped then perhaps Tyrone can concentrate on doing his Algebra homework. Otherwise, he’s fighting to not die and/or have his sister get raped.

Oh and before you say well why don’t Tyrone just move out of there? Please, I’ll give you Tyrone’s address and you can send him the 50 grand to get himaelf out and start a new life elsewhere.

It’s always about the money, always. It’s why people do crazy shit for it.

So you think all poor people are black, named Tyrone, full of gangs, and gang raping young girls.

You realize how blatantly racist you are?

Most of you liberal jackasses don't. Try walking down somewhere and telling "Tyrone" that and see where it gets you.

12-23-2020, 10:06 PM
I'm sorry to say that there is a huge community component there, namely that Tyrone and his family see their only choice is to allow him to be jumped into the gang instead of going to law enforcement. This isn't Guatemala, Nicaragua or El Salvador where the police are impotent too corrupt to stand up to gangs.

If instead Tyrone and his family were to report who threatened his life, go into victim/witness protection, then the offender would see a courtroom. But instead, because our black communities have no trust in law enforcement, the only choice is to join or fight back. Both obviously illegal and perpetuating the cycle.

Another blatant "Tyrone" racist.

You idiots hopefully stop multiplying.

And the whole "where the police are impotent"? Heard of your sides phenomenal idea of Defund the Police lately? Jackasses I swear.

12-24-2020, 10:06 PM
Tomorrow's menu is going to be on point.

My sister sent coffee cakes for breakfast with coffee for the adults. There will be a brunch of eggs, bacon, and left over pierogis. Then dinner is a 5 rib roast that was salted in the fridge for 2 days and will spend 18 hours in a 125 degree bath before going into the wood oven at 1000+ degrees for a glorious finish.

Merry Christmas all!